#// ended up crying my eyes out while tl’ing this
jujumin-translates · 5 months
★ Main Story | Act 13 - Budding Spring | Chapter 24 - Family Wish
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Chikage: Well then, take care.
Company Employee A: Huh? You’re not on the same flight, Utsuki-san?
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Chikage: I still have a few errands left to take care of, so I switched my flight to tomorrow.
Company Employee A: I see. Well, you were a lifesaver this time. Thank you so much.
Company Employee B: It was thanks to you that we were able to successfully conclude our business negotiations, Utsuki-san. Their attitude towards the whole thing softened considerably compared to when we first asked.
Company Employee B: The power of language really is incredible.
Chikage: I’m glad I could help.
Company Employee A: Well then, we’ll take our leave.
Chikage: Good work.
Chikage: (Alright… Just in time to catch the next bus.)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Chikage: (It’s going to be a while from here, so I guess I’ll get some work done.)
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Chikage: …
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Driver: 《Have a nice trip!》
Chikage: 《Thank you.》
Chikage: (I guess he can tell by my outfit that I’m not a local.)
Chikage: (Has it really been almost twenty years…?)
Chikage: (The city really has changed a lot since then. Well, that thing can’t be the same after all this time, right…?)
Chikage: (Anyway, the place where people are likely to gather is…)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Shopkeeper: 《Welcome.》
Customer A: 《That was so crazy back then!》
Customer B: 《I know, right?》
Customer C: 《Dad, they said it’s still gonna be a while.》
Customer D: 《Let’s just have dinner first.》
Customer E: 《What are we gonna eat?》
Customer F: 《I’m not really that hungry, though.》
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Chikage: (How nostalgic. Just sitting here, there’s all kinds of languages being thrown around.)
Chikage: (This is a great place to get some multilingual input.)
Chikage: (If we as a theater company are going to expand our overseas outreach in the future, there’s no better way to do it than to have correspondence in as many languages as possible…)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Chikage: (If I relax for any longer, I’ll miss the bus.)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Chikage: (The wall of this vacant lot… there’s even more graffiti than I remember. Was there really that much written on it before?)
Chikage: (It doesn’t seem like it’s gotten any less safe, at least.)
Resident: 《That area’s already all filled up. You’d have to write really small if ya wanted to put something there.》
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Chikage: 《Does the graffiti here have some sort of meaning?》
Resident: 《Ahh, so you don’t know? Somewhere along the line, a rumor started goin’ around that if you wrote your name here, your dreams would come true.》
Resident: 《Even tourists started writin’ things here.》
Resident: 《Well, the owner doesn’t mind it, so it all just stays here.》
Resident: 《At first, there were just one or two things written up there.》
Chikage: --.
Chikage: (This is… my name…)
Chikage: (There’s only one person who would’ve done this. There’s no mistaking it, that handwriting is his--.)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
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“Do you have a family?”
“Do you have a dream?”
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Chikage: …
Chikage: (Dreams coming true, huh? What came first, the rumor, or the name…)
Chikage: (Hah, even now I still can’t figure out what he was thinking.)
Chikage: (Dreams, huh… Maybe the reason I was able to come here was because mine came true.)
Resident: 《Hm? I feel like I’ve seen your face somewhere before… Nah, you just look like an acquaintance of mine.》
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Chikage: ?
Resident: 《You kinda look like an old colleague of mine. Your smile, especially.》
Resident: 《He passed away decades ago, though.》
Resident: 《His wife also passed away a few years back due to an illness… I’m pretty sure they had a son, but I think he was sent somewhere far away, or something like that.》
Chikage: 《...I’ve heard that I have distant relatives from around this area, so maybe there’s a connection there.》
Resident: 《Maybe so. If only his wife were still alive… I’m sure she’d be happy.》
Resident: 《A while back, I asked her about her son, and she said she’d probably never see him again, but all she hoped was that he wasn’t alone.》
Resident: 《Lookin’ at you, I feel like I’m seein’ their son.》
Chikage: …
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Chikage: (Selfish to the very end.)
Chikage: (I didn’t feel loved by them. Hell, I don’t even know if I love them.)
Chikage: (As a kid, they were like a huge, detestable existence that loomed over me. Even after they left me, no matter how much time passed, they stayed imprinted on me, like a scar that can’t be removed…)
Chikage: (But, I get it now… I never have to look at this name again.)
Chikage: (It doesn’t exist anywhere in this world.)
Chikage: (...I wonder what this feeling is. It’s not really nostalgia, sadness, or relief.)
Chikage: (It’s like one small sense of closure… It feels like it’s fitting into my heart somewhere. Like a book fitting into a shelf where it belongs.)
Resident: 《If you have distant relatives around here, why not visit their graves?》
Chikage: 《--I’ll have to pass since I have a bus to catch. I need to get back to my family soon.》
Resident: 《Gotcha, have a good trip.》
Chikage: 《Thank you very much.》
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
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Chikage: (...I sort of doubt there will be anyone on at this time.)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
UC has entered the chat.
UC: I’m on my way to the hotel near the airport now.
taruchi: gg
UC: Ah, I see. We must be fairly close.
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taruchi: well, think i’m somewhere between japan and u
taruchi: how’d ur new challenge go?
UC: How indeed. I do know that I’m glad I came here, at least.
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