#&. verse  * /  tbd.
citizenstarlight · 2 months
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★ ╼ &. 𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐬 (𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬?) 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬. | accepting
"for being someone you hate, I'm sure on your mind a lot'." - @homelander-rp-blog
                 It was difficult not to think of Homelander. In so many ways he loomed over Annie like a prolific mythical figure. Despite having the whims of a self-indulgent mortal man. The fact that she still stood there was merely by his will alone. His myriads of abilities made it dealers’ choice of how he could dispose of her.  Sometimes she wondered why he just didn’t. It left a palatable thickness in the room when they were alone together. 
       A faux smile grew upon Annie’s pink lips. “I didn’t realize mind reading was on your list of abilities.” Arms crossed as she shortened the distance between them. Blonde head held high as she mustered all her courage. “What do you want?” Curiosity got the best of her, as there must be a reason for his appearance at this hour. 
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pjtraveller · 3 months
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"Okay, first of all..."
open to anyone!
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thecptn · 7 months
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❝ now listen here, this is important— the proper way to make tea is with milk and two sugars. it should be brick red, not black and certainly not pale and sickly looking. just a splash of milk, no more, and drunk in a sturdy mug. ❞
open starter
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msmvrel · 1 month
one liner call ft. @arachnidbit
“ for what it’s worth, spidey … i think your jokes are funny ! the rest of the avengers just don’t know what good humor is. ” she might be a tiny bit biased, she’s a huge fan but still, she thinks his jokes are good ! a bit corny but nonetheless funny.
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4upz · 2 months
already  hard  at  work,  kneading  some  dough  like  her  life  depends  on  it,  when  she  sees  a  pair  of  eyes  watching  her,  from  the  own  corner  of  her  own  eyes.  of  course,  it's  who  she  expected  it  to  be  but  it's  becoming  a  bit  distracting.  a  smile  grows  on  her  features  with  a  slight  blush  starting  to  appear  then  turning  to  look  his  way  with  a  hand  on  her  hip.  ❛  you've  been  staring  at  me  a  lot  today,  more  than  usual  …  ❜  she  lets  a  hum  &  gives  him  a  suspicious  look.  ❛  did  you  do  something  ?  ❜
@frageepruto  liked  for  a  starter  !
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petitsdieu · 4 days
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𝑺𝒆𝒏𝒅 ‘𝑩𝒂𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒊𝒏 𝑵𝒂𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆’ 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒎𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒄𝒂𝒕𝒄𝒉 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒆𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒎𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝒃𝒂𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒊𝒏 𝒂 𝒓𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒓 𝒍𝒂𝒌𝒆.
The vespertine's lunar wax sets any space not shaded by trees aglow. Even the tops of them are not immune. ⸺ The plunge pool where she floats the middle. The ledge rock homing all her things — a spine-cracked book, half her dressings, the wild strawberries she picked an hour before sundown, an auld lyre. The natural splotch clearings of grass so plush it feels like carpet on the naked sole — she would know.
She's a working on recursive history. Like a cowpath on bournonville's repetition. The same, the same with expecting the same results. So what do you call a change in the chain to someone wine-faced of her imperturbable state?
Certainly not madness. She knows the coruscate figure is a man and she knows he's real. In all those cooltones he sticks out from.
The song sticky in her head dims out to a stop but her somnolence swimming doesn't go with it. One venust eye on him. She pushes sapid waterfall water out of her mouth to make room for words of her own. Her sound slots easy in the eau lapping and the Full-throated nightingales.
❛ We've had the same idea. ❜ After-all, the water is not hers. It only feels like that. So it hardly seems fair to be mad when someone else has come to enjoy it.
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𝑓𝑡. @prescitia
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leagueraised · 22 days
he'd always been warned to be cautious where people like speedsters and people who could wield magic were involved . get roped up with them , and you'd eventually have to deal with time travel . damian , however , had always thought himself too smart to get caught up in the middle of such a mess . yet , as damian found himself sneaking through the streets of gotham decades before he was even born , the youngest wayne couldn't deny that he had been wrong .
the mask had long since been tucked away , his hood thankfully providing ample cover as he rushed through the back alleys of gotham . he had quickly caught on to the fact that he was quite far in the past , which meant finding anyone to help him was a longshot . and yet , his legs kept moving , moving steadily in the direction of the one place that might be safe : the wayne manor .
breaking into the manor proved quite simple in comparison to his time , though he supposed that was to be expected without all of the bat tech and barbara's security systems in place . he made it to the second floor without much of a challenge , slipping through a window and into a familiar hallway . even as he carefully crept through the halls , damian couldn't help but be fascinated by how little the manor had actually changed .
damian had never realized how large the manor truly was , now void of the loud chatter of his brothers and the rest of their family . damian would never admit it out loud , but there was a part of him that truly missed it . damian crept toward what he theorized was still his father's room , hoping he'd be able to find at least a change of clothing . he knew he needed to lay low , and he only hoped he could have a chance to rest before being caught .
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careol · 27 days
super vague one liner open that can be placed in any of her verses for mutuals only
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               ❝   can’t   decide   if   it’s   a   day   for   being   happy   or   a   day   for   violence.      what   do   you   think?   ❞
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ototsukai · 29 days
“  the  girls  told  me  you  were  out  here  …  i'm  surprised  you  came  to  visit  the  god  of  festivities  !!  ”  the  older  man  says  with  his  usual  boastful  laugh,  rumbling  from  his  chest  with  his  arms  crossed  (  even  though  it's  more  so  like  one  arm  ).  his  wives  did  mention  that  the  zenitsu  looked  a  little  sad  coming  here  but  he's  never  been  good  at  this  kind  of  stuff,  often  using  his  humor  or  just  ignoring  what's  bothering  him.  so  he's  sure  he  won't  be  much  help  but  he  surely  will  try.  studying  the  younger's  face,  he  gets  serious. 
@kaminarikokyu  /  starter  call. 
“  they  also  told  me,  that  you  wanted  to  talk  to  me  but  we  don't  have  to  talk  about  what's  wrong  if  you'd  prefer  not  to.  ”  he  offers.  “  if  you  just  need  me  to  be  here  for  you,  then  i  can  do  that  too.  ”  a  hand  goes  to  rest  on  her  shoulder,  an  attempt  at  comforting.  tengen  knows  that  her  &  the  rest  of  her  friends  have  been  through  so  much  already.  he  wishes  they  didn't  have  to  go  through  so  much  pain,  so  much  weighing  on  them  &  their  minds. 
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bloomrots · 4 months
( sms 一 cockbiter jackass hook )   i will literally gouge out your eyes bitch ( sms 一 cockbiter jackass hook )   google is literally free look it up
the buzz of alcohol has long since worn off by now - nina has been laid up in bed ever since she stumbled through her door , her heels haphazardly kicked across the floor and her layers tossed alongside them . she doesn't quite recall the voicemail she had sent to cj's phone several hours earlier - she had fallen into a brief slumber right after and had been significantly more sober upon waking . sleep has unfortunately eluded her though , so that is how she found herself curled up under the covers and scrolling aimlessly until cj decided to return to the land of the living .
( sms 一 cockbiter jackass hook )   i'm not telling you because you left me to go get laid. i'm literally gonna kick you in the uterus for that
continued from here - @calithal.
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konpieto · 1 month
nezuko  is  always  quick  to  notice  changes.  especially  with those  she  cares  about.  she  can  feel  that  something  is  off  with  genya,  there's  a  certain  look  in  his  eyes  …  sadness  she's  going  to  assume.  she  sits  next  to  him  quietly,  if  he  wants  to  be  alone  &  he  ends  up  telling  her  that  then  she'll  give  him  space  but  she  wants  him  to  know  that  she's  here  if  he  needs  someone.  “   genya  …  feeling  okay  ?   ”  moving  her  head  to  study  him  once  more.  “   hurt  ?  in  any  pain  ?   ” 
@r3f1ect  /  starter  call. 
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trollamulet · 2 months
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" and you let her go. let her go to make her choice, to change yourself and to be loved and you do this for her."
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bigdaddydaemon · 2 months
He hops down from his saddle, armored feet stirring up dirt upon impact. He runs his hand along Caraxes' neck, giving the great dragon a pat, sending him off on his hunt for lunch. Daemon stares ahead, hand on the hilt of Dark Sister, and a smirk upon his face.
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"You wished to see me?"
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winterreigned · 3 months
" the more time you spend with someone , the harder it becomes to hide who you really are . " // @facelos
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𝐒𝐔𝐂𝐇 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐒 𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐄 , sansa knows this more than anyone , she thinks. for so many years were spent confined within the red keep , pretending to be anyone but herself.ᴹʸ ᶠᴬᵀᴴᴱᴿ ᵂᴬˢ ᴬ ᵀᴿᴬᴵᵀᴼᴿ , ᴹʸ ᴮᴿᴼᵀᴴᴱᴿ ᴬ ᵀᴿᴬᴵᵀᴼᴿ , ᴵ ᴴᴬⱽᴱ ᵀᴿᴬᴵᵀᴼᴿ'ˢ ᴮᴸᴼᴼᴰ. how she'd say these words with false convictions , how she hoped if she said them enough others would believe her , even if she didn't believe herself.
eventually , the facade would fall , the longer she remained , times her act would slip. retorts from a sharp tongue , not guarded soundly. confessions in tyrells , whether wise or not, shae ──── even tyrion. if it were not for these few refuges , she was unsure how long she'd be able to keep this act up. or if she were able to , would she convince herself of these lies ?
❝ wise words , ❞ sansa begins , cautiously treading. she is unsure of this stranger , not sure what words could be said or hidden away. it's tiresome , living in a way where she cannot trust anyone. everyone is your enemy , everyone is your friend. little finger had taught her this , and while she cannot stomach that man , it is a necessary lesson , nonetheless. ❝ and the longer you are someone you are not , the harder it is to find yourself true in all the webs of lies. ❞
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gumpistol · 3 months
@seashanties, silvers rayleigh, said:
was it possible for anyone to live up to such a legacy - to be the king of pirates? roger never cared for that title, rayleigh was sure of it, he only wanted to explore, and really just have fun, but it was significant in this wide world of piracy. it was significant to the crews that sailed the world, and to the boy that stood in this bar that belonged to his beloved wife. and this boy ... this lanky boy, filled with smiles and hopes and dreams ... he surely resembled the captain he so dearly loved, and served, all those years ago. it left a pain in his chest - an ache in his heart that he couldn't quite push down no matter what he tried to do. " luffy. " his voice broke through the conversation that went on between him and shakky, gaining the attention of the somewhat empty bar. " you've heard it before, how the people who knew him say you're like roger .... " his eyes gazed down at him from under his glasses, his hands folding his newspaper neatly in his lap. " i'm more convinced now than ever - you're the one who is supposed to continue his legacy "
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   there's a pause in the ‘conversation’ only as Shakky slides the piping cup of coffee towards him, and Luffy is forced to take a moment to blow and cool the dark liquid ( a conversation in which he mostly talks at the woman behind the bar ). upon taking the first sip, his nose wrinkles. so pushing himself up slightly from the bar stool, the young captain reaches across the counter top for something to sweeten the bitter beverage. he is about to continue on with likely another beaming story about Shanks, but is instead cut short.
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   ❝ huh? ❞ the old man's voice, though steady and calm, commands his attention. Luffy pauses mid-reach to swivel his head, dark irises landing on the former pirate. his expression falls blank, perhaps confused, as he slowly lowers himself back into his seat while the words are spoken. retrieving any sugar is quickly forgotten. 
‘ —you’re the one who is supposed to continue his legacy. '
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   ❝ i don't care about that. ❞ the response is almost immediate as his demeanor shifts. there's a tightness now in the straw hat's features, a set determination that replaces the previously puzzled look. not one of his crew mates would deny Luffy's admiration for the late pirate king, but that was where it began and ended. he hardly paid attention to any opinions or comparisons made, wherever they might come from. 
    ❝ i'm just me, not some dumb legacy. i'm doing things my way. ❞
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denniisa · 11 months
@ofcrossrcads / lyric starter. kiss me, son of god by they might be giants.
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"i destroyed the bond of friendship and respect between the only people left who'd even look me in the eye."
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