#// also frankie is super being modest-- he's a very interesting person but he describes his life humbly lol
nrth-wind-a · 4 years
[for fashion!skrael: how did you first get into fashion? is there any particular philosophy that motivates your designs? how do you keep your inspiration? for frankie: what's it like to be behind the scenes of shows? how does it compare to jobs you've worked in the past? :v]
1. How did you first get into fashion?
Skrael grinned. “Ah, my mother used to leave that reality television show Project Runway on for background noise, and a very small version of me seemed to have taken the lessons to heart; I used to draw out the failed designs from every episode, with my own ‘improvements.’ Eventually, my mother noticed enough that she bought me a sketchbook for my... oh, I believe it was eighth birthday? I nearly filled the thing not months later, and it... rather took hold, I suppose.” He chuckled. “Though, I would say that it was my high school art teacher who really started encouraging me to pursue it more strongly. She allowed my final projects to be the clothing I designed for homework sketch practice. It was great experience for my fashion school applications.”
“...I suppose, going back to the very earliest start, though, the first person who should be credited with my interest in fashion should be the great Tim Gunn himself. Without his presence, I doubt Project Runway would have been quite as interesting.”
2. Is there any particular philosophy that motivates your designs?
“Everyone wants to express themselves; I like making clothing for those who seek to express themselves in the ways they are told not to.” 
3. How do you keep your inspiration?
Skrael hummed, thinking about the question for a moment. “I... suppose, similarly to what I said about my motivation; those who enjoy my designs-- the gothic, the alternative, the punk-- they encourage me to keep going. They inspire me.”
His face turned mischievous, “Not to mention... a little bit of spite, too, never hurt,” and he gave a wink.
1. What’s it like to be behind the scenes of shows?
Frankie gave a hearty laugh, running his hand through his cropped green hair, “Oh man, you ever been on a boat during a sea storm? ‘S’like that, but I get the unique pleasure of keepin’ others from hurlin’ themselves into the storm to make it worse. I don’t usually get directly involved, though; I’m more supposed to watch the door and keep out anyone who isn’t on official business. So, I guess to go off that boat metaphor, I’m like the guy in the lighthouse who has to watch the storm, and only sometimes sees the spray of a wave flyin’ at me.” 
“Although, with Skrael and Bellroc-- my most loyal clients-- I think that metaphor goes out the window, ‘cause I definitely get splashed by waves then. Those two are very good at what they do, and I wouldn’t say they’re difficult to work with. But y’know Meryl Streep’s character in Devil Wears Prada? ...Yeah. They could probably be besties with her, if they could ever manage to hold a civil conversation for once.” His smile gave away that he wasn’t so much complaining, as he was making a friendly joke. “But anyway, they’re not abjectly assholes-- except, y’know, to each other-- so it’s not like I get drowned when I work for them, or anything. They just... are very entertaining sometimes. You know it’s never gonna be a basic or easy show with them. Adds some excitement to life; keeps ya on your toes.”
“Which, I think kinda ties into that second question there.”
2. How does it compare to other jobs you’ve worked in the past?
“Working fashion shows, I gotta be honest, is actually some of the more exciting stuff I’ve done in my life. Before this, I did nightshift security work-- never really had anything truly crazy happen there-- and some odd jobs where I could take ‘em. Construction projects, yard work when I was a younger college kid tryin’ to get by. Nothin’ quite as glamorous as my current field. I got into the fashion business through my nightshift security experience, y’see; I started needed work during the day, cause pullin’ nightshifts five days out of seven started to wear after a while, so I looked into what jobs I could take that were still in the security field, and, honestly, I didn’t even specifically look for the fashion industry-- it kinda grabbed my hand and yanked, y’know?”
“As for how it differs... I mean, for one thing, most of the shows are during the day, so I get to sleep through the night, now. The pay’s a little better, especially when Skrael and Bellroc get involved; just the same way those two bump up the excitement. I don’t always have a regular shift anymore, but I get to stream video games as a side hobby that sometimes pays through donations, so I appreciate getting to do that when I can. Overall, it’s just been a pretty nice gig, so I’d say I enjoy it more than past jobs, too. Plus-- I’ll tell ya what, some of those designers are chronic gossips-- I’ve heard so much celebrity drama that didn’t go public, I could probably write my own book about it all. I would never, of course-- confidentiality is a key part of my job-- but, y’know. ‘S’still fun to listen to.” 
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