quotidian-oblivion · 5 months
Weird questions: 4, 16, and 20 <3
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
16. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever used as a bookmark?
20. If a witch offered you the choice between eternal happiness with your one true love and the ability to finally finish, perfect, and publish your dearest, darlingest, most precious WIP in exactly the way you've always imagined it — which would you choose? You can’t have both sorry, life’s a bitch
Thank you for the askkkkkk!! /gen
4. Superciliousness.
I love it so much, every time I say the word out loud I stim and squeak and go absolutely feral
I first heard the word in Pride and Prejudice, I was listening to the audiobook and then I heard it and I paused and just violently shook my fists and shrieked like OMG THIS WORD IS JUST BRILLAINT
And it only took me 4 months to find out what it actually meant. And how i found out was a dialogue from BBC Merlin
"Still think I'm arrogant?"
"No. More... supercilious."
"That's a big word, Merlin. You sure you know what it means?"
"Very good."
"Doesn't quite mean that."
"No. These are other things you are."
"hAnG On."
Yeah- I can keep quoting till the end of the scene. Yes, I'm obsessed.
16. I don't... use bookmarks 😅
I just close the book then when I need to get back on the page, I flip through the pages and find a scene which looks unfamiliar then continue reading. I know it's not very practical but I don't much mind it and I like relying on my memory and flipping through pages, refreshing myself on what i've read so far.
20. Neither do I want both. I'm taking this question a bit seriously and I believe that whatever and whoever is planned for me, I'll meet them or not meet them and I'm okay with that.
Tysm again, rosie-ig!!
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punch-love · 1 year
12, 19, 21, 25, 27, 28, 29 (real curious about this one), 31, 34, 37,
OKAY fuck that's a lot of questions ik. But like if it's too much ya can answer whichever the ones ya want. Also the <<<40>>>> this question deserves a special place cause I AM FERAL AND BAT SHIT CRAZY TO ANYTHING RELATED TO LOVE-PUNCH.
12. Is there an episode above all others that inspires you just a little bit more?
I really enjoy the (singular) episode we've gotten for these two. In the context of the comics, one of my favorites is the one where Wade has to talk Peter out of going too dark-sided, which was a really fun contrast and something that Peter ended up thanking him for which is pretty rare for him.
19. Stephen King once said that his muse is a man who lives in the basement. Do you have a muse?
I'm very much my own muse, and I mean that in the vainest and most honest way possible.
21. How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
I can't even begin to count this number. It's a lot. It's like - it's a lot. I really won't post something until I can read through it and not feel the urge to adjust or change anything. I'm a picky reader, so that - is not an easy thing to accomplish. I also have a great beta who will sometimes rewrite portions, reorganize my flow, or pick specific sections that should be rewritten or re-evaluated, and so I'll send a couple of drafts over in that case so - yeah, the number is high. I take the editing stage very seriously.
25. What do you look for in a beta?
I was very lucky to have my beta @maybe-haunted ask to work with me on chapter one of my first posted work, so I've never necessarily looked for one. I've just been very fortunate to have the perfect one find me. I don't ask for creative help often, so the thing I appreciate about my beta (one of many) is that they make me feel very safe sharing something in a very raw, very imperfect state. I only publish polished works, but they've seen my writing at it's roughest and most incomprehensible, and they're always able to be very direct about what does/doesn't work while making me feel comfortable in that experience. I love knowing what's going on in the reader's mind, and they're a very good audience for getting that type of feedback. They also individually comment on all the sections/moments they like or hit really well for them, and that is just - let me tell you. The best part of the editing process is getting to read what they thought about it and getting to experience in real-time how my writing is being ingested by another person weeks before it's ever shown to my bigger audience. I really appreciate them a lot.
27. How do you feel about collaborations?
I don't enjoy them! I really like being the only guy steering the ship. I have never enjoyed collaborative projects. I have talked about writing something with @periodically-puzzled, and they're probably the only person I'd do it with. That being said, I love collaboration within idea sharing and editing, and I've taken a lot of ideas/feedback/snippets from my writing friends and beta before, and I love seeing how the hand of another person influences and changes my writing. I also enjoy seeing my hand in other people's work, but it's the difference between adding spice to the soup and making a soup with someone else. I much prefer adding spice/having spice added then having to share kitchen space.
28. Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
@periodically-puzzled: funny and immensely clever, such a clear narrative voice, and very intentional with the stories they like to tell. the first time I read their work, I felt like I had found a pearl in a sea of rocks. there's just something very individualistic about how they write. you can see the person behind the wheel and it makes it all that more interesting. also one of the few people to actually trigger me with their writing.
@primewritessmut: gnarly and so violent in a way that actually makes their writing almost bleed with it. there are writers who are like "wow I'm such a psychopath for writing this there must be something wrong with me" but they are literally babies in the face of whatever is happening inside prime's mind. her writing makes me flinch and I really enjoy that experience of not being able to look away. also just, the ability to finish so many interesting and complex stories is always something that impresses me.
@x-gon-give-it: really, immensely obsessed with their current WIP with a mercenary spider-man. the writing is just - incredible. there are passages and bits from it that cycle around my head in a loop. really just cracked peter parker on the sidewalk and made us all look at the inside of his fucked up brain. really very talented at writing violence and like, razor sharp intimacy. I take notes whenever I read one of the new chapters, honestly.
29. If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
I know you were interested in this answer specifically, but I honestly would not do write a sequel or prequel for anyone else's work. that's just not how my brain works. part of that comes from the fact that I have a complicated, often negative relationship with people creating works inspired from my own, so it's not something I would do to another writer.
31. Do you take liberties with canon or are you very strict about your fic being canon compliant?
I take liberties by claiming everything I write is inspired by canon even which it's in direct opposition of it.
34. What are your thoughts on non-con and dub-con?
I love it a lot. I read a lot of it. I write a lot of it. I think it's a safe space for people to explore something complicated and/or objectively horrible that is often inspired by real world experiences and fears. I used to say that I wouldn't write non-con, and I still stand by the fact that I probably wouldn't write sexual non-con for my own mental health, but I am exploring a technically not sexual non-con scenario in a one-shot right now.
37. Talk about your current wips.
The not sexual non-con scenario I'm working on is one where Spider-Man goes feral and Wade keeps him in a cage and starves him on purpose to see if he can get Spider-Man to cannibalize him.
40. Write an alternative ending to [insert fic title] (or just the summary of one).
I'm going to be so real, I almost didn't answer this one because I don't like to talk about my endings (even their direct opposites) before I write them, but I did end up thinking about this enough to probably warrant an answer. I think that if (redacted) didn't happen, then they would remain enemies who absolutely hate everything about each other in the way that only bitter ex's really can.
I think that they would know too much about each other and that they would intentionally make each other's lives miserable because of it. They're both very vindictive people who love to hold a grudge, and both of them would feel victimized by how (redacted) went down and would feel like the other person was their personal villain.
I think Wade wouldn't kill Spider-Man, not out of love, but because he'd enjoy hurting him too much, and I think that Spider-Man would break his no-kill rule specifically to shut Wade up sometimes. I think Wade would bring the worst out of Peter, and Peter would make Wade want to destroy the best inside himself. It would be a 24/7 divorce court, but the court is the city and neither party is happy with the verdict and keep on trying to hurt each other to make up for it. I think eventually one of them would leave the city, and they would never see each other again, but the hate would never fully go away - and if they made their way back to each other, it would burn twice as hot. It would be like a full circle moment, then ending with how they started but this time with twice the amount of knowledge and the hate would be actually personal this time. That would be the alternative ending.
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kvetas · 5 years
*✿ 001; tyl headcanons (tsuna)
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gotta establish what kind of guy he is ten years later before i even start to think about threads tbfh. they won’t be in any specific order.
tsuna is more composed and has more confidence in himself in comparison to his past self. he’s nearly appears to be a spitting image of giotto back in the day. though he has accepted his fate of becoming a mafia boss, he refuses to inherit the vongola’s accumulated sins. he currently works to tear down the vongola and reign as primo for neo-vongola.
though, in the end, he’s still the down-to-earth and humble person who can’t quite say no to someone in need that he’s always has been.
tsuna is just the kind of guy who’d look like a dignified figure, but he’s honestly running purely on 10 cups of coffee from doing an all-nighter with paperwork the night before because he slacked off a bit earlier in the day thinking ‘i’ll be able to catch up with paperwork later haha!’.
well he did, but at what cost.
also, i don’t care how classy he has to look as a mafia boss, you’re going to have to pry his Hoodie Aesthetic from his casual wear out of his cold, dead, hands. he will fight you on this with his dying will.
someone usually has to wake him up and pick clothes out for him if they don’t want him looking like a five year old dressed him up. he still hasn’t fixed his habit of sleeping in during the morning so he’d put clothes on haphazardly in a mad rush if left unattended.
compared to how he’d panic to a situation, he’d normally be kinda impassive, rather no-nonsense, and maybe even a little amused at General Canon-Typical Shenanigans happening. but this is mostly contributed to the fact that he’s literally just too tired to be putting up with this with only maybe 20% actually being from a backbone lmao
he’s so jealous of other mafia bosses who actually have time to travel around. since he’s running the literal biggest mafia family in the entire underworld, he has considerably more ground to oversee even with divided sections of the organization. and he still has to take time out of the day to train so that he doesn’t get rusty smfh
sunday is like, the only day of the week he eventually had made to be his official off day. please do not @ him about work unless someone is literally dying/is dead. this happens more often than he’d like, however.
his sundays are usually either lazy days (usually the case) sleeping in or binge-watching tv shows, taking time to visit the town, or just hanging out with friends. nothing special, but that’s pretty much what he’s aiming for here.
there’s about, a 40-60% chance of someone barging in to drag him into canon-typical hijinks anyways though.
unlike his dad, he actually takes time every week to call his mother and tries to take a weekend off every month to go visit her. (usually, he’d bring lambo and fuuta along if possible.) i like to imagine that he’s in a group chat with her, along with reborn, lambo, i-pin, and fuuta so at least they text often. for holidays, i would imagine he’d visit for new year’s, for sure.
he most likely went to university in italy on the pretense of a scholarship (despite his miraculously average grades he graduated high school with) at 17-18 via reborn kicking him to using italian lessons in practice.
i guess he majored in business. since. that was the most relevant major.
initially, tsuna’s only really able to pull off cooking something simple considering how clumsy he still is. but after living in italy for like, a week, tsuna became homesick, and started missing his mom’s cooking. he wasn’t satisfied even when a cook specializing in japanese food was hired. so he seriously started to learn from his mom’s recipes after that and now he’s a relatively competent cook. Though, he still isn’t on par with his mom’s cooking, if anything he’s just. Okay with maybe a 18% chance of making a blunder. But he’d feel bad hassling his cooks about it.
he prays that the day reborn crashing by to lay down spartan cooking lessons never comes though god may it never come.
still reads manga in his spare time, though he generally reads it on his phone. also plays mobile games now instead of consoles, but rather casual about it. not really the kind of guy who’d drop $100 for rolling any favorite characters but he definitely has general bad luck on gachas so he wouldn’t. really play games with that implemented very much. :’)
you know those kinds of fancy formal parties where all the mafiosos and other important figures go to? yeah, he Dreads going to those very much and hates it when he can’t just send anyone else to go instead because it’s important enough to warrant mafia bosses to go.
like YEAH SURE, he can keep up a conversation about work and business deals and inane stuff like taste in wine or designer watches blah blah blah. but he’s practically just. auto-piloting 80% of the time, the remaining 20% is just mentally figuring out when a good time to Leave is. technically speaking, he has all the authority to walk out whenever he wants but he’s too polite oops
but yeah, if he can help it, he’d usually just be frequently be near any of his guardians and personnel. he just wants to hang around his friends lol
thank fucgkin god he’s able to refer to everyone by first name basis by now. like, he’d still use honorifics but Gosh tsuna, hayato and takeshi are like, your best friends - why were you still calling them by their surnames even at the end of the manga.
he’s usually so, so unbelievably happy if a mafia boss he’s friends with is at the party too because God, finally, someone he can relax enough to talk about stuff he’d be fine talking about. dino, uni, and enma are like SS+ tier level. byakuran’s like, A tier, if only because you just never know what he’s thinking so that makes tsuna kinda nervous still especially since he had a life-or-death battle against an alternate version of byakuran but hey, at least he’s generally a fun guy. longchamp is probably at a C tier because he’s... pretty tiring to deal with but he appreciates his friendliness and sincerity.
tl;dr - being a millennial managing a whole ass syndicate is Hard. he may seem like a distinguished bi, but really he’s a disaster and he just wants to curl up and Nap.
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