#//also probs timelorded to when the memorial was unless its like a ongoing thing im not good at knowing how those words ;x;
trickstersantana · 5 years
[Santana left some Wisteria flowers on the memorial.] Agh. I don’t really know if this is appropiate. You know, now that I think of it, I think it’s really fucking innapropiate. I shouldn’t had done that. [She mutters in spanish to Jesús at her side.] I thought the crushing feeling of losing people would finally weight in after this. But it didn’t. [She looks to his fake uncle.] You did this. You ruined the concept of death for me. 
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“My most sincere apologies, Mist, permit me to-” 
“Why didn’t you ran away?” [Santana interrupts him, while moving away from the memorial. She doesn’t want to be there anymore. It’s boring.]
“Pardon me?” [Jesús asks.]
“Why didn’t you do what you always do! Pretend you’re dead and ran away. There are so many missing LN they aren’t going to even try to search. It was the perfect chance for running away. To be free.” You can be with my ‘Mom’, for god’s sake! She doesn’t hate you! 
[Jesús shrug. He wasn’t smiling as usual. But he didn’t look defeated either.] “I didn’t want to leave people behind. Why didn’t you?”
“What?” [Santana is susprised at the question. The idea of running away from NYADA completelly leave her mind as a valid choice by now. What for? She has nothing out of here. No future. No one waiting for her, except maybe her fake dad, to live the same failure of a life he did. Both options were hell. She only had one hope and that was the ritual. She doesn’t want to think about it.] “If that people is me, you are wasting your time. I want out of the ‘family’. You guys are better without me, and honestly, I’m way better without you too.” 
[She expected Jesús to get extremelly sad, or ignore it all together. But she couldn’t read him. He stayed silent and didn’t say anything about it. She knew he was worried when she went missing. And she ignored him, as usual. I wouldn’t had care if you died in here, you know? I wouldn’t even know about it. I would had assume you left. She thought.And yet she come to see him.She didn’t even asked him about what Darling thought. She was scared of the answer. They keep walking together.]
“Ugh. I’m just so tired of the fucking goverment screwing us over and giving us zero protection! “Aw, witches united! Fuck the rest” [She complained on a mocking imitation voice of the TV news guy, when she saw there wasn’t much people around, angry.] Fuck it! I’m going to do my own gang. With matching jackets. And- ah fuck. All the LN cool shit is forbidden now but... [She stopped. Why do I even care? Oh yeah, because I miss some kind of unity. Jesús also stopped. Looking at her like she had a real plan, and not some half-assed useless bullshit she was improvising right now.] I’m not going to start my own gang, but I know I can blackmail a witch to do it for me. [She just has to pick the right one.]
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