#// and rly even ppl on the internet having a problem thinking mental illnesses are just Quirky Personality Traits
brokentoys · 1 year
anxiety isn't just being a little scared about something rational (failing your interview)
social anxiety & awkwardness isn't just you're "shy" and sometimes you say something silly.
narcissist personality disorder isn't just having an "ego."
schizophrenia isn't just seeing funny hallucinations or hearing voices to Kill Kill Kill.
depression isn't just feeling sad.
i'm tired of media, and well, some people as well, thinking mental illnesses are just quirky and fun traits all while watering down the actual disorder, or refusing to acknowledge the "uglier" reality of them. they're called disorders and illnesses for a reason. they're not just "quirks" you give a character to make them Unique !
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gglitchshit · 7 years
how do other ppl graduate from uni?
like do their stuff and finish thesises or whatever u have to do
im literally so sad i can barely move and cant even think and and i should have finish a 73489 pages long Serious Thesis tm by friday i think and im nowhere with it and i have several other problems besides this and i just keep lying to my mom and im just gonna avoid school next week too
it must be fun not to be mentally ill i want a free 30 days trial please
anyway i could rly stop putting everything out on the internet ahah
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