#// godza enjoyers come get your crumbs
jujumin-translates · 11 months
Event | Ayakashi Summer Festival | Chapter 8
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Misumi: It’s almost time for GOD-za’s performance.
Misumi: Aren’t you gonna go meet up with all of them before the show, Madoka?
Madoka: I sent them a message on LIME, I think that’s good enough. Besides, they already told me that I didn’t have.
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Misumi: Eh, why?
Madoka: Because they knew I was going to spend time at the summer festival with you, Nii-san, so they told me to just have fun with you all the way up until the performance.
Misumi: I see! I’m glad that everyone in GOD-za is so nice to you, Madoka~.
Madoka: Yeah, they are really good to me.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: (Looks like the staff members in charge of the stage have everything good to go, time for me to go take a seat and watch GOD-za’s performance.)
Izumi: (...Ah, it’s Misumi-kun and Madoka-kun. Fufu, they look like they’re getting along so well just sitting there talking with each other.)
Izumi: (It’s nice seeing them be together in their own little world, so I’ll make sure to stay out of their way. I’ll see if there’s anywhere to sit over there.)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Misumi: I’m triangularly excited~! I wonder what kinda story GOD-za’s performance is gonna be~.
Misumi: Huh? What’s wrong, Madoka?
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Madoka: All the other troupes were so interesting on stage, so I’m just a little nervous…
Misumi: With your story and GOD-za’s acting, I’m sure everything will be okay!
Madoka: …Right. I believe in everyone, so I’ll believe in myself too. And most importantly, you believe in me, Nii-san.
Misumi: Yeah!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Raiju: “…”
Izumi: (A raiju is looking down on the ground from up in the sky…)
Raiju: “...I’ve had my eye on that big mountain for a while now…”
Raiju: “He’s always sitting in that spot all by himself…”
Nekomata: “…”
Nekomata: “Hm, thunder… Is it going to rain?”
*Louder thunder*
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Nekomata: “Uwha.”
Raiju: “Phew…”
Nekomata: “…? What are you? A dog?”
Raiju: “What did you say? I’m a raiju, not a dog!”
Nekomata: “Hmph, what are you doing here?”
Raiju: “I was looking at this place from up above, and I took a liking to this spacious, high mountain that’s completely free of humans.”
Raiju: “However, why are there no humans?”
Nekomata: “Because I scared, threatened, and drove all the people who were living here away.”
Raiju: “Why?”
Nekomata: “It doesn’t matter why because it’s not any of your business.”
Raiju: “Hmmm. …Well, whatever, I like it here, so give me this mountain.”
Nekomata: “I’ll have to decline.”
Raiju: “Then I’ll just have to stay here until you give me the mountain.”
Nekomata: “What a pain. I’m still not giving you the mountain. If you really want to stay, be my guest.”
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Raiju: “Hey, hey.”
Nekomata: “Shut up and stop following me around!”
Raiju: “C’mon, don’t be like that. What are you going to have for dinner? What do you usually do for food around here?”
Raiju: “Hey, hey, do you catch fish in that river or something?”
Nekomata: “Ugh, stop bothering me already…! If it’ll make you shut up, then fine, I’ll answer your questions!”
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Raiju: “Hey, why do you always sit in the same spot?”
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Nekomata: “...Before I became a nekomata… I was just a normal cat.”
Nekomata: “And the person who was my owner then slept there.”
Raiju: “...I didn’t realize.”
Izumi: (The nekomata tells the raiju about his past…)
Izumi: (Even though the nekomata was annoyed by the raiju at first, he eventually becomes more comfortable around him and begins to open up…)
Nekomata: “…? What?”
Raiju: “I’m sensing something bad…”
Nekomata: “Sensing something… Humans? Looks like they’ve come to take the mountain back.”
Raiju: “Way to go, Kitty. You’ve got good ears.”
Raiju: “Hmph, let’s kick these humans back to where they came from. Thunderbolt…!”
Nekomata: “Stop! You’re going to hurt them!”
Raiju: “Gh!? Why…? Aren’t you the one who drove them off this mountain in the first place?”
Nekomata: “...When I was just a normal cat, my owner and their neighbors always treated me kindly. I loved them all.”
Nekomata: “So I don’t want them to get hurt and I don’t want them to die either.”
Nekomata: “...The reason why I drove all the humans off this mountain was because I was incredibly distraught because my owner had just died…”
Nekomata: “Humans die too quickly. I just didn’t want to have to go through saying goodbye like that again.”
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Raiju: “You…”
Raiju: “...I see. I don’t know what that feels like, but I respect your feelings.”
Izumi: (The two of them try to hide so as to not be found by the humans arriving on the mountain. However, they are unfortunately found.)
Nekomata: “I’m the one the humans are after. I’ll act as bait and you make a run for it!”
Human A: “You greedy nekomata! Give us back the mountain!”
Human B: “You’re the one who drove us off of the mountain!”
*Blade slashes*
Nekomata: “Uugh!!”
*Arrows fire*
Izumi: (The nekomata is captured by the humans and assaulted with their weapons.)
Raiju: “I’ll never forgive those bastards…! Time to take things into my own hands! …But the humans… Shit.”
Izumi: (The raiju makes a move to attack the humans to save the nekomata, but remember the nekomata’s words, he holds back.)
Raiju: “How can you possibly love people who are doing such terrible things to you? How do you not want to hurt them…?”
Raiju: “Goddamnit…!”
Raiju: “I’ll just have to do things my own way…!”
Izumi: (The raiju decides to use thunder as a way to scare the humans into leaving.)
Izumi: (The raiju’s feelings towards the nekomata are well expressed.)
Raiju: “Nekomata! C’mon, Nekomata! I’ll save you, I promise…!”
Nekomata: “...I’m handing… This mountain… Over to you…”
Raiju: “…Gh.”
Nekomata: “This mountain is full of memories of me and my owner… Take good care of it…”
Raiju: “I will… I’ll protect it with my life.”
Nekomata: “…”
Izumi: (The nekomata watched as the raiju nodded before taking his last breath…)
Raiju: “...Snf… I c-couldn’t save you… I wish I had a little more time with you…”
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Raiju: “Uuh… Uueh… AAGHHH!”
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Misumi: Your story was really good, Madoka~! I knew I’d love this one, just like all the other stories you’ve written!
Madoka: Nii-san… Thank you.
Misumi: No problem! Ah, it’s almost time for me to go get ready to go on stage.
Misumi: It was only a little bit of time, but it was a lotta fun going around the festival with you, Madoka!
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Madoka: I had fun too.
Misumi: Ehehe, I’m glad~! Well then, I’m off!
Madoka: I’ll be watching MANKAI’s performance from here, so break a leg.
Misumi: Yeah, I’ll act my hardest! Make sure to get excited for our play~!
Misumi: (...I’m really glad that I get to meet up with Madoka and talk normally like this again. It’s really fun!)
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