#/ imagine if just one ( 1 ) touch can make someone fatally addicted; what would a drop of their blood do
caemthe · 1 month
Fae Feasts.º
Unlike humans and all creatures of this world, they don't need to eat to stay alive. Everything they need to survive is in the mana from the air, the greenery, the bodies of water, the Otherworld, they don't need anything else. But the fae still eat, for pleasure, out of boredom, curiosity, to get closer to humans, who knows. Because they eat, they also hold feasts. And what feasts they are. The most delicious food you'll ever eat, the most you ever danced, the most fun you ever had, you'll experience it in a fae feast.
It's unlikely but not impossible to come across a feast held by the good folk. The fae abide to the rules of hospitality, so any human who wanders to one of their festivals or feasts is more than welcome to participate in them and enjoy themselves to the fullest. All should be fine as long as you're careful with what you say and do, right? Unfortunately, it's not as simple as that.
It’s so easy to lose track of time when you’re having fun, and time in the Otherworld doesn't work the same as in this world. Some who are taken in the world of the good folk never return, while others return far too late. A month in the Otherworld can be a day in this world, just like three years in the Otherworld can be three hundred years in this world. The human body will naturally apart the moment you return to this world if too much time has passed.
But just because you returned from the Otherworld in time doesn't mean you're safe. The food served at these feasts is the most delicious you'll ever eat, but no one is sure why that is. Maybe it’s because they had an eternity to perfect their recipes and ingredients for them. Or maybe it's just something simpler than that, and they simply don’t follow the rules of this world. Some say that it's actually because they have a little bit of fae blood in them, granting the dishes the same addictive qualities as the fae. You get to taste all you ever wanted, all your needs are met with a single bite, you get your fill of 'true' happiness and every bite is as delicious as the first one.
What matters is that eating their food will cause you to go crazy or starve to death because you will lose taste for all regular food. Nothing will ever compare to the food you enjoyed there, the music you listened there, the dancing and fun you had there. You've become a husk of your former self, wasting away or going deep into the forest, hoping to come across another fae feast. But it'll never happen, it's a once in-a-lifetime experience only.
Of course, that doesn't mean all food given by the good folk will doom you. If a gift is given in reciprocity, if it is paid (though they'll never ask for something in exchange), all should be fine. If there's an equal exchange, it should be fine, right?
The rules of hospitality: When a friend, enemy or stranger enters your home, you are expected to be gracious and accommodating to them until they prove, by their words or actions, to be undeserving of such hospitality.
Fae as a vice: There are levels to how alluring and addictive they can be, from a banshee that makes people run away in terror, to an each-uisge who appears as a docile and beautiful horse that makes children want to pet it, to a leanan sídhe who makes her lovers live a short but inspired life, to the gancanagh (the love-talker) who appears as the ideal man for his victim and only needs one touch to render them instantly, insatiably, and irreversibly addicted to him.
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sweetnestor · 6 years
this is not a dream #1 | no, something seems wrong
the real reason ethan was taken under the teamiplier wing | teamiplier/ego au
WARNINGS: suicide, murder, blood, self harm, drug abuse, alcoholism, sex addiction
AN: hey hi hello does anyone remember the one fic i posted in october, previously known as ‘entirely bonkers?’ yeah, well i rewrote it and now it’s this!! ive taken much more time with this fic and given it the attention it deserves, so pretty much all the chapters may be dramatically different from the original version. each chapter title is a line from a different song, which will be listed in the tags.
i have to warn you, this fic is very dark and very graphic. read at your own risk. but also enjoy!!
~October 2016
This was good news. Great news. The best news. This was going to change everything. This was the opportunity of a lifetime. Maybe that’s why Ethan couldn’t stop crying, losing it, unhinging for the thousandth time.
It had been on and off for the last few weeks, the tears. He didn’t know why, but it felt like every little thing made him burst. Not only did Ethan cry, but he also yelled and screamed. Most of all, he would break whatever was in sight. He’ll throw things, punch, kick… He’ll go out in the middle of the night and take a bat to an unsuspecting mailbox. He was usually aware when he did these things, meaning it wasn’t technically a blind rage that sent him into these episodes. He’s gone through several mugs, a few controllers, and he even had to buy a new camera one time. All because of these tears and weird destructive urges he couldn’t control.
He wanted to throw his phone just after this call. It was a good call, though. It was life changing. But he had to force himself to calmly set the device down on his desk and move away from it. Ethan got to his feet, sniffling and sobbing, and then he tore off some of the foam padding on the wall. Did it matter? No, he was moving at the end of the month. He could destroy a few more things.
Foam pads were strewn across the floor by the time he was done. But Ethan still felt… destructive. No, worse. He knew what he wanted to do. He just had the slightest worry that it would actually work this time. But he had to do it.
Blood was pounding in his ears as he pulled on his sweater and beanie. Before he knew it, he was in the car, driving to the location he had been to plenty of times before. He parked some distance away and walked the rest of the way.
In all honesty, he had no idea what led him to this the first time. It was like this feeling in chest and gut, like an impulse. Once it fell into his head, he had to do it immediately. There was no going back. Crying was one of those things he felt like he had to do. This, however… this was a lot darker.
A few cars passed as Ethan approached the bridge. None of them stopped. None of them ever did. He couldn’t help but appreciate that. He didn’t know what would happen if this got back to his family. He had quite a bit to lose, but he still boosted himself up on the railing. This was really stupid, he thought to himself as he looked down at the drop he’d seen many times before.
“Something’s wrong,” he spoke to himself before leaping off.
The cold, bitter air hitting his face was the most painful part, as strange as that was to admit. But what if it actually worked this time? He didn’t even say goodbye to his dad as he left the house. He’d never get to experience that job in Los Angeles. He’d never interact with his online community again. Would this be the one to do it?
“Nope,” Ethan mumbled once he was face down on the ground. Dirt was in his mouth, and his face was numb from the cold. He sat up and coughed, both relieved and disturbed that he didn’t die. Again.
Ethan sat back and brought his knees to his chest, shivering. Was it going to be like this once he moves? Would he be able to control it?
“He can’t help us, he’s a kid!” roared the booming voice of Darkiplier. It echoed around the spacious, black room, enough to make any mortal’s blood run cold.
“We need all the help we can get,” replied the soft and frighteningly serene voice of Peevils, who was sat on top of the desk across the room. “Besides, the younger they are, the more powerful they can be.”
Her pitch black eyes gazed down at the stoic mortal sat in the armchair. He was sat up straight, on the edge of his seat. His usual brown eyes had rolled back into his skull and his mouth was gaping open. Dark was was “stood” by the body, his suit clad form flickering with distortion. He was always in black and white, but a blue and red aura was always around him. The biggest thing that fascinated Peevils was that this man, her supposed lover, was impossible to touch. Well that, and she could hear him in her mind and he could speak to her personally, even when their mortals were present.
Peevils, on the other hand, was from a whole other galaxy. She couldn’t quite remember how she got to Earth, much less how she got in contact with her mortal. All she knew was that her mortal was very willing and complicit. Peevils had cool powers too, but she seldom used them on this planet. Her aura often mixed with the mortal’s, making it a weird greyish yellow.
“Maybe you shouldn’t have let your mortal make that decision,” spoke Stoneface in his deep, intimidating voice. No one knew where he came from, or what his true powers were, aside from killing people after intimate affairs. He had much paler skin compared to his mortal, and his eyes were greyer than concrete, while his aura was black. You couldn’t look into his eyes without feeling paralyzed to the spot.
Everything surrounding the trio was dark and dim. The atmosphere was that of another realm. No human would be able to stand with them for very long. No human, except one.
“The mortal needed him for his own desires, not ours,” Dark growled. “And he was coping at the time, so I couldn’t intervene. But… I felt something. It was like a whisper.”
“So we just wait til the boy arrives,” Peevils concluded. “I feel it won’t be a waste.”
“You feel a lot of things,” Stoneface said back.
Her face fell. She stared ahead wordlessly, and imagined what she wanted to happen, and then it was real.
Stoneface immediately started gasping for air, his relaxed composure turning into nothing but pain and panic. His body began to rise up from the couch and it contorted into unnatural folds.
“Mercy! Mercy!” he strained out just before his bones could snap.
Peevils lifted, a ghost of a smile on her face.
Then, the room lightened up. The walls went back to white as the door to the office opened, and the trio were back in the human world, thanks to the one human they all knew.
Kathryn walked in, carrying a brown paper bag. A tall, dark haired, skimpy dressed woman followed behind her, looking curiously around the room. Peevils quickly looked down, knowing her eyes were prone to cause panic, and Dark was nowhere to be seen. The human led the other human over to Stoneface, whose eyes suddenly went back to a humanistic hazel.
“Hi, I’m Tyler,” he greeted, and the woman smiled in returned. He offered his arm. “If you’ll follow me…” And the two were off into another room.
Then, Kathryn turned towards Peevils, but instead was met face to face with Dark, who did not look happy.
“We were having a meeting!” he snapped, trying to look threatening.
She rolled her eyes and moved her arm forward, making the image fade away. After that, she reached into the paper bag and pulled out a plastic ziplock bag that was contained with white powder. Kathryn waved it in the direction of Peevils.
The blonde’s eyes flickered once. Kathryn had her attention now, so she slowly bent down towards the coffee table, opened up the bag and poured out some of the contents onto the glass surface. In the blink of an eye, the alien was sat on the floor in front of the table, using an old business card to make her series of lines. She hunched over the table as she snorted to her heart’s content, and when she looked up, her eyes were not black, but brown and humanlike.
“Alright, Amy’s back,” Kathryn said in affirmation. Then she turned to her boss.
He still had that horrifying expression on his face, but at least the body wasn’t moved. The last thing Kathryn wanted to do today was to pry Dark and his mortal away from something illegal or fatal… not that he could die, anyway.
“Don’t you dare…” the hallucination spoke, appearing behind the armchair.
She didn’t even hesitate to straight up bitch slap the body across the face. The last aura was finally gone, and the body had, for lack of a better phrase, come back to life. He swore in pain and held his cheek.
“Yeah, what the fuck?”
Kathryn nodded once and pulled the last item from the paper bag. A bottle of Jack Daniel’s. She shoved it into Mark’s hand and then crumpled up the bag, tossing it in the bin.
Mark just sat there for a moment, still coming back to himself. He felt that internal twitch, though, so he twisted the cap off the glass bottle and took a swig. Then he moved to the floor, next to his girlfriend, who was now baked like a fucking cake. Just another day in the office.
Now, Kathryn was able to get back to her actual work. She sat at one of the computers, but then paused as she thought of the newcomer they were expecting. Poor kid had no idea what he was walking into.
~November 2016
The team noticed something about their newest member. It wasn’t what was on the inside, no. Not the reason why they brought him over here.
Ethan was happy. Giddy. Very doe eyed. Upon arriving to the office on the first day, he thanked Mark many times for the opportunity. He was just… not what you would expect from someone like him. He almost seemed normal.
See, when you’re like Mark, Amy, and Tyler, you get this feeling, an instinct, even. They could sense each other’s demons, even when they were dormant. Amy and Tyler feel Darkiplier’s jitters when their Mark got rubbed the wrong way. That was probably because Peevils and Stoneface were so connected to Dark, and by extension, their mortals. They could all sense each other inside and out. In their logical, human eyes, the feeling of the three demons scheming in the background was seen as “impending doom.” The only human able to see past that was Kathryn, and none of them knew why.
But Ethan? He seemed like any ordinary human, and that was just weird. There was almost no impending doom vibes coming from him as the days went on. This wasn’t what they had been expecting.
“So…” Mark prompted one day, “how’ve you been? Y’know… since the move?”
“Fine,” Ethan mindlessly responded. He was on the computer, doing exactly what he was hired for.
The other four exchanged looks. Apart from Kathryn, they were experiencing withdrawals from their… coping. The plan was to get the other guys to meet Ethan’s other guy… just to see what would happen. The latter was proving to be difficult, given that there was no instinct or any indication that his bodily occupant wanted to come out, or that it was even there. Did that guy even have a name?
“You’re f-fine?” Amy repeated irritably, her voice shaking. “Y-You dropped everything, moved all the way here, and you’re just fine?”
Now Ethan caught onto the tension. He turned in his chair, only to feel deeply intimidated by the staring. Something was off, and it wasn’t just the stupid crying fit growing in his chest and throat.
“I’m just glad I’m here,” he said, but it didn’t feel like the right answer.
“What’s wrong with you?” Tyler blurted out.
“Jesus fucking christ,” Kathryn sighed in annoyance as she buried her face in her hands.
“God, I’m sorry,” Tyler quickly said. “I didn’t mean that, fuck. I’m an asshole, I’m sorry.”
Mark could feel it, though. A cold chill went down his spine,  telling him that he was right to bring Ethan in. He felt a tightness in his throat, this feeling of dread sitting heavy on his shoulders. He hadn’t felt this with the other two, this had to be Ethan.
“You don’t miss what you left behind?” Mark asked as he got up from the couch, putting on a hard face. “I mean… you sacrificed your whole life for this, didn’t you?”
The dread only grew. Ethan shifted uncomfortably in his seat.
“Yeah, but I made that decision,” he timidly replied.
“Like the grown up you think you are?” Amy mocked.
It was there, right there. The four nearly gasped as Ethan’s eyes flickered to black once. But the boy quickly shook himself and stood up.
“I’ll be right back.”
The surge of emotions lifted as soon as he left the room. But then, the walls went black, and the three auras appeared. Meanwhile, Kathryn let out another annoyed groan.
Mark’s body froze where he stood, and his head fell back as Dark made his appearance. Tyler’s body paled, eyes turning grey. Amy appeared sat on top of the coffee table with her legs crossed, eyes black and empty.
“Hey doesn’t even know what he is!” Dark shouted, his image flickering angrily around the room.
“Of course not, he’s a kid,” Peevils shot back coolly. “And you’re not the one who asked him to come here. Why are you concerned now?”
Dark appeared in front of her, his face inches from hers. “I felt it! There is something there, but the boy isn’t letting him through! He’s powerful, and I am powerful. That’s why I could feel him!”
“Don’t make me slap your mortal,” Peevils threatened as she waved her hand through him.
“So what do we do?” Stoneface asked, getting the couple back on track. “Do we let the mortals handle it?”
“Provoking him did help a little bit,” Peevils pointed out.
“Yes,” Dark agreed. “They have to push him past his limits. Whatever it takes. If they have to destroy whatever humanity he has left in him, then so be it. He has to be disturbed, humiliated. Anything to get to what’s truly lying within.”
“So you guys are going to go silent, then?” Kathryn asked.
“It’s the only option,” Peevils confirmed.
That prompted the human to quickly flee the office. She had to make a big order.
Ethan managed to find a corner store down the road. The blind rage he went through caused him to break more things, and his knuckles were bleeding yet again. He also debated jumping off one of the high buildings, but this city was far too busy for anyone to not notice. Instead, he found another solution. He was sure his ‘friends/colleagues’ wouldn’t miss him for a few more minutes. Or at all.
Tear tracks were on his face as he went through the aisles. Look at him, a grown 20 year old, unable to control his crying. How did he get like this? He was never this emotional about anything! Sure, the group had ganged up on him, but things like that weren’t likely to make him burst into tears.
He calmed down some more when he found rubbing alcohol and bandages. However, there was only one box left of the latter, and it was pink and flowery. Reluctantly, he took the box and went into the next aisle. There were painkillers, vitamins, and sleep aids. For a second, a flash of lacing his friends’ drinks with pills went through his mind. It was short, but vivid. One by one, passing out around him.
He chuckled and kept walking. “Yeah right…” Then, he stopped in his tracks, went back and grabbed the biggest bottle of sleeping pills he could find.
After paying for his items (and getting some weird looks from the cashier), Ethan settled for sitting under the awning outside the store. He didn’t feel like going back to the office just yet, despite the fact that it was already getting dark. As he tended to his hand injury, he tried to forget all that he damaged. Several cars parked on the side of the road now had cracked windshields, and a few more mailboxes were wrecked. He could only hope that there weren’t any witnesses. He had only been in LA for about a week, he couldn’t get arrested now.
“Hey darlin’,” greeted a sickly sweet female voice.
He turned to find a red headed woman perching down next to him. She was wearing a rather revealing top under a fur coat along with a really short skirt. It rode up as she crouched down, making Ethan lose his words for a moment.
“H-Hi,” he replied, keeping his eyes on his injured hand.
“Did you get into a fight, honey?” the woman asked.
“Something like that…”
“Strong man, aren’t ya?”
“I wouldn’t say that. I’m putting on Hello Kitty bandaids.”
The woman giggled and moved closer to him. “Strong and cute.”
There was a feeling. Pinning her to the ground, a hand around her neck as the back of her head hitting the concrete. Slamming her head into the ground until she bled to death. Watching her green eyes lose their panic and fade into nothingness. Is it bad that it was nice to think about?
“Marsha!” called a familiar voice.
It was Kathryn. She approached the pair, her hood up and her hands in the pocket. Ethan was relieved to see her.
The redhead got to her feet. “You’re not here to send me to that friend of yours again, are you?”
“Why, do you have other plans?” she asked in return.
“Yes! I found a new friend!” Marsha pointed down at the boy with Hello Kitty bandaids.
Kathryn glanced down at him. “Yeah, not him. Can’t afford to have Tyler beat his ass right now.”
That was both confusing and not reassuring at all. Could Ethan down the whole bottle of pills without either woman noticing?
“Well, I’m not going. I’ll ask Sydney. She knows where to find you guys,” Marsha said in conclusion.
“Awesome. Ethan, get up.”
He didn’t need telling twice. Kathryn gestured for him to follow, and they walked back towards the office together.
“What’d you do?” she asked, nodding towards his hand.
“Don’t ask,” he said with a sigh. Not like he could properly explain it, anyway.
Luckily, she didn’t press the topic. When they approached the building, she stopped in her tracks and pulled a brown paper bag from under her sweater.
“I won’t ask questions,” she told Ethan. “But neither will you.”
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kathydsalters31 · 4 years
Exactly how To Stop A Dog Thief
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Globally, pet dog theft has actually gotten on the rise for the past couple of years. If you assume your pet isn’t at danger … you may desire to THINK AGAIN! Dog burglary is devastating to loving pet owners. It can bring your life to a standstill as well as can cause disastrous depression.
Let us face it, it is unfortunate enough to shed a canine to aging and disease, occasionally using the hard choice of mercy killing. Losing your pet dog to a THIEF … not understanding where he is, if he’s risk-free, if he’s even still alive? It would certainly be abuse.
Actual numbers and data of pet and also pet theft are tough to discover. In many countries, the United States of America, the United Kingdom, and also Australia canines are considered building. Many times, the only feasible stats readily available come from those who report these burglaries to their insurance companies. Consider the number of pet dog proprietors and also family pet proprietors don’t ever take into consideration filing a claim and also you will realize exactly how little we truly understand about canine burglary worldwide.
However, the little details that we do have programs us two very frightening realities.
# 1. Family pet and also pet theft is a gateway (or first indicator) of animal ruthlessness and/or torment.
# 2. Certain canine breeds are extra at risk to be taken from their owners in specific areas or areas of the world. French Bulldogs, Pit Bulls, American Staffordshire Bull Terriers, Bull Terriers (believe Spuds Mackenzie), Yorkshire Terriers, Siberian Huskies, Chihuahuas, and even Labradoodles, as well as pure-blooded Retrievers, make the list.
Hardly ever is the sheriff’s office called, and even when the sheriff’s office or cops division is gotten in touch with, the act can hardly ever be confirmed. Thankfully with the innovation of simple and affordable to make use of home video systems, these crimes are being captured on camera more frequently.
Different states have different legislations yet the majority of canine theft or pet burglary does not certify as a felony or grand theft in the 3rd level. If the worth of the pet dog mores than five hundred to over one thousand bucks in some states it might qualify as grand burglary versus petty burglary (which is frequently only an offense); making the fines greater if the individual can be or is caught and the situation can be verified.
Factors Criminals Steal Dogs
Monetary Reasons
Yes, it is unfortunate however it is true. Sometimes, unethical people as well as addict swipe things that will certainly help them to profit as well as or fuel their prohibited practices.
Exactly how usually have you seen “Lost” or “Missing” pet indications, around your community, that supply a large amount of cash money as a reward?
Unfortunately, specifically in upscale or affluent communities canines and various other family pets can come to be targets as a way to make fast cash.
Full-blooded pets often can be sold for thousands of dollars as well as anxious pet dog and canine proprietors will certainly commonly pay more than what they are worth to obtain their cherished animal back.
Pups are much more in danger, due to the fact that they are easily “turned” or resold for profit.
Stolen pets can be industry.
Study Institutions
Wicked individuals trying to find easy money usually target pets left outside, go to animal shelters, animal public auctions as well as take pets provided “free to an excellent house” and offer them to research institutions that provide cash for animals that they can carry out study on with extremely little economic outcome.
Research organizations attempt to stay clear of taken dogs, especially on paper, many swiped pet dogs are taken to these places for earnings.
Bait Dogs
Pets are usually taken or taken on off Craigslist or from shelters to be marketed as “lure pets” for the illegal world of dogfighting.
Wretchedly, the globe of dogfighting is very lucrative and still exists around the world. Do not think me? Volunteer at your neighborhood sanctuary as well as you will see the injured as well as marked Pit Bulls and also various other combating types been available in and be held till their litigation resolves the system. Usually these dogs are euthanized prior to even given a possibility to rise for adoption due to pet aggression concerns (as you can well imagine).
At first, in order to get these dealing with breeds to sufficiently and also vigorously battle one another to the fatality they present them to much weak dogs that are conveniently eliminated; “lure canines.” This process constructs their self-confidence and also usually makes them more willing to battle.
Bait canines can be marketed to individuals that make money from canine fights (yes, there allows cash in this underground and also illegal business). Remember the globally interest quarterback
Michael Vick received when it was discovered (while investigating an additional criminal offense) that his Pit Bull “breeding” kennel “Bad Newz Kennels” was involved in dogfighting as well as unlawful gaming? In 2006, just one year prior to fees were filed Michael Vick was the highest-paid NFL gamer.
Gaming bags alone chose upwards of $26,000, which is a lot of cash. According to witnesses Vick and his other accomplices were understood to laugh when their qualified combating Pit Bulls eliminated pet canines.
Regrettably, the globe of dogfighting exists and also is still big business as well as gambling in and around the globe.
Insurance Fraud
Yes, this additionally exists although most likely to a smaller sized extent.
When I was a young, young pet fitness instructor, I recognized a breeder of Cocker Spaniels. They happened to have an extremely uncommon shade within their breed. Oddly they bragged about the color and also exactly how they had taken out animal insurance coverage on the pup.
Unusually sufficient, their puppy died suddenly and also they made use of the insurance coverage cash to buy a $20,000 boat.
As well as, although this is rarely a reason for dog burglary (unless a third party is paid), it is still something that embeds my mind when it involves animal insurance coverage.
As for I recognize, it was never ever shown as insurance policy fraud. However, to this day I have my questions that the fatality of the young puppy was unexpected.
Various Other Reasons, Beyond Financial Gain
Animal Torture and also Abuse
As we are aware because of numerous studies in modern-day psychology, animal torment, cruelty, and abuse is connected to antisocial actions and severe and disturbing mental disorders. Alarmingly, the act of animal torture and ruthlessness is known to psychologists as
“Intentional Animal Torture as well as Cruelty”(IATC). There are numerous types of Intentional Animal Torture and Cruelty including spiritual sacrifice, creative sacrifice, demented personality conditions (zoosadism), or sexual disorders.
In the 1970s when habits profiling remained in its early stage among the most consistent searchings for of the Federal Bureau of Investigation was that Intentional Animal Torture and also Cruelty was seen as an usual behavior, in childhood years, of very early serial murderers and rapists.
I truly despise to go into this much more, as just doing the research for this write-up sickens me; yet let me guarantee you that this kind of behavior still exists in the human or inhumane globe of human beings as well as neighborhood pets are often used as a likely resource since they are easily available.
Stealing To Get The Dog You Can’t Buy (Or Afford)
Yes, it appears ridiculous; however some people swipe pet dogs or particularly purebred dogs due to the fact that they can not pay for to purchase the pet dog that they want.
You can search the Internet and locate video clips of usually women sticking pure type young puppies in their purse or tee shirt as well as walking out of pet dog stores and animal shops. These pups are often upwards of $1,000.
In some cases the thieves think that they are providing the taken pet a much better life. And, honestly sometimes stolen dogs obtain simply that.
I am self-conscious to confess that I have recognized people that have stolen pet dogs. These pet dogs were often chained outside everyday; often they were entrusted to no sanctuary and also no food or water. I can consider one I made use of to drive by daily when I lived in GA. I watched him grow from a puppy right into an adult. He had hardly a sanctuary as well as animal control would not do anything concerning his conditions. Never ever did he reach go inside; EVER. Someone in the animal area took him to offer him a new lease on life while he was still a year or two old.
I have often seen a Pit Bull that is my buddy’s next-door neighbor’s dog. He likewise is never ever welcomed inside as well as sits outside regardless of exactly how cold or stormy it remains in our climate. I want I could take him and provide him a much better life. A life where he can in fact have a “pack” and also a loving human and also the food and shelter and warm bed that he wishes.
Pet theft and canine theft can be found in many kinds.
All are prohibited. You judge what drops in the specifications of morally acceptable and what is not.
At least canines thieved to be individual animals are more likely to have a much better opportunity at life than various other pet dogs or buddy animals that are swiped.
The fact is, excellent animal proprietors never ever want their canine to be on that listing of stolen pets that the cops or insurer has to explore!
Allow us speak concerning how to keep our pet dogs risk-free!
Shield Your Dog from Dog Theft
Safeguard Your Area
The first point to keep in mind is to protect your location. Make certain that you have locks to secure your fence. Wood fences offer even more safety and security as well as keep next-door neighbors as well as passers-by from being able to see your pets.
Wood fences likewise keep canines from being overexcited as well as responsive because they restrict what they can visually see.
Keep An Eye on Him
Do not put your pet dog outside for hours on end, also if he suches as to go outdoors make sure that you keep an eye on him.
Every 20 mins approximately examine him as well as see to it that he is still in your backyard as well as securely secured.
No Signs
Although many people believe that they need to get indicators that introduce their pet’s presence in their house or in their lawn; these indicators might actually do more harm than good.
“Dog on Premises” or “Warning Guard Dog” indicators just sharp would-be burglars to the fact that you have a pet!
If you wish to keep somebody from burglarizing your house, I suggest that you make use of a safety and security system indication or a sharp to video surveillance.
Do Not Leave Your Dog Outside While You Are Gone
Pets left outside for hours each time and especially pet dogs left outside while their owners are gone make perfect targets.
These are the dogs that usually bark (which notifies the next-door neighbors to them being alone and also can additionally aggravate next-door neighbors). Dogs left outdoors consistently facilitate marks for would-be thieves who may be “casing” or expecting dogs that would certainly be very easy to steal.
Leave your canine safeguarded inside while you are gone to keep him risk-free.
Devices If The Unthinkable Happens
Silicon chip
Integrated circuits are easy and also will certainly keep shelters are research study business from approving a stolen pet dog or cat. Nowadays, silicon chip readers are likewise universal to make sure that proprietors can be located regardless of what silicon chip firm the animal proprietor selects.
Your vet healthcare facility will certainly enjoy to silicon chip your animal.
Please, please, please register the microchip and maintain it up to date when you move. There are thousands of microchips that go non listed and a non listed microchip is just as good as not having one in all!
There are some areas that will certainly also tattoo your animal. Lots of program pet dogs are not only microchipped however in addition tattooed with their proprietor’s social protection number to ensure that the owner can quickly be found.
Tips for tattooing is NOT to tattoo the ear of the dog. As ill as it sounds, ears can be cut off and dogs can still be turned in for cash or financial gain.
Those that tattoo their pets normally use their social safety number and also have actually the tattoo placed on the upper leg of the canine where it will certainly be quickly seen and also identified on exam.
GPS Collar
GPS collars can also provide you details if your pet dog goes missing out on. You can find the time the canine was taken as well as if the potential burglar is not astute he may not recognize that the collar has a GPS locator.
Video Surveillance
Thanks to modern technology and the ability to manufacture innovation for the masses cam systems like the “Ring” are usually now used both outside the home and inside the residence to maintain theft at bay.
Just like any type of criminal activity, see to it that your pet’s backyard and also his area is also under security.
Wrongdoers avoid video security like the pester as well as sentencing and evidence is much easier if you have actually the criminal offense caught on film.
It is always best when your house and your equipment can help you stay clear of having criminal activity or getting the cops included.
Community Watch
A community with a good and also energetic area watch will certainly keep several crooks at bay.
There are additionally great deals of pets alliance groups that you can look into in your location. These groups will assist maintain your cherished animals risk-free as well as in their home.
Help Change Laws
Lots of people hesitate of the federal government taking away their legal rights as well as ending up being associated with our lives. I for one, agree. I would certainly like to see regulations alter, as well as thankfully they are gradually transforming. Pets and animals are gradually evolving from “residential property” into sentient animals. A sentient pet is a pet that can being that has interests and also recognizes its setting. It feels cravings, heat, chilly, and desires and has needs. It is an animal that can sensations. Pet dogs are not non-living objects or property. Pet dogs have sensations as well as shouldn’t be tortured or abused any more than people need to suffer the very same destiny.
Pet dogs are not residential property, they are way more vital than any car that can conveniently be changed. Residential property can be thrown away as well as mistreated at will. Police must be entailed with animal cruelty and abuse since this is a predictive crime.
We require regulations that maintain our animals risk-free from misuse, otherwise just for the animal’s safety yet additionally to determine human lunatics and also predators.
The regulation should swiftly manage pet abuse and overlook with a strict hand. Empathy and also kindness need to be our objective when handling sentient animals. Besides, they have feelings as well.
Support regulation that offers our friend pets and also various other pets legal rights to be treated humanely.
Wanting to get entailed contact your local kennel club. Kennel clubs often learn about what is going on in their location and also can put you touching terrific individuals. Rescue groups can likewise be a wide range of information.
Take Care What Non-profit You Support
Not all not for-profit or 501(c)( 3) organizations are developed equally. Not all pet well-being organizations or perhaps gentle culture groups do what they say.
Some of these pet nonprofits are more like cults.
I keep in mind when I was 18 as well as one really popular pet rights company was highly opposed to showing dogs in conformation. At the time I was involved in the conformation globe with my male Rottweiler. My intent was never to breed him, yet to show the world his beauty and excellent physical conformation. This said pet civil liberties team was mosting likely to prominent conformation occasions and also poisoning dogs … because they felt that the canines lived depressing or violent lives.
I can say wholeheartedly, that some do. Several of these canines are not much more than animals being displayed around to win prizes to ensure that their proprietors can bill more money for puppies. Many of the canines were like mine; well-loved family pets that wen home and also lived flourishing as well as happy lives. I for one have NEVER reproduced one of my dogs no matter what title they have actually won. I become part of the pet dog reveal globe just to complete together with the most effective with my happy animals.
Do your research! If you are mosting likely to sustain an animal legal rights organization economically or otherwise ensure that you understand the ins and also outs of their principles.
I am not one for putting anybody on blast but PETA is understood for their extremist sights as well as the killing of pets.
The reality is that pet dog burglary is a huge trouble throughout the world. There are basic steps that you can take to enlighten yourself regarding the act itself and why it is successful as well as after that methods that you can keep your pet from ending up being a statistic!
source http://www.luckydogsolutions.com/how-to-stop-a-dog-thief/
from Lucky Dog Solutions https://luckydogsolutions.blogspot.com/2020/06/exactly-how-to-stop-dog-thief.html
0 notes
barryswamsleyaz · 4 years
Exactly how To Stop A Dog Thief
Tumblr media
Globally, pet dog theft has actually gotten on the rise for the past couple of years. If you assume your pet isn’t at danger … you may desire to THINK AGAIN! Dog burglary is devastating to loving pet owners. It can bring your life to a standstill as well as can cause disastrous depression.
Let us face it, it is unfortunate enough to shed a canine to aging and disease, occasionally using the hard choice of mercy killing. Losing your pet dog to a THIEF … not understanding where he is, if he’s risk-free, if he’s even still alive? It would certainly be abuse.
Actual numbers and data of pet and also pet theft are tough to discover. In many countries, the United States of America, the United Kingdom, and also Australia canines are considered building. Many times, the only feasible stats readily available come from those who report these burglaries to their insurance companies. Consider the number of pet dog proprietors and also family pet proprietors don’t ever take into consideration filing a claim and also you will realize exactly how little we truly understand about canine burglary worldwide.
However, the little details that we do have programs us two very frightening realities.
# 1. Family pet and also pet theft is a gateway (or first indicator) of animal ruthlessness and/or torment.
# 2. Certain canine breeds are extra at risk to be taken from their owners in specific areas or areas of the world. French Bulldogs, Pit Bulls, American Staffordshire Bull Terriers, Bull Terriers (believe Spuds Mackenzie), Yorkshire Terriers, Siberian Huskies, Chihuahuas, and even Labradoodles, as well as pure-blooded Retrievers, make the list.
Hardly ever is the sheriff’s office called, and even when the sheriff’s office or cops division is gotten in touch with, the act can hardly ever be confirmed. Thankfully with the innovation of simple and affordable to make use of home video systems, these crimes are being captured on camera more frequently.
Different states have different legislations yet the majority of canine theft or pet burglary does not certify as a felony or grand theft in the 3rd level. If the worth of the pet dog mores than five hundred to over one thousand bucks in some states it might qualify as grand burglary versus petty burglary (which is frequently only an offense); making the fines greater if the individual can be or is caught and the situation can be verified.
Factors Criminals Steal Dogs
Monetary Reasons
Yes, it is unfortunate however it is true. Sometimes, unethical people as well as addict swipe things that will certainly help them to profit as well as or fuel their prohibited practices.
Exactly how usually have you seen “Lost” or “Missing” pet indications, around your community, that supply a large amount of cash money as a reward?
Unfortunately, specifically in upscale or affluent communities canines and various other family pets can come to be targets as a way to make fast cash.
Full-blooded pets often can be sold for thousands of dollars as well as anxious pet dog and canine proprietors will certainly commonly pay more than what they are worth to obtain their cherished animal back.
Pups are much more in danger, due to the fact that they are easily “turned” or resold for profit.
Stolen pets can be industry.
Study Institutions
Wicked individuals trying to find easy money usually target pets left outside, go to animal shelters, animal public auctions as well as take pets provided “free to an excellent house” and offer them to research institutions that provide cash for animals that they can carry out study on with extremely little economic outcome.
Research organizations attempt to stay clear of taken dogs, especially on paper, many swiped pet dogs are taken to these places for earnings.
Bait Dogs
Pets are usually taken or taken on off Craigslist or from shelters to be marketed as “lure pets” for the illegal world of dogfighting.
Wretchedly, the globe of dogfighting is very lucrative and still exists around the world. Do not think me? Volunteer at your neighborhood sanctuary as well as you will see the injured as well as marked Pit Bulls and also various other combating types been available in and be held till their litigation resolves the system. Usually these dogs are euthanized prior to even given a possibility to rise for adoption due to pet aggression concerns (as you can well imagine).
At first, in order to get these dealing with breeds to sufficiently and also vigorously battle one another to the fatality they present them to much weak dogs that are conveniently eliminated; “lure canines.” This process constructs their self-confidence and also usually makes them more willing to battle.
Bait canines can be marketed to individuals that make money from canine fights (yes, there allows cash in this underground and also illegal business). Remember the globally interest quarterback Michael Vick received when it was discovered (while investigating an additional criminal offense) that his Pit Bull “breeding” kennel “Bad Newz Kennels” was involved in dogfighting as well as unlawful gaming? In 2006, just one year prior to fees were filed Michael Vick was the highest-paid NFL gamer.
Gaming bags alone chose upwards of $26,000, which is a lot of cash. According to witnesses Vick and his other accomplices were understood to laugh when their qualified combating Pit Bulls eliminated pet canines.
Regrettably, the globe of dogfighting exists and also is still big business as well as gambling in and around the globe.
Insurance Fraud
Yes, this additionally exists although most likely to a smaller sized extent.
When I was a young, young pet fitness instructor, I recognized a breeder of Cocker Spaniels. They happened to have an extremely uncommon shade within their breed. Oddly they bragged about the color and also exactly how they had taken out animal insurance coverage on the pup.
Unusually sufficient, their puppy died suddenly and also they made use of the insurance coverage cash to buy a $20,000 boat.
As well as, although this is rarely a reason for dog burglary (unless a third party is paid), it is still something that embeds my mind when it involves animal insurance coverage.
As for I recognize, it was never ever shown as insurance policy fraud. However, to this day I have my questions that the fatality of the young puppy was unexpected.
Various Other Reasons, Beyond Financial Gain
Animal Torture and also Abuse
As we are aware because of numerous studies in modern-day psychology, animal torment, cruelty, and abuse is connected to antisocial actions and severe and disturbing mental disorders. Alarmingly, the act of animal torture and ruthlessness is known to psychologists as “Intentional Animal Torture as well as Cruelty”(IATC). There are numerous types of Intentional Animal Torture and Cruelty including spiritual sacrifice, creative sacrifice, demented personality conditions (zoosadism), or sexual disorders.
In the 1970s when habits profiling remained in its early stage among the most consistent searchings for of the Federal Bureau of Investigation was that Intentional Animal Torture and also Cruelty was seen as an usual behavior, in childhood years, of very early serial murderers and rapists.
I truly despise to go into this much more, as just doing the research for this write-up sickens me; yet let me guarantee you that this kind of behavior still exists in the human or inhumane globe of human beings as well as neighborhood pets are often used as a likely resource since they are easily available.
Stealing To Get The Dog You Can’t Buy (Or Afford)
Yes, it appears ridiculous; however some people swipe pet dogs or particularly purebred dogs due to the fact that they can not pay for to purchase the pet dog that they want.
You can search the Internet and locate video clips of usually women sticking pure type young puppies in their purse or tee shirt as well as walking out of pet dog stores and animal shops. These pups are often upwards of $1,000.
In some cases the thieves think that they are providing the taken pet a much better life. And, honestly sometimes stolen dogs obtain simply that.
I am self-conscious to confess that I have recognized people that have stolen pet dogs. These pet dogs were often chained outside everyday; often they were entrusted to no sanctuary and also no food or water. I can consider one I made use of to drive by daily when I lived in GA. I watched him grow from a puppy right into an adult. He had hardly a sanctuary as well as animal control would not do anything concerning his conditions. Never ever did he reach go inside; EVER. Someone in the animal area took him to offer him a new lease on life while he was still a year or two old.
I have often seen a Pit Bull that is my buddy’s next-door neighbor’s dog. He likewise is never ever welcomed inside as well as sits outside regardless of exactly how cold or stormy it remains in our climate. I want I could take him and provide him a much better life. A life where he can in fact have a “pack” and also a loving human and also the food and shelter and warm bed that he wishes.
Pet theft and canine theft can be found in many kinds.
All are prohibited. You judge what drops in the specifications of morally acceptable and what is not.
At least canines thieved to be individual animals are more likely to have a much better opportunity at life than various other pet dogs or buddy animals that are swiped.
The fact is, excellent animal proprietors never ever want their canine to be on that listing of stolen pets that the cops or insurer has to explore!
Allow us speak concerning how to keep our pet dogs risk-free!
Shield Your Dog from Dog Theft
Safeguard Your Area
The first point to keep in mind is to protect your location. Make certain that you have locks to secure your fence. Wood fences offer even more safety and security as well as keep next-door neighbors as well as passers-by from being able to see your pets.
Wood fences likewise keep canines from being overexcited as well as responsive because they restrict what they can visually see.
Keep An Eye on Him
Do not put your pet dog outside for hours on end, also if he suches as to go outdoors make sure that you keep an eye on him.
Every 20 mins approximately examine him as well as see to it that he is still in your backyard as well as securely secured.
No Signs
Although many people believe that they need to get indicators that introduce their pet’s presence in their house or in their lawn; these indicators might actually do more harm than good.
“Dog on Premises” or “Warning Guard Dog” indicators just sharp would-be burglars to the fact that you have a pet!
If you wish to keep somebody from burglarizing your house, I suggest that you make use of a safety and security system indication or a sharp to video surveillance.
Do Not Leave Your Dog Outside While You Are Gone
Pets left outside for hours each time and especially pet dogs left outside while their owners are gone make perfect targets.
These are the dogs that usually bark (which notifies the next-door neighbors to them being alone and also can additionally aggravate next-door neighbors). Dogs left outdoors consistently facilitate marks for would-be thieves who may be “casing” or expecting dogs that would certainly be very easy to steal.
Leave your canine safeguarded inside while you are gone to keep him risk-free.
Devices If The Unthinkable Happens
Silicon chip
Integrated circuits are easy and also will certainly keep shelters are research study business from approving a stolen pet dog or cat. Nowadays, silicon chip readers are likewise universal to make sure that proprietors can be located regardless of what silicon chip firm the animal proprietor selects.
Your vet healthcare facility will certainly enjoy to silicon chip your animal.
Please, please, please register the microchip and maintain it up to date when you move. There are thousands of microchips that go non listed and a non listed microchip is just as good as not having one in all!
There are some areas that will certainly also tattoo your animal. Lots of program pet dogs are not only microchipped however in addition tattooed with their proprietor’s social protection number to ensure that the owner can quickly be found.
Tips for tattooing is NOT to tattoo the ear of the dog. As ill as it sounds, ears can be cut off and dogs can still be turned in for cash or financial gain.
Those that tattoo their pets normally use their social safety number and also have actually the tattoo placed on the upper leg of the canine where it will certainly be quickly seen and also identified on exam.
GPS Collar
GPS collars can also provide you details if your pet dog goes missing out on. You can find the time the canine was taken as well as if the potential burglar is not astute he may not recognize that the collar has a GPS locator.
Video Surveillance
Thanks to modern technology and the ability to manufacture innovation for the masses cam systems like the “Ring” are usually now used both outside the home and inside the residence to maintain theft at bay.
Just like any type of criminal activity, see to it that your pet’s backyard and also his area is also under security.
Wrongdoers avoid video security like the pester as well as sentencing and evidence is much easier if you have actually the criminal offense caught on film.
It is always best when your house and your equipment can help you stay clear of having criminal activity or getting the cops included.
Community Watch
A community with a good and also energetic area watch will certainly keep several crooks at bay.
There are additionally great deals of pets alliance groups that you can look into in your location. These groups will assist maintain your cherished animals risk-free as well as in their home.
Help Change Laws
Lots of people hesitate of the federal government taking away their legal rights as well as ending up being associated with our lives. I for one, agree. I would certainly like to see regulations alter, as well as thankfully they are gradually transforming. Pets and animals are gradually evolving from “residential property” into sentient animals. A sentient pet is a pet that can being that has interests and also recognizes its setting. It feels cravings, heat, chilly, and desires and has needs. It is an animal that can sensations. Pet dogs are not non-living objects or property. Pet dogs have sensations as well as shouldn’t be tortured or abused any more than people need to suffer the very same destiny.
Pet dogs are not residential property, they are way more vital than any car that can conveniently be changed. Residential property can be thrown away as well as mistreated at will. Police must be entailed with animal cruelty and abuse since this is a predictive crime.
We require regulations that maintain our animals risk-free from misuse, otherwise just for the animal’s safety yet additionally to determine human lunatics and also predators.
The regulation should swiftly manage pet abuse and overlook with a strict hand. Empathy and also kindness need to be our objective when handling sentient animals. Besides, they have feelings as well.
Support regulation that offers our friend pets and also various other pets legal rights to be treated humanely.
Wanting to get entailed contact your local kennel club. Kennel clubs often learn about what is going on in their location and also can put you touching terrific individuals. Rescue groups can likewise be a wide range of information.
Take Care What Non-profit You Support
Not all not for-profit or 501©( 3) organizations are developed equally. Not all pet well-being organizations or perhaps gentle culture groups do what they say.
Some of these pet nonprofits are more like cults.
I keep in mind when I was 18 as well as one really popular pet rights company was highly opposed to showing dogs in conformation. At the time I was involved in the conformation globe with my male Rottweiler. My intent was never to breed him, yet to show the world his beauty and excellent physical conformation. This said pet civil liberties team was mosting likely to prominent conformation occasions and also poisoning dogs … because they felt that the canines lived depressing or violent lives.
I can say wholeheartedly, that some do. Several of these canines are not much more than animals being displayed around to win prizes to ensure that their proprietors can bill more money for puppies. Many of the canines were like mine; well-loved family pets that wen home and also lived flourishing as well as happy lives. I for one have NEVER reproduced one of my dogs no matter what title they have actually won. I become part of the pet dog reveal globe just to complete together with the most effective with my happy animals.
Do your research! If you are mosting likely to sustain an animal legal rights organization economically or otherwise ensure that you understand the ins and also outs of their principles.
I am not one for putting anybody on blast but PETA is understood for their extremist sights as well as the killing of pets.
The reality is that pet dog burglary is a huge trouble throughout the world. There are basic steps that you can take to enlighten yourself regarding the act itself and why it is successful as well as after that methods that you can keep your pet from ending up being a statistic!
from Lucky Dog Solutions http://www.luckydogsolutions.com/how-to-stop-a-dog-thief/ from Lucky Dog Solutions https://luckydogsolutions.tumblr.com/post/622358845392568320
0 notes
luckydogsolutions · 4 years
Exactly how To Stop A Dog Thief
Tumblr media
Globally, pet dog theft has actually gotten on the rise for the past couple of years. If you assume your pet isn’t at danger … you may desire to THINK AGAIN! Dog burglary is devastating to loving pet owners. It can bring your life to a standstill as well as can cause disastrous depression.
Let us face it, it is unfortunate enough to shed a canine to aging and disease, occasionally using the hard choice of mercy killing. Losing your pet dog to a THIEF … not understanding where he is, if he’s risk-free, if he’s even still alive? It would certainly be abuse.
Actual numbers and data of pet and also pet theft are tough to discover. In many countries, the United States of America, the United Kingdom, and also Australia canines are considered building. Many times, the only feasible stats readily available come from those who report these burglaries to their insurance companies. Consider the number of pet dog proprietors and also family pet proprietors don’t ever take into consideration filing a claim and also you will realize exactly how little we truly understand about canine burglary worldwide.
However, the little details that we do have programs us two very frightening realities.
# 1. Family pet and also pet theft is a gateway (or first indicator) of animal ruthlessness and/or torment.
# 2. Certain canine breeds are extra at risk to be taken from their owners in specific areas or areas of the world. French Bulldogs, Pit Bulls, American Staffordshire Bull Terriers, Bull Terriers (believe Spuds Mackenzie), Yorkshire Terriers, Siberian Huskies, Chihuahuas, and even Labradoodles, as well as pure-blooded Retrievers, make the list.
Hardly ever is the sheriff’s office called, and even when the sheriff’s office or cops division is gotten in touch with, the act can hardly ever be confirmed. Thankfully with the innovation of simple and affordable to make use of home video systems, these crimes are being captured on camera more frequently.
Different states have different legislations yet the majority of canine theft or pet burglary does not certify as a felony or grand theft in the 3rd level. If the worth of the pet dog mores than five hundred to over one thousand bucks in some states it might qualify as grand burglary versus petty burglary (which is frequently only an offense); making the fines greater if the individual can be or is caught and the situation can be verified.
Factors Criminals Steal Dogs
Monetary Reasons
Yes, it is unfortunate however it is true. Sometimes, unethical people as well as addict swipe things that will certainly help them to profit as well as or fuel their prohibited practices.
Exactly how usually have you seen “Lost” or “Missing” pet indications, around your community, that supply a large amount of cash money as a reward?
Unfortunately, specifically in upscale or affluent communities canines and various other family pets can come to be targets as a way to make fast cash.
Full-blooded pets often can be sold for thousands of dollars as well as anxious pet dog and canine proprietors will certainly commonly pay more than what they are worth to obtain their cherished animal back.
Pups are much more in danger, due to the fact that they are easily “turned” or resold for profit.
Stolen pets can be industry.
Study Institutions
Wicked individuals trying to find easy money usually target pets left outside, go to animal shelters, animal public auctions as well as take pets provided “free to an excellent house” and offer them to research institutions that provide cash for animals that they can carry out study on with extremely little economic outcome.
Research organizations attempt to stay clear of taken dogs, especially on paper, many swiped pet dogs are taken to these places for earnings.
Bait Dogs
Pets are usually taken or taken on off Craigslist or from shelters to be marketed as “lure pets” for the illegal world of dogfighting.
Wretchedly, the globe of dogfighting is very lucrative and still exists around the world. Do not think me? Volunteer at your neighborhood sanctuary as well as you will see the injured as well as marked Pit Bulls and also various other combating types been available in and be held till their litigation resolves the system. Usually these dogs are euthanized prior to even given a possibility to rise for adoption due to pet aggression concerns (as you can well imagine).
At first, in order to get these dealing with breeds to sufficiently and also vigorously battle one another to the fatality they present them to much weak dogs that are conveniently eliminated; “lure canines.” This process constructs their self-confidence and also usually makes them more willing to battle.
Bait canines can be marketed to individuals that make money from canine fights (yes, there allows cash in this underground and also illegal business). Remember the globally interest quarterback Michael Vick received when it was discovered (while investigating an additional criminal offense) that his Pit Bull “breeding” kennel “Bad Newz Kennels” was involved in dogfighting as well as unlawful gaming? In 2006, just one year prior to fees were filed Michael Vick was the highest-paid NFL gamer.
Gaming bags alone chose upwards of $26,000, which is a lot of cash. According to witnesses Vick and his other accomplices were understood to laugh when their qualified combating Pit Bulls eliminated pet canines.
Regrettably, the globe of dogfighting exists and also is still big business as well as gambling in and around the globe.
Insurance Fraud
Yes, this additionally exists although most likely to a smaller sized extent.
When I was a young, young pet fitness instructor, I recognized a breeder of Cocker Spaniels. They happened to have an extremely uncommon shade within their breed. Oddly they bragged about the color and also exactly how they had taken out animal insurance coverage on the pup.
Unusually sufficient, their puppy died suddenly and also they made use of the insurance coverage cash to buy a $20,000 boat.
As well as, although this is rarely a reason for dog burglary (unless a third party is paid), it is still something that embeds my mind when it involves animal insurance coverage.
As for I recognize, it was never ever shown as insurance policy fraud. However, to this day I have my questions that the fatality of the young puppy was unexpected.
Various Other Reasons, Beyond Financial Gain
Animal Torture and also Abuse
As we are aware because of numerous studies in modern-day psychology, animal torment, cruelty, and abuse is connected to antisocial actions and severe and disturbing mental disorders. Alarmingly, the act of animal torture and ruthlessness is known to psychologists as “Intentional Animal Torture as well as Cruelty”(IATC). There are numerous types of Intentional Animal Torture and Cruelty including spiritual sacrifice, creative sacrifice, demented personality conditions (zoosadism), or sexual disorders.
In the 1970s when habits profiling remained in its early stage among the most consistent searchings for of the Federal Bureau of Investigation was that Intentional Animal Torture and also Cruelty was seen as an usual behavior, in childhood years, of very early serial murderers and rapists.
I truly despise to go into this much more, as just doing the research for this write-up sickens me; yet let me guarantee you that this kind of behavior still exists in the human or inhumane globe of human beings as well as neighborhood pets are often used as a likely resource since they are easily available.
Stealing To Get The Dog You Can’t Buy (Or Afford)
Yes, it appears ridiculous; however some people swipe pet dogs or particularly purebred dogs due to the fact that they can not pay for to purchase the pet dog that they want.
You can search the Internet and locate video clips of usually women sticking pure type young puppies in their purse or tee shirt as well as walking out of pet dog stores and animal shops. These pups are often upwards of $1,000.
In some cases the thieves think that they are providing the taken pet a much better life. And, honestly sometimes stolen dogs obtain simply that.
I am self-conscious to confess that I have recognized people that have stolen pet dogs. These pet dogs were often chained outside everyday; often they were entrusted to no sanctuary and also no food or water. I can consider one I made use of to drive by daily when I lived in GA. I watched him grow from a puppy right into an adult. He had hardly a sanctuary as well as animal control would not do anything concerning his conditions. Never ever did he reach go inside; EVER. Someone in the animal area took him to offer him a new lease on life while he was still a year or two old.
I have often seen a Pit Bull that is my buddy’s next-door neighbor’s dog. He likewise is never ever welcomed inside as well as sits outside regardless of exactly how cold or stormy it remains in our climate. I want I could take him and provide him a much better life. A life where he can in fact have a “pack” and also a loving human and also the food and shelter and warm bed that he wishes.
Pet theft and canine theft can be found in many kinds.
All are prohibited. You judge what drops in the specifications of morally acceptable and what is not.
At least canines thieved to be individual animals are more likely to have a much better opportunity at life than various other pet dogs or buddy animals that are swiped.
The fact is, excellent animal proprietors never ever want their canine to be on that listing of stolen pets that the cops or insurer has to explore!
Allow us speak concerning how to keep our pet dogs risk-free!
Shield Your Dog from Dog Theft
Safeguard Your Area
The first point to keep in mind is to protect your location. Make certain that you have locks to secure your fence. Wood fences offer even more safety and security as well as keep next-door neighbors as well as passers-by from being able to see your pets.
Wood fences likewise keep canines from being overexcited as well as responsive because they restrict what they can visually see.
Keep An Eye on Him
Do not put your pet dog outside for hours on end, also if he suches as to go outdoors make sure that you keep an eye on him.
Every 20 mins approximately examine him as well as see to it that he is still in your backyard as well as securely secured.
No Signs
Although many people believe that they need to get indicators that introduce their pet’s presence in their house or in their lawn; these indicators might actually do more harm than good.
“Dog on Premises” or “Warning Guard Dog” indicators just sharp would-be burglars to the fact that you have a pet!
If you wish to keep somebody from burglarizing your house, I suggest that you make use of a safety and security system indication or a sharp to video surveillance.
Do Not Leave Your Dog Outside While You Are Gone
Pets left outside for hours each time and especially pet dogs left outside while their owners are gone make perfect targets.
These are the dogs that usually bark (which notifies the next-door neighbors to them being alone and also can additionally aggravate next-door neighbors). Dogs left outdoors consistently facilitate marks for would-be thieves who may be “casing” or expecting dogs that would certainly be very easy to steal.
Leave your canine safeguarded inside while you are gone to keep him risk-free.
Devices If The Unthinkable Happens
Silicon chip
Integrated circuits are easy and also will certainly keep shelters are research study business from approving a stolen pet dog or cat. Nowadays, silicon chip readers are likewise universal to make sure that proprietors can be located regardless of what silicon chip firm the animal proprietor selects.
Your vet healthcare facility will certainly enjoy to silicon chip your animal.
Please, please, please register the microchip and maintain it up to date when you move. There are thousands of microchips that go non listed and a non listed microchip is just as good as not having one in all!
There are some areas that will certainly also tattoo your animal. Lots of program pet dogs are not only microchipped however in addition tattooed with their proprietor’s social protection number to ensure that the owner can quickly be found.
Tips for tattooing is NOT to tattoo the ear of the dog. As ill as it sounds, ears can be cut off and dogs can still be turned in for cash or financial gain.
Those that tattoo their pets normally use their social safety number and also have actually the tattoo placed on the upper leg of the canine where it will certainly be quickly seen and also identified on exam.
GPS Collar
GPS collars can also provide you details if your pet dog goes missing out on. You can find the time the canine was taken as well as if the potential burglar is not astute he may not recognize that the collar has a GPS locator.
Video Surveillance
Thanks to modern technology and the ability to manufacture innovation for the masses cam systems like the “Ring” are usually now used both outside the home and inside the residence to maintain theft at bay.
Just like any type of criminal activity, see to it that your pet’s backyard and also his area is also under security.
Wrongdoers avoid video security like the pester as well as sentencing and evidence is much easier if you have actually the criminal offense caught on film.
It is always best when your house and your equipment can help you stay clear of having criminal activity or getting the cops included.
Community Watch
A community with a good and also energetic area watch will certainly keep several crooks at bay.
There are additionally great deals of pets alliance groups that you can look into in your location. These groups will assist maintain your cherished animals risk-free as well as in their home.
Help Change Laws
Lots of people hesitate of the federal government taking away their legal rights as well as ending up being associated with our lives. I for one, agree. I would certainly like to see regulations alter, as well as thankfully they are gradually transforming. Pets and animals are gradually evolving from “residential property” into sentient animals. A sentient pet is a pet that can being that has interests and also recognizes its setting. It feels cravings, heat, chilly, and desires and has needs. It is an animal that can sensations. Pet dogs are not non-living objects or property. Pet dogs have sensations as well as shouldn’t be tortured or abused any more than people need to suffer the very same destiny.
Pet dogs are not residential property, they are way more vital than any car that can conveniently be changed. Residential property can be thrown away as well as mistreated at will. Police must be entailed with animal cruelty and abuse since this is a predictive crime.
We require regulations that maintain our animals risk-free from misuse, otherwise just for the animal’s safety yet additionally to determine human lunatics and also predators.
The regulation should swiftly manage pet abuse and overlook with a strict hand. Empathy and also kindness need to be our objective when handling sentient animals. Besides, they have feelings as well.
Support regulation that offers our friend pets and also various other pets legal rights to be treated humanely.
Wanting to get entailed contact your local kennel club. Kennel clubs often learn about what is going on in their location and also can put you touching terrific individuals. Rescue groups can likewise be a wide range of information.
Take Care What Non-profit You Support
Not all not for-profit or 501(c)( 3) organizations are developed equally. Not all pet well-being organizations or perhaps gentle culture groups do what they say.
Some of these pet nonprofits are more like cults.
I keep in mind when I was 18 as well as one really popular pet rights company was highly opposed to showing dogs in conformation. At the time I was involved in the conformation globe with my male Rottweiler. My intent was never to breed him, yet to show the world his beauty and excellent physical conformation. This said pet civil liberties team was mosting likely to prominent conformation occasions and also poisoning dogs … because they felt that the canines lived depressing or violent lives.
I can say wholeheartedly, that some do. Several of these canines are not much more than animals being displayed around to win prizes to ensure that their proprietors can bill more money for puppies. Many of the canines were like mine; well-loved family pets that wen home and also lived flourishing as well as happy lives. I for one have NEVER reproduced one of my dogs no matter what title they have actually won. I become part of the pet dog reveal globe just to complete together with the most effective with my happy animals.
Do your research! If you are mosting likely to sustain an animal legal rights organization economically or otherwise ensure that you understand the ins and also outs of their principles.
I am not one for putting anybody on blast but PETA is understood for their extremist sights as well as the killing of pets.
The reality is that pet dog burglary is a huge trouble throughout the world. There are basic steps that you can take to enlighten yourself regarding the act itself and why it is successful as well as after that methods that you can keep your pet from ending up being a statistic!
from Lucky Dog Solutions http://www.luckydogsolutions.com/how-to-stop-a-dog-thief/
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cosmosogler · 7 years
hawaii part 3
hmm yes it does appear that i left writing the journal off until 11:30. that was a mistake. i got distracted. it’s easier to not think about things than to think about things. it’s... easier to think about other things too.
reading my post yesterday in order to get my bearings i realized how much i dislike the way i “sound.” no wonder everyone treats me like a man baby.
the public beach was fine. i didn’t want to stand around at the hotel and play pokemon all day so i went to a beach with bigger waves with my brother, austin, thomas, dad, and uncle mike. the neighbors came too, later. everyone except me and uncle mike was out in the waves so i just sat in the shade in the soft dirt-sand and talked to mike about cook’s pines, which we had spotted at the very north end of the island. you could see out that far from this part of the beach. we also talked about pigeons since there were a lot of them. we talked a little bit about eve and how, when pounds want to get their animals adopted, they describe the animal using the most exotic breed in the mix. wiley is a “finnish spitz mix.” (look them up they’re super cute actually.) eve is a “greyhound mix,” even though mike said she acts way more like a black lab. he said they’re always skittish like she is. 
i couldn’t really argue with that. it is more exciting to say you have a half-greyhound than a half-black lab. and eve never shuts up when mike is around. she just howls and howls and runs away and howls from the other room even a little while after he’s gone. she’s done that since she was 3. i thought she would get used to him after a year or two, but i guess once she realized he was also her vet she kept a grudge. 
wiley likes him though.
i eventually stumbled out into the waves knee-deep to laugh at the boys and their boogie boards. i probably stood out in the sun for just a little too long. i had been upset that i’d forgotten the sun hat gramma bought for me... i dunno it’s just nice to stand with your feet in the ocean even if you’re not swimming. 
i didn’t stay out for too long though. i mostly had gotten up because my legs were falling asleep sitting in the dirt, and also because i had sat down less than a foot away from an anthill and dropped my shoes on top of it. i went back in the shade and talked to sierra a little bit and played some pokemon.
i don’t remember what we did for dinner after that. it’s kind of frustrating to go to dinners with my family. gramma and sharon heavily favor restaurants we are familiar with over restaurants that are good/are easier for 25% of us to eat at. ryan has the fatal peanut oil allergy, i’m vegetarian, my sister’s got a lot of dietary restrictions and is generally picky, austin’s not allowed to touch nuts since his brother’s so allergic. gramma can’t eat red meat but we go to steak houses all the time. thomas won’t eat anything but hot dogs and sometimes pizza.
the next day was the last day on maui. my sister, claudia, uncle dave, and i broke off from the group to go to the aquarium. i didn’t realize that my family wasn’t joining everyone else for lunch so i didn’t think to say goodbye to anyone when we left the hotel. that kind of sucked. the aquarium was nice though. i sent a lot of pictures with one-liners and snarky comments to asher. i also took a ton of videos, which i forgot to show him when we hung out today.
after that (and some shopping) my sister and i had to wait in the shopping center after dave took claudia back to the hotel. we waited for like 40 minutes for our family to pick us up. we had some ice cream. the car ride over to ihop sucked. it was just the worst. my parents would yell at each other, and then demand unreasonable things from my sister (who had siri open), and then when my sister would get irritated she would get yelled at for raising her voice. my mom and dad acted like she was SO unreasonable for being frustrated with them. “i’m just such-and-such,” they would say, like “just” doing something excuses you from being a dick. “i’m just sayin.”
i hate “i’m just sayin.” it’s dad’s trump card for when he wants to “win” an argument. because if you get mad when someone is “just sayin” words, because “just” saying is so different from “actually” saying, then you are unreasonable and you lose!!!
at ihop i was too sick to eat and my sister was too sick to eat. then about halfway through the meal my brother cried out and put his hands over his eye. i was worried he had gotten hot sauce in it (i noticed the bottle next to his elbow) and suggested washing it out in the bathroom. he and dad didn’t come back for a long time. after we finished eating we dug out my sister’s eye drops and mom basically shot his eye with a jet of saline. also a guy who may or may not have been a tourist was there. he gave me conflicting stories over the span of our conversation. i wanted to focus on my brother but there wasn’t really anything i could do and the guy was very interested in talking to my family.
so then we went to the airport, and i played pokemon while waiting for the plane, which was about 40 minutes late. then we got on the plane and i watched the sun go down and listened to less than a full elo album before we landed on oahu. when we collected our bags and got the rental car my brother complained that his eye still felt like someone was jamming a needle into it and it had been seven hours.
so mom decided it was a good idea to give him one of her oxycodone pills. 
i have some feelings about this. mostly confusion, because i don’t understand why mother would have those pills in the first place. she’s always so harsh when she judges dad’s mom because she’s “addicted to pain killers” and “stole grandpa’s medication before he died” and “complains to the doctor too much so he’ll keep refilling her prescriptions.”
but you know what? 
mom stole my pain killers, my vicodin, when i had my wisdom teeth out. i had to go like five days with just tylenol when my jaw still wasn’t healed enough for me to even eat solids. when i talked to dad about it one time, years ago now i think, he seemed to imply that that was just something she does. 
i’ve met people who are addicted to oxycodone. it’s not a fun time. where the hell is mom getting such a powerful drug? who the hell is giving it to her? she has migraines. but i looked it up just now and oxy is a TERRIBLE  choice for treating migraines. and also it’s super addictive. 
and also i’m a stickler for rules i guess and i was super irritated that mom broke the rules and gave a prescribed medicine to someone who it had not been prescribed to. a powerful one! and she said this might mean she couldn’t take him to the emergency room!
at 11 after we had gotten settled into our new hotel room mom and dad took him to the emergency room anyway. i hope she got in trouble. my brother was super stoned. on the way to the hotel he was asking me stuff like what my major was and where i was going to school. he also made sammie-level bad jokes and laughed at them.
mom complained that we shouldn’t have pushed her to give him one. even though no one had told her to... even my brother was like “i don’t care just do something” at the time. 
so that night i didn’t fall asleep until 1, after my brother got back from the er. he had debris stuck in his eye and it had scratched his cornea. 
i had a dream that the monster didn’t want to kill me. it was after some equipment i had. a while into the dream i realized that not only could i teleport myself (sometimes i can do that), i could send other things away too. actually it was easier to Send Things Away than to teleport myself, which required a lot of brute-forcing my imagination into believing i had taken a huge step forward, sometimes up a wall or through one, instead of just a normal walking step.
it’s literally the best way i’ve dealt with a monster in my dreams basically ever. anyone around me it wanted to hurt, maybe as punishment? send them away. after the machine i had? send it away. “sorry dude, better luck next time.”
there was a lot more to it but it’s hard to explain in words that make sense when put in a sentence together. i wish i dreamed less in fluid images or impressions and more in solid ones.
well, even the solid images don’t always make a lot of sense... they make sense to me, in a weird way, but i can’t figure out how to make it make sense for everyone else. and drawing them is like looking into an infinite fractal. i can never put as much detail on the paper as i saw in my head and then it looks bland and strange and not what i wanted to communicate.
the next day i woke up at like 10:30, which is the latest i ever woke up during the trip. i even turned my alarm off. i felt sick all day. my family left to get lunch and i just stayed in the room because it hurt. in the evening we went to my mom’s cousin’s anniversary house gathering party. this is the cousin my mom doesn’t even like very much, due to gay. 
i didn’t have much food. i mostly talked to my mom’s other cousin and her family, and caught up with some people i didn’t know. the meal was jewish chinese hawaiian. i liked the pasta salad.
by 9 i was too exhausted to talk to anyone any more. i found myself blinking even more owlishly at the host’s collection of mugs painted with the faces of what appeared to be american presidents. there were like 40 of them. i had laughed when i saw them the first time and said “it’s good to have a hobby.” i guess as i got more tired i wanted to say more, but had less to say. so i just looked at them a lot.
i don’t know what i did with all that time. i don’t know what i spent my evening doing. my family was watching a different movie on each tv in the hotel room. we had the two-room setup again, but my brother and i had separate beds this time. it was frustrating because my feet and ankles would get caught in the blanket tucked under the bed. it was too hard to kick the blankets loose so i felt pressed down and restricted and that made it really hard to fall asleep. i have enough trouble getting my arms and legs into comfortable positions while i’m up and about during the day. i spend all night fidgeting and adjusting my weight and yanking my pajama pants around trying to get them to sit right. this happens every night. i’m uncomfortable all the time. my legs just won’t sit right and it feels like if i just kicked or flexed them i could maybe jimmy them into better positions but it never happens. so when i sit i kick my feet around all the time. and when i sit with my hands or arms against a surface i knead at it trying to get my hands! into! the Correct! position!!!
the correct position probably doesn’t exist. i’ve never gotten there before. all i can do is try to loosen up my muscles a little bit so i stop feeling so strained and uncomfortable.
the last full day i spent laying around mostly. i went and looked at the baby seal and took pictures and sent them to asher. i found anny and sarah on the beach but my legs fell asleep while i was sitting under the umbrella with them so i got up and left. i was also getting sunburnt again. i found mom at the hotel restaurant so i got lunch with her even though i didn’t want to. i got a fancy drink with dragonfruit and mango and stuff. i told mom i wasn’t hungry at all but she talked me into a sandwich that was way too big for me to reasonably eat and also like 20 dollars. i barely managed half of it. i gave the other half to dad when he showed up.
then we went to the actual anniversary party at a fancy restaurant. i was too tired to interact with anyone so i sat with my brother and sister and tried to track down a glass of water. my brother ended up with three, mostly as a joke on my part.
this is the story as i understand it. my aunts have been together for 20 years. marriage was legalized between 3 and 4 years ago, and they got officially married a few weeks after the law passed. we were here to celebrate their “anniversary,” though it may have just been the best time of year for everyone to travel. there were a lot of cute and touching speeches. i always enjoy uncle len’s terrible, terrible poetry. it’s actually better than mine at least.
hmm, well, maybe they’re about the same quality now that i’m thinking about it.
the food was very interesting. i was told the chef said he would have something “interesting” for me since i think i was the only vegetarian. i got some kind of briny rice with like a creamy green sauce. it was topped with asparagus and some little tomato cubes. and also really spongy looking mushrooms. and a cracker made out of cheese. i think it was asiago.
it was ok. i was tolerating it pretty well until i picked up a big mushroom stump and tried to eat that. the effect was immediate. i near gagged on how spongy and salty it was. it tasted like the ocean. the last time i accidentally swallowed ocean (a few days previously) i had thrown up immediately. as had my brother. we’re cool like that.
after that i wasn’t interested in eating any more. i had some of the dessert but didn’t really enjoy it that much. i think if i was feeling better i would have liked it more.
don’t tell no one, but we had assigned seats. when i got over to the table with my brother and sister i saw that i was assigned next to dad. i swapped my name card with my second cousin’s so i could sit next to my brother instead.
there were three performing sisters supplying the party with music. they were pretty good! when they came over to our table and asked for requests i said “please god anything but over the rainbow” and they laughed. they played some songs that their mother wrote. but at the end they made us all hold hands and sway together and sing aloha oe. i was bummed about that, mostly because i didn’t want to be standing, partly because i didn’t know the words, and partly because i really didn’t want to hold hands with anyone.
i had a lot of trouble falling asleep at a reasonable hour that night. i had more dreams, and i was thinking about them the next day, but i don’t remember what they were any more. the ride to the airport was stressful. i was crammed in the back with all the suitcases and every time we made a sharp turn i’d get squashed or knocked in the face by the suitcase’s wheels. i ended up getting something like chocolate chalk on my fingers trying to buckle my seat belt and i was upset about that the whole ride.
i texted with asher for a while. i don’t think he was doing so hot but he heard me out which was nice of him. i was looking at a billboard while we were stopped at a gas station and i texted “it’s kind of surprising how little matters in life when you think about it.”
i’d been thinking about that for over a week at that point. so few things actually matter. i was trying to make a list and i could only really think of one thing. being able to see the sky matters.
i also said it was really a relief to look at something and say “screw it, i don’t care about this any more, i’m going to stop putting any effort into it.” because, like, it saves so much energy to not put effort into things you don’t care about! why waste your time on crap that doesn’t matter? 
i mean, sure, if you care about something, be tenacious as hell. but if it doesn’t matter? why am i still trying? why not try at something that does matter?
what i’m getting at here is that i don’t care about being friendly with dad any more. he never apologized or mentioned it or did anything. he barely looks at me. if being embarrassed or being the authority or whatever is more important to him than i am, then screw it! i don’t care! i don’t HAVE to care.
so that’s the hawaii lesson. you don’t have to care. you can choose to care, but you don’t have to.
on the flight back i did nothing but fish for bottle caps for basically six hours. i got up to use the restroom and i did doze for about 20 minutes at the start of the flight. 
it wasn’t really just fishing for bottle caps. i never just fish. that’s boring. i was listening to music and fishing for bottle caps on the side to keep my hands busy. i was barely even paying attention. i spent a lot of time thinking about random stuff. like animorphs, or doing a mental review of one of the comics i’m reading, or wondering about recent developments in another. i also spent actually more time than i should have wondering what the guy next to me was thinking. i mean i was playing what was clearly pokemon, but all i was doing was running back and forth and fishing up pokemon that i ran away from. 
i got nine bottle caps.
we landed around 10:30. baggage claim was normal amounts of crowded and stressful. dad missed the terminal’s curb when he drove over to pick us up and had to spent 10 minutes going all the way back around the airport to try again. it was over 100 degrees even though it was the middle of the night. the car was crammed the whole hour back. we decided to stop at carl’s jr for dinner at 11:30 and i got really sick from the grease. we got home at 12. i putzed around on the internet until 1:30, and then i took a really long time getting ready for bed because i felt disgusting and i wanted to wash off more than usual, and then i couldn’t fall asleep because my brother was screaming at the computer and stuff.
in the morning i went downstairs to go to my doctor’s appointment after sleeping for 5 and a half to 6 hours. after waiting for 10 minutes for dad to get ready to leave, i finally asked when we were heading out because i had no idea where this office was or how to get there. he leaned in real close to me and growled “i NEVER said i would take you ANYWHERE.”
the end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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