leaparrish · 7 years
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leaparrish · 7 years
You talk like you know her. I’m still going to ask, either way it’s just another great way for me to break the ice. Other option is to ask for her credit details.
That’s because I’m pretty sure I am her That seems like a poor choice for how to break the ice It’s certainly a curious sort of way to break the ice. What are credit details? Like, credit card info? Why?
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leaparrish · 7 years
I’ll have to ask her if she’s accepted the lord and savior Jesus Christ into her life on the off chance I run into her again then.
She’s probably fine, though. If she is me, she is very confused right now Likely not, like, super religious. Religion is neat to learn about, though. [user bites her lip and just hits send]
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leaparrish · 7 years
[pm] Probably because you’re too strongly opinionated. About everything.
Fine. Promise.
[pm] Not everything. Plus, the first spat was because I didn’t know him and he was snapchat buddies with Dustin and that was really sketchy, okay? I’m protective of my brother.
Or you could throw something where it can’t hurt us and I can try to float it. Double practice. You teach me self defense, and help me work on magic that mum probably wouldn’t want me to practice, especially in front of others. I’ll do something for you, too, if you want.
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leaparrish · 7 years
What is something that everyone looks stupid doing?
Pretty sure if anybody’s a racist jerk, it makes them look pretty stupid. Or sexist, that’s also stupid.
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leaparrish · 7 years
The fog had finally gone away, and Lea kept finding more excuses to be out of the house. Not because of any feeling that she couldn’t be indoors, but having been stuck indoors for days - nearing on weeks - she needed to be able to get out. School was a good start, but running was vital. It did still help to keep some of her worries at bay, at least while she did run. Which made stopping running just that much more difficult.
Her breath came out in small puffs, freezing in the very clearly still winter air. Turning to tiny clouds that disappeared before her eyes. But it was fine - part of Lea enjoyed how the cold hurt her lungs, because that was a solid reminder that she was still alive, that her body was doing just what it should be, and that she should be grateful to have lungs that functioned completely normally. She’d had her iPhone’s headphones in her ear, music up just high enough to drown out most outside sounds but not so much that she couldn’t hear anything at all.
Lea had decided to not run too far from her house this evening -- it had already been late when she’d left, but there was still just enough light to begin a run. Lea had tied her hair up in a high ponytail, finished off with a red scrunchie. She’d pulled on leggings, sneakers, and her ACHS Track jacket. It had her last name on the upper arm of the sleeve, matched Katie’s perfectly. Lea had initially texted Katie to see if she wanted to go for a run, but Katie was busy finishing assignments, because, as she’d texted Lea “not all of us are overachievers who did our homework all while we had time off”. But that was fine, time alone let her take however much time she wanted all for herself, which was what she needed right now.
The charm from Amanda’s bracelet hit against her wrist in almost perfect rhythm. Pat, pat, pat. Mimicking the pattern of her feet as they hit the ground, as if to once again say, ‘Here, here, here’. It was why she continued to wear it, in part - in part because she loved it, and Amanda had chosen it for her and it was a sort of present that one could wear everyday, so it only seemed logical.
She found herself immersed in the song, and on making sure that she tried to head come soon, lest Laura Parrish get an idea to come out looking for Lea. If she could manage secret self-defense lessons with AJ, this should be absolutely nothing.
All of a sudden, a figure appear behind her and it took everything Lea had to not let out a scream, suddenly jerking her headphones out of her ears as she skidded to a stop. She stuffed them in the zippered pocket of her light jacket.
Isn’t it obvious what I’m doing? “I’m out for a run.” Her throat felt dry, and she swallowed a few times to try and clear the dryness away. This was fine, this curious and handsome man was just out for a walk as well, though his choice to inquire after her was a bit odd.
“I am not a child.” She gave a small huff. “I’m sorry, I don’t get what you mean by escort, but...” Lea swallowed, suddenly very aware of just how alone she was. Where were the other pedestrians? “I’m just out for a brief bout of exercise.” She found herself repeating. “Gotta stay in shape, right?” She offered a small, forced grin, flipping her ponytail around and over her fingers as she did so. The man talking to her had a solid foot of height on her, and an absolute minimum of fifty pounds. She could try to take him, if it came to that, but she liked to hope that it would not. “What are you up to, here?” She added on, hoping he did not pick up on how awkward and stilted her speech sounded.
White Knight in the Black Night || Blake & Lea
“You know,” he said, and there was a sigh in his voice that he did not mean to air, “You really do know how to work up one’s appetite.”
The vampire before him was perched atop a particularly sturdy tombstone, the remains of the coyote corpse it was feasting on dripping blood onto the soil beneath. The words were dry as they escaped his mouth, and Blake watched the creature with an interest but not a vested one, having seated himself at the base of another grave out of a certain feeling of ennui, the cold stone pressing into his back as his long legs jauntily laid ahead. The vampire looked up, affixed him with a beady gaze, and scooped out the liver to chew on with the same dumb look a cow gave while chewing cud, never dropping eye contact.
Wonderful. Blake shook his head in defeat, casting his eyes up to the sky to search for the first stars of late dusk. His most trusted and timeless companions, but they didn’t have anything more interesting to offer than the beast that served as the Terror of all Coyotes that was feasting before him. Getting up, he dusted himself off and gave one final glance around the cemetery, hoping in vain that he might finally see a ghost. But there was nobody – his quest to find someone to give insight into the Civil War, his latest topic of historical research, was going unanswered and he’d successfully wasted time, again, as he was oft to do as he still grew used to how to spend it. But he had enough of it.
A wind was beginning to pick up, shaking the leaves of trees nurtured by the dead. Between them, a low howl was building, a dreadful moan, and foolishly it somehow still made him nervous even after all this time. And there was no reason why, either; slayers no longer scared him, as he doubted in this era they would be so unskilled as to botch the job. There was nothing to fear aside from fear itself.
He was not the first to notice her, the blonde girl running, hair trailing behind her in the wind. He might not have even noticed her at all if it was not for the vampire darting past him, hell-bent on escaping from the cemetery to catch even better prey, vastly enjoyable to the malnourished snack it just had. It ground to a halt a few metres before Blake, perking up and sniffing the air, before scuttling its way down the hill to continue the hunt. Blake hesitated in his step, confused, until it hit him too – the wind gusted, the scent carried, and he knew at once what the vampire was after. Looking wildly around, it took him only a second to pinpoint it – her – and then he himself was running, boots pounding the ground with frenetic energy. He snatched the vampire, bracing his body as the pair of them skidded an inch in the mud, tightening the creature to him as it thrashed to escape – its chosen prey so achingly close. His own fangs elongated and red eyes flashed, a hiss cutting through the creatures own, turning desperately scrabbling claws limp in his grasp. He could see the girl properly now at the base of the hill passing by the gates, and uncertainty immediately grabbed his mind – if he simply left, there was zero doubt in his mind that the other vampire would attack. Grinding his teeth, he made his decision, pushing the vampire away from him like it was diseased – “Leave,” he snapped, jabbing a finger in the vampire’s direction before he turned on heel again for the entrance, but he knew that the creature would not obey to that extent. Stay was as much as he could hope for. As he walked, he could feel the creature’s eyes on his back like a renegade wolf split between listening to its alpha.
Making his way out of the cemetery, in fury he headed towards the girl – jogging as she was, her scent was as thick in the air as if it were already dripping from an open vein. In the recesses of his mind, he knew that if the vampire had attacked her, drawn blood, he stood too high a chance of turning on her himself. The knowledge clouded his judgement – he needed to be angry at himself not at her, but she had no escort and if he had not been here she would be dead, any escort would be dead, she would be ripped to pieces just like the coyote that lay shredded and abandoned, and…
“What on earth do you think you are doing out here?” he demanded, stalking the footpath to approach her until he was upon her, looming over her like a shadow made man with anger burning in his eyes, as if she, too, had the same clarity towards the situation as he did – that there were things waiting in the shadows to kill her, and he was more like them than he was like her. “Are you trying to get yourself killed? Do you have no escort?” His eyes flicked up and down, encapsulating her in a steeled look. “A child,” he said, as if it were an accusation. A child. A final comment that drifted off into the dusky air; there was more to that observation than she would ever know, and more than he could ever express.
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leaparrish · 7 years
[pm] History is cool. All of the Scribes are hired for separate reasons, a lot of them already specialize in a specific field and are hired to bring that information and knowledge onto the team, so everyone you talk to is going to be better versed for a different topic. But we also like to take notes and write essays and compile that knowledge so that it’s available for others too.
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Were you thinking of setting an appointment? Because you still don’t even know what exactly we do.
[pm] I still don’t understand what you are I guess historians do that But AJ’s Scribe told him he was a Essays are great! It’s good to help others, I’m glad you all do that. 
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I was curious about my ability to stop by. Not with my friend [user doesn’t realize she’s accidentally actually written friend], I don’t think he’d come, but just me. After school, and when I don’t have my job, but he mentioned not knowing much, and if I could help him out, I’d like that. I want to know how you help others Plus, your building looks super rad cool awesome from the outside, at least. Do you have old books? I mean, if you’re a history society of course you would
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leaparrish · 7 years
[pm] He seems harmless. Gives off puppy dog vibes. Way too friendly and pleasant for my liking. Just a casual conversation with him seems like… bonding. It’s horrifying.
I’m flattered.
That’s the point. People aren’t going to wait to attack you in in the middle of a pillow fort. Dangerous terrain comes with the training.
[pm] He must like you better than he likes me. We keep getting into spats. He did buy me a new field hockey stick though because mine broke when he and I tried to fix the portal thing.
Just what I aim for.
I haven’t built a pillow fort in ages, but I take your point. Please no using whatever “powers” you have to break anything while we’re in an old building though. The tree was fine, but I don’t want heavy debris to fall on us. I don’t know how well I can levitate beams or large pieces of building. Yet, at least. Someday I want to be able to
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leaparrish · 7 years
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leaparrish · 7 years
Maybe. What girl? Oh! You mean I’m not sure, didn’t get to speak to her too long. Why? 
I think she is me But your name is common That’d depend on how young you are It’s gotten more common but you’re a grown up so Oh, no reason ha, I just didn’t know if you’d met two people who both really super like religion. I met a woman in a coffee shop No wait 
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leaparrish · 7 years
[pm] History of the town is a big thing for us actually. The Scribes have headquarters all over the world and we typically share a lot of our information, but each one also keeps their own files on the town itself. Ashkent Creek has a particularly hefty file.
They can stop in or make an appointment. Or a lot of scribes have started getting into social media, for better or worse, and they have reached out to those that needed anything.
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[pm] I’ve lived here my whole life, and I do love history. It’d be cool to know so much about Ashkent. I know a decent amount, but mostly just what I’ve done for school reports. I like Ancient Histories and things like that for school.
Could I Mum wouldn’t I want to make sure you all aren’t going to scam AJ This is weird Also do you Do you have to be eighteen to make an appointment?
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leaparrish · 7 years
[pm] Oh, that dude? I know him.
You sound anxious. Promise not to murder you.
[pm] He confuses me. I do not know what to make of him.
I was actually making a joke, mostly. You might not want to hear this, but you actually don’t make me super super anxious any more. I consider you one of my closest I know you won’t murder me. I’m more anxious about other strangers doing so I do not think an abandoned warehouse would be the very most best place to practice, though. You could get injured from falling pieces of the building, plus I’ve never been in the Bend, I don’t think?. Actually though if we get to hang out and train I guess I would do it since I like hanging out with you
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leaparrish · 7 years
[pm] Well here I am! The name’s Molly, nice to meet you!
Yeah history is pretty cool. We do a lot of cool things here.
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[pm] I’m Lea. It’s nice to meet you, too! 
Do you get to help people with the history of the town? AJ wasn’t asking the other Scribe about history but He also doesn’t care about How do people get advice from you all? Do they just stop in, or is there some sort of online forum?
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leaparrish · 7 years
[pm] Okay so someone else knows? Who?
Forest is fine with me. Or I know of an abandoned warehouse in the Bend
[pm] Noah - plays football at UMAC. I thought I had mentioned it to you, but either way - yes. He’s not said anything thankfully.
Well, you do know how much I love practicing in horror movie sorts of locations. :P I’ve always wanted to be part of a Stephen King novel. [user is a bit alarmed at her sense of humor in this case]
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leaparrish · 7 years
Maybe not. I’d say I hope you’re right but I guess you’re right.
Nice to meet you.
Plus, maybe he just likes religion a lot. But I don’t know this person, so I can’t say for sure. The girl in the coffee shop wasn’t like that, or was she?
Did you It’s probably a common name You as well.
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leaparrish · 7 years
There are plenty of people that don’t do actual harm but still have a pretty damning influence over a number of people. He could be harmless but that’s how it always starts, right? Next thing you know you’re being steadily conditioned to eventually ingest poison as a test of “faith.”
Neither is assuming someone will be harmless just because Adeline.
That’s not automatically how it goes! Sometimes they just like the Bible and you have to remind them that Gay Marriage is totally fine. Not everyone who seems harmless is actually secretly out to do harm. But then there’s ones who want to kill you but that’s not
I met someone named I’m Lea.
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leaparrish · 7 years
[pm] Yes! That’s us! Historical stuff and…. well stuff. Does this someone you know know much about the scribes?
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[pm] Not really, but they mentioned that they’d talked with someone who worked with you all. I just thought it could be cool to talk to one of you. I also don’t really know much about you all, but I do like history!
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