#// just gushes about my silly bun girl while shaking her like a soda bottle
vierandancer · 8 months
Meiko is such a likable person, whether she's a WOL or not, and I've been trying to think of how to put why she is into words.
I think what it comes down to is that she aspires to treat people like people, no matter their class, race, or age. She does have plenty of instances, especially early in ARR, where she is intimidated by people she isn't confident in speaking to.
She wants to treat them like a person, but what if she's not on their same 'level'? This is the issue she has in striking up conversations easily with (or being wholly intimidated by) more educated folk like Y'shtola and Urianger. Alphinaud would have been placed into that category too, if not for the fact that he was a child. Meiko knows (or thinks she does) how to talk with a child, as she mostly raised her younger brother on her own. I'm sure there were plenty of instances where Alphinaud (in ARR) would roll his eyes at her for her mistakes or uncouth behavior, but she didn't take as much of that to heart because he was a kid. Of course kids think older adults are cringe! They think they know everything!
The moment Meiko gets clarification of 'oh they're a dork just like me', any hesitance in interacting with others is gone. Urianger asking how his new outfit looked in Shadowbringers, for instance! It just a flipped a switch in her brain that said: oh aye, he can be an idiot, too.
And idiot is not in a negative way here! It's more of a shorthand means of saying 'we're the same.' Once Meiko has enough information to take folks off of some predetermined pedastal, any formalities or polite aloofness one has with strangers goes out the window. You are a friend and that means Meiko is going to make sure you're OK. She can't be intimidated by anyone she's supposed to 'take care of', otherwise that'd get in the way of taking care of them!
And because she herself has spent so many years being easily intimidated and not speaking up when she should, Meiko makes it a goal to ensure people she cares about do not feel that way. That means pep talks, reminders to take breaks, and plenty of nonjudgmental invitations to vent. She will drag Aymeric out for a fun time at the Saucer, teach Urianger to swim, make sure Tataru never runs out of coffee (or gets a comfy place to nap when she inevitalby crashes).
A part of this is probably thanks to Meiko's brother being the first Warrior of Light. Aye, he's the Eikon Slayer and Hydaelyn's Champion, but he still was scared o'birds for nearly eight summers! Having that perspective grounds her a lot in all of her relationships, and for those who may have a larger-than-life presence or reputation, being looked at as just a normal person with normal needs and wants can be very comforting.
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