#// i like that icon because i see it and just imagine linn on his lap looking up at him
knifechased · 7 months
hc + cats :))))
          【 𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐃 𝐌𝐄 𝐇𝐂 + 𝐀 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃. 】                     @medicus-felini     
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     Killer is the kind of person to bond with individuals animals independently rather than having a specific species of animal he immediately connects with. When it comes to any cute and fluffy animal, he tends to be fairly unaffected by them until he has spent enough time with them to form some kind of a lasting connection with them.
There were plenty of stray cats on his home island, but caring for any animal would have been unfair due to the circumstances of his living situation. He was also against the idea of owning an animal as he suspected his enemies would likely target it as a vendetta against him.
Killer can be slightly awkward around animals. He doesn't always seem to know how to interact with them — he tends to look a bit stiff if he attempts to pet them, or he just doesn't touch them much at all. Many animals naturally don't like him due to his mask making them feel nervous, and if that's the case, he won't go out of his way to reassure them or change their mind about him; he'll probably just ignore them.
Due to spending most of his life around Crusher, Killer has a better understanding of canine body language and behavior over feline body language and behavior. This sometimes means he doesn't always know how to read cats, or he tries to apply canine logic to them and is confused when they don't react in the manner he expects. He's fairly ignorant when it comes to what cats are thinking. This can also sometimes be true for Linn as a mink, where she exhibits some common cat body language and he will sometimes be quietly confused by it.
Killer doesn't really get cute things in general. While most people universally experience a huge surge of oxytocin when they see something cute, Killer doesn't really feel this effect very strongly. He likes certain animals because of their natures or actions, but he wouldn't say he likes animals solely because they're generically adorable.
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