#// for anyone who might get a kick out of abby coming to st maur
scandalous-heart · 2 years
Summer Holiday
Date: 30th of July, 1904 Place: St Maur Status: Open
Abbernath Weston had never enjoyed the country, yet he could admit there was a freedom to be found in zooming along the winding countryroads behind the wheel of his car. He’d admit it after he’d complained about all the bruising he’d have from being jostled to his core by the uneven surfaces, and after his heart had retreated from his mouth after meeting another vehicle coming in the opposite direction and nowhere to veer but a hedge or a ditch.
Still, freedom, perhaps that what he was seeking. Or just good company. The summer season had dried up in London, and all his new friends had disappeared back to whence they’d come. He had found himself suddenly and unexpectedly quite alone and missing them. All of them.
What good fortune then, that so many of them hailed from the same little town of St Maur.
He had not informed anyone of his visit. He’d simply packed his bag and hopped in the car as soon as the boredom and lonliness had become to much to bear. Now he was pulling up a driveway, a house looming before him.
He honked the horn as he pulled up, loud and obnoxious and far too many times to be considered polite. “Hello! I’m here! I’ve come to rescue you from the tedium of country living!” He called, and he lept from the driver’s seat.
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