#//im sorry but from charlie's perspective this is wildly irresponsible behavior
pokemonshelterstories · 7 months
(vaccine anon) yeah, now that I think about that one part, “rude” is not the best way to put it. I’d probably say “hard to control” instead. Like most dark types just being that way naturally (not including the same pyroar, even though her terra type is dark.)
And again, I’m still quite young, so most of this is just innocent care by a child/teen. And believe me, it definitely goes wrong sometimes. Just ask my lycanroc, who due to her non-battling status, has probably seen all of this happen. She quickly bolted out of there when I came home with a shiny foretress one time. Honestly, who can blame her there? I had to keep the guy in his ball to make sure he wouldn’t explode on us.
i'm sorry, but i can't condone this. "innocent care" is not a thing when it comes to rehabilitating what seem like incredibly dangerous pokemon. you either properly care for the pokemon, or you do not. what you're describing from your lycanroc sounds like stress behavior, and given that you are bringing home pokemon that are beyond your skill level, i can't blame her.
please don't take in any more pokemon. between allowing an aggressive pyroar to burn its veterinarian and things like your generalization of dark type pokemon behavior, you are not in a place to do this sort of work right now. i will not continue to argue the point, so i will not be answering any more messages you send on the topic.
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