#/ darkness incarnate / ( lupin introspection )
endlss-voiid · 1 month
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He can play the violin and the piano.
He is ambidextrous and has photographic memory.
He is highly allergic to nuts.
His favorite pair of shoes are knee-high leather boots.
He is always seen wearing two rings on his left hand.
He has multiple tattoos on his body.
He enjoys doing word searches and puzzles in his spare time. 
He is capable of hacking into any system.
He loves exploring graveyards.
He is a practicing witch.
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nitrateglow · 4 years
Favorite opening titles/sequences?
Oh damn, there are so many. In general, I think the best movie openings set up the tone of the story to come and the cleverest ones subtly hint at the movie’s themes. Daniel Thomas MacInnes put it best:
While many movies treat a title and credit sequence as an afterthought, or perhaps a necessary distraction from the film, a good filmmaker knows how to integrate it into the film, so that it has a dramatic power. By placing a sequence of events on-screen while the credits roll, you are placing an emphasis on them. You are highlighting them, focusing attenion upon them. This can prove highly effective for the story you want to tell, and it's underlying themes.
Here are some openings from my favorite movies which I believe possess such dramatic power.
The Red Shoes
On one hand, this opening is very much of the old-style title sequence: a simple set of cards listing the major players in the production. However, the music and use of colored illustrations in these images set the tone for the movie to come so well, something beautiful and emotional. You get the sense that you’re being beckoned into a fairy tale world, much like the classic Disney films which begin with a live-action book opening, introducing the characters and their universe as illustrations. The Red Shoes toes the line between realism and fantasy, especially in its most famous ballet sequences, so this is such a perfect way to open the movie.
A Christmas Carol 1951
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Once again, this is nothing flashy, but the music is EVERYTHING, setting the tone well. We’re introduced to this version of the Dickens classic, not with some sweet jingle bell harmony, but with a loud, sinister brass section that sounds like it belongs in a horror movie. Then, just as suddenly, we hear “Hark the Herald, Angels Sing” in a jubilant register… and then right before the movie starts, the music jumps back to the malevolent motif. It’s such a great way of getting the audience in the right frame of mind, reminding us this is both a ghost story and a tale of Christmas redemption.
Blast of Silence
Blast of Silence opens with darkness, then the sound of the hero’s birth— his mother’s dying groans, his own weeping and screaming—over a train barreling through a tunnel. Accompanying this is the film’s (in)famous second-person narration, with the gravel-voiced, street-wise, and sardonic Lionel Stander illustrating the protagonist’s anger and cynicism right away (“You were born with the hate and anger built in!”). Then light breaks through and we realize the camera is on the front of a train just coming into the light. It’s a brilliant opening, setting up the story’s noir vibe and evoking a strange sense of determinism in how it suggests Frankie Bono’s tragic end was destined from the beginning of his life… much like a train on the tracks.
Wait Until Dark
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Both the pre-credits scene and the titles sequence are brilliant. The first image of the film is itself disconcerting: an expanse of red cloth, suddenly cut open with a knife before we even learn we’re looking at a doll—and already, the film is setting up its sense of imminent brutality, coupled with the dissonant dread evoked by Henry Mancini’s wonderful score and the editing itself. The interaction between Lisa and old Louis is also a subtle way of setting up the deceptive games the characters play out, with Louis wishing Lisa luck one minute, then calling up the psychopathic Roat to rat her out as she drives away with the intent on betraying her partners-in-crime. The airport scenes continue establishing the themes of dread, betrayal, and mystery, especially with Mancini’s creepy music making us aware Lisa’s drug trafficking enterprise will not end well, long before even she is aware of that.
Horus Prince of the Sun
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Best cold opening ever. Horus is a movie that deserves to be listed with the great, history-changing films of the late 1960s: it is every bit as rebellious as something like The Graduate, only it had a greater restriction to overcome: the idea that animation is all kids’ stuff destined to imprisonment within the Disney mold. Rather than opening with the titles or a cute storybook, Horus starts with a barren landscape. And then we see a boy running for his life from a pack of snarling wolves that are not anthropomorphized or made cute in any conceivable fashion. The opening consists largely of our hero Horus fighting these wolves in a violent, harsh fashion, telling the audience right away this won’t be your usual kiddie musical. No music accompanies the images at all, granting the sequence a sense of gritty realism one would expect from a crime drama of the period, not a fantasy film.
A Clockwork Orange
I have always found the opening titles of A Clockwork Orange so striking, even before we get to Alex staring us down in chilling close-up. The way the titles are just set against plain colors that alternate between the cuts—they suggest the flipping of switches on a machine or computer (foreshadowing Alex’s “cure” perhaps?). Wendy Carlos’s electronic score further establishes such a mental connection: the sound is inhuman and sinister, planting dread in your guttiwuts before Alex even appears. And when he does, is that not just one of the best introductions to a character ever? That smirk alone says so much—Alex is evil incarnate, but there’s a boyishness which makes it compelling.
The Castle of Cagliostro
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I’ve often gone over why I love this movie’s opening (I even made a post about the pre-credits sequence: https://nitrateglow.tumblr.com/post/184327179573/the-castle-of-cagliostro-scene-analysis-the), but I’ll say it again: the pre-credits scene sets up Cagliostro’s playful side, with Lupin and Jigen defying physics in Looney Tunes fashion as they rob a casino, and the titles sequence establishes the film’s more introspective, melancholy qualities, with a gentle love ballad accompanying the thieves’ journey to Cagliostro. I adore this movie so much because it balances all of these elements with elegance, putting real soul into what is essentially a fun caper adventure.
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
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Nausicaa’s cold opening reminds me a lot of Horus’s in that it throws the audience right into a desolate, dangerous world. Yupa finds a village where all the inhabitants have died from the polluted landscape, and the images are somber and despairing. We learn right away this is a world where death can take you at any moment and where human survival is becoming less likely. And yet, right after this scene, we cut to the credits, a series of tapestry images depicting a messiah rushing in a renewed world, accompanied by Joe Hisaishi’s gorgeous main theme, which can only be described as cautious, tragic optimism incarnate. Nausicaa is a movie which ultimately ends on such a note, though it does not shy away from despair and feelings of hopelessness, making it a rich emotional experience—and this is all forecasted from the film’s opening.
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endlss-voiid · 1 month
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favorite tea: Orange pekoe favorite coffee: Toffee latte favorite sweet snack: Chocolate filled Churros favorite savory snack: Cheese puffs favorite flower:  Black Dahlias favorite color(s): Black, purple. favorite fruit: Blackberries favorite vegetable: Pumpkin favorite season: Fall favorite time of day:  Dusk favorite kind of weather: Thunderstorms, foggy weather. love language(s) to give: Lending a ear, touch, advice love language(s) to receive:  Physical touch, such as someone running their fingers through his hair, and words of affirmation. specific niche love language:  Going to an art gallery or museum and viewing the exhibition on display, sharing chips while sitting on a bench in the middle of the night in a park.  favorite hobbies: Looking at art, bird watching, woodcarving, and painting on canvas.  favorite book(s): The Shining by Stephen King and Anne Rice's The Vampire Chronicles. He has a large collection of audio vampire novels on his phone. favorite movie(s): 1950's horror movies favorite song(s): Headlong by Queen, Nothing else matters by Metallica, Bitter taste by Billy Idol. favorite musician: He is unable to pick his favorite musician there is just to many for him to choose. favorite animal(s): Rats, snakes, foxes and crows. favorite insect: Black widow spider favorite terrain: Forests
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endlss-voiid · 1 month
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The strong willed Your soul has touched darkness and so you learned to wrap yourself within it. You felt fear and decided you would never let it control you again. You're not always all sharp edges and cool stares, but you refuse to be prey again. You turned your teeth into fangs so you would be the one to bite. You learned to growl louder than all the predators who stole your innocence. It may seem like you don't care, sometimes you try to pretend you don't, but i see the way you sharpen your knives when the ones you care about are hurting.
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TAGGED BY. No one. TAGGING. @destincd @delrcy @baby-royalty @mrchare @calcifydamage (Ana) @bansheas @frostise @red-hemlock @fiirstnephalem @apurekindness @firebirby @malka-lisitsa and anyone else who wants to participate in this.
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endlss-voiid · 5 days
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🕳️Lupin shadow never appears human. It is always in the shape of a giant, nine tailed fox.
🕳️He has shadowy minions that resemble rats, bats, and faceless goblin-like creatures with giant bat wings. They protect him when he is severely injured or unconscious.
🕳️His favorite fruits are blackberries and blood oranges.
🕳️He prefers chaos to order and hates following orders.
🕳️He is highly skilled at lock-picking, computer hacking, intimidation, botany, drawing, and taxidermy.
🕳️Lupin has undiagnosed autism and antisocial personality disorder .
🕳️He can be both erratic and closed off, which can make him highly unpredictable.
🕳️He remembers things in graphic detail and never forgets a person who has wronged him in some way.
🕳️He knows a lot of information about plants and flowers, mainly the poisonous variety.
🕳️He is a firm believer in extraterrestrial life.
🕳️He is fascinated by space.
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endlss-voiid · 7 days
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MOROS AND DEMETER Oh, sweet child of doom and harvest! Your father is the hateful driver of fate, and your mother the sacred watcher of life and death. A life of greatness stands before you dictated by angst, restlessness, and change. No man can tell you what realm you preside over, but look to themes of burial sites and unmarked graves as you grow into your power.
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TAGGED BY. No one. TAGGING. @frostise @painmon @luposcainus @hellcrowncd @unwaivering @ofsdecay @ordinariums (15) @ofsdecay @mrchare @heirofhermes and anyone else who wants to participate in this.
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endlss-voiid · 9 days
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01. EYES
avoids eye contact when nervous, maintains eye contact when nervous, avoids eye contact due to being neurodivergent, enjoys eye contact as a means to read and convey emotion, looks down when emotional, looks up when emotional, cries openly, wipes tears quickly, suppresses tears, wandering gaze when lost in thought, holds gaze while thinking, seeks out eye contact for reassurance, seeks out eye contact to gauge enthusiasm during conversations, eyes move constantly during conversation, expressive eyes, emotions only evident through eyes, uses eye contact to intimidate, looks up while thinking, looks down while thinking
clasps behind back, rests in lap, fidgets with clothes. twiddles thumbs, chews at nails/skin, pushes back cuticles, draws patterns on table/counter surfaces. animated gestures while speaking, only gestures to emphasize, utilizes sign language, speaks only through sign. callouses, scars, smooth, wrinkled, worn, soft, delicate, boney, slender, thick, veiny. touches others while speaking, reaches out while laughing, reaches out to comfort others, reaches out to seek comfort. places face in hands when exasperated, places face in hands when exhausted, places palms over eyes to hide when overwhelmed, rests chin in hands, taps fingers when impatient, taps fingers when nervous, taps fingers while thinking, scratches scalp, strokes chin, rubs back of head, toys with objects around them, runs fingers over surfaces while walking by
chews lip, chews at inside of cheek, licks lips, bites tongue, chews on straws. resting frown, resting smile, neutral resting expression, resting pout. grinds teeth, flexes jaw. covers mouth when laughing, covers mouth when shocked, covers mouth when concerned, hands to lips while thinking, covers mouth when chewing, chews with mouth closed, chews with mouth open. smirks, grins, subtle smile, wide smiles, sad smiles, intimidating smiles, menacing grins. openly smiles, tries to suppress smiles, bares teeth when angry, lips quiver when emotional. stutters, speaks quickly, speaks slowly, good pronunciation, poor pronunciation, moderate pronunciation. purses lips, sucks in lips, holds mouth open when shocked or confused
04. LEGS
bounces leg when nervous. draws knees to chest when sitting, draws knees to chest as a means of comfort, sits on knees, sits with legs crisscrossed, sits with legs spread open in chairs, crosses legs when sitting in chairs, sits with one leg folded under the other. places feet on furniture, never places feet on furniture, sits on counters, sits on desks, sits on tables, sits on edge of seat, sits hunched over with forearms on knees, arches one knee up, sits on the arm of chairs/couches, feet on dashboard, swings legs back and forth when sitting somewhere elevated. wiggles toes when nervous, wiggles toes as a general tick. shuffles feet, kicks foot into ground, stomps feet. loud footsteps, quiet footsteps, silent footsteps
05. HAIR
runs fingers through hair, tugs at hair, picks at scalp, chews on hair, twists locks of hair while thinking or nervous, smooths out locks of hair while thinking or nervous, prefers hair out of face, prefers long hair, prefers short hair, wears hair back, keeps hair down, smooths back hair, plays with other’s hair while talking, plays with own hair while talking, strokes hair to comfort others, likes having hair stroked for their own comfort, braids other's hair while talking, braids own hair while talking, flips hair out of face, pushes hair out of face, leaves hair alone even when falling into face
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TAGGED BY. STOLEN FROM. @frostise TAGGING. Anyone who sees this.
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endlss-voiid · 14 days
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endlss-voiid · 16 days
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· ¨ ┅ ✦ .    dash games ;   SHAKESPEARE  AESTHETICS :
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ROMEO & JULIET: suburban july. scraped knees. bruised knuckles. blood in your teeth. bare feet on hot concrete. restlessness. your high school’s empty parking lot. love poems in your diary. a window open to coax in the breeze. burning inside. an ill - fitting party dress. a t - shirt you cut up yourself. the time you tried to give yourself bangs. biking to your friends house. bubble gum. gas station ice. the feeling that you’ve met before. rebellion. a car radio playing down the street. cheap fireworks. a heart drawn on the inside of your wrist with a sharpie. switchblades. red solo cups. dancing in your bedroom. screaming yourself hoarse. running out of options. the forlorn looking basketball hoop at the end of a cul - de - sac. climbing onto your roof at night while your parents are asleep. flip - flops. a eulogy written on loose - leaf. the merciless noontime sun.
HAMLET:   speaking in a whisper. holding your breath. a browning garden. a half remembered story. furniture covered with sheets. fog at dawn, mist at twilight. losing touch.the ethereal space between winter and spring. the soft skin at your temple. the crack in the hallway mirror. things you’d say if you knew the words. uncombed hair. books with writing in the margins. books with cracked spines. books with lines scratched out. prayers on all souls’ day. a chipped ceramic bathtub. a cold stone floor. the uncomfortable awareness of your own heartbeat. the sparrow that got in your house. shadows. the creek you played in as a child. a dirty night gown. an oversized t - shirt. a collection of your favorite words. soil beneath your nails. ghost stories. the strangeness of your own name in your mouth. deep silence. exhaustion. a cliff with a long, long drop down.
TWELFTH NIGHT:   wicker deck furniture. new england summer. large sunglasses and a blonde bob. a storm over the ocean. patio umbrellas. flapping in the wind. the smell of chlorine. muffled laughter. sarcasm. starched cuffs. day drinking. bay windows. the idea of love. love for the idea of love. love for love’s sake. hangovers. wandering over the sand dunes. a vagabond with a guitar. fishermen with tattoos. a pretty boy with a slacked tie. a lighthouse. growing too close. boat shoes. feeling yourself change. big, floppy sunhats. double - speak. a song you keep listening to. turning red under their gaze. margaritas drank on an inflatable pool lounger. string lights on a balmy night. sleepy june days. fights you’re unprepared for. hope you weren’t expecting. pranks that go too far. bad poetry. pining. becoming less of a stranger.
MACBETH:     the  space  where  your  grief  used  to  be. a  bird  that’s  lost  an  eye.  old  blood  stains. heavy  blinds.  the  smell  of  sweat. the  stillness  after  a  battle.  a  fake  smile.  a  curse. the  taste  of  metal  at  the  back  of  your  tongue.  your  house,  unfamiliar  in  the  dark.  a  dusty  crib.    the  smell  of  sulfur.  an  orange  pill  bottle.   streaks  in  the  sink.   a  black  cocktail  dress.   your  hand  on  the  doorknob,  shaking.   a  chilly  breeze.   crunching  from  the  gravel  driveway  on  a  moonless  night. clenched  hands.  a  rusty  swing  set.   a  flashing  digital  clock  stuck  on  12 : 00.   a  snake  that  crosses  your  path. an  owl  that  watches  you.  a  dog  that  runs  when  you  approach.   red  smoke,  dark  clouds.   cool  steel.  tile  floors.  footsteps  in  the  hallway  late  at  night.   a  baggy  suit  that  used  to  fit  before.   visions.   insomnia  headaches.  nursery  rhymes.  being  too  far  in  to  go  back  now.
MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING:     cement block buildings. power lines that birds never perch on. the end of the world. useless words. rainless thunder, heat lighting, a too big sky. arthritic knuckles. broken glass. chalk cliffs. the pulsing red - black behind closed eyes. something you learned too late. wet mud that sucks up your shoes while you walk. a cold stare. empty picture frames. empty prayers. the obscenity of seeing your parents cry. a treeless landscape. bloody rags. grappling in the dark with reaching hands. the sharpness at the the tips of your teeth. the blown out windows of a skeletal house. decay. jokes that aren’t jokes. biting your tongue. prophecies. aching muscles, tired feet. stinging rain. invoking the gods. wondering if the gods are listening. worrying that the gods are dead. white noise. shivers. numbness. the unequivocal feeling of ending.
A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM:     the smell of wet soil and dead leaves. listening to music on headphones with your eyes closed. wildflowers. the distant sparkle of lightning bugs. a pill someone slipped you. fear that turns into excitement. excitement that turns to frenzy. mossy tree trunks. a pair of yellow eyes in the darkness. night swimming. moonlight through the leaves. a bass beat in your chest. a butterfly landing on your nose. a kiss from a stranger. a dark hallow in an old tree. glow in the dark paint. drinking on an empty stomach. a twig breaking behind you. spinning until you’re dizzy. finding glitter on your body and not remembering where it came from. an overgrown path through the woods. cool dew on your skin. a dream that fades with waking. moths drawn to the light. giving yourself over, completely. afterglow. the long, loving, velvety night.
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TAGGED BY: No one. TAGGING: Anyone who sees this.
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endlss-voiid · 18 days
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THE SPARROW The Sparrow is the quickest of the signs, flitting between the dangers of the forest floors and the glory of the treetops with a gleam that borders sometimes on anxious, sometimes on reckless, and forever free. Despite their love of laughter, those under the sign of the Sparrow tend to be independent to the point of accidental isolation; they crave connection, but tend to fly away at both distraction and danger of the love that comes too close to their own heart. To become close to the Sparrow must be a process of solid steadiness without the feeling of weight. A Sparrow never allows another to clip their wings. Their keen sense of observation can make the people they love feel known, and the sparrow wishes that the same eye could be turned upon them-- they both crave and flee from attention, never landing for too long where shadows might grow. Sparrows are natural scouts, exploring their worlds with an honest eagerness that sometimes pushes into obsession. They tend to keep their eyes moving-- first towards the woods, then towards the clouds, but always, always, back to the horizon; the Sparrow is a creature of the future. They long for a thousand futures all at once, but struggles with committing to a path.
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TAGGED BY. STOLEN FROM. @frostise TAGGING. @heirofhermes @goldrisen @painmon @devilscheck @mrchare @miercolaes @kingofthewebxxx and anyone else who wants to participate in this.
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endlss-voiid · 26 days
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/ Billy Idol / Alice Cooper / Meat loaf / Miley Cyrus / Billy Ellish / Taylor Swift / Halsey / Avril lavigne
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My Chemical romance / Linkin Park / Nirvana / Queen / Korn /Sex pistols / Maneskin / Black veil brides / Bastielle / Muse / Three days grace / Grandson / Disturbed /
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Umbrella academy / Supernatural / Adams family movies and TV shows / The sandman / Constantine / Lucifer / Good omens / Dead boy detectives / Buffy the vampire slayer / Sabrina / Doctor who / Stranger things/ Coraline / Corpse bride / Sleepy hollow / Dracula / Beetlejuice / Interview with a vampire / Edward scissorhands /
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The void (Marvel)/ Five Hargreeves (Umbrella academy) / Armand (Vampire chronicles) / Kaz Brekker (shadows and bone) / Kylo Ren ( Star wars) / Merrin (Star Wars) / Dream of the endless (sandman) / Jason Todd (DC comics) / Raven (DC comics) / Wednesday (Addams family ) / Hel (Norse mythology) / Morrigan / (dragon age) / Scar (Disney)/ Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto) / Vincent valentine (final fantasy 7) Hades (Greek mythology) Nyx (Greek mythology) Ardyn (Final fantasy 15)
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Zodiac killer / Jack the ripper / H.H Holmes.
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TAGGED BY. @miercolaes (<3) TAGGING. @mrchare @bandersnch @painmon @heirofhermes and anyone else who wants to participate in this.
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endlss-voiid · 27 days
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at the moment, you want . . .
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TO REALIZE. It's been hazy for a while, the fog only thickening. Sometimes, it feels as though nothing has ever made sense. You're stuck, and often, you can't figure out yourself. you hope to understand yourself, but yourself feels out of reach, behind a locked door. maybe, This locked door has already been opened, and you've yet to process the contents. or maybe, you're still figuring out how to unlock it. Perhaps the key is buried deep beneath the dirt of the earth, far in your skin, deep in your brain and your heart. Surely, you can feel it if you try. Don't whisk away this feeling, the need to realize. Let yourself discover, let yourself come to a realization. It's a step forward, think of it as so. Are you aware?
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TAGGED BY. No one. TAGGING. @sacrlegius @miercolaes @malka-lisitsa @wavrlynatural @painmon and anyone who wants to participate in this.
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endlss-voiid · 1 month
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RULES: bold whatever applies to your character.
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BROTHERS KARAMAZOV :  orthodox monasteries , deep woods , starry nights , the sound of paper being torn , dimly lit rooms , withered roses , an unfinished letter , piles of books , the sound of shattering glass , ticking of clocks in a silent house , heavy wooden furniture , the air before a storm , the smell of earth , a crowd of people dressed in black , distant murmurs , emptied streets , the fear of walking alone in dusk.
CRIME AND PUNISHMENT: coldness of the skin against a blade , slender pale fingers  &  slightly shaking hands , a red stain blooming on white fabric , lonely steps in a corridor ,  the slow dripping of water  , looking out of the window into the thickening darkness , a single dying candle on the table  , listening to one’s breath  &  counting heartbeats ,  too many stairs  , the desire to be invisible  , a subtle memory of kind words.
THE IDIOT : classical statues , wealth covered with dust , a dark house tainted with inherited madness , an unsettling feeling , long walks in a park , useless chatter , a silken ribbon forgotten on a bench , a melancholic face , an unexpected spring rain , the joy of reading one’s favorite book , the clarity of mind after fully perceiving the world around , looking at cloudless sky.
ANNA KARENINA : fields of crops , flowers brought from an early morning walk , the wind caressing a girl’s hair , a bowl of fruit , the smell of ripe pears , the clatter of a spoon against porcelain when stirring tea , children’s laughter coming from the garden , soft sunlight & white curtains , the sensation of velvet against skin , pearls from a ripped necklace spilling on marble floor , a sudden silence in a room full of people.
WAR AND PEACE : a glass of wine , the brightness of a crystal chandelier , white lace , a raging snowstorm , the sound of a door being gently closed , the moment of holding one’s breath before walking in a ballroom , indulging in looking at a beautiful earring against light , closing one’s eyes for a moment while dancing , the sweet smell of strawberries , a pair of gloves left on an armchair , light scent of powder.
THE MASTER AND MARGARITA : the chaos of a lively city , ambient jazz in an expensive restaurants , jumping on a moving tram , the sight of moscow from the roof of a house , yellow flowers in a vase , leaning out of the window , shelves stacked with books , a small tin box with old photographs , strange shapes in the night sky , laughing in the middle of the night on a balcony , colorful posters for a surreptitious magician’s show floating in the wind.
EUGENE ONEGIN : a lonely mansion , reading a book in the parlour , faint piano melody lingering in falling silence , long evenings , passing seasons , discussing french novels of the moment , unspoken thoughts , leaning against the door frame , quickly averted glance , eating a peach absent-minded , bright mornings , footprints in snow , a loud gun-shot terrifying a flock of birds nearby.
FATHERS AND SONS : birch groves , morning mist , moss-covered stones near a moor , scientific books , white roses , cheap champagne , shabby pocket - watch , light - hearted irony , a maladroit cello sonata , freshly mowed grass , letting thoughts come & go , a slow yawn , picturesque plates & bowls filled with traditional dishes , drinking tea on the porch.
DOCTOR ZHIVAGO : a strange feeling of loss , writing poems in a diary , traveling by train , the hesitation before touching someone’s hand , the gaze of one lost in thought , the warmth of cinnamon , a scarf brightly embellished with flowers , a glass of water , a threadbare jacket , the tempting void , the evanescent serenity of yesterday.
CHERRY ORCHARD : a lone chair in an empty room , falling blossoms , old samovar , the unsettling need for change , a mirror reflecting full moon , the disappointment of a glossy object turning worthless after second glance , a piano out of tune.
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endlss-voiid · 1 month
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YOUR HEART You have loved, and been hurt. Your heart is tired, but cannot grow calloused...
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TAGGED BY. @frostise TAGGING. @bandersnch @mrchare @painmon @thecrypt (Anakin) @bettermonster @beastbitten @cheekypriest and anyone else who wants to do this.
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endlss-voiid · 1 month
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which chess piece are you?
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THE BLACK ROOK You are the Black Rook. As a piece that can move inwards and outwards, you're a master of self-reflection. Being the black piece, you hide an inner beast within you. Perhaps you're one to rush headfirst into trouble, was it for a friend's sake? Or your own? Are you the overprotective type? Did you know your grip was that tight around someone's neck? For all your protectiveness and deliberate planning, you can't wash the blood off your hands that easily.
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TAGGED BY. @painmon ( <3) TAGGING. @mrchare @bettermonster @chaoticwithin @pwrnatural @kingofthewebxxx @kostenkos @wickedslip @wavrlynatural @itscrawl @carnivorare and anyone else who sees this.
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endlss-voiid · 2 months
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YOUR HEART BELONGS TO THE STARS. You are lost in thought. You dwell on the workings of the world, you observe your feelings with an air of silence. You are contemplative in nature, and find yourself pausing before taking action. You have the gift to recognize the world for the beauty it holds in the quiet moments.It's okay to take your time doing things, your soul has been here from the beginning and will remain until the end. You have all the time in the world.
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TAGGED BY. No one. TAGGING. @peacereflected (Desire) @painmon @malka-lisitsa @angelicfoole @blackwccds @heirofhermes @sookiestackhcuse @alwaysaweapon @bloodsalted @frostise @handgiven @halfaghst @studsalvatore and anyone else who wants to participate in this.
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