#&. verse. civilisation has a number of faces ( fraser’s ridge. )
trickstercaptain · 1 year
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With the arrival of the notorious Captain Flint and Long John Silver to Shipwreck Cove, fresh from the fall of Nassau, comes a truth that, in the midst of raising a family, Jack had been turning a deliberately blind eye to: the end of the pirate’s life as he knows it. Cutler Beckett may have been long gone, but there are plenty of others eager to fill that void and take credit for eradicating piracy from the Caribbean, and Jack soon finds himself torn between the home he has created for himself and the self-preservation instinct he can trust to keep him and his family alive.
The Fraser's Ridge verse follows on from this, with Shipwreck Cove destroyed, and Flint and the crew of the Walrus vanished. Jack, Elizabeth and the other survivors of the battle retreat to Tortuga in the wake of their defeat in order to count their losses, but the reality of their situation is clear: high seas piracy is a lifestyle soon to become a thing of the past. Fortunately, the friendship that the family have forged with Jamie and Claire Fraser provides a refuge, and the Swann-Sparrow clan relocate to Fraser's Ridge, where they take on the name Davis and assimilate into civilised society as best they can. But the American Revolution is brewing in the colonies, and it's not long before Jamie's obligation to North Carolina's governor causes difficulties of its own for the two families.
These verses follow on from each other and are for the most part private verses with Jen ( hangtherules & mysticwrit ) to include a three-way crossover between POTC, Black Sails and Outlander. But I am also very open to expanding it to different interactions if people are interested! It assumes the end of the pirate's way of life and, most importantly, the destruction of Shipwreck Cove, and explores how Jack navigates a more 'civilised' way of life in the shadow of the growing American Revolution.
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trickstercaptain · 2 years
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       “ The bigger the resistance, the bigger it collapses. ” He hated to be so cynical, but if the past few months had taught him anything, it was that his jaded predictions were often correct. “ If us... scallywags couldn’t prevent the inevitable, I can’t see people faring any better here. ”
meme  /  @hopefaded​ ✐ bree
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trickstercaptain · 3 years
@hangtherules sent a meme:  "Have I told you recently how much I love you?"
      " If this is some nefarious ploy to get me to put the cravat on, love... ” And yet, even though his back was to her and he was currently staring down the white piece of fabric as if it might leap up and bite him, amusement still lingered in his tone. Funnily enough, in the twenty years or so since he’d last been this acquainted with civilised society, the costuming and posturing was the part he’d missed the least. Shoes with buckles that were impractical for walking long distances, cravats that might as well have functioned as cloth nooses... the only benefits were the layers for helping to stave off the cold. One more thing to lament about their current situation, to add to the comprehensive list he was forging in his head.
        Small mercies, Jackie boy. For all that he could complain ( and he could, all day long ), a life on Fraser’s Ridge meant a life with those most important to him. A safe harbour from a world that was growing smaller and smaller every day. He sighed, running a hand idly over his clean-shaven chin and finally turned to face her. As soon as his eyes touched her gown ( simple, unlike the frills she’d worn back in Port Royal, but presentable enough for the dinner they’d been invited to by the Frasers’ ), a slow smile lit up his face. “ I’d forgotten just how much I enjoy seeing you in one of those. ”
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