#//i rlly said wanna see how much exposition i can cram in one starter
fmdyuanjunarchive · 3 years
setting: yuansoo’s apartment, 9 august 2021 with: @fmdhyunsoo
ever since his little stunt back during their japanese tour, time had moved weirdly for yuanjun. it’s not like he did anything, being bed bound for all of it, yet a lot had happened. charm had gone off to finish their tour, leaving yuanjun back in korea and other than his manager pestering him every few hours as she obnoxiously checked up on him, his parents had also insisted on flying out to korea to look after him. yuanjun really hated how everytime they came out to korea, it seemed to be because he had been either injured or sick the past few years. so needless to say, even with hyunsoo absent, first with the tour and after that working on his musical, yuanjun had gotten smothered plenty.
at least his parents’ presence came with one upside, with them unexepectedly in the country, there was at least the window of opportunity for them to attend hyunsoo’s musical and eventhough his parents didn’t speak much korean, they had been eager to do so. thus it had been settled, yuanjun had shooed them out of his and hyunsoo’s apartment for the night to go watch his boyfriend (yuanjun himself still being heartbroken he couldn’t go, he’d go to every single show if he could) and to grab dinner together afterward. it had been a win-win really, it was the perfect opportunity to let his parents bond with his boyfriend for a little bit and yuanjun finally got some peace and quiet. 
when hyunsoo had returned home for the night, it had been without yuanjuns parents who had retired to their hotel room for the night (thank god they hadn’t insisted on staying in their apartment, yuanjun would’ve lost his mind) but with some food from the restaurant for yuanjun, something that had absolutely delighted him. “so how was tonight love?” yuanjun asked, inbetween bites of food. he was still stuck in bed but now he was sitting up at least, progress, even if slow. “i hope my parents weren’t too... themselves. i know they can be a lot to deal with. they let me know they had a lovely night though and that they enjoyed spending time with you so incredibly much.” before hyunsoo had gotten home, yuanjun had spent a long while on the phone with his mom as she had rambled about how lovely and polite and kind hyunsoo was. “thank you by the way, for the pictures you sent. it meant a lot.” at some point, hyunsoo had sent him some selfie of him together with his parents, they were absolutely adorable. “i... i wish i could’ve been there tonight. i’m sorry for not being able to make it. i would’ve snuck out but... manager-noona would’ve efficiently choked me to death if i had tried.”
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