#//fankoo for the question Nonny
ronmanmob · 3 months
Does Ron have any kinks?
Sinday Naughty Things
Y'see Nonny, Ron would claim before a judge he's not a kinky sort of person. He likes what he likes with who he likes and that's the length and breadth of it. He'd say he's tried all sorts, from threesomes- "Fuckin' 'ated it. Left b'fore it begun"
-to candle wax; especially rough sex to biting and being bitten and all things in between. And he'd say as well from that experience he's learned what he likes and doesn't like and none of the former strikes him as much beyond a possibly rich, vanilla-pod-laced version of vanilla sexual habits. The wax did nothing for him really. The biting was nice, but folk do that don't they. Rough sex is his preferred sort if he's gagging for it and his partner's willing, but that, again, is hardly...kinky.
At least not to Ron.
And if there's a couple'a things he'd only allow the most select few to do with him? Things that turn his innards to mush that's molten if he thinks on 'em; that can kick him into a daydream right easy if the mood's right and involve, but are not limited to, someone having his way with him? That concerns no one but who it'd involve.
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ronmanmob · 2 months
I absolutely ADORE the whole wedding sequence in Legend. Reggie's absolute horror at his mother-in-law being dressed in black and the conversation with Ronnie. Frances' look towards Ronnie at the altar and how he approved Frances' Mum. Oh, how I wish the film would've detailed Reggie and Frances' happier moments more and how they should've added more detail into the complexities of Ronnie and Frances' ~ relationship ~.
Kindly Nonny Asks
Legend definitely has some classic moments in it - the wedding included. That "Fuckin' SING" actually happened in real life; likewise the wearing black mourning garb and Reggie being mortified. The Sheas...Well, Mrs Shea at least wasn't happy with the nuptials and she didn't keep that fact to herself. Other bits of the movie fall short of fact, mind.
That moment when Ronnie and Frances first meet, when Tom says, "I'm a 'omosexual, Frances"...No. Homosexuality was a criminal offence back in the 50's and 60's and Ron, not to put too fine a point on it, was not a trusting man. He'd never have said a thing to her that she - just a flap of skirt in Reggie's life to him at that point - could've literally got him arrested and forced into hormonal castration with; for that's what was done to gay chaps back then. Look at Turing.
It's that kind of thing, much as I like Legend and Tom's portrayal as a representation of something-of-the-truth, that detract from the piece for me. And its them bits my own portrayal of Ron round these parts edges away from where possible.
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ronmanmob · 1 year
Does Ron daydream? We wonder what he might daydream about.
Questions, Questions, Questions
When the world's quiet round him and his mood hits somewhere close to whimsy, yes, Ron's been known to daydream. As a young lad it was usually about having things he didn't -- the newest toys or games or exotic foodstuff he saw at the market. Getting a bit older, teenage years, it'd be about things like having the cash to get a whole box of cigarettes for himself; not a crate's worth, his dreams weren't so lofty. Just your normal, single, palm-sized box that he'd not need to share with his brothers. It'd be about winning the pools, copping a fortune on the horses and sometimes, it'd be about a boy.
Adult years didn't change these topics overmuch, though it has to be said Ron daydreams less about material things once he's financially secure. More likely would be a meander through Battersea in his mind, lingering on that one dog he hopes'll pull through so he can adopt it. More likely would be gentle thoughts - or carnal ones, but more usually gentle ones - about a paramour, either actual or desired. More likely are memories, tiptoed through carefully so they don't irk his unwanted tenants into boiling, bile-laced commentary.
Never does violence touch these inner places.
That lives in part of Ron's outside life. Inside is peace.
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ronmanmob · 2 years
♥️,🔥and👻 for the emoji asks
OC Emoji Ask Meme
❤️Ronnie's got a few love languages - from using his wealth to treat the person he's courting, to memorising their favourite things so he can make those treats more meaningful and personal - but in the main he expresses love through spending time with the object of his affection and learning them; the cadence of their speech, habits, where they like most to spend time, their thoughts and philosophies in life. He's a magnetic chap is Ron, when he turns the charm on, and for his person he'd not be seen dead in their company with it off. They're the most important person in the room to him, and they'll bloody well know it while they're with him.
🔥A good 80% of Ron's self destructive issues relate to some aspect of his Schizophrenia - usually his abject disinclination to take the medication he's been prescribed for it. In modern verses he will do grudgingly - greater knowledge and better meds are wonderful things - but there's not a one in which he doesn't periodically get the itch to just fuck it all off and go clean. Add that to now-and-then bouts of depression that're worsened by said disinclination from properly taking his meds and...Yes. Ron has self-destructive tendencies from time to time.
👻 Ron believes that people believe in ghosts, but finds doing so himself difficult. In his words, "If I let meself start finkin' th'fings I see in dark 'allways're real, propah real, not caused by up 'ere trouble-" A gesture to his head. "-I'll send meself poorly. I need tha' space b'tween paranormal 'n whacky brain chemistry. I need t'be able to tell meself 'allucinations are 'allucinations - not possibly ghosts or wha'evah else."
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ronmanmob · 2 years
What's one thing that gets you going without fail, every single time Ronnie?
Sinday Memery
He's down the bar from Reg again, his pal across the way still asking their naughty-day best. This one sent Reggie into the back of house in disgust before Ron'd even managed to open his mouth to answer. Kray the Younger had to laugh and shake his head at his sibling's lack of stomach for this specific brand of enquiry.
"S'different d'ependin' on 'oo m'wiv" he said, giving the bar a wipe with a clean cloth as he did. "In a chap - confidence; possessiveness even, bu' only if 'ee's got th'knackers t'carry it f'rew. If I know 'ee couldn't, there's li'le else less appealin' t'me. In a lady-" This one Ron had to consider for a moment or two. He didn't much look for things to get him going in the company of ladies, bar occasions where a specifically beautiful sort came along.
"--Delicate wrists" he said at last, holding his hand before him and turning it back and fore to show off the area he meant. "Slendah 'ere-" He pointed to where his watch and a chain or two lived before getting back to his polishing. "Don't know why, bu' i's beau'iful there."
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ronmanmob · 2 months
How're Ron and Ron-Mun coping in this heat? I, for one, cannot wait until it's storming, cold, and miserable again
Kindly Nonny Asks
Ahoy there fren! Mun is dealing as per usual - keeping out of it as much as possible 'til the Too Hot To Function In subsides. And Ron? He's much more a sun worshipper than I am. See?
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"--DIY weavah, this, ain't it."
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ronmanmob · 6 months
What has Ron's weirdest experience been?
Nonnies For Sinday
"--Sexually y'mean?" Somehow this one...This Them of Specs hit different. This one didn't hit like they were paparazzi, undercover. This question he could answer without barbs or threats of Claude. "Prob'ly attendin' a f'reesome, 'ones'ly. I say attended, not took part in, purposefully. Went there wiv full intent t'partake. Got there. 'N I jus'...Couldn't. Too many 'ands. Too much touchin'. I one-eightied, came 'ome, nevah tried it again. Jus' didn't agree wiv us."
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ronmanmob · 1 year
"I went to Aubade today. Want to see what I bought?"
Anonymous Queries Meme
"--See-" Ron said, smiling eyes peering through his fingers; a compromise he'd made to entertain this lark without sacrificing his calm by losing a sense completely. He wasn't looking towards the whisperer, and played along gamely with the fun. "I don't know wha' Aubade sells so...I'll 'av a look. Wha's it?" A grin made his lips quirk at the corners. "Animal? Vegetable? Mineral? Cloves?"
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ronmanmob · 2 years
What’s your go-to nude pic to send to someone. Describe the angle, lighting, body part etc.
Sinday Memery
"Fuck sake Ron."
Ron hitched a glance round towards the sound of his brother's disapproval. A couple of paces off left of him behind the bar, Reggie fussed with the Guinness pump. His posture oozed discomfort. This only spurred Ron on.
"M'a people pleaser" he said, grinning wolfishly at his pal across from him. "So wha'evah'll do th'person m'sendin’ 'em to best is wha' they'll get."
There was a strict caveat in there regarding people he didn't know well enough to trust not being privy to such private correspondence, but that didn't need explaining during this here larky banter.
"Ain't shy" Ron added, barking out a harsh "HA!" of laughter when Reg, down the bar, shuddered and feigned a gag. The next comment he aimed at Reggie-
"--Oo did'ja last send sumfin’ naked to, aye?"
Reg flipped him off; couldn't answer straight.
Ron turned back to his pal. "Tellin', tha" he said.
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ronmanmob · 2 years
Your little crazy weirdo girl-who-is-a-friend had a dream about you Ronnie. Any thoughts?
A twitch of something horrid in Ron's expression; a broad hand clamped firmly on this visiting Grey's forearm. "F'ird 'n forf'a them words I don't like. At. All. Cut 'em aht y'vocabulary 'fore I do it for yah." The couple of seconds pause he takes feels endless. "--She c'n dream all she likes abaht wha'evah she likes. 'Ooevah she likes." The visitor is brusquely released. "Aht. Now."
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ronmanmob · 2 years
Making love or dirty, rough sex?
Sinday Naughtiness
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"Consensual sex." There's a pause beyond those words that acts, Ron hopes, as the vocal equivalent of making text both bold and underlined. Then-- "S'person 'n situation dependant. Bowf're grand by me."
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ronmanmob · 2 years
One night stands - yes or no?
Sinday Naughtiness
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This one doesn't take much thought to answer. "In concept, yes. In practice...S'complex. Body's willin'. Mind's a bear trap."
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ronmanmob · 2 years
How does a bottle of whiskey, handcuffs, and a night of bad intentions strike you?
Sinday Naughtiness
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Levity now. This Grey's amusing. "Two fings" Ron chortled. "Firs, depends 'oo's askin'. 'N second, ain't no way in Christendom y'll be cuffin' me t'nuffin 'n no one. I don't take restraint well. Not tha' kind at least."
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ronmanmob · 2 years
What can a woman do to please you, Ron?
Sinday Naughtiness
Bluntness met this enquiry. "All th'same fings a man c'n do f'me." A lick'a the Devil lit in Ron's expression. He was quite serious. Rare as female partners were in his life, he'd yet to have one who fell short where the doing of things to please him was concerned. Likewise though,
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"N all th'fings they can't too."
Like anyone, Ron's got limits where intimacy's concerned. And these don't change depending on the gender of his partner.
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ronmanmob · 2 years
😶 + you ever killed anyone in cold blood?
Uncomfortable Questions Meme
'-Tha'd depend on y'definition'a col-'
'Ron.' A hand landed firm upon Ron's forearm. It was his brother Reggie's, and Reg wasn't done yet. He turned his best business-like manner on their visitor. 'I'll give tha'n t'our brief. Our spokesman. Les-'
The suit at the bar turned at his boss's beckoning; Leslie Payne, Reg's favourite who, despite being named one, wasn't a lawyer - a brief - at all. 'Well now-' he oozed.
Ron wasn't having a whisker of that. 'Ain't me fuckin' bri-'
Reg tightened his grip on his brother's forearm; shook it firmly. 'Shht!'
'--Like I was saying' Payne went on, casting a poison look towards Kray the Younger. 'If eivah ov th'Krays 'ad killed a man, they'd not be fool enough-' Another hard look at Ronnie. 'T'talk abaht it in an open forum. Would they now.'
Silence for a beat, the tension in the air thick as mud. Then-
'Keep tha' gob up' Ron snapped, 'N all this won't be jus' talk.'
Payne pushed away from the bar, spat something dismissive, waved towards Ron with a glass in his hand and-- Didn't foresee the speed at which his boss's brother could move in pursuit of violence. The glass smashed against the bar top, thrust there when a backhand slap connected; the precursor to a blow in the teeth that knocked Les sprawling. Pandemonium erupted not a second later, the visitor ejected post haste.
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ronmanmob · 2 years
Do you know what Ron’s Monica actually looked like ? I’ve tried to search but couldn’t find anything . I’m really curious
Ho nonnyfriend! I know through written accounts what Monica looked like, though have never seen a picture of her to confirm or disprove the contents of the texts. Roundly she is described as having dark hair and blue eyes, being slight of build, well dressed and well mannered. She was a quiet lady, relatively speaking, and didn't go in for the showiness often associated with great wealth and gangland.
Many thanks for your query.
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