#/ but also !! location wise i figured they could be at one of the pubs victor & his teammates head to after a game :-)
ourpretender · 7 months
— continued. counter at the pub. @vxctorx
he feels chastised, light as the sentiment is. "it isn't confinement," oliver argues, his own voice combative and terse. he's trying, for all of his aching, to keep his hands to himself -- wary of their temporary privacy. victor's teammates are still present a few tables away, hollering in the wait of coming drinks. (drinks he and victor are responsible for.) but the inevitable affection and intimacy that rouses from sportsmanship and inebriation, has oliver gnawing on the inside of his cheek, the blue of his eyes circling with tension. can't victor see the heart underneath his confession? can't he understand the insult buried with accusatory talks of 'mental stability'? hasn't he read enough waxing books about love, to know there is nothing sane about it? that it drives you mad, is what makes it special. his eyes dart between the bartender, then back at victor, irritation and impatience ticking with the clock hand. "you're not seeing it. you don't -- victor, our paths are meant to be intertwined. there is one life, and you're -- hurting it by not understanding me." oliver swallows, expression shifting into a plea, "let's leave. let's just -- go back to your place. i'm sick of this pub."
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sassywritergurl · 5 years
Fantasy Llanview Scripts 1-5
                         One Life To Live Fantasy Fiction
                                       By Kaydee Barnett
 (We open in Allison's hideout. She has just put down her narration manuscript and turns scornfully on a struggling Victor, who's making futile attempts to scream through his gag.)
  Allison: “You really should stop struggling, Victor. No one's going to come                        looking for a dead guy.”
 (Victor glares at her as he struggles against his ropes. He mumbles something again, and Allison impatiently pulls the gag down.)
 Allison: “Didn't your mother ever tell you not to try and talk with your mouth                   full? Oh, I forgot....your mother was Irene Manning. Enough said.”
 Victor: “You're one to talk! Let me go, you twisted bitch!”
         (Allison's eyes widen and she gasps, as if offended).
 Allison: “You take that back! You need to learn how to respect a lady!”
 Victor: (still struggling, through clenched teeth) “As soon as I run into one, I will!”
 Allison: “Well...you might think twice about that one since your life is in my                     hands, Victor Lord, Jr. Gosh, that name alone makes me want to barf!”
 Victor:  “I don't think it's the name. I'd barf if I had to look at that face in the
           mirror every day, too! Let me go, or I swear I'll kill you!”
         (Allison reaches in a drawer and pulls out a kitchen knife. She waves it         close to Victor's face, and Victor is startled for a minute. She gets a crazed
       look in her eyes).
 Allison: “Oh, really, Victor? That would be a really neat trick! The Mannings are    
           psychos, not magicians! But you're really starting to tick me off, and I
           might just lose my grip on this thing and have an accident. Pipe down!
           I need to figure out my next move.”
(Fade out with the camera showing Victor continue to struggle while Allison wields the knife. Flash over to Blair and Todd, struggling to get dressed as John McBain and the Llanview PD flood their bedroom to arrest Todd. Blair is devastated).
 Blair: “What are you doing, John?”
 John:  “I'm sorry, Blair, but we have to arrest Todd for Victor's murder.”
 (Blair shoots a quick panicked and confused glance at Todd, then back to John)
 Blair: “John, you know that's not true! Tomas confessed! You saw the video!”
 John: “He was coerced into making that confession while being held captive by              people that Todd hired to keep him there. Isn't that right, Manning?”
 Blair: (choked and panicked) “Todd? Please tell him that he made a mistake! Tell  him, Todd! PLEASE! Tell him he's only doing this because he hates you!”
 Todd: “I...Blair...please..come to the station with me and let me tell you my side    of things.”
 (Blair almost faints, but she manages to keep her ground. Her voice cracks).        
 Blair: “What side of things could you have, Todd? Oh, my God!”
 Todd: “Blair, please..lis..”
 Blair:”...NO, TODD! I'M DONE listening to you spin more lies!”
 Todd: “Dammit, Blair! This is NOT the same! After eight years, can't I have ONE
        chance to EXPLAIN things?”
 John: “You had plenty of chances, Manning. And you're gonna get a whole lot              more down at the station. Take him, guys.”
 Todd: “Oh, you go to hell, McBain! You're the failure in all of this!”
                       (John scoffs in disbelief)
 John: “Oh, really? Oh, I can't wait to hear this. Get him out of here.”
 (The officers drag him away still calling for Blair in the distance. John stays behind).
 John: “Are you okay?”
 Blair: “No offense, John, but I don't want to talk to anyone right now, and I
       certainly don't want to discuss any 'Todd' issues with you.”
 John: “I understand. No offense taken. But I'm your friend, Blair. I'm here for
 Blair: (scornfully) “You're my friend, huh? What kind of a friend comes barging
       into their friend's bedroom with a bunch of men cops bearing handcuffs?
       A 'friend' would have had a bit more regard than that! Your hatred for         Todd was far deeper than any regard for our friendship, John!”
 John: “Blair, I was just doing my job...”
 Blair: “...Oh, bull, John! You could have KNOCKED on the bedroom door and         informed me that you were here on official business. You had such a smug  look on your face, I almost thought I was looking at my dog holding on to         his bone. You were gunning for Todd, John. Congratulations! You'd better        
       hurry before someone steals your brownie points, Lieutenant!”
       (John hesitates for a minute, then turns to leave. Blair turns away and         sobs loudly. John watches her from the door, and begins to go over to         comfort her, then decides against it and leaves.)
             (Fade to John McBain's apartment. Tėa impatiently awaits a call from          John, but Tomas remains cool and deep in thought. Tėa seems annoyed     with Tomas' calmness).
  Tėa: (picking up and setting down her cell phone several times) “What the hell  is taking John so long to call me with some news? It's not like La Broulet
       is located somewhere in the Mediterranean somewhere! It's just across         town for pete's sake!” (She picks up her phone again and slams it down).
 Tomas: “Calm down, parrìta. McBain is gonna call.” (He moves to hug her).
 Tèa: “WHEN? I want that bastard Todd to pay for killing my husband.”
       (Tomas goes silent, and appears to have a suspicious look in his eyes. Téa         catches a glimpse of the look, and she calls him on it.)
 Téa: “You know, you seem awfully calm for someone who is about to witness      the arrest of his kidnapper. Especially one who is also responsible for       causing a split between you and Blair and forcing you at gunpoint to       confess to a murder HE committed! Fess up, Tomas! Is there something       you're not telling me?”
         (Tomas takes a very quick pause.)
 Tomas: “Paríta, I'm just as ticked off about Todd's deception as you are. But I'm      staying calm for you. I'll have plenty of time to go crazy on him later.              You need to stay calm for the baby.”
       (Téa clearly isn't buying his explanation, but she remains silent.)
  Téa:  “You're right, Tomas. I do have to think about..the baby.” (She pauses, but         stares at her brother for a few significant moments.) “I just wish John         would...”
         (Her cell phone rings. She scrambles to retrieve it , checks the number,      and quickly answers it.)
 Téa: “John! What's going on? Did you get that bastard?”
         (She smiles at John, nodding her head to confirm Todd's arrest.)
  Téa: “That's great news, John. See you soon.” (Hangs up her phone). “Come      on. They got him.” (Tomas proceeds a bit too slowly for her taste.) “WHAT       the HELL is up with you, Tomas?”
 Tomas: “Téa, come on. You have some important things to do.”
 Téa: “I've waited this long for an arrest. I can wait a few minutes to talk to my         brother. I know when something's wrong, hermano. You seem a little off.         Spill.”
       (Tomas remains silent as the camera fades over to Victor and Allison).
         (Allison's cell phone rings. In her super-charged, neurotic way, she races    to her purse to get it, still wielding the kitchen knife.)
Allison: (answering the call) “Hello? What the hell is taking you so long? Well did      they get Todd Manning or not?” (She spots a glance in Victor's                     direction.) “Yeah, he's still here, doing a belly dance in ropes.” (She rolls       her eyes and turns her back on Victor.) “When am I going to get my                 reward? I have been playing your games way too long, and I did all of                the dirty work for you. I made everyone think that Victor Lord, Jr. was              dead and I got his brother to take the fall! None of you could have done                 this without my brilliance. So WHEN do I get my reward?”
           (Victor struggles, and the camera zooms in to the rope that binds his left    wrist. Viewers see the rope begin to loosen a bit. Victor quickly works on      it, keeping his eyes on Allison. She doesn't notice him. Victor works more         quickly to undo the rope. He stops only a split second before Allison               catches him.)
 Allison: (looking at Victor, talking to her caller) “Well, you can tell Mommie             Dearest and company that I'll spill the beans if she doesn't keep her              promise soon. It's not nice to break a promise. That's something The                Messenger would never have tolerated. I know The Messenger is dead!                 Do you think I'm crazy? Just be sure that you deliver on your end, or               Victor Lord, Jr. goes free and so does his brother, with all of your                       secrets.”
          (She snaps her phone shut, and rolls her eyes at Victor.)
 Allison: “Oh, don't look so hopeful, Victor! I was bluffing. You won't be getting                  out of here any time soon. Why do you want to go back to all of that
           psycho drama at Saint Victoria's anyway? You never know who you'll                   get next. Between Niki, Tommy, Jean, and Tess, Bess and Wes, one                   could go crazy just trying to keep track of everyone.”
 Victor: “I'm going crazy just trying to look at you! Besides, if we're comparing                psycho dramas, Viki's psycho drama is Paradise by comparison. Now, let      me go so I can get my dose of R & R.”
             (Allison goes over to the bed and waves the knife under Victor's nose.)
 Allison: “Oh, you're a wise guy. Well, for a smarty pants, you're really quite                    dumb..arguing with the person who has your life in their hands.”
     (Victor quickly sits up and yokes her from behind with his free hand while he          
   shakes off the ropes from the other wrist.)
 Victor: (hissing through clenched teeth into her ear.) “You're absolutely right                 about that!”
                 (Fade over to the precinct. Todd and John are at odds during the                        questioning session in John's office. Todd has lawyered up.)
 John: “You know, Manning, your refusal to cooperate isn't helping you look any             less guilty.”
 Todd: “And cooperating with you hasn't seemed to help you idiots actually solve    a crime in this town yet. This entire fiasco is all your fault, you know.”
 John: (scoffing chuckle) “Oh, really? It's my fault, huh? I forced you to hold a                man captive and make you lie about committing a murder. Of your own              twin to boot! You're a real piece of work, Manning.”
 Todd: “At least I am a piece of work. That's something that seems to be a           foreign concept in this little pub club you call a police station. Tell me          something, McBain. What exactly is the scientific reason that explains this    department's consistent inefficiencies? No, inefficencies is too kind a           description. How the hell do you guys keep missing the clues over and                over and..(snickers)..OVER again? I keep trying to find a case of empty               donut boxes to blame...but, ah...nope, it's just plain stupidity.”
 John: “You're an expert on stupidity, Manning. YOU'RE the one sitting in                       handcuffs because you missed the boat over and over and over again. I             am just dying to hear what you have to say that exonerates you from                 this one.”
         (Todd stares John right in the eye with an inexplicably confident silence      that         seems to rattle John.)
 Todd: (laughing derisively) “You really are stupid, huh? I'm disappointed in you,         McBain. I came to you because you appeared to be the ONLY smart one. I         guess I was wrong. I will bring all things to light on my own, because you  all couldn't find a monkey in a banana stand. When I do, I expect a full  apology from all of you.”
(John lets out another snicker, but he's clearly disturbed by the implication Todd is making. John's gut is telling him there's more to investigate. He gets up from his desk and  holds his door open.)
  John: “Guys, excuse us for a minute, will you?” (The officers scramble about as they leave the office. John closes the door after the last officer leaves. He turns back to Todd.) “Okay, Manning. You are clearly hinting that there's another part to this case. So let's hear it.”
 Todd: “There's not another part to this case, Johnny Boy, there are only the                   same parts of this case that were never used and overlooked, even            though it's the entire case.”
 John: “I am humoring you for the sake of hearing what you have to say, but I              already regret that decision. Stop with the games and say what you want   to say, Manning.”
         (Todd pauses. He contemplates whether he should tell John anything         else.)
 Todd: “You know what? I think I'll wait until my lawyer gets here.”
 Téa: “Well, I guess we'll be waiting awhile, since you're going have to find  yourself a new one.”
         (The camera fades as both men jump around, startled to face Téa and         Tomas at the door.)
         (Flash back to Victor. He has managed to free his other hand, but he and         Allison still struggle. Victor has the better advantage, but Allison is putting  up a good fight. They are in an arm-wrestle for the knife.)
 Allison: (screaming and struggling) “You will never make it out of here alive,                   Victor! Even if you get out of here, they won't let you live to expose                   them!”They own you, Victor!”
  Victor: “I'll worry about THEM later. All that matters is putting you down like the    dog that you are!”
         (They continue to struggle as the camera fades and reopens back at          the precinct. Téa walks over and slaps Todd hard across the face.)
 Téa: “You lying, treacherous bastard! You hid this lie for weeks while you played  on the sympathy of everyone around you! You couldn't be honest for once      in your reptilian life! You took my HUSBAND away from me and his unborn    child because you couldn't accept that he was a better Todd than you!”
 Todd: (scoffs) “How can he be better at something he never was? And I don't
       expect you to have anything different to say, Delgado. You never believe         anything but the worst of me...
 Téa: (overlapping with Todd)...”WHAT?! I'm the one who believed your lies  when..
 Tomas: Parríta, you stop it! You can't stress yourself. Manning is in custody            now. Let McBain do his job.”
 Todd: “Yeah, you'd like nothing better, right, TOE-mas? All of this would just tie              up real nicely for you.”
         (Téa quickly glances at her brother and notices the quick startled reaction   to Todd's words, then notices how he covered it up.)
 Tomas: “Oh, yeah that's right, Manning. Create a diversion to deflect the                        spotlight from you. That's your M-O. Play in the dark, then deflect the                light.”
 Todd:  “And YOU play in the dark and make nice with your victims in the light,               don't you, Delgado? Only you don't check to see if you're being watched.”
         (Todd clicks his tongue in a “tsk, tsk” fashion. He leans forward,                        lowering his voice to a condescending whisper.)
 Todd:“Well, I.....was watching.”
         (John, Tomas and Téa remain silent. Téa shoots a quick glance in Tomas'         direction, but doesn't give away that she is suspicious. John tries to remain neutral, although he's wondering. Todd sits smugly in the midst.)
 Téa: “If you have something to say to help us get to the bottom of this mess, then spit it out, Todd. Save yourself and point out the guilty parties.”
         (Todd realizes that they all want to know what he has to say, and he gets         cocky. He decides to make them wait.)
 Todd: “I'll speak to my lawyer first.”
         (The camera fades with Todd smirking. Flash over to Victor and Allison. Victor won the fight and has turned the tables on Allison. She is now the one tied to the bed and struggling. Victor struggles to get the circulation back in his legs as he traipses through the room looking for the cell phone that Allison used earlier. Allison is struggling and letting out muffled screams through her gag.)
 Victor: “Would you stop mumbling and shut the hell up?”
 (Allison glares at him, mumbling louder in defiance. Victor is furious, and looks around the room. He spots a small bottle of medicine and a syringe on the desk. He races over to read the label.)
 Victor: “Ketamine?! You've been drugging me with Keta---you wacky BITCH!                   You've been shooting me up with a horse tranquilizer?! What the hell?”
         (He grabs the syringe and fills it with a small dosage, then heads over to the bed. Allison muffled screams get more frantic, her eyes widen in horror, and she struggles more viciously. Victor plunges the syringe into her arm and she passes out. He gets off the bed and tosses the syringe into a wastebasket.)
  Victor: “Crazy bitch.”
         (He grabs Allison's cell phone, and heads out the door.)
         (Flash back to the police station. Todd has been placed in a cell, not   knowing that Blair is upstairs talking to the Delgados and John. He is      crouched in a corner on his bunk, and viewers begin to get a glimpse of  why Todd is so smug. Pieces of several different visions in his head begin       to play out onscreen. Memories of Irene Manning in the “Center”       hypnotizing him and Victor, combined with flashes of Agent Baker, Tomas,        Marty Saybrooke and Patrick Thornhart all dance around in his head  without forming a complete picture.)
         (Fade back to John's office. John is suspicious of Tomas, but he doesn't         voice his suspicions in front of the women.)
 Blair: (voice broken) “Oh, Téa....(fiddles with her fingers, puts her hand up to     her hand up to her forehead , exasperated)...”I'm so, so sorry...I...I         just...oh, I don't know what the hell I can say! Todd lied to all of us for      weeks! He knew he killed Victor the whole time! And oh, Tomas! He held        you captive! Are you ok?”
 Tomas: (nonchalantly) ”I'm fine, honey.” (Blair moves to hug him. He hugs her                tightly, as if he'll lose her.)
 Blair: “I'm so furious with that bastard! He made me believe he was supporting  
        me through a rough period that HE CREATED! Oh, my god! He forced you   to confess to a crime he KNEW he had committed!”
        (Tomas nods in half-hearted agreement, something that both John and       Téa notice at once. They exchange curious glances over the couple's        shoulders. John secretly nods at Téa, as if to say...”I'm on it”. Téa    responds with a nod of her own, and calls for Blair.)
 Téa: “Blair, can I steal you for a minute? I need your help in the restroom. This         baby is as mischievous as Victor, and I' feeling a bit dizzy.”    
 Blair: “Oh, honey. With all of the stress you've been going through, dizziness seems like  a mild side effect. Come on.”
         (The ladies leave the office, and Tomas tries to lighten the mood.)
 Tomas: “What's she gonna do? Help her powder her nose?” (Chuckles                           nervously).  
 John: (smiles insincerely) “Yeah, I won't even begin to a guess on that!” (The                men share a short laugh). “So, what's your take on Manning's claims?”
 Tomas: “It sounds like typical Manning crap, John. What take should I have on                it?”
 John: “Delgado, you seem a bit edgy. What's going on?”
 Tomas: “I was held captive by a psycho that wanted to get rid of the                     competition for a woman's heart for weeks. Why wouldn't I be edgy?”
John: “Yeah, you're right. That would make a guy edgy. I need to take your                   statement about your abduction.”
 Tomas: “I'm detecting a tone, McBain. Am I a suspect in some crime?”
         (Flash over to Téa and Blair. Blair is confused when Téa quickly pushes her into the restroom and checks under the stalls.)
 Blair: “Téa, what the hell are you doing? Why are you bending in your                          condition?”
 Téa: “I had to make sure that no one was here.”
 Blair: “Why?”
 Téa: “Well if ya'd shut up for a second, I'll explain. Something's going on with     this case, and every bone in my body is telling me that Tomas is deep in   whatever that 'something' is. I'm telling you this, because I want us to get
       to the bottom of this before you get involved with my brother again. He's  
       hiding something, Blair. He's acting the same way he did when he took my         father's car out to pick up Sandra Velasquez in the eleventh grade and         forgot to fill up the gas tank to cover his tracks. He let my papi scratch his         head for days trying to find out where the leak in the gas tank was coming         from.”
 Blair: “Well, maybe he's just....”
 Téa: “No, no, NO, Blair! Stop doing that. For once, stop searching for an excuse.
       Tomas is my brother and I love him very much...but I will not stand back    and support any wrongdoings...especially if it could hurt a good friend.”
         (Blair smiles through her tears, and Téa hugs her. She sobs on Téa's  shoulder. Téa comforts her with words similar to those a mother
       uses on a baby.)
 Blair: “How could this be happening again? How could Todd have held on to this   secret for so long and tricked everyone? How could he trick me                   into...into..”
 Téa:  “.....loving him again? You have always loved Todd, so it didn't take any                tricks to make that happen, amiga. And I need you to tell you something            else. I don't think Victor's murder is as black-and-white as it once was.”
                       (Blair  moves away from Téa, and stares at her in confusion)
 Blair: “Why not?” (She gets a little hopeful). “Has something new come up?”
                 (Téa gives her a half-sad smile.)
 Téa: “No, not new with regards to evidence, but....”
                 (She pauses and drifts off in thought, annoying Blair.)
 Blair: “But what, Téa? What the HELL is going on?”
                 (Téa shakes her her to snap herself out of her daze.)
 Téa: “Huh?...Oh, right. Blair, every bit of evidence about Victor's murder pointed  in Todd's direction. All of Todd's strange behavior...I mean, strange for   Todd, made it even more plausible that he was the murderer. But...he was      making these statements and insinuating that there is more to this case         than we know, and he's implying that Tomas is somehow involved.”
 Blair: “Oh, come on, Téa! Todd's lying! He always lies! And he hates Tomas!                  He'll say anything to stick it to your brother and save his own ass!”
 Téa: “Blair, you know that I want Victor's killer brought to justice more than         anything in the world. And more than anything, I had hated pretending to  
       be civil to Todd while sitting on the knowledge that John had a strong case         against Todd for the murder.”
 Blair: “Then what's changed?”
 Téa: “Blair, there's something about the confidence in Todd when he was    making his insinuations. And then he implied that Tomas is involved, and       my brother didn't deny it with any real conviction. And he was already        acting strange before we got to the precinct to see Todd. Blair, there's      something weird going on, and Tomas is involved.”
 Blair: “Téa, what did Tomas actually do to make you so suspicious?”
 Téa: “The first thing that stood out is the very calm way he acted when he  returned and we were waiting to hear news from John about Todd's       arrest. Then, he was hesitant to go to the precinct when John DID call us        with the news.”
Blair: “That doesn't mean anything, Téa. Maybe he was tired or....”
 Téa: “NO, Blair! You're doing it again! Listen, no one on this earth but the two     of US know the ins and outs of the Manning men, and I'm telling you that      this isn't the usual Todd schemes. Neither is there any logical explanation        for Tomas' hesitance after all that has happened to him, Blair. He was held         captive for weeks, supposedly by Todd for the sake of getting you to  himself, forced to confess..TO YOU..to a murder that TODD committed,       and when he gets rescued, he's not jumping out of his seat to watch Todd        fry?”
                 (Blair is silent).
 Téa: “I'm just asking you not to make any decisions until we get to the bottom    of this, amiga. We have to see how this plays out. Will you please do     that? I need the godmother of this baby to be in one sound piece. Its  mother is already a wreck, and its father is not here. PLEASE, Blair. Both  of these men are powerful smooth talkers. I know that they both love you   sincerely, but they both have something brewing in the dark. Let's both      operate with all our tools in place for a change. We have to break this  cycle of madness.” (Blair nods in agreement.) “Good, then let's get back      before they catch on that something's going on.”
                 (They leave to return to the men. Upstairs, Blair decides to take a                      minute to herself in the hallway while she directs Téa to go back to                    John. Téa understands, and agrees to do so.)
 Téa: “Blair, listen. I want you to go and talk to Todd. Reserve any judgments         about either of these men until you hear what he has to say. He TRUSTS    you, and I'm sure he'll be truthful with you. As angry as I am with him, I   need to be fair. I want Victor's REAL killer to be revealed, and if it does    indeed turn out to be Todd, then so be it. But, after seeing what I saw in
       Tomas, my mind started to get a new grasp on my common senses. Find    out what you can, and meet me at my house in two hours.”
 Blair: “Ok. I think I have to get John's permission to see him, so I'll be right                  behind you, ok?” (Téa nods and heads inside.)
                 (The camera zooms in on Blair leaning against the precinct wall,                        sighing in despair, then fades.)
                 (Fade over to Victor, who's tired and weak, yet fighting his way                  through thickets of woods trying to find his way home. He finally                       finds a clearing, and it appears to be the inside area of a highway                      guard rail. He looks relieved, hearing the noise of passing cars in the          distance. He suddenly finds the strength to quicken his pace, and he          climbs up a hill to get to the highway. He reaches a sign that reads:                   “LLANVIEW 6 MI”.)
               (Flash back to Allison...She is awakened by Agent Baker, who has                      injected her with an antidote and released her from her gag and                        binds. She's a bit groggy at first, but when she comes to her senses,          she seems horrified at the sight of her guest.)
 Baker: “Well, Ms. Perkins, it seems our prisoner has outplayed you.”
 Allison: “It wasn't my fault! He was too strong and he overpowered me!”
 Baker: “Tell me something that's NOT obvious, Ms. Perkins. Tell me what he                   knows. I need to know how to proceed with cleaning up your mess.”
 Allison: “He doesn't know anything. He was only determined to get back home.  
           He drugged me before he asked any information. I didn't tell him                       anything, I swear!” (Baker smirks diabolically.)
 Baker: “Oh, that's not entirely true, now is it?”
            (He holds up a mini tape recorder and presses the 'play' button.)
 Allison: (from a recording on the tape) “You will never make it out of here alive,     Victor! Even if you get out of here, they won't let you live to expose              them! They own you, Victor!”
   Baker: “You told him enough. Obviously, the programming procedure didn't                    take. I have to track him down and see if the same malfunction                         occurred with his twin. We can't have our plans unraveling.”
 Allison: “What should I do?”
Baker: “Not a thing. You've got enough to account for already.”
         (Allison's widen in terrified understanding. Baker smirks.)
 Baker: “I have an edge on Tomas Delgado that makes him the perfect fallback               servant.” (He snaps his fingers and two large uniformed men appear.)
         “Take Ms. Perkins to the center, gentlemen. I have to tend to our other                 unfinished business.”
(Allison struggles and screams, “Let me try again!”as the men carry her away.)
 Baker: (dials a number from his cell phone.) “We need to talk. Meet me at the                park by the playground. What? I don't care what's going on! This is                   critical! Ms. Perkins may have compromised our mission. You have one               hour.”
 (He angrily snaps his cell phone shut and races out the door.)
 (Flash back to Blair. John has granted her permission to visit Todd. She is walking down the hall to the cell, trying to practice keeping her cool when she sees him. She is worried that she'll slip and rip into him, but when she gets there, she finds him crouched in a corner, holding his head in his hands and rocking back and forth. He's screaming, “Leave me alone! Get out of my head!” repeatedly. Blair knows it's not a trick, and she panics as she calls out to the guards.)
 Blair: “TODD! What's happening? GUARDS! Let me in there!”
 Guard #1: “Miss, we can't let you in there....”
 Blair: “I don't care about your rules! Open the door and let me in there! He   needs help! You know what? Just go get John McBain!
(She turns back to the cell) “TODD!” (She turns back to the guards, who                hasn't moved.) “GO GET JOHN MCBAIN NOW!”
 (The guards scramble to get John and Blair tries to calm Todd down. Tomas, Téa and John come racing into the prison. John rushes to open the cell and Blair races over to Todd. Téa and Tomas stand outside the cell, and Blair kneels down to tend to Todd. He's still delirious, not recognizing who she is at first as he flails his arms to push her away.)
 Todd: (in a panicked, desperate voice) “Get out of my head! Get away from me!
Get out of my head!”
 Blair: “Todd...please look at me. It's Blair. Who are you talking to?”
 Todd: “You killed him. YOU GET OUT OF MY HEAD! You get away from me. You killed him!”
 (He looks at Blair and slowly begins to recognize her and connect with his current surroundings. He seems to relax, and looks at her, a relieved smile spreading across his face. He continues to mutter the same words, a little less psychotically this time, and he closes his eyes to adapt to reality.)
 (Flash back to the highway. Victor is walking tiredly and cautiously along the guardrail. He tries to remain out of sight, checking over his shoulder every so often, unaware that the driver of a vehicle has spotted him until the car slows down for him. He is very skeptical and walks away faster, careful not to look in the driver's direction.)
 Male Driver: (in a volume only loud enough for Victor) “Mr. Victor! Please don't
be afraid. I am trying to save your life! Hurry and get in. I'll explain
on the way to family. They're almost here! Please!”
 (Victor finally faces the voice that sounds like help. He's almost ecstatic when he realizes that the driver is Louie. He quickly jumps in the car and Louie speeds away.)
 Victor: “Not that I'm not grateful, but what's your story?”
 Louie: “I'm not really educated on the details of this situation, but a few months
back, your brother showed up on my docks claiming that YOU had robbed him of his life. I believed him after having spent time listening to his account of his problems with the wacky people that Irene Manning lady put him through. He had asked me to hold the gun that he had taken from the Mayor's safe. The gun had never been fired, and that made me believe him even more. Then the story about the two of you hit the papers, and I was glad that I met him. A few weeks after that, you were murdered, or so everyone thought, and Todd was tested for gunpowder and came up clean. Everything just got real crazy after that.”
 Victor: “Well, I can clear up a couple of things for you. Anything that starts with
'Irene Manning' IS crazy, for starters. Secondly, I ain't no ghost, so I wasn't murdered. And my crazy mother IS dead, but she's programmed a whole army of human robots to continue on in her madness, which keeps the bitch alive.”
 Louie: “Mr. Victor, there's a whole big mess going on. Your brother came to me weeks later with the gun again. Dunno if it was the same gun, but he looked real strange and offered to pay me a lot of money to hide it again. This time, he seemed to be hiding somethin', even implied that he was, but there was somethin' else that I can't explain goin' on with him.”
 Victor: “What do you mean?”
 Louie: “He seemed to be hidin' somethin', but he seemed like he wasn't sure of himself, or even that he was sure that he WAS hidin' somethin'. It was almost like he was being told to do what he was doin', ya know? Like he wasn't actin' of his own accord. I can't explain it. I know I must sound crazy.”
 Victor: “Nah, man. It ain't crazy by Irene's standards at all. My bastard twin is under a mind control program. We both are. She  had pre-orchestrated the entire 'murder scene' before my brother offed her on the docks. Her goons were already rigged to carry out her orders, whether she lived or not, but especially if she didn't. Can you tell me what's going on with my (puts up the “quotes” symbol with his fingers) 'murder case'?”
 Louie: “Your brother is in jail for killin' ya, your wife is a basket case, and that Tomas fella had confessed on tape first...
 Victor: “....Tomas? He's one on the hit list..”
 Louie: “But they said your brother kidnapped him and made him confess to get to that Blair woman.”
 Victor: (agitated) “What?!” Oh, hell! The truth of this entire situation has been
twisted to match our She-Devil mother's lunacy. And Delgado is smack in the middle of it. I may not like my brother, but I won't let him go down to Irene's tricks, and I certainly won't take him away from his family for years for something he didn't do..especially to ME.”
 Louie: “Maybe you don't hate him like you think you do. You two are the victims
of a madwoman's evil, and you both have to join forces to clean up her mess and save this town. You both might wanna try something new to break that evil cycle.”
 Victor: “I appreciate the ride, man, but kill the Partridge Family talk, will ya?”
 (Louie laughs, much to Victor's annoyance).
 Victor: “What the HELL is so damned funny?”
 Louie: “How very much alike the two of you are to be such enemies. But I'll just do what I came to do when I picked ya up off the road. I suggest you go to that McBain person first to start clearing up the mess. Everyone's over at the police station since they picked up Todd an hour ago.”
 Victor: “Is Delgado part of 'everyone'?”
 Victor: “That reminds me. I have to make a call.”
 (He pulls out the cell phone he took from Allison and dials a number. The phone rings twice.)
 Tomas: (from Victor's end of the phone) “Allison? This is NOT a good time right now! I'm at the LPD station with my sister since Manning was arrested.”
 Victor: “Were you playing the loving, supportive brother as you pretended to help her mourn her dead husband, Delgado?”
 Tomas: “Listen, you don't have any idea what's going on....”
 Victor: “I DON'T GIVE A DAMN! You hear me, Delgado? Be afraid. Be very afraid! This time, you won't be able to hide your wounds. But the first thing you will do is make up an excuse, a REALLY good excuse to get the HELL AWAY from my wife and brother. GET AWAY FROM THEM! And be real sure that I will know if you didn't....(He sings a verse of “Every Move You Make” by The Police).
 Victor: (singing) “I'll be watching you....every move you make, every vow you break, every step you take....” (Hangs up.)
 (The camera fades as the car passes a sign that reads: “Welcome to the City of Llanview”.)
 (Flash over to Llanfair..Viki is distraught and overwhelmed with a mix of rage, hurt and disappointment while looking at the newscast of Todd's arrest on the television. Dani, Jack and Natalie are with her.)
 Viki: “I can not BELIEVE that Todd has been arrested for murdering our brother!” (She rises to pace the floor, and her relatives all look on, waiting for their cue to help her if she needs them to.)
 Jack: “I CAN! I told all of you that Scarface killed our father!”
 Viki: “Jack, will you please go upstairs and check on your little brother, please?”
 Jack: “Why? Aunt Viki, I want to see....”
 Natalie and Dani: “JACK!”
 Natalie: “Go check on Sam, now!”
 (Natalie scowls to prove she's serious. Jack rolls his eyes and storms off defiantly. Dani groans and shakes her head.)
 Dani: “Grrrr! He's IMPOSSIBLE!”
 Natalie: “He's just being a bratty teen. Are you okay, honey? This has to be hard on you, too.”
 Dani: “I'm mostly worried about my mom right now, but...I don't believe that Todd did it. I don't know him very well, but something is very weird about this.”
 Natalie: “Yeah, it is strange, but John wouldn't have arrested him if he didn't believe that there was enough evidence to do so.”
 Dani: “Cousin Natalie, I know that Lieutenant McBain is a fair officer, but evidence or not, I don't believe Todd would kill my dad..I mean, my uncle after waiting so long to come back to his family.”
 Natalie: “Well, so far he's just been arrested. They still have to question him and all that. Hey, why don't you call YOUR mom, while I go check on mine.”
 Dani: “Good idea. Oh, and I have to call Starr, too. I don't want her to hear about this on the news. I think I left my purse in the kitchen.”
 (She races to the kitchen. Natalie pulls out her own cell phone and dials John's number. His voicemail picks up.)
 Natalie: “John, it's me. Give me a call when you can and let me know what's going on with Todd's arrest? I love you. ”
 (The door opens as she hangs up. Enter Clint and Jessica.)
 Clint:”Hi, sweetheart.” (He kisses her forehead). “Where's your mother? I just heard the news.”
 Natalie: “She's in there.” (Clint joins Viki.)
 Jessica: (kisses her sister) “Yeah, I just heard, too. Do you believe he did it?”
 Natalie: “I don't want to speculate, but he WAS arrested, and this is Uncle Todd we're talking about.”
 Jessica: “Yeah, I know, but this is too crazy, even for Todd, Natalie.”
 Natalie: “Well, there must be some real evidence stacked against him, because John wouldn't act unless there was.”
 Jessica: “I'm sure he did, but none of this makes any sense. Evidence has been known to be wrong.”
 Natalie: “Well, I hope so, but the odds are not favorable, Jess. I mean, Todd has a history of crimes the size of Texas. He was acting funny since his return from the dead, and how do you explain Tomas Delgado?”
 Jessica: “Natalie, you sound like you've already tried and convicted him. No one knows what kind of evidence has been collected yet, and Mom is already freaking out, so let's just deal with the news at hand first.”
 Natalie: “Well, I tried calling John to get some details, but his voicemail picked up.”
 Jessica: “I'm sure he is busy trying to get the details himself.”
 (Flash back Viki and Clint. Viki is crying, not knowing what to make of what's going on. Clint is consoling her.)
 Viki: “Oh, Clint! How could this be HAPPENING? I just find out that I now have two brothers, my former best friend wasn't dead after all, and then I lose one brother, only to now discover that my other brother is being arrested for the crime? How could Todd have lied to me and all of us who love him for so long? More importantly, why would he risk losing the family that he was forced to give up for eight years when he JUST got them back?”
 Clint: “Shh, shh...Viki, honey. Hold on for a minute. It's no secret that I am not a fan of your siblings, honey. But this is too crazy, even for Todd, and even for Todd in an impulsive moment. All we know is that the police felt they have enough evidence to make an arrest.”
 Viki: “What kind of evidence could they have, Clint?”
 Clint: “That's the million-dolllar question, sweetheart, but that's why I want you to try and calm down until we get to the bottom of this. Just know that I will be with you every step of the way, Victoria.”
 Viki: “Thank you, Clint. I'm gonna hold you to that.”
 (Fade over to Agent Baker. He is furious that he's lost Victor, but realizes that Victor must still be on the road just before Llanview based on the time that has lapsed since his escape from Allison's hideout. He calls out to his driver.)
 Baker: “Step on it! And stay on this path. The ketamine is still with him, so he wouldn't be able to move too quickly. If he's hiding, we'll be able to detect any strange movements out here. You won't get far, Victor. You won't get far at all.”
 (He laughs diabolically, as the camera zooms in on him.)
 (Flash back to the precinct. Todd is calmer, but he's still not making any progress in shedding his delirium. Téa keeps her distance, and she is really beginning to doubt the validity of the evidence against Todd for Victor's murder.
John has decided to allow Blair some time alone with Todd, but instructs his officers to stand guard at the outer exit. He gestures for Téa to give Blair some privacy, and as Téa turns to leave, she is surprised to see that her brother is gone. John realizes it, too, and they both rush outside.)
 Téa: “John, did you notice when Tomás left?”
 John: “No, but I saw that he got a phone call earlier, and he seemed edgy. A few minutes later, he got another call, but then I was distracted by Manning. He must have slipped out during the confusion.”
 Téa: “I realize that. I guess the question is,why did he need a distraction to slip away and take a phone call?”
 (Back inside the cell, Blair has taken a seat on the cell floor next to Todd. Todd is sweaty, but his breathing has regulated. He is now aware of his surroundings.)
 Blair: “Todd? Are you okay?”
 Todd: (chuckles sarcastically) “Depends on who you're asking. I certainly can't answer that question.”
 Blair: “Well maybe I should ask you what just happened here.”
 (Todd pauses. He doesn't know where to start.)
 Todd: “There are many complicated things going on all at once. I don't know how to make sense of it.”
 Blair: “Okay....let's start with something simple. What were you screaming about just now? Do you remember anything?”
 Todd: “I remember everything, but it was a whole bunch of pieces. They were like movie clips from different movies that were thrown together.”
 Blair: “Okay, then tell me what you remember from those clips.”
 Todd: “My mother holding me captive in her mad scientist lab, chanting commands in my ear. I couldn't make out everything, but...”
(Téa clears her throat to get their attention.)
 Téa: “Um..Blair? I recommended to McBain that Todd be moved to St. Ann's for evaluation.”
 Blair: “To St. Ann's? What wou...”
 Téa: “...Because it would better for Todd to talk there.”
 (She makes direct eye contact with Blair to get her hint across. Blair catches on.)
 Blair: “You know what, Todd? Téa's right. You may be able to think more clearly without the stress of prison personnel.”
 (Todd seems sincerely relieved. Téa turns to let McBain know that Todd is ready for transport).
 (Flash to Tomas. He has met with Baker in the playground. Baker is furious because he hasn't gotten to Victor.)
 Tomas: “What the hell am I doing here, Baker?”
 Baker: “You don't get to ask any questions here, Mr. Delgado. You belong to us. You just do as you're told.”
 Tomas: “I don't belong to anybody, Baker. What do you want?”
 Baker: “Victor Lord, Jr. has escaped from Ms. Perkins. Unfortunately, I underestimated how far he would get based on the amount of time had elapsed since his escape. My guess is that he's operating on emotion and is heading straight to your sister, Delgado. I need you to get rid of him.”
 Tomas: “Are you out of your mind? You want me to kill my sister's husband, after all that she's gone through...no, all that she's GOING through, thinking he's dead?”
 Baker: (laughs loudly and sarcastically) “OH, WOW! You almost sounded sincere! Or are you telling me that you feel bad for your sister's pain when you helped stage her husband's death in the first place? That's rich, Mr. Delgado!”
Tomas: “I recall that I really didn't have much of a choice in the matter.”
 Baker: (laughing harder) “Oh, are we practicing our alibi already? You can spin your involvement any which way you'd like, Delgado. You may not have pulled that trigger, but you were certainly willing to join the game of 'Keep Away' with your sister's husband. What will your sister think when she finds out that you wanted her to be away from her husband so badly that you helped us keep him locked away after he was shot and presumed dead?”
 Tomas: “I certainly enough to atone for with what I've done, but you made sure that I CAN'T leave now, haven't you?”
 Baker: “Oh come on, Delgado. All you have to do is follow orders, and everything will be fine. I am not a monster.”
 Tomas: “I'm sure the rest of the world wouldn't agree.”
 Baker: “After what you've done, I think we're cut from the same cloth.”
 Tomas: “NEVER! I wouldn't threaten the life of a child. That is something Irene Manning would do. You're certainly her finest creation.”
 Baker: “Oh, I guess robbing a child of its father and a sister of her husband is not right up Irene's alley, hm? That's exactly why she recruited you eight years ago. We're cut from the same cloth, Mr. Delgado. And now, you're simply being instructed to do a job that highlights your best talents, and finish what you helped to start. Get rid of Victor Lord, Jr., or else.”
 Tomas: “Or else what, Baker? Hm? You'll expose my secrets?”
 Baker: “Tisk, tisk, Tomas. I don't indulge in such childish games. No, I have a much more reliable ace in the hole to ensure your cooperation. Or did you forget?”
 Tomas: “No, I didn't forget.”
 Baker: “Then let's put the games aside and stay focused. Things have gotten quite critical, Mr. Delgado, and we can't afford any more loose ends. Just in case you need a little encouragement to help keep you focused, then by all means , feel free to take a peek in the bushes behind you.”
(Tomas stares at Baker for a good while, then slowly heads in the direction of the cluster of bushes. He walks cautiously, keeping sight of Baker with frequent glances back. After a few more steps forward, he trips over a pile of leaves. A good amount of leaves blow away in the wind, and he sees the dead body of Allison Perkins covered in blood.)
 (Flash back to the precinct. John is in his office with the door closed. He picks up the phone and makes a call.)
 John: “Yeah, it's McBain. You got eyes on Tomas Delgado? Oh, really? Keep following him and don't let him out of your sight. Check back with me often.”
 (He hangs up, and drums his fingers on his desk in deep thought.)
 John: “What are you and Agent Baker up to, Tomas?” (His phone rings again.)
 John: “Yeah. What? Where? And where's Delgado? Ok, wait until they're gone and call for a bus and the M.E. Thanks. Keep me posted.”
 (He hangs up again.)
 John: “This is getting more exciting by the minute. What is going on, Delgado? And what did old Victor Lord, Jr. do that would make you involve yourself so badly?”
 (His phone rings again.)
 John: “McBain.”
 Natalie: “Hi, John, it's me.”
 John: “Hey, yourself. How's Liam?”
 Natalie: “He's sleeping like a baby. How's his daddy holding up with all this?”
 John: “I'll let you know when the crazy dust settles.”
 Natalie: “What do you mean? What's going on?”
 John: “It's a really complicated mess right now, and I'll tell you about it at home.”
 Natalie: “Well, is there anything you can tell me that I can tell my mom? She's freaking out right now because there are no details following the announcement of my uncle's arrest.”
 John: “You can tell her this much, and you must tell her this in private. The evidence against Todd is no longer as cut and dried as it was when we arrested him.”
 Natalie: “Wait. What do you mean? You think he's innocent?”
 John: “I didn't say that, but I can say that some new factors has come up and it's making the evidence we did have look incomplete.”
 Natalie: “John, I know that tone. What aren't you telling me?”
 John: “I'm not telling you what I can't legally tell you right now. As soon as I'm clear, you'll be the first to know. Just let Viki know to hang in there and don't get too furious with Manning just yet.”
 Natalie: (sighs) “Well, at least that will help soften the blow somewhat.”
 John: “That's what I'm aiming for. I gotta go, Nat. I love you. Kiss Liam for me.”
 Natalie: “Will do. I love you, too.”
 (Natalie hangs up and heads upstairs to tend to Liam, who has just started crying.)
 (Flash over to Jack. He's spewing his Scarface rants to Sam.)
 Jack: “I knew that Scarface killed our dad! He was lying to us all of this time, and everyone told me that I was wrong! I Knew it!”
 Sam: “I don't think he did that to my dad, Jack. He's a superhero, and they are the good guys.”
 Jack: “Oh yeah, Einstein? If he's such a superhero, then why did the police arrest him, huh?
 Sam: “The police make mistakes all the time. They didn't arrest you for stealing my airplanes and breaking them into pieces. I like Todd, and I don't think he sent my daddy to Heaven. I think the police don't know where the bad guys are. But I'm a deputy, and I am going to help find them. Lieutenant McBain said I can.”
 John: “You're so dumb. Kids can't be a deputy. McBain only told you that to make you feel important. And how can you like Scarface when he shot our father?
 Jessica: “Jack Manning! What is WRONG with you? Sam, come here, sweetie.”
 (Sam scurries over to Jessica.)
 Jessica: “Why don't you go see if Cousin Bree wants to play a video game, hm?”
 Sam: “Alright! Thanks, Cousin Jessica!” (He runs to the door, then stops to face Jack.) “Why do you hate your own dad so much? I don't care what you say. He didn't hurt my daddy!” (He races off.)
 Jessica: “I can't believe you would inflict such pain on your little brother like that! Both of our mothers, and Téa, who's PREGNANT, by the way, are going through enough hell without your bratty little hate rants in the mix. DO you understand me? And that little boy has to keep re-living the loss of his daddy every time some new suspect comes up, or some news reporter replays the murder. WE are supposed to protect him from all of that hate and trauma. He especially would like to feel safe with his older brother, ya think?”
 Jack: “He's not my brother if he likes Scarface.”
 Jessica: “His name is TODD, and he's your FATHER. You are going to get that straight one way or another, especially in this house around my mom and the children here. And while you're busy playing judge and jury, don't forget to look in the mirror and reacquaint yourself with your grisly infractions. Maybe you'll find yourself a little more hesitant to point fingers at others. You can play the Spawn of the Devil if you want, you just won't do it around here, you got it?”
 Jack: “You're not my mother, so...”
 Natalie: “....I think my sister asked if you were clear on what she said. That's all we are interested in hearing you say. SO...you got it?”
 Jack: “I GOT it.”
 (The sisters smile at each other and turn to leave. Outside in the hall, they hi-five each other and head downstairs. They find Viki and Clint on the couch, Viki is crying on Clint's chest.)
 Natalie: “Jess, hold on a second.”
 Jessica: “What's up?”
 Natalie: “I wanted to say that you were right about my attitude about Uncle Todd. I should have been a lot more objective about this. Look, I need to talk to you, but I don't want to talk here because we have our little hothead upstairs and he's itching for some free time to cause more mischief. Mom is in no shape to keep him from torturing his little brother, so as soon as he goes home, we'll talk ok?”
 Jessica: (chuckling) “I know what you mean. Okay, then, it's a date. Speaking of Sam, let me go look in on them. I'll be right back. Ryder is due to wake up from his nap anyway.”
 Natalie: “Good idea. See ya later.”
 (Jessica goes back upstairs and Natalie stares at her parents through the opening in the door. Flash over to the precinct. Nora has arrived and is upset with John for transferring Todd. Téa remained behind, but she has gone into the hall to call Dani.)
 John: (tiredly) “How can I help you, Nora?”
 Nora: “You can start by telling me why Todd Manning isn't locked up in a cell?”
 John: “He had a psychotic breakdown and, as per procedure, we sent him to St. Ann's for evaluation.”
 Nora: “A psychotic breakdown? Really, Lieutenant? Isn't that the exact same trick used by Starr Manning not so long ago to help her father escape not so long ago?”
 John: “That was the very first thought that crossed my mind, Nora. But regardless of that incident, I have to follow procedure when a prisoner goes ill. Of course, given the history of the incidents Manning has pulled off, I took extra precautions just in case. I actually believe this incident is legitimate.”
 Nora: “Then maybe you've come down with a case of amnesia, 'legitimate' and 'Todd Manning' have never been a harmonious union.”
 Téa: “And a statement like that made from the District Attorney might constitute grounds for bias against my client, Nora.”
 (Both John and Nora turn to face her.)
 Nora: (scoffs) “Did I hear you correctly? Did you just say 'your client'?”
 Téa: “I did indeed.”
 Nora: “Your client, meaning Todd Manning? The man arrested for your husband's MURDER. THAT Todd Manning?”
 Téa: “Yes, the one and the same.”
 Nora: “You're serious.” (Téa looks at her tiredly and sternly.) “Oh, come on! YOU”RE implying bias on my part without touching on the blatant conflict of interest on yours?”
 Téa: “Well, let me examine your theory, Counselor. You might be seeing things from a more objective standpoint, and maybe I AM involved with a conflict of interest. So let me go over the facts of this case.”
 (She mockingly pauses as if in deep thought.)
 Téa: “Everyone is entitled to a defense, and I am Mr. Manning's defense attorney of record. In light of the new situation, it's certainly a conflict of interest for me to remain in that role. However, I cannot legally vacate that role until I personally make the request to the courts and have the representation be officially changed on the record. Since there is no night court in session until Monday morning, I am legally bound to remain as his attorney until then. If I am acting outside of the law, then by all means, Nora, please point that out and I will correct my actions immediately.”
 (Nora remains silent.)
 Nora: (in a soft tone) “I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to imply improper conduct on your part. I stand by what I said about not believing Todd's 'psychosis' to be legitimate. There isn't a legitimate bone in Todd Manning's body.”
 (Téa is outright annoyed with Nora's statement.)
 Téa: “Nora, there was not an ounce of deception on Todd's part this time. I have every reason to despise the man, but even I believe that Lieutenant McBain did exactly what the situation required. He took extensive precautionary measures to circumvent any possible repeat performance tricks that Todd MAY have up his sleeve, but I sincerely doubt that he has any.”
 (Nora studies her colleague's face and is suspicious and confused.)
 Nora: “Téa, what's going on here? Are you going soft on Todd? Or are you sitting on new information that you haven't disclosed yet?”
 (Téa and John both remain silent as Nora looks from one to the other for an answer.)
 Nora: “Oh-ho-ho-ho-ho! Now I KNOW that something's going on. I know BOTH of those looks! What aren't you telling me?”
 (They remain silent as the camera zooms out.)
  (Flash to St. Ann's. Todd's intake process has been completed, and Blair has been allowed to sit in Todd's room. He is completely calm now, and Blair is ready to continue with her questions.)
 Todd: “Thank you for being here, Blair.”
 Blair: “Well, where did you expect me to be after finding you on the floor screaming like that? I wasn't coming to see you to play nice.”
 Todd: “I know that, but thank you anyway.”
 Blair: “We're alone now...at least until the doctors come in here to question you. So tell me why you were picked out as Victor's murderer, Todd?”
 Todd: “I don't know”
 Blair: “Oh, that's BULL, Todd! You knew you killed your brother and you do what you always do..you LIE!”
 Todd: “No, I didn't. Not this time.”
 Blair: “Yes you did. You forced Tomas to confess to something you knew you did and you lied about it. That's what you DO, Todd! You lie! You always LIE....”
 Todd: “I DIDN”T, DAMMIT!” (His scream startles Blair into silence, and he softens his tone.) “Not this time. The only thing that I AM guilty of is getting that snake Tomas out of the way so I could have one night with you to prove how much I truly love you and make you remember that you loved me, too. Trust me, Blair. Tomas didn't need too much coercion.”
 Blair: “What does that MEAN? What is going on? Why did you go through all of that play-acting when you first came back to town, trying to prove your innocence, when you knew that you would eventually get arrested anyway? I know you scheme, Todd, but at least you're usually smart about it! This was sloppy for you, Todd. You need to give me some answers. How could you just....” (Her voice trails off in exasperation.)
  Todd: (softly) ”Are you done?” (Blair shoots a murderous look in his direction.)
 Blair: “That depends on what you say next. If I detect one ounce of deception..I will walk out of here and let you fry, Todd.”
 Todd: “With Delgado sitting by your side at the execution? I'm sure he'll love that.”
 Blair: “TOMAS didn't lie to me, Todd. YOU did! You made me believe that you were going to be at my side to help me through the hell I was going through about Tomas when YOU'RE the one who took him away! HE never lied about loving me!”
 Todd: “NEITHER DID I! And I got news for you, Blair, Tomas DID lie. He lied all the way around to you. Except about loving you, what guy wouldn't? But of all the crimes I've committed, Tomas has matched them and took over the race to first place! So you can go spitting your 'Saint Tomas' drivel all you want! It won't make him one!”
 Blair: “THEN TELL ME WHAT I NEED TO KNOW! You don't have much time here before the police come back here to put you back in jail, Todd. Start talking, so we can decide if you'll have an ally or an enemy when they get here!”
 (A long silence hangs between them. Todd softens and looks in her eyes, ready to quit stalling.)
 Todd: “You're right, Blair. I promise you, no more secrets. Please sit down.”
 (Blair complies.)
 Blair: (in a warning voice) “Ooookayy, Todd. No secrets.”
 Todd: (in a very serious tone) “Blair, I swear on my children lives, that I will be truthful.”
 Blair: “Todd, don't you...”
 Todd: “...I wouldn't ever use the children if I didn't mean what I said. No matter what else I've done, PLEASE don't say I ever did THAT!”
 Blair: (with remorse) “Sorry, Todd. Of course you never did that. Just please start talking.”
 Todd: “I want to start by telling you that I NEVER lied to you. When I came back, my hands and conscience were clean. My only agenda was to regain my life and make the people who did this to me pay.”
 Blair: (in a matter-of-fact  tone) “Like Victor?”
Todd: “Yes, in the beginning, Victor was on the hit list, but when I found out he was my BROTHER, the mission took a different course.”
 Blair: “Oh, bull, Todd! I was the one trying to stop you from running off to kill him the night you took Dorian's gun, remember?”
 Todd: “And you were also there when I tested clean for gunshot residue and came back to tell you that you got through to me. I still hated him, but that was because my own son hated me and called him “Dad”. And I felt that I had to unfairly fight for a life that was stolen from me. But I realized that I had to fight through that rage because killing that bastard would only put me on the crap list with my family. I decided to spare his miserable life and fight him in the board room instead. So, I DID NOT shoot him.”
 Blair: “Then why is there evidence against you that got you arrested for Victor's murder? And why did you go to such lengths to have Tomas held hostage and confess to Victor's murder?”
 (Todd scoffs sarcastically).
 Todd: “Oh, jeez, Blair! The answer to your first question is...This is the LLANVIEW PD we're talking about! They never get things right. And as for Tomas, he was just for fun.”
 Blair: “TODD!”
 Todd: “Okay, fine. I love you, Blair, and I never liked Toe-mas. I certainly didn't want him to be an obstacle, but more importantly, I wasn't going to let another dangerous psycho be my kids' STEPFATHER! EWW!”
 Blair: “Dangerous psycho? What do you mean?”
 Todd: “I'll get to that later, I promise. First, I need to clear this 'evidence' nonsense up.”
 Blair: “It's not NONSENSE, Todd! You're in jail. And so far, I haven't heard anything that tells me why you shouldn't be!”
 Todd: “When I left your house that night with the gun, I zeroed in on Victor's house. I was going to eliminate that bastard and make it easy on myself. I had no idea that I would have to deal with your voice in my head serving as a diversion the whole way, or that I would run into that kid..what's his name, Shane?”
 Blair: “Shane Morasco.”
 Todd: “Yeah, Shane Morasco. Well, I didn't foresee that he would be there. So, I  turned to leave, and then I felt a big pain in the back of my head, and the next thing I remember, I woke up near the docks. ”
 Blair: “The DOCKS? What were you doing there? No, scratch that question. You said you felt a big pain in the back of your head, and then you remembered waking up near the docks. Do you think someone hit you?”
 Todd: “I don't know, Blair.”
 Blair: “Well you need to try and remember, Todd. When you woke up, did you hear or see anything that can help you put this together?”
 (Todd pauses and closes his eyes to try to think.)
 Todd: “I had the gun in my hand, but I KNOW I didn't shoot Victor. So I brought the gun back to Louie and asked him to hide it again, while I tried to remember. I KNOW I didn't shoot Victor. I had given up on the idea after seeing Shane. I'm CERTAIN of that! But I wasn't going to tell anybody that and risk going to jail until I got to the bottom of things, so I kept it to myself and enjoyed whatever time with my old life I could get. Then I started getting visions of Irene, telling me that I shot Victor, and I started to panic and question myself. I didn't believe the visions, because I KNOW I did NOT shoot Victor. But Irene kept visiting me, and then I wasn't sure of myself. John tested me, and there was no evidence of me shooting Victor, but Irene kept telling me I did. Then Tomas started getting cocky about you, and I couldn't deal with THAT on top of everything else. I started trying to find a way to get him out of the way.”
 (He pauses. He appears to have thought of something.)
 Blair: “Did you remember something?”
 Todd: “Um...I remember that the men I hired to take Delgado approached ME with an offer to get rid of him...like they KNEW what he and I had discussed in private. And Tomas was very cool about being taken into captivity. I mean, he preached to me a little about the truth coming out in the end, but....he didn't seem to be too concerned about being locked away and being forced to confess. He didn't seem to be worried about it at all.”
 (Blair pauses to take in all of the information. She snaps out of her daze as she remembers something.)
 Blair: “Todd, you said that after you saw Shane at Victor's that night, you felt a pain in your head and then you were near the docks. Do you think someone hit you?”
 Todd: “I don't know. I don't remember what happened after seeing that Morasco kid.”
 Blair: “Well, you better start remembering SOMETHING, Todd. Téa bought you a short vacation from prison. Now, try and think back to that night.”
 (Todd closes his eyes to concentrate. The camera flashes to the images of the docks in his mind, and we hear overlapping male voices in a distance. He gasps, putting Blair on alert.)
 Blair: “What is it, Todd?”
 Todd: “I can hear voices.”
 Blair: “That's good. Do you remember anything about what they're saying?”
 (Todd concentrates harder. The voices are becoming a little clearer. We hear Victor and Baker in the distance.)
 Victor: (in the distance, weakly) “What the hell are you doing, Baker?”
 Baker: (in the distance) “Oh, settle down, Victor. You knew this was coming. Your mother warned you not to cross her!”
 Victor: “My bitch mother is dead! Let me go!”
 Baker: “She's dead, but our loyalty isn't. She was a shrewd woman who covered all her bases, Mr. Lord. Careful, now, you've been shot. You'll live, but too much movement cause too much damage before we get you back to The Center to fix you up.”
 Victor: “No, thanks. I'd rather die than use your medics. I don't trust you.”
 Baker: “Then maybe you'll trust him.” (footsteps in the distance.)
 Victor: “YOU?! YOU'RE in on this, Delgado? YOU shot me! I remember now.”
 Tomas: “No, Baker pulled the trigger, but I was there that night.”
 (Sounds of scuffling and grunts echo in the distance.)
 Victor: “I'm gonna kill you, and then I'm gonna let your sister know what you did! She'll hate your ass forever!”
 Tomas: “No, Victor. You'll never get the chance to ruin my sister's life again. Now she'll be able to move on with her life.”
(Todd opens his eyes, and Blair is anxious to be filled in.)
 Blair: “Todd, what is it?”
 Todd: “Baker shot Victor. And Tomas was there.......(He frowns in confusion.)...If what I'm remembering is accurate, then Victor is alive!”
  Blair: “WHAT?!”
 (The camera zooms in on Blair's shocked expression, then fades to black.)
 (Flash back to the precinct, Téa and John are trying to figure out how much to tell Nora.)
 Nora: “Well? Is someone going to fill me in?”
 John: “What do you want to know, Counselor?”
 Nora: “Don't be coy, Lieutenant. What are you and Téa hiding, and what does it have to do with Todd Manning?”
 (Another pause follows, and Téa gives John a permissive nod.)
 John: “We have reason to believe that the evidence against Todd Manning is no longer as concrete as it was when the arrest was made.”
 Nora: “Oookayyy...why not?”
 John: “For starters, new leads have emerged since the return of Tomas Delgado that leaves some questions unanswered.”
 Nora: “What kind of questions?”
 John: “Well, some of the questions are about little things..like why he got two mysterious phone calls during Manning's breakdown and waited until things got chaotic to make a clean break from the station.”
 Nora: “That sounds like a long stretch to connect Tomas to Victor's murder. Nothing about that is making my Spidey-sense tingle, John.”
  Téa: “There's more that started this suspicion before we even got here. While Tomas and I were awaiting news from John about whether or not he'd gotten to arrest Todd, Tomas was very calm....TOO calm! And when Blair and I made reference to the fact that Todd was finally going to pay for killing Victor AND holding him hostage, he reacted like a person that was about to do something WRONG, Nora. He was hesitant, like he wanted to say something.. but then he didn't. When I called him out on it, he diverted my attention with some lame explanation that he was staying calm for MY sake.”
 Nora: “Well, maybe he was! I'm still not getting any tingly feelings about your brother as a suspect, Counselor.”
 Téa: “Well, try to scratch that never-ending itch you have for Todd Manning just long enough to see the WHOLE picture here, Nora. I want the TRUTH about my husband's murder to be addressed! If Todd IS really Victor's murderer without a shadow of a doubt, I'll be the first one in line to flip the switch. But I will NOT, no I CAN not let any personal hatred for the man cloud justice for Victor.”
 Nora: “And I'm feeling a little insulted with the continuous implications that I'm doing just that, Téa! It's no secret that I despise Todd Manning, but I am the District Attorney, for pete's sake! I have to follow the evidence.”
 (John's fax beeps to inform them that an incoming transmission is in progress.)
 Téa: “Which is now sketchy and coincidental at best!”
 Nora: “Then SHOW me! Give me SOMETHING to look for in what you all have deemed is the RIGHT direction. Make me tingle!”
 John: “Will this qualify?”
 (The women turn to face John. He's waving a few sheets of paper from the fax in the air.)
 John: “Delgado's cell phone records. He's been making continuous calls to two specific numbers. One number registered to Agent Baker, the other to Allison Perkins. He received a call from each of those numbers at the exact times his phone rang here. He bolted out of here after the last call—from Allison's number—came through, it  was during Manning's yelling match, and he was terrified. He bolted out of here while we were dealing with Manning.”
 Nora: “I'm getting fuzzy, Lieutenant. What else you got?”
 John: “I had a couple of officers tail Delgado. He just met with Baker in the park, Allison Perkins's body was found dead in the bushes a few feet away from the playground. Baker walked Delgado to the location.”
 Nora: “NOW I'm tingling!”
 (John and Téa breathe a sigh of relief as the camera zooms in and fades to black.)
 (Flash over to a place somewhere in close proximity to the precinct. Louie had instructed Victor to duck down under the back seats and cover himself with the blankets. Louie's homeless bag serves as an extra disguise. Louie steps out of the car and pretends to fiddle with a rear window problem as he talks softly to Victor through the window.)
 Louie: “I am gonna go on inside and talk to that McBain. I will find out what's going on.”
 Victor: “You don't talk to anyone but McBain, and in private, you got it?”
 Louie: “I ain't survived this long because I was careless. I don't trust nobody else, either.”
 Victor: “Can you see anything?”
 Louie: (trying to see inside without getting caught) “I can see the Commissioner's wife and the lieutenant...there's someone else, a woman, but I can't make out who she is from here.”
 (Louie continues to strain to make out who's inside.)
 Victor: (in a fierce whispery tone.)“It doesn't matter who that other lady is. You need to get to McBain and find out what's going on with my brother. Are you LISTENING to me?”
 Louie: “Yes, Mr. Victor..but....”
 Victor: (still whispering) “But what, old man? Spit it out!”
 Louie: “I can see the other lady now. Uh..Mr. Victor....the other lady is your wife.....and, well...”
 Victor: (impatiently) “What?”
 Louie: “Um.. put that blanket on you and come see for yourself.”
 (Victor scrambles out from under the clutter and emerges wrapped under the blanket. Louie points to the window and Victor's eyes settle on his wife. His eyes widen in shock.)
 Victor: “Am I seeing that right? Téa's PREGNANT?”
 (The camera zooms out.)
 (Flash back to Llanfair...Dani  is filling Starr in on the phone) the police
 Starr: “Dani, I don't care what police are saying, Dani. Our dad did not kill Uncle Victor. He can get really crazy, I know, but he wouldn't have risked losing the family that was stolen from him for eight years by going BACK to jail. And he wouldn't take Sam's father away from him. He loves Sam, and Sam loves him, too. The only thing he did was ask me to help him break out of jail because our crazy grandmother told him she was going to kill his family, and Uncle Victor was one of the people who's life he SAVED by doing that! Llanview hates our dad, Dani. They'll jump at the chance to put him away. I'm going to jump on the next plane out to be by Dad's side.”
 Dani: “No, Starr. You'll mess up your opportunity out there in California. Just wait a little longer to see if this goes any further. If it gets more serious than this, I'll call you.”
 Starr: “Dani, I'm coming. Nobody will be there to really believe in him. Our mothers will start to doubt him if any evidence starts to sound convincing, and he needs someone unconditional by his side.”
 Dani: “Well, if it helps....I don't believe he did it, either.”
 Starr: “It does help...trust me. I'll call you back with the flight arrangements. Don't tell our mothers I'm coming just yet.”
 Dani: “Okay. I'll talk to you soon.”
 (They hang up. The doorbell rings and Dani answers the door. Nate and Matthew walk in and Dani rushes to hug Nate tightly.)
 Nate: “Hey, hey, hey, there! You okay, Dani?”
 Dani: “I'm soooo glad you're here. Hi, Matthew! How's Des and the baby?”
 Matthew: “They're both okay. Vivian just got them to the hospital to check them both out and do some tests. I came over as soon as I heard. Where's Uncle Clint?”
 Dani: “He's in there with Aunt Viki and Cousin Natalie. Where's Mr. Buchanan?”
 Matthew: “He went to the hospital with Roxy and Nigel and the Evans family. I'm going to meet them there after I see Uncle Clint and Aunt Viki.”
 Dani: “Aunt Viki is going to need all of the support she can get. Go in and see her.”
 (Matthew hugs Dani and goes inside.)
 Nate: “You look like you could use some support yourself.” (He reaches out to hug her. She clings to him tightly.)
 Dani: “You must be psychic. My brat brother went totally psycho on Sam, Aunt Viki is a bundle of nerves, Aunt Blair is a mess, and my mom just called me sounding like she's going to collapse. I wanted to go to the police station, but she ordered me to stay away because she said things were a little crazy over there. Starr is coming home, but she doesn't want me to tell anyone yet.”
 Nate: “So...what's your take on the situation? Do you think Mr. Manning did it?”
 Dani: “Not at all. I don't care what the police are saying. I don't think so at all. None of it makes any sense. I don't know my real dad that much, but I just know he didn't do this. Whoever it was is trying really hard to make it look like he did.”
 Nate: “Who would want to get your dad out of the way by framing him for your uncle's murder?”
 Dani: “I don't know, Nate..But whoever it is must have a lot at stake to try so hard to keep it quiet. And whatever that is, both of my dads must be the keys to exposing them, so they need to get rid of them.”
 Nate: “We have to think. Who do they both have in common?”
Dani: “The first person I can think of is my grandmother, but she's dead. There's Mom and Blair, but neither of them would want to kill Uncle Victor....”
 (Dani's voice trails off, confusing Nate.)
 Nate: “What is it, Dani?”
 Dani: “I sooooo don't wanna even go there, but....”
 Nate: “What?”
 Dani: “There is one other person who is connected to all of us, and has some shady history as well....my Uncle Tomas. He hates both of the brothers and he has personal beefs with both of them.”
 Nate: “But you said that the person would have something to hide that would make it necessary to get rid of the brothers. Do you think he has something to hide?”
 (Dani shrugs her shoulders as the camera fades to black.)
 (Flash back to Victor and Louie...Victor is overridden with different emotions after seeing his pregnant wife from the station window.)
 Victor: “I'm going to be a father! I...WOW! She's...I'm going to be a father, Louie!” (He laughs hysterically, and Louie chuckles with him.)
 Louie: “Congratulations, Mr. Victor.”
 Victor: (still laughing) “I hope I have a girl. Having had Dani and Starr was..WOO! I can't believe....” (His laughing abruptly stops.) “That son of a BITCH! He would do this to me, to his unborn niece or nephew..to his SISTER! OOOOOH, are they gonna PAY for this!”
 Louie: “Now, Mr. Victor, I know this is a tough situation, but you need to turn all
of that anger into a really good plan to get your life back.”
 (Victor pauses and stares at Louie as if he were burned.)
 Louie: (frowning) “Sum'n I said, Mr. Victor?”
 Victor: (snaps out of his daze) “You're damned right it was something you said! And I don't like you very much for it. You just made me understand what my brother was going through. Now I want to make Baker and Delgado pay for me, my family AND that idiot! Nice going, old man!”
 (Louie laughs, and Victor shoots a furious look in his direction.)
 Victor: “Ha, ha ha! Very damned funny. Look, I have a plan. Step One, anyway. Pay attention, and get this right.”
 (The camera zooms in and fades out.)
 (Flash back inside the station. Nora has left and Téa has gone to the restroom. John's cell phone rings.)
 John: “McBain. Yeah, where are you? I'll be there in fifteen minutes.”
 (He hangs up and dials a number.)
 John: “Téa? Yeah, I have to step out for a few minutes. Feel free to wait in the office until I get back. Ok, I'll see you when I return.”
 (He goes out into the main area of the station.)
 John: (to desk officer) “ I have to step out for a few minutes. Téa Delgado is in the restroom. Send her into my office to wait for me till I get back.”
 Desk Officer: “Okay, Lieutenant.”
 (John walks outside  to a hidden area a good distance away from the station.)
 John: (quietly, as he looks around) “Okay, I'm here. Come on out.”
 (There's a soft bristling of the hedges behind him. Louie emerges wearing an oversized hooded jacket, but he doesn't fully come out of the bushes.)
 Louie: (talking softly) Lieutenant, please don't turn around. I need to remain unseen for my own protection.”
 John: “Okay, Louie. What's going on?”
 Todd: “Mr. Todd didn't kill his brother. Mr. Victor was shot by some very bad people who worked for that Irene lady. That Delgado man is involved with them,  too. I saw when they took Mr. Victor away. And Mr. Victor is alive.”
 John: “Louie, what are you talking about? Victor Lord, Jr. was buried weeks ago.”
 Louie: “No, sir. He had a memorial service, not a funeral with a burial. He's alive, sir.”
 John: “Do you have any proof of this?”
 Louie: “Yessir, I do. I have it right here. I can't bring it out there, you have to meet me over at the employees' parking lot, by the dumpster, in five minutes. I can show you the proof there.”
 John: “Okay, Louie. I'll go around through the north exit and meet you there.”
 (The camera follows Louie back to where Victor has resumed his hiding spot in Louie's car. Louie stands against the driver side door and pretends to talk himself.)
 Louie: “All taken care of.”
 Victor: (whispering) “Good job.”
 (John arrives, and quickly slips into the shadows. He follows Louie's lead and slips into the front passenger seat after seeing Louie get inside the driver's seat.)
 John: “Alright, Louie, whatcha got for me?”
 Victor: “He's got me.”
 (Fade out.)
 (Flash back to St. Ann's. Blair is shocked by what Todd has revealed about Victor possibly being alive.)
 Blair: “Todd, that's impossible! We buried him.”
 Todd: “Did anyone verify a body in that coffin?”
 (Blair opens her mouth to say something, then stops).
Todd: “You know what? Even if there was a body in that coffin, my wack job of a mother would have found a way to steal it and hypnotize it back to life. That crazy bitch. More importantly, you need to know that Delgado is involved with Baker and was involved with Victor's shooting.”
 Blair: (strongly defensive) “That's A LIE, Todd! You would say anything to get him out of my life!”
 Todd: “True, but you'd say anything to keep him there because it's better than entertaining the possibility that I'm telling the truth...and, I AM telling the truth! I swear on my children.”
 (Blair cringes at the oath, but remains silent.)
 Todd: (sympathetically) “Look, Blair. I don't play fair when I want something, I admit that. But this is not a lie. Delgado is dangerous. It's becoming clear why he offered to take my place in Irene's shooting. It's why he felt 'indebted' to me. This wasn't about what happened to me eight years ago. He was trying to off my bastard twin because he wanted neither 'Todd' in Téa's life. Victor was struggling for dear life in my memory, and Tomas was calmly telling him that he would never get the chance to tell her anything about his involvement. As a matter of fact, those men who offered to 'help' me led me to Baker! THAT'S why Delgado was so calm when the men took him away! He was never really a captive in the first place.”
 Blair: (putting her fingers up to her temples) “Oh, my God! This is too much to process all at once.”
 Todd: “Well can you at least try to process that I'm being truthful?”
 Blair: “How can I? You lied for months about shooting your brother.”
 Todd: “When I told you I didn't do it, I was sure of it...and until those memories  of Irene, I didn't know I WAS lying, and now that I am getting my memory back, I KNOW I was telling the truth all along. No matter what else I've done, I told the truth about this.”
 (The camera fades out with Blair struggling to believe him.)
 (Flash back to Llanfair. The children have gone to bed, and Natalie prepares to give Viki John's message.)
 Natalie: “Jess, please do me a favor?”
 Jessica: “What is it, Natalie?”
 Natalie: “I need to talk to Mom and Dad about what John said. I promise to fill you in on everything  afterwards. But I need you to guard Jack, and make sure he doesn't pull a fast one and start eavesdropping. The last time he did that, he set up Uncle Todd for Uncle Victor's shooting. We don't need any obstacles in the investigation this time around.”
 Jessica: “Ah, gotcha. I'm on it.”
 (Jess runs upstairs and Natalie takes a deep breath before going inside to her parents. Viki has calmed down, and Clint has taken Matthew out into the yard.)
 Natalie: “Mom?”
 Viki: “Oh, hi sweetheart....are you okay? You look like you have something on your mind.”
 Natalie: “Well, yeah, I do. You.”
 Viki: “Oh, darling, don't fret. I'll be fine. I am just trying to wrap my head around Todd being arrested. I feel like a deer in headlights. I am battling what I know about my brother, the good, the bad and the ugly, and I can't come to a decision about whether or not I should trust him again.”
 Natalie: “Mom, you know you can't turn your back on your family. It's just not who you are. You always believe that the worst of people can change. Look at what you did with me, Aunt Tina and even Dad. But, maybe what I came to tell you can help you come to a decision more easily.”
 Viki: “What is it, darling?”
 Natalie: “John asked me to tell you this in private, and I have taken all precautionary measures to ensure that our little troublemaker is on lockdown until I do.”
 (Viki chuckles.)
 Viki: “Ah, I take it you're referring to Jack. Well, honey, he's suffering, too.”
 Natalie: “You see? That's what I mean about you. Okay, John told me to tell you not to be angry at Uncle Todd just yet. He wasn't able to say any more than that, but he said that the evidence they originally had is not so cut and dried anymore. He can't say more without jeopardizing himself and the investigation, but he wanted to give you some peace.”
 Viki: “Of course, he can't. Oh, thank God for that little bit of hope.”
 (She hugs Natalie as the camera flashes over to Jessica. She's just put Ryder back into his crib and she pretends not to see Jack trying to creep downstairs. Jack grins smugly, and quickly scurries past her to the top of the staircase.)
 Jessica: “Freeze, Mata Hari!”
 Natalie: (From the bottom of the steps) “That's okay, Jess. The coast is clear.”
 (The camera fades as Jack scowls once he spots both of his cousins and Viki on either end of the steps with their arms folded across their chest.)
 (Flash to the hospital...Destiny, Nigel and Roxy are watching the news. Baby Drew is in Destiny's arms.)
 Roxy: “This is the best case of 'siblet rivalring' out there, eh, Nige?”
 Nigel: (with a sickened expression on his face) “Er...uh..y-yes, Miss Roxy.”
 Destiny: “I don't buy it. I don't know Dani's real father, but none of this makes any sense. Who would blow their chances at getting back a family they've lost for eight years by going to jail for murder as soon as they got them back?”
 Roxy: “Oh, Des, you are so new. Todd Manning is as mean as a rattlesnake. He would off anyone that got in his way in the spit of an eye.”
 (Nigel cringes.)
 Destiny: “I know how the other Mr. Manning was, but even with their meanness, they both love their family. Starr grew up with the real Mr. Manning, and she confirmed that. Poor Dani, she must be going through a real hard time with all of this daddy drama.”
 Nigel: “Yes, poor girl. She has been told the wrong story about her identity twice before. I do hope she is okay.”
 (Flash back to Llanfair...Dani and Nate have gone out into the garden to talk more privately.)
 Nate: “Do you think your uncle is involved, Dani?”
 Danielle: “I don't know, Nate. I don't really know him, but he's the only logical piece in this puzzle, and he always seems to have some secret going on. He DID work for my psycho grandmother's organization, whatever that is, and he was involved with my real dad going missing in the first place eight years ago.”
 Nate: “What is you gut telling you?”
 Dani: “Something I don't want to accept because it would devastate my mom and my Aunt Blair.”
 Nate: “Do you want to do some private investigating?”
 Dani: “I don't...My mother can't take anymore. She's barely had time to grieve.”
 Nate: “Okay, Dani. If you change your mind, I'm in.”
 Dani: “I know...(she hugs him)...Thanks.”
 (The camera fades back to Louie's car. John is shocked.)
 Victor: “Well, are you ready to hear the details, or are you going to let the flies into that open cave your open mouth is making.”
 John: “Now I KNOW you're really alive. You're still a wise ass. Talk to me, Victor. Your brother's been charged with your murder, and he started having some sort of breakdown with paranoid delusions.”
 Victor: “As much as I'd like to roll over him with a tractor, he didn't kill me. He wasn't involved at all.”
 John: “Who was?”
Victor: “Baker, Allison Perkins, and that scum of the earth brother-in-law of mine.”
 John: “Tell me about what happened to you.”
 Victor: “Listen McBooger, I want to see my wife and my brother. I can't expose myself to the rest of the world just yet, but I owe it to my wife to remove her stress for our baby, and to free my brother from the hypnosis-injected visions our mother put in his head about shooting me. I may want to annihilate the bastard, but on my terms. Irene has ruined us both enough, and I want Baker eliminated. Tomas will die a slow, tormenting, living death. I want him to live while he's dead.”
 John: “I've had enough Manning arrests for one year, Vic. Don't need to see you occupying a cell, too. Keep your mouth shut about anything other than what happened to you.”
 Victor: (pausing, then apologetically) “Sorry, man. Really. I'm just...I am FURIOUS!”
 John: “I get it, man. Look, I am furious for you, and I don't like people messing with my investigations giving me false leads. I'll arrange for you to see your wife first. Let me prepare her slowly, because she's about to drop from all of the mental anguish she's been through since you..um 'died'. Louie, where can you go where you and Vic will remain unseen?”
 Victor: “Meet us at the church. In the back of the priests' quarters is a chapel that isn't being used anymore. It looks like the it's part of the landscaping of the church, but there's an entrance door built into the base of the water fountain no one knows about. You can slip in without being seen, and anyone watching wouldn't be suspicious. People kneel there to make a wish and throw coins in.”
 John: “How do I get in touch with you?”
 Louie: “Tell Mrs. Victor to make a wish when she gets there. We'll hear you from the grate in the fountain base and come out for you.”
 John: “Okay. I'd never thought I'd hear myself say this, but I'm glad you're alive, Vic.”
 Victor: “Hmph, I never thought I'd ever find myself wanting to HEAR you say it. Thanks, man.”
 (They shake hands and John heads back inside. After a good look around, the car leaves.)
 (Flash to Irene's Center...Baker and Tomas are strategizing.)
 Baker: “Where could Mr. Lord be, Tomas? Based on the amount of Ketamine he was given, he couldn't have walked that far.”
 Tomas: “Baker, it's possible that he's hiding in the woods or he's hitched a ride.”
 Baker: “He couldn't have hitched a ride, because my men have been watching the roads on camera since the moment he escaped. Not one vehicle stopped, even for a flat tire.”
 Tomas: “Then we need to search the flatlands, Baker. He's probably passed out from the drug.”
 Baker: “You seem a bit rattled, Mr. Delgado. Is there something you want to share?”
 Tomas: “I don't want to be here. Does that explain things?”
 Baker: “Participation remorse? Should I worry about you?”
 Tomas: “Not at all. I just don't like the insurance policy you have to ensure my participation. Never liked my hand being forced. That's why I left in the first place.”
 Baker: “And you went soft once you left. Irene was disappointed.”
 Tomas: (sarcastically) “My heart bleeds. Do you want me to out a search for Victor?”
 Baker: “Yes.”
 Tomas: “And if I find him?”
 Baker “First do no harm....unless you have to.”
 (Tomas nods in acknowledgment and heads out the door. Outside of the building, he pulls out his cell phone and dials a number.)
 Tomas: (to other party) “Hey! It's me. No, no, there's no problem. I'm just making my usual check-in call, that's all. (chuckles) Yeah, okay. I'll check in with you later, or tomorrow. Okay, take care. Yeah, me, too. Bye.”
 (He hangs up the phone and lets out a deep sigh.)
 Tomas: “Victor, where are you?”
 (The camera fades to the house of Nora and Bo. Bo is replacing a soiled bandage as Nora walks through the door.)
 Nora: “Hey! Are you alright?”
 Bo: “I'm fine, Red.” (He winces as the tape pulls his skin.) “I'm just following the doc's orders. The bullet wound is almost healed.”
 Nora: “Yeah? Well your facial expression looks like someone's taking a bite out of you.”
 Bo: “Yours looks like someone took a few slugs at YOU. What happened?”
 (Nora flings her briefcase on the couch and flops down in the available space next to it. She lets out a long sigh.)
 Bo “Uh-oh! THAT sounds big. Spill.”
 Nora: “I'm not sure what I can talk about with you, since you're no longer the police commissioner.”
 Bo: So tell me what you can as my wife.”
 Nora: “Ha! And have Kathleen Finn try to bury you even more as payback for being turned down? I think not. My goodness, baby, you must have been one hot stud back in the day to have some lady gunning for revenge a decade later.”
 Bo: (laughing) “Scout's Honor, Red, I did nothing to lead her on.”
 Nora: “Yes, you did. You walked into a room and gave her the chance to get a look at you. You're just irresistible, you hot hunk.”
 (They kiss, and she rests her head on his shoulder.)
 Bo: “Hey, hey. Ok, Red. Enough of the comic relief. Tell me what's going on, sweetheart.”
 Nora: “The most I can say is that I raced into John McBain's office, ready to officialize what I thought was a heap of indisputable evidence against Todd Manning for his brother's murder. But, somewhere in the time period between he made the arrest and I arrived at the station, the evidence had become questionable..both in John's eyes and Téa Delgado's. As a matter-of-fact, Téa was insinuating that I wasn't being objective because the suspect is Todd Manning. Can you believe that?”
 (Bo is silent, and Nora raises her head to look at him.)
 Nora: “Do you agree with them, Bo?”
 Bo: “Red, I....”
 Nora: “.....Oh my God, you DO!” (She steps away from him.)
 Bo: (winces as he moves to follow her) “Red, let me say this to you, and please listen to me, okay?”
 Nora: “I can't believe you would have ANYTHING to say, Bo!”
 Bo: “Red, Red! Please just listen, okay?”
 (Nora sits down defiantly.)
 Nora: “Okay, lay it on me.”
 Bo: “Red, you are the most justice-seeking person I know. You have a heart that is a deep as the Amazon River, and there's nothing you wouldn't do for those you love, and those that can't fight for themselves. AND you're a shark to boot!”
 Nora: “I sense a 'but' clause in there, Buchanan.”
 Bo: “But you just might be a bit biased with regards to Todd Manning. And honey, you have GOOD reason to be. Listen, I experienced a lot of that myself as the Commissioner of Police. Our titles don't eradicate our humanity, honey. He looks good for this crime, and the minute we get some evidence to help that image along, it's hard to sit back and wait for everything to be indisputable. I know. It doesn't take away from who you are, Red, nor does it minimize the awesome job you did in putting away the monsters that you have locked up. But you have to concede some things to human weakness sometimes.”
 Nora: “YOU have experienced Manning bias?”
 Bo: “How COULDN'T I? He's hurt my wife, my niece, Viki, and countless other beloved people in my life. Being the Commissioner only forces my hand in balancing those feelings, not eradicating them. We're not robots, Red. Plenty of times I've had to hand the reigns over to McBain to keep things objective.”
 (Nora looks at Bo thoughtfully, and a pauses lengthily.)
 Nora: “Téa thinks I should recuse myself from prosecuting this case. Bo, gie me your honest opinion, and please don't water it down. Do you think I should?”
 Bo: “Well...honey, I would if I were in that position. Not because you aren't capable of separating your personal gripes against Manning from your ethics, but because if the evidence DOES turn out to be indisputable, then there would be NOTHING that Manning could use to find a loophole and appeal a conviction. You have way too many loose connections to the perp in this case. If he did carry out this injustice against his brother, he should be locked up unquestionably. The fiery district attorney I know would want that no matter what.”
 Nora: “You keep saying 'if' Todd did it. Do you have doubts?”
 Bo: “I can't say either way, but I CAN say that it stands to reason that if Victor's WIFE, AND John McBain collectively doubt the evidence, then we owe it to the taxpayers and the victims to take as much time as we need to get to the bottom of things.”
 (A brief silence hangs in the air.)
 Nora: “You play dirty, Stud. No wonder Finn is gunning for you so hard!”
 Bo: “Well, she can come at me with both barrels blazing, because I only have eyes for a certain redhead, and she'll never get this.”
 (Nora giggles as Bo kneels before and starts to kiss her on the neck. The camera fades to black.)
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