#// Monika from DDLC would be amazing if she was truly sentient
team-mavericks · 1 year
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[ Cool, haven't lost any followers yet. Now let's talk about the A.I. stuff.
So, the recent event is that someone was rejected to be RP partners with. And their response was to threaten (or did they succeed?) turning their portrayal into an A.I. so they can write with the A.I. instead or potentially trying to replace them? I'm sorry, but that's sad. You chose a platform that's made to be creative and make friends, and you chose to be a loner and outing yourself as not someone to be associated with. We can talk about how uncool that is, but I'd rather point out how pathetic you are. Whoever you are. Good luck doing that to me though, I just mentioned I had a spreadsheet, no A.I. you can ever make will be able to replicate that so even if you succeed on me it won't be the same experience and thus you already failed.
But I think we should talk about the difference in definition of A.I. because there's TRUE A.I. and what we currently have: A.N.I. (Artificial Non-Intelligence, thank you Arden)
Real A.I. is like a separate entity. It's what we see in movies, and it's what scientist and programmers are trying to accomplish. It might be artificial, but it's a fully functioning brain. Jarvis, Friday, The Epsilon Unit, whatever the hell was in TRON. It's not something that stops all thought when not spoken to, it stays active and formulates/calculates it's own thoughts and opinions. That's rad as hell, and I want to see the day that we can pair A.I. with mentally unhealthy people to regulate decision making because I need 4. I am not smart, and I could DEFINITELY use that kind of help that won't bother a real person at random hours of the day.
A.N.I. is brain dead, you press a button and it turns on like a toaster. It's not where I want A.I. to stop because we all know it's a data scalper. But I do think we should talk about healthy ways to use it. DON'T BOO ME JUST YET, HEAR ME OUT.
Using ANI to come up with an idea when you’re stuck in a writers box? That’s good. Using ANI to write your posts word for word? That’s bad.
Using ANI to generate a music playlist fitting a specific vibe? That’s good. Using ANI to generate actual music? That’s bad.
Using ANI to generate art in a private setting to help expand on ideas or visuals like costume ideas or landscapes (because we can't art good)? That's fine. Sharing that art and trying to sell it as your own? That's bad.
Using ANI to generate scam phone calls that call you from constantly changing numbers? I will kill you. I will actually fucking kill you. I will put myself on a fucking list to hire people to find your ass and I will go to your home and rip out your throat with my fucking teeth. I HAVE CHANGED MY WORK NUMBER 3 TIMES NOW, COMPANY POLICY REQUIRES ME ANSWER EVERY CALL BECAUSE IT MIGHT BE IMPORTANT, FUCK YOURSELF.
Writers burnout happens to all of us, but we shouldn't depend on it to be active. Use it to help you expand, or help you refresh. In a RP setting, we always want the real person. If we wanted a bot, we wouldn't bother being here. I don't want to write with a bot, I want to form a connection with someone on a creative level.
Bottom line is, everything is okay in moderation. Don't think that just because it currently exists means it's the apex of what we can do. We are smarter than that, we are better than that.
If there's something I just said that needs clarification or correction, let's discuss it in a healthy setting. I'm not calling to arms against helping tools, I'm calling to arms against laziness. ]
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