#&& drabbles [losvu]
untapdtreasure · 6 years
Drabble: Home
Title: Home Author: untapdtreasure Rating: K+ Word Count: 213 words Summary: She sighed softly, focusing on the small form lying in the bed purchased many months ago.  A/N: This was written for the blue, starving, and shiver prompts that were given at thebarsondaily. This is a companion drabble to the drabble titled Change Begins at Home (Chapter 56).
Olivia wrapped her arm around Rafael's lower back as she laid her head on his shoulder. She sighed softly, focusing on the small form lying in the bed purchased many months ago. It warmed her heart to know that it was finally being put to use, but the images that the social worker had put in her mind wouldn't leave her alone.
She had seen her share of depravity in her time on the job, but it never prepared her for the children she met along the way. Charity's story would be no different. They'd found her starving, shivering, and all alone. Her little lips had started to turn blue. She would be forever grateful to the officer who went above and beyond and essentially saved her life.
She felt the tears on her cheeks as she moved to bury her face against her husband's neck. She held on tightly as she felt his arms go around her and hold her tightly. She sobbed quietly into his shoulder to muffle the sound until she felt confident enough in her voice. "She's home now."
And at that moment, she knew that both of them would do whatever it took to make her a permanent part of their lives. No matter how long it took.
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untapdtreasure · 6 years
74 or 98 for Olivia and Rafael please!
PROMPTS LIST: Send an ask with the number(s) and the character/ship you want! (For short drabbles/blurbs) x
A/N: @barsonaddict I know these are way late, but better late than never, right? I hope you like these! 
74. “You should marry me.”
It was Christmas Eve, and Santa had already arrived at the Benson household. Now Rafael and Olivia lay cuddled together on the couch and just enjoyed the lights of the tree and the quiet of the apartment. They always tried to make the most of their alone time, and it wasn’t always used for sex because it was these intimate moments that meant the most to them other than the time spent with Noah.
She laid her head on his chest, just listened to his heartbeat beneath her ear. This was the second Christmas they’d spend together, and she already knew Rafael was in it for the long haul. “You should marry me,” she murmured sleepily.
His fingers didn’t stop tracing little circles along her lower back and hip as the words reached his ears. “That your idea of a proposal, Liv?” he teased softly as his lips brushed against the top of her head. “Because my answer is yes.”
Her head lifted, meeting his eyes. “You’re serious? You’ll marry me?” She moved her hand up his chest and cupped his cheek. Her eyes were misted over with tears as she moved closer, pressing her mouth to his.
“Go on and reach into your stocking,” he encouraged.
She quickly climbed over him and off the couch as she hurried to where three stockings hung on the windowsill. Her hands were trembling as she reached inside and felt a small box right on top. She hadn’t seen him put that in there. She curled her fingers around it and turned to find him no longer on the couch, but now he was on one knee in front of her.
He took the box from shaking fingers and smiled up at her. “You should marry me,” he echoed back to her as he opened the box and revealed a simple yet perfect band with a diamond set in it.
“Yes,” she breathed as a tear slipped down her cheek. “Yes, I should.” She let him slip the ring onto her finger before she pulled him to his feet and kissed him softly on the mouth as his arms moved around her to hold her close.
As the kiss ended, he met her eyes. “I mean, I was going to ask you tomorrow morning. I had it all planned out, but this…” He kissed her nose then her lips once again. “This was perfect.”
She took his hand, pulling him back to the couch as they sat curled against one another and stared at the tree. This had turned out to be one of the two best days of her life. “Merry Christmas, Rafa.” She laid her head on his shoulder and breathed him in.
“Merry Christmas, Liv.” He kissed her forehead before he lifted her hand with the ring and kissed it gently. “I promise to make not only every Christmas I get to spend with you amazing but every day as well. I love you so much, Mrs. Soon-to-be-Barba.”
She smiled. “I like the sound of that.”
98. “Where are your pants?”
Rafael Barba arrived home from work only to realize that he wasn't alone. He narrowed his eyes. "Hello? Mami?" His mother had a bad habit of letting herself into his apartment whenever she was in the area. "You know that key is for emergencies. Not to come and clean my apartment or check my fridge."
When he didn't get a response, he set his briefcase on his couch and reached to take his phone from his pocket. He had 9-1-1 ready to roll as he moved down the hall toward his room where he saw a light on in his bedroom. He felt his heart start to thunder in his chest.
It was then that Olivia Benson stepped out of his room wearing nothing but one of his white dress shirts. The sleeves were rolled up to hang loosely at her elbows as she leaned against the door frame. "I thought I was going to have to put out a BOLO on you."
He smirked, locking his screen and slipping it back into his pant pocket as he approached. "And just where are your pants?" He took her by the hips, pressing her into the frame as his mouth found her mouth, sucking at her bottom lip before he moved his lips along her jaw and down her throat and to the swell of her slightly exposed breast where she'd left the buttons undone.
"Do you really give a damn about my pants, Rafael?" Her voice was almost breathless as his mouth continued its tender assault against the swell of her breast. Her fingers moved into his hair, holding him there and encouraging him to do whatever he pleased.
"You should have called. I'd have left work early..." His hand slipped beneath the shirt, caressing the underside of her breast while he kissed and sucked at the other.
"And ruin the surprise. Not a chance..."
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untapdtreasure · 6 years
Barson + 89. "Are you hitting on me?”
PROMPTS LIST: Send an ask with the number(s) and the character/ship you want! (For short drabbles/blurbs) x
A/N: Sorry for the tardiness of this prompt response. It’s been in my drafts for awhile now. I hope whoever sent this in is able to read it and enjoy it!
“Are you hitting on me?”
Rafael Barba’s eyes almost popped out of his head. He had indeed been hitting on her. Not unlike the many other times before, but this was the first time that she’d called him out on it. And he looked like a deer that had been caught in the headlights. He tried to play it off by shrugging his shoulders. “And if I am?”
Olivia’s teasing chuckle died on her lips, but the smile remained. “I wouldn’t be disappointed. Not at all.” She lay her hand on the table next to his, letting her thumb brush along the side of his hand as she met his eyes over their several glasses of liquid courage.
“Okay. Then I was hitting on you. I’ve been hitting on you for years. And I was starting to wonder how you ever made Lieutenant.” He had to bite his tongue to keep the smug smile from his lips.
She shook her head. “Watch it, buster. I have the authority to haul your ass in for…for something.” She shrugged her shoulder and chuckled softly as their hands gently turned toward each other and their fingers interlocked. “Wanna get out of here?”
“Isn’t Noah staying the night with Amanda and Jesse?” All he got was a simple nod in response as he quietly paid their check and followed her onto the almost empty sidewalk outside of Forlini’s. “My place then?”
She slipped her hand into his, leaning as close to him as she dared. “Yes, please.” She licked her lips, wetting them slightly as their eyes met. She leaned even closer before she brushed her lips against his and then pulled away, tugging him in the direction of the corner where she had parked her car.
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untapdtreasure · 6 years
Drabble: Ain’t Nothing Wrong With the Radio
Title: Ain't Nothing Wrong With the Radio Author: untapdtreasure Rating: K+ Word Count: 240 words Summary: And he wasn't keeping an exact count, but he was certain that they had listened to it four times consecutively since beginning their trip to the beach. A/N: This was written for the 'beach' and 'reputation' prompts for thebarsondaily.
Rafael sighed with relief as soon as soon as the last song from Taylor Swift's Reputation album came to a close. It wasn't that he didn't enjoy the singer. He really did, but Noah seemed to play it on repeat while in the car. And he wasn't keeping an exact count, but he was certain that they had listened to it four times consecutively since beginning their trip to the beach.
He glanced into the rearview mirror and saw Noah's frown. "Sorry, mijo. I just need a small break, okay?"
Noah pouted a bit but shrugged his shoulders in response. "I guess."
Olivia, who had just woken from her nap, reached over and touched Rafael's leg gently. "Rafa's right, my love. I was even dreaming about being at a Taylor concert," she teased as she righted her seat into the correct position. She yawned and adjusted her sunglasses. "Maybe we play a game instead?"
Noah immediately perked up. "Yeah? What kind of a game, Mom?"
Rafael glanced at Olivia, unable to really see her eyes, but he smiled at her. "That sounds like so much fun. Can I play, too?"
She smirked. "I don't know, Rafa. Do you promise that you can play a game and drive us safely?"
He smiled from behind the wheel and nodded eagerly. "I promise. Now, what do you say, Noah? Can I play?"
Noah's smile was as wide as it could possibly go. "Sure!"
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untapdtreasure · 6 years
Drabble: Let’s Talk About Snacks, Baby!
Title: Let's Talk About Snacks, Baby! Author: untapdtreasure Rating: K+ Word Count: 257 words Summary: She made a big show of crossing her fingers as she spoke. A/N: This is written for the 'snack' prompt at @thebarsondaily.
Olivia stepped into the dimly lit kitchen just as Rafael was making himself a snack. She smirked as she slipped onto the bar stool opposite him. "I hope you're going to share."
Rafael looked up at her as a smile graced his face. "I might be persuaded. Depends on what you bring to the table." He popped a grape into his mouth, After biting into it, he made a face as the sour juice landed on his tongue.
She couldn't help the giggle that escaped her. "Serves you right." She reached across the countertop and grabbed a slice of cheese. "Thanks." She turned and slipped off the stool. "Come on. I've waited for three days to watch another episode of Lost In Space."
"Pretty sure that you watched ahead," he teased, picking up his plate and following her to the couch.
"I so did not!" She picked up a throw pillow and made to hit him with it. "Besides, you'd know if I did that, wouldn't you?"
He chuckled softly as he sat on the couch and propped his bare feet on the coffee table. "Well, you do have your own profile..."
She snorted softly. "Well, just for that, you won't be getting any kind of snack. You know, later in bed." She reached to grab another slice of cheese and started to nibble on it. "I so did not watch ahead. I swear." She made a big show of crossing her fingers as she spoke.
His eyes widened as he pointed at her hand. "Ah ha!"
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untapdtreasure · 6 years
Drabble: Timeout
Title: Timeout Author: untapdtreasure Rating: K Word Count: 248 words Summary: He knew Rafa was disappointed in him, and he couldn't bring himself to look the man in the eyes. A/N: This was written for the justify and overlook prompts at thebarsondaily. Rafael snorted softly. He wasn't about to overlook how Noah tried to justify not following the rules. "Mijo, you know that doesn't fly with Mami. What makes you think it will fly with me?" He knew he tended to be a pushover, but not when it came to the things that Olivia felt strongly about. Noah looked down at his feet and remained silent. His face growing redder and redder by the second. He knew Rafa was disappointed in him, and he couldn't bring himself to look the man in the eyes. "Noah, you need to go to your room and think about what you've done. No playing. I want you to sit on your bed and think about it. I'll be in there in five minutes to discuss it." He set the timer on his phone for five minutes. "Go." Noah obeyed, but that didn't mean he had to like it. Rafael signed softly, pinching the bridge of his nose. He could feel a headache starting. He looked up as the doorknob turned, and Olivia stepped into her apartment. He gave her a hesitant smile and moved to help her with her coat. "This will be a short greeting. I have a date to talk to your son about why he shouldn't open the door to strangers in about three minutes and forty-nine, forty-eight, forty-seven..." He sighed before kissing her lips softly. Olivia tried to hide her amusement with a smirk on her lips. "That kind of day, huh?" "Something like that."
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untapdtreasure · 6 years
Drabble: Seaside Escape
Title: Seaside Escape Author: untapdtreasure Rating: T Word Count: 329 words Summary: The look on his face enough to make her erupt into a fit of giggles. A/N: This was written for the storm, escape, and relinquish prompts at thebarsondaily. The storm rolled in almost unexpectedly from the sea, and they only narrowly escaped the downpour by ducking into their beachside cottage. Olivia couldn't help the throaty laugh that bubbled from deep inside her chest as Rafael slammed the double doors shut behind them. The look on his face enough to make her erupt into a fit of giggles. "You look absolutely frazzled. It's just a little thunderstorm. It'll be over soon, and we can resume our activities." Rafael scowled at her for a moment before a smile replaced it. He reached for her, pulling her into him and kissed her lips softly. "You're just too funny, Liv. A real riot." His hands ghosted up her hips and under her slightly dampened sweatshirt. He nuzzled her neck with his nose and lips and hissed, "Pretty sure we can resume our activities right now by picking up right where we left off." Her body trembled as his fingertips brushed against the bare skin of her sides as he pushed her sweatshirt up and over her head. She met his mouth with heated kisses of her own and relinquished all control to him and whatever it was he wanted to do with and to her. "Yeah..." she whimpered in between kisses. - - They lay curled and naked on the couch staring out at the rain as it poured down outside. Rafael lazily draped a throw over their torsos as he cuddled in close to her back and kissed her back of her head. "I could get used to this. It's so quiet and almost perfect." Olivia was about to agree, but one thing was missing. It was nice to have time to themselves and all, but she missed her son. "Just add Noah and then it would be paradise on Earth." He sighed softly as sleep tugged at him. "Let's call Mami after our nap, yeah?" She turned into his arms and laid her head on his chest right over his heart. She smiled as she nodded. "Yeah."
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untapdtreasure · 7 years
[LOSVU] Barson Drabbles
A/N: I took the liberty of combining some prompts and therefore I justified them being longer than the traditional 300 words. Pretty sure none of you will hate for me it!
Title:  Join Me? Author: untapdtreasure Rating: T Word Count: 385 words Summary: All her naughty bits were covered in bubbles. A/N: This was written for the prompts soak, champagne, and pressure at thebarsondaily.
Olivia decided it was time to soak in the tub after a long, pressure-filled week. She left the bedtime ritual to Rafael as she indulged herself with hot, bubbly water. She leaned back against the back of the tub, breathing in and out slowly for the first time all week as the heat from the water relaxed her completely.
She smiled as the door opened some time later. She kept her eyes closed. "If you've got a glass of wine for me, you might get lucky."
He chuckled softly as two glasses clinked together. "Darn it. It's champagne." He sat on the edge of the tub and handed her the glass. He smirked as he looked at her from head to toe and back again; all her naughty bits covered in bubbles.
She put the glass to her lip, but before she took a sip, she pulled back and met his eyes. "Any special occasion that we're celebrating?" She flicked water and bubbles on him with her free hand and giggled.
He opened his mouth in mock surprise as she dribbled his front and face with bubbles. "Olivia Benson!" He winked at her and leaned down to kiss her mouth softly. "And no, not really. Just felt like a little champagne." He shrugged a bit and kissed her again before he pulled back. He moved his glass toward her. "To us."
She clinked glasses with him then they both took a sip. She smiled at him once more. Her eyes held a hint of mischief. "So Noah's in bed, huh?" When he nodded, she licked her lips. "Then why don't you strip and join me." She couldn't deny the hunger that was clear in her eyes as she drank him in.
He smirked as he put his glass to his lips and took a sip. "I could do that, couldn't I?" He slowly got up and gave her a slow striptease before he joined her in the tub and sat behind her and cradled her back to his front. He nibbled at her ear and whispered, "This is really nice, Liv."
She sighed, completely content. "It was really nice before you joined me. Not it's even better." She turned slowly and kissed him gently on the mouth before things took an even more enjoyable turn.
Title: Sore Ankles and Hot Chocolate Author: untapdtreasure Rating: K+ Word Count: 179 Words Summary: She'd be lying if she said that a part of her wasn't jealous. A/N: This was written for the prompts leaves, ice skate, and chocolate for thebarsondaily.
Gone were the leaves of fall. Now there was snowfall and scarves, and mittens while they made snowmen in the park near her apartment. Noah couldn't get enough of Rafael and the snow, and Olivia loved every minute of it.
She had been the one to suggest they go ice skating, and now here she was nursing a sore ankle from one too many spills on the ice while her son and boyfriend seemed to be complete naturals. She'd be lying if she said that a part of her wasn't jealous.
So there she sat on the sidelines nursing a cup of hot chocolate and snapping pictures once they came close enough as they skated by her. They waved and smiled in her direction every time they remembered that she was on the sidelines. She didn't begrudge them the time together. She loved that they'd bonded as they had, and she wouldn't have any other way, but she would rather be making memories at their sides than taking pictures of them making memories.
Next time, she promised herself.
Title: Patience Was Never Her Strong Suit Author: untapdtreasure Rating: K+ Word Count: 258 words Summary: His mouth twitched into a knowing smile when she gave a frustrated sigh and slumped in the chair in front of his desk. A/N: This was written for the prompt of wicked and blush at thebarsondaily.
The wicked gleam in her eyes was something he wouldn't soon forget. He just had to brace for impact so to speak. He kept his eyes on her even though he was diligently working on the paperwork in front of him. His mouth twitched into a knowing smile when she gave a frustrated sigh and slumped in the chair in front of his desk. "Something you'd rather be doing, Lieutenant?"
She snorted softly. He knew damn well that there was a list of things she could be doing right now, but he'd insisted on driving her home. And now he was working late. "Barba, I'm confused. If you were busy, why'd you insist on taking me home?"
He chuckled softly. "Liv, it's not even quitting time. Patience is a virtue." The look she shot him caused him to chuckle. He closed the file. Nothing that couldn't wait until tomorrow. "Fine. You win." He stood, grabbing his briefcase and suit jacket. "Let's go." He'd already arranged for a car to pick them up outside his office at five o'clock.
She stood and looked at him skeptically. "What are you up, Rafa?" She felt his hand rest on her lower back, causing her heart to skip a beat and a blush on her cheeks. She licked her lips quickly and smiled in his direction. "You're freaking me out."
He chuckled softly. "Liv, please be patient. We're going so you'll know soon enough." He leaned over, pressing a soft kiss to her flushed cheek. "I think you're going to like it. A lot."
Title: Behaving Like Children Author: untapdtreasure Rating: K+ Word Count: 296 Words Summary: All she knew was that they were both being petty and that there wouldn't be any sort of resolutions if someone didn't put a stop to it. A/N: This was written for the prompts of resolutions and argument for thebarsondaily.Olivia couldn't even remember what had started the argument. All she knew was that they were both being petty and that there wouldn't be any sort of resolutions if someone didn't put a stop to it. And fast. 
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Rafael?" she began. "Why don't we take a walk?" She had to get him away from Carisi so that they could both calm down and try to come at this reasonably. 
Amanda met her eyes over the conference table and mouthed, "Thank you!" She'd try her damnedest to calm Sonny down, too. 
Olivia didn't give Rafael the opportunity to protest as she grabbed his suit jacket and practically pushed him out of the room and then in the direction of the elevator. "You have to know that the two of you weren't getting anywhere, right?" She rolled her eyes. "It's like having two children," she chided as she jabbed the down button.
Rafael frowned and squared his shoulders, prepared to behave just as petulantly with her as he had with Carisi. "I'm going back to the office." 
She snorted softly. "The hell you are, Barba. You're going to talk to me about this. Like an adult." 
He rolled his eyes at her and leaned back against the elevator once they were both inside and doors had closed. "Whatever." 
She narrowed her eyes in her direction. "And tell me something, Rafael. What would you do if Noah behaved in the exact manner to which you are right now?" She saw his cheeks flush red with embarrassment. "That's what I thought." She smirked as the doors opened onto the lobby of the sixteenth precinct and they stepped out. She knew she would be getting somewhere with him from here on out. 
Title: Take a Mile Author: untapdtreasure Rating: K+ Word Count: 281 words Summary: And with that, he hung up the phone and closed his eyes as he tried to get himself under control. A/N: This was written for the prompts of hostile, reject, and fate for thebarsondaily.
Olivia decided to reject fate altogether and make her own destiny. She approached Rafael's office with a smile on her face and a cup of coffee in her hand. She knocked jovially and entered without waiting for his approval. It was then that she heard him being the most hostile that she'd ever heard. She immediately regretted entering without waiting for him to invite her inside.
He turned then. Upon seeing her, he frowned deeply and put up his hand to tell her to wait a minute. He then spoke as quietly as he could, "Mami, I will have to call you back." And with that, he hung up the phone and closed his eyes as he tried to get himself under control.
"Bad time?" Her voice was full of regret. "I should've waited outside..."
He crossed over to where she stood and shook his head as he kissed her lips softly. "Nonsense," he muttered as he took the coffee from her and headed back to his desk chair and sat down. "Mami just doesn't understand that she can't have Noah whenever she wants. That we have plans with him, and that hers will just have to wait."
She moved to the edge of his desk and sat on it. "Rafael, you still shouldn't speak to your mother that way. I'm sure we could have worked something out..."
He shook his head. "If we give her an inch, she'll want a mile. I'm warning you, Liv. If you ever start it, she'll gain the upper hand, and then we're screwed. And I'm serious."
She smiled and gave him a quick nod. "Okay. Okay. I'll just have to take your word for it."
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untapdtreasure · 7 years
Drabble: It’s Not Over
Title: It's Not Over Author: untapdtreasure Rating: K+ Word Count: 246 words Summary: But she remembered the bone-chilling feeling that had washed over at her as she heard Sheila say that he'd gone missing. A/N: This was written for the 'bone-chilling', 'frighten', 'thankful', and 'goodnight' prompts at @thebarsondaily
Olivia held tightly to Noah's hand as he lay sound asleep in his hospital bed. He was here merely for observation as he had no apparent signs of distress. But she remembered the bone-chilling feeling that had washed over at her as she heard Sheila say that he'd gone missing. Her eyes filled with tears. They fell down her cheeks as the frightened feeling finally started to dissipate. She let her head rest against her son's small hand, silently sobbing at the relief that had overcome her.
It was then that she felt a hand on her shoulder. She'd know his touch anywhere. Her free hand slipped over his giving it a gentle squeeze. She was more than thankful for his presence. Her lips quivered as she lifted her head to look at him. She turned, switching the hand that clutched Noah's as she wrapped her arm around Rafael's waist and buried her face against his stomach. "Stay..." she whispered.
He gently stroked her hair, letting the strands slip through his fingers. He bent slowly, kissing the top of her head. "I just wanted to come say goodnight to Noah, but I can stay." He slowly eased her so that she was standing up and then took her place in the chair before he guided her onto his lap. Admittedly, they were a sight to see, but he didn't care at the moment. All that mattered to him is that Noah was safe and that Olivia rested.
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untapdtreasure · 7 years
Drabble: Black Friday
Title: Black Friday Author: untapdtreasure Rating: T Word Count: 284 words Summary: Her hand moved over his naked back as she opened her eyes early that Friday morning and spooned herself against his back. A/N: Written for the 'Black Friday' prompt at @thebarsondaily
Olivia was relieved when she didn't have to get out and hit any Black Friday sales. Instead, she got to snuggle down in the soft, warm comforter with her recently moved in boyfriend. Her hand moved over his naked back as she opened her eyes early that Friday morning and spooned herself against his back. She kissed his neck, nuzzling her nose against the shell of his ear. "Are you awake?" she breathed softly.
His body slowly began to turn toward hers. Once his green eyes met her brown ones, he couldn't stop the soft, sleepy smile that tugged at his lips. "It seems that I am now." Now that they were face-to-face, he kissed her nose then her lips softly. He let out a soft moan as one of her legs moved in between his legs and gently pressed against him causing his manhood to respond.
"Good," she purred as the pad of her thumb gently rubbed against his peaked nipple. "I was hoping that would be your answer." Her mouth fit gently to his, deepening the kiss as her other hand moved up his neck and into his hair where she gave it a gentle tug.
He rolled them gently so that he was on top of her. "I'm pretty sure I know what you're getting at, but why don't you whisper it in my ear just to make sure we're on the same page." He kissed her once again; deeply sucking on her tongue before the kiss ended.
She peppered tiny kisses along his jaw and cheek until she reached his ear where she whispered, "I want you to make love to me. Take me. Now, Rafael."
And so he did.
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untapdtreasure · 7 years
Drabble: Winter Wonderland
Title: Winter Wonderland Author: untapdtreasure Rating: K+ Word Count: 440 words Summary: Her family didn't include anyone that directly related by blood, but they were her family. And that was all that mattered. A/N: This was written for the 'family', 'snowman', and 'sledding' prompts at @thebarsondaily This also includes Rolins, Carisi, and Jesse. 
Olivia couldn't have been happier if she tried. The people surrounding her in the snow were the only people on the planet as far as she was concerned. Her family didn't include anyone that directly related by blood, but they were her family. And that was all that mattered.
Rafael wrapped his gloved hand around hers and drew her close to him as he met her eyes, bringing her back to the present. And him. He smiled as she leaned in and pressed her mouth softly to his. He wrinkled his nose as the kiss ended. "Where were you just now?"
She smirked. "Here with my family." She gestured around to him, Noah, Carisi, Amanda, and little Jesse. Her heart swelled with love and pride. She tugged his hand. "Come on, Barba. Let's finish this snowman."
She bent then and scooped a handful of snow into her gloved hand and packed it into a snowball before letting it fly in the direction of her detective. It hit Carisi square in the back, causing him to turn with a bundled Jesse in his arms.
"Hey, watch it, Liue. I got the kid." He held the toddler up as a shield.
"That's nice, Sonny!" Amanda giggled as she let a snowball of her own fly in his direction. It whacked him right on the side of his carefully hatted head. She couldn't stop the full-on laughter as she reached to pack another snowball just as Sonny sat the girl in the snow and proceeded to do the same. He had two targets in mind, but Amanda would always be his primary target. "No fair, Carisi!"
Sonny snorted, foregoing the snowball and letting the snow fall back to the ground as he pounced on Amanda, knocking her to the ground and tickling her. "Come on, Jesse. Help me get Mommy!"
The little girl toddled over as best as she could and climbed on top of her two favorite people as she giggled. "Silly, Mommy!"
Olivia looked up from the snowman that she and Rafael had just put the second ball into place. She beamed with pride, knowing it wasn't ideal for the two of them to be so close, but who was she to break that up? She glanced at Rafael and sighed happily. "This is all I've ever wanted."
Noah interrupted then. "Come on, Mom! Rafa! Let's go sledding!"
Rafael brushed the snow from his blue jeans and stood up. "Alright, mi amigo! Sledding it is." He reached to help Olivia up from the snow and pulled her close. He managed to place his mouth close to her ear. "Me, too, Olivia. Me, too."
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untapdtreasure · 7 years
Drabble: Opening Night
Title: Opening Night Author: untapdtreasure Rating: K+ Word Count: 261 Words Summary: He moved to that date on his day planner, clicking his tongue as he looked over the day's scheduled events. A/N: This was written for the 'opening night' prompt on thebarsondaily.
Olivia couldn't contain herself as she practically danced into Barba's office at lunchtime. She couldn't be bothered to wipe the grin off her face. "Guess who scored opening night tickets to Springsteen on Broadway?"
Barba's smirk showed on his face before he lifted his eyes to meet hers. "Well, I don't know, Lieutenant, but maybe you?" he teased.
She moved around to the back of his desk and behind him where she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and kissed his cheek. "You would be correct, counselor. What you think about being my date?"
He leaned back into her and sighed. "I don't know, Liv. I'm pretty busy, and it's on October 12th, right?" He moved to that date on his day planner, clicking his tongue as he looked over the day's scheduled events. "I suppose I could squeeze you in..."
She shrugged her shoulders. "Don't do it on my account. If you don't' have the time, I'm sure I can find someone else. Carisi mentioned something the other day..."
He spun his chair around, taking her hand and pulling her onto his lap. "You wouldn't dare!"
She chuckled. "I would, and you know it, Rafael."
"I've cleared my whole night. Dinner before the show and everything." He nuzzled her neck. "Dessert after if you play your cards right."
She moaned softly as his lips nibbled at her throat. "I think I can manage that," she all but purred.
"Good. Bruce Springsteen, here we come." He helped her to feet. "Now scoot. I'm late for lunch with the district attorney."
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untapdtreasure · 7 years
Drabble: Just a Little Bit Crazy
Title: Just a Little Bit Crazy Author: untapdtreasure Rating: T Word Count: 278 words Summary: She smiled at the memory as Rafael sat on the edge of her desk and crossed his arms over his chest. A/N: This was written for the 'brief' prompt for thebarsondaily. Although her first meeting with Lucia Barba had been brief, Olivia still got the impression that the older woman had liked her. She smiled at the memory as Rafael sat on the edge of her desk and crossed his arms over his chest. She laid a hand on his knee. "I think your mom likes me." He nodded as a smile tugged at his lips. "She's always been a fan of women that make me crazy." He winked at her then and leaned down to press his lips to hers. "Besides, I didn't tell her that you also make me smile and laugh..." He nibbled his way to her ear. "Or that you turn me on so much that all I can think about sometimes is the quickest way to get you undressed..." He then sucked at her earlobe. She shivered as his hot breath tickled her ear. She felt her cheeks grow warm as she thought about the last time they had been naked. Her hand squeezed his knee and slid up just a little further on the inside of his leg. "Behave." "And if I don't want to?" he replied cheekily. She sat back in her chair and smirked at him. "Then you'll be sorely disappointed because you'll start something we cannot finish until much, much later." Her eyes locked on his as she licked her top lip seductively. He groaned softly as there was a knock on her office door. Their alone time effectively coming to an end. "You owe me, Liv." She chuckled softly. "Get out of here, counselor. And let whoever it is in on your way out." "See you tonight, mi amor."
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untapdtreasure · 7 years
Drabble: Looking for This
Title: Looking for This Author: untapdtreasure Rating: K+ Word Count: 316 words Summary: He hadn't had nearly his normal dose of caffeine for the day. A/N: This was written for the 'caffeine' and 'sudden' prompts for thebarsondaily. Rafael pinched the bridge of his nose as the dull headache pounded beneath his skull. He hadn't had nearly his normal dose of caffeine for the day. He moved to his personal coffee pot and placed the filter inside as he scooped enough coffee to keep him awake for the rest of the day into it. He poured the water inside and hit the percolate button. In just under five minutes, he would have the perfect cup in his hand. He moved to sit behind his desk just as his phone have a sudden shrill ring. He groaned. Only one person's ringer was set to that tone. Olivia Benson. "What can I do for you, Lieutenant?" He skipped the pleasantries as he pulled his briefcase onto his desk and pulled out several files for current cases. "Just called to see if you were free for lunch. You ran out so quickly this morning that you didn't even turn on the coffee pot." She was a bit concerned. "Would you believe that I didn't set the alarm and was almost late. Judge Marshall would have had my head." He signed the legal papers and shuffled through the stack. "Shit..." he mumbled. "Looking for this?" Her voice was still in his ear but also from the doorway to his office. She held a thick file up in front of her. He looked up and smiled softly. "You just saved my ass." He stood up and quickly moved to her and kissed her as he took the file and gently stroked the back of her hand. "Good. I like your ass..." She reached around and squeezed his rear end gently. He chuckled softly and kissed her again. "You'd better go or we're both going to be late." "I've got the next half hour free." And with that she closed the door and then the blinds. She wanted absolute privacy.
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untapdtreasure · 7 years
Drabble: Always
Title: Always Author: untapdtreasure Rating: K+ Word Count: 251 words Summary: He frowned when the tape got all twisted yet again. A/N: This was written for the 'gift' prompt for thebarsondaily. Noah stuck out his tongue as he tried for the fifth time to put the tape on Olivia's birthday gift that Rafael had taken him to pick out. He frowned when the tape got all twisted yet again. "Raf, can you help me?" He held the spool of tape up for the man to take. "You betcha," Rafael said as he pulled off a piece and watched as Noah held it in place for him to tape it down. He smiled before rubbing the young boy's head. "She's going to love it, mijo." Noah hugged Rafael around the middle and smiled up at him. "Gracias, Raf." He glanced toward the door as the tumbler was unlocked. "There's Mami." He picked up the gift and handed it to Noah. "Want to give it to her now?" He nodded eagerly. "Yes!" He turned then and ran toward the door. "Mama! I buyed you something for your birfday!" Olivia's eyes lit up as she smiled brightly at her son. "Oh gosh! A present for me?" When he nodded eagerly, she scooped him up and kissed his cheeks all over. "Can I open it now?" She carried him and the present to the couch, stopping along the way to kiss Rafael softly on the mouth. "Happy Birthday, love." He rubbed his nose along hers as he smiled softly at her. "Thank you both so much." She sat on the couch with Noah on her lap and Rafael beside him. "Always," Rafael and Noah spoke together.
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untapdtreasure · 7 years
81. "I need you to fake date me." for Barson please!
“I need you to fake date me.”
Olivia looked up as Barba stepped into her office and closed the door behind him. “Excuse me?” Her brow wrinkled as she slipped off her glasses and dropped her pen onto the pile of paperwork.
“Come on, Liv. I have this work thing, and if I don’t bring a date, Cassie from payroll is going to try and pick me up. Again.” He rolled his eyes as he sat in the chair in front of her desk. “I’ll even spring for a new dress and shoes to match. Just please do this for me… I’d ask Carmen, but everyone knows she’s married so it won’t fly.”
She smirked, watching him get all worked up was something she secretly enjoyed. So the longer she made him squirm, the more jollies she got from it. “Well, I’ve been needing an excuse to buy myself a new dress, and since you’re willing to pay…” She shrugged her shoulders. “Sure, why not? What harm could it do?”
He visibly relaxed and let out a long sigh. He pushed himself to stand as he pulled a credit card from his breast pocket and placed it on her desk. “It’s preloaded so don’t go too crazy.” He gave her a wink and was gone just as quick as he had appeared.
She picked up the card and tapped it on her desk. Fake date or not, she planned to make him take notice. His attention would be on her and no one else that whole evening. She could take that to the bank.
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