#&. โ› ๐Œ๐ˆ๐‘๐‘๐Ž๐‘: sylverian aesthetic *
inkstainmuses ยท 7 months
STOLEN like the thief I am. TAGGING @nightmarefuele (Joker) &. whoever wants to do this.
A VERY DESCRIPTIVE PROFILE OF YOUR MUSE. Repost with the information of your muse, including headcanons, etc. if you fail to achieve some of the facts, add some other of your own!
NAME: Sylverian Estellon Thornewood NICKNAME: Syl TITLE(S): Lord AGE: Appears to be between 28-31, but is significantly older (verse-dependent); 100-600 years old NATIONALITY: Vanya; Half-Eladrin; Light Elf of Alfheim; Fae INTERESTS: Fashion, High-Society Gossip, Parties, being the center of attention PROFESSION: Spoiled aristocrat
BODY TYPE: Tall, lithe. Very graceful. EYES: Bright green-aquamarine, slightly iridescent and shimmering in hues of green and blue depending on the light. HAIR: Luscious, long locks that cascade down his thighs like molten gold, softly curling towards the ends. He has two braids on each side of his head, held back with a golden clasp or hairpin. SKIN: Fair but with a healthy, golden glow, warm undertones. Blushes easily. Will get nervous hives on his chest and neck, and the tips of his elongated ears will be bright red if he is agitated or embarrassed. FACE: Oval with chiseled but delicate features, high-cheekbones, long lashes, and groomed arched brows that are a few shades darker than his hair. Shapely lips on the thinner side; often decorates the lower lip with a golden lip cuff with matching gemstones (those fancy ones that have pendants or additions on the lower part). Straight nose, sharp narrow jawline. POSTURE: Regal and proud, chin held high, walks with grace and natural flowing elegance in his step. HEIGHT: 187cm VOICE: Melodic, soft; diva drawl (on occasion).
SIGNATURE OUTFIT: Usually, you will see him coming from a mile away. Iridescent robes adorned with gold and opals. His travel clothes are a little less flashy but no less elegant and luxurious, consisting of light beige trousers and a matching brocade vest, a long emerald, slightly iridescent overcoat with golden ornate shoulder pauldrons, arm bracers, and fine leather boots adorned with, you guessed it, more gold. His golden jewelry with matching gemstones is always a MUST (tiara, earrings, rings, whatever goes with his outfit).
SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Single and ready to mingle COMPANIONS: A small, winged animal that looks like a lilac baby dragon. Very cute.
ANTAGONISTS: ???? Heavily verse dependent
STRENGTHS: Cheerful, charming, great taste, knows all about what's going on in high society. He can be a very fun person to be around. He's like that friend you call when you just want to go out and party or when you need someone to gossip with while doing each other's nails. He has a warm, kind heart, but he still needs his "character arc".
WEAKNESSES: Arrogance, pride, prejudice, vanity, shallow, naive, overly sensitive and emotional, easily offended, dramatic, very comfortable in his bubble of gold and glitter. He is easily bored and has no interest in politics, science, swordsmanship, or anything that isn't fun and bright and sparkly. Perhaps his disinterest stems from his insecurity because he believes he will never live up to his parents' high standards; his mother is a brave war hero, his father a powerful Archfey and mage. He doesn't want to try and fail, so he doesn't even try at all.
FRUITS: Strawberries dipped in chocolate and gold dust DRINKS: Cherry mead ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES: Mead, wine - preferably sweet wines SMOKES: A little bit of pixie weed every once in a while. DRUGS: Aside from pixie weed? Well... not on a regular basis. DRIVER'S LICENSE: He can ride various mounts, if that counts. But usually, he's chillin' in the back of his "Cinderella carriage" pulled by two huge, white Frisian horses. Also, in some verses he has Faerie wings.
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