#//id say being in something established probably unnerves him just like thinking about bein king 1 day if that makes sense
simiansmoke · 9 months
Do they find a need to be in a relationship, or do they have a ‘if it happens it happens’ feeling?
soft sunday headcanons
// Technically...he's never really been in an 'official' everyone knows they're dating kind of relationship. So he's firmly in the 'if it happens, it happens' camp.
That said, it's far less likely to 'happen' without some form of rapport first. Like if he just goes to a bar and gets toasted off his ass on banana daquiris, he's not just going to leave with someone that's basic interaction with him was plain and 'the usual business'. He has a tendency to hone in on things about others that reminds him of himself or of struggles he's faced, so to find someone to commiserate with is often mistaken by him as a 'well, if they're down - I'm down' situation that's just mostly him trying to find some way to comfort himself over his own issues.
There's also the underlying fact that he's never quite felt like he's good enough and always has to be on the grind to prove himself. With that attitude coupled with his very closed off style of not liking to openly discuss private feelings without having a little smashy fest leads him to believe he's probably not good enough for someone to want to establish a established relationship with him anyway - so why sweat it?
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