#/ putting up with my angsty ass  -  you’ll deserve a medal but I promise I’ll do my best to get plot out for both muses once we get started
adversityfought-a · 2 years
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-`ˏ    @oathofpromises​   ˎ´-
→   What is on your wish list? And Is there a ship you wish you could write more for?-Munday Meme 
(  Mun Questions  🪴  )
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Where do I even begin…? There’s so many threads I’d love to explore, it’s kinda hard to rattle them off all off the top of my head… but as of late?
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I guess to start? I have been craving more angsty threads tackling the theme of Death  &  my muse exploring the topic in conversation with another muse? Just all around confronting the actual topic they face on a near day to day basic, see what it means to them now  &  possibly what I meant to them back then, see how things changed over the ears from this constant exposure.
All in all explore threads where there’s some conflict internally with views  &  beliefs. It’ll be heavy, that’s for sure, but so far I have an amazing one going on with a friend, but hey if anyone ever wants to dig into the nitty gritty of this theme, I am always down!
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Another one I’ve wanted to explore that is admittedly a guilty pleasure, is just Chris going feral or apeshit  -  dark side? Villain verse? Villain verse. I’m weak for corrupted heroes  &  good guys just losing that hope they held so tight, feeling like there’s no point in continuing on the fight, losing faith in humanity or those they believed in.
For Chris specifically I have been thinking a lot about it because of RE8 brainrot… but! Have been rolling around the idea that if he were to change sides, he’d for sure, basic verse wise where he just goes rogue, no external influences, it’d just be a decision he comes to internally after severe amounts of loss  &  failure, maybe his goals start off pure where he decides to try taking it out from the inside, gets involved in shady dealings  &  morally questionable stuff, maybe his own views shift at some point  &  his cynicism kicks into overdrive  &  BAM.
It’s a shift so subtle but it hits hard cause he could believe the ends will justify the means once he reaches the root or something in a weird anti-hero way, but it backfires or only comes to light that even as he gives it all up to try another angle at combatting Bioterrorism, it’s still all for nothing. ITS DARK BUT THATS ONE OF THE MAIN ONES I HAVE RATTLING AROUND.
Ofc I could also go for a good old fashioned infected verse or corruption through a typical villain, but I’d need to trust the other mun  &  know the muse better to allow it because I want DEPTH  &  CONTENT. I WANT TO BE INVESTED IF I GO THAT ROUTE. SO… AAAA
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Another plot I’d love to explore is just memory threads?
Can be lighthearted  &  hopeful where he’s relearning older ones or gently reminiscing with friends or a partner over the past to fill the blanks in the lost memories he can’t remember. I just… adore that kind of deep vulnerability, the softness it can invite between both muses, the deepening of a bond through sharing possibly bad or traumatic memories, taking that leap to share the good  &  bad  &  the trust it has in general that he’d TRUST another muse to help be honest with him while doing so.
It has the potential to be angsty too, for possible manipulation, for old feelings to rise again at resurfacing memories or again can just be gentle  &  soft depending on what my partner decides. BUT YES I WILL ABSOLUTELY GO FERAL FOR ANY OF THESE.
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AS FOR THE SHIPS  -  I am generally not.. uhhhh I KNOW I WRITE A LOT OF SHIP CONTENT HERE, but I do mean it when I say I’m not typically one to jump in with that as my goal first thing? I’m fairly content right now with the ones I do have going! But I’ll always be down to explore more with others if it’s discussed with me! I adore ships though, so long as it’s brought up with me, deadass I’ll try anything so long as it’s within comfort. I am hella weak thought for Chreon, Valenfield,  &  yeah k HeisenField  &  Chrisker got my ass in a choke hold rn, but again, as much as I adore those ships, it depends highly on muse compatibility.
Cannot… tell you how often I’ve tried to leap into shipping with another mun of a muse I love from a ship and it just never worked out cause muses clashed? I fear that happening so I usually wait a bit to see how they interact before poking or risking sending stuff >< 
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LONG STORY SHORT  — these are a few of the ideas I have that I’ve been wanting to explore so much lately! I am.. awful at plotting or asking for them so, please, if you ever have an idea in mind, wouldn’t mind tackling these with me, please kick me in dms or hell even shoot an ask with a nod to em  &  we can work from there?
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