#// moop you need to give me my boy damn it
crimesought · 5 months
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starter for @yxkanna
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Cassian looked to the bard, his head tilted slightly. Black waves moving with him as he examined him. " Do you play list or just do the sword stuff?"
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Nerris: *walking to school and bopping to music*
Harrison: *a p p e a r s behind nerris pew pew* *bOOM JUMPS IN FRONT OF NERRIS* Boo!
Nerris: JESUS CHRIST- oh hey Harrison! *kisses his cheek*
Harrison: Hey princess, what’re you listening to?
Nerris: for the 28282nd time, bad romance because it SLAPS
Harrison: Oh no, is that how you feel about me? I’m so hurt-! *:( but not actually*
Nerris: oh dont be like that idiot *playfully pushes him*
Harrison: I am using the cool drama techniques Preston taught me, shhh
Nerris: good job, you're learning from a professional *claps*
Harrison: *smooch smooch* I’m gonna beat you to school
Harrison: *speedier*
His hat: *flies off*
Harrison: oh fUCK MY HAT *runs after his h a t*
Bully Bobby: *picks up harrison c a p* did you lose your stupid hat, magic boy?
Nerris: *turns around and walks back* BOBBY GO AWAY FOR CHRIST'S SAKE! *snatches his hat out of his hand*
Bully Bobby: oh boohoo, you’re standing up for the guy who killed his own brother?
Harrison: I didn’t kill my brother-!
Nerris: bobby, you take that back right now. Harrison did not kill his brother. You dont know what he has been through so you dont have the right to say anything!
Harrison: *:(*
Bully Bobby: what else does “disappear” mean? he killed his own brother when he was like, 12, and buried him in their yard!
Nerris: and you would know that how? You dont know anything about Harrison. Nothing. Have you been friends with him since you were like 11? No.
Bully Bobby: oh shut up-
Harrison: Bobby, just fuck off. *snatches hat from nerris and sHOVES it back on* i’m going to school *angee walking*
Nerris: thanks for that Bobby. Really needed that right now *flips him off and walks next to Harrison* hey you know you can go home if you want, you dont have to go to school. I'm sorry that just happened. Bobby sucks.
Harrison: no, i’m going to school, it’s just worse at home. *angee speed walking*
Nerris: hey, you could go to my house. You know my parents love you. I'll go with you if you want.
Harrison: *q u i e t talking* i didn’t mean to make my brother disappear :(((
Nerris: heyheyhey! It's okay Harrison. I know you didnt mean it, he knows you didnt mean it. I know you dont like talking about it and I'm sorry he brought it up.
Harrison: can we skip school so i don’t have to see bobby’s stupid face? i wish i could make him disappear *>:(*
hat: cap
Nerris: yeah! *spins around* let's go my good sir! *puts out her hand*
Harrison: *g r i p* will your parents be mad?
Nerris: nah, they're chill and my mom's at work. My dad is probably playing D&D with his pals
Harrison: *teehee* you used to be so into D&D it wasn’t even funny
Nerris: yeah yeah I know! I would go around camp "saying spells" and playing with dice all day- and I would fight with you like crazy *laughs*
Harrison: your stupid little hat and cape were so adorable, you were such a dork
Nerris: okay but your magic shows were so good, I'm still impressed
Harrison: I’m still good at magic, you know! *pulls out a f l o w e r*
Nerris: I know you're good at magic duhhhhhh
Harrison: can we watch a movie at your house? *puts the flower in nerris’s hair teeheehaw*
Nerris: oh my god yes! Any ideas?
Harrison: something distracting *boopboop*
Nerris: alrighty!
-at her house-
Nerris: hey dad! *drops her bag on the floor*
Harrison: hello mr. nerris’ dad!!!
Nerris dad: hey kids!
Nerris: *runs upstairs to her room* tally-ho!
Harrison: *runs into nerris’ room and LEAPS onto her bed kapowie*
Nerris: jeez are you in love with my bed or something?
Harrison: no idiot, i’m in love with you *takes OFF HIS CAP*
Nerris: woah Harrisons getting serious hes taking off his cap
Harrison: Oh shut up “nerris the cute” *airquotes lmao*
Nerris: you're the one who agreed with the nickname at camp so *putting away books and crap*
Harrison: you’re going to put away books instead of laying down with meeeee?
Nerris: do you see the state of my room? It's a mess!
Harrison: do you see the state of ME?
Nerris: shhhh *hug*
Harrison: you make everything better, princess *hug :))*
Nerris: so *sits down* what do you wanna do
Harrison: uh, I dunno
Nerris: well you're the one who was whining because he wasnt getting affection
Harris’ phone: bring bring bring bring bring bring ava i just rekt u bring bring bring bring bring
Harrison: get my phone for me NERRIS
Nerris: okay! Oh shit it's your parents *gives him his phone*
Harrison: oh shit- hold up i’ll, uh be right back. *goes into the hALLWAY*
Nerris: *drawings*
Harrison: *>:”(* *s t o m p s back into nerris’ room* *>:(*
Nerris: what's wrong?
Harrison: my mother called and asked why i ‘wasn’t at school’
Nerris: pft, oh well. You can chill out here homie
Harrison: yeah, well, she’s coming over here apparently
Nerris: ughhhhh. I'll explain to her honey. *kiss uwu*
Harrison: *😳😳😳😳* i’m just nervous i guess- i should’ve shut off the stupid thing-
Doorbell: glipnorp
Nerris: I'll get it- coming! *runs downstairs and opens the door* hello!
Harrison’s mummy: Hello, is Harrison here?
Nerris: okay I can explain. Harrison we getting made fun of and i stood up for him and he really wanted to go home so we came here.
Harrison’s mummy wummy: right, and how does he know you? where is he now?
Twerker: i pee
Nerris: we met at camp Campbell- and uh, hes upstairs..
Harrison’s mummy yummy: he’s not safe around other people- can he come down here??
Nerris: ma'am, hes not going to make me disappear. Harrison come here!
Harrison: *approaches* heyyyy?
Harrison’s mimsy: >:0
Nerris: hey Harrison *smiles*
Harrison: hi mom, uh, i didn’t do anything bad
Harrisons mom: you cant go over anyone's house harrison! We've been over this! People arent safe around you! Why dont you listen!
Harrison: I don’t do anything bad though! Nerris is still here, and so is her house and her dad and his friends. I haven’t done ANYTHING-! *>:(*
Nerris: *holds his hand* yep
Harrison’s moop: it’s only a matter of time before it happens.
Nerris: hes amazing around people! Hes not going to make anyone disappear!
Harrison: *’:(*
Nerris: just go away *slams the door in her face*
Harrison: damn-
Nerris: what? She was annoying!
Harrison: i mean- yeah- but damn
Nerris: I know I'm a bad ass- jk
Harrison: wow, okay, nice
Nerris: you okay?
Harrison: yeah, just, like, i don’t know
Nerris: Harrison, you're crying, you clearly arent fine soooo *hug*
Harrison: I don’t like my mom
Nerris: I know Harrison. I'm sorry shes like that. Do you maybe wanna sleep over so you can relax? *smiles*
Harrison: yes, of course
Nerris: alrighty my good sir! *runs up to her room*
Harrison: *r u n s after nerros* So, what’re we gonna doooo?
Nerris: I dont knowwwww- what do you wanna do *plops on bed*
Harrison: uhh movie? *s i t*
Nerris: ooooo yes! Okay *turns on tv* what movie
Harrison: uh a good one?
Nerris: ah yes of course
-a couple minutes later-
Nerris: *falling asllep* IM UP- oh hi Harrison
Harrison: are you tired? go to sleep-!
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The Boy Gives Life &... (ep. 5 part 2)
Part 2
     The cupid then dodges a poisonous dart shot by Sayuri, who, because Julia had her back turned to the blowgun owner, she had no more fear, and then tries to fight.
- Ah, look at that, a little girl is trying to fight against mOOPS! – the cupid flies higher to avoid being touched by Charlie – Almost forgot about you!
     “Androval, the cupid”, then prepares na arrow, and shoots Charlie, who tries to protect himself with his arm, but ends up being hit by an arrow in his arm.
- Charlie! – Sayuri shouts, getting distracted by a moment and stopping shooting her darts, also being hit in her leg by na arrow, not being able to avoid it, and falling to the floor – Gah! Damn!
     She takes off the arrow.
- It’s no use, gal, you guys were already infected... – Androval flies away, going to the second floor while talking – I’ll leave you two love birds alone...
- Damn damn! No! – Sayuri says in loud voice out of anger – I still don’t wanna fall in l...
- Charlie! Stop! – says Lacinho.
     Sayuri, with a LOT of anger, gets up and screams with the boy:
     Charlie backs up a little, with his hands together and with a frightened expression... and then the human girl realizes something, saying:
- Wait a minute... I’m not feeling love for him... only anger...
- Wait! Julia! Where are you going?! – shouts Lacinho, trying to stop her owner’s leg, but not being able to stop her. The doll notices that until this all is solved, Julia would be “zombified”... – That jerk...
- Lacinho! For some reason the cupid’s arrow didn’t work with me – says Sayuri, almost abandoning Charlie.
- Yeah, I didn’t notice that, Sasa, but I just want to make a question... – Lacinho seemed disappointed and in disapproval of Sasa – Why did you kept standing and didn’t help me stop my owner and Rodrigo...?
- I ehh... – Sayurifelt bad for not helping, buta t the same time ashamed of something...
     Lacinho then notices she shouldn’t have questioned...
- I-I’m sorry Sayuri... – says the doll – It’s ok, I’m not angry at you...
- Don’t worry, it’s because all of Julia’s make up reminded me of something...
- Well, my owner’s face was indeed weird, you know, it looked like a... – the doll then understands – You... you are afraid of...
- Yes, I have Coulrophobia...
     An arrow sticks on the ground, at the side of the doll, scaring her.
- Dammit, I missed – says the cupid from above; trying to shoot a poor little girl who was running away from him.
- HELP ME!! THIS MAD MAN IS SHOOTING ARROWS AT ME!! – the girl was running and screaming for help.
- Ok, we gotta do something... – says Lacinho.
- You are right, bestie – says Sayuri, picking the arrow that hit her, and trying to twist it – Oh, I’ll beat that cupid so much, you will see... damn, this arrow is hard as heck...
     Clearly she was angry... this is even more evidente when she harshly throws the arrow at the ground. The girl picks a lollipop, and starts to consume it.
- ‘We should hol hands’ – Charlie tries to say.
     Lacinho gets surprised, while the girl brutally bites and destroys the lollipop.
- Excuse me, ehh... what the hell have you said, you brat...? – Sayuri angrily asks.
- Charlie, this ain’t the time for joking, you know – says the doll.
- ‘To blend in’... – he clearly was afraid of her, but at the same time showed he was sure of what he said...
- Wait a minute, repeat what you said, dude... – says Sayuri, who had understood more or less what he meant; while approaching him.
- ‘To... bl... end... in... – Charlie clearly felt even more intimidated when she was closer.
- Speak up, man, I’m not going to beat you, relax.
- I think he suggested holding hands to blend in – Lacinho tries to help the boy.
- Is that so, dude? – she asks to the scared little guy...
     He shyly agrees with his head.
- Heh, you aren’t as innocent as you seem to be, heh, little friend... – Sayuri harshly grabs his hand, and starts to take him in their classroom’s direction.
- Wait a minute there, guys, I ain’t as fast as you, you know – says Lacinho.
- Oh yeah, sorry there, friend, wait a minute – Sayuri prepared her bag to carry the doll...
     Meanwhile, Charlie looked at his hand that Sayuri was holding... he felt something inside his chest again... something good...
- Hey! Fool! – says Sayuri, calling his attention – Wake up there, we need to plan something for all of this forced love in the air stops.
- Ah... – he indeed “wakes up”.
- Charlie, since you gave life to that cupid... – says Lacinho, in the human girl’s bag – Do you know some weakness of him?
- Uhh... ‘w...ell...’
- Charlie, the longer you take to think, more people will be h...
     The bell for the start of the classes ring; interrupting Sayuri...
     She sighs, and says while taking the boy in the classroom’s direction:
- Forget it, man, let’s plan this while in class, and I do wanna see you put your brain to work, alright??
- Wait a minute, and about my owner?? – asks Lacinho, worried.
- What is it? She probably must be on a date with Rodrigo; probably she just gave him some kisses or something al...
- Ah, like heck that my 8 year old owner will kiss someone – Lacinho starts to go out from the bag.
- Hold it, isn’t it better if we stay together to plan something against the cupid? – Sayuri questions.
- I do understand it, friend, but I can’t let my owner be in danger ya know – the doll jumps from the bag, and finishes – Also keep in mind, I can try to reverse their love in some way, and if I find out how, I warn ya... but for now, sorry for that, bestie, I can’t just leave my owner be in a possible danger, you know...
- Well, you got a point there...   ...good luck, Lacinho...
They go to diferente directions...
     Sayuri takes Charlie to the classroom, and sits next to him; and as it was expected, there were a lot of couples giving little kisses...
- How does people find this cute? I just feel bad for all of those random couples that cupid forced – Sayuri thinks with herself.
      Meanwhile. Lacinho walked around the school, searching for her owner; some of the couples were going to their classrooms while holding hands; and other that just ignored the bell, and kept dating... the most disturbing couples were probably the pre-adolescents... something that worries even more the doll, who thinks with herself:
- This is just so wrong, irgh, I cannot allow that Rodrigo kisses my owner or... approaches too much... brrr, gross! But there is only one problem...
She looks at the students and then to herself, finishing her thoughts:
- I’m just a doll...
     She then notices the arrows that have hit Sayuri; they were still there... this gives the talking toy na idea...
 - Common, there must be a poison in those arrows, if there is a poison, no, wait, what if it is some kind of magic, considering Charl-actually, this makes no sense, or does it...? Well, let’s consider that ehh Charlie... – smoke was going out of Sayuri’s head since she was thinking too much.
     The boy looked at her, with admiration...
     The teacher just wrote the content on the blackboard; and considering the five paper poppers in her desk, she have already tried to stop the students. The couples kept dating, and meanwhile, the ones who weren’t hit by the arrows; considering their faces, they couldn’t take it anymore, or were bored...
it will be continued in part 3
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