#/ they do bring back the karma dragon concept; if we'll get somethin like light dragons instead of shadow dragons \
unboundpower · 2 months
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Man I love the concept of the Shadow Dragons. Karma dragons as a whole. So neat that making even selfless wishes have a consequence, and being too selfless too often will result in the creation of entities that'll try to take everything you love away from you.
Though, I do honestly think it would've been more interesting if they applied fully direct consequences of the dragon balls in the series. Like Shenron could grant a selfless-seeming wish, but it would have an unforeseen / unpredictable negative consequence as an equivalent exchange. A monkey's paw type deal. I.E. If one person is revived from the dead, another person has to die as a result. Or the person who gets revived isn't who others remember them being - having changed for the worst.
...Hm...that could be a fun way to explain what "minus / negative energy" actually is in the dragon balls. Selfless wish = negative consequence = negative energy build up. On the reverse: selfish wish = positive consequence = positive energy build up.
It would also give reason in-universe for characters to not rely on the dragonballs / Shenron as a crutch or magical "fix all" solution, because there's the danger they'll inevitably fuck up someone's life or Earth itself in some other way. Makes summoning Shenron and granting wishes have more weight.
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