#//She just happened to be walking by with a tray of drinks and IMMEDIATELY lunged for it
dutybcrne · 6 months
Kaeya once gave up drinking for a whole month in penance because he'd accidentally embarrassed Diona in setting off her instincts to pounce by idly reflecting lights from an ice crystal.
#hc; kaeya#hc; diona#//To be fair; he wasn't actually aiming to distract HER#//But a cat he'd been playing with#//She just happened to be walking by with a tray of drinks and IMMEDIATELY lunged for it#//Not only did he promise to give up drinks that long in apology; but also volunteered to clean up the mess AND paid for the drinks spilled#//Mind you; it was absolute HELL for him; abruptly going cold turkey that long#//His migraines got so bad; it wasn't even funny#//But he kept to his promise anyways. Bc he is a Gentleman and a Knight#//He NEVER let her know just how bad it got for him that month. every time she tried to pry or taunt; he would swiftly take her focus away#//His knights tho weren't so lucky lmao. It was known as Hell Month; with the training and patrols he put them through#//On the bright side tho; their skills improved Greatly AND troubles in Mond decreased Immensely; too#//He offered everyone staggered paid vacation times in the following months in apology; if not offered to pay for drinks that month too#//Most took up his drinks offer; luckily enough#//Diona claims that month was the most peaceful she'd every worked#//The fact that Kaeya was suddenly a Lot quicker to Intimidate/kick nuisances out of the Cats Tail for her MAY have had smth to do with it#//She still argues since he could do a whole month without alcohol; he could easily give it up altogether#//She still doesn't get why he keeps laughing hysterically every time she brings it up#//It annoys her to no end
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saiidahyunie · 6 months
Hello, just read the Sana headcanon that was requested by an anon, so i thought i'm gonna shoot my shot:) Can I request some jihyo x reader domestic fluff? 🥺🤧
park jihyo x reader ; fluff
synopsis: being a homebody with jihyo is something that you'll never get tired of.
wc: 1.4k
♪ ༘⋆
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a/n: you guys would never see me leave the house with this dork.
the alarm on your phone didn’t go off this morning, though you didn’t really seem to care since the sleep felt nice for once. 
buried under the covers becoming one with the mattress until you felt a sudden weight fall over you, fluttering your eyes slowly to the fan spinning above you in the bedroom as you shift a little bit to get more air in your lungs. 
you look down to see what was all the commotion to see that jihyo was laying on top of you, trying to capture some of the warmth that you were keeping inside the cover as she hums against it, you softly smile at your girlfriend’s wakeup routine–something that you love her doing especially on sundays. 
jihyo then pulls the cover from your neck down a bit slightly to get a closer look of your sleepy face, brushing her lips all over you as an effort to stir you awake. you tried your best to resist as you weaved your arms up and out to her waist, pulling her closer to you even though you might just suffocate from the weight–especially her breasts. 
“i thought you were gonna let me sleep in baby.” you mutter as jihyo nestles her head on the crook of your collar bone, the minty breath tickling the small hairs on your neck.
“i did…yesterday.” 
“we’re not doing anything today anyway.” you sigh out as you shift yourself to the side, jihyo lifting herself off of you and she is admiring the view you’re giving her. 
your face was now pressed against the pillow, hair covering the upper half of your face as the oversized shirt you were wearing was exposing a little bit of your shoulder that jihyo was resting her head on a few moments ago. tossing and turning to get into a more comfortable position as you try to get yourself back to sleep. 
jihyo then crawls over to you, pressing her lips onto your cheek as a last resort to get your senses awake as she continues to raid your face with kisses, making you sit up slightly to give her some of your attention in the first hours of the morning. 
“alright you got me up.” you say annoyingly as jihyo snickers at you groaning at yourself, clearly cranky that your girlfriend ruined the beauty sleep that you were enjoying. 
“why did you get up so early anyway?” you ask as you continue to rub your eyebrows from the stupid pieces of crust and dead skin that was on your eyelashes, only to see that jihyo had left the room. 
before you could immediately flop back to the bed, you let out a yawn as jihyo walks in with a tray, setting it down right next to you as you prop yourself back up on the headboard, fixing your oversized shirt as jihyo grabs a bite from the tray. 
“i made you some breakfast!” jihyo says cheekily, “one of your faves; grilled cheese and orange juice.” you smiled at her as you grabbed the glass of juice for a quick sip before getting the sliced piece of the sandwich she cooked for you.
“this is what you wanted to wake me up for? just for breakfast in bed?!” 
jihyo nods in between her sandwich, “i thought i’d treat you a bit for helping me at work the other day.” 
you lean back as you recall her asking to help her with a last minute preparation for one of her coworker’s birthday parties, it was fun, but they did end up passing out towards the end after having too much to drink. 
“ah, i see” you teased as you continued to munch on the last bits of your slice. “thankfully the cleanup wasn’t that difficult to deal with.” 
“yeah, gosh i don’t even want to think about what could’ve happened.” she replies as the both of you laughed at the event that happened that friday evening. 
once the plates and cups were empty on the tray, you reached out for her hand, rubbing her thumb as you reach over for your glass of juice to finish. 
“you still hungry?” you ask as you place the glass back onto the tray.
jihyo thinks about your question for a second, nodding her head after. “you offering to cook for me?” 
“why not, forget sleeping in when you gave me this.” 
jihyo giggles as you reach over for a quick kiss before getting off on the bed, but as you were about to head out the door to the kitchen, you hear jihyo call you again, turning your head back to see what was up this time.
a second of silence filled up the room as you lean against the door frame while she’s still on the bed, sitting with her legs crossed. she looked pretty cute in her simple black hoodie with grey sweats–hair tied up in a messy bun as she placed the tray on the nightstand before giving her attention back to you. 
“carry me over there?” she asks politely, you duck your head down at her request, knowing that you couldn’t resist saying no to her. what ever park jihyo wants, she will get. 
“sure, what would you like for your second breakfast today?” you ask as you turn your back towards her, giving a piggyback ride as she wraps her arms around your neck, lips floating next to your ears. 
“surprise me! i know you’re a five star chef so do your magic.” you chuckle at her response as she points her arm up in the air, almost like commanding a battalion to battle back in the medieval times as you slowly made your way to the kitchen.
the sizzling of the pan and the aroma of the food kept jihyo salivating as she watched you cook, something about your backside that just kept her hypnotized as you let your hands do the work, humming while finishing up the food. 
it didn’t take that long as jihyo looked up from her phone to see the plate of eggs with pancakes rested with a slice of butter on top of them , well seasoned and made with care–something that you took your time with when cooking for her. 
“please enjoy as always.” you say, placing your hand out at your lovely creation as jihyo softly applauded at your work. 
“thank you again my wonderful cook!” jihyo says before picking up the utensils and slicing up the pancakes right away. 
as for you, you went to the fridge to grab a small container that was filled with more fruits that jihyo brought earlier, this time it was just a bunch of grapes since you were fine with eating half of a grilled cheese sandwich that jihyo cooked for you, along with another glass of orange juice as the drink. 
few words were said at the kitchen island as you indulged in the food that was in front of you two. you loved sunday mornings like these–because like other days it’s always spent with jihyo. 
another look of love is on your face as she makes a cross expression–an indicator that she really likes the food that you made for her, continuing to clean up the place of the four slices of pancakes and two slices of eggs that were over easy–her favorite as she places the fork and knife on the plate, finshed as she hums happily at you while you were nodding her back like a dumb bobblehead toy (you love her when she’s like this you couldn’t help yourself). 
“done already?” 
“that was so good babe, you should cook more often.” 
“don’t i already do that??” you ask as she looks away with a poutful look on her lips, crossing your arms as she laughs at you annoyed again. 
“you know i’m kidding right?” 
“i know you are.” you reply as you shift over closer to her, pulling her in for a hug while she’s still sitting down. looking at her face only to notice a small piece of egg hanging from her bottom lip. 
“you got something here.” you say, pointing to your bottom lip, mirroring the same spot where the small piece of egg was at. 
“do i?” jihyo asks, trying to grab it immediately, you stop her for a quick second. 
“let me clean it off for you.” 
you then lean your head in for a kiss, swiping your tongue at the spot where the little egg piece was at before you pressed your lips in more, causing jihyo to latch onto the back of your neck, softly groaning into your mouth as you smiled against hers before pulling away for a quick second. 
“you ready for some dessert?” 
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otomefoxystar · 3 months
Finding the Light - Chapter 9
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku
Pairing : Mitsuhide X OC ( Evelyn)
Genre : NSFW
TW : n/a
AN: This is a long chapter, sorry!
Walking carefully to Mitsuhide’s room, Evelyn gently knocked, holding the serving tray tightly in one arm so she wouldn’t drop it. “You may enter.” She slid the door open and walked into the room. As she put the serving tray on a nearby table, Mitsuhide looked up from what he was writing, still holding the brush between his fingers. He watched her as she turned to slide the door closed again.
“What is happening here?” Mitsuhide asked as he watched her turn around from sliding the door shut. “Drink with me? Mitsuhide felt the concern wrap around him as soon as the words left her lips. She definitely shouldn’t be drinking. With how small she had become, her tolerance wouldn’t be what she was used to.
He knew she had enjoyed drinking in the past when Nobunaga would have one of his big feasts, but she was never out of control; she always seemed to know her limit. “Why?” He asked, still holding the brush. “Why not?” She replied. Mitsuhide studied her as she sat at the small round table off to the side of his room. “Did today make you feel anxious?” He asked as she poured the sake in both the cups. “I’m relieved it’s over, is all.” He glided over to the table and sat where she had set his cup down.
“I know it was hard, but the important thing is you got through it. You didn’t panic. You didn’t shut down. You should be proud of yourself. You did well.” Mitsuhide took the cup and put it against his lips, taking a sip, but was surprised when Evelyn downed the drink in one gulp.
He wanted to voice his concern, but he had to slacken the ropes occasionally, and he poured the rest of the sake down his throat, matching her pace. Evelyn poured them another drink. They had drink after drink, both of them getting quite inebriated. Mitsuhide stuck a piece of cheese in his mouth, and Evelyn watched. “I am happy that you ate today.” She grumbled, “It was only one meal.” He finished chewing and swallowed; clearing his throat, he said. “It’s the most you’ve eaten since you’ve been here. It’s a good start.”
Mitsuhide swallowed the cheese. “Evelyn, why is it so hard for you to eat? You used to love food.” She looked down and tilted her cup so that the sake inside swirled. “Truthfully? It keeps me from thinking about what happened. The pain from the hunger helps me focus on something else.” Mitsuhide gently took hold of her hand to show his support. “We just need to find something else for you to focus on.” She looked up from the cup and at him. “I don’t know what that would be.” Mitsuhide squeezed her hand. “It might take some time, but I’ll help you figure it out, but you’re hurting yourself by not eating.” She sighed, “I know, and I feel it too. I’m not as strong; I’m always tired.”
Evelyn hadn’t opened up like this before. He was going to let her talk about whatever she needed to say. She looked away from Mitsuhide and out the window. Far away, further away than he could ever be. She was lost, and he wanted to bring her back.
As he watched her, he saw tears drip off her face and onto her hand. He immediately scooted closer to her and put his hands on her face to force her to look at him. His thumbs wiped her tears away as he held her face. “You don’t have to be brave in front of me, little one. I can see how much pain you are in.” Her eyes connected with his golden irises. He had a look of seriousness and determination in them. Something that told her that he wasn’t lying. He took a breath as her tears kept coming. “I cannot take your pain away, but I am here for you; I will keep you safe, and I will do everything I can to help you move forward so that you can keep on living.”Evelyn lunged herself onto him, wrapping her arms around his neck and sobbing into his chest. “They are still out there, Mitsuhide. What if they come looking for me? What if they find me?” Mitsuhide rubbed her back soothingly. “They won’t find you, Evelyn; even if your attackers tried looking for you here, they’d get captured and thrown into the Azuchi dungeons before they could put one foot on the property.” She took some deep breaths, and her tears finally ceased, but Mitsuhide continued his calming efforts.
“Mitsuhide, what does everyone think I’m staying here for?” He pet her head. “They know you are unwell and need to take some time for yourself, and I decided to stay here with you because I don’t trust that you won’t go snooping.” She lifted herself off Mitsuhide and looked at him, “They don’t know any of it?” He combed her hair behind her ear. “No, only myself and Ieyasu, and neither of us has said anything.” She exhaled with relief.
She sighed, and Mitsuhuide raised his eyebrows, questioning her. “What is it?” She swallowed and started fiddling with the sleeve of her kimono. “I want to get better. I want to face my fears. I don’t want to be weak anymore. I have one fear I can never face.” He knitted his eyebrows together. He hated it when she got down on herself, but being attacked had stripped her of everything but her bones. She was bound to get into her head on occasion. “There is nothing you can’t overcome; you are stronger than you think.”
She shook her head, “Not this.” He had an idea of what she was referring to, but he wanted to hear her say it. “And what may that be?” She lifted her head and took another drink. “Romance, intimacy … Sex. “Precisely as he thought. “That is going to take time; you will get there, eventually, when you’re ready.” She shook her head, “Who would want me after I’ve been tainted? Besides, I don’t want to be with anyone like that. I’ve accepted that I won’t have romance in my life.” Mitsuhide hadn’t expected her to be so honest with her feelings. It hurt his heart that she was so afraid of moving forward in that area of her life that she would accept being unhappy. Again, he is reminded that she has changed; the old her would have never accepted this. He has to stop comparing this new her to the old her and take her for what she is now.
“Is that how you truly feel? Everyone deserves love, especially someone like you. Everyone should be able to experience intimacy and sex. It is instinctual, human nature. We need sex as much as we need air to breathe.” She shook her head. “Not me, not anymore.” Mitsuhide took her hand, “Even a woman has sexual needs.” She shook her head in defiance. “I’ll help you face those fears if you’re ever interested.” She looked at Mitsuhide, afraid of what he was offering.
“Mitsuhide?” He gave her a gentle smile. “If you want, I’ll show you there is nothing to fear. If it’s too much, I’ll stop. I would never force or push you to do something you don’t want to do.” He looked at her thoughtfully. He wanted to convey that this was her choice. He combed his fingers through her hair, soothing her and trying to relax her. Then he kissed the top of her head, then her forehead. Then, the top of her hand, as his eyes met hers.
His lips were soft and warm; she had never considered Mitsuhide a gentle lover. She imagined him being rough and fast. Fucking for his own needs, never thinking about his partner. Then again, that’s how she always had sex. Fucking just to fuck and never really feeling that high.
He took her hand in his. “We’re friends, right? You know I won’t hurt you. You know I’ll respect you and your body. It’s a safe option.” He squeezed her hand. “I meant what I said. I will stop, no questions asked. No hard feelings. I’m doing this to help you heal, not to make you fearful. I expect nothing in return; this is for you and you alone.” Her mind was racing, and her heart was beating so fast she thought it might burst out of her chest. “Mitsuhide, I don’t think we should do this. I think we both had too much to drink.” He smiled, “You are probably right, but if the opportunity is there, sometimes we have to take it. What do you say, little mouse?”
She stared at Mitsuhide for a good thirty seconds, mulling over the offer he had given her. He looked sincere, but the one thing keeping her from saying yes was her fear. It was all about the fear. She didn’t want to live in the shadow of her fear anymore. “It’s okay to be afraid. Try with me, and if you can’t, then you can’t; at least you tried. That would be a step forward.” How did he always know what she was thinking? It was aggravating.
“Okay, I’ll try.” Mitsuhide combed her hair behind her ear soothingly. “Okay.” He said as he nodded, confirming her decision. He stood up and held out his hand for her to take. Reluctantly, she placed her hand in his, allowing him to pull her to her feet. Still holding onto her hand, Mitushide looked her over and saw the uncertainty written on her face.
Taking initiative, he picked her up, her legs draping over his arms. She yelped, not expecting him to pick her up. She grabbed the lapel of his kimono in an attempt to steady herself. She must have finally lost her mind completely. Was she genuinely going to allow Mitsuhide to drink in her body and make love to her?
He carried her over to the futon and laid her down delicately. After he removed his arms from under her body, he settled in next to her, turning on his side so that he could get a better view of her. He waited patiently, letting her get her bearings together. “It’s going to be alright, I promise.” She had a petrified look in her eyes, and Mitsuhide cautiously took her hand and rubbed her skin with his thumb. She looked at their connected hands, which had become a regular occurrence. “Then why is this so awkward?” Mitsuhide, still rubbing her hand, studied her.
She was nervous and tense, clutching the blankets and holding her breath. “Evelyn, take a breath. Just breath. You’re fine. You’re not in any danger. You are safe.” She nodded apprehensively. He put his hand on her cheek, turning her head to face him. “I’ve got you.” He said as he looked her over, tracing her jaw with his index finger. He smiled gently at her. He was stroking her long hair to ease her anxiety. Even this kind of intimacy was new to her. He was being so careful, so gentle.
Her cheeks were flushed, and she looked flustered and a bit confused. “I don’t know about this Mutsuhide.” His expression softened, and he put his hand on her cheek. “Look at me, Evelyn.” Her eyes connected with his, showing him her fear. “Let me show you what it feels like to be loved.” She bit her lip, “I-I’m not ready.” He stroked her hair lovingly. “You’ll never be ready if you refuse to try. You must move forward; you can’t live your life refusing to let yourself have intimacy or love. Be kind to yourself.”
She shook her head. “I don’t want to be in love.” Mitsuhide continued stroking her hair. “Maybe not right now, but you will.” He moved her hair to the side and gently kissed her neck. “Trust me,” he whispered lowly in her ear.
She was overwhelmed. Why was Mitsuhide doing this? “Relax, mouse. Focus on me. An immediate blush of embarrassment crossed her face. Mitsuhide smiled. “There you are. Mitsuhide kissed her forehead. “I will be here every step of the way. If you get scared, you can hold onto me as tightly as you need. We are going to do this together because that’s what sex is about. Togetherness” How had she never known he was so kind and caring? Still lying on his side beside her, she looked at him, and he gave her a tender smile, “Turn towards me.” He helped her turn on her side so they were facing each other. He reached between their bodies and took her hand, intertwining his fingers with hers. She watched him do so, and he was silent as she processed what was happening between them. He looked into her eyes and squeezed her hand as he caressed her arm lightly.
He bent his head down and kissed her neck again. He laid kiss after kiss down the side of her neck. Her heart was beating hard and fast. He kept dropping gentle kisses on her soft skin, making the tiny hairs on her skin rise. He pulled away from her neck. “I’m going to untie your obi; don’t be startled.” She squeezed his hand tightly and closed her eyes. “No, look at me. Focus on me. See that I am the one who is doing this. If you close your eyes, the fear might come back.”
She understood his point, so she opened her eyes, watching as he bent over her to maneuver her obi to loosen her kimono. He was so gentle, untying it with ease. He laid back down and stroked her cheek with the back of his hand. He opened her kimono to expose her collarbones. He shifted his body, bringing her with him. She laid on her back with him above her, with a sweet smile on his face. He could see the uncertainty flash in her eyes. “You’re doing great,” He reassured her as he bent down to kiss her collarbones. His free hand explored her curves, sliding over her stomach, along her rib cage, just beneath her breasts.
Her chest heaved up and down, and she swallowed thickly. “Evelyn,” He said with his deep voice. “Are you with me?” She blinked as he paused to ensure she was alright. “Y-yeah.” He lifted his head so he was at her level. “It’s okay to be scared. If something becomes too much, you tell me as soon as it happens. Do you understand me? I do not want to be part of your pain.” She nodded. “Say it, so I know you understand.” He had to be sure she understood that she was safe with him and that he would never do anything to scare or hurt her. “I’ll tell you if it’s too much.”
His expression softened. “Good… How are you feeling right now?” She looked straight into his solemn eyes. “Scared and, uh, nervous.” Mitsuhide brushed her bangs back, trying to soothe her. “We’re going to go nice and slow, okay?” As he stroked her head, he looked dead into her eyes. “I’m going to undress you.” She began to understand that he was telling her what he would do to her before he did it, so she was prepared. Her eyes searched his with a conflicted expression on her face. “Talk to me.” He said in a soft tone. “How is this a turn on? I’m pathetic.” Tears filled her eyes, and she turned her head away. He placed his hand on the side of her face, forcing her to look at him. “You are desirable, Evelyn.” She pressed her lips together. “Don’t think about such things; I want to do this. I want you to feel the pleasure I’m going to give you.” She bit her lip, embarrassed by what he said.
He began to open her kimono, revealing her body, as he finally slipped the kimono off her. There were yellowing bruises and cuts that were healing on her body. She reflexively covered her body with her arms. He didn’t try to remove her hands, letting her hide her body.” You’re alright, focus on me.” She kept his face in her vision as she started shaking. “Evelyn, you are safe. I will not hurt you.” She was breathing hard, and panic was rising. He cupped her face, looking deep into her eyes. “Breathe. You’re okay.” She was listening, but the panic was uncontrollable. She started hyperventilating. “Okay, come here.” He sat back on his heels, bringing her with him.
He held her shaking form to his chest as he petted her head. “I’ve got you. He looked down at her, wiping her tears away. “I need you to take some breaths. Do what I do,” Mitsuhide said, taking a deep breath in and exhaling slowly. He kept doing this until she could finally copy him, their breathing in sync. “Good girl.” He connected his eyes to hers. “There you are.” He smiled at her, “You’re okay now.” He smiled that smile he only ever showed for her and leaned forward, lying her gently back down on the futon, her hair splaying around her. He once again tangled his fingers with hers, but he paused. “Would it make you feel less self-conscious if I undressed as well?” He asks, “Your body isn’t bruised and beaten.” She replies, and Mitsuhide shakes his head in disagreement. “Maybe not right now, but I have plenty of war scars. My body isn’t beautiful.” He didn’t wait for her to answer. He let go of her hand, stood up, and undressed slowly, taking each article of clothing off as she watched nervously. He pulled down his fundoshi, exposing his whole self to her.
He was not yet ready to be one with her, but he was letting himself be a little vulnerable, only to help her relax. He climbed on top of her. “Remember to focus on me.” His eyes took in her nude body. “you are most beautiful. Being complimented like that from him felt so good. “You’re drunk.” He chuckled. “So are you.” Then he kissed her neck and put his lips to her ear. “That doesn’t make you any less beautiful.” Her face heated up, her cheeks and ears turning pink. “And cute when she blushes.” Mitsuhide cupped her cheek, taking a long look at her. He never intended to kiss her to keep some semblance of friends and not lovers; instead, his primal desires took over all reasoning.
He leaned his head down and put his forehead against hers, looking into her green eyes. “May I kiss you?” She looked deep into his eyes, making him feel awkward as if she were looking into his soul. “Yes,” and with those words, their noses rubbed together as he positioned his mouth over hers. He pressed his lips against her full lips, feeling their softness.
Their eyes fell shut; his hand went into her hair, and her hands went to the back of his neck. He was gentle, taking his time, giving her peck after peck until he couldn’t contain his needs, and kissed her harder. He broke the kiss, and They opened their eyes silently, gazing at each other. Both realized that this was happening, and there was no going back. He returned to her warm lips, kissing her harder, their mouths moving together in unison. She sighed into the kiss, letting him slip his tongue into her mouth.
Mitsuhide had his fair share of casual flings, but never had he been this intimate with a woman. Mitsuhide wanted this for her, but somehow it had also become for him as well. His tongue tangled with hers as they both breathed heavily through their noses. He could feel his cock hardening as they continued to ravish each other’s mouths. Kissing had never turned him on this much before. He pulled away from the kiss, looked at her, and smiled. “Evelyn,” He said her name in a husky voice laced with desire. “I’m going to touch you.” She nodded in understanding, still feeling high from his kiss. He rubbed his thumb over her bottom lip and gave her another peck.
His hands went to her sides, feeling the curves of her body. Her hands were still on the back of his neck. Her hands found their way into his hair. He smoothed a hand over her stomach. He leaned down, kissing her chest sweetly and slowly, taking in the scent of her skin. He pulled away, looking at her while his hands explored her soft skin. His fingertips ran between her breasts, and her chest heaved harder. With calloused hands from years of using a gun and sword, he ran his fingers over her skin. With feather-light touches, he caressed the contours of both her breasts. Her pupils started to dilate, telling him that she was aroused. He gave her a mischievous smile as he placed his hand on one breast, kneading and massaging. Then, he began to caress the other side.
As he bent his head down, he licked her nipple with the flat of his tongue. She jerked, and he looked up, questioning her. “Uh, k-keep going.” He squeezed her arm in reassurance. Mitsuhide pinched her other nipple and rolled it between his forefinger and thumb. He circled her areola with the tip of his tongue, making her breath hitch. “mmm.” Pleased with the sound of her pleasure, he smiled. He then latched his mouth onto her nipple, pulling the flexible skin with his teeth. She looked down at him with heavy, lidded eyes as he switched sides to do the same thing.
As he released her nipple from his mouth, he looked at her. “How do you feel?” Her breathing came out hard and ragged. “Good, don’t stop.” He chuckled. “I wouldn’t dream of it.” He laid another kiss on her lips as his hand drifted down her body to her legs. With his other hand, he intertwined his fingers with hers. “Evelyn, keep your eyes open and focus on me.” He spread her legs further apart, and his fingers went down her leg, and she squeezed his hand tightly. His fingers slid into her labia. He stopped and looked at her. “Are you doing okay?” She looked apprehensive. “I’m scared.” He knew she was. “relax, breathe, and let me take care of you.” He said as he found her clit and put a little pressure on it. “Ohh, “Mitsuhide smiled, “Does that feel good?” She was breathing heavily. “Y-yes.” He began to move his finger in circles. She bit her lip, and as he looked at her face. Her eyes were clouded over with lust. He switched between rubbing and pinching her clit.
Her hips bucked up involuntarily; she was turning him on like nothing else. His member was fully erect and leaking. Then, he adjusted his position at her center. He lifted her legs over his shoulders and lifted her hips and put his face up to her core and licked up her clit up then down. She tilted her hips, needing more friction. He brought her clit into his mouth, sucking. Her moans were turning him on more and more. Her legs started to tremble, and her body began to tense. He pulled away from her needy core. To look at her, “Are you okay with me putting my fingers inside of you?” Her body paused with his question, and he waited for her answer. Finally, a soft “yes,” but with how meek her answer was, made him question her. “Are you certain? You don’t have to let me.” She cleared her throat. “I’m sure.” He reached up and rubbed her belly in reassurance.
He kissed the inside of each of her thighs. His mouth went back to her clit as he slowly pushed in a finger. She focused on her breathing and soon felt him add another finger. She was becoming so wet, but he wouldn’t comment. He wanted her to feel good. He curled his fingers inside of her and began pumping them as his tongue worked on her sensitive clit.
She curled her toes, and her thighs tightened around his head. Her back arched as her moans sang a beautiful song. He pulled away, cupped her cheek, and bent down, kissing her with a need that he didn’t know existed inside of him. He searched her eyes, then put her hips down and hovered back over her. He kissed her deep and slow, then looked at her. “Focus on me, see me, and feel me. I’m going to go slow; at any time, if you need to stop, then I’ll stop.” He kissed her nose, and then he sat back on his feet.
He put his hand around his throbbing member rubbing it over her clit, eliciting a sweet moan until he found her entrance pressing the head just barely inside. “Look at me.” She squeezed his hand tightly as he slowly pushed in. She felt so good, her walls stretching to allow him in. He pushed in further and further until he was fully inside of her, and he sighed from the delicious feeling of her; it took so much of his self-control not to pummel into her right then and there. Seeing the uncertainty in her expression brought him back to reality. “Are you still with me?” She took a breath she had been holding in and blinked. “I -I’m okay. I just need a minute.”
She squeezed his hand so tightly that her nails dug into his skin. He wanted her to feel comfortable, so he would patiently wait. “Whatever you need.” She swallowed, looking into his lust-driven eyes. She tried to imprint his features in her mind. Finally, She reached up for his face and traced his features with her fingers. She outlined his lips and put her hand on the back of his head, pushing him to her lips. It was a sweet kiss. Their mouths moved together, both melting into the other. Evelyn pulled back to look at him and cupped his cheek. “I’m ready.” Mitsuhide was sure that she needed reassurance that it was him who was inside her and not one of the monsters that assaulted her.
Mitsuhide put his weight on her so they were skin to skin. She reached for his hand, and they threaded their fingers together. With their bodies pressed together, Mitsuhide kissed her forehead. She looked at him expectantly, “don’t look away; keep your eyes on me.” he said lowly, and then he moved his hips, thrusting into her gently. Both of them started breathing heavily, and as he continued with the slow pace, sweet moans began falling from her lips. Likewise, Mitsuhide was sighing and grunting. “You’re doing so well.” He said as he looked at her flushed cheeks. "Kiss me, Mitsuhide.” He did, but it was sloppy and wet as they breathed hard into each other’s mouths. He broke the kiss and put his forehead on hers. He looked into her eyes and saw it the moment it happened. Something behind her eyes changed like a dark veil had been lifted. She took him in completely, letting the pleasure fill her up. She began rocking her hips in rhythm with his thrusts. She let go of his hand to feel his body. First, she held onto his strong shoulders, then she moved her hands to his back, dragging her fingers up and down his back, feeling his soft skin, touching the raised skin from his scars.
Mitsuhide had never been touched in that way before. It was electrifying. Evelyn put her hands on his biceps, and she could feel his muscles flexing as he rocked his hips into her. Getting caught up in the moment, Mistuhide nuzzled into her neck and kissed her there, then gave her a bite, leaving a nicely sized welt there. Both of their bodies were damp with sweat. Mitsuhide could feel her walls spasming around him. He put his hand between their bodies, finding her clit. “I’m going to make you come,” He spoke seductively. He began rubbing her clit in tight circles. He shifted positions, and the angle of his member hit a sensitive spot, and she cried out loudly. He was sure the whole manor could hear her.
Her toes started to tingle, and warmth radiated throughout her body. Pressure started building up. Something was happening to her that she had never felt before. “Mitsu-ahh.” He smiled and bent down to kiss her lips. Her grip on his arms tightened, and her nails dug into his flesh. Her legs began to tremble, and the pressure exploded, making her body stop moving altogether. All she could see was a bright white light, “Mitsuhide, mmmn, fuck.” Her walls clamped around his cock, squeezing it making Mitsuhide shudder. “That’s it come for me.” Mitsuhide slowed his ministrations but kept going to help her ride out her orgasm.
Evelyn blinked several times before her vision came back into focus, and her body, which had tensed during her orgasm, went limp as she caught her breath. He brushed her sweaty hair off her face. She leaned her face up, kissing him passionately, her fingers threading through his hair. He was so close, and she began moving her body with his again. How he wanted to ram into her in that moment and fuck her, but he had to let his needs fall back on the wayside. He would get there eventually. When she broke the kiss, she angled her hips in such a way that his pubic bone was hitting her clit with every thrust.
He noticed how her walls were fluttering again. He had planned on pulling out, but when her walls tightened around him yet again and squeezed his sensitive cock so deliciously, he had no warning before his essence spilled inside of her, causing him to tremble. He bit the side of her neck, then moaned in her ear as he came, and she could feel him expel his seed inside of her. Then his breathing evened out, and he leaned down, kissing her. When his cock softened, he slowly pulled out of her. As he broke the kiss, he searched her eyes. She looked utterly blissed out, making her look incredibly sexy. “How do you feel? “He asked, feeling concerned. “Really, really good. I’ve never had sex that felt that good.” Mitsuhide smiled, “neither have I.” He smiled and kissed her forehead. “I’m glad you’re satisfied.”
Mitsuhide rolled off of her and pulled the blanket over both of them, not caring that they were both nude. Evelyn turned to face him, and he intertwined his fingers with hers, holding her hand while he held her close as they slept. “Mitsuhide.” His eyes were already closed. “Hm?” She drew circles with her finger on his pectoral. “Thank you.” He opened his eyes and kissed the top of her head. “You are most welcome, little mouse. Now, let us sleep.
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