#//my favorite shit is still talking to people who are like LOL YOU'RE A FETUS YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING
antiquexbeast · 7 years
0, 6, 7, 9 (ic AND ooc if you're comfortable with it /o/)
{ nosy anons let's go } - { meme link here }
0: Height     ❛ Height? Well, you’re far taller than me, my dear. Standing in at a meager 5′9″ without my heels, you dwarf me considerably. Perhaps now you know why it is that I’m always ducking behind you in crowds and have avoided approaching you through genuine... reflexive anxiety, haha ~ ❜[ *mun is goddamn 5′5″ and suffers from Chihuahua Syndrome. it’s a scientific fact that short people are composed of 50% rage and 50% hate. i think the weirdest thing about being short is that if you’re too tall i’ll either be terrified of you, or if you try to be aggressive with me i’ll fight you and attempt to throw you like i have no in between ;;;; ]
6: Age you get mistaken for     ❛ Strangely enough, I’m mistaken for someone far younger without my glasses? I think this may be a sign that I need to switch to frames that are less... vintage in nature. With that said, I tend to be mistaken to be in my early 30′s or late 20′s. In reality I’m closer to my late 30′s, haha ;; ❜
[ *mun has been 19 for the past like decade according to like everyone? idk why i’m specifically stuck at 19. probably because of the places i work ( hot topic and claire’s ). depending on what i wear, old ladies at the bus stop will ask if i’m alone and are generally worried about me being “without my parents.” in reality i’m 29. like idfk how i’m still carded for shit or asked where my chaperone is like wtf ;;; ]
7: Have tattoos?     ❛ Aah... Well, that you’ll have to find out for yourself, won’t you ~ ❜
[ *mun: if i had an endless supply of money i’d have tattoos on every inch of my skin lol. so far i just have a fandom based tattoo for saiyuki on most of my arm. def got that when i was super underaged and it’s a mystery i hid the damn thing for 4 fuckin years. eventually i’d like to get prince’s symbol, as it means a lot to me, F holes around my spine, and probably some other impulsive garbage next time Friday 13th rolls around ]
9: Got any piercings?    ❛ Ah, just my ears, as they were the easiest to keep up the care for. There may or may not have been a few other remnants and scars from impulses long past, but as I said earlier, you’ll simply have to find those out for yourself ~ ❜
[ *mun: i’m actually getting my ears re-piercing sometime tomorrow for my “birthday.” i’d like to have piercings for every year i’ve been on hormones, just as a personal reminder. i’d debated on getting a handful of other piercings, but i also suck at taking care of myself, so i figured doing any more invasive piercings would be a bad idea ;;;; ]
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