#//don't become a major character roger it won't end well
jasonblaze72 · 2 years
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airasora · 3 years
Holli's family and friends (Hollina AUs)
Sophie Would
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Holli's mother, sometimes deceased, other times not, sometimes a great mother, other times not at all. So let me first explain the reason for me changing her name. As some of you may remember back in 2017 I was in @mxdisney and that's where I first came up with Holli's background story, which wound up resonating so much with me that it became part of my Hollina AUs, which weren't even a thing back then yet.
First time we see Holli's mother, she's portrayed by Aurora and called Roxanne, and that's in my round #4 video for MxDisney. Even back then, I was considering using Madellaine, but I wound up choosing Aurora because I felt she had more fitting scenes for the story, but I changed that to Madellaine some time later. Then I made an AU where Holli's mother didn't commit suicide, and that's when Sophie was cast as Holli's mother.
Since then my Hollina AUs have become massive and complicated, so for the sake of making this easier and more consistent, I've decided to rename her (again) to Sophie. Everyone else in my Hollina AUs have their canon names, it just didn't make sense to have her be the only one with a different name.
Joseph Dimitri Korso
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Holli's... I don't want to say father, but she does unfortunately has his disgusting genetics. (For those unaware, Sophie was sexually assaulted on her way home from work at a strip club called Tenderloins (the strip club from the Stripperella show and yes, those characters are in the Hollina stories too, but they're very minor so they won't be mentioned in this post) by this asshole right here.
In the absolute majority of Hollina AUs, Joseph is never heard or seen after this... in the majority 👀 Yes, I'm not telling in which AU he shows up in, that's for ME to know and for you guys to theorize xD
Jessica and Roger Radcliffe
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Jessica is Holli's best friend, almost kind of her only friend, since she's the only one Holli would ever confide anything to. (Except for Sophie in the high school AU) Jessica is asexual and is dating/married to Roger Radcliffe. Their relationship is pretty much the same as Jessica's canon relationship to Roger Rabbit, except Roger Radcliffe is slightly less cartooney, and he always plays the piano when Jessica sings professionally sings. Their relationship is the happiest and healthiest in all the Hollina AUs.
Ariel Turner
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Ariel is Jessica's mute little sister who ends up dating Jim Hawkins, one of Lina's best friends, in some Hollina AUs. Yes, Jessica's maiden name is Turner, this is after Jessica's voice actor Kathleen Turner, so Ariel and Jessica's parents are called Turner. They aren't in any of the AUs. So far at least... who knows what my brain may come up with in a year or two x'D
Michael Goldwyn and Daniel Studi
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So... remember how I said that I changed Nancy's name to Sophie because she was the only character who didn't have her canon name? Well, that's a little bit bullshit... Michael (Tarzan) and Daniel (Little Creek) are actually both named after their VAs. Tony Goldwyn was Tarzan's OG voice in the movie and Michael Weiss in the show, I mixed the name cause I didn't think Tarzan looked like a "Tony", and Little Creek's voice actor is named Daniel Studi.
I've changed their names for hopefully the obvious reason that their OG names just stand out too much in the Hollina AUs. BUT they are both strippers at the Tenderloins, where they met, and their stage names are Tarzan and Little Creek, both performing in their own stereotypical male stripper set-up. Female strippers do this too, but male strippers almost ALWAYS act as a character. Fireman, cop, etc. so that's Michael and Daniel's connection to their canon names.
They're briefly mentioned in my Baby Blues fanfic, but they're one of the minor characters in the Hollina AUs, but the absolutely most important strippers at Tenderloins.
Click here to read about Lina's family and friends
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