#//but the point still stands— if there’s no easy access info I’ll be too intimidated
outofthiisworld · 1 year
🔍 for something you look for on other’s blogs
It’s a bit of a basic answer but it’s the most important one for me next to having rules: a muse(s) about page!
It doesn’t have to be anything fantastical or bombastic, even if it’s some simple stats with a paragraph— I can rock with that, easy peasy lemon squeezy! 🍋 (though, I will never turn down a meaty read, personally <33 LET ME IN, LET ME IIIIIN—)
If all the muse’s basic information is scattered across the blog, I honestly find it harder to follow along and get a feel for the muse— and this goes for canon muses too! i wanna know you’re interpretation of ‘em!! especially if I’m unfamiliar with the source material
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daydreaming-nerd · 6 years
Power Couple (Loki x reader)
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Plot: When you learn that Loki is alive and locked inside a cell courtesy of The Avengers you become the bad bitch you need to get him out.
info: This will be switching pov’s between you and third person. I’ll be sure to mark it just be aware.
It’s been three months since the love of my life fell off the Bifrost. I remember our plot to take over Asgard, it was all running smoothly until Thor showed up.
I remember squatting next to Odin holding onto both of his sons on the edge of the broken rainbow bridge. I was reaching my hand out for Loki to hopefully take. I remember the look in his eyes as he let go and floated off into infinite space. My heart broke and I screamed in pain, sadness, and loss for him. If it wasn’t for Thor engulfing me in his arms on the ground trying to keep me calm I would’ve jumped in after him. I died that day. 
As days rolled by I began to realize Loki wasn’t coming back. A new side of me came forth, a dark side. A side that wanted to avenge my love. I worked harder on my powers of telekinesis and grew power hungry. I remember sparing with Thor every now and then, sometimes he would win sometimes I would win. Regardless I was growing more powerful and that was becoming quite handy. 
I had a dream last night that Loki was alive and was imprisoned by his brother and a group called The Avengers, I knew then it was him trying to contact me and there wasn’t a soul that could keep me from him. 
3rd person pov:
Thor had gone out looking for the tesseract and the rest of the Avengers sat together in deep in conversation on what to do next.
“Well Loki won’t talk so until we either find the tesseract there’s not much we can do,” stated Natasha. 
“Furry said he found it funny that Loki seemed like the only person who actually wanted to be on this bird and I agree. We need to be ready for anything he has plotting,” Steve said.
A sudden boom hit the top of the Helicarrier.
“We have an unidentified person on top of the carrier! I repeat we have an unidentified person on top of the carrier!” shouted agent Hill.
Your pov: 
I landed on top of the helicarrier the wind blowing my emerald green cape and my leather catsuit clinging to my body except for where the plunging neckline exposed my chest. I used a spell Loki once taught me to float through the ceiling and into the carrier. I landed and looked up to see what appeared to be these famous Avengers I’ve heard so much about. The female fired her pistol at me but I used my powers and flicked her bullet away with the wave of my hand, and then flung both my arms out to either side of me sending them all flying towards the nearest wall as hard as I could knocking the wind out of them all and then walking past them like the mewling quims they are.
3rd person pov:  
Steve finally stood up and looked at Tony still on the ground.
“Put the suit on,” he said running to suit up himself. 
Tony got up and ran to the storage room full of his things. As soon as his suit was on he called Thor right away. He knew the Avengers couldn’t beat a goddess from another world without him.
“Hey Thor we got a problem,” he said flying towards where the threat was.
“Is it my brother?” Thor said into Tony’s earpiece.
“No Sid's fine but I think Nancy just showed up,” 
“Sid and Nancy? I’m afraid I don’t understand what you mean,” 
“Remember when you said Loki had a little girlfriend? Yeah well, the bitch just showed up!”
“Oh gods. Whatever you do, do not let them reach one another. They feed off each other's power and the second they get together I won[’t be able to defeat them. I am on my way back now, make sure they don’t reach each other,” Thor said now worried.
“You guys hear the man?” Tony said into the earpiece for everyone to hear. Multiple Roger thats followed.
Your pov:
It was almost too easy for me. Anytime someone or something came close to me I could simply use my powers to push them away. I waltzed through the whole ship throwing agents and Avengers left and right straight to a room with a glass cell in the middle of it and my Loki inside.
He looked up at me with the devilish grin.
“Darling,” He said. “You came for me.” He said standing up and walking towards me.
“You know I always will,” I said placing my hand on the glass. He did the same. Our hands would’ve finally been touching had the glass not been there. With a little bit of magic, he practically floated through the thick barrier. 
I put my hands on either side of his face and his hands landed on my waist pulling me into a kiss that slowly turned into a makeout session until Thor ruined it.
“Brother!” He shouted charging at us. As I opened the glass wall with my magic Loki cloned and transported us away from the cage. Thor went through us and fell right into the glass case.
Loki and I just looked at him from the control panel holding hands.
“Are you ever not going to fall for that?” said Loki getting a giggle out of me.
Thor banged on the glass with his hammer in anger causing the whole capsule to shit down. Loki and I looked at each other, the devil behind our eyes.
“The humans think us immortal. Should we test that?” he said walking towards what appeared to be the controls to this massive cage.
All the sudden a well dressed man appeared holding a large gun, his badge read Coulson indicating he was another agent. Apparently an agent with access to the weapons vault.  
“Move away please,” he deadpanned pointing the intimidating weapon at us. Surely my powers could not hold back whatever this weapon fired.
Loki stepped away from the panel and tucked me behind his back protectively. 
“You like this?” he said slowly walking towards us.”We started working on the prototype after you sent the Destroyer. Even I don’t know what it does. Do you wanna find out?” he said firing up the gun. Loki’s clone showed up behind him stabbing him in the back. I could hear Thor’s scream of defeat behind me.
The man sunk to the floor and leaned up against the wall. Loki strided over to the panel once again and hit the button sending his brother falling thousands of feet inside a stronger than steel capsule. Loki began walking back over to me until he was interrupted.
“You’re going to lose,” the man said. Loki stopped dead in his tracks.
“Am I?” 
“It’s in your nature,” the man said on the brink of death.
Loki and I began walking toward him.
“Your heroes are scattered. Your floating fortress damaged courtesy of my lovely queen who now stands by my side,”he said gesturing to me.”where is my disadvantage?” 
“You lack conviction,” the man deadpanned once more. I could sense his finger on the trigger,.
“I don’t think I’m-” I cut Loki off before the man shot by teleporting us to an abandoned warehouse.
It took him a second to realize what I had just done.
“Why did you do that?”
“He was about to shoot darling and we can’t take over Midgard injured.” I said giving his a peck on the lips. He smiled and put his hands on my waist once more.
“Where would I be without you?” he said.
“In a cage,” I said wrapping my arms around his neck. He chuckled at my remark.
“Oh my darling how I’ve missed you.” He said placing his forehead on mine.”Now, where were we?” 
“Why don’t I show you,” I said kissing him passionately resuming our make out session from earlier.
Taking over a whole planet could wait till tomorrow, right now we needed to make up for being apart for three months.
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calliecat93 · 7 years
RWBY V5, CH9 Review: A Perfect Storm
(Repost Form My Now Defunct Review Blog)
Volume 5 has had a common criticism so far, and that it’s heavy focus on exposition. I’m not gonna lie, this is a very heavy exposition volume, even moreso than Volume 4. Now personally I don’t mind because it moves things along and allows for character development and moments. But I’m also incredibly easy to please. For others. especially those who started RWBY due to the fast-paced fight sequences, these moments can feel like the pacing is being slowed down and like all that’s happening is a lot of standing and talking. I can’t blame anyone who gets frustrated and annoyed at this. But this chapter seems to be where these complaints came to a head. This is easily the most disliked chapter so far in Volume 5. Even reactors I watch seemed underwhelmed by it. But… is it really that bad? Well lets give it a closer look, shall we?
We begin with the Branwen Tribe where Raven, in her tent, is sharpening her sword. But she is interrupted by Vernal, who informs her that Salem has found them. While Raven is surprised, it’s only for a second. She seems… almost resigned as Vernal explains that Cinder and the others are waiting to talk to her. It’s clear that Raven new that this was coming sooner or later. She even says that they had planned for this as she asks Vernal to get her helmet. Despite what Raven said before about keeping out of the conflict, she knew that it was coming to her sooner or later. Whether it be stubbornness or pride that kept her form worrying about it before, I cannot say. But the time has come, lets see how she handles it.
Raven, helmet on, walks outside where Cinder, Watts, Emerald, And Mercury await her. The bandit leader isn’t happy, berating her men. But Cinder tells her not to be too hard on them, it’s kind of hard to face down a Maiden and all. Which props to the effects team, the flames that Cinder produces this chapter looks badass. Cinder wants to speak with Raven, but Raven is having none of it, ordering her forces to start packing up so that they can relocate. As we all know though, it’s not going to be that simple.
I’ll give Raven this, she doesn’t take any shit. She says she has no reason to fear any of them when Mercury tries to intimidate her, which nearly causes Mercury to say something. I guess maybe about Yang, but whether they know the relation between the two or even care IDK. May have also been his father. But at the moment, that’s unimportant. The baddies introduce themselves… and Raven’s still unimpressed, calling Em and Merc kids that Cinder intimidated into following her, Watts a disgraced Atlas scientist (and doctor, as he points out), and how Cinder’s name is so coincidentally appropriate it’s lieks he picked it herself. That’s an interesting though. Did Cinder chose her last name? We don’t know anything about her history so it’s possible, especially since Cinderella’s (the fairy tale character that Cinder’s based on) name was one forced onto her. Ravens burn game is strong though.
We all know why the baddies are there though, and Cinder makes that clear. Raven therefore brings out Vernal, confirming to ANYONE still in doubt that yes, Vernal is the Spring Maiden. To further prove this, Cinder wants proof. So Vernal causes the sky to get cloudy and start a wind storm. All with some awesome Latin chanting int he background, I LOVE it when shows/movies implement that! So anyone still in doubt? No? Good! Vernal has had at least over a decade worth of training to mastering her powers, something that Raven low-key points out. Which I now that a lot really wanted a Maiden showdown. I did as well… but yeah Vernal is MUCH more experienced and trained with her power than Cinder is. Cinder, as she herself points out, sin’t stupid and knows that she’d be at a disadvantage. hence why we’re going with negotiation rather than an outright fight. Sorry to those who want more action, but logically that makes far more sense. But hey, we still have time for a showdown later on!
Anyways, Cinder goes on to point out that if Raven knows as much as she claims, then she knows that there’s no way that she can truly escape Salem. But the Fall Maiden has a proposition. An olive branch, if you will. You see, the only real need that Salem has for the Maidens is to access the chambers that house the Relics… I doubt that’s the only reason, but that’s the one of concern. The baddies only need Raven and Vernal’s assistance in order to open the chamber within Haven so that they can acquire the Relic of Knowledge. If Raven agrees and goes through with the plan, then once it’s over then not only can she keep Vernal, but Salem will ‘forgive’ her previous actions and allow the Branwen tribe to be left alone. With Lionheart now aligned with Salem, the White Fang’s planned attack, and with Haven still out of session, all they have to do is walk in, open the chamber, and walk out. Simple.
Raven, unsurprisingly, refuses at first. She once again claims to want no part in Ozpin and Salem’s war… but Cinder points out that housing a Maiden kind of killed that plan. Cinder makes it clear that Raven’s really not being given a choice and Watts isn’t giving her any time to think it over. Raven has been backed into a corner, and as tough as she may be trying to be, she knows that she’s not getting out of it. Raven removes her helmet, telling the group that she doesn’t trust nay of them, so to get it they’re going to have to bargain with her. What does Raven want? Oh. not much really… just to kill Qrow… wait, WHAT? Yeah, ugh… Raven wants to kill Qrow. Why? There’s any number of reasons, but the one she claims is that her brother knows that she has the Spring Maiden and she doesn’t want that info spread any further than it already has. Ugh… okay… but you still want to kill your own brother… alright then.
Raven wants them to have Lionheart lure Qrow into an ambush so that he can be taken out. If they do so, then she’ll have Vernal get the Relic and all of them can walk out of there scratch free. Cinder likes this plan, but Watts isn’t so sure of it. It’s not that simple after all, and he knows it. As he points out, the objective is to get the Relic with as little conflict as possible. Qrow isn’t going to go down without a fight, and since he’ll absolutely fight back, that’s going to cause a conflict. One that can screw over the entire plan and complicate getting the Relic away from Haven. But Raven seems confident that with the numbers advantage, which would include two Maidens, they’ll be able to beat Qrow regardless of his skill.
But Emerald points out another snag. Qrow has the students with him, including Ruby. You know, the girl who both crippled Cinder and mutilated Tyrian’s tail. Chances are, they’d end up involved somehow and if that happens, there’s an even bigger chance of a massacre occurring. Something that Watts realizes and he’s growing increasingly frustrated with the plan getting more complicated than it needs to be. But this doesn’t discourage either Cinder or Raven. The new plan is to wait for the full moon, then have Lionheart call over Qrow and the students at the same time that Hazel, Adam, and the White Fang arrive to Mistral. They take out the good guys and allow the White Fang’s attack to proceed with zero opposition. Therefore, the attack will destroy any evidence left behind and the bad guys still get the Relic away with no one knowing of their involvement.
Cinder moves in to seal the deal, but Watts stops her. Not just because of how risky the plan is, but he knows the real reason why Cinder wants this. The Fall Maiden wants revenge on Ruby. This gives her the chance to have the young Huntress right where she wants her and to enact that revenge. In the grand scheme of things, this is a VERY bad time to make that move. Ther’es too many risks, and Watts doesn’t want the entire plan screwed up all because Cinder wants payback on a 16 year old girl. But Cinder isn’t taking Watts’ backtalk anymore, daring him to oppose her as she sets his hand on fire. Ouch. With that, the deal is sealed.
So… lets check in on Menagerie! How much worst can it be over… oh right, assassination plot in progress. Forgot. Anyways, Ghira is thrashing the White Fang mooks with the Albane’s being the only real threat. Corsic is able to hit him with a fireball, breaking Ghira’s aura, but Corsic gets pinned by a naginata int he process. Though taking off his hood solves that problem. The Albane’s daggers allow them to attack with fire and wind Dust. Not the coolest weapons int he series, but not bad. Blake and Sun soon arrive, Sun taking out a mook and holding off a wind-fire tornado as Blake conjures up an ice clone to trap the brother’s weapon-wielding hands. Ghira tells Blake to go find Kali, saying that he and Sun will handle the Albane’s. Blake goes just as the brother’s break free. I’ll admit to being kind of annoyed that they didn’t just… knock them out while they were stuck when they were visibly melting the ice, but then again the conflict would be over very quickly if they did. Plus I’ve seen too many shows where they don’t take that kind of easy step, so meh.
Back at the Branwen tribe, Vernal reports to Raven. The Spring Maiden had followed the baddies after they left discovering their location at a nearby ship. Thankfully, Raven is NOT being completely stupid. She knows that Salem and her forces aren’t just going to leave them alone when all is said and done. Once Salem has no use for them anymore, Salem will finish them off. Raven wants a guarantee on being left alone for good, so what does she intend to do? Why take the Relic for herself, of course! Sure, housing a Maiden caused the conflict to come to you, adding the Relic to it will absolutely guarantee the bad guys never messing with you! Genius! Yeah, this… this is not a good plan. At all. But yeah the plan is to steal the Relic while row, the students, and the bad guys are fighting, allowing them the perfect distraction to get away seamlessly. Note that she doesn’t at all take back wanting her brother dead, but Vernal does point out that this means that Raven may very well have to face Yang. Raven however says that Yang made her choice,but it’s clear that there is some hesitance there. But it’s right for the tribe, something that she makes sure that Vernal understands before leaving to fly to Mistral. We see Qrow look out the window as a bird passes by before Oscar calls him away to speak to Ozpin. Don’t see the point in that bit, but whatever.
To wrap the chapter up, we cut back to Blake, making her way through the house as she searches for her mother. In one of the rooms, about the only one where nothing is happening, we see Ilia. She’s on the second floor of the room, away from all the conflict as she hears someone coming. Blake enters the room, spotting Ilia and the chapter ends with the two girls staring each other down. A fight between them now guaranteed.
As I said in the beginning, this is probably the most disliked chapter of the volume, and I can see why. The Menagerie plot made no real progress, it was more heavy exposition, there’s some logic break with not taking out the Albane’s, and while the Qrow scene was brief it was tackled on. Some may not have liked the villain focus either. This has been a very heavy exposition volume and I completely understand why people are sick of it The last fight was in Chapter 4, and it was a very minor one that lasted around a minute. It feels dragged out and like nothing is really happening aside form a bunch of talking about what’s coming. It’s frustrating after five or so straight chapters of this. For anyone who sues these reasons to critique the chapter, or even the volume, I can’t blame them.
But… I can’t say I hated the chapter. I have very minor issues with it, like the logic break and Qrow’s pointless scene. But again I’ve seen worse in regards to the logic break and Qrows scene was brief enough that it’s just head-tilting to me.But if I said that I hated the chapter or found it to be the worst in the volume, I would be lying. I found Chapters 5 and 7 to be much weaker since 5 had repeated information and 7 was for all intents and purposes, a filler episode. I still find them good chapters, but nothing interesting. This one? It interested me because it had the bad guys.
Look, I want the bad guys to lose. I also don’t like Raven, so you;d think I’d hate this episode since it focused on her. But she’s also interesting and a key player in this arc, so I want them to do something with her also. And I liked what we saw. Raven has been backed against the wall, and she knows it. But she’s not stupid or going to submit either. She’s taking matters into her own hands and making her own plans. Will they succeed? Not sure, but I’m glad to see her not being stupid and having a character taking a third option instead of defaulting to the good or bad side. Shes a wild card that will cause conflict for both sides of the war, and its interesting at the very least.
That said… this is an incredibly stupid deal. I get she had no choice, but again taking the Relic is going to make her position worst. The villains will still go after her, this time to kill. She wants no part of the conflict, but she’s putting herself right into the middle of it. Maybe she’s too concerned about the tribe;s safety to realize that, but this is a short term solution to a long term problem. Also, as I said, she does NOT take back wanting Qrow dead. Heck, she plan to let the attack on him be the distraction to enact her plan. Wow lady… wow. She does hesitate regarding Yang, so there’s some humanity there. But still, she knows that she’s setting her daughter up to get hurt. Maybe she’ll interfere if she realizes that Yang is in life- threatening danger, but it doesn’t change the fact that she’s allowing people to get hurt for her one purposes. Woman, you need to sort out your priorities. Just saying.
As far as the other bad guys go, it’s good to see conflict within the ranks. First, I’m glad to see Cinder back to the overly confident, in control person she was before Volume 3. Maybe I just love Jessica Nigri’s performance, but I like not seeing the villainess mope around. While I want Cinder to pay for all hat she’s done, as a villain I love her character. So it’s good to see her back on her feet and talking back against Watts after not being able to do so in Volume 4. But seeing her and Watts; conflicting ideas is good and shows that the villains aren’t in as perfect of a place as they were in Beacon. Cinder had no one talking back to her and pulled all the strings, also having a clear mind and objective. Here? Revenge is clouding her judgement and caused her to adjust what was a simple, but effective plan, Something that Watts is against, knowing the risks and that Cinder’s grudge is going to screw them over. He’s given no choice but to follow cause Maiden, but I’m glad to see someone pointing out the flaws. But it shows that the villains don’t hold all the cards. They are setting themselves up for a possible defeat and the blame will be on Cinder if it goes downhill. Will it? I cant say. But if it means that the good guys have a chance at winning this time, I’ll take it.
Vernal doesn’t have a lot going for her. Other than confirming that she’s the Spring Maiden, she’s talked about as though she’s an object. She’s key to this whole plan and both Raven and the bad guys want her for their intentions. One thing I wish we had was more focus on Vernal’s feelings about this. We do see that she’s not comfortable with the plan or the danger to the tribe, but how doe she feel about being used? We can tell that her priority is the tribe, wanting to do what is best for it and it’s survival. I just want more on how she feels about her role in it and if it’s the right thing to do. Will this happen in later chapters? Maybe. I hope so cause Vernal is an interesting character and I’d like to see more of her.
On Menagerie… there’s not a lot to say. All the scene really did was set up the confrontation between Blake and Ilia. Which I’m fine with. I liked the bit of action we got, even if it’s not much. Ghira is a badass and while I didn’t like him calling Sun a waste of space (though I’m glad that Blake has stood up for him), I still love Papa Belladonna. But yeah, we only got some minimal progression that doesn’t amount o much, so not much mroe to say. But hey, it set sup plenty for Chapter 10! Haha, boy is that review gonna be fun.
Is this chapter perfect? No, absolutely not. There’s plenty of issues that I can understand others holding against it. But do I consider it a bad chapter. No. I wouldn’t call it either the worst chapter in the volume or even in the show. We got progression with the villains at the very least, something I fell was long overdue for the volume. The interactions between Raven and Cinder were interesting and tense and it set sup conflict not just between the bad guys and the third party, but for our heroes as well. And while the Menagerie plot had no true progress, again we have plenty set up for the next chapter and the long awaited fight between Blake and Ilia. I left the chapter feeling satisfied and ready for what came next. But again, I am super easy to please. But yeah, everyone has an opinion and are free to express that opinion. My own? I liked the chapter and I eagerly await what’s coming next!
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