#// broke out the alt alt account for this one bc sakuya evaded me on both main and alt
jujumin-translates · 1 year
Sakuya Sakuma | [SSR] Toy Box of Hope | Spring Troupe at Block TOY Land - Part 1
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Izumi: Ah, Sakuya-kun, good timing!
Sakuya: What’s up?
Izumi: I have to go out right now, so can you give this mail to Tsuzuru-kun?
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Sakuya: Got it! I’ll be sure to give it to him.
Izumi: Thanks! Well, see you later!
Sakuya: See you.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Sakuya: You in here, Tsuzuru-kun?
*Door opens*
Citron: Oh, it is Sakuya!
Tsuzuru: What’s up?
Sakuya: I’ve got mail from the Director to give you.
Tsuzuru: …! Could this be…!
Sakuya: …?
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Tsuzuru: I won…
Citron: What did you win?
Tsuzuru: A two-day/one-night resort experience for the anniversary project of Block TOY Land. It was something I entered in the postcard sweepstakes for.
Sakuya: Waah, that’s incredible! Congrats!
Citron: It is rare for you to win a postcard sweepstakes, Tsuzuru!
Tsuzuru: Probably just used up all my luck for the year…
Citron: Who are you going to go to Block TOY Land with?
Tsuzuru: I didn’t even think I was gonna win, let alone think about who I’d bring.
Tsuzuru: How many people can even go…?
Citron: It says here up to six people can go!
Sakuya: These kinds of things usually have a lot of pair tickets, but to be able to have six people go is incredibly… It’s really fitting for an anniversary project!
Citron: It is very generous!
Tsuzuru: It is. But six isn’t enough for my family to go… Guess I’ll have to go with you guys then.
Sakuya: I’m really happy you’d consider that, but are you sure you want to go with us?
Tsuzuru: Super sure.
Citron: You are also very generous, Tsuzuru!
Tsuzuru: Nah, it’s not like I paid for the tickets or anything.
Tsuzuru: Everyone is at the dorms today, right?
Sakuya: I think so!
Citron: Let us go and tell them immediately!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Masumi: All the buildings are made out of blocks.
Chikage: It’s called Block TOY Land for a reason.
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Citron: It is like being in a town of toys!
Itaru: I’ve seen pics of it on social media, but seeing it in person is way more impressive than I imagined.
Sakuya: I think so too. I’m getting excited just looking at it!
Tsuzuru: How about we drop our stuff off at our rooms, have lunch at the hotel restaurant, and then we can look around a bit?
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Sakuya: Waah, the room is really toy-like too!
Tsuzuru: I didn’t think that even the rooms would be like this.
Sakuya: Speaking of that, three twin hotel rooms is a really great postcard sweepstakes reward for an anniversary project.
Tsuzuru: I really didn’t think I’d manage to win this.
Tsuzuru: Plus our room assignments were decided via rock-paper-scissors, so having the different combinations from the dorms is kinda refreshing.
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Sakuya: Yeah!
Sakuya: Citron-san and Itaru-san said they were really happy that the two of them brought their gaming consoles so they could game all night long.
Tsuzuru: Masumi looked less than thrilled to be rooming with Chikage-san. Well, probably because Chikage-san likes to tease him.
Sakuya: Ahaha… Hopefully Chikage-san doesn’t tease him too much today.
Tsuzuru: Yeah. Well, it’s almost time to meet up, so we should get going.
Sakuya: Yeah!
[ Next Part ⇢ ]
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