#//alright images have loaded! time to post oh my stars it's been a thousand years auhuhuhhu
keeps-ache · 1 year
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gotta go put all the references up on artfight now lolll
[references below]
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reddiesaltedcrisps · 7 years
New Years Reunion - Part One Finn Wolfhard x Reader
Word Count: 1,750 (ish)
Triggers: I don't think any, unless you take offense from your mum jokes then I’m so sorry
Gender of Reader: Fem.
Summary: Y/N get’s a visit from her best friend and fellow IT co-star, Finn. Y/N thinks that her and Finn’s friendships purely platonic, but could all that change when they both stay at Wyatt’s house for New Year along with the fellow IT cast?
Writers Note: Okay, so I only started my blog this morning so it’s my first time writing an imagine like this. I’m so sorry if it’s bad! If any part of you slightly enjoys it - or just pities me - please show it some love by donating a couple notes. Hope you enjoy!
Edit: Your girl messed up and now has #&157 on like every line and can’t fix it so please just ignore that lol
You stared up at your bedroom ceiling, deep in a swirling pool of thoughts.
You’d had a busy year, your movie “IT” had been released a few months ago, you’d moved to Canada, and you’d recently started a new school.
IT had been an extremely fun experience where you’d made lifelong friends, such as Jack Dylan Grazer, Wyatt Oleff, Jeremy Ray Taylor, Chosen Jacobs, Jaeden Lieberher, Sophia Lillis, and of course Finn Wolfhard.
These kids had all become your closest friends, working on set didn’t even feel like working. You would always all constantly hang out and see each other, but since the hype of IT died down you didn’t get a chance too spend as much time together. No interviews, no photoshoots, no talk shows. Of course, this didn’t mean any of you were any less close, it was just hard not seeing each other as regularly anymore - especially Finn.
You were close with all the IT kids, but for some reason, you and Finn were glued at the hip. Whenever you hung out you’d feel this connection you’d never experienced with anyone else. You had the exact same sense of humour, exact same music taste and the exact same mind set.
Despite living in the same city, both of you were often busy and struggled to find time to see each other. Whenever it’d been a while since you’d met up, there’d always be a crazy reunion moment when you’d give each other “run hugs” whilst screaming. 
Whenever he texted or facetimed you, you’d feel the same reoccurring sensation in your stomach, it would flip like you’d just drove over a dip in the road and your whole body would radiate with warmth. Even when he smiled, you’d feel an aching pain in your chest.
However, you knew this was just because you loved him so much as a friend. This is what you’d both tell everyone, so often that they didn’t even sound like real words anymore.
“We’re just friends. Just friends.” You’d try convincing the interviewers, fans and even your friends. Yet still, no one believed it. None of your IT friends believed it either, they’d all constantly tease you both, and try and make you admit your, non-existent, feelings. The fans would also go crazy, creating edits of you guys shipped together, making compilation videos of you both with Ed Sheeran singing about love in the background, and commenting on all your posts together saying just how “cute” you guys were.
We are just friends, you thought to yourself, squinting your eyes slightly at the ceiling, just really, really, good friends.
Your phone vibrated, snapping you out of your thoughts. You checked your lockscreen, and right on cue, your stomach fluttered.
Finn:   Hey, remember me? Honestly, you probably don’t since its been that long. Anyways, feel free to reject me on this, but would it be alright if I came over. You know, it’s casual though, I just happened to be in the neighbourhood :)
A smile spread across your face. It had been nearly two months since you’d seen Finn as you’d been back in the UK visiting family.
You swiped to reply.
Y/N:   Miss me that much, huh? And of course, you can absolutely come in, how long will you be?
He replied in an instant, causing your mind to race.
Finn:   Well, hopefully not much longer as I’m freezing to death out here. Also, I really like the snowman you built. I mean, it’s kind of small but I guess that way it portrays a more realistic image of you.
You rushed to your bedroom window, dropping your phone along the way. There, standing outside at the bottom of your driveway was Finn. You opened your window, the freezing air causing an array of goose bumps to spread all down your arms.
    “How long have you been down there?” You shouted below to a rather cold looking Finn.
    “Long enough for my body to shrivel back into itself!” He called back up, smiling far too much for only wearing a grey sweater when it was negative five degrees (Celsius) outside.
You ran downstairs to unlock the front door and opened it, only to release a thousand flips loose in your stomach.
    “Y/N!” He said through a wide smile, engulfing you in a hug and spinning you round. “Its been far too long. I’ve missed you!” It was a good thing he said that when your head was resting on his shoulder, otherwise he would’ve caught how red your face was, even though you couldn’t understand why you were blushing.
    “I’ve missed you too, Frog.” You replied with a giggle, his arms still wrapped firmly round you. He laughed and began to take his shoes off, while you asked him about his birthday.
    “Crazy isn’t it, fifteen now, that means we have nine months of being the same age before you turn sixteen.” He winked after making this comment, to which you playfully pushed him.
    “You’ve spent too much time around Jack, you’re beginning to sound like him.” You said as he pretended to react like he was offended, dropping his jaw. This caused you to laugh, he always knew how to make you smile.
    “Speaking of Jack himself,” He began, “We might be seeing him soon.” Your smile grew wider.
    “How come?” You replied in excitement. You hadn’t seen any of the IT cast, besides Finn, in three months.
    “Well,” Finn continued, “Nothings official yet, but there’s talk of the IT gang staying over at Wyatt’s for New Year. He still has to fully convince his mom, but the plan is for her to go visit family for a week or so while the eight of us get Wyatt’s place to ourselves.” He finished triumphantly.
Your face ached from smiling by now, “That such an amazing idea! I miss them all so much.”
    “Me too,” Finn agreed, “Also it would be quite convenient for me, as my family have gone up North for a couple weeks and I need a place to crash, hence why I‘ve turned up at your door.” He replied with a smile, gesturing to his suitcase, that up until now you hadn’t even noticed. He read the surprised expression on your face. “My moms checked it’s okay with your mom,” He continued, “Besides, if we are going to Wyatt’s then I’ll only be staying here for tonight, and I guess the same applies for you.” He finished, beaming down at you.
    “Wow,” You exhaled, “My moms kept this a complete secret from me.” Finn laughed softly.
    “I hope you’re okay with it. God, if I’m being honest Y/N, I don’t think you’ll ever realise just how much I’ve missed you. Nothings nearly as fun without you.” You gazed up into his swimming brown eyes, you felt waves of warmth float from your head to your toes.
    “It’s more than okay Finn, I’ve missed you loads too.” You replied. His cheeks were toned red, but you thought it must’ve just been from the cold.
    “You know who I’ve missed even more though,” His face spread into a smile as he continued, “Your mom.” You laughed, his jokes were terrible, but your humour had low standards.
    “Way to ruin and emotional moment, Tozier!” You retorted while ruffling up his hair, “Can’t say the same about your mom though, as I spent last night with her.” Finn’s mouth opened wide before stretching out into a burst of laughter. 
    “Oh, you are so dead Y/S/N!” He shouted as you began to make a run for it. He chased after you.
You ran down your hall and took a right, only to find yourself cornered by him in the living room. You made a dive for the couch and landed spread along it, using a cushion as a shield for extra protection. The two of you were still in fits of laughter as he also made a dive for the couch, landing on top of you, pretending to attack you. Neither of you could breathe properly, both out of breath from running and laughing. Once you’d both calmed down, you realised the awkward position you were both in. Finn was lying on top of you with his arms draped around your neck, while your arms were wrapped around his back. For a second, you thought both your faces were moving closer together, until almost touching, but you must’ve imagined it. You were both interrupted anyway by your mother calling you.
    “Y/N, honey, it’s time to get ready for bed! You too Finn!” She called from the kitchen. Finns face was bright red, yours felt like it’d been set on fire. Finn edged off you, your heart sank.
    “Um, we should get ready for bed, I guess...” He trailed off. You moved off the couch.
    “Er, um yeah, yeah, good um, idea.” You couldn’t think straight, had you too nearly kissed or had you just imagined it?
 You lay in the darkness, staring up at your bedroom ceiling, only this time Finn was sleeping on the floor next to you.
I wouldn’t have wanted to kiss him anyway, you thought to yourself, I don’t like him like that, plus I imagined it anyway, he’d never be interested in me. Your thoughts were disrupted.
    “You know, this might sound kind of weird and creepy, but we’re actually meant to be staying over at Wyatt’s tonight. The New Years plan is happening, everyone arrived at his this afternoon, they’re all already there.” You sat up, listening carefully, he continued, “I just didn’t really want to tell you because you know...” He inhaled sharply, “I knew then we’d have to leave today, and we wouldn’t get to spend any time together just the two of us. I told the others we’d be late. You’re my best friend Y/N, I can’t not be around you.” He paused, “It was a stupid idea though.”
    “No,” You replied, “It was a great idea.” Your pulse was high, you could feel heat burning from your face. You were Finn’s best friend. Even though part of you for some reason hoped for that moment you - nearly - shared on the couch to be real, you were just happy that you and Finn were so close.
You fell asleep smiling, little did you know, so did Finn.
Writers note: Okay, this isn’t my best work but I've planned out the next parts and when they arrive at Wyatt’s in part two it gets a lot better, this was me just setting the scene.
Also, if you read this far then have a lovely safe day :)
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