#//Avery doesn't know he actual royalty yet
lostfireprince ยท 3 years
What can you do as a prince ?
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"A... A prince..? Me? I could not imagine myself being royalty in any sense. It is... well, I do not see the benefit of being a prince per say." The Alicorn states, adjusting his large wings on his back.
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"The stress that you have to handle, the jobs you need to manage... making sure everything is okay, that things are up to date... it is all a bit much for me to imagine."
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"Yes, yes I know the tell tale sign of being able to do what you want, just because you are a prince... but that.. does not sit well with me. I do not know why, but just imagining myself as royalty is something farfetched. I would rather keep grounded, put goals that are easy to strive for. A prince? Only in my dreams.."
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