#//i think santana knew about the ex right? ;x;
mediocre-writerr · 3 years
when you’re ready [rachel berry]
rachel berry x reader
requested: Can I request a Rachel Berry x reader? Where the reader and Rachel met and started dating in New York but nobody knows until Rachel brings reader to the reunion in the 100th episode. And everyone is surprised that she’s dating a girl and a little skeptical that Rachel is dating again.
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*not my gif*
There she was. The beautiful, talented girl you’ve learned to know and love. You met her in your dance class with Ms. July. She had a big mouth and you weren’t sure whether or not those were good things to say, sometimes. But you were still in awe of her. You were her best friend and also completely in love with her.
Two things that don’t really mesh well.
But then you found out she had a boyfriend or well ex-fiancé. Then they broke up so you thought you had your chance. But then she was with Brody. And then they broke up. But then Finn died.
You’ve met the guy once. He was a really sweet, lovable dude. And you could tell why she was so in love with him. Even though you didn’t know him, it broke your heart to hear the news.
Especially when Rachel came to your dorm in a ball full of tears. She didn’t know where to go or what to do. She just went to the first place she could think of. She wanted to stay with you at your palace for as long as she could, but she knew Kurt and Santana needed her too.
Then the funeral came, you wanted to offer to go with her, but you didn’t think it was very appropriate to go to someone’s funeral when you barely knew them. Especially with how you felt about her.
So you decided to wait it out. Play the long haul and when she was ready, she was ready. You didn’t want to push her. That wouldn’t be right.
You never thought the day would come, but it did. It finally did when she invited you over to her house for dinner. You were surprised to see that Kurt and Santana weren’t home, but she kissed you before you left. And you swore it was like fireworks on the Fourth of July.
“Are you ready for this?” you whispered to her, interwining your fingers together.
The two of you were in her old house, sitting on the foot of her bed together. She smiled at you softly before placing a soft kiss to your lips.
“I’m ready.”
This was the first time you were ever meeting her old friends who have turned into her family. The only ones you’ve met were Santana and Kurt and they love you. You just hoped everyone else felt the same.
The drive to McKinley High School was quiet, but a comfortable silence filled the air. Her fingers were still intertwined with hers as you drove the unfamiliar paths.
And this was it. The time where everything could change. The two of you walked into the bustling choir room, where a room full of people your age and a little younger where messing around. But the room went deathly silent as their eyes landed on yours.
Kurt and Santana ran up to you, embracing you in a tight hug. Both of them letting out small squeals with big smiles, “You finally made it!” Kurt exclaimed.
“Damn, I really thought Hummel here would owe me five bucks if you guys chickened out.” Santana said, handing him the five dollars.
You chuckled at the pair, “Always nice to see you again!”
Then a middle aged curly haired man came and took Rachel into a big tight hug. You were a little confused at why he was so close to his students like that, but you shrugged it off.
“I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Will Shuester or Mr. Shue by the name of these two.” he said, extending his hand out and you hesitantly took it.
“I’m Y/N Y/LN, Rachel’s-“ you looked to Rachel and she gave you a subtle nod, “I’m Rachel’s girlfriend.”
A big smile broke out onto his face, “It’s nice to meet you.”
Whispers and buzzes started to fill the choir room. Everyone heard the interaction and were honestly shocked. No one thought that she’d move on from Finn. It’s been a while since he passed, but they didn’t think she’d move on ever.
“Wait so the two of you are dating?” Tina asked, finally someone speaking up.
And it was as if it was rapid fire. The questions just started spitting from everyone else, besides the two who greeted you first. The anxiety was eating at you and you started to shift your weight on your feet, back and forth. And back and forth.
Something she picked up on really quickly. It was the only thing you did when you were nervous. Your one tell-tale sign to let her know.
So she stepped forward and spoke up, “This is Y/N. We met my freshman year of NYADA in my dance class. We’ve been best friends ever since. Yes, we are dating now. And no, she’s not replacing Finn. Finn will always have a special place in my heart, but he would want me to be happy. So if you could all support me, I’d really appreciate it.”
The room was quiet, yet again. Before a slightly tall blonde guy got up from his seat and tackled you into a hug.
“It’s nice to meet you Y/N, I’m Sam Evans.” he says, pulling apart.
And slowly one by one everyone started getting out of their seats to introduce themselves. Your heart rate seemed to calm down and it all became okay. Rachel’s hand never left yours unless someone was hugging you. It felt like one big bear hug and it was the best feeling in the world.
“I did not expect that. If Rachel was gonna date a girl I’d always thought it’d be Quinn.” Sam whispered to Mercedes.
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nnightskiess · 4 years
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r e q u e s t: Hi !! I love your writing ❤️ I want to know if it’s possible for you to write something with Quinn fabray x reader ? They are together in quarantine in New York with Rachel, Kurt and Santana. Also Reader and Santana are best friends. Can you add humor and fluff please ? Thanks ☺️
Quinn and Y/N were walking hand in hand through the streets of New York. They had planned a little getaway together to the big city. It was mainly Quinn’s idea, she wanted to propose to her high school sweetheart— Y/N. But most of their trip, and thus Quinn’s plan, fell apart due to the rapid spread of the Covid virus. Their tickets for Broadway had been refunded. The cute tearoom where Quinn had planned to propose to the girl— and where the two women had shared their first kiss during Glee club’s Nationals in New York— was closed down due to the virus. Most of the things Quinn had planned out for the proposal got refunded, except for the hotel. Quinn decided that she’d postpone her proposal to another time. She didn’t want to propose to Y/N like this. She deserved a proper proposal, like the one Quinn had planned out in her head for years. Quinn tried not to let it get her down but she found it hard to lie to Y/N about the frown on her face. 
“I know it’s different.... but... I’m still glad we’re here.” Y/N brought their intertwined hands together and planted a kiss on Quinn’s knuckles. “New York always brings me back to high school.” 
“Remember when we broke the bed during our pillow fight? And, oh God, how Tana fell off it when you smacked her across the face?” Y/N shook her head in amusement, “But the thing I will never forget is when we shared our first kiss in that adorable tearoom near the hotel.”
Quinn gave her a distant smile. 
“And remember how panicked I was when Mr. Schuester walked by the window and I thought he had seen us out of the hotel room?”
Quinn hummed softly, rubbing her thumb across Y/N’s hand. She remembered every little detail about that morning, which made this all so much harder.
Y/N came to a halt and stood in front of Quinn, which caused the latter to bump into her. 
“Oh, baby-”
“Why are you so quiet? I don’t like it.” Y/N seemed genuinely worried. 
Quinn looked at the ground for a second and held her temple, trying to come up with a good enough lie. 
“I-” She looked back up at her girlfriend and her expression immediately softened. Whenever Y/N was worried— particularly about Quinn — her eyebrows would furrow and she’d pout her lips ever so slightly. 
Quinn sighed, “I’m just disappointed that we couldn’t visit it this time. I feel like a visit to New York is never complete without a high tea at our place.” Y/N smiled softly when Quinn grabbed her cheeks to comfort her.  
“You know what else makes our trip complete?”
Y/N grinned like an idiot, immediately knowing what she was hinting at. 
Quinn smiled, 
“Let’s go pick up our stuff from the hotel first and then drive there.”
“Wait, let me scare her.” 
Quinn shook her head in amusement as her girlfriend plastered herself against the wall next to the front door of the apartment. Quinn knocked a few times before the door slid open. 
“Oh my God! Quinn! It’s so good to see you!” Kurt’s voice rang through the hallway. He quickly hugged her before calling Santana.
“Quinn’s here!” 
He turned back to the blond in front of him, “Are you alone?” Kurt was in disbelief, knowing very well that Quinn and her girlfriend were inseparable. Quinn quickly looked at Y/N through her peripheral and saw her nod her head.
“...I guess so-”
“Wait... you two are still together, right?” Concern filled Kurt’s voice, but before Quinn could reply, Santana appeared out of the bathroom.
“Ha! You bet they are.” She smirked at her friend, “Wait... where’s the fiancée?” 
Quinn’s eyes widened and she immediately faked a long, awkward laughter. “Good one, San.” 
Kurt looked between the two girls in confusion, and even Santana seemed lost. 
He let out an awkward chuckle. “Am I missing something?” 
Santana got the hint after Quinn shot her another look, “Oh- that’s just an inside joke of ours.” 
“Y/N! Oh my God!” Someone squealed.
The three turned around and saw Rachel stand in the hallway, two large bags in her hand. She had seen Y/N hide behind the wall when she walked up to their frontdoor.
“Damn it, Berry.” Y/N groaned. “You ruined my surprise.”
Santana snorted, “Well, I knew you were somewhere. Quinn gets rashes when you’re not within a radius of 16 feet.” She opened her arms wide when Y/N revealed herself. “C’mere, I missed you.”
The two best friends shared a sweet hug while Rachel clumsily carried her bags inside.
“What’s up with that?” Kurt turned to her.
“Oh- well, now that our shows are postponed to God-knows-when... I thought I’d bring the stuff from my dressing room back home.”
“Why’d you bring this coffee machine home? We already have one.”
“Yeah, but I don’t like that one.”
“Rachel! We have no more countertop space... or available plugs!” 
He gasped when he saw the brand, “These coffee pods are thirty dollars per package?!”
Santana rolled her eyes and walked Quinn and Y/N to the living room.
“So...while we let Bert and Ernie bicker... what’s up? No trouble in paradise?” She turned to the couple, hoping to cryptically find out why Quinn hadn’t proposed.
"I can’t believe you think we’d be able to part ways.” Y/N joked back and cuddled up against her girlfriend, who shook her head at Santana to let her know she’d tell her later.
“What do you girls want to drink? Or do you want some of Rachel’s exquisite coffee?” Kurt asked from the kitchen.
“Can I try a sip first?”
Quinn smiled at the childish antics of her girlfriend. Rachel gestured the girl to come over, which left the two ex-cheerios alone to talk.
Santana leaned in closer so that no one would hear,
“What happened?! Did you freak out at the last minute? Tell me you didn’t...”
Quinn sighed and rubbed her temples, “No, my whole proposal fell into pieces thanks to this freaking virus.”
“People are dying, Q.”
She sighed, “Gah, I know. It’s just- I’ve had this all planned out in my head for years. This was how it was supposed to go. And now everything is ruined.”
Santana gave her a sympathetic smile and squeezed her knee. “And there’s no alternative that you’d like?”
Quinn shrugged and shook her head softly.
“Well, if I may speak freely... we’re the only people who know Y/N in and out... which means that we also both know that she wouldn’t care if you went on one knee in a clown suit or if you wrote your big question in the sky with a plane...” Santana looked back to see if they were paying attention to their hushed conversation, but Y/N was sitting on the counter, her feed dangling while she took gentle sips of the expensive coffee. A small smile appeared on both girl’s faces. 
“The only thing she cares for is that you are the one to ask her.” 
Quinn’s eyes were filled with tears as she came to the realisation. 
“Thanks, Santana.”
The two hugged until they heard Y/N run up to them.
“I want in!”
A few hours had passed and all five of them were sprawled about the couch, their take-away food on the coffee table. Y/N’s head rested against Quinn’s chest while her legs were put on Santana’s lap. Quinn mindlessly played with the strands of Y/N’s hair.
It had become a tradition for them to watch ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s’ every time they visited their friends in New York.
“This scene breaks my heart every damn time.” Y/N mumbled and threw a napkin at the TV when Holly left the cat on the curb in the rain. 
“She goes back for him later, though.” Kurt spoke.
“I don’t care. Damage is done.”
‘People do fall in love, people do belong to each other. Because that’s the only chance anybody has for real happiness.’ Paul, one of the characters spoke.
Quinn put her head against Y/N’s at hearing that. She was filled with so much joy at having this wonderful girl in her arms.
“I’ve been carrying this thing around for months,” Paul grabbed a wedding ring box out of his coat which caused Quinn’s mind to wander off. Even though she had seen this movie a dozen times, she was still surprised to be reminded of her ruined proposal. 
Before she could make herself feel miserable about it again, Rachel’s phone rang. She quickly excused herself but motioned for them to not pause the movie. 
Rachel walked to the living area after a few minutes, her expression tense and filled with worry.
Kurt paused the movie as the girls turned to Rachel.
“We might have a tiny problem...Well... a big one, actually.”
Everyone got the memo that it was something serious and they sat up.
“One of the ensemble members has been tested positive for the virus... which means that everyone— crew and cast — needs to go into quarantine at home... and that includes everyone they have been in contact with... so that would mean that we have to stay inside for the next two weeks too...”
The bunch on the couch took a moment to take the news in until Santana shot up, 
“I am not going to spend two weeks, non-stop, in here! I already go insane with too much of you as it is. I usually can deal with curtains as walls, your stubble in the sink or your god-awful annoying vocal exercises when I’m trying to sleep but that’s because I get home from work, eat and head straight to bed. But I will literally kill someone if I have to go through that all day long. I was supposed to see Brittany this weekend but hey, thanks a lot, Berry.”
“This is hardly Rachel’s fault. It’s the responsible and safe thing to do. You wouldn’t want Brittany to get it, right?”
Santana avoided eye-contact, but it was clear that she agreed with what Kurt said. 
“Wow, I feel so unwanted right now.” Y/N mumbled out, slightly joking. “You get to spend your quarantine with us!”
Santana gave her a tight-lipped, apologetic smile, “I know, that’s the only good thing about this.”
Rachel saw the gloomy looks on everyone’s face. “They won’t tell us who it is for privacy reasons, but I usually don’t hang out with the ensemble anyway so I hope I’m safe. I’m so sorry, you guys.”
Kurt stood up with a sigh, “I guess I’ll go find the spare mattress then. You two can take my bed.” He was about to walk off but pointed a finger at Quinn and Y/N. “No sex... in my bed.”
Quinn pursed her lips, not that happy with Kurt’s rule.
“You were the leader of the celibacy club, you can last two weeks without sex. Besides, there are no walls so I will know when you break my rule.”
“Like that’s ever stopped you and Blaine before.” Santana rolled her eyes. “But great. We’ll have five, sexually frustrated people cooped up together in a tiny apartment with no walls for privacy, no natural light and no entertainment. Someone’s definitely going to get murdered... by me.” She added.
“My vote’s on Rachel...” Y/N mumbled out. Santana stuck out her hand behind her back for Y/N to high five.
“I’m just glad we decided to check out of our hotel this morning and bring our stuff to you guys... because no matter how much I love you all, I am not going to wear any of your spare panties.” Quinn stood up to go and help Kurt.
“You could just go commando.” Y/N shrugged, “I wouldn’t mind.” 
Quinn sent her a teasing look and winked.
“I would say get a room but yeah, we don’t have any...so...” Rachel shrugged. 
“I can’t believe we’re going to have to do this.” Santana sighed and walked off to her part of the apartment. 
“Hey- but, look at it this way. We’ll have two weeks of non-stop karaoke, binge-watching and eating junk food. Doesn’t that sound great?” Rachel tried again but no one replied.
One week done, one week to go. 
For Quinn and Y/N, this week had consisted of a lot of cuddling and making out in bed, watching silly movies and cooking with whatever they could find in the pantry.
Santana had surprisingly been on her best behaviour, though they let her be whenever she had a ‘don’t-talk-to-me’ look on her face. Y/N suspected that Brittany had probably told her to be nice and to make the best out of it, but she also liked to think that it was because of her presence. She hadn’t been able to visit her best friend often now that they lived so far away. But it was like old times whenever they saw each other again. However, Quinn had caught herself feeling jealous that the two women had spent that much time together. But her jealousy washed away when she saw the best friends joke or laugh like they used to when they were still 16 year olds. It warmed her heart.
Kurt blended in perfectly and knew exactly when to give someone space or when to approach them. He and Quinn made sure there was food on the table and he had ordered a lot of, mostly useless, stuff online to try and keep everyone entertained. The twister game had been everyone’s favourite so far. And the effort he put into his bingo night was even too wholesome for Santana to make a comment about it, no matter how bad she wanted to after getting a rubber duck as present when she won.
Rachel did her best to help wherever she could and she was, surprisingly, a lot of fun to have around when things got boring. Though, yes, the daily vocal exercises got a bit out of hand when she woke them up belting high notes at 7.30. Santana was close to killing her had it not been for Quinn and Y/N holding her back. Santana wasn’t intimidating at all with her bed head, tangled up hair and red PJs and Y/N couldn’t help but laugh.
Quinn had been over the moon, so to say. She got to spend two whole weeks with the love of her life. Yes, they lived together but that was different. Now, there was no schedule or work to interrupt them or cloud their minds. It was just them, enjoying being in each other’s arms. For a lot of couples the lockdown and quarantine would probably be make or break, but Quinn hadn’t been worried about a negative outcome at all. When you’ve been together for that long, and been through hell and back, you know you will persevere together. The company of Kurt and Rachel was fun, and it was certainly good to have Santana around again but Quinn couldn’t help but wish it had just been Y/N and herself in quarantine. If that had been the case, she knew they wouldn’t just spend their days only cuddling in bed.
Y/N was the only one that was visibly annoyed and on edge. She would roll her eyes or sigh in annoyance if things went wrong or if someone said something she didn’t like. Quinn had caught her staring out of the window, to which Y/N explained that she hoped if she looked hard and long enough she might see the dragon that would save her. She wasn’t used to sit around and do nothing and was bored out of her mind.
Quinn and Y/N were lying in Kurt’s bed with their legs tangled together. Quinn held her girl close to her chest. She squeezed her and inhaled the scent of her freshly washed hair. The window was slightly open, causing a chill breeze to slightly move the curtains.
“Now I’m sure of it...” Y/N started, getting Quinn’s attention, “I’m never going to commit a felony.”
Quinn let out a breathy chuckle, “Were you questioning it before?”
“I can’t imagine being stuck like this for years.”
“Well, you still have access to the internet, great food, your friends...and your wonderful girlfriend.” 
Y/N looked up at Quinn and grinned. She grabbed the girl’s cheek as she kissed her. 
“Can’t believe I’m about to say this but I’m actually really thankful we got stuck in quarantine.”
Y/N subtly arched a questioning eyebrow.
“It made me realise two things— too much of Rachel Berry will be the end of me-” Y/N let out a breathy chuckle at that, “-and...” 
Quinn stared into her girlfriend’s eyes, was she really going to do this now? Yes. Yes, she definitely was. This was the-
“Oh my God!” Kurt’s exciting squeal filled the apartment, startling both girls. They heard Santana shush him and it suddenly got very quiet. Too quiet... 
Y/N tiptoed out of the bed in her PJ’s and fluffy socks and opened the curtain to see Santana and Kurt staring directly at her. She had clearly caught them with something, but with what? Quinn appeared behind Y/N and noticed the jacket that Santana was trying to hide behind their backs.
Kurt noticed she was doing a poor job at it and snatched the jacket out of Santana’s hands to hold it up to his face, admiring it like it was a newborn baby. “Oh my, it’s so pretty! Where did you buy this?” 
Quinn quickly glanced at Y/N, who didn’t seem to notice what was happening. “Guys,” She groaned, “I thought something happened, you interrupted my peace.” She walked back, irritated, and closed the curtain in a swift motion. 
“Why were you snooping in my stuff?!” Quinn hissed and plucked her jacket out of his hands.
“Um, excuse me? When where you going to tell me that you plan on proposing to her!?” Kurt whispered, enthusiasm clear in his voice. 
Quinn didn’t reply and instead searched the pockets. “Where is it?”
“Here,” Santana gave her the jewellery box. “It fell out when Kurt was organising the coat rack.”
“Why haven’t you done it yet?”
“I had everything planned but the virus ruined it. It was suppose to happen the day we came here, but our favourite tearoom was shut down and so were all the other activities I had planned.” She sighed, “I was about to do it just now, in the heat of the moment, but then you two interrupted that. Whatever. I’m glad I didn’t. She deserved better than that.”
Santana crossed her arms, not happy with the fact that Quinn had apparently totally forgotten what the two of them had talked about a week prior.
“Damn, I wish you would’ve done it just now. That would mean the end of wicked witch Y/N.” Rachel joined their conversation. “Oh, so you can make fun of me but not the other way around? It was just a joke.” She added and raised her arms when she saw the looks Quinn and Santana were giving her.
“Okay, I know everyone’s feeling a bit irritated, but it’s just one more-”
The bell rang. 
“Don’t tell me you bought us all matching boho outfits for your Mamma Mia night. I’m not wearing it.” Santana crossed her arms.
“I didn’t order anything?”
Y/N appeared again and opened the door.
“Thank you so much. Here, keep this.”
She closed it, walked over to the kitchen table and went to put everything down, completely ignoring the rest. She noticed the silence and turned around.
“Oh- Don’t worry, I ordered for everyone.” 
Quinn eyed the table and recognised the familiar logo on the napkins. 
“I felt so bad that we couldn’t go to our place this time. So when I found out that they started doing deliveries this week, I knew I wanted to order their high tea menu. I got the one we usually get... to make you feel better...”
Quinn wrapped her arms around the girl’s waist from behind and put her chin on her shoulder. Y/N leaned into her touch.
“This is the sweetest thing ever. I love you.”
Y/N kissed Quinn’s forehead and sat down, immediately grabbing a brownie.
“You need to wife her up, fast.” Santana whispered into Quinn’s ear when she walked by.
And she would, when the moment was right.
Kurt was watching a movie with Blaine through face time, Rachel was practicing some lines and Santana was face timing Brittany. Quinn and Y/N had promised to do the dishes, but Quinn ushered the girl to take a nap on the couch when she saw how tired her girl looked. 
Quinn took quick glances towards the living room every few seconds and saw that Y/N had finally fallen asleep on the couch. With a faint smile on her face, she grabbed a blanket and tucked Y/N in. One of Rachel’s dvd’s, The Sound of Music, was still playing in the background. She slowly took the remote out of Y/N’s hands and turned it off.
“You’re the best and most precious thing in my life. I love you.” She bent down and caressed her cheek.
She widened her eyes when an idea suddenly struck her mind. 
“What do we sing?”
“No... no singing proposal. Y/N would hate that.”
“I loved it.” Kurt shrugged.
“So, then what’s the plan?”
“Listen up...”
Their quarantine was over and no one had gotten sick. No one from Rachel’s crew or cast had gotten it either. Brittany and Blaine came over as soon as they could. They were over the moon to hear about Quinn wanting to propose and agreed to help. 
“Love, what are you doing?” 
Y/N sat on her suitcase, desperately trying to get it closed.
“I thought I had gained weight, not my clothes.” She grunted, “If we want to get home before the dark we should drive off by-”
“Actually... I had something planned before we go home.”
“Is it okay if we leave as soon as you can? Bring a jacket, I don’t want you to get cold.”
Quinn left Y/N to get ready and anxiously walked into the kitchen where the rest were whispering words of encouragement to her. Quinn knew how much they had loved each other for the past years, but something inside her was still very insecure if Y/N would say yes to her question... to her. What would she do with herself if Y/N didn’t accept her ring?
“She’s going to love it.” Santana hugged her tight but quickly let go when Y/N opened the curtain.
“Why are you all looking at me?”
“Because you look lovely.” Quinn grabbed her hand. They all sent her thumbs up as she took one last glance over her shoulder. 
Y/N was eating a pretzel that Quinn had bought her in the park. The two were walking in a comfortable silence. Quinn glanced to the girl beside her, hoping that Y/N would catch on on what was happening soon. 
They had walked almost the very same route that they walked on that morning in New York many, many years ago. Their end stop would be at the edge of the park, where Santana and Brittany were now probably busy setting their high tea up.
“Why are pretzels so much better in New York?”
“Eh, I don’t know. I’m not really a pretzel girl.”
The park was normally crowded with locals and tourists, but they had barely seen a handful of people so far. 
“Wasn’t this where we sat with the kids from Glee?”
Quinn smiled softly.
“Yeah, it is, actually.”
“Oh- Well, everything from that trip is very blurry in my mind, except for our first kiss, of course. I can even still tell you the colour of your coat.”
Quinn gave her a playful smile and grabbed Y/N’s hand. “Which was?”
“Red.” She booped her nose with the end of her pretzel, earning a giggle from Quinn.
She grinned softly, “Remember that snow globe I bought for you? With New York’s skyline?”
Y/N gasped, “I loved that thing.” 
The two laughed, remembering that Y/N had dropped it when they rushed to cross the street only half an hour after buying it.
“Then you bought me a couple others throughout the years but none of them have ever been able to have the same value to me. Sorry not sorry.” 
Quinn smiled to herself, hoping she was about to change that in a few minutes. She saw Santana and Brittany sitting on the grass in the distance and guided Y/N to the two. They left without saying a word, but not before giving the two enthusiastic but knowing smiles. Santana wiggled her eyebrows but Britt pulled her away.
“I am so confused right now.” Y/N hesitantly sat down on the blanket. “Why were they here?”
“I asked them to help me set up this little picnic so it could be a surprise. I know you ordered the high tea last week but I wanted to end our trip off like this, with just us. Also, we’ve spent the last two weeks in NYC without even a day outside. I didn’t want to leave before we went somewhere. I hope you like it.”
“Like it? I can never get enough of their cheesecake bites.” 
Quinn smiled nervously, trying to hide how stressed she felt. She poured the juice in their glasses and fed Y/N a bite of a scone with butter and peach marmalade.
“How does that taste?”
Y/N threw her head back and groaned. “I’m going to miss their food.” 
Quinn barely replied, too focused on how she was going to bring it up. Backing out now felt like a good way to calm her nerves but she knew she shouldn’t. Not only because Santana would kill her if she did, but also because there would never be a more perfect moment than now.
“Uh-Yeah, love?”
“What is this?” Y/N repeated. 
Quinn’s eyes widened when she saw the wrapped up package Y/N had grabbed out of the basket. 
“Oh- I... that...-” She sighed, “Screw it.” She went to sit on her knees and ushered Y/N to open it.
“For me?”
Quinn nodded, a big smile on her face.
“Quinnie... you-”
“Open it, my love.”
Y/N removed the wrapping paper and gasped when she saw what it was. It was a handmade snow globe, made in a mason jar. The New York skyline was glued to the bottom of it with a laminated picture of the two of them that they took during their first visit to New York. (Thank God Kurt was into a crafty phase during the second week of quarantine).
“I’m not the best at crafts but I just thought-”
“I love it.” Y/N beamed from ear to ear and her smile only widened when the snow inside of it fell onto the skyline.
“This is the most thoughtful gift someone has ever given me.”
“I’m glad you love it.” Quinn grabbed Y/N’s hand and softly moved it around so that the bottom of the snow globe was now facing up. Y/N furrowed her eyebrows until she realised what was scribbled down onto a piece of paper at the bottom. Quinn put the snow globe down and grabbed both of Y/N’s hands in her own, brushing her thumbs against the girl’s knuckles.
“I must admit that I thought what I’m about to say a million times over for the past days and I imagined what I would say to you in this moment for years—but truth be told, I kind of forgot all of that because of the nerves,” Quinn let out a chuckle, “To be honest, I have always known that you were the only girl I wanted to be with in this life. I don’t know what it was, but we’ve just had this instant gravitation towards each other. I know I wasn’t always the kindest to you in the beginning yet you still helped me through everything. The pregnancy, the accident... Now I can say all this cheesy shit about how you and I bring the best out of each other and how much love we have for one another but I think I don’t need to say that. We both know how much our relationship means to us. New York has always been a special place to me since it reminds me of why and how we fell in love. Which is why I wanted to do this here. This is were it all began. Now, I had everything planned months ago but... the situation changed and well... yeah. I had to adjust. At first, I wanted to postpone it all. Until I realised that I couldn’t wait any longer. Y/N, you are my everything. I want to be by your side until eternity. I want to be your person for as long as I can. I want to love and care for you for as long as you want me to.” 
She let out a shaky breath.
“So I guess...what I’m trying to say here is...” She grabbed the box out of her pocket, opened it and presented it to Y/N. “Would you like to marry me?”
Y/N looked at the box in shock, she hadn’t made eye contact with Quinn ever since she had presented her with the ring in her hand. 
The silence lasted only for a few seconds but it felt like minutes to Quinn, who slowly lowered her hands. 
Y/N suddenly let out a sob, then another. She jumped onto Quinn and wrapped her arms around her neck.
“Yes.” She said through her sobs. Quinn let out a gasp of relief and squeezed the girl in her arms, letting her own tears fall freely now. 
“Oh-” Y/N groaned and let go of her embrace. “I stepped into the scones...” She pouted and looked at her marmalade stained knee. Quinn laughed through her tears, realising this was exactly why she had asked this girl to marry her.
Y/N forgot it immediately the moment she locked eyes with her fiancée. She held her tight and kissed her like she never had before. 
They let go like two love-sick puppies when they heard all of their friends approach. The newly engaged couple was radiating.
“I love you, so much.”
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wheresmynaya · 3 years
Hate to Date Ch.9 | Brittana
A/N - Lots to process, hey? I’ve been seeing in the reviews all the guesses of who will develop feelings first (& the few that are convinced they’ve already figured it out lol). It’s always interesting to see what y’all are thinking! Anyways, thanks for “tuning in” each Friday & thanks to those who have gifted me a coffee through ko-fi too. While I’m still in Lockdown 6.0, it’s really the little things that make a big difference. Until next time! 💙
Available on ff.net (x) ao3 (x) & under the cut!
“Okay,” Santana huffs as she turns to the blonde. “I know Artie’s your friend and you’ve got history and all but fuck that guy. Seriously, what the hell was that?”
Brittany nods along sadly, “I figured you’d say that once you met him.”
“God,” Santana shakes her head still coming down from wanting to cause bodily harm to him. “He really is a tool. Like the balls on him, complimenting you in front of your girlfriend. What a dick!”
“Yeah,” Brittany scratches at the back of her neck. “I told you he’s changed a lot.”
“You mean he used to be less of a dick at some point?”
“Surprisingly, yeah,” Brittany replies. “He won Most Brilliant Brainiac last year and now he thinks he’s God’s gift.”
Santana scoffs, “A gift that needs to be returned.”
“Stop,” Brittany scolds lightly. “He’s still my friend.”
“Well you sure know how to pick them.”
Brittany frowns and Santana instantly regrets uttering the words. Sometimes her mouth runs faster than her head can filter and by then it’s too late. Usually she wouldn’t feel bad about speaking so honestly but there’s something about the way Brittany pokes out her bottom lip like that that makes Santana falter.
“Sorry,” Santana says guiltily.
Brittany looks to Santana and nods, “I know he’s not the easiest person to get along with now, but he does have his moments.”
“Does he? I mean, what is the appeal?” Santana questions genuinely. “Because the personality is not a winner. I don’t even see him with a hot piece like me for arm candy.”
Brittany chuckles, “Yeah. I’m surprised about that too. I thought he would’ve brought two dates just to show off.”
Santana scrunches her nose in disgust, “It would take more than two dates to change my mind about him. Why does your team keep him around?”
“They love him. He’s so knowledgeable about so many things. He’s perfect for academic decathlons,” Brittany shrugs. “But I’m not sure how long it’ll last. He’s a great mentor but he’s gotten so critical of everyone, even me.”
“Especially you,” Santana corrects. She starts to feel heated all over again, “I can’t believe the way he spoke to you. Who the fuck does he think he is? Like sure, I can find you a little hard to swallow sometimes and it’s annoying how you’re just naturally great at so many things but I’d never say the things he did.”
“Honestly, I’ve heard worse things,” Brittany reasons. It sounds as though she’s trying to be lighthearted but the look on her face is anything but and that breaks Santana’s heart a little. “Artie’s criticism is nothing compared to what people used to say about me growing up.”
Santana frowns, “That doesn’t make it okay though. You know that, right?”
“It’s fine. I’ve got tough skin.”
“That’s not the point,” Santana sighs. “You shouldn’t have to take that kind of crap from anyone.”
“Sometimes you have to,” Brittany replies. “Sometimes you just have to take it and do the hard work in silence. Let the success speak for itself. Getting caught up in what everyone thinks is exactly how I lost my way before, so I’m not going to do it again.”
Santana shakes her head. She gets it – she really does – but it doesn’t make it any less okay.
These little glimpses of Brittany’s childhood really make Santana feel for her. She was fortunate enough to have parents and teachers who encouraged her studies – sometimes in an overbearing ways – but at least she had the support.
For Brittany, it seems like all odds were against her and for some twerp like Artie thinking he gets to be another one of those little voices making Brittany doubt herself really grinds Santana’s gears. He’s the worst kind of manipulative.
“It’s fine, really,” Brittany adds upon Santana’s silence. “I can take it when it’s coming from a friend.”
“Friend?” Santana laughs dismissively, “We’re not even friends and I’d never put you down like that.”
Brittany looks at her curiously and it makes Santana feel suddenly self conscious. Maybe her honesty has gotten her trouble yet again?
“Really?” Brittany asks.
Santana doesn’t hesitate, “Well yeah.”
Brittany’s shoulders ease a little and Santana takes that as a sign to continue.
“I was seriously this close to slapping him upside the head,” She says. “I may be many things and people may have occasionally called me a bitch from time to time, but even I wouldn’t stoop to the level he’s on. I wouldn’t put down my friend.”
Brittany’s brows rise, almost out of disbelief.
Santana wants to ask what that look is, but she’s a little nervous about the answer so instead she averts her attention to the dancefloor. She keeps her eyes roaming the crowd, avoiding meeting Brittany’s gaze.
“He’s just a little blunt,” Brittany attempts to reason again.
Santana shakes her head, “Whatever it is, you’re better off without him.”
Brittany sighs, “I just, I still care about him. I know I shouldn’t, but I don’t know. Have you ever felt that before? Wanting to hold out hope for someone to change?”
Santana’s anger dissipates for a second. Those words resonate with her and drudge up an unwanted memory. Has she ever felt the way Brittany does? The blonde has no idea…
Upon her silence, Brittany continues.
“You probably think I’m crazy but,” Brittany lets out a tired sigh. “Maybe I am. I just wish there was a way to bring back the real him – the one that took the time to show me around when I was new here. You know, the one who cared.”
Santana softens, because she knows the feeling all too well and it sucks big time.
“Don’t we all,” She mumbles.
Brittany looks to her, brows raised. Santana finds herself meeting Brittany’s gaze again and it’s like with one look at her the truth is impossible to hold back.
“How long do we have to suffer before we realize they’re not coming back though?” Santana asks. “What if that’s who they are now? This uncaring, unloving, unfazed ghost of a person we can’t even recognize anymore. That’s all we get and we’ve just got to deal with it and…and move on.”
Brittany looks at her curiously.
Santana averts her gaze to the crowd again, “Once again we have way too much in common for my liking.”
“What do you mean?”
Santana sighs, “I mean, you should just cut your losses now before it’s too late.”
Brittany smirks but it doesn’t quite reach her eyes, “Clearly you’ve never been in love before. It’s a bit harder than that. Not that this is love, I don’t know what this is.”
“It’s not love, that’s for sure.”
“Like you’d know,” Brittany jokes lightly.
Santana has the urge to laugh.
She’s almost forgotten that Brittany still doesn’t know that much about her past, because if she did she’d would know that Santana, of all people, knows what it’s like to be in love with someone you wish you weren’t.
“Well, I know it’s better to be told straight up about how you feel rather than to always wonder what went wrong or what could’ve been,” Santana finds herself saying. “But sometimes we don’t get that luxury. Maybe it’s just better to let it go and move on.”
“Or maybe he’ll finally snap out of it and see what he’s been missing now that I’m in this fake relationship with you.”
Santana’s surprised by Brittany’s honesty. The blonde looks surprised that it escaped her, but the two just stand there staring – trying to grasp the gravity of what they’ve both revealed.
Brittany’s using Santana to win over Artie; it’s almost laughable and yet, Santana can do nothing but stare in disbelief. She gets it though; she’s desirable, completely out of someone like Artie’s reach. Dating her would be enough to rattle anyone with eyes so it makes sense.
She knew Brittany was cunning, but it still surprises her. At least Santana’s reasoning for doing all of this has to do with her future, but Brittany? What’s Artie have to do with hers?
Santana scrunches her nose as her head starts filling in the blanks to that question. She pictures Artie in her place beside Brittany; them holding hands as they make their way to class, them making dumb googly eyes at each other at the library, them being this unstoppable power couple because of their success in academic decathlons.
It’s gross.
But who is she to pass judgement? She’s doing all of this because she couldn’t hold down a relationship to save her life, she’s in no position to judge Brittany’s.
And it’s not like this is the first time she’s been used like this before. Some of the girls she has been with only need her for a night, a way to get back at an ex or to make someone jealous. If anything, she’s become kind of an expert when it comes to being the middle-woman.
What’s the difference knowing Brittany’s doing the same? She supposes there isn’t one.
“Well, I guess I’ve found the real reason why you agreed to do this,” Santana says to fill the silence. As the words leave her, there’s an odd feeling in the pit of her stomach.
Brittany looks away and replies, “I guess so.”
There’s a long pause where the two of them look anywhere but at each other. Santana’s gears are moving a mile a minute just trying to figure out the why of it all while Brittany’s – Brittany’s a mystery.
Santana glances back at her curiously, watching her profile and suddenly wanting to know more. How could someone be so blindly hopeful? Who knows if she’ll ever get that answer, but until then she still has to fulfill her obligation to Brittany tonight.
“Well, if this is what you really want to do then,” Santana pauses – trying to shake off the surprise and get back into the zone. Tonight’s about Brittany and being her perfect fake girlfriend and what Brittany wants, Brittany gets. “Then we’ve got to do this the right way. Really show him what he’s missing.”
Brittany quirks a brow, “Seriously?”
“Yeah. Guys like him always want what they can’t have,” Santana says simply. “It’ll be so easy.”
“And what do you suggest?”
Santana smirks, “Just follow my lead.”
Santana’s lead ends up involving lots of flirting. Her goal was to help Brittany make Artie jealous, but she secretly kind of likes the uncomfortable look he gets anytime he happens to glance their way. He’s not so cocky and arrogant now!
It only gets worse when Brittany offers Santana a dance.
They find Mike and Tina again on the dancefloor and the couple waves to Santana and Brittany happily before getting lost in the music again. Santana and Brittany do the same, but it takes them a second before they find their synchronicity.
Afterall, this is their first time dancing together – things are bound to get a little awkward.
Thankfully, it’s all upbeat stuff – songs that are easy to groove to and they find their rhythm a couple songs in. The couple keeps it tame for the most part, almost forgetting what all of this is for, until they notice Artie watching again from a distance.
Brittany notices him first and starts dipping her hands lower and lower down Santana’s back, letting them settle low around her waist. It has Santana’s heart rate spiking until she catches on and starts letting her hands roam too.
“Poor guy,” Santana jokes when she catches sight of him. “He has no idea what he’s started.”
Brittany chuckles although she shakes her head, “It’s almost mean.”
“Fuck him,” Santana shrugs before turning her back to Brittany. She reaches back with one hand settling at the base of Brittany’s neck. “It’s his loss. Isn’t that the point of this?”
“You’re right,” Brittany nods. She leans into the crook of Santana’s neck, “His loss.”
Brittany then sets her hands on Santana’s hips, strong and steady, and pulls her in close so that their hips fit snuggly. It surprisingly tugs at something deep and dormant within Santana and she finds herself leaning into it, rolling her head back to rest against Brittany’s shoulder.
With the way Brittany’s rocking into her along with the beat, Santana has to bite her cheek to keep from making a noise. Who knew someone who spends most of their day in a musty library could move like this? Santana’s a little starstruck to say the least.
She can’t remember the last time she danced with someone like this and she starts to feel the effects of the alcohol and a tiny bit of desperation because it’s been such a long time. It’s actually sad how tightly she’s wound up. She’s sure she’d probably snap from just a touch which is so not her style, but she knows she’s not in the right kind of company to finally break.
She’s on the job; Brittany’s a job and there’s no time for mixing pleasure with work.
But damn, does it feel good when Brittany’s hands squeeze at her hips. Or when she rocks into her so smoothly along with the beat. Or how it sends shivers all over her when Brittany whispers into her ear – she’s not even saying anything risky but God it doesn’t matter.
And even if all of this is for show, Santana’s so deprived of this kind of affection that she doesn’t care – Brittany can use her all night if she wants.
Santana doesn’t begin to notice where her thoughts are taking her until she spots Artie wheeling away.
“He’s leaving,” Santana notes as she turns in Brittany’s embrace.
Brittany’s hands go to rest against the small of Santana’s back, “Do you think he gets the idea?”
Santana smirks and looks up at Brittany, “I think everyone gets the idea.”
A blush starts to bloom as blue eyes dart bashfully away, “Sorry. Was that too much? I was just following your lead like you said.”
“It’s fine. It’s the most action I’ve had in awhile,” Santana jokes.
Brittany gives her a unimpressed look but Santana’s smile only grows because of it.
The music shifts to something slow, old school Elvis. Santana recognizes the instrumental instantly; Maribel and Eddie’s first dance song. Honestly, it’s most couple’s first dance song – apparently you can’t get any more creative than Can’t Help Falling in Love.
She attempts to find her exit, but they’re surrounded by couples now. It would cause way too big of a scene to try and escape, so she goes with her only option. She lets Brittany take the lead and they start to sway.
Santana’s fingers thread at the back of Brittany’s neck while the blonde’s hands fall to Santana’s hips. They do the slow side-to-side move, but the sudden closeness has Santana feeling oddly shy. It’s bringing back memories of school functions and dancing awkwardly with dates she never wanted.
“You really miss it that much?” Brittany asks softly while they sway. “All the hook-ups?”
Santana sputters a laugh, unsure of how to respond, but one look at Brittany has her realizing that the blonde is genuinely asking. Her smile falters and she goes back to looking everywhere but inquisitive blue eyes.
“You gonna shame me for it again?” Santana asks jokingly.
She hates how quickly things between them can feel way too personal for her liking. Even more so, she hates how easy it’s starting to be to want to open up more around the girl.  
“No, I was just curious,” Brittany shrugs. “This probably isn’t what you’re used to doing at a place like this.”
“I’m not usually at places like this.”
“You know what I mean,” Brittany replies. “Parties or clubs or whatever. You wouldn’t be slow dancing with a potential lay. You don’t seem like that kind of girl.”
Santana scoffs playfully, “Well once again, you don’t know me at all. Slow dancing is my jam, it really gets the girls hot and bothered.”
Brittany quirks her brow, “Seriously?”
“Of course not,” Santana chuckles. “I’m usually out of there by the time the slow songs come on. They’re not my style.”
“Knew it.”
“But it’s not horrible,” Santana dismisses as they continue to sway. “I wouldn’t say slow dancing with you is at the top of my list of the worst things I’ve ever had to do.”
Brittany looks surprised, “Oh really?”
“It’s in the Top 5 for sure,” Santana jokes. “But it’s not number one.”
“You’re too kind,” Brittany jokes.
“I try. But hey – you’ve surprisingly got rhythm, Pierce!” Santana compliments. “Wouldn’t have pegged you for a dancer.”
Brittany laughs, “There’s a lot of things you don’t know about me.”
Santana chuckles, “First the little thing you’ve got for Wheels and now this? I don’t think I can handle anymore surprises for the rest of night.”
Brittany rolls her eyes, “But you’re having fun?”
Santana shrugs, trying to be dismissive but her smile gives her true feelings away. She’s at a fancy place with great music and free alcohol looking fly as hell and one of her missions for the night is to piss off a chauvinistic douchebag – fun is an understatement.
“It’s not the kind of ragers I’m used to,” Santana teases. “But yeah – I’m having fun. Dancing with you is fun.”
Brittany’s face fills with a grin, “Yeah. I think dancing with you is fun too. It’s a bonus that Artie gets a little peeved as well.”
“That’s probably my favorite part,” Santana agrees and they continue dancing for a little while longer.
Santana finds that messing with Artie is child’s play, but it’s oh so satisfying.
Santana and Brittany take turns pretending to whisper sweet nothings into each other’s ear once they get to their assigned table. They find it easy to giggle along with one another when their sweet nothings are really just lame pick up lines that would never work in real life. But they say it in these ramped up seductive voices and that makes it all the more hilarious.
Meanwhile, Artie sits across from them with a sourpuss look on his face.
Maybe they’ve gotten away from the point of all this – that being to make Artie jealous – or maybe it really is working? Whatever it is, Santana can’t find it in her to reel them back in, not when it’s this much fun.
Dinner is served not too long after and Santana’s amazed once again by the spread. There’s giant cuts of filet mignon atop a colorful array of fresh Spring veggies. There’s oysters and huge lobster tails and extravagant towers of shrimp! The organizers clearly spared no expense with the menu and Santana excitedly awaits her dinner as the waitstaff start to come around to top up everyone’s wine glasses.
Santana watches as dishes are set down in front of everyone, all alternating between seafood and steak and the occasional vegetarian option. Everything looks so damn good and she glances next to her, wondering what Brittany will get.
“I ordered the shrimp,” Brittany tells her just as the plate is set down. “I got you the steak. I hope that’s okay? I wasn’t too sure.”
“Classy,” Santana nods as her plate is set down too. The garnishes make it look like artwork and she’s almost too afraid to touch it. “God, this looks so good. You didn’t mention there was free food too. This place is heaven.”
Brittany chuckles as she reaches for her cutlery.  
While everyone eats, there’s quiet chatter amongst the table.
Santana’s so glad that Mike and Tina are around, at least that’s one couple that she doesn’t mind. Most people are pretty pretentious – all I’m so much smarter than you because I know random shit about random shit – and it makes Santana want to roll her eyes so hard but she doesn’t for Brittany’s sake.
Unlike Santana, Brittany gets along well with everyone and somehow sees past the horrible personalities. That’s not too surprising considering how she feels about Artie though.
Then again, maybe Brittany was right about there being a nice guy underneath all that ego because when Artie does finally get to talking to her again – he’s not a dick. They talk excitedly about comics or something and Santana notes the way they both light up.
For once, there’s a glimpse of him being a decent human being and maybe – just maybe – Santana sees what Brittany does.
But he’s not off the hook just yet, not after the way he started off the night. She doesn’t want to rock the boat though, so she quietly eats her dinner and plays the role of perfect fake girlfriend just like she said she would. This night isn’t about her, it’s about Brittany and she’s going to do her best to keep it that way.
A while later, dessert begins to be brought out as a few speeches are given up on stage. The announcer talks about the many prestigious teams in the room and how talented everyone is judging by their high percentages. Most of it goes over Santana’s head, not really interested in how academic decathlon clubs work but what does spark some interest though is when the awards start getting presented.
There’s a kind of anticipation that settles over the room and Santana looks around noting just how many clubs are in attendance. She had no idea academic decathlons were a thing until this year, but to see everyone so on edge as they await the reveal of this year’s winner really puts things into perspective for her.
When Santana glances to her side, she finds that Brittany’s got her eyes squeezed tight and her fingers are crossed on both hands. As she looks around the room, she sees club members look similarly – hoping and praying.
The Brainiacs happen to come in Second Place in the overall thing, but Brittany stands and claps along with everyone else despite things not going her team’s way. Santana watches her and smiles because this girl really is just so pure. Here she is clapping and pumping her fist in the air as the first place team take to the stage. Nothing about it is forced because she’s genuinely happy for them and that amazes Santana.
She didn’t think people like Brittany actually existed and yet there she stands.
The lead up for presenting the award for Most Brilliant Brainiac is much more anticipated.
Santana looks around the room as it seems like everyone’s on the edge of their seat. It’s almost comical, because it’s basically an award for the biggest nerd in the room and these people actually want it.
Still, Santana listens quietly.
She notices Artie fixing his dumb bowtie and checking his teeth in the reflection of his silver spoon as if he already knows what’s coming. She so hopes he doesn’t win just because of that. She doesn’t care who it goes to, she doesn’t care if it’s an even bigger tool than him – if that’s even possible – all she cares about is watching the guy get the biggest reality check known to man.
Suddenly, she’s on the edge of her seat just like everyone else.
“This year the award goes to,” The announcer pauses for dramatic effect.
Santana’s still waiting for the name to be called out, but the spotlight shining directly beside her is answer enough.
“No way!” Brittany beams. She doesn’t know what to do with herself, she just looks from side to side making sure that the spotlight is on the right person. “Me? It’s me?”
“Come on up, Miss Pierce!” The announcer gestures proudly.
Their entire table turns to applaud. Santana notices Mike with the biggest grin on his face as he claps while Tina’s snapping picture after picture for her article.
Brittany’s in awe as she makes her way onto the stage, the crowd roaring with applause as she goes. When she gets to the podium, the man hands her a gold trophy shaped like a brain and then presents her to the room.
“Here she is, folks! This year’s Most Brilliant Brainiac! Give it up for Miss Brittany S. Pierce!”
Before she realizes it, Santana’s on her feet in a second and claps so hard her hands start to sting.
“That’s my girl!” She shouts and pumps her fist in the air.
Brittany must hear her from the stage because she ducks her head bashfully at the shout out, her cheeks going a little pink as she soaks in the applause.
Santana glances over at Artie who barely claps. She rolls her eyes at him, because he yet again shows his true colors. How he flies under the radar is a mystery to her, but Brittany’s not around to hold her back this time.
So she points a threatening finger at him and rubs a little salt in his ego.
“Take that, Professor X! You suck so bad!”
Artie looks a little scandalized, but he keeps his mouth shut as Brittany absorbs the limelight. She looks at her trophy like she can’t believe its hers and Santana swears she sees those pretty blue eyes start to well with tears. This time they’re happy tears though and Santana’s so relieved for that!
A moment later, Brittany’s making her way back to their table with her new trophy in hand.
“Look! It’s so heavy,” Brittany giggles as she shows off the award to Santana.
Santana smiles fondly. Only Brittany could be this proud about being the dorkiest dork in the room. She doesn’t know what it is about the way she looks, the way her eyes light up to match the brilliance of her smile, the way they seem to be even bluer than usual.
All she knows is that she can’t help but pull Brittany in for a deep kiss.
She can feel the way Brittany stiffens in her arms at first before relaxing – the kiss takes her by surprise too, she can only imagine what Brittany’s thinking.
Alarm bells ring but then she feels a cool hand touch her cheek and suddenly everything stops because she’s being kissed back.
Brittany’s kissing her back.
It’s soft and gentle and when Santana pulls away, she’s swears she sees stars.
All Santana’s thinking about is the way Artie spoke to Brittany earlier, how he scolded her like a child. She thinks about Brittany’s parents and how they never truly supported her until recently. She thinks about the stories Brittany’s told about her experiences in high school and her time at MIT. She thinks about how after all of that, Brittany’s still maintained her kindness.
Brittany’s better than her, she’s so much better than everyone here, and she doesn’t even know it.
And maybe Santana’s just really proud of her – that’s why she kissed her? Maybe she’s just really into her whole fake girlfriend role right now? Maybe she’s just super committed and she’s finally matched Brittany’s level of going above and beyond?
That’s got to be the explanation for it, because no way she’ll admit to it being anything else.
“I’m so proud of you,” Santana quickly says. “Way to stick it to those guys.”
Brittany blushes, “I really didn’t expect anyone to vote for me. I hope they’re not mad.”
“Fuck them if they are!” Santana retorts. “You worked so hard for this. If they can’t be supportive of you then they don’t deserve you as a teammate.”
Brittany relaxes upon hearing Santana’s words, “You mean that?”
Santana smiles and nods like it’s simple, “Well yeah. You’re a genius, Britt.”
Brittany grins again and looks down at her trophy bashfully, “I’m also Brilliant.”
“Yeah, that too,” Santana chuckles.
They go to take their seats when they realize everyone’s kind of staring at them still. Santana doesn’t care all that much, Brittany deserves the recognition. She finds a kind of joy in making sure she knows it too.
“Seriously though, congrats,” Santana tells her. “You really earned it.”
Brittany ducks her head before leaning closer and whispers low enough so only Santana can hear. The move makes Santana’s heart suddenly race as she’s reminded of their time on the dancefloor earlier.
“Is that you talking or my fake girlfriend?” Brittany asks.
Santana bites her lip as she ponders that. For the first time, it’s kind of hard to tell. This arrangement is like being on-call; you never know when they have to slip into character so now it’s second nature and maybe it’s finally starting to blur the lines which Santana didn’t think would ever be possible.
But just to be safe she says, “I’m a pretty good actress. Aren’t I?”
Brittany only smirks as they both start to giggle and admire her new trophy while Artie stews in his jealousy.
They spend the rest of the Ball taking pictures with Brittany’s trophy for the school magazine and hitting the dancefloor once again.
Obviously, the dancing is the best part and by now everyone’s got a good buzz going with the amount of booze in the place. It’s surprisingly a good time – one of the best Santana’s had in months and it’s even more surprising that it’s in Brittany’s company.
If you would’ve told her at the start of the semester that this is where she’d be right now, she wouldn’t have believed you at all. Never in a million years would she be caught dead in a place like this, but it’s funny how things change – how relationships evolve.
Just tonight, she walked into this Ball wondering if she even stood a chance up against Brittany’s wrath. She really messed up, she knows that, but all of this is new territory for her. She’s not used to looking out for anyone else other than her family and Puck, but she’s starting to get it now.
If Brittany was anyone else, Santana probably wouldn’t have cared about her hurt feelings the other night. She would’ve let the girl go without a second thought because who has time to put up with the drama, but this relationship has her doing a lot of things she normally wouldn’t.
It’s reintroducing her to things that have been long forgotten and Santana doesn’t really know how to feel about that. It’s drudging up the old Santana; the vulnerable, the gullible, the sensitive one who has no place here now.
It’s a lot more than she signed up for, but she supposes it’s only natural to have those feelings start to resurface again when they’re both so committed to playing their roles perfectly. If anything, it’s a reminder that once upon a time Santana really was perfect girlfriend material.
And tonight, she gets to live out that little memory.
Maybe if her heartbreak didn’t harden her, maybe this is what she’d be like? Maybe she’d actually date a girl like Brittany? Maybe she’d stop selling herself short just like Puck said? Maybe she’d stick around long enough for something real to happen?
Maybe. Maybe. Maybe.
It always takes Santana by surprise that when she gets to thinking like this, it’s always in the presence of Brittany. This girl; Santana knew being with her would be a challenge but not like this. She can’t hold it against her though, after all this is her idea and really it could be so much worse than what it is.
They don’t really owe each other anything, they’re just pawns in their elaborate games – but here they are dancing the night away without a care in the world and for once things feel fine.
It’s a nice break from all that heaviness from earlier.
And for a moment, Santana doesn’t think it’s all too bad. The whole possibility of being friends with Brittany thing; when it’s like this, it really isn’t the worst thing ever.
She might actually kind of like it.
Other than Puck, Santana doesn’t really have that many people she’s close with. She doesn’t have many people she’d consider friends. For the past two years, maybe even longer, she’s kept people at an arm’s length.
After everything, she’s just not into getting close to anyone anymore. Letting people into her shit sounds like a lot of work and kind of terrifying.
What if they don’t like what they find? What if she’s too much? What if they decide to leave too? What if it changes her again?
It’s too big of a risk. It’s best that she does the leaving instead. It’s the only way she can keep some type of control on things, because no way she’ll let anyone go for a joyride with her feelings again.
She likes to keep her circle small, but being around Brittany starts to make her wonder. What’s the harm in trying?
A thought like that makes her laugh though; that hopefulness is a direct result of hanging around Brittany way too much.
“It’s so hot in here! Why’s it so hot?” Brittany sighs and wipes at her brow with the back of her hand. Her cheeks are flushed and sweat glistens in the hollow of her neck deliciously.
Santana averts her eyes when she realizes she’s staring.
“You’re dancing up a storm, that’s why!” Santana teases.
“Because it’s so much fun!” Brittany does a twirl then starts to sway when she stops. “The dizziness…not so much.”
“Maybe don’t spin around like that?” Santana suggests playfully. “You want to go outside? Get some air?”
“Yeah, let’s do that,” Brittany nods but just before she follows after Santana she runs back to the table. “Mike! Mike, watch my trophy!”
Mike drunkenly nods and gives her a thumbs up.
“Thanks! Okay, let’s go,” Brittany tells Santana and leads the way out.
They end up going to the grand steps Santana walked up earlier in the night and take a seat by one of the columns. The air is crisp and refreshing compared to the stuffiness inside and it’s such a relief. They rest their heads back and soak it in.
“You see Artie’s face when I won?” Brittany giggles.
Santana smirks, “Oh yeah. That prick; I was hoping he’d lose. Makes it even better that it was to you.”
“I know I shouldn’t think it but,” Brittany pauses to take in a deep breath before letting it out in a sigh. “I’m glad he lost too. Maybe it’ll bring him down a notch.”
Santana chuckles, “Hopefully it’ll bring him down a few notches. That guy is a piece of work. I still can’t believe you’re into him.”
Brittany ducks her head and sighs again as they fall into a comfortable silence.
Even if Brittany doesn’t show it, Santana can feel something’s gone unsaid.
They haven’t talked about the kiss from earlier, but maybe there’s nothing that they need to talk about? They’re out in public, it goes without saying that they have to do what normal couples would – like kiss when your girlfriend wins an award.
Why would they need to talk about it? It’s not like it was the first time they’ve ever done that. Then again, when Santana gets to thinking – the last time was New Year’s Eve.
Maybe Santana’s just overthinking it all? This is why she doesn’t do relationships or feelings – real or not! They’re confusing and annoying and she doesn’t want it.
God, she wishes she was on Brittany’s level of tipsy. That would make things so much easier!
“You know when we were talking before, you said that we’ve got too much in common,” Brittany mentions awhile later. She keeps her eyes turned up to the sky as she asks, “What’d you mean by that?”
The question takes Santana by surprise as she tries to remember their conversation from earlier. When she does, she wishes that she didn’t. It’s not a subject she loves talking about, nor does she love revisiting its memories, but for some odd reason she can feel her safeguard wavering.
“I guess I was in your place once with Artie,” Santana replies. “Sort of.”
“You were into him too?”
Santana chuckles at the joke, “No way. I mean, I fell for someone I shouldn’t have.”
“What happened?”
Santana pauses, wondering if she wants to go down this road. The only other person she’s ever talked about all this to is Puck and that’s only because he was partly involved. She’s done her best to bury every feeling, every memory, but there’s something about Brittany that has Santana opening up just a little more.
“There was a girl a long time ago,” Santana finds herself saying before glancing Brittany’s way. “The one from the picture in my room back in Lima.”
Brittany nods and quietly encourages her to continue.
“She was my best friend growing up,” Santana says. “The only one who ever understood me. We were close, closer than friends should be. Eventually, I wanted to be more – make things official.”
“You?” Brittany asks in disbelief.
“I know, shocking,” Santana jokes through a sad smile. “She said she wanted it too, but she was afraid. She wanted to keep things hidden, keep us hidden, and I…I loved her so I followed along.”
Santana feels her chest tighten with that long-forgotten pain, but then Brittany’s hand finds hers. She squeezes softly at her hand and suddenly the feeling isn’t so bad.
“She kept saying one day it’ll be different,” Santana goes on. “One day we won’t have to hide, one day we’d just run off together, but until then we had to pretend. It sounded like a good plan and I felt so strongly about her, so I waited. I watched her get into relationships with guy after guy just to keep people off of our scent, off of her scent.”
“The older we got, the further in the closest she went. It was like she forget that it was all a cover and the life she was living was a lie.”
Brittany nods sympathetically.
“I ended up coming out midway through our Junior year,” Santana says. “I thought that maybe if I went first then she’d see that it was okay, but it kind of had the opposite effect. Something happened, maybe her parents divorce or something else? I don’t know, but she changed and not in a good way. I was out and proud but it was hard when the girl I loved wasn’t. It kind of felt pointless but I kept waiting for her.”
“By Senior year, I started to lose hope. I guess she did too because it stopped being about us running off together. Instead it was only her doing the running,” Santana continues. “While everyone was making their big plans for college, she was a mystery.”  
She starts to feel that annoying lump in her throat forming and swallows it back.
“All I knew was that she was getting out of Lima by any means necessary,” She says with a deep sigh. “She was so closed off though, spiraling even. I had no idea what her plans were anymore. No one did. I just didn’t think that it involved stealing my shot at a scholarship.”
“Wait, what?” Brittany frowns. “What scholarship?”
“My school had this partnership with Harvard,” Santana answers half-heartedly. “An alumni or whatever is a big wig there and has this scholarship aimed at students with extraordinary promise in law. It’s such a waste, really. No one usually goes for it because no one ever dreams of getting out of there nor would they dare go to law school, but getting out of Lima was always our dream. With her family background, she could get in easy but me? It was a little harder. That scholarship was my only shot and she took it.”
“How’d she do that?”
Santana shrugs, “It’s always been a mystery. Out of the entire school, we were the only ones who even cared enough to look into it. We agreed before that with my GPA and personal goals that I’d have the better chance of getting it, but that was before things changed. It’s no coincidence that she got in and not me. I ticked every box when it came to the type of candidate they were looking for.”
“You couldn’t tell the organizers about it?” Brittany asks. “Have them kick her out or something?”
Santana sighs, “I couldn’t do that to her.”
“Why not? Santana, that’s seriously unfair. This is your education, something you’re so passionate about.”
“I know,” Santana answers dejectedly. “Believe me, I know. But, I was young and in love and stupid. I still had hope for some reason, hope that she’d snap out of it? I knew she took her parents divorce really hard and things had changed for her in terms of getting into Harvard with their help. Maybe she needed the scholarship more than me?”
“Even so, that’s not the way to go about it. That’s not fair to you.”
“True,” Santana nods. “But a part of me figured that maybe once she got in and got settled, she’d be okay? Maybe we’d be okay again. Maybe getting out of Lima was something she needed way more than I did? I guess I was wrong though.”
Brittany looks to Santana apologetically but Santana hates that look. She hates being seen as anything but confident and sure and unwavering.
“See? Told you I’m not selfish,” Santana tries to joke to ease the tension.
It doesn’t really change the way Brittany watches her though.
“Yeah, I guess you were right.”
“Surprise,” Santana lets out a weak chuckle as she averts her gaze. “It sure did backfire though. Huh?”
“Have you heard from her since?” Brittany asks. “Did she ever apologize?”
“Hell no,” Santana tries to laugh off the pain. “She didn’t even stick around for our graduation ceremony. She just packed up and left. No goodbye or anything.”
“Wow,” Brittany shakes her head. “How could someone who’s supposed to care about you hurt you like that?”
Santana finds herself smirking as she looks to Brittany. She has no idea she’s in the same sort of situation with Artie. It’s always easier making sense of things when it isn’t your problem though she supposes.
“Anyway, it’s whatever,” Santana waves off. “It’s been two years and I still wonder why the hell I gave up a Harvard education for a girl. Love makes you do dumb shit, it’s the worst.”
Brittany goes to squeeze Santana’s hand again, “I’m so sorry, Santana.”
Santana keeps on her brave face, “It’s fine.”
“It isn’t.”
Santana knows, but she just shrugs. What’s the point of feeling sorry for herself now?
“I guess what I was meaning earlier is that,” Santana continues. “Maybe this thing between you and Artie; it’s better for you in the long run if you spare yourself the heartache and accept that people change. Sometimes it’s for the worst and you can’t do a thing about it. It is what it is, you know? You can wait but it’s only wasting your time in the end – take it from me.”
Brittany nods and they both rest back against the column again, sitting in each other’s company in silence. It’s like Brittany’s taking in all that Santana has said while Santana attempts to pack up all those little memories she’s just drudged up and stuff them away.
“People change for the better too though,” Brittany mentions quietly. “Sometimes all that patience and time you put into waiting ends up being worth it.”
“Maybe,” Santana nods. “I just don’t know how to be that optimistic anymore. I’m too tired.”
“I get that,” Brittany replies and leans her head against Santana’s.
Santana finds herself leaning against Brittany too, relaxing against each other in a peaceful balance. Another comfortable silence settles over them and Santana’s thankful for it. After opening up to Brittany, she doesn’t think she can handle anymore of these heart to hearts.
Another reason she keeps to herself, talking about feelings is exhausting.
“You know…I didn’t say it before because I was still kind of mad at you,” Brittany mentions softly. “But I’m glad you changed your mind about tonight. I’m glad you’re here.”
Santana smirks, feeling a giddiness flutter in her chest that chases off the remaining heaviness there. “Yeah well, picturing you suffer here all alone with these losers wasn’t as satisfying as I thought it would be. Thought I’d come see it for myself.”
Brittany snickers and pokes lightly at Santana’s side.
“Sounds like you might be taking a liking to me,” Brittany teases.
Santana scoffs playfully, “God no.”
“I mean, if you really wanted me to suffer you could’ve worn something that would make you look a little less…”
Santana glances over to find Brittany stumbling on the right word. The hesitance makes her smirk.
“Hot? You were going to say hot.”
Brittany rolls her eyes, “I wasn’t.”
“Sure,” Santana teases. “You can admit it, Britt-Britt. You think I look fine as hell.”
Brittany shakes her head although she begins to blush. “You always this full of yourself?”
“You should know the answer to that by now,” Santana quips as she rises to stand. She strikes a sexy pose while Brittany continues to sit before her. “Come on. Would you really rather I turn up here looking a hot mess? I wouldn’t be doing a very good job of being arm candy.”
Brittany’s eyes rake up Santana’s body, taking in all her perfection. Just like the powers of her cheerleading skirt, Santana’s dress works wonders all the same.
“I guess not,” Brittany admits.
Santana grins, “That’s what I thought.”
“But you’re not just arm candy to me,” Brittany teases sweetly.
Santana instantly rolls her eyes and holds out her hand to Brittany, “Let’s get back in there. I think it’s time for another drink. I can still taste your Chapstick from earlier.”
Brittany giggles as Santana pulls her up, “You say that like it’s a bad thing.”
23 notes · View notes
2996-sana · 4 years
Seeking Arrangement - Rosé
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Part 1
The pitter patter of the rain served as background noise for Y/N and Lisa who was sat on their couch munching on some cucumbers, eyes glued to the Kdrama playing on the TV. Y/N let out a dramatic sigh as she watches Ko Moonyoung and Moon Gangtae lock lips for the first time. The sound was not lost on her best friend who shot her a grin.
“Are you going all soft again, Y/N?”
Y/N rolled her eyes at the teasing tone in Lisa’s voice. This was not new as she was always on the receiving end of Lisa’s jokes about her being such a hopeless romantic. Though Lisa found this amusing about her best friend, she thinks there is strength in Y/N’s ability to believe in love after the shit her ex-girlfriend Suzy put her through. Could you really blame her? Being in love was without a doubt one of the best feelings in the world in Y/N’s book. For her, it was an overwhelming yet warm feeling that stretches throughout your whole body once it enters your life and leaves you feeling like you’re on top of the world (but its all fun and games until your partner cheats on you).
Despite this though, she was not in a hurry to find love. In fact, after the tragedy that was her last relationship, she just wanted to lie low and have fun for a while.
“Shut up. You’re lucky you’re in a stable relationship,” Y/N scoffs.
Lisa and her girlfriend Jennie have been together for 2 years now (3 years next month) and Y/N envied the love shared between the two.
“Don’t worry, Y/N. No one can resist you for too long,” Lisa tries to reassure her best friend, wrapping an arm around her.
Y/N grimaced, “Eh…I don’t really want anything serious at the moment. Especially after Suzy.”
Lisa pretends to gag at the sound of Y/N’s ex-girlfriend’s name, “I agree. Have fun and take it easy. You should like…I don’t know…find a sugar daddy or something.” They both chuckle at Lisa’s words, knowing she would never even think about it.
It was hours later on her bed while typing out a reply to some guy she matched on Tinder that she realizes how hard it was to find a worthy candidate to waste her time on. These boys lacked substance and were coming at her with the same pick-up lines. She wonders if they all got them at the same Fuckboy Convention. It didn’t help that she rarely matched with girls either.
She groans at the reply that came through.
Wyd tho? U tryna fuck?
“The audacity of these boys,” she mutters under her breath, closing the app.
As she stares at her ceiling zoning out, she remembers Lisa’s words from hours ago. A sugar daddy. She laughs at her best friend’s ridiculous idea. She could never.
Unless? No. It’s stupid. She doesn’t wanna give out any sugar AT ALL.
But she was bored out of her mind. For the past 3 months, she has been cooped up in her bed wallowing in self-pity while listening to the very suspicious sounds coming out of Lisa’s room. There were also only so many pep-talks she could give herself until she grew tired of her own words. It was this that fueled her to sit up and turn on her laptop. After all, she considered boredom as an invitation for her to find something that would raise her serotonin levels. And what is the value of life without a little fun? She owed herself the first few months of her breakup to relax and take care of herself after all the mental damage, but now she needed a little play. She needed both the loud and quiet joys of life, peace with a little bit of wild mixed in. It was needed to feed her soul.
She also couldn’t lie that she craved some sort of human connection and validation. Yeah, she definitely was not proud of that last one.
Y/N stared at the keyboard, not believing what she was able to type into Google.
How to find a sugar daddy?
What she found out during her deep dive in the wondrous world of sugar daddies and babies was the number one site to find one was called Seeking Arrangement.  
So that is where she found herself, blinking at the statement written in bold.
100% Free to Join!
To hell with it, she thinks as she begins to fill out the application.
30 minutes later, she nods in approval as she scanned through the photos she chose. She would totally hit herself up if she was a sad middle-aged man desperate for companionship. As she hits submit, she was met with pictures of men – and surprisingly women, although there were considerably more men – complete with their basic information.
Looking for a woman to spoil.
Looking for love.
Looking for a loving companion.
Looking for a good time.
It was nothing she didn’t expect to find at a sugar baby site but it was the net worth of the men and women displayed on her screen that caught her eye. She was almost tempted to message one of them but couldn’t find it in herself to do so. She rolls her eyes at the thought.
She spent hours researching and signing up for a sugar baby website and she still finds herself being stubborn about making the first move.
Glancing at the clock, she realized that it was almost 4AM. She decides that she was going to wait for someone to message her first instead. Besides it gives off the vibe that she’s hard to get and that’s always a little bit sexy, right?
"Y/N! Wake up! I made banana pancakes.”
Slowly opening her eyes and stretching, her foot meets a hard surface. The cold metallic feeling on her foot was enough to remind her of her antics 7 hours ago. She hides her face on her hands, sighing. Why did she think that was a good idea?
Once she was out of her room, she was met with the sweet smell of banana pancakes and nutella. She dragged herself to where the smell was most present and found herself in the kitchen where both Lisa and Jennie sat on the counter. Jennie threw a gummy smile her way while her best friend simply nodded at her presence, busy stuffing herself with her girlfriend’s banana pancakes.
“Vas happenin’, love birds?” she greets them with a faux British accent.
“What kind of dollar store Zayn Malik am I hearing right now?” came Lisa’s reply to which Y/N’s response was to smear Nutella all over her best friend’s face.
“Yah, Y/N!” Lisa whines as she hits Y/N on the shoulder.
Y/N gasps as she prepares to retaliate.
“Children! Stop it.” Jennie scolds the two. She was used to the duo’s playful fighting but she also knew it could go on for hours if she doesn’t put a stop to it.
Both were quick to stop but stuck their tongues out at each other.
Y/N grabbed her plate to return to her room. She glanced at the couple making sure they were preoccupied enough not to notice what she was up to.
You have 11 unopened messages!
A loose grin formed on her face at the notification. Not bad. She hurriedly opened her inbox to find the different men who deemed her worthy to reach out to.
It was all pretty tame, it being the typical greeting. She sighed, already bored. It wasn’t until she reached the bottom of her inbox where a small gasp came out of her. She sat up and read the sender’s name.
Rosé Park. A woman.
She excitedly clicked on the woman’s profile.
It only took the woman’s profile picture for Y/N to realize that this Rosé Park was the type of woman she fantasized about. For starters, she was a brunette and the woman was a blonde. She was a sucker for blondes. Who could resist a good brunette and blonde wlw duo?
Santana and Brittany. Rose and Rosie. Clarke and Lexa. Piper and Alex. Need she say more?
Basically, Rosé Park was a dreamboat. Something radiated from her pictures that Y/N knew rendered her irresistible to both men and women. She could outshine any of these men on the site any day. It also only took her profile picture to realize that the woman was a big deal. Her outfit looked straight out of the pages of a fashion magazine. Why would gorgeous and rich 25-year old Rosé Park want to talk to a normal and boring 23-year old like her?
Y/N composed herself, fighting back a smile, before returning to her and Rosé’s chat.
Hi, gorgeous. I passed by your profile and knew I had to talk to you. Looking forward to your response x
Y/N’s blush seared through her cheeks and for a minute she thought her face was on fire. She suddenly felt awkward, demure, and coy; even going as far as attempting to hide her rosy features behind her slim fingers even if no one else was around to see her. She blames it on the fact that an insanely beautiful woman complimented her. So naturally, it took her at least 5 minutes of over-analyzing every possible response for her to actually send one.
Hi there :) You’re one to talk. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on.
To her surprise, three little dots indicating Rosé was typing appeared beside the woman’s picture.
Haha, cute.
Hmm what brings you to this site, Y/N?
The woman’s question made her pause. She doesn’t even know the answer to that. Was she supposed to make some shit up?
Um I was bored.
She facepalms herself as she hit send. Really? Your brain cogs couldn't turn fast enough to come up with a more interesting response, Y/N?
Y/N thought she blew it as 45 minutes has passed and no response from the blonde bombshell came. She internally cursed herself for her boring response to the woman. Rosé probably thought she was an airhead.
It was 10PM after binge watching another Kdrama with Jennie and Lisa that she remembered being left on delivered by Rosé. Her mood quickly sours as she realizes she ruined her chance at getting to know the beautiful woman. Thinking to distract herself with the depressing fact, she goes to check if any of the men messaged her back. Sure, a man could never fill the void of a woman but she really needed to talk to another human being besides Lisa and Jennie.
Y/N was apparently in for a surprise because what awaited her was a message from the woman.
Well, I hope to provide some sort of entertainment for you ;)
I’m not one to beat around the bush Y/N. I think you’re stunning and a good lay in bed. That’s a really good source of entertainment for the both of us, no?
Jesus Christ. She was not expecting that.
Y/N knew what being a sugar baby entailed but she was still brought to a shock at how blunt Rosé was being and so early on into the conversation. The thought of being with Rosé like that, being able to feel her skin against hers, the godly sounds that it would elicit…
Her private thoughts made herself blush. It seems like if there was anything Rosé was good at it was making Y/N blush. But her unholy thoughts about the woman didn’t create a cute soft pink tint on her cheek like a healthy outdoors glow, it was beet red. Y/N figured that Rosé was probably highly practiced at the art of seduction. Rosé’s looks although a masterpiece sculpted by all the deities that exist… well, nothing so pretty could possibly harm you, right? But it was that combined with Rosé’s choice of words that had anyone she chose to even focus her attention on jumping through hoops to please her. So, she swallowed her pride and forced herself to play it cool, putting on a mask that she thought would appease the woman she really wanted to impress.
I like the way you think, Rosé. I like to think I make great company in bed too ;) Give me a time and place and I’ll be there.
That message was what lead Y/N to the 21st floor of Seoul Forest Trimage Towers, one of Seoul’s most luxurious and exclusive apartment complex, standing outside of Rosé’s penthouse two days later.
All the reasons not to go through with it and just leave came flooding in. Y/N can feel the soft panic growing inside her body as she wills herself to breathe in and out, not quite ready to ring the doorbell just yet. But before she could finish her fourth exhale, the door was opened to reveal the woman who has not left her mind ever since signing up for that damned site.
“I grew tired of watching you hyperventilate so I thought I’d do you a favor and open the door for you.”
Y/N almost choked on air as she looks at Rosé for the first time. The pictures on her profile did not do her justice at all. The woman could have graced every billboard or magazine in the city and she wouldn’t even question it.
Y/N did not say anything - did not know what to say. She was conscious of the smirking woman standing before her, dressed in a white dress that stopped just above her knees.
“Do you wanna come in, Y/N?” Rosé’s voice was dripping with amusement, eyebrows raised. Shyness wasn’t usually Y/N’s gig so what the hell was going on?
“Yeah, sure.”
Once she entered the threshold that Rosé called home, she immediately noticed how fancy and expensive everything was. She was immediately drawn to the large window overlooking the whole city. The glass was so clear that it looked like a high definition screen at the movie theatre.
Rosé quickly picked up on her fascination, grabbing hold of Y/N’s hand and leading her to the glass window. “Cool, huh? I picked this unit because of the view. The city below is so far away it's like another world. This penthouse is my cocoon and the window, well, the window shows me as much detail as I want to know.”
Y/N could only stare at their joined hands and then to the woman beside her, intoxicated by her words. “It’s beautiful, Rosé. I’d kill to wake up to this every way. You have great taste.”
“Yeah I do have great taste huh?” Rosé looked her up and down, biting her lip before chuckling. (Y/N swears she saw the gates of heaven open at the sound)  
A few hours later after a candle lit dinner prepared by Rosé herself and a bottle of wine, Y/N finds herself straddled in the living room couch being kissed roughly on the neck as pure pleasure runs through her entire body.
“Fuck,” she pants as she feels Rosé grind on her. Unable to control herself anymore, Y/N holds Rosé’s head in her hands and pulls her into a fiery and passionate kiss.
“Someone couldn’t wait,” Rosé smiled against their lips.
With a laugh, Y/N pushed Rosé down on the couch, switching their positions, not breaking the kiss. Y/N’s hands slowly work their way around her body, tugging on Rosé’s dress.
Rosé sat up slightly, allowing Y/N to pull down the zipper of her dress, feeling skilled fingers unhook her bra. Rosé tears it off herself before reattaching their lips. Immediately, Y/N’s hands found itself on Rosé’s breasts as she tugged on her nipples.
Rosé gasps against her lips causing Y/N to pull away, making her way down and sucking on the skin surrounding Rosé’s breasts before soothing it out with her tongue.
“I don’t know what’s gotten into you but I’m not complaining,” Rosé giggles but whimpers midway as she feels Y/N’s tongue latch onto her nipple.
“Probably the wine.”
Y/N couldn’t help but think that their bodies fit together as if they were made just for this, to fall into one another, to feel this natural rhythm.
Y/N’s hands drop to Rosé’s thighs, caressing her from above her panties. Rosé moans at the feeling of the soft silk rubbing against her as Y/N’s mouth still busied herself with her nipple.
“Oh my god.”
Rosé grips her hand tightly onto Y/N’s hair as she feels the wetness between her legs. “Take your clothes off. I wanna see you.”
Y/N stops devouring her nipple to pull her shirt off. Rosé drops her hands to the zipper of Y/N’s jeans pulling it down and slipping her own hand in.
“Good to know I’m not the only one dripping wet,” she teases.
Before she could begin her sweet torture on Y/N, she feels hands finally moving inside her panties and her mind went blank.
Fingers toyed with her nub making Rosé bite down on Y/N’s shoulder. Thumb continuing to rub Rosé’s nub, Y/N slipped two fingers in. Rosé moaned so loud that Y/N swears it was enough to get her off.
Pumping her fingers around Rosé, Y/N felt a smirk making its way on her face. She couldn’t believe she was on top of the godly woman seeing her face all scrunched up in ecstasy. She feels Rosé pulling her in for another heated kiss as she picks up her pace inside the woman. With every moan and whimper coming out of Rosé’s mouth, Y/N feels her own wetness.
“You’re so fucking hot,” Y/N mutters under her breath.
She could feel Rosé getting close as the woman’s grinding on her fingers became sloppier and her breaths became more uneven. Burying her face on Y/N’s shoulder, Rosé tries to stifle her moans as she finally comes undone.
Y/N slowly leaves feathery kisses up and down Rosé’s neck as she waits for her to come down from her high.
“Jesus Christ, Y/N.” she hears Rosé trying to catch her breath. “I honestly wasn’t expecting you to take charge tonight.”
“Maybe I’m just full of surprises,” Y/N grinned, pressing a kiss on Rosé’s temple.
Rosé slowly sat up as Y/N leaves her place on top of her. “I guess you are.”
They both sat in silence as they picked up their clothes scattered on the floor before putting them back on. Rosé was the first one to break the ice as she reaches for her purse on the wooden table. It was at that moment Y/N remembered why she was even there in the first place. Disappointment stabbed through her like a knife. Somehow during the duration of the night, she made herself forget that she was there because of an agreement made online. As if she was there spending the night with a new lover, both milking the feeling of a love that just arrived. The night started out like a sweet melody of a blackbird -- full of promise, freshness, and newness to come. Now it sat like a cold cup of coffee waiting to be drained away. All of a sudden, she felt dirty and used and all she had to blame was herself. Rosé’s words from a few hours ago during dinner echoed through her head.
I signed up because I have no time for relationships. I’m just too busy for that. It saves me the hassle of meeting new people and having to get to know them, y’know?
And truthfully, no, Y/N didn’t know. She remembers Lisa telling her she loves like a puppy - devoted, playful, and trusting. So, no, Y/N didn’t know. She just didn’t roll the way Rosé rolled.
“Here you go,” Rosé reached out with a wad of cash in her hand. “Go treat yourself. You deserve it.”
It was the way Rosé said it, so confident and smug, that Y/N knew that she was not Rosé’s first rodeo. The woman sounded like she does it so often that she just didn’t care anymore.
“How many girls receive this same amount of cash?” Y/N laughs quietly and she hopes it didn’t sound as bitter as she felt.
“A couple a week,” Rosé grins so nonchalantly it makes Y/N stomach churn. “Why?”
“Nothing,” Y/N awkwardly shifts in her place on the couch. “Um, you really don’t need to. I’m not looking for cash.”
Rosé actually looked shocked at the girl’s statement. “I’m a little bit lost here.”
“I signed up because I was bored and curious not because I’m low on money,” she laughs keeping an unamused tone. “I really didn’t expect to reach this far ahead. So, you can keep your money Rosé.”
Y/N got up and started walking towards the door. She was halfway there when she felt Rosé grab her wrist.
“Why do you sound angry? Don’t act as if you didn’t know why I invited you here, Y/N.” Rosé looked at her confused. “We met through Seeking Arrangements for god’s sake. I thought we had a good time.”
Rosé did have a good time. Aside from the mind-blowing sex, she was impressed by Y/N’s ability to be present during a conversation, always having her own two cents to offer, which lead to a lot of fun and meaningful discourse all throughout dinner. She had never met a woman through that website as enchanting and beautiful as Y/N. Y/N was a smart woman who was good at sex and Rosé liked that. A lot. So why is she being difficult?
Rosé saw different emotions flash through Y/N’s face before settling on a look of defeat. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I did have a good time.”
Y/N stepped closer to Rosé. “I loved being here with you and money was never on my mind tonight. Maybe that’s why I reacted that way. I’m sorry. I joined Seeking Arrangements for fun because honestly…I was lonely and bored and looking for some sort of human connection and that’s what you gave me tonight. I just got lucky that you reached out. That was all I needed I promise.”
She offers Rosé a genuine smile before turning to leave once more. “Have a good rest of your night, Rosé.”
Y/N hears footsteps behind her as Rosé opens the door for her, a smile planted on her face. “You’re something else, Y/N.”
Before the door closes, Rosé speaks once more. “It’s Rosie now by the way.”
The last thing she saw was the woman throwing her a wink before the door finally closed.
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angstymarshmallow · 5 years
Overworked (Ethan Ramsey x MC)
[A little note: To the anon that asked me for a ethan x mc fic, I’ve been working on one ever since and I’ve refused to stop until it was done. I’m still in the figuring out stage, but at this point where I think Ethan and MC are in their...whatever it is, this seemed like an appropriate place to start and discover that. Thank you for your request, I hope you enjoy :D]
[Words Counted: 2831].
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Sawyer knew better than the next to take the case home with her.
She tried telling herself countless of times after every night of leaving Edenbrook hospital; she was leaving work behind her. She was putting aside the job, until she had to do it all over again tomorrow.
It was a lot saner that way.
But the truth was – every case stuck to her; every case weighed her down like cinder-blocks tied to her feet. She could barely see the surface anymore.
Her mother had always teased her about it. She was too emphatic, she always said – she felt too deeply, and cared too much. But Sawyer had never thought about it as a curse. It was a blessing to care about people – she wanted to become a doctor to help people.
Still, Sawyer knew it was hard. She had already seen her fair share of people try and fail doing the same. She saw cracks in their armor while they were on call, saw some of them fall apart almost completely when she ventured and caught another intern inside a storage closet – crying or taking a moment just to breathe. She didn’t want it to linger, the way it was now. But in her vow to help people, came the responsibility of such a task. It came with putting overtime hours and heading back home too late to eat anything more than a midnight snack. It came with overworking herself.
Although she knew – she was still here, doing it all over again. Despite the warnings. Despite her friends’ and her mother’s insistent. She couldn’t help it; it was just simply who she was – and it was why she was currently going through Kyra Santana’s file.
Her patient might have given up; but she wouldn’t. Cancer is something they could fight; something Sawyer took too deeply when she considered her own family. She wouldn’t abandon Kyra – even if she couldn’t see how much she needed her, herself.
It was why she was currently at her desk; reading over Kyra’s charts – analyzing her blood work.
It didn’t look good.
The cancer was aggressive, already spreading further than Sawyer anticipated. Sighing, she tapped her pen against her clipboard. Treatment was the only option – and Kyra would keep fighting her tooth and nail about it.
Rubbing her eyes, Sawyer dropped her clipboard by the corner of her desk.
“A penny for your thoughts?”
She hadn’t heard Ethan, which spoke volumes for how tired she was. At the sound of his voice, she jumped before glancing up warily at him. She met his impossibly crystal eyes with a blank stare until he emphatically repeated his question.
“Oh!” She smiled ruefully, “sorry. I’ve just been…” she trailed off, gesturing at her clipboard and biting her lower lip before staring back up at him. “Going through a patient’s blood work.”
Well, ex-patient at the rate this rate. Kyra hadn’t been back since they talked.
Ethan searched her face before making a motion behind him. “Follow me rookie.”
Blinking, Sawyer hesitated for a moment before dutifully following behind him. She kept her gaze rooted to his back as they disappeared within an empty hall. It was mostly quiet around this time at the hospital anyway; with only the overnight staff still present.
When he turned to face her, Sawyer had nearly ran into him. “It’s Kyra, isn’t it?” His face softened a fraction and for a moment, Sawyer could see the softer side of him – the side he often buried in front of others. It was only too bad that within seconds it was gone.
Sawyer stood, stretching and wincing at how sore her muscles were from being on her feet all day. “Yes, and it’s not good news.” She sighed, “it’s worse.”
“I’m sorry.” He offered simply, slipping his hands into his coat. “I know… how hard this must be on you.”
She nodded absently, but she was bracing for it. She was waiting for the I-told-you-so from him. He knew from experience. She was starting to learn what he preached and in her first few months here, she was starting to feel worn and rundown. “You warned me this would happen,” she took a deep breath. “You told me to be prepared for the inevitable, and I’m…” she was fighting for the right words, “…hallow, numb.” She ran her fingers through her bright hair; shaking her head after she glanced away. “Kyra isn’t gone but already I feel like I’ve failed her.”
“You haven’t failed her.” He said a matter-of-factly, taking a step closer. He was suddenly crowding her vision. He was close enough for her to see the slight flecks in his eyes.
Sawyer blinked up at him in alarm when she felt his hands on her shoulders.
“She’s still here.”
“But she wants to stop fighting. She wants it to win.” Grief had changed her voice; made it crack as Sawyer dropped her eyes to her feet. “I want her to keep fighting but – she doesn’t want to anymore.” She knew how bad it could, how much cancer took from everything. She’d seen it nearly destroy her family. “I know I should respect that. I know and yet…yet I - She’s tired, and I –” she cleared her throat, “I can’t stop myself from going over her file – wondering what we did wrong, what I did wrong –” She felt his arms around her then, felt his quiet breath atop her head as he hugged her tentatively – as if to ask is this okay? But it was more than okay, it was what Sawyer hadn’t realized she needed until she buried her face into his chest and simply breathed the comforting scent of his aftershave.
“It’s alright.” His tone was uncharacteristically gentle. “It’s alright.”
She took a moment to listen to his steady heartbeat, letting the sound of it become her guide to breathe. She inhaled deeply, clutching onto him; her knuckles going white while he continued to repeat the same words, over and over again against her ear.
It wasn’t until Ethan interrupted the silence between them with a clear of his throat that she realized her mistake. She had overstepped again. Her fingers froze and slowly she unclenched her hands from his shirt. “Sorry,” Sawyer mumbled, pulling away first.
He had been very clear about their boundaries since the first time they kissed. Boundaries, she did not share.
“Don’t be.” There was a splash of colour to his cheeks. “I offered.” He took another step back, creating more distance between them and making it much easier for Sawyer to find her footing again despite the surge of disappointment at the motion.
“I figured you needed a moment….to put yourself back together again.” Ethan’s gaze turned solemn, “and what you’re going through is something we all go through. Sooner or later we spread ourselves too thin, when we care so much.” His eyes searched hers’ and she felt her throat go dry from the intensity of his stare.
Is that how you feel about Dr. Banerji? She had almost spoken the words aloud before biting her lips firmly in an attempt to stop herself. That was the second subject she had almost breached today – and in public none the less.
As though reading her thoughts, he looked away. “And I know better than most.”
Sawyer ensured her voice was low as she spoke; keeping her attention half on him and the other half down the hall as a nurse appeared. “Has Dr. Banaerji’s condition – ”
“No.” He interjected. “Not since the last time you saw him.”
She relaxed a fraction, absently placing a hand on his arm for comfort before thinking better of it. “There’s that at least. No change is still good news.”  
“And yet not very reassuring.” He murmured. It was his turn to look a little desolate, a little more lost than Sawyer felt after the day she’s had. And to think – she used to believe he didn’t care about anyone or anything. Now she knew better. She understood how much he cared about people, even if he wasn’t in the habit of showing it.
Without thinking Sawyer stepped closer to Ethan, watching the way his eyes widened in surprise as she gave his hand a gentle squeeze. “It’s alright.” She uttered softly. “He has you, he has us.”
There was a question in his eyes as his free hand reached between them, almost as though to cup her cheek. At the last second, he went completely still – stopping his hand in mid-motion as the breath in Sawyer’s throat left in a barely cohesive sound.
Ethan cleared his throat, the strain visible along the smooth lines of his face as he withdrew his hand out of her solid grip. “You should get some sleep, Hutton. You can’t save people when you can barely save yourself.” Almost a little awkwardly, his other hand patted her on the back.
“Uh right,” Sawyer forced a laugh, tucking a stray strand of blonde hair behind her ear. “I suppose it is getting rather late.” She checked the time on her watch. Shoot. She wasn’t getting any sleep tonight – maybe a nap, if she was lucky in traffic.
“I’ll walk you to your car.”
She glanced up at him.
The offer surprised her.
He looked taken aback himself at the words but made no move to deflect. Trying not to sound eager, she agreed. “Uh, sure…just let me get my stuff on.” She swallowed back the sudden excitement. Get a grip Hutton. But the thought of being alone with Ethan made her heart race a little faster, made her fingers shake as she tucked them behind her back. Smiling timidly at him, she managed a little wave before she backtracked towards her desk, “I’ll meet you at the front?”
Ethan nodded, offering her a small sample of a smile in return before retreating in the opposite direction.
The walk to the entrance hadn’t helped.
In fact, it seemed to draw out the anticipation somehow– although what for; Sawyer couldn’t decide. She knew better than to hold onto any semblance of hope after their last conversation. He wanted her to succeed and her success meant they could never work, not even in her wildest dreams.
Still, she wanted him – wanted him to want her, and he was beginning to take him too much space inside her head. She couldn’t let go; she was stubborn that way and his offer to walk her out felt more than something you did for a simple friend.
Maybe she reading too much into nothing.
No. She shook her head vehemently.
It was the way he blurted out the words and the surprise in his eyes afterwards which made her think differently; gave her hope that he was beginning to change.
There was a flutter in her chest as she discerned his familiar tall figure by the front of the building.
His lips were pressed into a firm line when she spotted him, and made her believe she had caught him thinking. From the broody look on his face, she can’t imagine it was anything good.
The smile across her lips faltered. “Ethan?” She asked uncertainly, “a penny for your thoughts?”
“Hmm? Oh.” His brow creased.
“Still thinking about our patient x?” Although there was no one around as they walked, she still kept her voice down – just in case.
“That and among other things.”
When he didn’t continue, Sawyer prompted him with a questioning stare, “…such as?” Did she dare believe? Did she dare think the discussion they had closed off weeks ago was still playing inside his head like a loop in hers’?
Ethan didn’t answer, not right away. Instead, he tucked his hands inside his jacket as they crossed the nearly empty parking lot. His voice was soft when he spoke again, causing her to almost lose her footing. “We’re not fools, Hutton. We can both see what’s going on.”
They were nearly to her car – three empty rows ahead. Sawyer tucked her hands inside her jacket as she turned to look at him. He was talking about them – the one subject that they had tittered across the edge on; dangerously before. When stopped short the same moment he did, her car was only a foot away. And the look in his eyes, stole her breath away.
Those piercing crystals held a mixture of longing – loneliness that made her want to reach out and touch him. She clenched her fingers around the soft texture of her pockets in order to stop herself from giving into the sudden temptation. “Ethan, if we’re talking about what I think we’re talking about…”
“But that’s just it. There can’t be anything Sawyer.” His throat had gone a little hoarse as he drew in a visibly long breath of air. “You have so much potential, so much and I would hate to see it jeopardized by anything…even if that anything is –” his eyes dropped lower – to the slight gaping of her mouth and then back to the startled expression in her eyes, “me.”
Sawyer sucked in a breath. Words that she would have said were now lost as she scrambled to keep up with him. “You’re forgetting something – that isn’t only just your choice. You don’t get to decide for me, I do.” She lifted her chin defiantly. “You think I don’t know the risks? You think I don’t rationalize all the reasons why I shouldn’t be thinking about you –” she poked a finger to chest angrily, not realizing the amount of distance between them had almost disappeared. “I get it, I do – but I’m still here. I still want to smile every time I see you; I still want to run my fingers through your hair and laugh whenever you make a snark remark –” her voice had lost it’s steam and every word she spoke grew softer and softer. “- I want to hold you close and bury my face into your shirt –” it was all spilling out too quick for her to take back - all the feelings she had to repress and when she felt his hands suddenly cupping her cheek, she stopped short to peer up at him.
“Sawyer…I can’t.” Agony shone in his eyes, burning all the way through her heart.
Feeling bold, she stood on her tip toes and enclosed her slender arms around his neck. “You can.”
He kissed her then, with a strangled gasp he slammed his mouth against hers and brought her to his chest with an impossibly strong yet gentle grip. He kissed her soundly, relentlessly – plunging his tongue in between her parted lips as she uttered a quiet gasp of her own.
His lean hips guided her against the hood of the car and without releasing her, he sat her atop as she buried her fingers in his hair.
Sawyer felt her desire for him grow with every kiss; yes yes – every nerve inside her seemed to whisper as longing for him welled inside her chest.
“What are you doing to me?” His breathing was ragged and he groaned as she sunk her teeth into his lower lip, nipping gently as he pressed intimately into her.
The rationale side of her knew they should stop, knew that he was right in placing some much-needed space between – but the rest of her didn’t care. She had never felt like this before; never felt such a constant pull to someone that refused to be ignored. “The same thing you do to me, Ethan.” She replied in between kisses, “and I want more.”
The sudden alarm of Sawyer’s car caused them both to jump at the same time.
Ethan scrambled away, cheeks flushing as Sawyer slid down off the hood. He avoided her gaze as he cleared his throat and made a considerable amount of room between them.
She did the same; and wanted nothing more than to bury herself under some kind of rock – after losing control completely. She hadn’t meant to voice so much of her thoughts. Oh god, why didn’t he stop me? That was unlike her, to be so forward someone she barely knew!
Ethan couldn’t even look at her.
Humiliation made her cheeks stung. “I – I should go.” She stammered, breaking the silence first. Stepping past him, she shakily grabbed her keys from out of her pockets and started her car.
“Hutton –”
She paused by the door handle. Don’t look at him. Just get in the car and drive. But she couldn’t stop herself. It was like something cosmic had overcome her better sense and she looked back.
He was standing where she left him, with his hands tucked inside his jacket – with a flurry of emotions in his eyes before he pressed his lips into a firm line. “Have a safe trip home.”
“You too.” Swallowing back her disappointment, Sawyer slid inside her car and closed the door behind her.
tags: @cora-nova
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leigh-kelly · 6 years
If the Fates Allow: Part 3/13
Thirteen part Christmas fic loosely based on Life As We Know It. After Santana and Brittany’s best friends die, leaving their two kids behind, the ex-girlfriends are forced to move in together and raise their godchildren.
Part 1 Part 2
The tensions loosened up a little with Brittany and Santana breathed a sigh of relief. They were still consciously avoiding each other when the kids weren’t present, but they started doing things like dinner and bedtime together, figuring it would set a better routine for Ava and JJ than if they kept alternating. Often, Santana thought about the fact that they had been together from the time they were in high school until the time they were twenty-eight and they were capable of being in sync, even if it felt really difficult given their current situation. Of course, Santana was dreading telling Brittany that she had Valentine’s Day plans, hoping it didn’t upset the tentative peace between them.
Two days before, Santana decided she finally had to talk to Brittany. She knew that she probably should have given her some more notice, in case she also had plans that she hadn’t told her about, but Santana was kind of into this girl from work and she really wanted to take her out for Valentine’s Day. It had been awhile since she had any kind of feelings for anyone and scoring a date for February 14th was kind of a big deal. So, while JJ was in his high chair and Ava was still upstairs getting dressed, Santana approached Brittany in the kitchen.
“Hey, um, so I kind of have plans for Wednesday night.” She wrung her hands in front of her body, bracing herself for Brittany to react poorly. “I was hoping you didn’t mind having the kids on your own that night.”
“Oh. Yeah, I mean…it’s Valentine’s Day, so I should have assumed you had plans.”
“And you don’t?”
“Well, dating is kind of the last thing on my mind right now.”
“That’s not—”
“I’m not saying it as an attack.” Brittany shook her head. “I’m just thinking out loud.”
“So you don’t care?”
“Why would I care? We’ve been broken up for two years.”
“I mean about having the kids.”
“Oh.” Brittany pursed her lips. “No, I don’t care about having the kids.”
On Valentine’s Day, Santana worked from home. She closed her laptop at 4:30 and went to pick up JJ from daycare and Ava from aftercare. She’d bought each of them little Valentine’s Day presents and she let them open them up while she waited for Brittany to go home from work. Ava was upset that she wasn’t going to be home for bedtime, but Santana promised her that she’d read two stories to her the next night, placating her a little bit. When Brittany came home, she went upstairs and started getting ready, spending a lot of time in the shower shaving and exfoliating. It had been awhile since she’d been on a date and she was really excited about it, even though she wasn’t exactly expecting it to be more than dinner, especially because she had to make it home by seven-am to help with breakfast and getting the kids off for their day. Still though, she prepared just in case.
She kissed Ava and JJ goodbye and she got in her car. Part of her thought about just taking an Uber into the city, but she liked the control of having her car and maybe she was a little old fashioned and liked the idea of picking a girl up for a date. Wendy was cute, she wanted to impress her, and she thought that pulling up in her expensive car might do exactly that. She never exactly had much game, but she was really trying to change that, figuring that since dating was going to be more difficult and would essentially involve Brittany’s approval every time she went out, she’d have to be super impressive to make girls like her.
“I can’t believe you’re raising two kids.” Wendy smiled at her once they were seated at the restaurant. “That must have really thrown you for a loop.”
“I’m still processing my friends dying, to be honest.” Santana shook her head. “The kids are kind of a distraction from it.”
“You know, if this were a rom com, you’d totally be falling for Brittany right now.”
“I’m—” Santana took a breath, thinking about how she’d never actually stopped falling for her. “That’s not going to be a problem.”
Santana’s phone rang before the appetizers came. She looked at it, saw that it was Brittany and hit ignore. She rolled her eyes a little, unsure of why Brittany would feel the need to interrupt her date, but then she thought that maybe she wasn’t as fine with it as she said. Truth be told, she probably would have tried to interrupt a date that Brittany was on, but then she shoved her phone in the pocket of her coat and listened to Wendy tell a story about coming out in college. She was really enjoying her date, so when the phone rang for the third time, she started to get irritated. There was absolutely no reason that Brittany should be calling her so many times, she’d said she was fine with the date, so she figured she was just going to answer the phone and tell her to stop bothering her.
“Just give me one second, I have to get this.” Santana hit the answer button and put the phone to her ear. “Hello?”
“I called you three times.” Brittany snapped.
“Yeah, and I’m on a date.”
“I’m at the hospital with Ava.”
“What?” Santana inhaled sharply, feeling panic rise up in her and instantly feeling bad for ignoring the calls. “What happened?”
“She was jumping on the bed and she fell off. Just…can you get here?”
“I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
“So was that the call?” Wendy asked, looking forlorn. “Not having a good time, so you have to go?”
“No, Wendy, I promise, it’s not like that at all and I’ll totally make this up to you, I swear.” Santana stood up, putting on her coat and leaning over to kiss Wendy’s cheek. “Ava’s in the hospital. I just have to go.”
Santana tossed her credit card at their waiter, telling him to put whatever Wendy wanted on the bill and then she raced out of the restaurant and to get her car from the valet. She had never been so glad in her life that there wasn’t traffic as she sped, weaving in and out of lanes, to the hospital. When she got there, the receptionist directed her to the emergency room and she found Brittany sitting on the side of a small bed holding Ava’s hand as the little girl clutched her arm to her chest sobbing. Santana’s heart broke, thinking of how much Ava had already been through and she hated the fact that she hadn’t been there to help right away.
“They haven’t seen her yet?” Santana demanded, looking between Ava and Brittany.
“Aunt Santana, my arm hurts.” Ava cried.
“They’re really backed up tonight, apparently Valentine’s Day is a big night in the ER with s-e-x injuries.”
“Oh, fuck that. Someone’s going to see her, and they’re going to see her now.”
Leaving Brittany and Ava behind the curtain, Santana stormed off to find a doctor. When she came across an intern, she threatened his life and then dragged him to Ava’s little cubicle. He looked stunned, but Santana didn’t care. She wasn’t going to let her niece cry in pain while other people were being treated and she hovered over the intern as he inspected Ava’s arm.
“That hurts!” She screamed as he touched her and Santana felt Brittany hold the back of her dress as she went to lunge toward him.
“It looks like we’re going to have to take some really cool pictures of the inside of your arm.” The intern told Ava. “Have you ever seen your bones before?”
“Nuh uh.”
“Well I’m going to take you down to the x-ray room and then we’ll check it out.”
Santana and Brittany both stayed by Ava’s side as she was x-rayed, Brittany telling Santana that she had called Cassidy’s mom to watch JJ after Ava fell. Santana was completely impatient as they waited for the results of the x-rays, but then another doctor, one who looked much older than the intern, came in to tell them that it looked like Ava was going to need surgery. Shaken up, Santana held back her tears and looked at Brittany, who nodded to the doctor confirming that they consented to it. Ava screamed and yelled as she was wheeled away from Brittany and Santana, but they kept promising her that she was going to be fine, that she was going to go to sleep for a little while and they’d be waiting for her as soon as she was done.
“This is all my fault.” Santana lamented, sinking down into a chair in the waiting room. “I’m the one who let her jump on the bed when you kept telling her no.”
“It’s not your fault.” Brittany shook her head, though Santana could almost tell that she was itching to say I told you so. “Kids jump on beds, you can’t blame yourself.”
“She’s having surgery, Brittany. She’s just a baby, she’s lost her parents this year and now she’s in there scared and alone. And I didn’t answer your calls because I was annoyed at you that you were interrupting my stupid date.”
“Look, are we going to do this self-pity thing all night? Because I’m exhausted and honestly don’t have the energy for it. It’s no one’s fault, Santana. Leave it at that.”
“You’re scared.”
“Of course I’m scared. I’m terrified. She’s in there having surgery and there’s nothing I can do to keep her safe. All of my rules and routines don’t matter.”
“They matter.” Santana murmured. “You’re the one keeping order in the house while I’m just…trying to keep my head above water.”
“I’m trying to keep my head above water too, you know. I don’t sleep at night, all I do is think about how we lost them and how much it hurts. I just…really try not to show it.”
“You’ve always been the stronger one.”
“Not showing it doesn’t make me strong, it makes me scared.” Tears glistened in Brittany’s eyes. “It’s like, if I start crying, I’m never going to stop. I know you were closer to them than I was…”
“They loved you, Brittany. When I went there after we broke up, Cass made it clear that they weren’t picking sides, that you were always going to be just as important in their lives as I was. That you were Ava’s aunt and they loved you just as much as they loved me.”
“She said that?”
“She did. I was pretty pissed at her for it, to be honest, but she made it work. I think…if they’d chosen someone to raise the kids after we broke up, it would have been you. I was always dependent on Cassidy to be my rock when things were falling apart after…I knowyou were the one who would plan things with the kids and actually be a better friend than I was.”
“I wouldn’t know what to do with Ava if you weren’t around. JJ is easy, he’s just a baby and he’s not grieving like Ava is, but you get her. She’s really only calm when you’re around. That’s why I needed you here tonight.”
“I hardly even comforted her. I was so pissed about the doctors taking so long to get to her.” Santana sighed.
“She knows that’s how you love people. You were able to get that intern when I couldn’t and you’ll be there when she wakes up.” Brittany yawned.
“You really are tired. Do you want to…borrow my shoulder and sleep for a little while?”
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”
“It’s just a shoulder, Brittany. I don’t bite.”
Brittany debated for a few seconds before she leaned her head on Santana’s shoulder and promptly fell asleep. It always impressed Santana how she could sleep anywhere and she tried not to move once Brittany was sleeping. She had to push down her feelings about the situation, reminding herself that it was just a shoulder, it was just…a friend offering a friend some comfort when things weren’t going well. She tried not to think of all the times on the Cheerios bus in high school where Brittany slept like that, all the times on the subway after they’d gotten to New York, all the things that reminded her of the feelings she shouldn’t still be having. She was still mad at Brittany for their breakup, that was for sure, but she also just hadn’t been able to put aside the feelings she had, no matter how much time had passed.
When the doctor came out a few hours later, Santana gently shook Brittany awake. Brittany stood up quickly, not meeting Santana’s eyes, probably regretting the fact that they’d just done that, and they followed the doctor back to the recovery room. Ava looked so small in the hospital bed and her eyes were still closed. Santana walked to the side of the bed and picked up her little hand. Slowly, Ava blinked her eyes open and she whimpered out in pain.
“Aunt Santana?”
“I’m here, honey.”
“Aunt Brittany?”
“I’m here too.”
“I want to go home.”
“Just a little while longer and the doctor will come tell us we can take you home.” Santana promised. “So soon.”
Once the doctor signed the discharge papers, Santana helped Brittany get Ava into her car. It was tough getting her in the car seat because of the cast on her arm and she screamed as they were getting her in. Santana felt really bad about leaving her, but she had to go back to her own car, she had to drive home. She followed behind Brittany home and when they got in the driveway, Santana jumped out of the car and went to Brittany’s. Ava screamed again and Santana carried her inside, bringing her upstairs so they could change her into her pajamas and get her into bed. Brittany stayed behind for a few minutes to talk to Cassidy’s mom and thank her for staying with JJ, but Santana was so wrapped up in Ava that she couldn’t even thank her. Santana got her settled into the bed and sat on the edge, stroking her hair until she fell asleep.
“I didn’t thank you for coming tonight.” Brittany stood in the doorway. “Or apologize for interrupting your date.”
“It was Ava, I wasn’t not going to come.” Santana shrugged. “It’s whatever. I’m going to check on JJ.”
“Alright. Goodnight, Santana.”
“Goodnight, Brittany.”
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xbarrjallenx · 7 years
Over Again
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Pairing: Sebastian Smythe x Reader
Request: “SEbastian Smythe X reader? Maybe where Blaine is your brother and when he throws the slushie you get mad and tell him the relationship is over and he argues it was meant for Kurt and u say it’s the same thing bc Kurt is family and Seb pleads for u to stay and she rejects him. Later after time being apart he tries to win her back and is successful (maybe this happens in college, they’re both studying to b lawyers and he gets a second chance bc he’s more mature now)hope I’m not a bother!❤️”
Word count: 2.512 (Oops, sorry.)
A/N: I’m sorry for the late post, but I hope you like it. It’s a little bit long, I know, but I didn’t know how to write the story line and I just went with the first thing that came in my mind. Thank you for requesting and you will never be a bother to me.
- G. x
People say that everything that has happened in the past remains in the past and we can’t do nothing to change it, but we know that we can always use the past as our point of reference to learn in the future. But did they know that everything that we put in our heads stay there? Like we remember some things, don’t we? And usually we remember the things in the past that we want to forget and forget the things we want to remember. These thoughts kept running through your mind as you studied for your Law and Government exams. You honestly couldn’t concentrate on your papers since the moment that you knew that Sebastian Smythe was studying in the same college you were attending. You both wanted to be lawyers, but you never thought that you could attend the same school one day, mostly after what he has done in high school. Sebastian Smythe was your loving but snarky and annoying ex-boyfriend. You loved him so much and people knew how you both completed each other. He had many positive traits, such as his intelligence, his talent at singing and dancing, his capacity of treating girls right. Although, he was so competitive and he didn’t accept defeat. He was never the loser, so he always needed to play dirty. You remembered how you met him and how he made you fall in love, even though you hated him at first. “Hi, I am (Y/N) and I think that you are a douche bag.” You said to him annoyed. He was bothering Kurt while you two were in your favourite coffee shop, Lima Bean, and you thought that it was a great move to stand up for your brother’s boyfriend. “Mademoiselle,” He flashed you a kinky smirk. “I am Sebastian and I don’t care of what you think.” He smiled sarcastically and you groaned because of his annoying gestures.
You started your conversation in that way, but you never thought that you would’ve loved him nevertheless his flaws and it never bothered you whenever he planned something bad just to obtain victory. It didn’t matter if he cheated or he stepped on other people, he should always win. You never minded him about doing those bad stuffs, until he made a really bad mess. He was part of a glee club in high school, the Warblers, and so are you, but in a public school, New Directions. These two groups hated each other, since both of them wanted to win every sectionals, regionals and nationals and the memory of a terrible happening was still fresh in your mind, even though many years have already passed. It was another day of fight with The Warblers, when New Directions sustained that the first has copied your group’s idea of performing a Michael Jackson song during the regionals. A sing-off had took place, so this way your group could show them that you deserved to do a Michael song. Bad by Michael Jackson was sung by both of the groups, that have shown their best to get what they really wanted. Everything was going well: the song, the performance and the dance moves, until something went really fast and you haven’t gotten any idea of how it has happened. You were singing the last part of the song as you saw your elder brother, Blaine, fell on the ground. He was covering his face as he was shouting for pain and agony. “Blaine,” You quickly ran to him, not even minding to finish the started song, and kneeled in front of your suffering big brother. Around him there was a big puddle of melting red slushie. “what’s happening?” “I can’t open my eyes; my face is burning.” He yelped in pain once again and the guys of the group quickly helped Blaine to get up. You were so confused of how it happened, you were sure that The Warblers did something stupid again. “Talk to your boyfriend, he did this.” Santana spat her words like they were venom in her mouth. She then gave Sebastian a stinging death glare, that made you confused even more. “Seb?” You couldn’t believe at her accusations, so you turned yourself at him and you saw that he was holding a large empty paper cup using his right hand. He was shocked on what has happened. Anger and delusion quickly filled your emotions. You couldn’t help but get up from where you were kneeling and give him a sharp and violent slap on his right cheek. He deserved it, he really did. “You let me down.” You shook your head and you slowly walked away from him. He was shocked on what you did, obviously, but he knew that he deserved it. “(Y/N), it was not meant for Blaine.” He calmly explained to you, he knew he was on the wrong side. Taking a step forward, he was trying to reach your hand. You asked for your group to leave you alone with him and they quickly went away, bringing Blaine, who kept on complaining under his breathe, with them and guiding him as he walked. “Then for who it was? Santana? Artie?” You raised your voice a little louder and you noticed that his group mates weren’t there with you anymore, in short: you two were both left alone in the room. “It was for Kurt, damn!” He raised his voice and answered you aggressively. “You know how much I hate that annoying friend of yours.” He let the empty cup fall from his grip and he walked towards you. “And it was okay to hurt him?” You raised your left eyebrow, sarcasm in your voice could be heard. He crossed the line and he knew that. “I have my own reasons why I should’ve hit him with the slushie.” He sassily answered and you were honestly tired of his shit. “Who cares if I hurt Kurt?” “Sebastian, are you fucking hearing yourself? You did this to win the regionals and I know that, because you’re too competitive! And second thing, I care for Kurt, I care for everyone in that group. I care for them and it wasn’t okay to hurt Kurt because he is part of our family, since he’s Blaine’s boyfriend.” You shouted at him. You lost your calm because of his stupid plans and his stupid words. “And you didn’t care for what I felt? You don’t care for what your boyfriend is feeling right now. Your boyfriend.” He held everything against you that you never cared for him whenever your friends were involved. He looked at the floor with a death glare, but then quickly looked at you. “Sebastian, I cared for you and I really did. Nothing was a lie for me and I loved you so much, with or without your flaws. I loved you, but you really crossed the line this time.” You shook your head as you spat words that hurt you and Sebastian so much. “You need to grow up and I think that it’s better if we end this relationship now.” Tears then started to stream down your face. “No, you don’t want to break up.” Sebastian shook his head many times, not believing of what you have just said. “We decide this together, (Y/N)! You can’t break up with me, just because your friends hate me or just because I hurt Blaine accidentally. No, you can’t and I am not letting you to do so.” Sebastian was a hard-headed person and you knew that he wouldn’t agree with your decision easily. “Sebastian, I am so damn tired of tolerating your fucking actions. You grow up and I think that this would be better for the two of us.” You sadly told him and you turned yourself away from Sebastian, trying to walk away. “Thank you!” He sarcastically shouted. “Thank you for leaving me after what I have done for you (Y/N)! After the patience, the support and the great things I’ve given you. Thank you.” You didn’t mind what he has said, because you knew that Sebastian was acting up like that just because he was angry with everyone, he was angry with himself. You decided to leave him, even though it was a fast and hard decision to do. You walked away from him, turning around for one last time to see Sebastian crying while he was giving you a stinging death glare. It was hard for you to let go, but you really needed to let him go. That painful thing happened many years ago and it caused you a hard time moving on from your first serious relationship, who would’ve ever thought that just a bad happening could separate two people that loved each other. “(Y/N)!” You suddenly heard your brother calling you and you shook your head to erase your thoughts, the gesture slightly gave you a headache. “What is it, Blaine?” You snapped at him as you turned around to face him. “I called you a millionth time now.” He rolled his eyes as he went near you. “You were lost in your thoughts?” “Uhm…” You bit your lower lip and nodded as you looked in his deep hazel eyes. “What has happened?” He curiously asked you, taking the sit beside yours. “Something is just bothering me, but it’s not that important. Don’t worry.” You lied through your teeth and then added a fake smile at the end. “I’m not convinced, (Y/N). I know when you’re faking it or not.” He laughed out loud and you just rolled your eyes in response. “What is it? Why are you here?” You bitterly asked him when he caught that you were just pretending to be okay. “Someone’s looking for you downstairs.” His face quickly became serious. You suddenly felt a sting in your chest and you became nervous for a second. “Who is it?” You curiously asked, trying to hide your nervousness. “I didn’t ask, but you should go now.” He flashed you a sweet smile to courage you and you just nodded your head, not knowing why you quickly got up and walked out of your room. You quickly ran downstairs and you felt another pang in your chest as you saw who it was. How could it be possible that you were thinking of him just a moment before and he then suddenly shows up at your door? He was talking with Kurt calmly, but they suddenly stopped when they noticed that you were fixing your gaze on them. “(Y/N)!” Kurt happily greeted you, like what he does every day. It’s a fun to live with Blaine and Kurt, because they always spoil you and you always get what you want. They take care of you as if you were their daughter, even though you are grown up now. “Morning, Kurt.” You absent-mindedly greeted him. He got up from the couch and smiled at you. “Do you want something while you talk to Sebastian?” He gently asked. “I’m fine, Kurt. Thank you.” You sweetly smiled at him and he smiled back at you. “Alright, I’m leaving the both of you then.” He started to walk upstairs, obviously going to where Blaine was. You and Sebastian both followed his steps, but then looked at each other shyly when Kurt was already out of the scene. “Uhm,” He shyly started. “Hi?” “Hi.” You shortly replied. You couldn’t deny the fact that you missed him so much, but he hurt you and you couldn’t just hug him tightly, like what you used to do. “How are you?” He seemed happy at that moment. He was happy to see you and you knew it, you could see it in his eyes. “I’m fine, stuck at studying Law and Government.” You sighed as you break the ice between the two of you and you treated him as if he didn’t do anything in the past. “How about you?” “I’m good, thank you.” He smiled. “If you want I can help you to study.” “Uhm, okay.” You nodded slowly and his smile widen even more. “Why did you visit?” “Oh,” His smile suddenly fell and he had a serious look in his eyes. “it’s about the past.” “Sebastian, we can’t change the past.” You reminded him coldly. “I know, but we can change our future.” He looked at you and you saw the loneliness in his green orbs. “If we want to, we can.” “But,” You didn’t know what to say. You want to fix everything with him, but it feels like your pride is still eating you whole. “It’s okay if you don’t want to, but let me say that I am sorry for what I have done in high school. I know that I was a douchebag that didn’t deserve anything in his life, but I am grown up now. I know what is right from wrong and believe me that I really do. In high school, I thought it was all fun and games, until it’s not.” He explained it seriously while he fiddled with his fingers. “Losing you made me realize something and I knew that I wanted to change myself.” “Sebastian.” You sadly pronounced his name. “I really don’t know what to say.” “It’s okay, you don’t have to say something.” He bit his lip and then he admired his shoes, as if they were the most interesting things in the planet. “I just wanted to tell you this.” “You really changed.” You smiled sweetly. You missed Sebastian and you couldn’t lose him for the second time now. If you both met once again after all these years, there is a possible reason. “I’ve been unfair to you that day, I know, but I am happy that you decided to change yourself.” “It wasn’t easy to lose someone you loved so much.” He looked at you straight in the eyes, but he looked away when you both felt embarrassed. “I agree that it wasn’t easy.” You nodded slowly. “And you know how much I want to change the future with you.” You were shocked for the words that slipped out from your mouth. “Really?” He was full of enthusiasm and he was really happy on what you have just said. “Really.” You shortly answered. “So, can we start it all over again?” He asked you sincerely. “Obviously, in a better way.” “Hi, I am (Y/N) and I think that you are a douche bag.” You winked at him, remembering how you two first met. “Mademoiselle,” He flashed you a kinky smirk. You smiled because he still remembered everything. “I am Sebastian and I am sorry for treating your friend bad.” He then smiled and winked at you. You both chuckled loudly and you both got up from your seats. You warmly wrapped your arms around each other’s body and you enjoyed his touch silently. You missed his smell, you missed his hugs, you missed everything, but you are happy that you can finally have all of these things every day once again.
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wheresmynaya · 4 years
Lopez’s 8 Ch.5 | Brittana
A lot of Miguel was listened to during the making of this chapter so take that as you will LOL. Happy Friday! 
Also available on ff.net (x) ao3 (x) & below the cut!
Later that week, Santana and Brittany are seated at the dining table looking over headshots of the two guards that have been tasked to accompany the Toussaint out of Cartier. They both have very impressive backgrounds which worries Brittany.
“It says here this guy has worked for the Queen,” Santana reads aloud. Her expression is unreadable while Brittany’s jaw drops.
“Like the Queen of England?”
Santana smirks, hearing Britt drop the F-bomb never quite loses it’s effect on her.
“I knew this was going to happen,” Santana assures her, “Cartier is as predictable as they are ridiculously expensive. I’ve got this.”
“I know you do, but still. This is the big leagues we’re dealing with,” Brittany replies, “You can’t just distract these guys with a flirty smile. It works on me, but I doubt it’ll work on them.”
Santana chuckles before reaching out to hold Brittany’s hand. She gives it a little squeeze as she says, “I’ve got something a little more effective in mind. Don’t worry, B. You said it yourself, I can get us out of anything if I have to."
Albeit, she’s still a little nervous though even with a plan in place. For as long as she’s been doing this, she’s found that the nerves are always there, especially when there’s a ton of money involved. Without the nerves to keep her on her toes, she can get complacent and mistakes can be made.
But with so much at stake here, there’s no time for that.
Brittany glances down at their hands folded together on top of the table. It’s something she hasn’t seen too often, it’s something more intimate than what she’s used to.  
A moment later, Quinn’s sliding open the heavy loft door and the sound of it has Santana and Brittany quickly pulling away. Quinn’s looking exactly how Santana would picture a suburban mom dressing if she worked at Vogue with her stripped J.Crew sweater – that looks itchy as hell by the way – paired with a suede pencil skirt and clunky clogs.
She’s fashionable, Santana gives her that, but she’d never get caught out in public with all that on.
“Look who rooted through Emma’s closet,” Santana teases as Quinn slips out of her raincoat and puts it away.
Upon hearing her name, Emma looks up from her work bench and glances over to Quinn. There’s an approving smile on her face as Quinn walks over to Santana and Brittany.
“Very cute. I love the shoes with that sweater, but I don’t recognize it? Are you sure it came from my closet?” Emma questions.
Santana and Brittany snicker as Quinn cuts them with a glare before turning to Emma, “No. This is actually mine.”
“Oh! Well then,” Emma tilts her head to the side, noting the outfit once more, before turning back to her work.
“Why am I not surprised by that?” Santana chuckles before taking a sip of her beer.
Quinn just shakes her head and joins them at the table. Brittany leans back in her chair so she can grab a bottle for Quinn too.
“How’d it go?” Santana asks while Quinn twists off the top, “We got the scan of the seating chart you sent. Thanks, by the way.”
Quinn bows her head before taking a sip. Since getting into Vogue, Quinn’s intel has been vital in the execution of the heist. She’s like their own personal inside-woman and she’s getting all sorts of important information. The seating chart has been the highlight of the week so far.
“I noticed there’s an empty spot at the table next to Rachel Berry,” Santana points out.
“Yeah, you hear anything about who her date will be?” Brittany asks Quinn, “How soon do they need to lock in the seating chart?”
“As soon as possible from what I’ve heard,” Quinn replies, “But I haven’t come across anything about who her escort could be. The girl goes through dates like there’s no tomorrow so I’m surprised it’s still up in the air.”
“You don’t have any idea either?” Brittany asks Santana.
The brunette shakes her head slowly, “Nope. None. I figured she would’ve chosen by now too.”
Quinn catches something off about Santana’s statement, but sips on her beer just to observe them. She’s worked with the pair for years, she knows their quirks and she can read them nearly as good as they can read each other. So when she sees the slight twitch in Santana’s upper lip, she knows that she’s telling a lie.
But to Brittany? That doesn’t make sense.
“I hope it’s Finn Hudson,” Brittany giggles, “Those T-Rex eating the Jew memes were hilarious!”
Santana chuckles along with her, “Hilarious. We’ll see what happens.”
“Well good work, Q!” Brittany praises as stands to stretch, “I’m gonna head to bed.”
“Thanks Britt,” Quinn smiles, “Goodnight.”
Santana says the same before Brittany presses a kiss to the top of her head. She swoons but the feeling gets a little watered down as Brittany kisses the top of Quinn’s head too before she walks off.
Quinn just smirks as she watches Santana slowly green with jealousy.
“Shut up,” Santana growls.
Quinn just laughs,” I didn’t say anything! You know, people wouldn’t think you two are dating if you guys didn’t act like you were dating.”
Santana rolls her eyes, “Right. Well people should also mind their own damn business but I see I’m still waiting for that to happen too.”
“You’ll be waiting awhile for that one,” Quinn jokes but then she lowers her voice as she grows serious again, “You have an idea for Rachel’s date?”
Santana smirks behind her beer bottle, “Yeah. You.”
Quinn’s eyes go wide, “What? Are you serious? As if you don’t have me doing everything already. How would that even work? I’d need to – “
“Woah. Calm down, Lucy Q.”
Quinn glares back with her voice threateningly low, “Don’t call me that.”
Santana’s not fazed, “I’m joking. I do have an idea, but I can’t talk about it here.”
Her eyes drift off to where Emma sits at her station and Sugar’s over on the couch playing some game on her phone. Mercedes is over in the other corner too on her laptop and only God knows what she can hear from there.
“We need to talk somewhere private,” Santana says cryptically.
Quinn’s intrigued, “I’m off tomorrow. Let’s do coffee then?”
Santana and Quinn decide to stay somewhat close by to the loft for their coffee date. They find a tall table by the back window and slide up on the stools. It’s not too busy for a Saturday morning so the two don’t have to wait long before a server stops by and takes their coffee orders. They make small talk until their coffees are brought over, not wanting to be interrupted once they get on to the serious topics.
“So what’s with all the secrecy?” Quinn questions after taking a sip of her latte.
Santana wipes away chocolate powder from her lip and shrugs, “I’ve made sure that everyone only knows what they need to in order to complete this job and I want to keep it that way.”
“So you’ll have to make this look like Rachel Berry was the one who decided to pick her as her escort.”
Quinn’s even more confused and asks, “Who?”
It takes her a moment for the name to sink in but then Quinn’s eyes bug out as she slumps back in her stool, “Dani? As in your ex-girlfriend, Dani?”
“That’s right,” Santana answers confidently before taking another sip of her coffee.
Quinn lets out a chuckle in disbelief, “Why in the hell would you bring her into this, Santana?”
“Why not? You’ve seen the tabloids, you know how painful it is to be within a two-foot radius of Rachel Berry. It would bring me so much joy knowing that Dani is out there suffering from an excruciating dinner with that woman. Nothing would make me happier actually. You and I both know the bitch has it coming anyway.”
Quinn doesn’t look too convinced, “Why do I feel like there’s something bigger going on here?”
“Because you like blowing things out of proportion?” Santana tries to deflect.
“No. I don’t think that’s it,” Quinn shakes her head and laughs, “I know you. You’ve got ulterior motives.”
Santana scoffs at the assumption but choses to stay quiet.
Quinn eyes her carefully, “Does Brittany know about this?”
Santana lets out a huff, “I don’t need to run everything by her. I’m the HBIC of this heist.”
The blonde smirks, seeing a crack in Santana’s front, “She wouldn’t approve, would she? That’s why you didn’t tell her. That’s why we had to come all the way over here to talk about it.”
Santana sips her coffee, trying collect her thoughts. The thing she loves and hates about Quinn is how fucking smart she is, the girl’s deductive skills are on point! When Quinn’s using them for the benefit of the team it’s great, but when she’s targeting Santana? Not good at all.
“Listen, I didn’t involve Britt because she’s dealing with other things and she hates Dani’s guts and you know Britt doesn’t hate anyone. If she got wind of this, she’d probably try to fuck with her hair or something ridiculous. We can’t have her distracted by trying to make Dani’s night a living hell,” Santana explains, “This has to stay between us and you have to make it look like Rachel Berry was the one who put this in motion.”
“Hmm,” Quinn hums as she rotates her latte glass in her hands. Santana’s putting her in a really questionable situation because at some point, Brittany’s going to find out and when she does, shit’s going to hit the fan. She shakes her head again and sighs, “I don’t know about this. It doesn’t seem right to leave Britt out.”
“Q, come on. Since when did you suddenly develop a moral code?” Santana questions, “If we put Dani in, at least it’s familiar territory.”
“For you, maybe.”
“Exactly. We can’t risk putting someone else in there that could jeopardize the heist. For the most part, Dani’s a puppy dog. She’ll just follow Rachel Berry around. She won’t get in the way, but we can’t say the same if someone else becomes the date. Just imagine if it really was Finn Hudson in there? He’s a dope but we don’t know him, we don’t know what he might do. Same with St. James and Puckerman, they’re loose units and we can’t afford to try our luck here.”
“You’ve put some thought into this,” Quinn points out, “You’ve always wanted Dani to be Rachel Berry’s date.”
Santana shrugs, opting to hold her cards close to her chest, “Like I said, everyone only knows enough in order to get their job done. All you need to know is that Dani has to be Rachel Berry’s escort and you need to make it look like she decided that. Will you organize this or you gonna make me do it myself?”
Quinn eyes her curiously, “And how would you do that?”
Santana sits back in her chair with her chin raised, “Don’t apply logic to Lopez.”
It takes her a moment but Quinn finally answers, “Fine. I’ll work on it.”
“Thank you,” Santana says with the bow of her head.
“But I’m not going to be the one to tell Brittany. That’s all you and you should do it before she finds out first,” Quinn warns, “The worse thing you can do is leave her out of this.”
“Yeah yeah, I know,” Santana brushes off.
“Seriously Santana,” Quinn takes a stern tone, “This won’t be good if you half-ass it.”
“I’ll sort it out, Mom. Don’t worry,” Santana says earnestly, “You just focus on getting Dani in good with Rachel Berry. It should be easy, they’re both full of themselves so they’ll have lots in common.”
Quinn’s already feeling uneasy about this, but she agrees anyway. All she can do now is hope that Santana isn’t a complete idiot and actually communicates her plans to Brittany first.
They’re heading back to the car after they’ve finished up their coffees when Quinn asks, “So I’ve got a question.”
“Do I even want to know?” Santana grumbles.
“Considering I’m doing you a huge favor, yes.”
“Fine, what’s your question?”
“How the hell does The Great Santana Lopez, daughter of the infamous bandit Hector Lopez, wind up in jail?”
Santana knew Quinn was itching to ask that specific question, as is everyone. In fact, she’s actually surprised Quinn hasn’t asked sooner. Santana keeps it casual thought and replies, “I got caught up with the wrong woman.”
“Yeah, I got that much.”
Santana brushes off the sass, “I met Dani around the time Brittany and I were sort of hitting a rough patch. She was this musician at bar I frequented. She bought me a drink one night and we hit off. A few weeks later, she approached me with this hypothetical and I ran with it. We made a ton of money, but she was soft. I knew I should’ve bolted at the first sign of it, but I didn’t. I don’t know why. I guess I thought I could handle it?” Santana averts her gaze and pauses a moment before continuing, “When we got caught, she broke under pressure and threw me under the bus. I went down for everything and she barely got a slap on the wrist. The end.”
“What’s with the short version?” Quinn looks surprised as they get into the car, “I know the bare minimum about this woman. If you’re roping me into something that’ll potentially have Brittany on both of our asses you’re going to have to give me more than that.”
Santana rolls her eyes and sighs as she starts the car, “God, okay.”
In the time that it takes for Santana to fill Quinn in on everything she’s missed regarding her involvement with Dani and her life in jail, they’re just around the corner from the loft.
“Shit Santana,” Quinn frowns, “I’m sorry. Dani seems so up herself, couldn’t imagine you with someone like that.”
Santana shrugs, “It happened, it’s whatever. Karma’s a bitch apparently, so I’m not worried. I’ll have my fun when she has to sit through dinner with Rachel Berry.”
“Right,” Quinn chuckles and after a pause she asks, “So you two were dating back then? You and Brittany?”
“What? No,” Santana laughs nervously.
“But you said you hit a rough patch?”
“Yeah, in our work,” Santana says and it’s not a complete lie, “Besides, sex isn’t dating.”
Quinn cocks her head to the side, “Did Brittany know that?”
It should be a simple answer, but Santana’s words get caught coming out.
She and Brittany never really talked about what was going on between them back then. There was this unspoken understanding that it was just casual sex between friends, they weren’t an item or anything serious. It would be something that would bite Santana in the ass one day, but you try being that close to Brittany without developing some kind of feelings for the woman.
Plus it’s Brittany, Santana knows how she is. She flirts and teases and everything’s a joke when it’s not about their work. There’s nothing serious behind her words. It took a long time, but Santana gets that now. She just wish she would’ve gotten it a bit sooner than later.
“We were partners…in crime,” Santana finally answers as they pull up to the loft, “That’s all we were and that’s all we are now.”
Brittany’s in the garage with the door open talking to Sugar when they spot the Range Rover pulling up. Brittany’s got her overalls on this time so she must’ve been working on something out there. They wave to Santana and Quinn and move out of the way so that Santana can park inside.
“Didn’t look like it from where I was standing,” Quinn says, “Then or now.”  
“Of course you’d say that,” Santana sighs, “What’d it look like then? Enlighten me.”
“More than just a friends with benefits type of situation.”
Santana grits her teeth, “Well it wasn’t that. There were no feelings involved.”
Quinn’s brows furrow, “None?”
“None,” Santana lies.
Quinn rolls her eyes, “I don’t believe you.” She doesn’t wait to hear Santana’s snarky reply before she’s climbing out of the car.
Santana’s quick behind her though, “Why? Because I don’t need to have feelings for someone I’m having sex with? Because I don’t believe in settling down and doing the whole Desperate Housewives thing like you?”
They’ve grabbed Brittany and Sugar’s attention and the two watch on the sidelines as Santana and Quinn continue like they aren’t there.
Quinn rounds on her, “Is that what you think a real relationship looks like? No wonder you’re afraid of them.”
“I’m not afraid of them. I just spent the last hour talking about one!” Santana snaps but Quinn doesn’t look convinced, “You always want there to be this grand romance or something like we’re in a damn Hallmark movie, but it’s not like that. Life’s not like that. Things don’t always go your way especially when it comes to love and that’s just how it is.”
Quinn looks surprised, but she isn’t the only one.
Brittany watches from where she stands with this contemplative look on her face. She knows Santana can be pretty closed off when it comes to how she feels – it’s something that she’s gotten used to over the years – but that might’ve been the first time she heard just how pessimistic Santana really is.
Santana’s so caught up in Quinn poking at her that she doesn’t even notice.
“Damn Lopez, who hurt you?” Quinn asks half-heartedly.
“Well, the last woman I was sort of dating did send me to jail…” Santana jokes bitterly.
Instead of winding Santana back up again, Quinn just shakes her head and turns to greet Brittany and Sugar before heading inside. They smile in reply and Sugar trails after Quinn, not wanting to be around Santana when there’s steam coming off of her.
Brittany just goes over to the sink to wash the grease off of her hands. She can feel a storm brewing the longer Santana lingers and she wants to give all of her attention.
“You believe her? She pops out a kid and gets married and now she suddenly thinks she knows everything,” Santana rants as she throws her hands up in the air.
Brittany turns and goes to dry her hands, “She’s always been a know-it-all. Why do you sound so surprised?”
“Because it’s so annoying,” Santana grumbles before crossing her arms and walking over to lean against Brittany’s work bench, “Like if I wanted her to tell me something about myself I’d fucking ask.”
“Totally,” Brittany shrugs and goes to stand next to Santana, “But we kinda like her, right?”
“Jury’s out on that one.”
Brittany chuckles, “Come on, she’s been a great friend over the years. Remember that one time she punched that guy because he was being a prick to us?”
“Yeah, I remember. She broke his nose and we all got thrown out of the club,” Santana’s smile falls into a glare, “She ruined our night out.”
“I don’t know,” Brittany smiles sweetly, “I remember you being pretty proud of her.”
Santana ponders the memory and starts to smile. It was a wild night out for sure and seeing Quinn fly across the bar fist first like that in her frilly sundress was such an experience. They may have gotten thrown out of the club but she can’t lie and say it really ruined their night.
“She’s got her moments,” Brittany adds as she bumps their shoulders together, “You have to at least admit that.”
“I guess she does,” Santana agrees as she leans into Brittany.
Their hips are touching as they look out at the garage: there are a couple expensive models that are parked by the Range Rover plus Brittany’s motorcycle. It’s a quaint collection and Brittany uses that in attempt to change the subject before Santana winds herself up even further.
“I’m surprised you didn’t take the Fastback today,” Brittany says.
“I know you just waxed it,” Santana shrugs, “I didn’t want to dirty it up.”
“I wouldn’t have minded,” Brittany replies as they look over to the ‘67 Mustang Fastback in all it’s shiny jet-black glory, “I do it for you anyway. Can’t have you out there behind the wheel of something dirty, no matter what the songs say.”
Santana cracks a smile, “I don’t think Ridin’ Dirty is quite that literal, Britt.”
Brittany just shrugs, happy that she could at least make Santana smile even if it was a goofy joke.
“You know,” Santana says as she glances up at her, “You could’ve gotten a lot of money for that one if you would’ve sold it. It’s a classic.”
“I know,” Brittany nods, “But the Schuester Dealership job was an important one for us. It was our biggest one in awhile. I wanted a souvenir I guess.”
Santana remembers that dry spell all too well. The shitty cons they were pulling at the bingo hall weren’t scratching that itch, but they couldn’t come up with anything new either. It was a pretty rough time for them, but then Santana spotted the Fastback and it was like inspiration struck.
“Plus, you love that car,” Brittany says, “You came up with the entire heist just because you loved it so much. I couldn’t just sell it.”
Santana smiles in gratitude, “It’s a nice one for sure,”
Lifting cars wasn’t really her thing – it was more so something her father dabbled in – but an opportunity arose and she just had to try her hand. It was a complete success! That day, she and Brittany walked away with seven cars including the Fastback. They were on cloud nine, completely ecstatic for finally pulling themselves out of that rut the had been stuck in for weeks.
Santana also remembers how that day ended too and decides to push that memory far, far away. Instead, she thinks back on the super hot sex that took place in the backseat of the Fastback because thinking about sex always seems to make things better. Plus, she’s sensitive in more ways than one so she can’t help but reminisce.
After a moment Brittany feels it’s safe to ask, “So what were you and Quinn talking about before that got your feathers so ruffled up?”
It’s a little bit of a mood killer, but Santana answers her, “Just filling her in on the past. She didn’t really know much about what went on between me and Dani.”
“Lucky her,” Brittany jokes as she pushes from the work bench, “Glad I missed that conversation.”
Santana fails to hide her smile as she watches Brittany almost sulk away.
Maybe sulk isn’t the right word because that would imply that Brittany feels some type of way about it all and apparently she doesn’t. Santana just has to know what the real reason is behind Brittany’s tone, because she’s so use to hearing her say one thing when she actually means another. Santana’s been pretty guilty of that as well, but this isn’t about her.
It’s about Brittany and what she isn’t saying.
“Why do you always do that?” Santana’s words tumble out and it surprises her how easy the fall. It’s a question that she’s been begging to ask but she hasn’t had the guts; apparently she has them now.
“Do what?” Brittany questions but Santana spots uneasiness in her usual confident partner in crime. It makes her own confidence grow.
“The whole jealous ex thing,” Santana presses further, “It’s cute and all but I don’t get it. You say you aren’t jealous but I don’t know, your actions say something totally different.”
“I’m not jealous and I’m not one of your exes so that doesn’t really apply to me,” Brittany corrects before simply saying, “As your friend, I just don’t like her, never did. You know that.”
The way she says friend hits Santana differently than it usually does. That’s what they are – technically – but Quinn doesn’t react in the same way that Brittany does whenever Dani’s brought up and they’re friends too. Something doesn’t add up so Santana’s curiosity gets the best of her.
“Yeah, but I don’t know. You took that stance well before I even told you that we were sort of together,” Santana says but then there’s this playful glint in her eye as she smirks, “Is there something else going on?”
Brittany remains silent and Santana takes that as a win and presses further, “Could it be that you can’t stand the thought of me being with someone else?”
It’s bold of her to ask and she probably wouldn’t ever say something like that if it weren’t for the sudden boost of confidence she got from calling Brittany out for being jealous.
Brittany narrows her eyes at the question, also surprised by the sudden boldness.
The look makes all the annoyance brought on by Quinn earlier suddenly disappear for Santana. She’s got Brittany right where she wants her now. The teasing and flirting is familiar territory for them and there’s comfort in that. Even if she’s not going to pull the answer from Brittany this time, she’s going to at least rile her up a little for her efforts.
“Could it have something to do with someone else being able to do all the things you think only you can?” Santana asks, her voice low and raspy, “Because that’s exactly what I think it is.”
Brittany shivers at the accusation but finds herself leaning in, “Careful Santana, that’s a brave statement you’re making.”
Santana smiles back challengingly, “Is it?”
“It is,” Brittany husks. She takes a daring step closer, backing Santana further against the work bench.
“Tell me I’m wrong then?” When Santana’s met with silence again, her smirk deepens, “Tell me you weren’t just a little jealous of her.”
Brittany stands her ground and cocks a brow at her, but she doesn’t say a word.
Santana lets out a laugh, “You can’t, can you?”
Brittany looks back with this steely gaze and tries to fight the smile that threatens to form. This is what Santana does. She thinks she has the upper hand and gets really confident about that while Brittany merely waits her turn so she can show her who the real boss is.
Sometimes though, Brittany can’t tell if that’s exactly what Santana wants her to do.  
“You and I both know how good I can make you feel,” Brittany responds as she settles her hands on Santana’s hips, “Or have you forgotten?”
Santana hasn’t forgotten a thing – sometimes it’s like the only thing she can remember – but she keeps up with cocky smile for as long as she can, “You didn’t answer my question.”
“You didn’t answer mine either,” Brittany smirks.
“Maybe?” Santana replies, “It’s been awhile, my memory is a little fuzzy.”
Brittany chuckles but it’s throaty and it sounds so sexy especially when she starts to trail her hands up and down Santana’s sides. There’s something dark and needy about the way Brittany stares down at her as she asks, “Should I remind you?”
Everything in Santana screams yes, a million times yes, but she can’t give up just yet. She has lasted this long, no use in caving now.
Brittany seems to have other ideas in mind though.
“That’s what you want, right? You want me to remind you,” Brittany grins devilishly as she presses up against Santana. She’s trapping her against the work bench, holding her in place as she continues, “See, I know what you’re doing. You’re trying so hard to rope me into this just like you always do, teasing me until I break.”
Santana sucks in a shaky breath. With Brittany this close to her now, everything’s going a little foggy. She can smell the peppermint on her breath and her soft lips are just right there. All she has to do is lean in.
“Is it working?” Santana asks with her eyes glued to Brittany’s mouth. She watches her lips form the words like she’s hypnotized.
“It always works,” Brittany says with a chuckle, “But you like the build up too much for me to do anything about it just yet.”
Santana swallows dryly. God, Brittany knows her so damn well. She knows just how to work her up to the point of no return. This is more than just a teasing game now, they both know exactly where this is headed.
“It’s okay,” Brittany whispers hotly against Santana’s cheek, “I’ll play along.”
The way the words fall sends a shiver up Santana’s spine.  
“Because I know exactly how you like it, baby,” Brittany says and if it were anyone else calling her that, Santana would cringe but it sounds so good when it’s Brittany.
Then again, Santana’s sure she’d let Brittany call her almost anything with the way she’s staring at her right now. She’s looking at Santana like she’s a whole meal and she’s ready to eat!
She loves when Brittany’s like this – like she’s trying to stake her claim or something – and maybe that’s why Santana was never truly annoyed by her reaction to Dani. Maybe she kept Dani around because it was the only time she could catch a glimpse of how Brittany really felt about her?
But that’s just another maybe, Santana’s head is full of those.
“Did Dani?” Brittany challenges as she comes to stare Santana down but – judging by the look on Santana’s face – she knows the answer already, She’s not stopping though. If a reminder is what Santana needs, she’ll be all too willing to give her that.
“Did she know how to make your back arch with just her tongue?” Brittany adds and Santana feels her heart rate spike.
Apparently Brittany’s trying to kill her today.
She leans in closer so that her lips are just brushing the shell of Santana’s ear while she husks, “Did she have you calling out her name like you’ve called out mine?”
Santana swallows thickly as her thighs clench together.
It’s the wrong move because just that little bit of friction has her biting her lip at the sensation. Sex with Dani was good, but it wasn’t anything compared to the connection she had with Brittany and it sounds like the blonde knows that.
Brittany smirks at Santana’s continued silence, “You leave scratches down her back too? You ever beg her to keep going because it felt so good and you didn’t ever want her to stop?”
Santana’s griping the work bench so hard that she could probably break off chunks of wood if she really put her mind to it. All she wants to do is to reach out and touch Brittany, but she doesn’t want to give her the satisfaction of caving first.
And maybe she’s a little bit of a glutton for punishment. Maybe she likes to see how long she can wait, how long she can hold out?
Even if the whole silent approach isn’t really working for her, Brittany’s got her wrapped around her pinky and Santana’s not sure if that’s entirely a bad thing or not.
“Yeah, I bet she didn’t,” Brittany says as her hands glide up Santana’s back, “You know how I know that?”
“How?” The sound of her own voice surprises Santana, but Brittany’s got her hooked now and she’s hanging on every word.
“Because she’s not me,” Brittany says simply as she leans in and nudges Santana’s nose with the tip of hers, “She doesn’t know every inch of you like I do. She can’t drive you crazy like I can. She wouldn’t even know where to begin.”
Brittany’s so damn right, but Santana tries to regain some control here regardless, “I don’t know, Britt, you’re not the only one in the world who can make me come.”
Brittany’s taken aback by the statement and Santana knows the moment the words leave her that she’s really in for it this time. Brittany knows Santana’s right, but no one has made Santana come the way that she can. She’s not like any of those other girls Santana has been with and somewhere deep down, Santana knows that too.
“That’s where you’re wrong. It’s not just about getting you off. It’s more than that for me. I’ve heard every one of your sexy little moans, Santana,” Brittany tells her, “Hell, I know when you’re wet without even touching you.”
Santana licks her lips as Brittany pulls away with that same hungry look in her eye.
“Like right now,” Brittany adds as she glances down Santana’s body then lifts her gaze to met darkened brown eyes, “I bet you’re soaked.”
“I’m not,” Santana tries to hang onto the last bit of dignity and matches Brittany’s heated gaze.
“So sure of yourself?” Brittany smirks beneath hooded eyes, “Show me then.”
Never one to back down, Santana pulls Brittany’s hand out from behind her and guides her down, down, down until she feels her warm fingers caressing her inner thigh.
She’s thanking the Gods above for deciding to wear a loose fitting skirt because Brittany’s able to move without being so restricted. Although, she’s pretty accustomed to that as well considering Santana’s wardrobe of skin tight everything.
When the pads of Brittany’s fingers press against Santana’s covered center, Santana can’t help but let out a whimper at the feel. God, she’s already so damn sensitive. The feeling only intensifies as Brittany starts to run her fingers along the damp silk there. She can feel how wet she is – even with the barrier in the way – and it has Brittany licking her lips.
“Liar,” Brittany husks, “You’re dripping.”
“Whoops,” Santana replies with a sexy smirk, “My mistake.”
Brittany lets loose another throaty chuckle. The things Santana does to her…she’d do anything right now to be inside. To have Santana literally in the palm of her hand like this after she’s waited so long for it, she wants nothing more than to have her in every way imaginable.
Her fingers are still gliding back and forth at a slow but steady pace and there’s this trance setting in again as Brittany asks, “This all for me?”
“Yeah,” Santana moans helplessly. Her body is all a buzz just waiting for Brittany to do something. All resolve has gone out the window now along with her dumb rules about holding out. She needs this, she needs Brittany in however way she decides to take her.
Santana’s past caring now, she’s that desperate.
“Look at you,” Brittany mumbles and goes to rest her forehead against Santana’s. They’re both looking down at where Brittany’s hand is slowly moving along Santana’s center, “So wet.”
Santana wants nothing more than to rip the skirt away completely just so that she can watch how Brittany glides through her.
“What should I do?” Brittany starts to make lazy circles, her fingertips bumping Santana’s clit every so often.
The feel makes Santana squirm. She needs more of Brittany but every time she rolls her hips into her, the woman eases her touch. She’s teasing her again, she’s wanting Santana to beg for it. She wants Santana to be so turned on that she can’t think about anything else but this.
Honestly, Santana’s not that far off.
When Brittany moves in close again - her nose brushing Santana’s - she says, “Tell me, Santana. What should I do with all this?”
“Fuck,” Santana breathes out raggedly, “Just go inside like–“
She doesn’t finish her sentence but instead takes Brittany’s hand that’s up her skirt and guides it beneath her panties. She doesn’t miss the little moan Brittany releases as soon as she’s met with Santana’s soft, wet heat. She’s so unbelievably turned on right now, she doesn’t care how desperate this is making her look.
“Oh my God,” Brittany’s voice is gravely as she takes a single digit and runs it through Santana’s slickness.
“Inside,” Santana whimpers as her hips start to move in time with Brittany’s rhythm, “I need more.”
“Okay San,” Brittany whispers before pressing their lips together for a searing kiss. She does her best to swallow Santana’s moans as she sinks into her easily with two fingers.
It’s the best feeling in the entire world and it’s just like Brittany remembered: tight, wet and so damn hot.
Santana grabs onto Brittany – one hand settles on the back of her neck while the other digs into her hip – and she really wishes they had moved somewhere a little more private because anyone who happened to walk past would definitely catch an eyeful.
There’s also the possibility of someone inside the loft coming out to the garage and catching them in the act, but with the way Brittany’s pumping into her…giving a fuck is becoming a distant memory.
“Feels so good,” Santana groans against Brittany’s mouth and she’s already embarrassingly close but you can’t really blame her because it has been a long time since she was with another woman.
Plus, Brittany has some talented fingers.  
She’s already hitting that spot she knows Santana loves because the girl lets out a, “Don’t st – fuck!”
“Someone’s going to hear if you keep that up,” Brittany warns playfully against her ear before taking the lobe between her teeth for a light nip, “You want everyone coming out here? See how wet you are for me?”
Santana wants to roll her eyes at the smug tone, but she really can’t. She’s completely at Brittany’s mercy right now, so she tries her hardest to keep quiet.
“I’m not going to stop,” Brittany tells her and uses the pad of her thumb to press a little at Santana’s sensitive clit.
Santana’s knees are starting to shake as she trembles in Brittany’s arms. She’s not sure how long she can keep herself standing if Brittany keeps this up.
The blonde must feel that too and swiftly lifts Santana onto the work bench for some relief. The change in position has Brittany hitting that spot a little deeper than before and Santana’s throws her head back at the feel of it.
“Britt!” Santana cries out, momentarily forgetting the whole thing about being quiet as she rocks against Brittany’s hand, “Just like that.”
Brittany pulls back and smirks at the sight of Santana spread open on her work bench with that sexy face of hers – the one she makes when she’s lost in the chase – and Brittany tries hard to commit the scene to her memory. She’s not going to want to forget this and it’ll definitely make working out here a lot easier.
“Like this?” Brittany accentuates each word with a harder thrust, “This how you want me?”
She doesn’t wait for an answer, just uses her free hand to press against the small of Santana’s back to get her to move in time with her pumps. Santana takes the hint and let’s Brittany guide her hips while the blonde dives back in to suck kisses at her neck.
“You’re so sexy,” Brittany mumbles, letting her lips brush against the sensitive spot beneath Santana’s ear. She tastes like sweat and something that’s entirely Santana, Brittany can’t get enough of her.
“I’m so close,” Santana whines and threads her fingers through Brittany’s hair to hold her where she is. The feel of Brittany’s lips on her skin pressing soft kisses behind nips has Santana’s blunt nails scraping at the back of Brittany’s scalp. It’s too much and too little all at once.
God, why did she put this off for so long? How could she have gone this long without Brittany making her feel like this?
Santana starts grinding back against Brittany and the motion causes the work bench to bang against the wall in time to the roll of her hips.
And it’s loud.
She should really stop before the sound alerts the others and they’re caught, but she’s too far gone. She’s needs release and she needs it now.
But nothing ruins an orgasm like an unwanted interruption, so Brittany pulls out –  much to Santana’s protest – and quickly lifts Santana again and lays her down on the next best flat service which happens to be the hood of the Fastback.
She’s quick to get back to work because she knows how long Santana’s waited for this and – as much as she’d love to take her time – she’s had enough of the teasing game. When she sinks back into Santana they both let out a moan at the feel of soft, smooth skin and tight heat.
Everything Brittany said before – about all the little ways she knows Santana – she’s backing up now because every curl of her fingers, every dirty word whispered drives Santana a little closer to the edge. It is truly something only Brittany’s capable of and she’s proving it now.  
“You’re so good at this,” Santana whimpers and the compliment makes Brittany smirk before she leans in for a sensual kiss. It’s all tongue and teeth and when Santana surprises Brittany with a hard nip at her bottom lip, Brittany let’s out a moan of her own.
“Fuck Santana,” Brittany breathes out as she pulls away.
There’s this sexy, lust-filled look on Santana’s face and she looks so damn pleased to see Brittany a flushed mess too. She tries valiantly to pull her head from the clouds though and focus on keeping up with her rhythm: in and out, in and out, in and –
“Holy shit!” Santana groans as her head falls back against the hood. She’s so desperate for Brittany’s touch that she feels herself tightening around slender fingers.
“Careful,” Brittany coos as she presses into Santana, taking her free hand to smooth over the side of her head. It’s gentle, a little too gentle for Santana’s liking right now.
“Just keep going,” Santana tells her and Brittany does just that.  
With Brittany pressing flush against her, Santana’s able to hook her heels around the backs of Brittany’s thighs while the blonde continues to pump in and out. She’s missed this so fucking much, the way Brittany takes care of her is like no other and Santana loves it. She loves that she doesn’t have to train Brittany on how to fuck her, she just knows.
“You gonna come for me, baby?” Brittany asks after a particularly loud moan. There’s that word again too sending shivers all over Santana’s body. Why doesn’t it sound as good when someone else calls her baby? It never did when Dani called her that, so why can she hear it when it’s Brittany?
Deep down, she knows why.
“Mhmm,” The brunette nods and starts to pick up the pace, meeting Brittany thrust for thrust. She feels like a rubber band about to snap she’s that wound up, but she isn’t slowing down. She rocks in time with Brittany’s rhythm, just riding her fingers like there’s no tomorrow.  
“That’s my girl,” Brittany smirks and winds her free arm around Santana’s waist to hold her in place.
My girl she said and the sound of it shoots a jolt of arousal through Santana’s whole body. To be Brittany’s, that’s something she wouldn’t have expected. She tries not to put too much thought into it though because they’ve both been known to say things they usually don’t when they’re swept up in the moment.
Santana reminds herself that this isn’t anything more than a much-needed fuck, no need to read between the lines. Plus she’s clenching so tight around Brittany’s fingers that she can’t really think of anything else right now. Her hips have decide to do whatever they want and just jut up uncontrollably, chasing that release.  
She can feel how wet she is as Brittany delves in and out. She can’t even hear herself but she just knows Brittany’s name is falling from her lips in ragged breaths like it’s the only word she can remember.
Brittany notices the signs and pulls Santana up, holding her close as she continues to pump into her. Santana wraps her arms around Brittany’s shoulders as their body press so impossibly close together. She’s hanging on for dear life while the muscles in Brittany’s forearm begins to burn from the exertion.
Santana pants into the crook of Brittany’s neck, “Fuck Britt, I’m gonna…”
“I got you,” Brittany says softly in reply.
With another thrust, Santana’s falling apart right then and there. Brittany is quick to cover Santana’s mouth with her own, hoping to muffle the sounds of her whines as she let’s Santana ride out the aftershocks.
Everything’s a blur as Santana’s body tenses. She makes a mental note to never hold out on Brittany ever again because this feeling is too much to go so long without. Hell, she’s sure she’s close to blacking out, but she’s so glad she hasn’t because then she would’ve missed this look Brittany’s giving her.
It’s soft mixed with that familiar hunger and something else she doesn’t quite recognize. It quickly morphs into something devious as Brittany pulls out her glistening fingers and slowly slides them into her mouth.
She keeps eye contact with Santana as she licks them clean, humming at the very taste of the woman beneath her coating her digits.
Santana can already feel herself building again at the sight.  
“You’re in big trouble,” Santana pants behind a smirk, watching Brittany’s talented tongue glide along her index finger before it disappears again in her mouth.
“Me?” Brittany asks innocently as she releases her fingers with a pop.
“Yeah, you,” Santana’s heart is pounding as the throb between her legs intensifies.
“Why? I just gave you a mind blowing orgasm,” Brittany responds sweetly, “You should really thank me.”
Santana just narrows her eyes on the girl, imagining what she wants to do to her first, “Once I regain the feeling in my legs…game over.”
“I hope so,” Brittany winks before leaning down to press a chaste kiss to Santana’s lips. Santana can taste herself there and it makes her moan while Brittany says, “I’m planning on riding your tongue at some point tonight.”
Santana’s jaw drops at the bluntness as Brittany helps her to stand on shaky legs.
“Either that or maybe I want you to ride mine? We’ll see. I’m open to suggestions but I’m definitely not done with you yet,” Brittany grins sweetly before turning away to head inside, “I’m going for a long shower. You can join me if you want.”
Santana’s just left standing there thinking that maybe Brittany isn’t the only one here that’s in big trouble. Then again, she’s not too surprised. Trouble always manages to find her somehow.
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