#// -w- he's almost a mirror to the relationship btw dk and koopzilla's bowser which is always funnn
simiansmoke · 1 year
What is DK's relationship with Dread Kong like?
Ask Muse about Relationships
// ohboy-
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Well, Dread Kong is originally from the game Jungle Beat where DK goes around and uh...beats the shit out of leaders of different jungle territories and then they all (join, comrade) at the end.
So the idea is that these different fruit tribes are actually defectors from the original jungle kingdom that have had it with how things are run, or they're just greedy (who knows).
Which means they were all originally part of the jungle kingdom to start off with. Dread in particular was a high ranking general in the Kong army and typically was the first line of defense with training new recruits and getting their below-average stats to at least barely on par very quickly.
DK (I guess verse dependent but I'll pick one for the following) spends a lot of his childhood and pre-teens being literal Justin Bieber- (DK country cartoon and that singing' voice yo) and monkeying around with friends that Cranky starts growing concerned he won't be ready to take over whenever the time comes. So with a good dose of guilt and unspoken bribery for Dad's affection, DK ends up enlisting in the Kong army as a young adult to start learning the ways of battle - which is timed fairly well since the Kong nation is just beginning their war against the Kremlings at this time.
Naturally, he's assigned under Dread and goes through basic training. (All the hazing included - because a lot of the army is sour and bitter and doesn't like royalty, go figure.) Dread of course is operatating under the guise of becoming close to and grooming his army men to basically treat him as their leader so that when he decides to defect, he has a loyal crew that will lovingly forsake the jungle kingdom for him.
DK becomes the target of this scheme along with all the others, and is eventually convinced to have ah...relations with Dread (aka sleep with him here and there) for better treatment / protection in the royal hating army. Although, in the midst of doing so (this ofc takes place over the course of a few years btw), DK semi develops (or at least thinks he does) feelings for Dread, and the two seem to get along out of battle or training, and especially when no other royal sneering soldiers are around to question the growing playfulness around their exchanges.
This of course is shattered and discarded by DK when Dread enacts his plan and has his most primed to obey army members join him in his coup'de'tat, in which he fully expects DK to join him even though it means toppeling his father. (Though he figures DK will be on board because of how his father pushes him to do all the things he isn't on board with.)
The two eventually part bloody and vicious ways after a scuffle following DK not accepting the other's betrayal.
After the events of Jungle Beat, Dread is sent along with the other antagonists of the fruit kingdoms to be enslaved on the island where the coconut crystal is enshrined (in a temple that will only open with the touch of a royal family member) to serve as unwilling bouncers against treasure hunters. (They basically have not much food so anyone that comes along is food. Cue Dread developing cannibalistic tendencies.)
Having to face Dread again when he and Bowser arrive on the island leaves DK feeling...well, dread - ironically. His feelings about the past are a mix of disgust and what could have been 's, and he misses the bonds shared with one whom taught him a lot of what he knows of combat (and to a degree, physical love *cough the virginity ask plot couuuugh ....and subsequent ending*) but after seeing just how much Dread (as well as the others) have deteriorated and become rabid in their banishment, he's opt to keep those feelings fossilized in the past where they ought stay, if not be forgotten entirely.
(Relevant Dread v DK drabbles: xx, xx , xx)
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