#// gaia: coochie now !!
antiloreolympus · 3 years
6 Anti LO Asks
1. In the ask about Thetis, I think Tethys and Thetis were mixed. Tethys, daughter of Uranus and Gaia, raised Hera and was never Zeus' lover. Thetis, Tethys' granddaughter, was one of Zeus' lovers (also Poseidon's) but he married her off to Peleus because he was scared of the prophecy that her son would be stronger than Zeus. Hope this is helpful and that I didn't offend anyone.
-----FP Spoilers-----
2. To add to the Underworld Kingship stuff, I think RS is trying to push the whole "Hades is lonely" idea, but he's not in LO? He has a bunch of friends, a loving family who HE purposely ignores, and has basically every hot woman fighting over him. He's not actually struggling for companionship beyond marriage, which even then is not really elaborated on. He seems more interested in the sex part than anything else, tbh. I get what RS is trying to go for, but it's not actually written that way.
3. That's the thing! People waited literal YEARS to finally get some actual romance in LO and she's just speed running it? Why? Maybe for the reader after three+ years it feels like its about time, but they've only known each other two, maybe three weeks at that point. She shouldn't have spent over two years keeping them apart and not developing as a couple only to now rush it. If people were willing to wait over two years for a single kiss, you can spend a little time letting them at least date.
4. i dont get why rachel is framing ruling over the underworld as such a bad thing? like wasnt the whole point to show its not as bad as everyone thinks it is and persephone could be happy there too, instead of making it a pseudo dictatorship with people who hate you and its not even fun? i dont get why she flip flopped on this? is it nice or not? because it sounds like it sucks too.
5. i swear to god if lo persephone goes dark because she eats the pom and it nerfs her coochie ✋🏽😭
6. So if it's retconned Persephone is actually 100+ years old, that actually doesn't fix anything. It only reinforces she's even more immature and childish than let on, but is more or less just another stupid retcon for an idea Rachel shouldn't have used to begin with, another way to demonize Demeter. and as you pointed out, a disgusting implication she has no real choice, she was always predetermined to marry him w/ no way to get out of it. This is the exact opposite of giving her a voice/agency.
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