#//congrats anon you win! your reward is abe ranting at you ajdhejdh
multiimadness · 2 years
(for abe) Even knowing what Wilford's done, you still vouch for him? So much for standing for justice or avenging your partner. He killed your friends. He's a dangerous fool, and you're even more so for trusting him again so easily. / Anonymous
make my muse upset / accepting
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❝ First of all , if you think I gave him my trust easily , the only goddamn idiot here is YOU . ❞ The detective scowls . ❝ Second of all -- justice ? I wasted years of my life on his case , only to find out that none of it actually mattered . That everything I knew was a LIE . That this . . . spiral of vengeance and hate was only given to me to make my story interesting . And it's the same FUCKING spiral that caused all of this shit to begin with ! ❞
❝ You think that's justice ? An endless loop of getting back at each other ? Hurting everyone around you just so you can feel like you've won something ? Letting your little revenges get more and more extreme , until one of you either gives up or dies ? Because newsflash , asshole ; you're never gonna be satisfied with anything if you think that's justice . ❞ He huffs .
❝ Yes , he hurt people that I cared about . He hurt me . I can't forgive him for that . But I can still move forward . ❞ Abe takes a moment to calm himself down , taking in a deep breath . ❝ Maybe it's best you do , too . ❞
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