#// not an a3! TL but i’ve had my eye on this game for a bit now !
jujumin-translates · 3 years
&0 Character Intros | Hello Detective Agency
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Hidden in Kabukicho, Shinjuku lies a detective agency only known to those in the know. They accept even the most unusual cases, as long as they are “interesting”.
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Reiji Yuuki - 結城 怜二
CV: Tomokazu Seki
“You can just go and dump your boring common sense in front of the arch on the Kabukicho main street.”
An enigmatic and incredibly genius detective with one rule: “Whether I’m interested or not.”
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The head of a widely known detective agency in the Kabukicho area. He’s respected by both the police and yakuza alike.
No one has seen him angry for as long as the agency has been open.
His private life is shrouded in mystery, and his private room at the back of the office is strictly off limits.
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Occupation - Detective (Head of the Hello Detective Agency - Head of the Yuuki Unit)
Age - 35
Height - 181cm
Birthday - August 20
Blood Type - O
Likes - Being amused and surprised
Weakness - Expressing his true emotions
Fun Fact - He can play the piano
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Yuuto Kazehare - 風晴 優人
CV: Nobunaga Shimazaki
“Keep in mind. Everyone makes mistakes, except for me.”
The son of a distinguished family who is running against the elite course to be an exceptional ace detective. He is seamless in all aspects and not very amiable.
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A serious, perfectionist ace detective.
He is the elite son of a distinguishing family, but he is now striving to make the Hello Detective Agency the No. 1 in Japan.
He has a surprisingly childlike face when his bangs are down, and is said to be cute when he smiles.
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Occupation - Detective (Yuuki Unit)
Age - 25
Height - 183cm
Birthday - April 4
Blood Type - A
Likes - Watching animal videos
Weakness - Getting close to women
Fun Fact - Cute when he’s drunk
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Hiroki Shouji - 東海林 広樹
CV: Ryouhei Kimura
“I can’t see the future. Not until I seal the memory of that day.”
A perverse, harsh, handsome young man who feigns innocence. Sleep heals his hyperthymesia.
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A harsh detective who is handsome in every aspect.
He is very popular within his field, but avoids building relationships.
Maybe it’s because he’s out and about at night, but he’s got a habit of snoozing off in the office during the day.
They say he laughs a lot when he’s drunk.
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Occupation - Detective (Yuuki Unit)
Age - 24
Height - 174cm
Birthday - March 15
Blood Type - B
Likes - Going out walking at night
Weakness - Alone time
Fun Fact - He has no sense of direction
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Naito Hanazawa - 花澤 聖騎士
CV: Wataru Hatano
“Please count on me for anything. When I’m able to help someone out, I feel like it’s okay to live.”
The conscience of the agency. He’s No. 1 in the firm in terms of dealing with clientele and a ruthlessly skilled hacker that shows no mercy against adversaries.
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A seemingly friendly hacker.
He has lived the life of a criminal before due to circumstances and understands the criminal mindset well.
He cares about his friends, but is unforgiving to his enemies. He seems like the most gentle person in the office, but he has a secret about his origins…
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Occupation - Detective (Himura Unit)
Age - 22
Height - 180cm
Birthday - October 8
Blood Type - A
Likes - The sea
Weakness - Getting to know people well
Fun Fact - He doesn’t like his name
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Sunao Koshimizu - 直 輿水
CV: Chiharu Shigematsu
“I don’t need anyone but Senpai. I only like Senpai.”
A lonely, specialized, puppy-like prince with no place to go back to. He doesn’t trust anyone but his “Senpai”.
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A former homeless apprentice detective.
He has many abilities and virtues, but is completely unaware of them due to being utterly devoted to the protagonist. He stubbornly believes that he is a worthless and empty person.
He really believes it makes him an idiot to inadvertently trust people, even when he’s hurt.
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Occupation - Part-time Apprentice Detective
Age - 19
Height - 167cm
Birthday - June 12
Blood Type - AB
Likes - Being around his Senpai
Weakness - Facing himself
Fun Fact - Fluent in many languages
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Keisuke Sorata - 空田 圭介
CV: Yuusuke Kobayashi
“That doesn’t matter. If you’re alive, you’re succeeding, right?”
An idol-faced former mercenary that does things at his own pace. His smile is the strongest life-form in Kabukicho.
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He’s a former mercenary and one of the most martial detectives in the agency.
Even though he chooses to live a carefree life without attachments, his mind sometimes chooses to be on the battlefield. He has a high alcohol tolerance.
He believes in living life to the fullest, because when you die, that’s it. However, he does believe in a heaven.
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Occupation - Detective (Yuuki Unit)
Age - 29
Height - 170cm
Birthday - November 29
Blood Type - B
Likes - To always be moving
Weakness - Office work
Fun Fact - He returned to his home country as a child
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Takumi Himura - 火村 匠
CV: Youhei Akazami
“You’re under my care from today on. You can be spoiled in any way you’d like.”
A high-spec lawyer who’s filled with open-mindedness. He’s a sleeping mad dog who has sworn his allegiance to the boss.
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He’s a lawyer/detective who spoils his clients. He’s Yuuki’s right-hand man and his unparalleled caretaker.
For some reason, he always hides his lawyer’s badge in his jacket pocket.
He’s an incomparably caring and dependable adult, but he used to have it rough.
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Occupation - Detective (Head of the Himura Unit)
Age - 31
Height - 178cm
Birthday - February 22
Blood Type - O
Likes - Spoiling others
Weakness - Depending on others
Fun Fact - He’s afraid of losing his temper
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Touma Yamagami - 山神 斗真
CV: Kazuyuki Okitsu
“These hands are the hands of a sinner… The cursed hands of a killer.”
A former genius surgeon who calls himself ✝️The Dark Clown✝️. He is a jovial, danger-seeking man with a death wish.
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He’s a former genius surgeon, now detective, looking for a place to die.
A chuunibyou who proclaimed himself ✝️The Dark Clown✝️. He smokes to shorten his life expectancy.
It’s said that he reverts to his natural state when drunk and speaks in Kansai dialect.
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Occupation - Detective (Yuuki Unit)
Age - 33
Height - 178cm
Birthday - July 16
Blood Type - AB
Likes - Taking care of people and animals
Weakness - Overly happy
Fun Fact - He’s a secret smoker
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Jouji Shiratori - 譲治 白鳥
CV: Ryota Asari
“I like beautiful things. However… I very much hate my own face.”
A master of disguise and the use of the magic of makeup. A glutton with genderless beauty.
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They’re a genderless detective in charge of disguises. They like beautiful things, yet very much hate their own face.
They claim, “Makeup is a gentle magic that bridges the gap between one’s own ideal and reality.” They’re said to be a skinny, gluttonous, fast eater who eats a ghastly amount of food in an elegant way.
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Occupation - Detective (Himura Unit)
Age - 26
Height - 176cm
Birthday - November 2
Blood Type - B
Likes - Eating heartily
Weakness - Laughing out loud
Fun Fact - Has superhuman strength
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