#// but raphael is the reverse of 'what happens when you push the good guy too far?'
springtwirling · 2 years
@thecursedhellblazer​   ( from here )
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“Read what room? ‘s far as I’m concerned, I’d say we’re in an alley.” 
An amused chuckle spills from his lips; a sound like someone that is either constantly tipsy or always on the verge of being high, and is living life through a dream-like lens, and yet to others sounds dangerously sane. Perhaps more sane than anyone else ever has been in history. But then the chuckle ends and he places a perhaps overly decorated with jewelry hand against his hip, pushing back red tinted fabric.
“Tha’s fair... thos’ people’re probably gonna end up with th’ worst hangov’r of their lives wit’ how they were drinkin’ like it was the end ‘f the world... ‘r the beginning ‘f a new era.” The pirate captain shrugs again, unperturbed by the thought of either. Metaphorically or literally. Not like it bothers him any, at the end of the day. “There’s a lack ‘f class when it comes ta drinkin’ these days. It’s borin’. Though, can’t say I don’t enjoy the sudden brawls.”
He doesn’t approach just yet, keeping his even distance in case the man is actually a threat... or deems him a big enough one to lash out. The elegantly carved coin hanging around his neck glints in the dim light, a reflection of an intricate pattern that is partially obscured by thin ropes holding it secure. Likely John would be able to recognize a coin to buy a ticket out of the Underworld when he sees it. After a moment, his head tilts, a playful smirk reaching his eyes.
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“Oh aye, certainly no’. But, yanno, trick ‘f the trade: if yer friendly ‘nough, ya end up bein’ from anywhere ya say ya are. Some places it’s the reverse. Love those places. Get ta insult whoev’r I want. Fun times. Anyway. Do ya want someone ta help patch ya up? Ya migh’ not want ta list’n ta my advice, so next best option is patchin’ ya up.”
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urlocalbunny · 4 years
.sensory deprivation - raphael.
Warnings: Eloise masturbates in front of him kind of creepy but he pulls uno reverse card on her, vocal Raph, there's no bj no licking it's their first time and Raph wants to GET HIS DICK STIRRED.
As always, notice I can't write to save my life. Enjoy!
   Eloise was sitting on the couch inside the library with her legs hanging up. It was a cloudy night, so Vladimir was in the garden taking care of his plants. Beliath and Ethan went out just like Aaron, that was going to help Ivan feed, so he took the youngest out. It was just her and Raphael, her vampire, in the house. 
   He was reading some Goethe book Eloise found to be too lovey-dovey for her taste. He just laughed when Eloise said what she thought about it, stating she had yet to know how it feels to be at the mercy and feverish for somebody like Werther felt with just a kiss from Charlotte. 
   As much as she tried to avoid it, she always caught herself thinking about these types of things Raphael would say and do, the elegant arch on his back, the way he walked, his elegant posture, and his long fingers… How would it feel to have… All of him? Would it be feverish just like he said before beginning the book?
   Her feet dragged ok the couch under the covers, making noise much louder than she would normally listen. Would that be her chalice senses or her fear of getting caught? 
   The way Raphael’s fingers turned the pages was so delicate and precise, and the way he felt the letters just right, firm. 
   Eloise almost moaned. In certain moments where she was deep in lust in her head, she felt how excited he got in certain parts of the book through their bond, but what made her even more interested was the fact that her vampire was always blindfolded. She thought about a wish she wanted him to grant for a long while, but she didn’t have the courage. She wanted it badly… If Raphael just let her wear his blindfold in a specific time… Perhaps if he even didn’t let her feel anything but him with his mind control powers that were so complimented in the manor? It was tempting. 
   Her legs tangled into themselves, trying to create some friction. On days like this, Eloise didn’t wear anything but a dress, however, she regretted as she felt the wetness in parts she’d like to save for the one she loved and nobody else. A few minutes where Eloise felt tension and pleasure in her lower abdomen passed.
   From the darkened corner in the library, Raphael, turned towards her with a serious expression, called with a tone a bit more serious than usual. Almost as if he was… Scolding her. His teeth were gritted.
   "Did I interrupt your reading?” She knew she started to sweat, her eyes were wide and her voice wavered weirdly when she asked fearful of being caught masturbating, but she still tried to pretend.
   “I believe you can feel when I read the touching parts of the book, no?” He asked, taking his blindfold off, his eyes trained on her despite not seeing. 
“Well, yes, but why do you ask?” She answered, a bitter taste on her mouth. 
   “This magical bond we have, my chalice…” Raphael stood up, stopping behind her and placing his hands on top of her covered shoulders. “Allows us to share the most intimate moments of excitement, sadness, fear, and even… Arousal.” 
   The last word was whispered in her ear, “When you feel like I’m getting in a good part of the book…” he proceeded, snatching the book Eloise had in her hands and throwing the covers to the side. “I feel your stare… I feel what you feel… Right here.” Raphael’s hand slid across her naked thighs, under her dress, between her thighs, and disappeared there. Her face contorted and a low whine came out from the bottom of her chest. She gripped Raphael’s arm to support herself while he seemed to have fun playing with her.
   “Hmm, you wanted this for so long, I can even feel you aching. But I also feel the pleasure, like waves crashing in the shore…Yet, I’ll dare to ask”, he murmured close to her ear once more. “Do you like what I do to you?
   Raphael’s long fingers slid one, two, three times before they settled where she needed him the most, making her voice sound needy when she decided to answer. 
   "Yes, please, just don’t stop” she whispered, making Raphael go faster. However, he soon placed his other hand in between her shoulder blades, making her sit up.
   The feeling she had when he blindfolded her and sat right behind her, supporting her and getting back to thrusting his fingers into her was one of pure bliss. The moan of his name was loud, but not loud enough to satisfy Raphael.
Without seeing, Eloise tried do compensate with the next best sensation she could feel: the touch. But Raphael was faster, and soon she was dazed. 
   “Raphael?” She could touch him as much as she wanted, all she could ever feel was the deep, strong, slightly quick movement of her lover’s fingers, the places where she was touched. “Ah, just like that, I think I might…” Eloise felt the high hit her, strong, sweet, and unexpected wash upon her. Squeezing Raphael without seeing or feeling, the only thing she could concentrate on was listening to her loved one’s words, the taste of his fingers when he put them on her mouth. 
   “Taste yourself for me.” He felt her soft lips taste her own arousal, feeling the taste himself. “I feel it. You are�� Delicious. Now, come to me." 
   He turned her around, feeling her relaxed body. The chalice decided to unbutton his golden shirt carefully. Then, she followed to his pants. Raphael got rid of his shocks and shoes with his feet. It didn’t matter if he was naked and under his darling in the library right now. He had an incredible wish to mold himself to Eloise’s tempting silhouette, to feel how soft she was with other parts of his body, to let tears full of pleasure fall when he felt what she felt, how much she wanted him inside of her. 
   "I will care for you.” He whispered. Eloise, who just felt when she was touched, shivered in fear, anticipation, and pleasure as she felt Raphael undressing her and touching her bare breasts, moaning lowly. “My, my, I wonder where the rest of your clothes are.” Eloise felt her cheeks burn. 
   “I… Did not want to wear them today.” She whispered back, embarrassed. The vampire chuckled, dragging his fangs lightly above her breasts. She moaned, grinding her hips against him as he grunted in between his laughter. 
   “Do you think I do not know how much fun you have watching me read and wondering how would it be to feel nothing but me?”
   The way he spoke was bolder than what she was used to, but she did not let him surprise her and held his length in her hands, rocking back and forth carefully, feeling the cold drop of precum that fell in her hand. She guided him inside of her even if he didn’t need to. The feeling of not knowing exactly how he was shaped was foreign, and she was willing to test. 
   “How about you show me that you know just what I want, then?" 
   The first kiss, the very first kiss between them, the one they waited for the most happened at the same time he buried himself inside of her until he could not anymore. It was sweet, heavy but full of sensuality and unholiness that matched the moment. Eloise played timidly, but unexpectedly expertly with the even more experienced tongue that belonged to Raphael, who pulled away to suck at her neck and breasts. 
   "Please” she pleaded while trying to move her hips, feeling her vampire holding her in place and biting her right nipple. Without moving his mouth, he pushed Eloise softly against him, coming up with a rhythm that she could follow, feeling how his tongue wavered on her left nipple, and the cold air bit the one he just left. He wouldn’t stop sucking and bucking his hips, taking one of his hands to the button above their junction. Without much navigation, he started circling hard and slow to contrast with the quick and light rhythm Eloise made while she called his name. 
   “I wanted this so bad, I- I want you to take all of me. Please, Raphael, bite me." 
   With this sweet plea, his last bit of sanity broke. Biting his chalice on the neck, he sucked vigorously while he switched positions. He held her arms out, pounding quick and hard, moaning his chalice’s name loudly, needy, desperate like a mantra.
   Eloise groaned through her gritted teeth and rolled her eyes behind the blindfold, throwing her head back and feeling the sweat getting colder with the wind that blower gently through the glass window. The second orgasm crashed through, followed by a choir of loud moans from both of them. Raphael let himself go while he whined and spilled everything he had on top of Eloise, who little by little was beginning to feel the soft expanse of the man’s back, his face wet with ecstatic tears, his lightly puffy lips because of his fangs and the blood that slid between her breasts.  
   The last kisses of the night were long. A few minutes, almost hours went by in which they got used to each other’s mouths. After a few moments of silence except for the sounds of fervent kisses, the door handle turned, but the door was locked. 
   "You guys! What the hell?” Ethan seemed disgusted, punching the door twice. Raphael wanted to protest, but Eloise’s crystalline laugh made him follow her and forget about his annoyance when they dress each other. 
   “We should taste a bit more of us, my chalice,” Raphael said under the moon, now shining, now letting Eloise fall in a deep slumber on his arms.
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newagesispage · 4 years
                                                              FEBRUARY             2021
 The contents of someone’s bookcase are part of their history, like an ancestral portrait. –Umberto Eco
The world is about to change with Biden and Harris in office. It is great to have Harris in there. More women in power is so important. Women don’t think with their dicks. I mean, a pussy likes to fuck just as much but we can also get some work done. Men are rarely as good at multitasking.  The inauguration went off with high security after the Trump insurrection. 5 were killed as the traitors stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6 but Biden still became the President on the 20th. Hooray for Pastor Raphael Warnock and Jon Osoff in Georgia for taking the Senate. We are off to an interesting start with Merrick Garland nominated for AG.** Janet Yellen is the 78th US Treasury secretary and the first woman!**John Kerry is the envoy for climate and Pete Buttigieg is up for secretary of transportation. ** Biden reversed the ban on transgender troops, stopped the Muslim ban and signed many other executive orders.
Kudos to Bill Maher for giving out  his Baldy award and talking about Henry Waxman. And I was glad to see Waxman mention it and the many others who do the hard work, the real work of running this country.
Elon Musk is now the world’s richest person.
Did ya see the Wendy Williams night on Lifetime?  I have known friends and family with her behavior, this complete lack of self- confidence and yet completely self -absorbed. Yes, she was married to a jack ass and she can be entertaining but whew.. high drama.  I learned one thing.. Her Father and brother are HOT!!
Neil Young sold stake in 50% of his song catalogue to Hipgnosis songs fund in Britain.
John Mulaney is in rehab.
The Little things with Jared Leto, Denzel and Rami Malek was tops at the Box Office.
Olivia Wilde and Harry Styles?? Ooh la la!! What a beautiful couple!!
Thank you Cleveland Browns for all the hope!!** And..C’mon Packers.. U should have won that!!** Seahawk Chad Wheeler was arrested for domestic abuse.
Think before you speak, read before you think. –Fran Leibowitz
The Zodiac killer cipher was solved by amateur codebreakers David Orandak in Virginia, Jarl Van Eycke in Belgium and Sam Blake in Australia more than 50 years later.
Rebel with Katey Sagal looks pretty good.
Richard Lewis will not be in season 11 of Curb due to his many surgeries. Miss ya Richard!!
Elliot Page has filed for divorce from Emma Portner.
In the ‘some things never go away’ category, there are new shows coming of V.C. Andrews and the Great Gatsby.
Dylan McDermott is joining Christopher Meloni in Law and Order: Organized Crime.
Cigarette sales are up.
Crayola is recycling old markers at colorcycle. Never throw away markers again! Less Waste!
Days alert: The big reveal FINALLY came on Days about Gwen from Peoria. She thinks she is Jack’s daughter! It looks like the DNA will prove it. The plot will thicken as Laura returns with a secret and bad things happen to her. Susan Banks is also back and gets in the middle of a couple of stories. I am always glad to see Ivan but unfortunately Vivian is close behind. The twins story should come to a head. Please don’t push Rafe and Nicole together!! Word is that Patch and Kayla will remarry on their old anniversary of Valentine’s Day!! Best of all, Ciara is back and has thoughts of Romeo and Juliet. Find her Ben, before you get close to Claire.
Tom Brokaw has retired from NBC after 55 years. I remember when he retired from the news desk way back when.
Ex- Chester county Sheriff Carolyn Welsh has been charged with stealing from a K-9 unit charity.
Succession has added Sanaa Latham, Jihae and Linda Edmond.
People are filling in for Robert Costa on Washington Week while he is off with Bob Woodward writing their book.  Yamiche Alcindor was a great host!!!!
Some last headlines and thoughts and facts about the end of the worst Presidency in our history. Let’s hope this is the last of the news about the Traitor in chief except for paying for his crimes. Unity does not mean there are no consequences for criminals. Make no mistake Trump and some of his followers are criminals. **Here are a few things I ran across: Vanilla Ice played Mar A Lago for NY Eve.** After the riot many rats started to jump ship like Elaine Chao, Hope Hicks and Betsy Devos. The American Federation of Teachers reaction to Betsy Devos resignation: “Good Riddance.”** Mo Brooks had told the crowd, “Take names and kick ass.” Plans for a Sen. Hawley book were scrapped.** Adam Kinzinger of Illinois was one of the first to call for the 25th amendment that never happened.** People are trying to get to the bottom of the Riot with questions like, “Who paid for the buses?” ** These types of people are the reason we can’t have nice things. **  Scary Clown is off Twitter for good. Funny how it took Senators, companies and voters so long, 2 weeks before he leaves office to make him a pariah. Trump was too dangerous for twitter but not for the nuclear codes?? ** To anyone complaining about a private media co. kicking Trump off their platform: Think of twitter as a Christian bakery and Trump as a wedding cake. _William Cusack**The riot proved that blue lives really don’t matter to them.** U.S. rep for Colorado Lauren Boebert was given $70,500 by Ted Cruz just as he asked for a probe into Netflix. Her husband, Jayson was arrested for exposing himself to a minor and for domestic abuse.** Trump was impeached again.** “Republican colleagues broke down in tears saying that Republicans are afraid for their lives if they vote for this impeachment.- Congressman Jason Crow.** Mike Pompeo cancelled his European trip after Luxemburg’s foreign minister and top European union officials declined to meet him.**232 was the number of votes to impeach him and the number of electoral vote in his loss to Biden.**Trump’s interior secretary had his own flag** Trumps EPA guy made super- secret phone calls in his own phone booth and had 24 hour security.** Toby Keith and Ricky Scaggs received the National medal of arts. ** The Supreme Court tossed out a lawsuit claiming that Trump violated the emoluments clause. ** Dominion voting systems sued Rudy.** Trumps impeachment lawyers, Butch Bowers and Deb Barbier quit. Word is that they refused to say the election was stolen. The new team seems to include Bruce Castor who would not prosecute Bill Cosby and Epstein’s would be lawyer David Schoen. That sounds about right.
Hey Manson didn’t stab anyone. Incitement is a real crime. –Michael Mckean.
ABC News President James Goldston has resigned.
Everyone is talking about the SNL Krasinski/Davidson kiss.
The NRA is bankrupt.
Lenny Kravitz paid tribute to his Godmother, Cicely Tyson.
Colbert could take a tip from Larry King. Ask simple direct questions and let the interviewee talk. We are watching to hear what they have to say. The beginning of the show is the host’s moment so shut up later!!
R.I.P. Dan Dettman, Floyd Little, Pierre Cardin, Phyllis Mcguire, George Gerdes, Joan Micklin Silver, Carl Panzram, Gerry Marsden, Tanya Roberts, Kerry Vincent, KT Oslin, Tommy Lasorda, Michael Apted, Dave Creek, Jamie O’Hara, Dr. H. Jack Geiger, William Link, Neil Shehan, Joanne Rogers, Duke Bootee, Phil Spector, Don Sutton, Siegfried, Sheldon Adelson, Larry King, Ved Mehta, Bruce Kirby, Cicely Tyson and Cloris Leachman.
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finderskeepersff · 5 years
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Flicking my blunt out of the car window “you remember we beat Lamar ass right outside your street, he crashed your dad’ car when you said for him to not drive it” I chuckled “I remember, I was angry. All I wanted him to do was sit and wait and he crashed it because he wanted to reverse the car out” kissing my teeth “good times, so what you doing with it? You got builders at the place now” Kyle asked “building the home again, put my son’ name on it and it will be his home. Rent it out, I am doing it for my son. My parents can kiss my ass, but thanks for coming out with me. I just wanted to see it. The street ain’t changed you know, you see how big the plot is, I did all that fucking shit for them, all that. And all I wanted was some loyalty, some love. You know, but it is what it is. How many niggas been outside right here, sitting here waiting to kill me, waiting to take me out. And I walked out there like I don’t give a shit, what can I say Kyle. I ain’t want to do this to my childhood home but they don’t deserve anything from me” I find it hard, it hurts me that I did that but I needed to get rid of it and I feel better in myself “next stop” putting my car engine on “oh yeah, I ain’t tell you” looking in my rear-view mirror, Omar also put his car engine on to go “I am going to have a baby girl” I grinned, I am still trying to digest this though. It will be a baby girl, a girl, a whole ass daughter “no fucking way!! Little Sofia!?” nodding my head “a little girl” Kyle screamed out hitting my arm “oh shit, bruh!! I am fucking so happy for you!” I laughed out “I am still trying to digest it, it’s a daughter. I am scared. Cartier is easy. He a little nigga like me and I can help him, daughters are hard. I ain’t know, I have been raised with boys. Jasmine was never my problem so I didn’t bother, I don’t understand her like I do my brothers, I am worried I won’t be able to connect with her. She going to be so sensitive, I have to hold her close, I have to show her she don’t need no nigga and that her dad will always have her. Cartier is going to be a breeze but he hard headed. That little nigga be wanting to bite me for saying no but a girl, and if she look like Sofia my god. I am done, shit like that makes me feel like scared. I can’t lose in this game, I can’t leave my daughter alone either” I been thinking hard on this “Cassius, you know what you need to do. You already said it, love. That is all, you show them love” he is right, love over everything.
“Why do we need to stop at a Walmart? Shit is dumb” Omar said “we need a few black bags for your body if you don’t shut the fuck up” I said as we walked into Walmart “I was being dead ass, you and them two go and get them bags. Ethan and Kyle with me” I walked ahead towards the Garden section “I want you Ethan, go ahead. Check if that place is not busy” Ethan walked ahead of me “you really doing it?” Kyle said “I am, you see my dad is low and I am high. I just want him to know that. No love lost, I don’t care anymore. They the ones that needed me, they are living in family home. They ain’t got shit” Kyle nodded his head “you broke those chains Cassius, he ain’t got no hold on you anymore. He treated you like dirt” turning the corner, look at this old ass nigga on his knees. Ethan pointed and walked by him, he doesn’t even see around him. I really want to beat his ass “wait here” I said to Kyle while I pushed my black double breasted coat back and stuffed my hands in my pockets of my three piece suit, I have a business meeting to go too after this. I feel so big though, this body armour is heavy as shit. I stopped right in front of him, my Gucci shoes all in his face as he stared down at them “do you shine shoes boy” my dad looked up at me and I laughed, I stepped back “they Gucci, watch it with the dirt” Carnell’ eyes are on fire, he wants to kill “what’s good dad!” I spat laughing “you on your knees working nine to five, you thought you would be a kept pimp. I am doing great, I just wanted to check on you” my dad is not moving at all, I smirked looking around me. Taking my hands out of my pockets and crouched down slowly “listen here old man, if your wife ever goes into that police station I am coming for you. I have eyes and ears everywhere, I run New York and I will kill you. Don’t ever fucking speak on my name again, got it? I know your every move in my city nigga, any of these niggas will kill you on sight!” I spat, Carnell looked around him and his face slowly dropped “give me those bags” I said to Omar, he threw them to me and I caught it “keep these bags with you” I hit the bags right in his chest “hold them” I said, Carnell just stared at me “I said, fucking hold them!” he placed his hand over mine and I moved my hand back “you take these with you, and tell that wife of yours, these bags are for the both of you. Take them home, I will find out if you don’t take them too” I sniggered” getting up from my position “gentleman, this is my dad. Don’t get it twisted with me” placing my hand in my coat pocket, grabbing a pile of money out “here” grabbing a dollar from the pile “make that dollar into something boy!” I spat, throwing it at him. Walking around him, he said that to me well I guess he can have it back.
I breathed out as soon as I got into the car, that was hard. Taking in a deep breath “you did well Cassius, it’s ok brother” Kyle patted my shoulder “they talking, they are trying too. But I will kill them both, I will do it. I have too, it’s me or them Kyle” looking over at him “it’s me or them, they will never pick me! They will never bro!” Kyle grabbed my arm “I get it, Cassius I do. It’s ok, they wouldn’t pick you. You don’t need to explain shit to me, they know your heart and took advantage. Just relax my nigga” nodding my head “I know Brooklyn would be hard but I had too, Kalia said it to me and I was like I need to show them. I got to be there for my kids Kyle. I have to be there. No nigga is going to look after my daughter, not happening. It’s me or them now and I am choosing me, it’s me” looking ahead of me “it’s done now, until I find out they doing something else dumb but now we will go to the meeting. Also watch Kalia, she going to be on my dick. I am testing her so much, all men going to be at this meeting and she going to look so lost, I am late too” I did it on purpose, poor girl is going to be thinking why is everyone foreign.
Resting my back against the elevator as we rode up to the top floor, staring down at the picture of Cartier that Sofia sent me. I miss him so much and it’s already been one night, he is so damn naughty and you can see from his face he is up to something, smiling to myself staring at the picture before I replied back to her.
To: Sofia
From: Cassius
Miss you both so much, thank you for sending me the picture of Cartier. Send me a selfie too xx
Pressing send on the message “we on top floor?” Omar asked “we have a meeting on the top floor of the hotel Omar, first time?” I said as I locked my phone “kind of, I am usually front line” nodding my head “well you just stay quiet and you’re with me, don’t be side tracked by his craziness. He will have a lot of shit going on, do not do anything or touch anything. I mean it, all of you” I can hear the music seeping through the elevator as it opened, Laurence pulled the key card out. Moving away from the back, it’s funny because they all moved to the sides to make way “like I said” I said as I moved by them, I shook my head seeing the half naked girls already. Stepping off of the elevator, Raphael is always a mess every meeting. Some guy just started walking so I followed him, I will not be tempted by this at all because I am a happy man “Cassius! Move out now!” Raphael shouted, he is playing poker with some random men and girls all over, seeing Kalia in the corner “everyone! Out!” he shouted, nodding my head at Kalia “I will see you later” he slapped the girls ass as she walked off and nearly hitting into me, like I want her tits on me “move it” Fabian pushed her “are these seats clean to sit on?” I pointed “friend, you can sit here. It’s fine, it’s good seeing you, music off, we do business” waving Kalia “take a seat, Ethan” I sat down on the chair “you are a new Cassius now? Reformed? Jesus got you?” Raphael talks so much shit “I will get you by the throat soon if you don’t shut up” this guy is just stupid as fuck “I have someone else coming” squinting my eyes “who? You didn’t say, if I don’t like this person I will kill them” Raphael frowned at me “no, good friend” looking up at Omar, I just bowed my head at him.
I ain’t ever tell Raphael to bring anyone else to this meeting and what he do, invite someone I don’t know, on sight I will kill this person “Mateo, come in” getting up from the seat and my people also moved and straight got their guns out “no, no, just relax. He is good people, Cassius we need him” I know this motherfucker “Mateo, you being real? I had shit with these people, I don’t want them near me” Raphael got up also “let’s all relax, please” Mateo is so smug, he has bought two people with him “Santiago, come in. Come. We are all here for one thing” I am not sharing anything, sitting back down “Ethan” waving him over, I am watching these Latino dickheads “boss” Ethan said next to me, moving my head back “get Kalia, sit her next to me” I moved forward, my eyes never leaving theirs. These are related to Samuel, this is bullshit, I am not sure the game Raphael is playing but he likes to play a lot of games. Kalia moved around the table with Ethan “so can we start, want to play poker?” shaking my head “I have other business to attend, you know this so hurry up” Kalia is scared, I know it from her face she wants to cry. She is playing with the big boys now, she better be ready for this.
This is Samuel’ people, I know of them just they gave me no issues. They also work for me, well did anyways “so tell me about this detective friend of yours, what has she done? What is happening tomorrow night Cassius, come on now don’t hide her. Share your women” side eyeing Raphael “the import of guns and drugs will be arriving tomorrow, this is something I set up. This is my informant, so the cut goes me, Kalia and Raphael” fuck them “they are going to help us sell” shaking my head laughing “we can help you” I slammed the table with my fist “you work for me! You ain’t no boss! Shut up!” I shouted “girls, dance. It’s fine” Raphael said, Mateo laughed “you need to understand I help you, I keep these Latino gangs in check. Your warehouse got taken, you not good enough come on” he laughed “Omar” I said, the only sound I heard was the bullet enter Mateo’ head. Kalia gasped “welcome to the big boys club, aye” I got up and got my gun out “sit your asses down now, Santiago. You disrespect me, you come here! Trying to sit here! Your boss is dead, pussy. He gone” walking around the table, the two men are falling over each other “we don’t know” he said, they barely speaking fucking English “you think this is a joke!” I spat turning to Raphael “Cassius, come on. You think I am stupid, I bought the traitors to you, he came to me. I said come, now he gone. Oh well, I am with you” he chuckled “right, so Raphael. This is Kalia, she is going to cry any minute now but she knows that we will kill her so she is stuck, now you fucking get this shipment here” she nodded her head “it’s done, it’s fine. I can get you in. Nobody needs to die” nodding my head “well I ain’t going, Ethan is. This should be simple, I have a new warehouse, this whole fucking shipment will be feeding through to Atlanta, Miami and here. Raphael, I need you to send some men to Atlanta, I need to get start getting back to normal there” Raphael nodded his head “done, yours my friend. You want them dead too” he pointed behind me, holding the gun behind me cocking the gun back and shot the bullet. I just heard a scream, looking behind me, seeing I hit his leg “close enough, I want them gone. I have another meeting to go too. Raphael, have a good party. I got to go” walking off in a rush, dapping him as I went by.
I shouldn’t find this amusing but I do, entering the elevator with Kalia “not like working for the law is it? You look like you seen a dead body” I laughed, she looked at me “his brains was on the wall, you lot are crazy! In a hotel? There is cameras” nodding my head “Raphael got money, he ain’t stupid. That foreign fucker been around, he is the biggest dealer in Europe, he hangs with all the rich folk but you know that, they won’t question anything. Shit will be cleaned up” Kalia still looks disgusted, grabbing my phone from my pocket seeing it’s Sofia. Answering the call “hello” pressing the phone against my ear “hey baby, I miss you” I didn’t think she would ring me like now “I do too, I am just going to a meet up. I will call you back, you should go to bed. It’s late” rubbing the back of my head “I am trying too, it’s not the same. I am also worried so it don’t help” I knew she would be “you don’t need to do that, I just need to do a few things here. I will call you later, just try and sleep you need it” I don’t want her worrying “fine” she is not happy “aight” the elevator pinged open, turning around to get off “I am scared Cassius, I don’t like you there” closing my eyes sighing out “it needs to be done Sofia, I need to be here and I need to sort this all out” looking behind me hoping Kalia ain’t with me because I really can’t be seen with her in public, she ain’t so that is good “I love you, tell me you love me” I chuckled “I love you, happy?” shaking my head laughing, she is funny “call me, I will hopefully wake up” knowing Sofia she will wake up when I call, she wants to know what time I go to sleep “bye” I love her “bye bub” I said before disconnecting the call, I said it so she can’t complain.
Walking into the cafe with just Kyle, I don’t want a whole group of people with me “Cassius!” Mitch got up from his seat “Mitch” getting my hand out, he dapped him “long time brother” he said to me “same, I am glad you’re well. You know Kyle” I said stepping back “I do, you good?” sitting down at the table “Mia was asking me where I am going at so late at night, she think I am cheating but I goes I am going drinking with the boys, so yeah. Here I am, you said for me to not tell” I know Mia will be on his case “sorry about that, I just needed you to come out here. Nobody here, just us. This is something I just strictly want you to deal with, I been thinking. I am not involving you in anything, I don’t want you to even be linked to me but I have to think. I can’t trust many people, I got Kyle but I need someone that is” I paused thinking “someone that will be around for longer than me” Mitch frowned at me “you dying?” he said in shock “no, but I can be any time. Do not tell Mia anything, Sofia is having a girl. Unless she says it, it’s got me thinking. I have my money, here, there and around. I just had this feeling that what if in that moment, I tell someone to give something to my girl and my kids and it don’t happen. I need someone with a good heart because with the life I am in, nobody is loyal but you are. You are an accountant and you can say no but I am going to ask. I want you to put some money, not all just some money into a fund for my kids and Sofia. Only they can get it with you, I need to make sure they have money to live, I am trying to think like a good person that has a good job and it’s hard to do that because you put shit in accounts and they question it” Mitch picked his drink up and drank it, it is a lot to take in “you look smart” he pointed at my clothes “I wanted to make a statement that I am back around” I laughed at myself.
Mitch is thinking “it’s a lot to take in, to be that trusted. And I respect you Cassius and I understand your situation” Mitch went silent “I don’t want anything from this at all Cassius, but I have an idea. Safe deposit box, you can put the money there. We have it in my place of work underground, secure and nobody will know. I will need someone to come in and act as Sofia Bundy, bring the money. They need to walk with me down there, it’s all CCTV so someone needs to come there and act as if they are doing this. I will be there, I can register it all under Sofia while that person is there, take the bag down and put some money in there initially. And I can start to slowly add more, for five minutes them cameras go off, meaning no memory is stored because we have to do this swap over. Nobody knows that, I can add to it that way. I am trust worthy there but I think that is that best way I can help. I just need you to sign some papers, I will send them to you put it in the bag with whoever you send ok?” nodding my head “thank you so much Mitch, you don’t know how much this means to me” I feel choked up doing this because I want to be here with them forever.
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aurora-the-kunoichi · 6 years
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Here is the third installment for a short story I’m writing for my friend @blossom-skies​ about her OC Jen. I hope you like it. 
Meeting Ms. Jones
Part 3
It had been several weeks since Casey and his four mutant turtle friends had liberated Jen from Dr. Stockman’s lab. The ride back to their lair had been an interesting one. Finding out not only had her body transformed because of the strange purple ooze but she had some weird ability to blend into whatever background she was standing in front of. Donatello the tall purple genius of the four brothers figured her mutation was part chameleon due to the color changing platelets of her new skin. This would definitely take some getting use too.
Jen sat in the back of the lair in the makeshift room the turtles had to graciously set up for her. Due to her new look, going back to her apartment wouldn’t be prudent, her elderly neighbor Mrs. Larson wouldn’t fair well with her change.
Under the cover of night, the guys and Jen had stopped at her apartment to grab a few things for her while she waited for Don’s genius to set her back to normal. Along with some creature comforts her laptop was brought back. Due to the flexibility of her job as a Graphic Designer Jen was able to continue her work from the seclusion of the lair deep within the depths of the New York City’s sewers. She hoped this form wouldn’t be permanent so keeping her life on the surface alive along with her home was important.
Finishing her most recent job Jen closed her laptop and rubbed the fresh bandage on the crook of her arm. She had lost count of how many vials of blood the tall purple genius had taken. In the end she knew he needed every drop to analysis the mutagen in her blood in hopes to find a way to reverse its effects. From the little time she had spent with the four turtles, if anyone would figure this out it would be Donatello. His brilliant mind was one of kind.
With a deep sign she leaned back on her bed drumming mindlessly on the top of her laptop with her newly acquired three fingered hands. She was bored and needed a distraction. Pushing the computer from her lap she swung her legs over the bed and stood. Her clock made her blissfully aware that the four brothers would be in the dojo training with their father who happened to be their sensei and a giant rat. That was a shock to the system itself.
With her long tail swishing behind her Jen made her way to the dojo, the anticipation sending her blood pumping faster through her veins. The thought of one of the brothers in particular made the stay down in the sewers not so unpleasant. She had felt an instant connection with the turtle almost immediately when they pulled her from that god forsaken lab.
Entering through the large opening of the spacious dojo she watched all four turtles collide in what seemed to be an exuberant display of strength.On the far end of the room Master Splinter watched his four sons battle for dominance while his long furry fingers stroked his thin beard.Catching the new spectator in his peripheral vision the old rat smiled giving her a quick nob acknowledging her presence. Returning the nod Jen returned her gaze back to the four hard bodies in the middle of the room. Each one had a thin sheen of sweat covering their bodies and the taught muscle that lay beneath their green pebbled skin shifted effortlessly with each move of their extremities, extenuating the power that lay in their well-trained bodies. Then time seemed to slow down just for a bit when she caught his blue eyes staring at her as his agile body flipped over his three younger brothers. Leo, the leader of the four turtles was looking at her and if she wasn’t mistaken, he was giving her a wicked smile. When he landed his muscular leg kicked out sending Raphael sailing forward slamming plastron down onto the dojo floor. When Mikey and Donnie became aware their leader loomed behind them they spun around quickly preparing for his next attack. Before the leader in blue could take his other two brothers down a loud roar came from ahead and Raphael’s body shot like a missile connecting with Leo’s plastron. The red projectile sent him and Leo rolling backwards engaged in a new match.
Jumping out of the way Mikey and Donnie made their way over to Jen. Mikey’s arm slide around her shoulders pulling her to him. “See anything you like? Maybe you wanna wrestle too?” he cooed playfully drumming his three fingers on her shoulder.
“I don’t think you could handle all of this Mikey?” Jen laughed snaking her tail up the back of his shell finding his chuncky gold necklace pulling from his neck.
“We’ll never know if you don’t let me try?” his large hand reached up grabbing her stolen jewelry from the offending appendage.
“Leave her alone Mikey.” A deep distant voice called from the other side of the room.
All three turned to see Leonardo helping Raph from the floor brushing some fresh blood from his left nostril with the back of his hand. Jen felt like her feet were bolted to ground when his eyes found hers. Leonardo’s walk was predatory, like a tiger stalking its prey, and she felt like she was about to be eaten whole from the look on his face.
“Ahh lighten up Leo, I was just having some fun.”
“Mikey, she doesn’t have any sort of training you could hurt her.” Leo scolded his youngest brother.
Jen frowned at Leo’s assumption she would be easily taken down.  Turning out of Mikey grasp Jen pushed Leo’s broad shoulder forcefully, “Hey, I might not have any ninja training but that doesn’t mean I’m helpless. It took that Rhino man and warthog guy at least 20 minutes to take me down. I think that’s pretty good. Besides I helped you and big red out, back at the lab after that explosion. I don’t know what came over me but I felt like I had the strength of 10 men.”
Leo remembered that night vividly, coming too he had watched her rip through those guards like warm butter. Her slender, but nimble tail wrapping around them with expert precision like she had been doing it her entire life. It was impressive to say the least how fast she adapted.  It was beyond erotic to the leader and he had found it difficult to forget. Actually he had found it difficult to concentrate with her living in the lair. Several times he had caught himself heading towards her room not even with a certain purpose in mind. He had to remind himself she was Casey’s sister and a victim in all of this. She was here for their help and all he wanted to do was be near her. Leo chastised himself thinking of her in that way but Jen was beautiful in this new form.
Casey had shown them a picture of her pre-ooze before they left to save her, just in case any of them came in contact with her first. She was an attractive human woman before but her mutant form was a whole different story. His body reacted on its own accord, aching in places that had to be relieved in the privacy of his own room. Even just now seeing her watch them as they trained gave Leo an adrenaline rush. The usual stoic leader didn’t like to show off when he trained but the hormones that controlled his young fertile body called for a show when she was around.
He had been looking for a reason to be close to her without rousing suspicion so maybe a little demonstration of her new abilities would be convenient. Looking back at Donnie who was eyeing his eldest brother warily Leo gave him a sly smile.
“Maybe you’d like to show me what you can do?” Leo started winking at his genius brother.
Donnie thought about it for a moment and agreed. He had been so busy analyzing her blood and the ooze that mutated her he had completely forgotten about the end result. He remembered Raph talking about her going nuts on the guards helping him and Leo out as they escaped. He had only witnessed her ability to blend in on the ride home when she touched Leo’s plastron. “Yes that could be interesting, Jen would you be willing to maybe try and reproduce your strength again? I heard it was quite ‘awe inspiring’.”
Jen blushed at Donnie’s words and the thought of being in close contact with Leonardo. He might not get the reaction he was hoping for, but who was she to turn down a simple request from her hosts. “Alright Leo, if you’re in such a hurry for an ass kicking you should have just said so.” Jen tried to play off cocky but inside she was on fire with anticipation. Moving to the center of the dojo she turned to watch Leo approach her, his hips swaying seductively with each foot fall. He was going to be the death of her.
Donnie, Raph and Mikey sat down on the side lines and prepared for the show to come. Their eyes trained in on the old rat coming up from his spot in the back of the dojo eyeing the two mutants circling in the center. They thought he would stop them but funny enough he took up a stop next to Mikey intent on seeing what Jen could do.
“I’ll go easy on you.” Leo smiled crouching down his hands out reached to grab any part of her that deemed appropriate. “But I’m going push you too. I want see that wild side again.”
Jen swallowed attempting to moisten the dessert that was hidden in her mouth. She couldn’t help but watch his chest plates move with each breath and his pink tongue darting out to moisten his lips. She could have sworn he was flexing the dense muscles in his arms and well defined legs too. Was he doing this to distract her? Cause it was fucking working. “Stop staring and concentrate you idiot.” She scolded herself. Everyone was watching. Digging deep she remembered everything her brother had taught her, every jab every upper cut and she focused in on that. Leo began to bob and weave as if he was taunting her getting her riled up but it wouldn’t work. If Leo wanted to see what she could do then so be it.
Tensing her muscles and pulled that feeling back in the lab, the worry, the over protectiveness of the turtles, the horror of seeing them writhing in pain. She could start to feel the rage rising up in her belly, her arms and legs starting to feel weightless. Out of the corner of her eye she could see his three brothers getting excited with the prospect of someone kicking their fearless leader’s shell. The enthusiasm in their eyes was palpable. She fed off of it and screamed rushing the blue banded turtle.
Leo was ready, he could take her, she had no training, so it would be easy. But when he saw the color of her skin fluctuate and her fists clench, his stomach dropped. With an ear piercing scream she rushed him at a neck break speed. She had moved so fast he barely had enough time to evade a blow from her fist making him stumble back in shock. Again she came at him but with more ferocity swinging her leg up clipping him on the side of his head. The blow came harder than he had expected, in fact it felt like Raph had hit him. Her strength was definitely heightened.
As the experiment continued Jen took a few hits from Leo but nowhere near the amount she had doled out to their leader. He was panting from exhaustion as she rained another round of blows to his plastron and he stumbled backwards tripping on his own feet. Landing hard on his shell she lunged forward claiming his lap in victory.  
With her forearm pressed firmly into the flesh of his neck she stared down into Leo’s mesmerizing blue eyes getting caught up in them for a few seconds. The hot air that shot from between his clenched teeth passed over her face as he tried to catch his breath. Being so close Jen took in the scent of him, mint tea and blade oil, it was intoxicating. She too tried to calm herself, her body felt amazing pulsating with a power she had never felt before.
If she didn’t know any better Jen could have sworn she felt a stirring of something in his pants just below her core as she straddled his strong hips. Was he getting aroused by this, by her? Unhurriedly she lowered her upper body bringing her lips just a few inches from his. “Was that a good enough demonstration of my abilities?”
Leo nodded slowly licking his lips again still unable to form any words. He could feel her tail wrapped around his thigh just a few feet from his cock, which was starting to react to her closeness.  Was she doing that on purpose? Just a few more inches and their lips would meet. He pushed the feeling to sate that urge down quickly looking over to his stunned brothers and sensei. Their mouths hung open, eyes wide in shock, that was some demonstration.
Then a burst of energy erupted in the dojo when his three brothers leapt to their feet in a congratulatory howl of praise.
Slowly Jen leaned back giving Leo some space, which surprisingly left him feeling a little disappointed in the loss of their closeness. He felt his breath hitch when her tail slowly unwound itself from his thigh leaving it cold. Her eyes never left his and he could see the fire in them, he wasn’t the only one feeling this way. The heat radiating from the apex of her thighs wouldn’t soon be forgotten either. He groaned softly when her palms pressed into his plastron pushing herself up and off of him hovering over the muscled turtle for a few agonizingly long moments. He wanted nothing more to reach up and bring her back down pinning her below his weight but he resisted. This was not the time or place for such carnal acts. Rising slowly he bowed as he was taught when he was bested in training. Blushing she followed suit.
“God, I’d like to see that over and over again.” Raph laughed coming up behind Jen lifting her gently into the air.
“I think all of us would, minus Leonardo of course.” Everyone shot Master a Splinter at stunned look at the cheeky comment and burst out laughing. Rarely did the old rat joke, but when he did it was worth the wait.
Donnie broke through the laughter and nudged Jen’s arm. “Hey let’s get you to my lab, I wanna take a little more blood after that spike in your strength.”
Jen moaned letting her head fall back but followed the genius to his lab none the less. She wondered if she’d have any blood left after all this.
As they watched Don and Jen leave Raph helped Leo up from the floor. “The sexual tension, Jesus man that could have been cut with a knife. Leo pushed his hot head brother away and ignored the comment exiting the dojo himself.  
That night Jen had trouble sleeping, a certain blue-eyed terrapin kept her mind racing to inappropriate thoughts. Tossing and turning in her bed she finally gave up and headed towards the TV hoping to find a little distraction there. Slumping down in the old warn couch Jen turned on the TV lowering volume not wanting to wake anyone else in the lair. Flipping through the channels mindlessly she was unaware of the set of blue eyes watching her from the kitchen. Settling on an old movie she set the remote on the couch and began to lose herself in the TV.
Leo had gotten up to grab a glass of water when he noticed Jen slip onto the couch.  Truth was he couldn’t sleep, the thought of her straddling him kept his mind reeling and his imagination on over drive. His skin still burned where her tail and coiled around his thigh. If they didn’t have an audience, he might have been bold enough to kiss her. He had wanted too since the first day they met. Taking a long pull of the cool liquid a smile spread over his lips. This would be the first time they were alone, so he took advantage heading towards her.
Jen nearly jumped out of her skin when Leonardo hopped over the couch settling in right next to her.
“Jesus Christ!” She yelped as quietly as she could. “You god damn ninjas! I didn’t even know anyone else was up.”
“Sorry, it comes naturally now.” He said matter-of-factly taking another drink of his water. “What are we watching?”
“Um, not sure just a movie I’ve never seen before. The rest are infomercials.”
“Can’t sleep?” Leo never took his eyes from the screen offering up his glass of water to her.
Jen waved her hand declining his offer and shifted on the couch to face the tall turtle. “Looks like I’m not the only one.”
“I was thirsty.”
Jen’s eyes narrowed in on Leo’s face watching his nostrils flare as he scented the air. She could see him shift uncomfortably under her gaze then her eyes lowered to the pair of shorts that covered his lower half, there was a slight bulge. What was he smelling, taking his cue Jen too scented the air and was shocked to find his heady aroma filling her senses. Why had she not tried this before? She was now part animal and she could tell if the opposite sex was aroused.  “Liar.” She called him out while her tail moved slowly to his bare feet. Encircling one of his feet the tip wound higher reaching his calf. Now she could hear his breathing catch. Leo was definitely aroused; his alluring musk was getting stronger now. Good she wasn’t the only one. Jen swallowed her nerves and decided to keep going.
“You couldn’t sleep either, could you?” she husked shifting to sit on her knee facing Leo who was still trying his best to concentrate on the movie. The tip of her tail moved to the underside on his knee brushing the sensitive flesh. She felt him tense a bit hearing a soft hum move passed his lips.
Then he spoke, “No, I couldn’t.”
“Why?” she questioned again leaning a bit closer.
Finally ripping his blue orbs from the TV screen, he met her hers, a challenge rising in his stare. “You know why.” His hips flexed on their own bringing her gaze back down to his tented shorts.
Jen could feel the heat pool between her thighs and decided she wanted to make the next move. Taking the glass from Leo’s hand she downed the rest of the liquid and set the glass behind her on the couch. She had never been this bold in her entire life but there was always a first for everything.
Moving quickly Jen stretched over him lowing her backend down on his lap making sure her tail stayed out of the way. Locking eyes with him they both moaned when their covered groins met. Leo’s hands reacted swiftly latching onto her hips pressing his semi erect member up against the warmth of her core. Even though fabric separated them the sensation was thrilling. Jen closed her eyes enjoying the connection and leaned forward cupping his green cheeks slanting her mouth over his taking an impatient kiss from the leader.
Moaning up into her mouth as her tongue swept into the heat of his mouth tasting him, Leo ground up into her again. Subsequently it made the blood rush further to his throbbing flesh filling it to the brink of agony. A deep rumble rolled up from his belly exciting Leo further deepening the already frantic kiss. The little sounds escaping her sweet mouth was almost his undoing but when his ninja senses kicked in he rolled them down on the couch pressing her down into the cushions with his immense weight. Reluctantly breaking the searing kiss Leo looked down at her flushed face giving her a brilliant smile.
Before she could protest the end to their kiss Jen heard someone walking to the kitchen.
“Who left the TV on?” Donnie’s familiar voice filled the room. She heard his move towards them and Leo shot up from the couch leaning up against the back keeping Jen secured beneath him.
“Oh hey Leo, what are you doing up so late?” the purple banded turtle sounded suspicious taking another step towards the couch.
“Couldn’t sleep.” Leo mused grinding himself down into Jen again.
Covering her mouth with her hand to quell the moan he had enticed from her Jen pinched his bare green skin of his thigh with her other.
“Ahh ok, just make sure to turn the TV off before you go to bed Leo, Mikey leaves it on all the time. Good night.” Donnie began to shuffle off back to bed. “Good night Jen.” He added quickly with a laugh.
“Night Donnie.” Jen called from under Leo.
When Donnie had disappeared back into his lab Leo pushed off the back of the couch and hovered over Jen once again his blue eyes sparkling with mischief.
Jen smiled seeing Leo so playful, the leader of the four brothers was usually calm and collected but he was so animated right now staring down at her. It made her feel so alive. Maybe it was from his intense smile or the sheer weight of the mutant on top of her, but she found it hard to breath.
Leo looked down on her for a few more seconds before pulling back to remove his weight from her completely. “We better get to bed. We’ll continue this at a later date.” Leo reached out and pulled Jen to her feet and turned off the TV.
Escorting Jen back to her makeshift room Leo gave her one last deep kiss before heading back to bed himself, leaving her alone with her rampant thoughts.
Flopping down in the bed Jen let out a heavy sigh, if it wasn’t for Donnie’s interruption she was fairly certain Leo would be filling her completely right now. Closing her eyes, she remembered the hard flesh pulsating between her legs; thick, hot and big.
“Damnit Donnie.”
The next morning as she pulled on her boots Donnie knocked on her door. “Hey, can I talk to you in my lab for a minute?”
Feeling suddenly nervous Jen nodded and followed the tall terrapin into his lap. As she entered through the doors she found his three brothers gathered in his lab as well. Leo was leaning up against a support beam and gave her a sly smile before returning his attention back to his genius brother. Up on Donnie’s screens looked like blood cells and large purple dots surrounding it.
Donnie pointed to the screen and sighed in frustration. “I think I figured it out.”
Jen’s eyes widened in surprise, “What? Are you serious Don? That’s amazing!” she wanted to run to the tall turtle and kiss him and that big beautiful brain, but he wasn’t happy, in fact a frown was set firmly across his lips. “Then why do you look so upset?”
“That’s because for it to work I need an pure untainted sample of the ooze to reverse it’s effects and the only way to do that is going back to Stockman’s lab.”
Jen watched a quick flare of disappointment wash over Leo’s face and then it was gone as his arms crossed over his chest. She could see the fearless leader facade go up and he addressed his brothers. “Are you sure Donnie? We almost didn’t get out of there last time.” The worry was apparent in his deep voice, he was nervous for their safety.    
“99% sure.”
Then she felt the tension in the room rise and looked up to all of them observing at her. Jen suddenly felt so small. This was going to be dangerous for them and that wasn’t something she was comfortable with. There had to be another way.
“No, I won’t let you guys put yourself back in that situation again for me. There must be another way Donnie? I can wait, this form isn’t so bad, I’m kind of getting used to it.” She looked sheepishly over at the handsome blue leader feeling her cheeks flush with the rise of her heart rate. Then a sudden terrible thought crossed her mind. Would Leo find her attractive if she went back to normal? She remembered the kiss, the touch of his hands, the simple feel of him against her. That was something she wanted to experience again, plus more.  
Leo’s attitude shifted from light hearted to stern taking one final look over at Jen. His jaw worked side to side taking account of each of his brothers who were staring at him waiting for his answer. “Ok Donnie if you’re sure we’ll go get it. We promised your brother we’d help you Jen and that is what we’re going to do. We’ll leave tonight when the sun has set.” Leo said decisively pushing past his brothers and Jen leaving Donnie’s lab all together. With Leo being the leader, his word was final, and his brothers didn’t dare question it. It was going to happen tonight whether she was comfortable with it or not. And if anything happened to them because of her she would never forgive herself.  
The day moved by fast with little contact with the four brothers. They were walled up in Donnie’s lab most of the day making plans for tonight. The door was locked keeping her from them and she hated it.
As the time wound down she felt a knot form in her stomach and when the door of Donnie’s lab finally opened all four turtles filed out weapons strapped to their shells. It was time. All but Leo moved to the large garbage truck in the back getting inside.
Leo eyed her warily like he was making a split decision, his blue eyes were troubled but when he moved forward with conviction she knew what was going to happen next. In anticipation Jen stepped backwards to the wall resting her back against it when Leo’s weight hit her. He leaned down taking a heated kiss urging her mouth open with his tongue.
It was quick, but the kiss packed a wallop, breathless and light-headed Jen barely registered Leo’s retreating form as he crawled into the truck with his brothers. And then they were gone, leaving Jen alone and helpless to do nothing but sit and wait for their return.
Minutes turned into hours and hours bled into morning. It had been too long, they should have been home by now. Something was wrong.
Part Two
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Cristiano’s interview with France Football
I translated this from penamadridista.hu, from their translation of the original interview. If there is any mistake, I’m sorry, you know English isn’t my first language. I know this is going to raise attention (the only thing I believe), so I say it now, in the Hungarian translation they refer to Gio as Cristiano’s fiance. I have not seen the original interview so if someone read the French version, feel free to tell me if it’s a mistranslation of the middle person.
The five times Ballon d'Or winner doesn't plan to lay back and do nothing while admiring his collection of trophies. Besides already concentrating on 2018, he brings back the memories of the recipe of his success.
The date is Monday, 4th December, the location is the training center in Valdebebas. The shining sun and the light blue colour of the sky gives a special brightness to the place. The training is over. Raphael Varane who is on his way to his invidual lesson with an English teacher welcomes us, just like Karim Benzema. In the lobby, staff of Real Madrid is decorating the Christmas tree, that later gets white and purple decors, and they put packages under the tree. It's 13:10 when Cristiano Ronaldo finally arrives. He wears black shirt and black jacket that give him a prince like elegancy, he's company is his old time friend, Ricardo. The rest only takes 40 minutes in a room that gives perfect view to the training pitches. During this time the five time Ballon d'Or winner never looks at his watch, just takes a few sips from the water bottle placed on the arm of the sofa, stopping the interview only for a couple of moments. In previous years, when we asked him, when we've made interviews with him, he's never talked to us this way never had an interview like this with him but the readers shall decide themselves.
You're about to receive your 5th Ballon d'Or. Do you feel like this award became somewhat too ferial, plain for you?
Ferial? No, never. When I started my career, I didn't dream about more than to win one Ballon d'Or. With signing to Manchester, I believed my career got to a turning point and it wasn't impossible anymore to reach this aim. I felt that I got a chance to make my dreams come true, I made up my mind that it was realistic to win. As the years have passed, my opinion changed, and I knew one Ballon d'Or wasn't enough. Simply because too many has had the same recognition and I'm telling this with the utmost respect, most weren't on the same level with me. There's a huge difference between those who only one the Ballon d'Or one time and those who were able to win it twice, three or four times. I didn't want to belong to the group who only won it one time. Considering the potential I have, the talent and my hard work, I knew I'd be able to succeed again.
Which moment was this year when you said “Alright, I won the award.”?
I knew if I won the Champions League, I'd get one step closer to the 5th Ballon d'Or. In the end we won the series and I ended up as the top goal scorer of Europe most prestigious competition again. Besides, I scored twice in the final. I think, this was that moment.
5 years ago Messi was five Ballon d'Ors ahead. Did you think back then that you'd be able to achieve the same?
Funny story, isn't it? I didn't think I'd be able to catch up with him because after I won the first, he won four in a row. I'm not going to deny, I was angry and sad. I attended the award shows but never won anything. I was demotivated. I didn't want to go to just get my photo taken. And then step by step, thanks to the help of those around me, I told myself, everything has a beginning and an end. And in football, it's the end result that matters, not the beginning. I remained calm, kept on working, and won new Ballon d'Ors. Today, I won the 5th that makes me want to fight further, and stops me from thinking about my age. Who was the eldest player who won a Ballon d'Or? Cannavaro?
Stanley Matthew was 42 years old when he was given the award for being the best, in 1956...
(His eyes go wide.) 42? Did he play alone or what? But seriously, nowadays that would be unimaginable. There's no way to play football for that long. When I see 24-25 years old players getting injured frequently, I remind myself how lucky I am to be in this physical condition at 32.
When you received your first Ballon d'Or in 2008, did you hope you'd overcome Zidane, Ronaldo Nazarió, Platini, Van Basten or Cruyff?
I always believed that I'd only be able to win one. Two? Why not! Five... I'd have never believed it. As they say: Much will have more.
Are you aware what position you have in the history of Ballon d'Or?
If I think about it calm, I believe so, yes. No player has as many individual awards as me. And I'm not talking about the Ballon d'Or. All of this must mean something, right? This is not simply about the work done in the gym as people often like to think. There are many other factors. Exceptional people like Floyd Mayweather or LeBron James also didn't get where they are by mere chance. Everything has it's significance. In order to get to the top and be able to stay there you need way more talent than others.
Five Ballon d'Ors. We can say regarding this award, this is the first time that no one is ahead of you.
You know well that I respect other's opinion but right now I don't see anyone being better than me. And I've always thought this way. There is no football player who would be capable of anything that I couldn't do as well. Meanwhile, I see that I'm able to do things that others aren't capable to do. There is no more complex player than me. I play well with both of my feet, I'm fast and strong, I'm great with my head, I score goals and hand them out as well. People have a right to prefer Neymar or Messi. But I'm convinced that there is no more complex player than me. I'm sure everyone is going to say I'm an egoistical dick... But when you are on the top, it's natural to get criticized. As a journalist, I'm sure it happens with you as well.
Do you think you are the best player in the history?
Yes! I'm the best player of history, both with my greatest and worst moments. As Zidane said today during training: We have to face difficulties in order to be able to value the success later. The bad moments push us to work harder. It's normal to be angry and frustrated because you weren't able to score. If that didn't happen, it'd mean you don't even care. So yes, if I don't play well or the training doesn't go as I want, I end up angry with myself. However, when I leave the training pitch or the stadium, I also leave whatever happened behind and my life goes on in a normal rhythm.
You have some great expectations towards yourself... Isn't this too much?
One time the fitness coach of Real Madrid, Antonio Pintus said laughing that I was a real psycho. He's never met anyone like me before, someone who works as hard as I do. When I step into the gym, I don't talk to anyone, I only concentrate on the work to be done. I admit, I put more pressure on myself many times than it'd be necessary. But I'm not regretting being like this. Maybe it'd be better if I got a bit more laid back and relax but that isn't how I live my life. I have no intention to change anything 15 years into my career. I wouldn't have won so many things if I hadn't been unsatisfied all the time.
How much chance do you see for a 6th Ballon d'Or?
I couldn't tell in this moment. We're still in many competitions with Real Madrid next year and we'll go to the World Cup with Portugal. I think next year's World Cup is going to be crucial in the race for Ballon d'Or. Imagine that we win the Champions League where I'm the top scorer at the moment with Real Madrid and I have a not so good World Cup behind me. Or reversed. In 2018 there will be many deciding factors but I don't think Champions League is going to be one of those. The bar is definitely going to be raised.
Close to 33 how are you able to remain at the top?
It's all in the head. The key to everything is motivation, and the most important for that is the decision to be made. If you lack that, things get more difficult. Personally, I'm a positive man. I love football, I love extra practices at trainings. The real problem appears when we don't have enough motivation. Because this (points at his head) commands this (points at his right leg). There's no exception. If you are not alright in the head, you can't feel good in your own skin either.
A year ago, more or less at the same time you said you weren't the player as you were before. Is this true today? Is the body still at the level of the mind?
I think my body is in a better condition than it was one or two years ago. I feel fine, and I feel stronger.
What is it that really bothers you?
If I don't feel the support of the club or the fans. People have a very short memory. The other day at the airport about 5 meters from us a guy recorded us with his phone when I was with Carvajal and Ramos. And then he tells us “Hey, maybe you should wake up, you fuck everything up.” I thought to myself: “Hey, only 3 months ago we won the European and the Spanish Super Cup.” See, I don't know what to do with such horrible things. This type of amnesia bothers me a lot. Football works in cycles. When things don't go well, people should support us, the fans should stood by the players. In four years we won 3 Champions League trophy what – from that point of view – can seem to be easy but Real Madrid had to wait 12 years to win the La Decima. I know how hard I work and still sometimes things just don't work out the way I want them to. It happens that the ball bounces off the goal or the keeper stops the ball. I only ask everyone to trust us.
Could you tell me what do you do in order to keep up your physical level?
I do the same for years now. Maybe more thoughtfully than before. A couple of years ago I spent 40 minutes in the gym, now I only do 20 but with more special practices.
Do you think this work invisible to others is the secret of your success?
This is all very important but only just one part. What is even more important is talent. I can give you the book of my daily routine, the recipe of my success. I can tell you about my eating habits, how I train, everything that helped me to get where I am now. Then we'll see if you'll be able to win 5 Ballon d'Ors. I will tell you: without talent you can forget about it. Give the recipe for success to a 15 years old kid and in 10 years we'll see if they deserve the recognition. Do you get what I mean?
Carlo Ancelotti told us one time that he'd never in his life met a player before who would have an ice bath 2:30 in the middle of the night after a Champions League game. Why was that necessary?
That's a crucial part of my routine. Because of the 2-3 hours long plane trips, and the changing pressure, legs swell up. Cold water is a natural painkiller, and I enjoy it. Sometimes I also sit into hot water. These are small things that make me feel better and make the difference. I'm aware that after a cold bath, I sleep better. Do you know why after games some players have restless nights? Because they don't have a release. There's still adrenalyn in their system. I'm looking for ways that help me to come down. 95% of times I sleep perfectly at night, and the rest is also good. People aren't aware how important sleeping is. I am. The same is true about working and eating. These details make me better step by step.
Do the success by winning the Ballon d'Or help to forget about previous years?
Success is always a bonus for the mind, a psychological one. You know that you worked for something. And this pays very well. If you worked hard through the year and in the end you achieve nothing, that can be very frustrating. I feel lucky that year upon year sometimes more, sometimes less but I always win something. This gives motivation to work even more and win even more.
You have four children in your home now, does that change getting prepaired in any way?
My routine hasn't changed at all though, unquestionably, the presence of my four children has an affect on my life. Regardless, I do my job without interruption, and I spend enough time to rest. It doesn't matter whether there is one or four children. The only difference now is that my attention is divided more. I give all my generousity to my children but I pay attention to do my job professionally.
Can Cristiano, the father, the head of the family replace Cristiano, the footballer?
No. Whilst my three children who bornt recently means more responsibility, my professional life has changed nothing. As I said before, I always dreamt about having a big family and I'm doing everything I can to have that. Family is the most beautiful thing in the world. After the experiences and joy that I've had as the father of Cristiano Junior, I wanted to have more children. And so now I'm very happy. My children fill me with pride. And I'd like more kids in the future.
Are you so keen on having moments alone as well?
Being alone... I don't really have a need for that. Sometimes I am alone at home, even with so many children, I have my personal space. Fortunately, my home is big enough. (smiles) There are enough places where I can go away if I want to or need to be alone. This isn't a problem. I'm also alright when my partner (girlfriend) goes to classes or my kids go for a walk. But I don't need long hours alone.
Do you get up at night to feed the children?
I'll be honest: no. If I had to, I would, without complaining. I love my kids and I make sure they aware of this, for example every single time when I get home from training. However, I have a partner (girlfriend) and two other people who help to take care of the little ones. I need to rest during the night. And of course, it doesn't mean I don't love them, it merely means that I'm responsible for my family, I'm responsible for my job that demands a lot of me. Afterall, who is the breadwinner in the family? I try my best to give everything for my children, to ensure they have a dream life and they get everything they need. Everyone has their job in our family. Mine is to be generous with them and to educate them. The night is saint and not to be disturbed though. Next day I have to go and run and I have to do my job well.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
The same as today. I'd like to play as long as possible but I can't guarantee that I'll be mentally alright. No one knows what tomorrow holds. We shouldn't think too much about the past or wonder too much about plans for the future. We have to live the here and now because this moment is beautiful and sweet. I'm happy because I win titles because I'm healthy and my family and friends are alright. You have to draw from this and enjoy it. If I don't feel well anymore, my career might end in 5 years. This is exactly why I put effort into other projects as well. I have sponsores, hotels, gyms and a fashion company... I won't have existential problems.
Is there a chance you'll be a manager one day?
At the moment no. Honestly, I'd like to spend more time with educating myself, studying. I'm thinking about acting for example...
Yes, I'd like to give it a shot. Year by year, they offer me the chance to participate in films but besides football I have no time for it. You know, it's almost certain, I'll struggle terribly when finally I put the boots down. Football is going to remain my passion forever. Of course, I'm also certain that I'll live my life as a happy man.
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riverdalee · 7 years
The One With An Unintended Rescue
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Pairing: Jace Wayland x Reader
Summary: When Simon brings Jace along to check up on you, his sister, Jace ends up kicking your abusive boyfriends ass and getting you away from him.
implied domestic abuse 
MASTERLIST (mobile and desktop) (you can like it and save it for later!)
Jace and Simon were not buddies, but they shared a mutual interest; Clary. Or rather, her wellbeing.
And because of it, Jace had somehow got stuck driving Simon around for the night while he tried to find Camille’s whereabouts.
In his head, he was going over all the things he’d rather be doing, but he knew this was a priority; he just hated that it involved Simon.
“Can we make a stop somewhere?” Simon asks.
“Is it on our schedule?” Jace asks pointedly.
Simon shakes his head, “It’ll only take a second. It’s just here…” he points out the window, “On our way, you see.”
Jace reluctantly pulls into the driveway Simon directs him too and climbs out, following him to the front door.
“A mundane house? Really?” Jace scoffs.
“My sister’s house,” Simon explains with a frown, “Well, her shared house.”
“Who does she share it with?”
“Her boyfriend and two other idiots,” he says, his frown deepening.
“What, you don’t like her boyfriend?”
Simon exhales loudly and shakes his head, knocking on the door before Jace can ask why. They could hear shouting on the other side of he door and it momentarily subsides as it swings open.
“Y/N,” Simon sighs in reliefat the sight of you, his smile contorting into a frown as he studies your face. You’d been crying. A lot. Your hair was messy and you had your arms wrapped around yourself.
“Simon,” you wrap your arms around him, “I didn’t know you’d be stopping by.”
You look over your shoulder every few seconds.
“Did he hit you?” Simon asks, moving hair away from your face. You shake your head vigorously, but he notices you wincing each time you move.
“I’m fine,” you reassure him, turning to Jace, “Who’s your friend?”
“This is Jace,” Simon introduces him.
“It’s nice to meet you,” you say, holding a hand out. Jace shakes it slowly, his eyes pinned on your swollen wrist.
“Who the fucks at the door?!” a boy yells, joining you in the doorway.
“It’s just my brother, Luke,” you say.
“Huh, four eyes,” Luke scoffs, his speech a drunken slur, “What happened to your glasses? D’you lose em’?”
“Actually, I don’t need them anymore,” he says.
“Too bad, I’ll have to think of another nickname for you,” Luke says, laughing loudly and clapping a hand to Simon’s shoulder. His eyes shift to Jace.
“Who is he?”
“Just Simon’s friend,” you tell him. Luke steps closer to him.
“Really? Because he looks like that guy who was hitting on you at dinner the other night…”
“What?” you frown, “No – that’s- it’s not him. You’re drunk. Why don’t you go rest?” you suggest, resting your hand on his arm. He yanks it away, poking a finger into Jace’s chest.
“You’re that bastard, aren’t you?”
Jace scoff’s, pushing Luke’s hand away, “No,” he deadpans.
Simon steps between the two of them, “I think y/n’s right. Maybe you should go back inside.”
“Don’t tell me what to do,” Luke spits, shoving Simon’s backwards.
You pull Luke back, pleading him to stop and he shoves you against the wall, pinning you there, “Come on babe,” he growls, “I’m just having a little chat with your brother.”
You swallow hard, trying to squirm out of his grasp by which time Jace grabs him and throws him across the driveway as though he was light as a feather.
“Are you okay?” Jace asks you. You nod slowly, your eyes widening as Luke rushes towards him with his fist pulled back.
“WATCH OUT!” you yell, but Jace is already a step ahead of you. He catches Luke’s fist in his hand and twists his wrist back until Luke drops to his knees, whimpering in pain.
Jace kicks him in the gut before slamming his head against the wall.
“He’s not dead,” Simon reassures you when he notices your hands are clapped over your mouth, “He’ll wake up.”
“And you won’t be here when he does,” Jace says pointedly. He pulls Simon aside.
“How could you let her stay here?” he growls.
“I didn’t know he was hurting her,” Simon says, “In case you haven’t noticed, I’ve barely seen my family since I transitioned!”
“Well, you didn’t like him to begin with! You said so before!”
“They started dating in High School and I hated him back than because he was a jerk. I never thought he was capable of… this,” Simon trails off, his eyes pained, “But you’re right. We have to get her out of here.”
“I’ll sort something out,” Jace reassures Simon, “She’ll be safe with me, I promise you. In the meantime, you have to keep looking for Camille. Raphael isn’t kidding about using your mom as leverage to get you to do what he wants.”
Simon nods, walking back over to you.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” he sighs.
“I didn’t know what to do,” you choke, finally crying as he hugs you, “C-can I go home with you?” you ask.
“Of course,” he nods, “Jace will take you. I just have something to do but I’ll join you as soon as I can,” he says, resting his hands on either side of your face, “You can trust Jace.”
You nod climbing into the car. You don’t look at Jace as he reverses back onto the street but instead at Simon was waving at you with a sad look in his eyes. Jace had it too and it made you feel so small – that everyone knew how broken you’d become.
“I’ve seen photos of you,” Jace says, breaking the silence, “At Simon’s house. You look different in person.”
You knew what he meant. You mother had big, smiling photos of you all over the house from before you’d left.
“Those photos are from when I still lived at home,” you say.
“Why’d you leave?” he asks quietly.
You think for a minute, “When I started dating Luke in high school, my mum wouldn’t let me see him and I really resented her for it. We fought all the time and the minute I graduated, I moved in with him. Of course, she was completely right about him,” you mumble.
“Why didn’t you leave him?” he asks.
“Because I had nowhere to go,” you say, “And… he wasn’t always like this. He never used to…” you trail off, “He took care of me. He still does. It’s just sometimes, he get’s so angry. And I didn’t want to abandon him.”
Jace shakes his head, “Sometimes you have to let people go. Trust me, this is for the best.”
You did trust him. Something about him made you feel like you could.
“So, Simon’s never told me about you,” you say.
“Well, we’re only acquaintances,” Jace says.
“Simon wouldn’t leave me with an acquaintance, he’s very overprotective despite me being a year older than him,” you say pointedly.
“So, you’re the same age as me then,” he nods, “I guess Simon and I are friends, in some weird way.”
“How’d you meet?”
“Through Clary,” he admits honestly.
“Ah, Clary,” you say with a small smile, “Has Simon-“
“Yup, they’re dating now,” he says.
“You don’t look too happy about it,” you raise a brow.
“She’s… my sister,” he says, slightly bitterly, “I feel about Simon the way Simon feels about Luke.”
“Simon’s nothing like Luke. You have nothing to worry about,” you reassure him.
“I know, your brother’s a good guy,” he grumbles, rolling his eyes, “I just don’t like to admit it.”
You laugh softly, cuddling your knees to your chest and resting your chin on them, “So, where are we going?”
“Someplace safe,” he says, “Where I’m currently staying. At least until Simon gets back. Is that okay?”
You nod quietly.
He pull up outside a large building and you both take the elevator up to the top floor.
“Magnus?” Jace calls out. A man steps out from behind a bookshelf.
“I thought I told you no girls over after midnight!” Magnus sighs in frustration, “Alec and I-“
“She isn’t a date,” Jace says, clearing his throat, “This is Simon’s sister.”
It’s only them that Magnus takes a proper look at you. At your smudged mascara and bruised skin.
“Is it okay if we wait here until Simon comes by?” Jace asks.
Magnus nods, “Make yourself at home,” he tells you, “My boyfriend and I are going out for dinner so you can relax. Take a bath,” he says, his eyes soft.
You thank him and wait for him to leave to exhale loudly. As of tonight, no one would ever have to look at you with sad eyes again because you promise yourself, you’ll never go back to Luke.
Maybe someone knocking him out and dragging you away was exactly what you needed to start afresh.
Jace disappears into a room and then comes back out, “I left some clothes for you on my bed. Why don’t you take a shower while I get some dinner ready?” he suggests. His voice was so soft and reassuring.
You nod, slinking into his room.
When you walk back out in his clothes, he laughs a little, “They seem to fit you,” he says sarcastically. They were all too big, but it made you feel protected. Maybe it was how big they were or just the smell of Jace lingering on his clothes.
He hands you a bowl of spaghetti, “I can’t make much else,” he admits.
“Thankyou,” you say appreciatively. You finish within seconds – you weren’t sure when you’d last had a proper meal.
Jace’s eyes are pinned on you almost the entire night. He was worried he’d do something wrong or say something to upset you – he didn’t have much of a filter after all. But you just laughed and made jokes and asked him about his life like you weren’t suffering the tiniest bit – like you’d never suffered a day in your life.
“So that’s how you know how to fight,” you nod after Jace tells you an elaborate story about how he’s a trainer at a boxing studio downtown.
He nods, “I can teach you sometime, if you want?”
“I’d like that,” you smile.
There’s a knock at the door and then Simon walks in, pulling you into a tight hug before ruffling your hair, “I talked to mum. She started crying when I told her you were coming home,” Simon says with a soft smile, “She’s missed you.”
Simon looks at Jace, “Thanks for looking after her tonight.”
“Anytime,” he says, “Really. Anytime.”
Simon frowns slightly, looking between the two of you, “I’ll get a cab,” he says, “Meet me downstairs?”
You nod, waiting for him to leave.
“Thanks for everything. For dinner and for… for getting me out of there,” you mumble, “If not for you and Simon, I probably never would’ve left at all.”
“Sometimes we just need a push in the right direction,” he shrugs, “I’m here. If you need anything. Ever,” he says sincerely, “And I meant what I said. If you ever want to learn how to fight, just ask me. You seem like a fighter to me,” he grins.
“I think I’ll take you up on that,” you say, waving to him before heading downstairs.
Simon waits, leaning against the cab and looking up at the terrace as Jace watches the two of you from it.
Simon looks from Jace to you as he pulls the cab door open, “I think Jace likes you,” Simon says.
You’d barely considered the possibility, but it made you feel a little bit more hopeful… a little excited, even.
“Don’t worry, I’m not going to date him. I know you two aren’t best friends.”
Simon smiles at you, “No, we’re not. But he’d be good for you.”
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