#// curse anon 2: eletric boogaloo... whats good dawg? /)“
the-elevator-twins · 29 days
>[The door is knocked on, another gift being bore by the hands of someone unknown. But through the glasses of the anonymous, you see it's glowing eyes, as it smiles]
"I see you two enjoyed my previous gift! Here you go, number two!"
>[Number two of what? There could be thousands, what a worrying thought]
>[It hands you a large book, that's oddly light despite it's size. It's locked heavily, but with a single touch, they seem to undo]
>[It laughs and the door closes without it even being touched]
>[The memory of the dolls is still fresh in your mind, and sometimes the shadows seem to flicker with movement as if they're still there, though your mind tricks you frequently. Do you read the book?]
(i) > The alarm bells in your head go off seeing such a thing. This... this is just like IT. Just like those dolls. The ominously cheerful tone about enjoying its 'gift' sent shivers down your spine. Quickly, you tried to decline the offer, but it was all in vain when the strange entity left.
> "Hey! You bastard! Get back here!!"
> "Hold on a second!"
(i) > You reach your hand out to stop your brother, looking up at him and vigorously shaking your head. Pursuing a creature like that wouldn't warrant results.
> "Sh-Should we destroy it. . ? Neil?"
> "I don't know, Nigel. . . Have you seen how things are handled with that cursed box and dolls? For all we know, this can be attached to us already. . . I would rather not get hexed again, so it's your turn to deal with the spooky mumbo jumbo shit."
(i) > How thoughtful. . . Though, your brother makes a point. He has suffered enough demons, as have you. Maybe one peek wouldn't hurt. . . would it?
> "It was locked up. . . Like this is forbidden knowledge . . . What if it's something not to be seen . . ?"
> "You make it sound like we have a choice in the place. Just open the damn book. It's not going to maul your face off."
> "Alright, Alright . . .fine. . ."
(i) > With shaken hands, you moved your thumb to the cover of the page. Chewing at your lip, you flip it open to the front page. . .
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