#// this is a huge bilius energy
actiobellicahq · 4 years
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Happy Holidays, students! We here at ABHQ wanted to say a huge thank you to all of our members. You’ve all participated so well in recent events, and have made our rp holidays so special! We love you all dearly, and we wanted to give your characters a little holiday gift of their own just to say thank you for being wonderful.....
It will never be discovered just who was behind it, but each and every student awoke this morning to find a present sitting on their doorstep, or to find an owl interrupting their breakfast, nearly dropping a parcel in their cereal bowls. A small note seems to be attached to every single gift, neatly detailing what they all were in need of, or what their heart desired, whether they knew it or not. Better not tell the professors if you received something scandalous, students!
The following gifts were delivered:
Amycus Carrow receives a charmed suit jacket that changes colour on command. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For the charming chameleon.’
Ajax Graves receives a box with a puppy inside, a red ribbon around it’s collar. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For your personal therapy.’
Alecto Carrow receives a gold lighter that never runs out of flame, along with a note that says ‘For your pyromania and love of tobacco.’
Alexander Yilmaz receives a golden quill with infinite ink, along with a note that says ‘For the pursuit of eloquence.’
Alice Macmillan receives a defensive charmed bracelet, which sounds when someone is about to cast a spell. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For the protection of the one who protects others.’
Ambrosius Burke receives a ring that changes colour when he’s being lied to. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For the truth to be revealed.’
Analiese Crabbe receives a live crab, with a note that says ‘For you to have a Crabbey friend.’
Andromeda Black receives a kit of paint brushes that never fray, along with a note that says ‘For your colourful passion.’
Antigone Graves receives a soft blanket, charmed to have the scent of her home. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For the girl who needs a bit of her past.’
Antonin Dolohov receives a small vanishing chest, with a note that says ‘For the man with something to hide.’
Araminta Valentine receives a small zirconium dragon for her bracelet, along with a note that says ‘For someone who’s spirit never gets extinguished.’
Archibald Graves receives a brooch of his family crest, along with a note that says ‘For your homesickness.’
Arthur Weasley receives a Rube Goldberg machine, along with a note that says ‘For the most muggle wizard I’ve ever known.
Bellatrix Lestrange receives a fine silver and emerald bracelet with ‘BL + RL’ etched into the back of it. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For your recent vows.’
Benjy Fenwick receives an indestructible football he’d been eyeing up in Hogsmeade, along with a note that says ‘For someone with lots of energy to burn.’
Bilius Weasley receives an extensive healing kit, with a note that says ‘For you to start down your path.’
Calista Travers receives an antique jade hair ornament, with her initials etched in the underside of it, along with a note that says ‘For the jewel of her mother’s eye.’
Charlie Wood receives an older but breathtaking violin, along with a note that says ‘For the ears of your closest.’
Dahey Ryan receives a first edition copy of Theories of Transubstantial Transfiguration, which is signed by the author. Enclosed is a note that reads ‘For the boy who yearns for knowledge.’
Daisy Hookum receives a mini garden of self-watering succulents, with a note that says ‘For the sun that shines through your window.’
Damocles Belby receives a phial containing werewolf fur, along with a note that says ‘For the most curious of us all.’
Declan Macmillan receives a colour changing scarf and a smaller matching one for Sir Sprinkle. Enclosed is a note that reads ‘For you and the little one to stay warm.’
Dirk Cresswell receives a trunk that automatically organizes his belongings, along with a note that says ‘For your knick knacks.’
Dolores Umbridge receives a white fluffy ball resembling a kitten. The collar jingles when she’s picked up. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For someone who will never have enough cats.’
Dorcas Meadowes receives a book of advanced old texts, along with a note that says ‘For you to put to good use.’
Doris Purkiss recieves a journal that hides any entry the reader wishes, along with a note that says ‘For your secrets.’
Edith Fortescue receives a locked box with no key. The outside seems to have carved ancient runes, one on each side of the box. What ever could they mean? Enclosed is a note that says ‘For the riddler among us.’
Ellerie Kiriakis receives an enchanted painting of her mother, along with a note that says ‘For her spitting image.’
Emmeline Vance receives a framed enchanted collage of her favourite places, along with a note that says ‘For those days when you’d rather be somewhere else.’
Evan Rosier receives a sneakoscope, along with a note that says ‘For the devious and deceitful.’
Evelyn Kiriakis receives a Mappa Mundi, along with a note that says ‘For the seeker of creatures of every kind.’
Fabian Prewett receives a phial of Angel's Trumpet Draught, along with a note that says ‘For protection or defense, whatever you shall need it for.’
Frank Longbottom receives an Auror official study manual, along with a note that says ‘For you to be prepared.’
Gideon Prewett receives a jacket with his last name sewn into the back, which magically fits ever so perfectly. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For someone who deserves to show off his name.’
Gilderoy Lockhart receives a charmed handheld mirror that compliments it’s owner, along with a note that says ‘For someone who never gets tired of flattery.’
Guinevere Montague receives a box with a small egg. Who knows what will hatch out of it? Enclosed is a note that says ‘For your love of all things destructive.‘
Gwenog Jones receives a new set of Quidditch leathers, along with a note that says ‘For the player who’s fire on the field.’
Halim Gamal receives a small pouch of glistening seeds. What will they bloom? Enclosed is a note that says ‘For every season.’
Harriet Arya receives a copy of Moste Potente Potions, along with a note that says ‘For good, not for evil.’
Isabella De Rose receives a colour changing blush, along with a note that says ‘For the fairest.’
Jackson Flint receives a beetle broach. It seems to light up every now and then, but why? Enclosed is a note that says ‘For not only your secrets.’
James Potter receives a box of infinite-refilling bertie botts every flavour beans, along with a note that says ‘For your insatiable sweet tooth.’
Jimi Macintosh receives a leather jacket that never fades or tarnishes, along with a note that says ‘For the punk rock icon of the school.’
Kingsley Shacklebolt receives a foe-glass, with a note that says ‘For keeping an eye on those who’s hearts are not as pure.’
Lily Evans receives a pair of platform shoes that she’d spotted in Hogsmeade a few weeks earlier and loved. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For the girl who gives her all without expecting anything in return.’
Lorcan d'Eath receives a self-tuning guitar, along with a note that says ‘For us all to enjoy.’
Lucius Malfoy receives golden horseshoes, along with a note that says ‘For the most pampered, prestigious Malfoy.’
Ludo Bagman receives an extremely large first aid kit, along with a note that says ‘For your love of getting injured.’
Mack Yaxley receives a silver lighter that never runs out of flame, along with a note that says ‘For your love of watching things burn down.’
Mara Lovelace receives an antique chest filled with equipment to press flowers, along with a note that says ‘For the most precious flower among us.’
Marlene McKinnon receives a pair of rollerskates that won’t ever fray or tear, along with a note that says ‘For the adventurous lion.’
Mary Macdonald receives a box full of Hogwarts themed cookie cutters, including a very Fabian looking Quidditch set. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For the girl who bakes to make others smile.’
Mason Macdonald receives a pot plant that apparates whenever it’s needed, along with a note that says ‘For your mobile plant needs.’
Millicent Bagnold receives an everlasting sugar quill, which one can write with. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For bursts of creative energy.’
Molly Prewett receives a chicken, along with a note that says ‘For the weirder Prewett.’
Mordred Abbott receives a large book of sheet music, which is charmed to show an entire piece on a single page, no matter how long. It moves with the music. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For music to our ears.’
Morgana Killick recieves a small pouch of False Pennyroyal seeds. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For a rare soul to have a rare flower.’
Narcissa Black receives a boxed moth, one of the rarest kinds in the world. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For the weird and wonderful.’
Nikoli Gallagher receives coloured charcoal that never runs out, along with a note that says ‘For those days when you’re feeling inspired.’
Nimue Mackenna receives a box of rare records, all by her favourite artists. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For an old soul.’
Otto Bagman receives a toaster that mysteriously cooks every slice of toast to perfection. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For your curiosity of everything muggle.’
Pandora Joubert receives a deck of beautifully hand drawn tarot cards, some of which sparkle in the light. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For your love of the future, past and present.’
Paris Avery receives a pure silver flask with his initials etched into the front, along with a note that says ‘For your coping mechanism.’
Peter Pettigrew receives an indestructible hamster wheel, along with a note that says ‘For the one with whiskers.’
Ramona d'Eath receives a vial of unicorn blood, along with a note that says ‘For a lost soul.’
Reginald Cattermole receives a bass guitar that he’d been eyeing in Hogsmeade, along with a note that says ‘For your love of music.’
Regulus Black receives a leather bound notebook, along with a silver quill that has infinite ink. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For the prodigal son.’
Remus Lupin receives a stone that gives off sunlight when touched, along with a note that says ‘For those times where the moon is too bright.’
Rita Skeeter receives a green quill that has an infinite supply of ink, along with a note that says ‘For someone who never tires of words.’
Rodolphus Lestrange receives a watch with ‘RL + BL’ etched onto the back of it. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For your recent vows.’
Rust Wilkes receives a large diamond-shaped rock, which seems to have something enclosed inside of it, along with a note that says ‘For the curious and the cursed.’
Sebastian Laviscount receives a box of infinite-refilling Norwegian candies, with a note that says ‘For that post-Quidditch sugar rush.’
Seraphina Parkinson receives a pair of dragon hide defensive pads, with a note that says ‘For the girl who likes to play rough.’
Sirius Black receives a set of keys, along with a map of the black lake that has an ‘X’ scribbled in the center. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For my entertainment as well as yours.’
Sybill Trelawney receives a large crystal ball (disguised in a hat box), along with a note that says ‘For the future.’
Sylvie Moody receives The Monster Book of Monsters, along with a note that says ‘For your biting kink, or your thirst for knowledge, whichever is stronger.’
Ted Tonks receives a shape-shifting mustache, with a note that says ‘For all your disguising needs.’
Tilden Toots receives a single flower that changes colour depending on the day of the week and the weather, along with a note that says ‘For our beloved gardener.’
Tobias Hemming receives a sketchbook that enables the sketches to move, along with a note that says ‘For your art to come to life.’
Tristan Mulciber receives a set of embellished brass knuckles, along with a note that says ‘For whatever or whoever your heart desires.’
Valerie Petrov receives a very old, well cared for book on Magical Creatures. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For both personal and professional use.’
Walden Macnair receives a velvet clothed cage, that very suspiciously squawks. Enclosed is a note that says ‘For the man on the bench with the bird seeds.’
(Please note that if your character has received a pet or item of some kind that doesn’t comply with Hogwarts rules or one that can slide under the radar safely, they have been delivered to and must stay at their character’s home!)
Some of these gifts aren’t obviously the most attainable or realistic of gifts, but that’s all part of the fun! We wanted to spoil you all and show you just how much we appreciate you being a part of the rp, as we fast approach the one year mark!
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In times of chaos, distraction is always welcome, and the National Quidditch League is sparing no expense at all to make sure that the English National Team’s sendoff celebration is just that. Areen Bakri, the President of the NQL, has arranged a huge party at one of the biggest clubs in wizarding London, hired performers and bands, and invited not only the entire English National team, but every team in the National Quidditch League of Britain, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales to come and participate in the monumental sendoff. Celebrities, athletes, politicians, and stars gather for the sendoff, not wanting to miss the chance to wish the English team well before they depart for Barcelona for the Quidditch World Cup at the end of the week.
And really, the party is a welcome distraction from the current tension. Minister Minchum times the passing of a new law especially well with the beginning of the Quidditch World Cup; put into place just two days before the sendoff begins, it is now legal to search private property without a warrant, and for anyone to be arrested and held indefinitely without a trial. This obvious breach of human rights and justice has been extremely controversial, but heavily supported by the Ministry, the Daily Prophet, and the WWN in an attempt to get it to settle. This law, entitled the Wizard Protection Act, has infuriated not just purists, but members of the Wizengamot as well, and discord in the Ministry has been higher than ever before. But the coverage of the new act has been fairly minimal in the wake of the near constant coverage about the Quidditch World Cup. Minister Minchum counts it as a double victory when objections about the law are lost in the excitement over the World Cup.
           “Welcome, everyone, to this explosive day.”
Celestina Warbeck’s voice croons into the microphone as she holds out a hand. The English National Quidditch team march out onto the stage, striking their team pose, preening on the stage as the crowd cheers. Celestina’s voice croons into the microphone once again.
“Please join me in giving our brilliant and talented team a proper sendoff to the Quidditch World Cup! Put your hands in the air and give them a cheer, won’t you?”
The crowd erupts into excited applause and cheers as the English Quidditch team take their bows, at ease and basking in the attention on the stage and grinning at Celestina as she blows kisses in their direction. She grins back at the crowd.
“I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’ve got a Cauldron Full of Hot, Strong Love for these dolls, don’t you?”
The crowd feels like it’s filled with electricity as the energy all but radiates through the crowd.
Celestina points to the drummer.
                                           “Hit it.”
The beginning notes of her famous hit, “A Cauldron Full of Hot, Strong Love” begins, and the crowd falls into dancing and celebration. It’s impossible to tell that a war is happening with so much energy and excitement in a room; it’s like the entire club has been transported somewhere completely untouched by the Death Eaters. Dress robes and gowns flash under the lights, people laugh, and champagne pours as the club is flung into full party-mode.
The QUIDDITCH WORLD CUP SENDOFF EVENT has officially begun! You may now post starters and other things related to the event. This event is not mandatory, but participation is strongly encouraged! Please remember:
tag your starters and event-related posts with ofc: put your best foot forward
include “Put Your Best Foot Forward” in the title of your starters
this event ends at 5pm EST on SUNDAY, JANUARY 15TH
and as always, and most importantly, have fun!
Also please look under the cut to find special instructions given to your character! This is just like the plot guidelines that are passed out after events and plot drops, but will help you place your character during the event. Don’t worry, all characters ( with the exception of those working at the WWN radio station ) are invited and welcome to participate in this event, so no one should feel left out at all! If you would like clarification on anything, or if you would like your character(s) elsewhere for any reason, please do not hesitate to message us! 
Defense is the best offense, and the Order has decided not to take any chances this time. Though all Order members are expected to keep an eye out for suspicious activity today, Dumbledore contacted specific members to pay extra attention to what is going on, and to make sure that things do not end in disaster or tragedy. The party is the perfect target, after all, with people of importance from all over the UK in attendance, and no risks are being taken. These individuals are to attend the party as normal, but be on the lookout for anything that might go wrong and handle it before it becomes a disaster. 
The night before the party begins, Voldemort summons twelve of his Death Eaters to him for a special briefing. They are told to attend the party, and make their presence there known, so that everyone remembers that they were there, but to not cause any trouble. And to be ready. They are also warned that if they speak a word of their meeting and orders from him to anyone, he will not hesitate to show his displeasure towards them. They are dismissed, and the next day, all of them attend the party as normal. 
The Ministry wants to ensure that nothing is messed up for this party, and that no trouble occurs. The Minister knows what a catastrophe it would be if things were to end in tragedy, and he’s not going to risk it. So, several members of the DMLE and their trainees and work partners are hired to work as extra security for the party. They are permitted to attend the part as normal, but must be in uniform and check in regularly with the private security hired by the National Quidditch League for the celebration. 
Members of National Quidditch teams are expected to be in their finest party mode, and along with the English National team, they are one of the highlights of the party. They attend the celebration as normal, and each of them wears a small badge with their team’s symbol on it to show that they are a Quidditch player, and they must pose for photographs as well as talk with many special members of the party. They are also all responsible for helping to collect donations for Celestina Warbeck’s charity, The Cauldron Full of Hot, Strong Unity Foundation. 
Certain members of society and the Ministry are especially important at this party, and are encouraged to mingle with as many people as possible. BERTHA JORKINS and LUCIUS MALFOY are both requested to make as many connections as they can at this party, as both of their departments are heavily involved, while APOLLINE BONACIEUX is hired as a translator for anyone in need of one during the evening. 
Both are hired as entertainment while Celestina Warbeck is taking her breaks during the party, and are also encouraged to help to collect money for Celestina’s charity, The Cauldron Full of Hot, Strong Unity Foundation. 
Members of the WWN Radio Station are participating in a roundtable discussion and live broadcast of the happenings of the party. Radio employees are the only ones who are not permitted to be at the party, as they have to work during and after it. 
A party is the best distraction, and all those attending are eager and ready to be distracted from all that is going on. Members of this group are free to attend the party as normal, and if their job requires them to do anything specific ( ex. Daily Prophet reporter collecting quotes for a story on the party, etc. ), they are more than welcome to do so; however, they are not required to. This is a night to celebrate, a time to enjoy, and they are free to do so. 
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