#[Curious Sparks {Asks}]
emberglowfox · 1 year
Heyyyy, I stumbled upon your blog just a few hours ago and I'm already hooked, but I am wondering about something.
So, if your Link is transmasc... uhhhh how did his top surgery go down? I don't think "ye olde medieval fantasy land" Hyrule has anyone (alive by the setting's present day) with the tools or skill to do it the modern way, and I also don't imagine magic methods would leave scars.
Sorry if I'm overthinking this, I'm just genuinely curious if there's an answer.
honestly, there's any number of answers to this. i tend to go with whatever's funniest to me (i've seen lots of "shake r stick to remove tits" jokes in the tags of that rauru drawing, which make me laugh) but i take it you're looking for a serious answer here, so i'll take off my jester cap for a moment.
i see this question a lot: "how would he have top surgery in an old time-y setting? they didn't have surgeries like that back then", and i feel like this kind of disregards the fact that this is a fantasy setting. sure, surgeries like that didn't exist in our ye olden times, but we also didn't have giant murder robots stomping around on tentacle arms, or fairies that can make a crop top deflect a sword, or so on. maybe he got purah or robbie to do it with sheikah tech! maybe, due to the fact that there are huge monsters stomping around everywhere attacking people, hyrulian medical technology is far more advanced than we realize, and they have even cosmetic surgeries (done somewhat differently, obviously, but still). maybe he got a great fairy to do it with magic, and just asked them to leave scars because it looked cool and/or he wanted to be openly transmasc. maybe, as some comics have joked, he just did it himself with the master sword, because he's built like that.
okay, i'm getting into joke territory again, but i'm sure you see my point. zelda, and most fantasy, plays by its own rules-- why do we have to return to the 'standard' rules of realism to place trans people in it? why not have fun and get creative with it, you know?
TL;DR: i don't really have a set headcanon 'this is how link got top surgery' in mind when i draw him, but there's basically infinite ways it could have happened by nature of fictional fantasy.
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boxwinebaddie · 23 days
odd thing to bring up after i talked about how i'm finally trying to write for myself and not other people, but because i start and don't finish so many projects...i'm honestly not even sure where to go? i'm feeling a bit stumped atm, so if anyone has something in particular that they're interested in seeing from me, please lmk.
obviously i'm trying to only travel down paths that i want to, but as i look at my pinterest boards and all the projects i've started, all the styles and respective universes i'm cobbling together, i'm finding i am very interested in exploring all of them, so my stomach hurts, my head feels funny and my heart is a little confused. i'm feeling lost and as you are all my sunshines my only sunshines, the very same way i appreciate the warmth you provide me, i'd also love a guiding light.
thank you for all your support.
it is extremely precious to me.
-uncle nina
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sxcret-garden · 1 month
Can you pick fic prompts for me to write about and post? I need fic ideas for seonghwa, if you like you can do multiple situations :)
Ohhh hi anon! Fic prompts for seonghwa you say...?
Well, i'm a big sub!hwa believer so what about reader domming him for the first time just to try it out, but turns out they both really end up liking that kind of dynamic?
Or maybe something more specific... like reader edging him throughout the day until it's evening and he's finally allowed to cum... (i think it was @wooyoungisbaby who put this scenario in my head a whiiile ago hahah)
Ororor if you'd rather have a not so subby hwa.... what about him tying reader up 🫣 i'm thinking shibari, but ofc anything works that you're comfortable with writing!! And having his way with them... worshipping their body while gradually driving them more and more insane bye djdbndnd
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thyandrawrites · 1 year
do you think any of the lov can be/will be redeemed?
Yeah. I think it's already foreshadowed and established as a main theme of the story. The League is getting saved, but I reckon that won't play out like a redemptive arc à la Enji with atonement on the League's side, per se. Thematically, it's the hero kids who need to "redeem", so to say, the concept of heroism itself and prove that someone who can actually call themself a hero doesn't just punch their way to victory, but also makes room to save. That was the lesson from the whole first half of the manga (explored through Deku and Bakugou's respective mindsets and flaws), and it already came up again in the final arc; if punching bad guys to win was enough to wrap up the story, Katsuki wouldn't have gotten his heart exploded, and if separating them to fight them better was a solution, the Sad Girl Parade never would've happened.
The villains are getting redeemed in the sense that they will be made to discard their villain aliases and to leave their bloodlust behind them. Putting them in jail or killing them wouldn't solve the knots the story already set up, and it would contradict the early lesson that a complete hero is someone who knows when to punch to win, yes, but also when to save to win. That's what the story is asking from the protagonists. Become the type of heroes who extend help even to those who don't want it. Even to those who are "too far gone" because where there was a crying child begging for a hero's help once, there is still a person within reach even now (thematically represented with the returning motif of the kids version of the characters). Returning—or staying true—to your origins is the biggest theme of the story so far, and there's a clear pattern where this applies to the villains as well.
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phightingconfessions · 4 months
Ok look. There’s the popular ship of Medkit and Banhammer, and I agree, it’s a cute ship. BUT the age gap bro 💀. Medkit is 30, while Banhammer is like 47. I know this is a popular ship and I agree it’s a bit wholesome, but the age gap is something that hasn’t sat well with me.
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thatskindarough · 7 months
What’s your url on ao3?
I would link it but honestly I hate most of what I’ve written. The only good fics on there have me as a co author (despite not authoring at all) for OFMD RBBs. They’re on my dash if you liked to find it that way I suppose.
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angstics · 2 years
It is so insane to me that you’ve only been a mcr fan for half a year,, Some of the stuff you talk about I’ve never known and I’ve been a fan for over half a decade
THE WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY LITERALLY LITERALLY LITERALLLLY A SECOND BEFORE CLICKING MY ACTIVITY PAGE AND SEEING THIS ASK I THOUGHT TO MYSELF "HOW IS MY CHEM TUMBLR ONE OF THE ONLY PLACES I HAVE EVER FELT I BELONGED". idk ive been part of multiple fandoms and communities (irl and online) and i never felt like i could be a part of the conversation. i didnt care enough to have anything to say or share. i didnt know i was looking for that til i found myself actively searching for more about this band and its fandom. all the art and history and meaning and shows and emotion and context and and and. it's endless. i have never wanted to talk about something more. with that comes needing to learn more about it.
id put the blame on depression-induced hyperfixation but ive been through that a few times and it's never been like this
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emberglowfox · 9 months
Hi I literally just got here but im already obsessed with ur art and ur ocs i cant wait to know more abt them 🤌❤️ keep being swag have a nice day
HIIIII THANK YOU SO MUCH WELCOME TO THE SHOW!!! here r some class doodles as a humble offering
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freerangeranger · 1 year
Dirt is good for you and tasty! -The Dirt Gremlin
well i could argue that dirt is very tasty and nutritious for specific pokemon - Larvitar in particular needs a very specific soil PH and composition in order to evolve. Mudbray, Mudsdale and Orthoworm are other species that get a massive amount of their diet from dirt. A lot of grass pokemon also rely on the dirt around them for nutrition although i don't know if that counts as 'eating'.
However, as much as you are clearly trying to make a joke, geophagy is a common practice across many species. Bird pokemon, bat pokemon, bug pokemon and primate pokemon are often seen eating iron rich mud, or very specific clays.
And yes - humans practice geophagy as well! There is a wide variety of food made from chalk and clay. The practice is especially popular with pregnant women. On a more unfortunate note, humans are also known to supplement dirt with food to stave off hunger pains.
so when you say dirt is tasty - you are right! just make sure it doesn't have any parasites or heavy metals in it, and it can even be 'good for you' (regardless of the lack of nutritional value in most cases)
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hirudou · 1 year
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            @sweetlybite asked:    Leans  against  his  back  slowly,  pressing  his  cheek  against  Jade's  shoulder.  He  huffs,  brief  and  quiet,  then  settles.
Only  to  nip  at  his  brother's  back  a  second  later  before  taking  off.
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        floyd's  weight  on  him  is  nothing  new--  so  he  thinks  little  of  it.  tilting  his  head  some,  eyes  kept  on  the  phone  in  his  hand.  "  is  there  something  b-  "   his sentence  cut  short  at  the  bite,  and  the  sudden absence  of  his  brother.  ah...he's  bored.  -- jade  realizes  then,  that he's  quite  bored  himself.  and  begins  counting  quietly  under his breath-  giving  floyd a  grace  period----  before  he  sets  his  phone  down  gently  on  his  desk.  and makes  his  way  out  of  his  room,  to saunter down  the  hall  at  a  leisurely  pace... oh he'll find him soon enough. and get him for the nip at his back...
unprompted / always accepting
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HELLO. i'm setting up camp in your askbox now.
*steeples hands* for my first ask: i'd love to know more about Eddie & Ed's first meeting in Eddie Gets Isekai'd >:)
hello and welcome to the camp ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
oh my friend, their first meeting was a TIME, mostly for me because i still struggle with it and rewrite the scene a lot 〒▽〒
initially, ed had been walking through the woods, looking for stefan after their fight, and what did he find? stefan holding a stranger in weird clothes that's wearing his face
so obviously his first instinct is "SHAPESHIFTER STEFAN GET AWAY" and to bring out like five knives (don't ask me where he hides them all, i'm too afraid to think about it /j)
when stefan tries to explain, ed is flabbergasted and instead thinks "shit it's got you under an enchantment, just hold still, i'll rescue you" because that kind of thing just...happens a lot with stefan (≧∀≦)ゞ
all in all, eddie would rate the first meeting a -3/10 because his elf-self kept trying to murder him (he would rate it even lower if it wasn't for stefan holding him close the whole time)
✧ask me about my wips✧
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(Hi its me the anon whos been sending you the asks im not new ive been here for years and all i do to get the interesting asks to send people is start with an initial word then only choise from my phone's predictive text options, like so: "hello from the top of the truck going across the street from my upcoming vacation to get some more information" i am a writer so it makes my predictive words weird lol sorry)
nice 2 meet you anon :DD
i was actually looking through the asks you've sent me to see if there was a pattern and it crossed my mind that you might have been using the predictive text on your phone because of how your sentences sounded!!! that's really cool :))
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lostfireprince · 2 years
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@diffxrentwxrlds​ asked:  ❛ what are you doing out here by yourself? ❜ ~Twilight Short Questions to ask
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His ear flicks, hearing the delicate voice he’s come to know, Twilight’s come to one of the balconies of her castle, finding the fiery prince against the railing looking up to the night sky, admiring the stars on the partly clouded day.
“Oh, Twilight! Uh.. sorry I was just wanting to see the stars again. I remember looking at the every other night when I was younger.. they’re all so pretty. I know of a lullaby that I used to sing for such times, it was nice.” He pauses before he turns back to look back up the stars.
“..It’s certainly a different scene for me though.. the stars are all off from what I remember. The constellations are changed.. tilted in some way. It’s curious to see the changes.”
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tomwambsmilk · 2 years
Do you know how to spell
I know you’re trying to be mean but unfortunately this is a question I already ask myself whenever I re-read a post so you’re kind of too late to the game, my friend. Autocorrect is my mortal enemy and I type too quickly for my own good. Do you want to be my official Tumblr proofreader? Unfortunately I can only pay you in vibes 😔
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skeletalheartattack · 2 months
hi, i've been readin dragon ball for the first time these past few weeks and just finished the part where they're on planet namek. I Understand What You See In Him.
he's fucking something right??? ohhh straight up, you should see (and hear) him in the anime as well if you think you have the full picture. i've been absolutely obsessed forever
#ask#anon#i'm a little tired so i'm sorry if my response is a bit toned-back#but yeah god.....#my first experience seeing him for the first time was through an old crt playing through DBZ Budokai 1#which is why i'm kinda obsessive with that game in particular#i remember one thought at the time being like ''wow dudes can look pretty and dress like that? wow...''#pretty much a core memory into me learning i'm bisexual#also can't say it enough regarding how much i love his monster form. and the voice. and everything.#he's a lot#i'm hoping he gets announced for Sparking Zero soon#the recent trailer mostly showed off characters under the master/trainee theming#so i imagine if they do show off zarbon it's gotta be one involving transformations of some kind right#guess we'll see. i'm curious to see if they have him all in one character or if they split him up#it'll be a little weird but. hey as long as both his forms are there i'm not complaining#just hope that when it comes out (and if he's in it) someone rips his models#zarbon has really bad luck when it comes to being ripped#or atleast on models resource. then again models resource is a big pain in the ass for getting specific models#BUT YEAH. one thing i like that the anime does (and something that stay's permanent to Zarbons design) is making his arm warmers pink#like. it does so much to his design in a way i cannot explain#i've gotten some dreams recently where like. zarbons there but i can never remember to what extent. like i know he was there atleast#its fucked up im afraid.#anyway thank you for the Zarbon ask anon :)#i see a Whole Lot in him. i'd say ''i think he's nice'' but that's underselling how much i crush for him
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rex-xx · 3 months
speaking of perceptions. how am I perceived, anyways?
i kind of wonder. if anyone can answer this question. do it on anon. in my ask box. it would make it much more fun to contemplate.
if you have to say it to my face, dm me. :)
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