#// this was on willow's instagram story + i find it to be very lea
leaparrish · 7 years
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evakfanficsrecs · 7 years
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Halla! So, as time comes and goes, I’m here with another masterpost of some of my favorite Evak fanfics for you guys. As you can see, I’m trying to be a bit more creative and make these posts look at least somewhat more appealing, so I hope you like this little header I made (even though I suck at Photoshop).
As always, the list is divided into oneshots and chaptered fics. My personal favorites are tagged with a “ ★ ”. Completed chaptered fics are tagged with a “ ✓ ”
Without further ado, all the fanfics can be found under the cut. Enjoy!
the punchline to a very bad joke by clarabelle Summary: “Halloween?” Even inquires softly as he draws patterns on Isak’s bare shoulders. A shiver runs down the length his spine, and not from the cold October breeze.“ Lea asked me to take her. Pappa has to work, and Mamma…” Isak lets out a small sigh. “There’s no one else.” OR: Captain America, Vladimir Putin, and Princess Leia go trick-or-treating.
All Those Little Things by Evakoorhelm Summary: Isak comes home to the apartment that he's shared with Even for two years. To a suprise.
even, isak, and the four-week-old kitten by hippopotamus Summary: “You know how elephants are scared of mice because they have the intelligence to recognise that they might step on them and hurt them?” “I did not know that, Isak, but are you saying you’re scared of this tiny cat?”
Did you hear oxygen and magnesium got together? OMg by sugarbeat24 ★ Summary: Isak and Even are chemistry partners. Fluff and chemistry jokes ensue.
wish i could live in your heart by cynical_optimist Summary: Some mornings, Even will untangle himself from Isak completely, rolling out of bed to make breakfast. More often, he will try, and Isak will hold tight, and Even will stay, chuckling to himself and murmuring about octopi. These are the mornings Isak prefers, the ones where he can stare at Even’s face until he slips back into sleep or curl into him, every part of himself warm and safe.- Or, domestic mornings and being in love.
Accidental Pride by shakespeareandsunshine Summary: Pride!au; Isak lets Even pull him along and show him the sights. Sights that yeah, he could’ve seen on his own, but not like this, not the way Even sees them. Or: The one where Isak goes to Pride. Unintentionally.
Would You Mind Closing The Bedroom Door? by allyasavedtheday ★ Summary: The boy falters in the threshold, eyes widening when they land on Even. “Oh fuck- sorry! Eva didn’t say anyone was home.” Ah. No wonder she was up late last night. Even can’t really fault her taste – the boy is beautiful. He’s got golden hair mussed and curling over his forehead and cheekbones not even Michelangelo himself could sculpt and the most well-defined cupid’s bow top lip Even’s ever seen. Also he’s shirtless. Did he mention that part? There’s a stunning, shirtless boy in his kitchen with pillow creases still on his cheek and Even can’t do anything about it because he’s Eva’s one night stand. Fuck.
a letter to isak by alltimemarrit ★ Summary: Even is going on a trip for a week and leaves Isak a letter. Or: Even loves Isak a whole lot and is a massive sap.
snuggles by hippopotamus Summary: Even is sick and all he wants is snuggles from his boyfriend.
Afire Love by pressurerin ★ Summary: Isak can't seem to stay out of trouble. A hot firefighter makes trouble seem not that bad.
Before or after? by thekardemomme Summary: Before AND after Even posted to Isak's instagram.
Love As The Stars Went Out by Salambo06 Summary: “In some universe,” Even whispers, lips soft against Isak’s neck, “you are walking back home and I’m on your path, Isak.”
hell yeah, you the shit (that's why you're my equivalent) by colazitron Summary: Even can't keep it in his pants, or his heart. Or: Sometimes your boyfriend proposes and you just really want to sit on his dick.
The Joke is on You by winterpassing Summary: Isak has been dealing with Even and Eskild's pranks for a while now, but the most recent prank has come with an unplanned surprise.
lucky for you (that's what I like) by thekardemomme Summary: Isak is trying to be sexy, and Even is just not having it.
sweet creature (but we're still young) by kittpurrson ★ Summary: summer camp!au; Isak meets seventeen-year-old Even Bech Næsheim at Tyrifjorden on his fifteenth birthday. Or: the one where Isak tries to convince the boy next door to put his hands on him.
don't wake up (i'll be here for centuries) by eatthatup Summary: Even doesn’t find it weird, he’s had lucid dreams before. And it’s normal to dream about people you think you’ve never seen before. It’s all good, until he dreams about the blonde boy again.
Our Steady True North by verlore_poplap Summary: parenthood!au; Five times Isak and Even were amicable; plus one time they just weren't.
Make a spark, break the dark, find a light with me by LostInAdmiration ★ Summary: Isak can't sleep, so spends his nights wandering around the street. Even works the night shift at the store around the corner, and they bond over their mutual insomnia.
walk this town by sweetwines Summary: Isak Valtersen is late for class.
Venus by Skamtrash Summary: Even buys Isak a buttplug and tells him to wear it all day in school. Isak's desperate, he's horny and Even fucks him into oblivion.
now i'm back with the boys again by Rine Summary: So here’s the thing: Sana never intended to be friends with Isak Valtersen. If someone had told her even six months ago that they could be friends, she would’ve laughed and rolled her eyes. But it turns out, he's actually quite easy to get along with. Or, a fic about Sana gradually becoming friends with Isak and Even.
I Love You (Don't Leave Me) by i_once_wrote_a_dream Summary: “Tell me a story?” They do this sometimes. When the real world is too much and all they want is to melt into each other. Isak slides so that only his legs remain in Even’s lap and pulls his man into his chest. It’s awkward but neither want to let go of the other. Alternatively, Even talks about his past, and Isak loves him.
like a willow tree, intertwined by sonhoedesrazao Summary: Isak’s hand is shaking.
Christmas Surprises by bashfulisak Summary: Isak and Even celebrate Christmas together by going to Even's house for dinner.
It's Just a Cough! by bashfulisak Summary: Even comes down with a cold and Isak is determined to take care of him.
a light in your eyes by verlore_poplap Summary: A little oneshot about our boys. Set during sesong 4, episode 5.
Close but never close enough by diamondjacket Summary: “Isak,” Even repeats, quiet and a little awed, like he’s testing it out on his tongue. Sana narrows her eyes at him, trying to work out his angle. She remembers the way he used to fixate and focus, used to throw himself relentlessly into his passions, both old and new. Used to live and love and care with his whole body. But she’s never seen him like this.
before it's all too much by thekardemomme Summary: “It's in the past, Even. You can keep it there if you want to.”  
Yes I'll meet you coming back (but we move forwards) by diamondjacket Summary: There’s nothing left to do but wait for Even to laugh, or yell, or leave. But, remarkably, Even doesn’t do any of that. Or: Isak tells Even about the thing with Jonas. It doesn't go the way he expects.
(kisses on the neck of) best friends by birthmarks, desert_coffin & kittpurrson Summary: Five times Jonas watched Isak and Even, and one time they did something about it.
relax, take it easy by lovedisak Summary: “Actually, my other mom, Therese is the one who loves film. She teaches at the art academy in Oslo, actually, she’s a musician, taught me how to play guitar,” Even smiles fondly. Isak blinks.“What?” he asks. He knows it’s a stupid question, there’s nothing about what Even said that he could ask this to but. What. “What?” Even shoots back, shrugging. Or, Even has two moms. Isak did Not know.
i need a man that makes it right by highpraises Summary: He feels his skin draw tight, his muscles tensing, Even fucks him just like that right up until Isak is just about to come, but then Even’s pulling out and kissing along his jaw, murmuring, “Don’t come yet, baby.”
friday, i'm in love by bbyfruit ★ Summary: Five times over the course of one day that Isak falls in love a little bit more, plus one time he talks about it.
if you have lost a right track then i'll lead you right back by kittenmichael Summary: “Even,” he whispers, as if it’s a secret Norway’s nights shouldn’t hear, “my tongue feels really weird.” Even chuckles at his boyfriend’s antics, before realising that he’s genuinely confused. “Kind of like cotton?” “Yes,” Isak says. “Like cotton.” Or, Isak gets drunk.
The one where Even tells it all by Schedazzle Summary: “Babe?” there was a little cloud from Isak’s breath in the cold air. Even couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t keep this in any longer, but he also couldn’t say it to that concerned look in Isak’s eyes either. Desperately gasping for a bit for air Even dived his head forward. Hiding his face in his favourite place. Pressing his cold nose against the warmth of Isak’s neck and finally getting some oxygen into his lunges. Breathing Isak in.
and i thank god i'm alive by thekardemomme ★ Summary: 5 times Even looks at Isak and 1 time Isak calls him out on it.
Ice Cream Parlor by bashfulisak ★ Summary: AU where Even works at an ice cream parlor as a summer job and Isak really likes the ice cream and he and Even play a game where Even tries to guess Isak's favorite flavor of ice cream but every time he gets it wrong, he gives Isak the ice cream for free.
promises by Isabeauu Summary: Even’s enjoying the wind in his hair and the cold air turning his cheeks red, his favorite song of the moment blasting in his ears when all of a sudden the music stops and his ringtone replaces it. He’s riding his bike, so he can’t see who’s calling but going through all the people he knows, Noora definitely isn’t one of the few he’d expected it to be.
kiss with a fist is better than none by DarkBeauty_890 Summary: “What the fuck,” Isak sighs, and grabs Even’s arm, “I swear I used to be a really good fighter. Have I ever told you about last year with the Yakuza?”“I am so fucking mad at you right now.”
Careful by bashfulisak     Summary: Even rushes Isak to the hospital after the chaos with the boys and the next day Sana visits them.     
Emergencies by bri_ness Summary: Even and Jonas talk in the emergency room. Set immediately after 4x05.
all he wants to do is party with his pretty baby by highpraises Summary: Even and Isak attend Even's very first movie's premiere.
Bright Eyes by boxesofflowers & Eeyoreneedsahug Summary: Isak is a great singer. Several people are surprised. Happy karaoke where nothing hurts and Isak sings to his boyfriend.
Imagine All The People by samclarke0000 Summary: How the boys are feeling as Even performs and their reaction to him freezing - basically Isak worrying about his boyfriend.
We'll Be Okay by Dooka Summary: In which Even is drowning in his own guilt, Isak is boyfriend goals, and Sana gets some proper friends. Or, the aftermath of Episode 5.
Evak texts by Skamtrash Summary: Sexual Evak texts featuring a lot of memes and gifs.
settle down by allyasavedtheday ★ Summary: An archive of canon compliant oneshots. Can be read separately.
firing away as they gay by cosetties ★ Summary: Just because Isak and Even hooked up doesn't mean that Even actually cares about him, no matter how badly the meddling assholes he calls friends want them to be together.
Babysitting by bashfulisak Summary: Isak ends up having to babysit Even's seven-year old sister, Alissa.
Don't Come Easy by evakisgolden Summary: Even's last few loves were ruined by his bipolar disorder. Now he's fighting the aftermaths of a new manic episode, and he's certain that he isn't able to love Isak the way Isak deserves to be loved. He's positive that it will all end like his past relationships. It never comes easy with Even.
how far away the stars seem, and how far is our first kiss, and ah, how old my heart by elspethelf Summary: Isak and Even in the aftermath of the events at the end of 4x05.
No one gets to treat you like that by Gansey44 Summary: After Isak finds out what Mikael did to his boyfriend he decides to take matters into his own hands (literally)- no matter the consequences.
This feels like falling in love by ForEvenAndEver (yuraxchan) Summary: What if Isak had tried Grinder? Or, how Isak meets Even in the bathroom of a bar after a failed attempt at Grindr.
Draw The Line (Need To Know That You're Mine) by thesoulsailor ★ Summary: fake dating!au; Five times Even pretends to be Isak's boyfriend, and one time there's no pretend at all. Or the 5+1 Fake Boyfriend Evak AU we all deserve.
hold me close don’t ever let me go by sonhoedesrazao Summary: Isak is not beyond admitting that he might, on occasion, be a little dramatic.
the city of illusions, the city of yearning by elisewin Summary: The whole point of going on a student exchange program is to meet people from different countries, learn about different cultures and so on. Isak, of course, falls in love with another Norwegian while in Rome.
Behind These Four Walls by Lisa94 ✓ Summary: AU in which Isak's mother is in a mental institution and one day when he goes visit her he sees a beautiful boy painting outside and as he waits for his mother to come join him he approaches the boy to see what is he painting and he sees, it's a painting of him. He sits right next to the boy who presents himself as Even and theycstart talking. Even explains he'd seen him coming to visit every weekend and thought he was the most beautiful boy ever.
Paint Me a Picture (With Your True Colours) by Evenbechbaesheim  ★ Summary: Isak frowns, rolling over to bury his face into the soft pillow beneath his head. Up until that point, he’d still been asleep, Even’s long fingers gently brushing down the curve of his spine, lulling him into a carefree, floating state. There’s something magical about the way Even touches him- Isak swears that there’s some kind of mystical power his boyfriend is hiding. It shouldn’t be normal that every time Even’s skin brushes against his, every electrolyte in his body lights up and starts firing on all cylinders. Even moves his hand away, and Isak feels like he’s going to implode. Or, a collection of moments, told in any order, in Even and Isak's new life together, taking place in and around season 4.
Half Blade and Half Silk by smokeshop ★ ✓ Summary: uni!au; Isak's friends introduce him to an art student at a college party. He won't stop calling Isak baby and Isak's bad at pretending to hate it. College AU where Isak's past is a little more colorful but Even still won't leave him alone.
catch me a catch by Bellakitse Summary: Even and Mikael get kicked out of Bakka for a mysterious stunt and transfer to Nissen in the middle of their 3rd year. Even hates everything about it, except for the cute 1st year he’s seen around the school. Mikael doesn’t hate Nissen and in fact, has taken to amusing himself by spreading wild rumors about why they got kicked out and by the fact that his best friend has a crush on some kid. Still, Even his best buddy and he’s going to help him out. * A story where Even is mooning for Isak from afar, Isak is intimidated by the hot 3rd year everyone at school is whispering about, and who he’s caught staring at him and Mikael is the best the wingman ever.
boom! by ImSoSupernova Summary: Isak just wants a summer job. Eva's trying to figure herself out. But it only takes a bouquet of flowers, some newspapers, and some hot blondes to change both of their lives.
evak & yousana | the hot baristas by WritenStuff Summary: coffee shop!au; When Isak finds perfection works in the local coffee shop, he can't resist dragging Sana there for their biology study date.
Isak by sira89 Summary: Even sees Isak for the first time.
think i know where you belong by CarolineMiller Summary: childhood friends!au; Feeling exhausted, Even took the page out of the sketch book, tearing it and folding it carefully before placing it in the bottom drawer of his desk, along with all the others he had never dared to show Isak. With all the others he desperately wanted to show to Isak. "Another day ..." he murmured to himself, closing his window with resignation. Or, a childhood AU/friends to love in which Isak and Even spent their lives exchanging messages written on sketchbooks through their windows (and keeping many other messages, full of unspoken stuff, in the bottom of their drawers).
Come On, Set the Tone by boxesofflowers & Eeyoreneedsahug ✓ Summary: HateToLove!au; Isak is a recently out popstar who wants to prove that he is not just another pretty face in pop music and has the skills to make his own way in the musical world (just like his newly found idol, Even Bech Naesheim). Even is a self contained, indie singer songwriter who takes shit from nobody - anyone in his cult following will tell you (including a certain popstar). Shortly after a public feud between the two begins, they’re forced together for a nationwide tour. 9 weeks, 50 shows, and countless hours (together) on the tour bus leave Even writing cryptic love songs and Isak wondering if he should leave everything he knows behind. Ft. BL!SS, Balloon Squad, Wireless Problems, Jonas, and the Wobbles.
Oh when you look at me like that, my darling, what did you expect? by Blueskyblack Summary: "You should really stop doing that", Even tried to reason. It was the middle of the night and though his guard was up, as usual when being around Isak, he wasn't in the mood to uphold it much longer. "Doing what exactly?", came the innocent-sounding response. Even raised his eyebrows at that while turning towards the only other person currently being in this kitchen with him. "Don't play dumb with me, Isak." Even sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, leaning against the cabinet opposite the kitchen counter where the sneaky little bastard was sat with his legs dangling in the air, observing every move Even made. Even let his eyes wander, took in the guy in front of him. Sure, there was no denying this guy there on the counter was attractive. Even could admit that, there was nothing wrong with that. Isak was cute. And attractive. Yeah. He just wasn't for Even.
let me count the ways by anathema (azirapha1e) Summary: The worst part, the humiliating part, is that he’d thought he was over all this. He had been. He hasn’t thought about any of it in months – but sometimes life fucks you over, and sometimes a boy you tried to kiss, a boy who pushed you away, shows up to your first-month-of-living-together party unannounced, and sometimes you end up bolting out of your own apartment to have a panic attack where nobody can see you.
as if by magic (thoughts of you are gone) by hippopotamus ✓ Summary: Isak hates being the third wheel to his best friends, until that means he gets to sit next to a handsome stranger on a rollercoaster.
Someone Somewhere Loves You by ReadingDreams07 Summary: uni!au; Even never thought that he would fall in love at first sight and on top of that at his school library. Now he is on a search to find the love of his life again. Too bad that this damn university was so big. But he never gave up and he will make this come true.
Crash Into Me by endlessandinfinite ★ Summary: "One boy who loves with his entire soul. Another boy who barely knows how to love at all. This is what happens when a shattered mind meets a lonely heart." Or: Isak and Even have hella issues but they can't help falling in love no matter what universe they're in. Even saves Isak. And Isak saves him right back. It's not all sunshine and rainbows. It hurts. But it's love.
torches (life's too short) by xxLeviBech ★ Summary: "My mom used to tell me my thoughts would pour out of my ears if I kept thinking too hard." Isak threw back another fry, keeping his gaze down. "That's pretty fucked up, man." Even deadpanned, making Isak snap his head up in a laugh ."Fuck you," He giggled, tossing one of the soggier ones at Even and being decidedly unimpressed when he caught it in his mouth. Or, a canon divergence AU in which Isak's childhood is exponentially more severe -- where he can't remember coming to school without bruises, a bottle of hand-sanitizer, and long sleeves. It's fine, he's fine. It wasn't for his friends, though; and that's how he wound up here, in a fold-up chair every Tuesday and Friday, talking about his experiences with other post-secondary kids diagnosed with some kind of PTSD. It's also where meets a guy whose name starts with the same letters as everything, because that's... exactly what he is.
LUST FOR LIFE. by kosektivet Summary: "In these stolen moments, the world is mine." An AU where Isak is 19 and out of the closet, but he's still pretty bitter. Even is 21 and he never met Sonja, but he's still charming as all hell.
don't wanna fight no more by boxesofflowers & Eeyoreneedsahug ✓ Summary: The events over the hiatus told in short form. Sana and Evak's friendship mostly. Updated daily.
I could fall, or I could fly. by Superflysister342 Summary: Even was nervous. Considering it was his first day at a new school, it shouldn’t have been that much of a surprise. But to Even, it was. This is how it all started... Or, the events of s3 told from Even’s POV.
Picture Perfect by Angelevak Summary: Isak is a semi-professional photographer living in LA, California. On his search for models to take photos of, some of which you wouldn’t see in a normal modeling company, he meets Even, an insecure boy who traveled to LA to become an actor. Even;s career hasn’t taken off yet, but with the help of Isak, can he finally get out there enough to achieve his dreams?
Nothing To Kill Or Die For by i_once_wrote_a_dream ✓ Summary: It’s Isak. His Isak. Bowed over, hands holding his face. Even doesn’t react immediately, but the others are pushing Isak back; yelling, screaming, hitting. Alternatively, Even and his thoughts during and after 4x05.
I'll give you the brightest sunshine by iheartpeterhale ✓ Summary: parenthood!au; It was something that they new would always happen, a life being brought into their lives that would make all the gloomy days into something so bright.
Martini Shot by BraveKate ✓ Summary: It’s not like Even had never spent any substantial one-on-one time with Marianne before. He just wishes Isak had more faith in all three of them. And worried less. Also, so there would be no war or hunger in the world. Simple things.
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