#/ but hey he trashes e.ndeavor at the end there so like ... aksnfblfkvnb
ofdetonation · 2 years
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@knightinsourarmor​​  inquired :      “ What do you mean, Santa isn't real? ” ( from Shoto :) )      ╱      unprompted.
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❝    y’seriously dunno ?    ❞
what was it that deku was going on about ?     don’t ruin christmas for shouto ?     well,   now that he’s gone and mentioned that santa’s not even a real person,   there’s not really any other way to go but down.     oh well.     someone  would’ve broken the illusion eventually.
better it’s from him.     at least shouto should know he’s being honest.
❝    santa’s just a  kids  story.     there ain’t such a thing as santa ‘cause it’s yer parents that put th’presents under the tree ‘n decorate ‘n all that.    ❞     he shrugs.     ❝    or friends.     depends who y’celebrate with.     why d’ya think everyone’s rushin’ about tryin’ to get shit from malls ‘n that,   huh ?     hell,   i can tell ya i caught my ma once breakin’ a carrot in half ‘n givin’ th’other half to her shiba,   adzuki,   when i was ...     five  or somethin’.    ❞
okay,   she explained her way out of  that  one at the time,   but still.     katsuki’s illusion of christmas was shaken that day.
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❝    if it makes y’feel better,   at least y’know it ain’t santa ignorin’ you.    ❞     katsuki is sure that if santa  was  actually real,   shouto would’ve gotten plenty of presents to make up for the hell he’s been through.     probably.     ❝    just yer stinky old man.    ❞
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