leonskenncdy · 3 years
@womansunshine​ starter call
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     in a world that’s beyond the call for salvation, what’s he supposed to do? World’s gone mad, he’s been indulged in the thoughts of madness. he wished to stop moving, giving up his persistent escape against the horde of zombies, fear got better of him, he wouldn’t. fear became his driving force, with a lingering hope to find other survivors around him. it was tough to secure a safe area where zombies won’t be around, but he eventually made it. yet, that lasted for a brief second the moment a footstep barged into his safe zone. without any hesitations, the rookie lifted up his gun, aiming at the source of the sound. ‘freeze, stop right where you are or i’ll shoot!’
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kascl · 4 years
@lucisflos​  ー starter call
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     ‘rivers are getting dried up from the heat lately, at this rate, the villagers in this area will run out of water soon...’ what should he do to remedy this situation that’s going out of control?
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rentarc · 5 years
@roseicicles​ - starter  
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     ‘s-sorry, are you hurt in anywhere?’ the conversation had to be fast, after all, he was still being chased down by thugs earlier! he felt sorry for bumping onto her earlier but, it was just a matter of time that they were going search this unexplored route. ‘if there’s nothing wrong, i’ll be running away from someone else for now!’
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rentcro · 6 years
@exsolis​ Starter call!
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     “I’m not a suspicious person around here, definitely.” Being spotted in a remote area did make him seemed suspicious, especially when he was holding a gun that normal citizens wouldn’t be attempting at all, unless it was a police. “It’s definitely not safe around here, is it possible for you to go home first? Or else you’ll get caught up in unnecessary troubles.”
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elclaree · 4 years
@red-head-courage​ ― starter call
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     ‘excuse me, have you seen a small child that’s running away to the other direction? i’m afraid of their safety.’ 
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aenevn-blog · 7 years
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HAS VERONICA logde fallen for her best friend? was she really that much of a cliche? the queen bee turned serena van der woodsen, adding cheerleading into the mess, now in love with betty cooper. this had to be some karma thing, this had to be the unverse getting back at her.
but her thoughts are focused somewhere else once betty moves in the bed, wrabbing her attention. ❝mhm?❞ she snaps out of her thoughts, turning to look at her, tilting her head. ❝what were you talking about?❞
@shrinemade ♥
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leonskenncdy · 3 years
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@etrobeauty​ asked:
“Sometimes the only way forward means closing the door”
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     with the access to the destination via this pathway, it’d be much more faster to reach their desired location, but alas, the risk was too high for the two of them to take on. with the remaining survivors behind them, casualties would very likely to be expected should they brute forced through this pathway. ‘another route is the only choice, that we have to find out.’ he’s not familiar with this area, but... he’d try his best. ‘do you recall seeing any ways accessing there, aside the pathway from this door?’
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leonskenncdy · 3 years
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@horrortown​ asked: “I tried to warn you just to stay away.” / ada
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     ‘and leaving you to deal with it alone? i don’t think i’m up for that idea.’ before regret kicked in, he avoided that by plunging into the depth of dangers, alongside with her. many survivors have died, she wasn’t allowed to join their side. loneliness, he’s slowly growing accustomed to it, but it’s no normalcy for a person. for once, he wished for a comradery, companion that’d walk side by side with him until the glimmer of hope could be seen. having a selfish desire that rejected other’s suggestion wasn’t a big deal once in a while. consequences, benefit of it, he’s gonna took the responsibility for them all.
    ‘look, it’s an abnormal threat, to slow it down, two are always better than one, no?’
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leonskenncdy · 3 years
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@etrobeauty​ asked:
“In all chaos, there is calculation.”
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     ‘wish i wouldn’t have to keep facing troubles to go through all those calculations every day.’ it’s tiring, he knew he had to. ‘but hey, seeing those kids smile when you did your job, i guess it’s all worth it.’ it’s a cop’s duty to protect their people, he never regretted his decision going down this path.
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leonskenncdy · 3 years
@labgrown​  starter call
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     ‘this town is nothing like what the rumors have said.’ jokes between colleagues, how they’re trying to spook the rookie agent dispatched from the investigation group. it was a solo mission, naturally the risk was high without a single refute to the difficulty. based on his experience and his capability to survive, he was entrusted this role. to avoid similar disaster as what he experienced before, apparently, the availability for other options seemed to be nil. ‘better find a place to settle in if i don’t wanna get soaked.’ generally, asking the nearest citizen around him would be the shortcut to allocate the position of a hotel or so. ‘uhm, sorry ma’am, do you know any hotels nearby that’s available for tourist?’
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leonskenncdy · 3 years
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the seed keeper, pt. 2.
@jillentine​ asked: life goes on, and living in the past won’t change anything.
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     ‘for the people who are dead, i’ll be sure to stop whoever’s causing the madness behind this. as a police officer, this is my duty.’ 
     one bite; a fading connection. the terror of a fading connection... he didn’t want that, this wasn’t how it’s supposed to be. the unnatural way that led to death was always saddening, not to mention becoming a cannibal towards their own families, friends or relative. the truth was not far from reach if he continued to investigate, in order not to let down the people he met throughout this nightmare, and to not let down the hope of all surviving residents in this city. 
     ‘this is why i joined the force for.’ 
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leonskenncdy · 3 years
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the seed keeper, pt. 2.
@jillentine​ asked: we’re all doing the best we can.
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     ‘yeah... couldn't really think of any other options else to improvise our situation right now.’ bio-monsters, zombies, it’s a miracle that they even escape unscathed against the merciless beings. this home was well barricaded, up to a very strong standard against the zombies he supposed... but what about the enormous monster they faced? nothing they did could really stop it. their appearance and brutality made him shuddered. with the help of another cop... he firmly believed, nothing should be impossible. 
     ‘thank you for um, guiding me out there, jill, is it?’
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leonskenncdy · 3 years
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@hanoikari​ asked:
“I tried to warn you just to stay away.”
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     ‘but i couldn’t just leave you alone.’ the increasing sights of shades being reported by each village & town were a worrying concern for every residents. business trip to each areas were getting arduous with the lack of manpower & security to deal with the shades roaming around the plains. as such, demands for certain items became high with the lack of their availability in each region. yes, this time the rookie attempted to help a female who was fighting against a lot of shades, and he injured himself in the process.
     ‘uh... sorry that i couldn’t be much of a help, i can patch up my wound myself.’ if she even helped him with it, wouldn’t it be embarrassing for one who attempted to help, but causing even more troubles instead?
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rentarc · 4 years
@shxtteredwxngs​  ー starter ( to kyou )
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     ‘um excuse me, is this yours? saw something dropped out from someone’s pocket around here earlier, so i figured i should ask one by one.’ it’s a tedious task yet, he experienced dropping his belonging once in the public before, the search was not satisfying at all, given that he needed it in an emergency circumstance. better pray this guy to be the owner of this belonging so that he could return home and called it a day.
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rentarc · 4 years
@shxtteredwxngs​ ― starter
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     ‘man... today must a terribly unlucky day.’ a hole in his grocery’s plastic bag like seriously? thanks to that, he had to pick up the oranges that have escaped from the plastic bag, rolling into every random direction on the ground.
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rentarc · 4 years
@djodditty​  ​ー starter
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     wassup with her getup? a cosplayer? well... he’s not really knowledgeable on where the next anime convention was held in tokyo so he couldn’t really give her any directions in case she might approach him. as a guy who liked to avoid trouble, better slipped out of her vision slowly, slowly and slowly, so that he wouldn’t get involved and she’d find another person to ask instead!
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