#//heard you're interested in a zombie au before so i hope this'd work!
leonskenncdy · 3 years
@womansunshine​ starter call
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     in a world that’s beyond the call for salvation, what’s he supposed to do? World’s gone mad, he’s been indulged in the thoughts of madness. he wished to stop moving, giving up his persistent escape against the horde of zombies, fear got better of him, he wouldn’t. fear became his driving force, with a lingering hope to find other survivors around him. it was tough to secure a safe area where zombies won’t be around, but he eventually made it. yet, that lasted for a brief second the moment a footstep barged into his safe zone. without any hesitations, the rookie lifted up his gun, aiming at the source of the sound. ‘freeze, stop right where you are or i’ll shoot!’
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