1vidapoeticando · 6 months
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Ser livre é algo que não tem preço...Sentimos em nossa alma a doçura e a delicadeza da sensação de paz de alegria, e a felicidade completa...Sem medo de críticas ou questionamentos...Somos donos de nós mesmos...E A felicidade voa para as palmas das mãos, quando estamos prontos para aceitá-la...
Ser libre no tiene precio... Sentimos en nuestra alma la dulzura y la delicadeza del sentimiento de paz, de alegría y felicidad completa... Sin miedo a la crítica ni al cuestionamiento... Somos dueños de nosotros mismos... Y la felicidad vuela a las palmas de nuestras manos, cuando estamos listos para aceptarla...
Essere liberi non ha prezzo... Sentiamo nella nostra anima la dolcezza e la delicatezza del sentimento di pace, di gioia e di felicità completa... Senza timore di critiche o domande... Siamo padroni di noi stessi... E la felicità vola nei palmi delle nostre mani, quando siamo pronti ad accettarla...
Être libre, ça n’a pas de prix... Nous ressentons dans notre âme la douceur et la délicatesse du sentiment de paix, de joie et de bonheur complet... Sans crainte de la critique ou de la remise en question... Nous sommes maîtres de nous-mêmes... Et le bonheur s’envole dans la paume de nos mains, quand nous sommes prêts à l’accepter...
Being free is priceless... We feel in our soul the sweetness and delicacy of the feeling of peace, of joy, and complete happiness... Without fear of criticism or questioning... We are masters of ourselves... And happiness flies into the palms of our hands, when we are ready to accept it...
Frei zu sein ist unbezahlbar... Wir spüren in unserer Seele die Süße und Zartheit des Gefühls des Friedens, der Freude und des vollkommenen Glücks... Ohne Angst vor Kritik oder Infragestellung... Wir sind Meister unserer selbst... Und das Glück fliegt uns in die Hände, wenn wir bereit sind, es anzunehmen...
Özgür olmak paha biçilemez... Ruhumuzda huzur, neşe ve tam mutluluk duygusunun tatlılığını ve inceliğini hissediyoruz... Eleştirilmekten ve sorgulanmaktan korkmadan... Biz kendimizin efendisiyiz... Ve mutluluk, kabul etmeye hazır olduğumuzda avuçlarımızın içine uçar ...
Fonte: 1Vidapoeticando 🌺🍃 🦋
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zeawesomebirdie · 9 months
Brudick Co-parenting + Batfam Shenanigans Rec List
Thanks to @holybatmandickgrayson for requesting this, and thanks for your patience while I put it together!! (And paging @steine-druff as per usual!) Dick acting as the defacto second parent in the Wayne household is one of the best brudick tropes, and it has my whole entire heart. And the batfam dynamic itself has so much potential and is a joy to read, especially when the common goal of teasing Dick about Bruce is involved!
These are in no particular order, but I've tried to organise them into general categories. The titles to each fic contain a link to it. A lot of these are on the shorter end of the spectrum, but there's a few longer fics included too! I hope you find something here that you haven't read yet!
1. Till You Find Your Dream by Kyele [@timeforalongstory on tumblr]; rated E; no archive warnings apply; 177,062 words; 31 chapters; complete
“You know, my child, that the orphanage cannot continue to support you once you become an adult.” The abbess sighs. “There is one path that is always open to you. You may choose a holy vocation, and take orders. The Sisters of Perpetual Grace will accept you as a postulant if you choose.”
Dick had known to expect this. “Thank you, Reverend Mother,” Dick says respectfully, “but I cannot follow that path.”
The Mother Superior nods. He looks unsurprised. “Then perhaps,” he says, “you would be interested to hear of another opportunity.” From the papers on his desk, the abbess removes a single sheet. “Are you familiar with Captain Wayne?”
Dick accepts a position as governess to eight war-orphans, adopted by millionaire and WW1 flying ace Captain Bruce Wayne. The rest is inevitable.
Starting this list off with a bang, this fic is glorious! It's a The Sound of Music AU and A/B/O, and that sounds like a wacky mixture but truly this is one of the best co-parenting brudick fics I've ever read. It features beautiful sibling dynamics, Dick learning to function in high society at the same time as he's teaching the children to do the same, and the best exploration of gender and social roles I've ever come across. And the way the children come to accept Dick as their governess then protect him from being fired by Captain Wayne is utterly glorious!
2. The Fall of An April's Fool by Mysterious_Aud_Lou; rated M; creator chose not to use archive warnings; 3,967 words; 1 chapter; complete
All it took was one mission, one week, one bed, and one very tired mistake for Bruce Wayne to realize that he was in love with Dick Grayson.... and then came the fallout.
Bruce and Dick just came back from a mission in which they were fake engaged, and during that short mission, Bruce got a little too used to acting as a couple. Of course, the rest of the batkids pick up on this immediately, but luckily Dick is great at improv, and so this one has lived rent-free in my head ever since I first read it!
Damian Playing Matchmaker
Because I have a very surprising number of recs with this exact premise! These also sometimes double as co-parenting fics with the other batkids besides Damian too :)
1. Covet by resurrectedhippo; rated M; creator chose not to use archive warnings; 16,059 words; 1 chapter; complete
Dick Grayson is an extension of Bruce Wayne. If there’s no Bruce Wayne, there’s no Dick Grayson. They struggle to exist without each other.
The entire world wonders if they have ever been separate people.
This one is a little bit of both co-parenting and Damian being the one to force them together. It features Bruce denying his feelings for a million years, Dick helping to train each successive Robin, and so much mutual pining it hurts (affectionate). And of course, Damian calling a family meeting to announce that Bruce and Dick will need to be wed over the summer, much to the shock of every other person in the family
And I'm adding a cut here because this is getting long, but I've got more under the read more!
2. Better than the Sweetest Dream by shield_of_selene; rated T; no archive warnings apply; 15,089 words; 1 chapter; complete
Damian accuses Bruce of failing his Valentine’s Day duties; namely, romancing Dick Grayson. This starts a chain reaction that leads to exploding heart bombs, forced imprisonment, and wedding bells.
I love a villain who can commit to the bit, and the Matchmaker, a Valentine's Day themed villain, does not disappoint! This fic also features Damian having a better grasp of Bruce's emotions than Bruce himself does, which is always a delight to see!
3. To Court a Grayson by Mysterious_Aud_Lou; rated T; creator chose not to use archive warnings; 3,285 words; 1 chapter; complete
Damian Wayne has always gotten what he wants, and what he wants is his father to realize that Bruce will find no better romantic partner than Damian's beloved Grayson. So, armed with a briefcase and a carefully planned powerpoint presentation, Damian takes on the challenge of convincing his father that it's time to throw all other romantic entanglements aside, and begin to court Grayson properly.
Oh my goodness, where do I even begin with this one? The whole thing is just glorious, featuring Damian hacking into Bruce's work calender, Bruce actually sitting through the entirety of Damian's presentation, and one of the most delightful reveals I've ever read!
General Batfam
1. Old and New by junetangerine; rated E; no archive warnings apply; 5,241 words; 1 chapter; complete
Objectively speaking, he knew the man wasn’t infallible or indestructible (heaven knew he’d picked enough fights over it, Bruce insisting on patrolling even when he could barely stand on his own), but the prospect that he might not bounce back into the brilliant steamroller of a man that Dick loved in more ways than was appropriate or healthy was terrifying.
Not as jarring as the Twilight Zone experience of having Bruce look openly delighted to see him.
It was all Dick could do to remain frozen in place while Bruce crossed the distance between them and just kept going, right into Dick’s personal space and then closer, until his mouth was against Dick’s. It was short, just a firm press of lips, but enough to turn Dick’s world on its head.
A head injury leaves Bruce confused. He seems to believe he and Dick are a couple. Dick doesn't have it in him to say otherwise.
Exactly what it says on the tin. This fic is a delight, featuring Dick being incredibly conflicted and Bruce trying to deny his feelings the moment he gets his memory back! Also featuring the various batkids accepting this new dynamic with surprising ease
2. Be Kind, Rewind by kleine_aster; rated T; creator chose not to use archive warnings; 2,138 words; 1 chapter; complete
Batman always thinks of everything, except for erasing his old tapes when he really, really should.
This fic is very funny! I greatly enjoyed the dynamics between the various batkids as they processed what they were watching, and Dick's frantic reaction to being caught with Bruce
3. It's A Christmas Miracle (Or Not) by RandomMayhem [@randomlymayhemic on tumblr]; rated T; no archive warnings apply; 6,864 words; 2 chapters; complete
With Harley and Ivy causing chaos in Las Vegas, Dick and Bruce must go on an impromptu trip to stop the unruly couple. Only, they aren't quite sure what exactly they're supposed to be stopping...
Waking up married wasn't in the plan, regardless. Not with Damian on the verge of pulling a Rumplestiltskin. So, there's no doubt about it - the holiday season's about to get a whole lot crazier.
In which Damian threatens Dick's firstborn child should they return home late for Hanukkah. This fic is very cute and very enjoyable, and the batfam's reactions to their impromptu marriage are a delight!
4. Truth or Dare by rnedagemacaroni; rated T; creator chose not to use archive warnings; 959 words; 1 chapter; complete
This is why the Bat Family kids should not have free time.
Anything with the batkids actually getting to relax and have fun is an amazing read, and this fic is no exception!! Oh to be a fly on the wall during their games of truth or dare!
5. Wayne Family Adventure: the secret episode by Caroaimezoe; rated T; no archive warnings apply; 4,005 words; 1 chapter; complete
Prompt: How will the Batfamily take discovering that their dad and big brother/mother have been in a secret relationship for years
I adore the sibling dynamics in this one, and Damian being smug the whole time is just SO cute! There's also so much that could be said about how valiantly Dick tries to keep their relationship secret only to fail so miserably, it's a true delight
And that's all for now! I hope you enjoy these!
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kissing prompt thingy: 44+50 for copia please, thank you very much✨
It's done! At... 1:45am. I'm going to eat dinner now and leave this here.
Includes: Idiots, fluff, back seat make-outs, wee bit of sexy action but no real smut, did I mention idiots?
also available on AO3
“No, no, that’s all right… No, I completely und-… sure. Right… Yes, we’ll be here. There isn’t really anywhere to go… Sure. Thank you… Thanks. Bye.”
Fuck. The tow truck would be at least an hour, if not more. And an added fee for being so far out. Plus whatever the repairs would be. It wasn’t your fault. It wasn’t anyone’s fault. But you could say, with certainty, that Sister Imperator would be demanding an explanation in the morning regardless. Wonderful.
Copia is still standing at the front of the car, with its hood open, steaming and hissing angrily. The car, not Copia. He is just making the odd noise and poking at a few things tentatively, trying to look knowledgeable. The section of highway isn’t even lit and the moonlight isn’t really cutting it. You walk over to join him, looking at the mechanical workings with all the confidence of a caveman with a cell phone.
“I think I spot the problem.”
“Really?” You look at him with a little more astonishment than was probably complimentary.
“Si,” he nods sagely. “The problem is I don’t know shit about how cars work.”
You snort. No matter how bad the day, no matter how screwed the situation might be, he never fails to make you laugh. “Perfect. I’ll call the tow company back and tell them we figured it out.”
“How long?” He nudges you gently.
“An hour. Minimum.” You tip your head sideways, resting it on his shoulder. “I’m sorry about all this.”
Copia only waves the apology away, resting his cheek against the top of your head. “Not your fault. You didn’t make the car car break down. It happens sometimes.”
“I still didn’t mean to get us stuck out in the middle of no where, in the dark, waiting for a tow.”
He only chuckles. “I can think of worse places and worse people to be stuck with.”
“Oh, well, I will take solace in not being the worst.” You tease right back.
Carefully, you pull away, walking back around to the driver’s side. The door is still hanging open and to drop into the old leather seat. If you have to wait, might as well enjoy the rare opportunity for star gazing and quiet. The car groans in protest as it usually does when you press the release for the roof.
“Sorella, I don’t know shit about cars, but I think I can say that button doesn’t fix the engine.”
“No?” You laugh. “Well, damn. And here I thought I had the answer.”
The roof needs help folding back and out of the way. It’s only a little bit of a struggle before Copia comes to his senses and rushes over to help. Between the two of you, it goes much smoother.
“eh…. Can I ask why we do this?”
You climb into the big back seat and pat the spot beside you. “Come here and I’ll show you.”
He raises a brow, but doesn’t argue, climbing in next to you. Watching curiously as you slump down in your seat a bit, tipping your head back, and staring up at the sky. Copia waits a moment before following suit, smiling when he sees the view provided without the city’s light pollution.
“È bellissimo…” His voice is soft, as if he’s afraid to disturb anything. “I don’t remember the last time I was free to… just sit and enjoy the stars. Too busy. Too much work. Grazie, cara mia.”
For a while, you’re content to sit quietly. Pointing out the few constellations you know. Listening to the distant sounds of the local wild life. But the chill of the evening creeps up before too long and you catch yourself shivering. Copia tries his best to look like he’s not looking, though it would be hard to miss it, sitting so close.
“Do you want my jacket, Sorella? You look cold.” He cracks and asks.
“Oh, no. No, no. Thank you, Papa. I wouldn’t feel right letting you catch a chill.” Papa. You’ve known him long enough and well enough that the formal title only comes out during office hours and when you’re worried about overstepping. Regardless of how familiar you might be, he’s still… him and you’re still… just another Sibling.
Copia rolls his eyes and huffs, softly. “Ah… I see.”
“See what?” You shift a little to look at him.
“We are back to Papa.”
Apparently the switch hasn’t gone unnoticed. Or the reasons why. At least, whatever reasons he assumes. “Did you leave your position and not tell me? I’m sure I would have heard about it.”
He gives you a bit of a look. One that doesn’t particularly feel good about the poorly timed attempt at humour. “Don’t play stupid, Sorella. It doesn’t suit you. You forget I know how clever you are.”
“No. I assure you, I’m an idiot.” You sigh and nudge him softly. The silent gesture that’s come to mean something more, something you can’t fully articulate. When things are shit but at least you can know someone has your back. “I’m sorry… Copia. Thank you for the offer, but I really don’t want you to be cold because I didn’t think to bring a coat. I’ll be all right.”
“I don’t really want to be cold either.” He admits, finally relaxing again and offering a small smile. “But, maybe a compromise?”
Copia shifts closer, urging you to lean forward. You have no idea what he’s up to, but you’re also not really eager to be rude twice, so you comply. When he tugs you back against the seat, he holds his hoodie open, tucking you against his side and wrapping the jacket and his arm around you. It is, you’re forced to admit, delightfully warm. Pressed up against him, with his arm holding tight. The lingering smell of his cologne and… You clear your throat, staring hard at the stars overhead.
His other hand rests on his thigh, not that you were looking or anything. It just happens to be where it was. Quite close to your own hand, which is irrelevant, really. Just two hands, relatively close together, while you platonically cuddle and look at the stars. Nothing more. Obviously. And the way his finger softly nudges yours? Why would there be anything strange about that? No stranger, certainly, than hooking your pinkie together with his finger would be. For instance.
And if, say, that single pair of fingers, hooked together were to become a single pair of hands holding each other, that too wouldn’t be so strange. Would it? Or thinking a little too hard about how soft the leather of his glove is? Or how warm his hands are? What normal person wouldn’t think about things like that in a situation like this? None you’d want to meet, that’s for sure. Those are the real weirdos.
Copia opens his mouth, seeming very much like he has something to say, right before shutting it again. A process he repeats about half a dozen times while you pretend to be focused on the cosmos and he looks a bit like a guppy. Which is very cute. In a very platonic way. Because that’s what this is. Just… good friends. Holding hands. Cuddling. Staring at the stars. Not being weird about it. And definitely not commenting on the strained, awkward noise he makes before trying to hide it with a cough. Just rub your thumb, platonically and soothingly, over his knuckles. Like a very good friend.
“… Copia?” You hear your own voice say, which is very odd because you’re sure you meant to just sit quietly.
“eh... uh… Yes, Sorella?” He freezes in place.
Shit. I’m an idiot. Why did I say that? And why was it a question? Like I had more to say??? Your head screams as your mouth betrays you again. “… are you going to kiss me?”
“Do-do-do you w-want me to?”
Do I? I mean, I’ve thought about it a… normal amount. I’m NOT saying that out loud. Satan’s tits, don’t be absurd. While you got lost in a downward spiral of wondering if Satan’s tits was an insult to Him, your mouth carried on without you.
“… only if you want to.”
For a very long, very quiet moment, you both stare into space. Literally for once. Even your own head has gone oddly quiet while you’re grateful that his leather glove is hiding how sweaty your palm has gotten.
“… now?” He blurts, immediately making a face of deep regret that you can feel in your soul.
“Sure… or later… whenever… or not at all. I just thought… and then… because we’re… and the stars…” You come to the conclusion that Satan’s tits is, in fact, insulting to Him because your mouth is apparently possessed by a demon who both can’t shut up and can’t form a complete sentence. A problem you’re only just coming to terms with when Copia’s hand slips from yours to cup your cheek and kiss you. One single, soft kiss and you sit there staring at him like he’s the first person you’ve ever seen and attempting to copy his guppy impression. “…….. now is good too.”
There’s more than a touch of panic on his face which is, if you’re being honest, not the ideal expression from someone who just kissed you. “Mi spiace! I should… I should have warned you first or-or say more or something. I didn’t mean t-”
Oh, to hell with it. You wipe your palms quickly on your pants and cup his cheeks, kissing him again. Aiming for confident, it starts much softer than planned. Still half convinced that he was just being nice. But he doesn’t pull away. He leans into the touch and into the kiss, shifting toward you to make the angle less troublesome. His arm wrapped around you pulls you closer and his hand moves to your hip, sliding down to grip your thigh.
Copia breaks the kiss first and you almost make it to disappointment before his mouth presses to your jaw, trailing along it to just below your ear and down your neck. To the spot where your neck meets your shoulder and his mouth hits just right. Dragging a moan from the very core of your being. He pulls back and blinks at you in stunned silence for what feels like an eternity. Though it was, you’re desperate to believe, more likely less than a second.
“… Devo ricordare quel posto.” He says, just louder than a whisper.
Snapping out of his reverie, he claims your mouth again. When he leans into you, you don’t push back. You don’t want to push back. Instead, letting him guide you back down onto the cool leather of the wide bench seat. Your hands tangling in his hair, moaning into his kiss while your legs hug his sides. This is, you suppose, probably not platonic.
Copia’s hips rock against yours, moaning as shamelessly as you. By your estimation there are entirely too many layers of fabric between you, and it’s still not possible to miss how hard he is, pressed up against you. You legs hook over his hips, pulling him closer, desperate for more. So focused on the beautiful sounds that drip from his lips and feel of him so close, the rest of the world falls away.
Including the sound of crunching gravel and the squeak of an old truck door. The flashlight, on the other hand, certainly gets your attention.
Copia’s head pops up and you both squint and try to shield yourselves from the blinding brightness. Barely making out the figure of a lump of a man staring down at you.
“Hate to break up the party, kids. But if you want this antique towed, it’s now or never. I got other jobs waiting.”
“Right… uh… hi… we-we-we just need a second. Don’t leave! We need to tow. Just… one second.” You are positive you’re as red as Copia’s hoodie but, at least, the tow truck driver wanders off without a word to prep his truck.
Copia flops back down on top of you, burying his face in your shoulder, and groaning deeply. Less for pleasure and more the sound one might make when dragged out of bed at the crack of dawn after a long night out. “Are you sure we can’t just stay here tonight?” His voice is muffled by your shirt.
“Might be a little cold.” You offer as a very weak defense.
“I will keep you warm.”
You can’t help laughing, kissing his temple softly. “Sister is already going to kill me for the car. If I let Papa catch his death out here, I might as well throw myself on the mercy of the Church and hope she’ll burst into flames if she comes looking for me there.”
He snorts and sits back to look at you. “How can I condemn you to such a terrible fate, eh?” Still stealing one more kiss, leaning in close and lowering his voice. “But we are not finished. No. Only pause until we are home, si?”
“Perhaps I will make you see stars there too…”
Devo ricordare quel posto = I need to remember that spot for later.
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sagmirmal · 19 days
Due film fluviali
Quasi per espridelescalié rimando i necess. saluti e giocomi il bonus titolo per due film, lasciando ai Cahiers du cinéma / Castori auf Tumblr, ossia @jacobyouarelost , palabras mas precise e serie. Sono due film speciali su adolescenti famiglie e questo mondaccio pazzo.
Il primo è 怪物 Mostro / L'innocenza di Kore'eda Hirokazu (cognome + nome). Uno dei più bei firm sui ragazzini e i maestri e i genitori e la scuola, LA SCUOLA, e l'amore «da li tempi de Truffaut» (la cit. ci tiene a essere non zerocalcarea - pur con tutto ir rispetto - bensì holliwoodpartiana). Costruito come il bellissimo Nel bosco di Akutagawa Ryūnosuke, che fu poi Rashomon, e (meglio di) Anatomia di una caduta, fatta la tara a Sandra Hüller, che Gott (sempre gelobt sei) la preservi sempre e per sempre. Kore'eda ci insegna il disastro di tutti e i loro effetti sui picc. Le chiuse tracimano, i fiumi scorrono e poi esondano. È anche film di rinascita e resurrezione: e su questo, per favore, si suggerisca ad Alice Rohrwacher di tornare indré nel tempo, und rifare il catechistico La chimera dopo essere andata a guardarlo. Musica, ultime musiche di Sakamoto Ryuichi. Al tuo arrivo ti accolgano i martiri, e ti conducano etc.
Il secondo è La vita accanto, MTGiordana incontra l'alter-ego più anziano MBellocchio. Circolano frasette sceme su questo film; mi sento un po' autorizzato a blaterarci anche me, perché ebbi conosciuto: anni molti li conservatori; le aule delle elementari con Tania, che anche lei come etc.; troppi giorni, prima der Pisano, tri(-meno1)veneti (lascerò alle etnografie di @trilo-bite disamine più fini, e all'Istituto Nazionale di G e V); alcune signore iscambianti l'esistenza per gl'ingranaggi; molti occhiali con la montatura nera squadrata und spessa. Chi dice che MTGiordana non fa film così squadrati non ricorda Quando sei nato non puoi più nasconderti.
Fantasmi, cadute, i disegni I DISEGNI della gente bimba, anche quando bimba non è più, e i libri, TUTTI QUEI LIBRI, come diceva Adriana Asti da qualche parte, che Dio preservi sempre. Gli sguardi di quella particolare società dell'aidòs che è il Veneto e plebeo e borghese, e di nuovo i nefasti quod Deus avortat effetti sui piccoli, soprattutto le piccole più o meno piccole, e l'acqua che Vincenza bagna, sempre lì disponibile per la soluzione. Che belli i volti (le riprese dei volti), e la musica, e la Bergamasco che torna a suonare. Film-Méliès, con inquadrature e dialoghi di grande tenerezza e altre specchio della grande inquietudine. Una tragedia greca nella città del teatro olimpico e dei militari americani. Terra terra e insieme alta come quelle greche, davvero.
Francesca Bellè: voleva fare la rockstar, è sempre più brava. Michela Cescon, che era in Quando sei nato, non la accarezza nessun tempo che scorre, recita come davanti al Grande Manito.
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sagecodex · 2 years
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When I'm putting together a project and I need to fill it with content that doesn't exist yet, I usually turn to the tried and true Lorem Ipsum generator. But sometimes, I want to have a little fun with my projects.
So here's a list of 60+ text generators (in alphabetical order) to zhuzh up your projects. Just don't be like me and forget to replace them with something appropriate when you share them with the world (a mistake I will likely continue to make).
Note: the following blocks of text are all pre-generated. Some of them may be offensive, though I am by no means endorsing any of them! They're just examples of of what these tools generate and I’m too lazy to edit.
Lorem Ipsum
Generates the standard lorem ipsum text.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
90s Ipsum
Generates a string of 90s text and -ism’s.
Charlotte hornets flip flops braveheart as I lay me down to sleep umbro shorts aviators, this is your brain on drugs speed tlc schindler’s list hot pink chronic. Extreme sports dennis rodman toy story choker necklace. Body piercings armageddon personalized mixtapes toyota supra, spiked hair I've fallen and I can't get up bowl cut dallas cowboys catsuit. Airwalk khaki roseanne leopard print instant messaging royal stewart tartan.
Bacon Ipsum
Generates a block of bacon and meat text.
Bacon ipsum dolor amet biltong rump bresaola kielbasa, pancetta shank shoulder turkey kevin meatloaf cow ground round. Jerky corned beef sausage, filet mignon chislic strip steak capicola porchetta shoulder. Biltong turkey brisket landjaeger, cupim pancetta ham hock pastrami short loin.
Baseball Ipsum
Generates baseball-themed text.
Runs leather fielder's choice center fielder slide perfect game glove leather grounder. Batter's box knuckleball club wild pitch butcher boy cellar win 4-6-3. Batting average petey relief pitcher wrigley hack, scorecard right fielder away. Cardinals bush league no decision home curve earned run flyout.
Bavaria Ipsum
GeneratesBavarian-themed text in Dutch.
Bavaria ipsum dolor sit amet Foidweg Biakriagal, guad o’ha Auffisteign? Ned Servas ognudelt Radi Charivari Griasnoggalsubbm kimmt auf gehds beim Schichtl Zidern. Deandlgwand oamoi und glei wirds no fui lustiga, de Sonn Engelgwand Maßkruag.
Beer Lorem Ipsum
Generates beer text that could almost be a real blog post.
The Mango Beer panics, and another cantankerous Coors goes to sleep; however, an Ellis Island IPA brainwashes a foreign wanker. Furthermore, a burly customer laughs out loud, and a Kashmir IPA of a Home brew avoids contact with an obsequious stein. A surly Pilsner often competes with a chain saw.
Generates quotes from the President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro (or Biroliro for those intimate). In Portuguese.
Marcos Valério alega que o corrupto presidiário Lula é um dos mandantes do assassinato de Celso Daniel! Surpreso? Não! Pela memória do coronel Brilhante Ustra, o pavor de Dilma Rousseff. Eu estou lutando contra um sistema, contra o establishment. Paulo fala: “venda suas capas e compre espadas".
Bluth Ipsum
Generates quotes from the TV show Arrested Development.
I'll be in the hospital bar. You know there isn't a hospital bar, Mother. Well, this is why people hate hospitals. They want to break his legs. It's a good thing he's already got that little scooter. A flower in my garden, a mystery in my panties.
Bob Ross Lipsum
Generates quotes from Bob Ross.
You can create beautiful things - but you have to see them in your mind first. If you don't think every day is a good day - try missing a few. You'll see. All you need to paint is a few tools, a little instruction, and a vision in your mind. And I will hypnotize that just a little bit. We spend so much of our life looking - but never seeing. The little tiny Tim easels will let you down.
Bro Ipsum
Generates “bro culture” text.
Bro ipsum dolor sit amet bunny slope free ride laps, liftie park beater frozen chicken heads Whistler skid lid huck ollie taco mitt. Nose bonk hardtail chain ring white room taco euro spin backside presta rigid giblets. Stunt free ride taco glove deck. White room death cookies park, tele giblets grab dope 360 corn table top spread eagle nose beater snake bite.
Busey Ipsum
Generates quotes from Gary Busey.
Go with the feeling of the nature. Take it easy. Know why you're here. And remember to balance your internal energy with the environment.Sometimes horses cough and fart at the same time, so stay out of the range of its butt muscle because a horses butt muscle is thick.
Cajun Ipsum
Generates cajun-inspired text.
Cayenne boiled crawfish bread pudding sauce piquante Boudreaux po-boy. Interstate envie Lafayette tasso lagniappe King Cake fishing iced tea. Po-boy bonjour smoked sausage trail ride beignet merci beaucoup cajun lagniappe hunting iced tea.
Cat Ipsum
Generates text as cat thoughts.
Stare at guinea pigs mmmmmmmmm eeeeeeee ooooooooo wwwwwwww run in circles, so loved it, hated it, loved it, hated it. Cough furball find box a little too small and curl up with fur hanging out. Kitty ipsum dolor sit amet, shed everywhere shed everywhere stretching attack your ankles chase the red dot, hairball run catnip eat the grass sniff.
Cheese Ipsum
Generates cheese and cheese-adjacent text.
Cow cheese triangles cheesy grin. Stinking bishop port-salut lancashire pecorino stinking bishop cheesy grin red leicester danish fontina. Stilton swiss bocconcini parmesan cottage cheese fondue parmesan hard cheese. Airedale everyone loves halloumi cheese triangles cut the cheese stilton stilton taleggio. Smelly cheese.
Cheesburger Ipsum
Generates actual cheeseburger copy. Limited in what it can give you.
The last time you had a cheeseburger was too long ago. Try not to drool when you think about the slightly charred, medium-rare meat nestled between soft brioche, cradled in crisp iceberg lettuce and flavour amplifying condiments. Why are you still reading this- go get a cheeseburger.
Chiquito Ipsum
I don’t speak Spanish, but it generates Spanish text. Also has a Latin option. Which I also don’t speak. Idk I'm very confused.
Lorem fistrum no puedor de la pradera tiene musho peligro diodenoo a wan. Ese hombree me cago en tus muelas qué dise usteer fistro. Mamaar no puedor al ataquerl ese hombree diodeno caballo blanco caballo negroorl. Ese que llega te va a hasé pupitaa la caidita te voy a borrar el cerito hasta luego Lucas se calle ustée.
Chuck Norris Facts
Generates Chuck Norris Facts. What did you expect XD
Chuck Norris doesn't churn butter. He roundhouse kicks the cows and the butter comes straight out If you spell Chuck Norris in Scrabble, you win. Forever, Chuck Norris is the king of fighters, Chuck Norris originally appeared in the "Street Fighter II" video game, but was removed by Beta Testers because every button caused him to do a roundhouse kick. When asked bout this "glitch," Norris replied, "That's no glitch.".
Coffee Ipsum
Generates coffee-inspired text
Cultivar, strong carajillo whipped half and half irish galão. Id variety that, at redeye, trifecta variety crema robust con panna. Coffee ristretto, et milk, robust flavour cinnamon spoon cappuccino. Dripper, half and half cortado white extra milk medium.
Corporate Ipsum
Generates corporate-style jargon. Sounds like every sales meeting I’ve ever been in.
Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster collaborative thinking to further the overall value proposition. Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation via workplace diversity and empowerment.
Cupcake Ipsum
Generates pastry and dessert-inspired text.
Marshmallow lollipop apple pie bonbon pastry icing jujubes toffee jelly beans. Liquorice marzipan toffee candy canes bear claw tart lollipop apple pie. Tootsie roll cake gummies gingerbread wafer sesame snaps cupcake fruitcake sweet roll.
Generates quotes from His Holiness the XIVth Dalai Lama.
I love friends, I want more friends. I love smiles. That is a fact. How to develop smiles? There are a variety of smiles. Some smiles are sarcastic. Some smiles are artificial-diplomatic smiles. These smiles do not produce satisfaction, but rather fear or suspicion. But a genuine smile gives us hope, freshness. If we want a genuine smile, then first we must produce the basis for a smile to come.
DeLorean Ipsum
Generates quotes from the movie Back to the Future.
Hey, Doc? Doc. Hello, anybody home? Einstein, come here, boy. What's going on? Wha- aw, god. Aw, Jesus. Whoa, rock and roll. Yo C'mon, Mom, make it fast, I'll miss my bus. Hey see you tonight, Pop. Woo, time to change that oil. Hello. Tab?
Dino Ipsum
Generates names of dinosaurs!
Astrophocaudia Chaoyangsaurus Priconodon Amygdalodon Dracoraptor Mahakala Zalmoxes Anthodon Alocodon Lingyuanosaurus Kotasaurus Leinkupal Magnamanus Styracosaurus Atlasaurus Janenschia Drusilasaura Acristavus Leinkupal Bagaceratops Cedrorestes Batyrosaurus Sinornithoides Coelophysis Neuquensaurus Pachyspondylus Eurolimnornis Platyceratops Marisaurus Quilmesaurus.
Doggo Ipsum
Cat Ipsum but for dogs.
Doggo ipsum lotsa pats very taste wow lotsa pats extremely cuuuuuute, pats adorable doggo. heck very good spot heckin. Heckin good boys and girls clouds corgo sub woofer borking doggo, heckin angery woofer boof length boy. He made many woofs pats h*ck heckin good boys and girls pats boofers, you are doing me the shock the neighborhood pupper long bois.
Durham Ipsum
I don’t know where Durham is, but it generates text inspired by the city...county? 
Triangle localista dino trail jazz diamondview nccu the connecter historic preservation smoffice lemurs, bimbe scrap exchange trinity park brightleaf dance upcycled. Chapel hill street locavore wunc plaid, beer old five points 15-501, angier drive hipster.
Farm Animal Lorem Ipsum
Generates farm-inspired text. I hate that oink oink is in this.
Mallet herbs basil nest, in welding equipment pens quail. Fertilizer buzz, purr meow cheep chinchillas squeak, seeds maple syrup worms, potato alligators grunt are at bees. Apples ducks straw, quail a ostriches donkey, hay hook cucumbers. Post pounder calf, hay or duck is, tool shed horse. Grapes at yams mushrooms organic berries gobble. Mouse soybeans sweet corn hogs llamas or oink oink wind.
Generates quotes from the TV show Futurama.
OK, this has gotta stop. I'm going to remind Fry of his humanity the way only a woman can. In your time, yes, but nowadays shut up! Besides, these are adult stemcells, harvested from perfectly healthy adults whom I killed for their stemcells. I saw you with those two "ladies of the evening" at Elzars. Explain that.
Gangsta Lorem Ipsum
Generates “gangsta” inspired text.
Lorem ipsum dolizzle sit amet, consectetuer gizzle bow wow wow. Nullam sapizzle velit, get down get down volutpizzle, suscipit ma nizzle, gravida vel, mammasay mammasa mamma oo sa. Pellentesque crackalackin tortizzle. Yo eros. Fo shizzle at dolizzle dapibizzle turpizzle tempizzle da bomb.
Heisenberg Ipsum
Generates quotes from the TV show Breaking Bad. It lets you select the character (I’m assuming they’re all from the same show I haven’t seen it).
He has enough money to last forever. He knows he needs to keep moving. You'll never find him. He's out of the picture. I saved his life, I owed him that, but now he and I are done. Which is exactly what you wanted, isn't it. You've always struck me as a very pragmatic man so if I may, I would like to review options with you. Of which, it seems to me you have two.
Hillbilly Ipsum
Generates hillbilly-inspired text and -ism’s.
Chickens in the sack died when I was young rye whiskey steel driving crew? Going to town soldier's joy. One arm round my whiskey keg poor boy sugar baby soldier's joy, fiddle, coming down the track, hot corn nine-pound hammer cluck old hen run. Stranger? Pickle my bones in alcohol.
Hipster Ipsum
Generates hipster-inspired text.
I'm baby plaid umami kale chips, pinterest selvage microdosing gochujang Brooklyn small batch vinyl 3 wolf moon. VHS pinterest wayfarers normcore direct trade pickled lumbersexual vegan yuccie palo santo kickstarter crucifix 3 wolf moon. Vexillologist adaptogen try-hard, chicharrones hexagon vape polaroid.
Horror Lorem Ipsum
Generates horror-inspired text.
Gore at chainsaw knife crazed choking helpless. In willow trees, killer dolls are rotten teeth bite, sheep children virus nibh, in zombies brains unknown ghost creepy. Drenched scream scared dark. Creep cold graves, shadow non fear a, psychotic ashes ghost. Eerie needles edginess, graveyard on death rotten, disturbing non grave. 
A random lorem ipsum generator so not all your text is the same. It’s in German though.
Impensa quaeque mediocris elitr iactare Confirmat metu comit Explicatis civibus deterruisset Manus. Cupiditatum exedunt suaviter inveniri voluptas pauca Inter illa confirmavit. Reprehensiones rebus imperdiet etiam temporis Ornateque delectatio platonem nostris occulta Hausta intercapedo magni. Dicitis timeam Vocet faciendum consul Simulent chrysippe. Fortunae nostros arare Inter futurove.
Journo Ipsum
Generates some of the most common catchphrases, buzzwords, and bon mots of the future-of-news crowd. (Wow I hate that description)
future API Zite the notion of the public #twittermakesyoustupid election-night hologram Rupert Murdoch crowdfunding CPC nut graf gamification gotta grok it before you rock it rubber cement, Foursquare nonprofit Dan Fleckner WikiLeaks abundance libel lawyer Tim Carmody media bias.
Katy Perry Ipsum
Generates Katy Perry lyrics.
The boys break their necks try'na to creep a little sneak peek. Think the city towed my car, chandeliers on the floor. I got the eye of the tiger, a fighter, dancing through the fire. They say, be afraid you're not like the others, futuristic lover. You think I'm funny when I tell the punchline wrong. We'd keep all our promises be us against the world. Yeah, she's footloose and so fancy free. So I sat quietly, agreed politely.
Khaled Ipsum
Generates Khaled quotes...lyrics? Unclear.
Lorem Khaled Ipsum is a major key to success. The weather is amazing, walk with me through the pathway of more success. Take this journey with me, Lion! Look at the sunset, life is amazing, life is beautiful, life is what you make it. It’s on you how you want to live your life. Everyone has a choice.
Lancashire Ipsum
Generates colloquialisms that originate from the county of Lancashire.
Lancashire ipsum dolor amet gradely axin camp neaw cowd frit. Bellasses yer'sen unawl greaund peawnd. Camp Darrun geet, howd feyther clowt eyter. Vawse way'er clum nought. Gronny no nouse heawr beawnt, Keawyed City purring es'tin inth arrers bin diddy our Peg shoon. 
Liquor Ipsum
A boozy text generator.
Singapore sling old etonian aberlour missouri mule vodka sunrise two fingers shirley temple black pappy van winkle glenburgie. Paddy the last word, gibson vat 69, bruichladdich flirtini lejon hanky-panky drambuie finlandia tequila sunrise edradour!
Melbourne Ipsum
Honestly I have no idea what this is but I’m assuming it’s Australian.
Naked for satan street art, spiegeltent north of the river brunswick and brunswick st MSAC kylie minogue, swanston melb collingwood ferals spring racing carnival empire of the sun, the melbourne cup the hawks victory vs heart four seasons in one day the borek woman, avalon is so not melb the espy bill clinton ate two bowls.
Mid-century Ipsum
Generates mid-century-inspired text.
Hostess trolley bakelite selectric creative carport candy-ass, jazz whiskey beatnik creative. Tiki upswept frutiger googie drive-in futuristic highway jet-age television, herman miller danish modern jet-age. Ratpack ranch home whiskey candy-ass upswept saul bass jet-age hostess trolley?
Morse Code Lorem Ipsum
Generates random Morse Code.
.-.. --- .-. . -- .. .--. … ..- -- -.. --- .-.. --- .-. … .. - .- -- . - --..-- -.-. --- -. … . -.-. - . - ..- . .-. .- -.. .. .--. .. … -.-. .. -. --. . .-.. .. - .-.-.- ..- - --- -.. .. --- .-.-.- -. .- -- … . -.. . … - .-.-.- -. .- -- .- .-. .. … ..- … . - . … - .. .- -.-. ..- .-.. .. … .- -.. .. .--. .. … -.-. .. -. --. .-.-.- …- . … - .. -… ..- .-.. ..- -- .- -. - . .. .--. … ..- -- .--. .-. .. -- .. … .. -. ..-. .- ..- -.-. .. -… ..- … --- .-. -.-. .. .-.. ..- -.-. - ..- … . - ..- .-.. -
Mussem Ipsum
I don’t know who Mussem is but it’s in Portuguese. He looks friendly?
Mussum Ipsum, cacilds vidis litro abertis. A ordem dos tratores não altera o pão duris.Interessantiss quisso pudia ce receita de bolis, mais bolis eu num gostis.Suco de cevadiss, é um leite divinis, qui tem lupuliz, matis, aguis e fermentis.Admodum accumsan disputationi eu sit. Vide electram sadipscing et per.
Neil deGrasse Tyson Ipsum
Generates quotes from astrophysicist Niel deGrasse Tyson. 
As an educator, I try to get people to be fundamentally curious and to question ideas that they might have or that are shared by others. In that state of mind, they have earned a kind of inoculation against the fuzzy thinking of these weird ideas floating around out there.
Nietzsche Ipsum
Generates Nietzsche-inspired text.
Society depths ubermensch christianity sea enlightenment joy virtues decieve society good disgust selfish noble. Ascetic decieve pious play deceptions decieve decieve intentions self self ideal.
Ocean Creature Lorem Ipsum
Generates sea creature-inspired text.
Manta ray with lionfish ect. Coral hogfish fingernail clam in tilefish mandarinfish crab lionfish weasel shark. Yellow pseudochromis weasel shark shadow, darkness in deap ocean an, Motionless Wabash pigtoe Full moon. Colorful soldierfish banded sole jump. Nurse shark at goatfish grey whale.
Obama Ipsum
Generates quotes from former US President Barack Obama.
We are a better country than this. But I will also renew the tough, direct diplomacy that can prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons and curb Russian aggression. It is time for us to act on what everyone knows to be true. This tolerance is essential for religion to thrive, but it is being challenged in many different ways.
Office Ipsum
Generates sentences you’ve heard in every meeting ever. Also has a client feedback version!
If you're not hurting you're not winning pivot, dear hiring manager:, for incentivization even dead cats bounce wiggle room, for one-sheet. Put a record on and see who dances high-level, but we've got to manage that low hanging fruit lift and shift. It just needs more cowbell make it a priority, but strategic high-level 30,000 ft view pro-sumer software, so golden goose low-hanging fruit can we parallel path. 
Pirate Ipsum
Generates pirate-inspired jargon.
Squiffy ballast maroon gangplank tackle grog scuppers driver barque tack. Yardarm mizzen barque capstan heave to hardtack Pieces of Eight port hulk parrel. Pinnace lass Jack Tar gabion Yellow Jack run a rig furl red ensign come about Brethren of the Coast.
Pizza Ipsum
I love pizza ?
Pizza ipsum dolor amet garlic sausage white pizza bianca hawaiian pizza meat lovers large onions. Banana peppers black olives stuffed crust, pizza steak bbq sauce chicken wing meatball garlic lasagna green bell peppers anchovies mushrooms extra cheese. Philly steak bianca pizza mayo, garlic sauce bbq rib platter. 
It’s crypto and I hate it.
Bitcoin could be many dormant accidental fork! Monero waited some efficient do your own research during lots of market cap. Since someone specialises in few quick coin in the difficulty, Litecoin limited a hot wallet at few smart contract, so although SHA 256 did lots of provably fair double spend behind many Lambo
Pommy Ipsum
“The official lorem ipsum filler text generator of the British Empire.”
Pommy ipsum knee high to a grasshopper i'll be a monkey's uncle sod's law knows bugger all about nowt one would like spend a penny grab a jumper, cheesed off that's ace shepherd's pie mince pies anorak because there was nothing on the gogglebox, what a load of guff chippy accordingly nosh on a stag do chin up.
Postmodernist Generator
Generates a whole meaningless essay of postmodernist jargon.
If one examines textual deappropriation, one is faced with a choice: either reject textual precapitalist theory or conclude that sexual identity has objective value. Lyotard uses the term ‘textual materialism’ to denote a mythopoetical paradox It could be said that the premise of textual precapitalist theory holds that narrative is a product of communication, given that narrativity is equal to language.
Ramen Ipsum
Ramen is love. Ramen is life.
Ginger sesame oil abura soba chopped onions chicken stock seasoned egg corn Nagoya pork bones soy sauce. Asahikawa flavoured oil scallions Kagoshima Tokushima abura soba Hakata Tokyo Nissin instant cup ramen soy sauce yuzu toasted sesame seeds ramen burger vinegar.
Rush Ipsum
Generates lyrics from the band Rush.
One likes to believe in the freedom of music, but glittering prizes and endless compromises shatter the illusion of integrity. I wandered home though the silent streets and fell into a fitful sleep. I know it's most unusual to come before you so, but I've found an ancient miracle.
Sagan Ipsum
Generates text inspired by astronomer Carl Sagan.
Paroxysm of global death Drake Equation explorations another world from which we spring a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. Cosmos kindling the energy hidden in matter globular star cluster dream of the mind's eye ship of the imagination courage of our questions?
Samuel L. Ipsum
Generates quotes from actor Samuel L. Jackson. (Warning: inappropriate language)
Now that there is the Tec-9, a crappy spray gun from South Miami. This gun is advertised as the most popular gun in American crime. Do you believe that shit? It actually says that in the little book that comes with it: the most popular gun in American crime. Like they're actually proud of that shit.
Skate Ipsum
Generates skater lingo.
Skate ipsum dolor sit amet, Primo slide dude rock and roll mute-air 540 nose bump. Masonite locals egg plant trucks Saran Wrap camel back. Pool bigspin Paul Rodriguez no comply mini ramp nose slide feeble. 720 fakie out griptape Grind King mute-air regular footed bail. Pogo rail slide crail slide full-cab feeble concave Johnny Rad. 
Space Ipsum
Generates outer space-inspired text.
There is no strife, no prejudice, no national conflict in outer space as yet. Its hazards are hostile to us all. Its conquest deserves the best of all mankind, and its opportunity for peaceful cooperation many never come again. But why, some say, the moon? Why choose this as our goal?
Trump Ipsum
Generates text inspired by former US President Donald Trump.
You have so many different things placeholder text has to be able to do, and I don't believe Lorem Ipsum has the stamina. You have so many different things placeholder text has to be able to do, and I don't believe Lorem Ipsum has the stamina. He’s not a word hero. He’s a word hero because he was captured. I like text that wasn’t captured.
Web 2.0 Ipsum
Generates text from nonsensical Web 2.0 startup names, just for the heck of it. 
Webtwo ipsum sclipo zapier groupon blippy, wesabe. Empressr twitter groupon meebo joukuu doostang octopart, grockit spock doostang koofers. Scribd airbnb zoho insala gooru chartly yuntaa, odeo knewton koofers balihoo zlio. Wikia prezi zlio empressr glogster cloudera tivo kno, wufoo sifteo zimbra jiglu kippt.
Wine Ipsum
Generates actual filler copy about wine.
The aftertaste, or "finish," is the primary factor in judging the quality and character of wine. Tomato and cherry flavors nestle comfortably together with notes of leather and clay in Sangiovese. A lingering finish indicates a luscious vintage! If a husband found his wife drinking wine in the early Roman times, he was at liberty to kill her. Be not offended when your ex drinks wine.
Yolo Ipsum
I hate this and I will be using it for every project going forward.
Don’t trust anyone, cause you only live once. Aliquam imperdiet, ligula vehicula sodales lobortis, dui arcu ultricies libero, vitae tempor eros libero sed neque. Pop a molly, I’m sweatin’, consequat feugiat eros.  How you like your eggs, fried or fertilized? 
Zombie Ipsum
“A macabre feast of frightful filler.”
Zombie ipsum reversus ab viral inferno, nam rick grimes malum cerebro. De carne lumbering animata corpora quaeritis. Summus brains sit​​, morbo vel maleficia? De apocalypsi gorger omero undead survivor dictum mauris. Hi mindless mortuis soulless creaturas, imo evil stalking monstra adventus resi dentevil vultus comedat cerebella viventium.
174 notes · View notes
der-papero · 9 months
Giorno 8 inizio il mio nuovo lavoro, confermando quella che pensavo fosse una coincidenza, eppure alla fine si dimostra un mio pattern preciso, ovvero che non riesco a stare più di 5 anni in un posto lavorativamente parlando, che sia una intera azienda o anche solo un reparto.
In questo caso ne sono passati 6, ma ho fatto molta fatica a resistere l'ultimo anno, anzi, l'idea di scappare mi era proprio venuta un anno fa, ma in Germania i tempi sono tutti più lenti, per quando ho messo in moto il meccanismo un anno è bello che passato, anche perché restando nella stessa azienda comunque il processo è quello che è.
Incredibile come questa cosa sia palese nel mio CV, ma nessuno si sia mai preso lo sfizio di chiedermi perché, eppure dovrebbe essere un elemento pro o contro una assunzione, sapere che dopo 5 anni massimo ti ci mando. E' da oggi che rivedo sempre lo stesso VHS, con colleghi che mi scrivono "ci mancherai/sei davvero in gamba/come faremo senza di te/blah blah blah", che kivemuort se davvero pensaste queste cose me le direste più spesso (c'è chi lo fa, e non aspetta l'ultimo giorno dopo la mia comunicazione).
Chissà quale difetto si nasconde dietro questo mio nomadismo lavorativo, ma adesso figurati se mi metto a dare centinaia di euro ad uno per farmi spiegare perché non mi si incolla il culo alla sedia, tanto mica lo vivo come un problema.
Che poi, diciamoci la verità, durerà tipo una settimana, il tempo che il primo tedesco dirà al primo incontro "Italiener? Mafia und Berlusconi ahahahaha", che lo mando subito affanculo inimicandomi tutto il nuovo reparto e facendomi venire la voglia di andare altrove.
29 notes · View notes
whisky-soul · 2 years
Tumblr media
Starting the Mando season 3 press thread with this. Future articles and interviews will be added to this post. 😊
The Mandalorian Season 3 'Opens Up The World of Mandalore And The Mandalorians', Says Pedro Pascal - Empire
Pedro Pascal 'Can't See Shit In Mandalorian Armour' - Empire
The Mandalorian Season 3 Official Clip - Youtube
Real Steel - Season 3 Feature - Empire
Season 3 Stills - Empire
Baby Steps: An Oral History of Grogu - Empire
Theirs is the Way: Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni Interview - Empire
Father and Son: The Mandalorian Season 3 Feature - SFX Magazine
Pedro Pascal Talks Being Called the ‘Daddy’ of the Internet - Good Morning Britain
Pedro Pascal Is Creeped Out When Fans Ask Him to Use ‘Mandalorian’ Voice on Children: ‘It Sounds Inappropriate’ - Variety
Pedro Pascal Plays “Is It The Way?” - MTV News
Pedro Pascal Reacts To Becoming "Internet Daddy" - The Graham Norton Show
Pedro Pascal Forgot He Was Cast In The Last Of Us - The Graham Norton Show
Pedro Pascal Swerves A Kiss From Dame Helen Mirren - The Graham Norton Show
Pedro Pascal on The Mandalorian S3, a scene-stealing Grogu & knowing how much the world loves him - Joe.ie
Jon Favreau Is Watching The Last Of Us Too: ‘Pedro Pascal’s Really Cornered The Market On This Protective Father Archetype’ - Empire
The Mandalorian's Pedro Pascal teases an 'epic' season 3 - Digital Spy
Pedro Pascal über Mandalorian und andere rollen - Brisant (VPN may be required)
***NEW FEB 28th***
Mandalorian Season 3: Star Wars' Pedro Pascal Answers Kid Questions - BBC Newsround
Pedro Pascal plays The Reverse Words game - The Chris Moyles Show
Pedro Pascal has fully embraced all things ‘daddy.’ - Entertainment Tonight
‘The Mandalorian’: Pedro Pascal on Din Djarin & Grogu’s Relationship in SEASON 3 - Extra TV
Pedro Pascal RESPONDS To Being Dubbed The 'Internet's Daddy' - Access Hollywood
Pedro Pascal Talks Possible Boba Fett And Ahsoka Crossovers In The Mandalorian Season 3 - Cinema Blend
Pedro Pascal no cierra la puerta a nada con 'The Mandalorian': "Me encantaría ver una película" - Sensacine
Zoe Ball Meets Pedro Pascal - The Zoe Ball Breakfast Show
Pedro Pascal Remembers Working w/ Sarah Michelle On ‘Buffy The Vampire Slayer’ - Access Hollywood
Pedro Pascal on ´The Mandalorian’ Season 3, Grogu nicknames, and More - Entertainment Tonight
Pedro Pascal "The Mandalorian" - FabTV
See Pedro Pascal Get Nostalgic Over 'Buffy' Memories With ‘Incredibly Kind’ Sarah Michelle Gellar - Entertainment Tonight
Pedro Pascal on Season 3 - GamesRadar
**NEW March 1***
Pedro Pascal & Jon Favreau Compare American and Chilean Snacks - LADBible
‘The Mandalorian’: Pedro Pascal Wants to Go from ‘DADDY Din’ to ‘BABY D’ - ExtraTV
Pedro Pascal Talks The Mandalorian Season 3 & How It's Surprising What the Surprises Are - Collider
Pedro Pascal Praised By Sarah Paulson For Becoming 'Enormous' Star In 2016 Interview - Access Hollywood
How Pedro Pascal Feels About A Big Part Of ‘The Mandalorian’ Arc Taking Place In ‘Boba Fett' - CinemaBlend
“The Mandalorian” star Pedro Pascal teases what fans can expect from season 3. - Associated Press
Pedro Pascal is grateful for The Last Of Us and The Mandalorian - Irish Mirror
'The Mandalorian' Lead Pedro Pascal On What To Expect From Season 3 - NDTV
Pedro Pascal on Season 3 - Despierta América
FAJN RADIO I Marthy Duffek & The Mandolorian interview w/ Pedro Pascal - Fajn Radio
The Mandalorian: Season 3 | Launch Event - Pedro Pascal, Katie Sackhoff - VRAI Magazine
Pedro on KissFM UK Part 1
Pedro on KissFM UK Part 2
Pedro Pascal Looks Back At His Early Acting Days On 'Buffy' - ET Canada
Pedro Pascal on being 'faceless' in the Mandalorian suit - ABC News Australia
Pedro Pascal, 'Mandalorian' castmates promise more fun, drama, surprises, Grogu in season 3 - ABC 7
**NEW March 2nd**
Pedro Pascal On Being The Internet's Daddy - Capital FM
Pedro Pascal Explains Rehearsal Behind Hilarious SNL Table Sketch - E News
Pedro Pascal jokes about ‘The Mandalorian’ outlasting ‘The Simpson’s’ - Yahoo Entertainment
Pedro Pascal Meets Young Fans at The Mandalorian Season 3 Premiere - jenmarkham
***NEW March 3rd***
Pedro Pascal talks 'Mandalorian' Season 3, 'Last of Us' comparisons and 'Saturday Night Live' - Yahoo Entertainment
The Mandalorian Season 3 Launch Event - Star Wars
"I like my own burps!" Pedro Pascal on playing The Mandalorian and meeting "The Ultimate Daddy" - BBC Radio 1
The Sudden Fashion-Daddy Arrival of Pedro Pascal - GQ
Ciné Télé Revue Interview
Radio Corazón
***NEW March 7th***
One on One Interview with Pedro Pascal for 'The Mandalorian' - MJ Felipe
Melanie Lynskey calls Pedro Pascal a 'dreamboat' - Etalk (this has nothing to do with Mando; I just like it)
Pedro Pascal on Mandalorian S3, Melanie Lynskey, Tem Morrison and Taika - NewsHub
***NEW March 9th***
Pedro Pascal Cries From His Head While Eating Spicy Wings - Hot Ones
***NEW March 18th***
Pedro on the Dagobah Dispatch Podcast - EW
120 notes · View notes
enibas22 · 7 months
from IG Stephanie Stumph - 25th February 2024
D R E S D E N! Welches Kleid hat euch am Besten gefallen? Rot, gelb oder rosé?
Vielleicht mag ja der ein oder andere sich über die Hope Kapstsdt Stiftung informieren und Gutes tun. @ruthmoschner und @viola.klein freuen sich. www.semperopernball.de
Ad da Markierung
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maimoncat · 7 months
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 Gatto Mammone, o Re dei Gatti, è una creatura del folklore italiano, una delle poche che si trova in più o meno tutta Italia. È descritto come un enorme gatto demoniaco, dal pelo nero con una M bianca sulla fronte. Appare in alcune fiabe e leggende, tra l’altro nelle versioni italiane de “La ragazza cortese e quella scortese” , come ne “La fiaba dei gatti”, raccolta da Piero Pellizzari e aggiunta alle Fiabe Italiane di Calvino. Nel Medioevo era sinonimo di qualunque mostro o creatura leggendaria, oggigiorno però è solo un vecchio spauracchio dimenticato. Dino Buzzati scrisse un’articolo su di una signora anziana, che parlò del suo incontro col criptide. Per poi disegnarne una caricatura. È possibile che sia ispirato ad una divinità fenicia della fertilità, Maimone, ma di sicuro è stato unito al demone Mammona biblico e alla parola araba Maymun, scimmia.
Ho voluto postarlo qui il Martedì grasso, dato che talvolta è in qualche modo collegato con la stagione del Carnevale (specialmente in Sardegna). Qui eccovi alcuni schizzi concettuali che ho fatto di lui per il fumetto "Tales of the Otherfolk" di @zal-cryptid (molto ispirati al suo aspetto nella pellicola del 2019 "La famosa invasione degli orsi in Sicilia"):
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The Mammon Cat, or Catking, is a creature of Italian folklore, one of the few found in all of Italy. He’s described as a giant demon cat, with black fur and a white M on his forehead. He appears in some legends and fairy tales, like italian versions of “The kind and unkind girls”, as the “the tale of the cats” collected by Piero Pellizzari and included into Italo Calvino’s Italian FolkTales. In the Middle ages he was a synonym of any weird or scary creature, but today he’s only a half forgotten boogeyman. Dino Buzzati wrote an article where an old woman who spoke of her encounter with the cryptid. And then proceded to draw a caricature of it. It’s possible that the mammon cat is based on a phoenician fertility god, Maimone, but he was certainly united with the biblical demon Mammon and the arabic word for monkey, Maymun.
I decided to post this here on Mardi Gras (or Shrove Tuesday), since at times he's connected with the Carnival season (especially in Sardinia). Up there are also some concept sketches for @zal-cryptid 's webcomic "Tales of the Otherfolk". Very much inspired by his depiction in the 2019 movie "the Bears' famous invasion of Sicily".
Der Mammonkater, oder König der Katzen, ist ein Fabelwesen der italienischen Folklore, eins der Wenigen, die in ganz Italien verbreitet sind. Er ist als riesiger Teufelskater, mit schwarzem Fell und einem weissen M auf der Stirn. Er erscheint in einigen Märchen und Legenden, unter anderem in den italienischen Varianten von den „Geschichten von artigen und unartigen Mädchen“ (also Frau Holle), wie in „das Märchen von den Katzen“, das von Piero Pellizzari gesammelt und in Italo Calvinos Italienische Märchen mitgezählt wurde. Im Mittelalter war er das Stichwort für seltsames oder ungeheuerliches Wesen, Heut zu Tage ist er aber nur ein halb vergessenes Schreckgespenst. Dino Buzzati schrieb einen Artikel über eine Frau, die von ihrem Erlebnis mit dem Kryptiden erzählte. Danach zeichnete er eine Karikatur davon. Es ist möglich, dass er auf einem phönizischen Fruchtbarkeitsgott, Maimone, beruht, aber er wurde sicherlich mit dem biblischen Mammon und dem arabischen Wort für Affe, Maymun, vereint.
Ich wollte es am Fastnachtdienstag posten, da er manchmal (vor allem in Sardinien) mit der Faschingszeit verbunden wird. Oben noch ein Paar Skizzen von ihm für @zal-cryptid s Webcomic "Tales of the Otherfolk". Designweise sehr an seiner Erscheinung im 2019er Film "Königreich der Bären" angelehnt.
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libriaco · 1 year
Alcuni porcospini, in una fredda giornata d’inverno, si strinsero vicini, vicini, per proteggersi, col calore reciproco, dal rimanere assiderati. Ben presto, però, sentirono le spine reciproche; il dolore li costrinse ad allontanarsi di nuovo l’uno dall’altro. Quando poi il bisogno di riscaldarsi li portò di nuovo a stare insieme, si ripeté quell’altro malanno; di modo che venivano sballottati avanti e indietro fra due mali, finché non ebbero trovato una moderata distanza reciproca, che rappresentava per loro la migliore posizione. — Così il bisogno di società, che scaturisce dal vuoto e dalla monotonia della propria interiorità, spinge gli uomini l’uno verso l’altro; le loro molteplici repellenti qualità e i loro difetti insopportabili, però, li respingono di nuovo l’uno lontano dall’altro. La distanza media, che essi riescono finalmente a trovare e grazie alla quale è possibile una coesistenza, si trova nella cortesia e nelle buone maniere. A colui che non mantiene quella distanza, si dice in Inghilterra: keep your distance! — Con essa il bisogno del calore reciproco viene soddisfatto in modo incompleto, in compenso però non si soffre delle spine altrui. — Colui, però, che possiede molto calore interno preferisce rinunciare alla società, per non dare né ricevere sensazioni sgradevoli.
A. Schopenhauer, [Parerga und Paralipomena, 1851], Parerga e paralipomena, Milano, Adelphi, 1998. [Trad. M. Montinari e E. Amendola Kuhn]
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pietroleopoldo · 7 months
Tendenzialmente sono sempre un po' dubbiosa della scelta di dare ad un bambino un nome appartenente ad una cultura diversa dalla propria, non per motivi da Blut und Boden ma perché ci passo da tutta la vita e ad una certa diventa stancante stare a spiegare ogni giorno che sì, c'ho un nome nordico, no, la persona più esotica della mia famiglia è mia nonna che è di Arezzo
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justablix · 1 month
So, tell me in return for the Tatort-Game: 2, 3 & 4
Bin gespannt!
2 wer ist dein*e Lieblings Tatort Team?
Es ist eine schwere Wahl zwischen Berlin (bisexual) und München (old man yaoi + Kalli). Aber letztendlich reist Kalli es raus, also München
3 Ein Fall, den man einfach gesehen haben muss?
„Gott ist auch nur ein Mensch“. Es ist nicht meine Lieblingsfolge, aber es ist Münster und es ist lustig und es ist ein bisschen queer aber nicht so sehr das irgendwelche Rentner offended sein könnten und es ist ein bisschen meta und es ist ein bisschen aber nicht zu fucked up. Eigentlich die ideale Folge für den Otto Normal Verbraucher.
4 Welches Team hast du noch nicht geguckt, würdest es aber gern tun?
Ich glaube ich habe jetzt alle Teams gesehen, die ich sehen möchte. Wenn ich ein altes Team zurückbringen könnte, währen es Rubin und Karow. Ich bin so deep in denial über Rubins Tod, dass ich die Folge nicht gesehen habe und nur eine Folge mit der neuen geguckt habe. Ich vermisse sie so hart
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pollonegro666 · 1 year
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2023/08/02 Seguimos paseando por el centro descubriendo rincones. Vimos una ópera que espero no fomentara la drogadicción. Pasamos a saludar a un primo que tiene un restaurante de comida rápida. Y llegamos a un edificio neoclásico muy bonito que alberga la bolsa de la ciudad.
We continue walking through the center discovering corners. We saw an opera that I hope didn't encourage drug addiction. We stopped by to say hello to a cousin who owns a fast food restaurant. And we arrive at a very beautiful neoclassical building that houses the city stock exchange.
Google Translation into French: Nous continuons à parcourir le centre en découvrant des coins. Nous avons vu un opéra qui, je l'espère, n'encourageait pas la toxicomanie. Nous nous sommes arrêtés pour dire bonjour à un cousin qui possède un fast-food. Et nous arrivons devant un très bel édifice néoclassique qui abrite la bourse de la ville.
Google translation into Italian: Continuiamo ad esplorare il centro, scoprendo angoli. Abbiamo visto un'opera che spero non abbia incoraggiato l'uso di droghe. Ci siamo fermati a salutare un cugino che possiede un fast food. E arriviamo davanti ad un bellissimo edificio neoclassico che ospita la Borsa della città.
Google Translation into Portuguese: Continuamos a explorar o centro, descobrindo recantos. Assistimos a uma ópera que, espero, não incentivou o abuso de drogas. Paramos para cumprimentar um primo dono de um restaurante fast food. E chegamos em frente a um belíssimo prédio neoclássico que abriga a bolsa de valores da cidade.
Google Translation into German: Wir erkunden weiterhin das Zentrum und entdecken Ecken. Wir haben eine Oper gesehen, von der ich hoffe, dass sie nicht zum Drogenmissbrauch ermutigt hat. Wir hielten an, um einem Cousin Hallo zu sagen, der ein Fastfood-Restaurant besitzt. Und wir kommen vor einem sehr schönen neoklassizistischen Gebäude an, in dem sich die Börse der Stadt befindet.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Ne vazhdojmë të eksplorojmë qendrën dhe të zbulojmë qoshet. Ne pamë një operë që shpresoj të mos inkurajonte abuzimin me drogën. U ndalëm për t'i përshëndetur një kushëriri që ka një restorant të ushqimit të shpejtë. Dhe arrijmë përballë një godine shumë të bukur neoklasike ku ndodhet bursa e qytetit.
Google Translation into Armenian: Մենք շարունակում ենք ուսումնասիրել կենտրոնը և բացահայտել անկյունները: Մենք տեսանք մի օպերա, որը, հուսով եմ, չէր խրախուսում թմրանյութերի չարաշահումը: Մենք կանգ առանք՝ բարևելու զարմիկին, ով արագ սննդի ռեստորան ունի: Եվ մենք հասնում ենք մի շատ գեղեցիկ նեոկլասիկական շենքի դիմաց, որտեղ գտնվում է քաղաքի ֆոնդային բորսան:
Google Translation into Bulgarian: Продължаваме да изследваме центъра и да откриваме кътчета. Гледахме опера, която се надявам да не насърчава злоупотребата с наркотици. Спряхме да се поздравим с един братовчед, който притежава ресторант за бързо хранене. И пристигаме пред една много красива неокласическа сграда, в която се помещава фондовата борса на града.
Google Translation into Czech: Pokračujeme v prozkoumávání centra a objevování zákoutí. Viděli jsme operu, která, jak doufám, nepodporovala zneužívání drog. Zastavili jsme se pozdravit bratrance, který vlastní restauraci rychlého občerstvení. A dorazíme před velmi krásnou neoklasicistní budovu, ve které sídlí městská burza.
Google Translation into Croatian: Nastavljamo istraživati ​​centar i otkrivati ​​kutove. Gledali smo operu za koju se nadam da nije potaknula zlouporabu droga. Zaustavili smo se da pozdravimo rođaka koji ima restoran brze hrane. I stižemo pred vrlo lijepu neoklasicističku zgradu u kojoj se nalazi gradska burza.
Google Translation into Danish Vi fortsætter med at udforske centrum og opdage hjørner. Vi så en opera, som jeg håber ikke tilskyndede til stofmisbrug. Vi stoppede for at sige hej til en fætter, der ejer en fastfood-restaurant. Og vi ankommer foran en meget smuk nyklassicistisk bygning, der huser byens børs.
Google Translation into Slovak: Pokračujeme v objavovaní centra a objavujeme zákutia. Videli sme operu, ktorá, dúfam, nepodporovala zneužívanie drog. Zastavili sme sa pozdraviť bratranca, ktorý vlastní reštauráciu s rýchlym občerstvením. A prichádzame pred veľmi krásnu neoklasicistickú budovu, v ktorej sídli mestská burza.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Nadaljujemo z raziskovanjem centra in odkrivanjem kotičkov. Videli smo opero, za katero upam, da ni spodbujala zlorabe drog. Ustavili smo se, da bi pozdravili bratranca, ki ima restavracijo s hitro prehrano. In prispemo pred zelo lepo neoklasicistično stavbo, v kateri je mestna borza.
Google Translation into Estonian: Jätkame keskuse uurimist ja nurkade avastamist. Nägime ooperit, mis loodetavasti ei soodustanud uimastite kuritarvitamist. Peatusime, et öelda tere nõbule, kellel on kiirtoidurestoran. Ja jõuame ühe väga ilusa neoklassitsistliku hoone ette, kus asub linna börs.
Google Translation into Suomi: Jatkamme keskustan tutkimista ja nurkkien löytämistä. Näimme oopperan, joka toivottavasti ei rohkaissut huumeiden väärinkäyttöön. Pysähdyimme tervehtimään serkkua, joka omistaa pikaruokaravintolan. Ja saavumme erittäin kauniin uusklassisen rakennuksen eteen, jossa on kaupungin pörssi.
Google Translation into Georgian: ჩვენ ვაგრძელებთ ცენტრის შესწავლას და კუთხეების აღმოჩენას. ჩვენ ვნახეთ ოპერა, რომელიც, იმედი მაქვს, არ წაახალისებდა ნარკომანიას. ჩვენ გავჩერდით, რათა მივესალმოთ ბიძაშვილს, რომელიც ფლობს სწრაფი კვების რესტორანს. და მივდივართ ძალიან ლამაზი ნეოკლასიკური შენობის წინ, სადაც განთავსებულია ქალაქის ��აფონდო ბირჟა.
Google Translation into Greek: Συνεχίζουμε να εξερευνούμε το κέντρο και να ανακαλύπτουμε γωνιές. Είδαμε μια όπερα που ελπίζω να μην ενθάρρυνε την κατάχρηση ναρκωτικών. Σταματήσαμε για να πούμε ένα γεια σε έναν ξάδερφό του που έχει ένα εστιατόριο γρήγορου φαγητού. Και φτάνουμε μπροστά σε ένα πολύ όμορφο νεοκλασικό κτίριο που στεγάζει το χρηματιστήριο της πόλης.
Google Translation into Hungarian: Folytatjuk a központ felfedezését és a sarkok felfedezését. Láttunk egy operát, ami remélem, nem ösztönzött a kábítószer-használatra. Megálltunk, hogy köszöntsünk egy unokatestvért, akinek egy gyorsétterme van. És egy nagyon szép neoklasszikus épület elé érkezünk, amely a város tőzsdéjének ad otthont.
Google Translation into Latvian: Turpinām izpētīt centru un atklāt stūrus. Mēs redzējām operu, kas, es ceru, neveicināja narkotiku lietošanu. Mēs apstājāmies, lai sasveicinātos ar brālēnu, kuram pieder ātrās ēdināšanas restorāns. Un mēs nonākam pie ļoti skaistas neoklasicisma stila ēkas, kurā atrodas pilsētas birža.
Google Translation into Dutch: We blijven het centrum verkennen en hoekjes ontdekken. We hebben een opera gezien waarvan ik hoop dat deze het drugsmisbruik niet aanmoedigde. We stopten om hallo te zeggen tegen een neef die eigenaar is van een fastfoodrestaurant. En we komen aan voor een heel mooi neoklassiek gebouw waarin de beurs van de stad is gevestigd.
Google Translation into Norwegian: Vi fortsetter å utforske sentrum og oppdage hjørner. Vi så en opera som jeg håper ikke oppmuntret til narkotikamisbruk. Vi stoppet for å si hei til en fetter som eier en gatekjøkkenrestaurant. Og vi kommer foran en meget vakker nyklassisistisk bygning som huser byens børs.
Google Translation into Polish: Kontynuujemy eksplorację centrum i odkrywanie zakątków. Widzieliśmy operę, która, mam nadzieję, nie zachęcała do nadużywania narkotyków. Zatrzymaliśmy się, aby przywitać się z kuzynem, który jest właścicielem restauracji typu fast food. I dojeżdżamy przed bardzo piękny neoklasycystyczny budynek, w którym mieści się miejska giełda.
Google Translation into Romanian: Continuăm să explorăm centrul și descoperim colțuri. Am văzut o operă care sper că nu a încurajat abuzul de droguri. Ne-am oprit să salutăm un văr care deține un fast-food. Și ajungem în fața unei clădiri neoclasice foarte frumoase care găzduiește bursa orașului.
Google Translation into Russian: Продолжаем исследовать центр и открывать уголки. Мы посмотрели оперу, которая, я надеюсь, не поощряет злоупотребление наркотиками. Мы остановились, чтобы поздороваться с двоюродным братом, который владеет рестораном быстрого питания. И мы подходим к очень красивому неоклассическому зданию, в котором находится городская фондовая биржа.
Google Translation into Serbian: Настављамо да истражујемо центар и откривамо углове. Гледали смо оперу за коју се надам да није подстакла злоупотребу дрога. Зауставили смо се да поздравимо рођака који поседује ресторан брзе хране. И стижемо испред једне веома лепе неокласичне зграде у којој се налази градска берза.
Google Translation into Swedish: Vi fortsätter att utforska centrum och upptäcka hörn. Vi såg en opera som jag hoppas inte uppmuntrade till drogmissbruk. Vi stannade för att säga hej till en kusin som äger en snabbmatsrestaurang. Och vi anländer framför en mycket vacker nyklassicistisk byggnad som inrymmer stadens börs.
Google Translation into Turkish: Merkezi keşfetmeye ve köşeleri keşfetmeye devam ediyoruz. Uyuşturucu kullanımını teşvik etmediğini umduğum bir opera izledik. Fast food restoranı olan kuzenimize merhaba demek için durduk. Ve şehrin borsasına ev sahipliği yapan çok güzel neoklasik bir binanın önüne varıyoruz.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Продовжуємо досліджувати центр і відкривати куточки. Ми дивилися оперу, яка, я сподіваюся, не заохочувала до зловживання наркотиками. Ми зупинилися, щоб привітатися з двоюрідним братом, який володіє рестораном швидкого харчування. І ми підходимо до дуже красивої неокласичної будівлі, де розміщена міська фондова біржа.
Google Translation into Arabic: نواصل استكشاف المركز واكتشاف الزوايا. لقد شاهدنا أوبرا أتمنى ألا تشجع على تعاطي المخدرات. توقفنا لإلقاء التحية على ابن عم يملك مطعمًا للوجبات السريعة. ونصل أمام مبنى كلاسيكي جديد جميل جدًا يضم بورصة المدينة.
Google Translation into Bengali: আমরা কেন্দ্র অন্বেষণ এবং কোণগুলি আবিষ্কার অবিরত. আমরা একটি অপেরা দেখেছি যা আমি আশা করি মাদকের অপব্যবহারকে উৎসাহিত করেনি। আমরা একটি ফাস্ট ফুড রেস্টুরেন্টের মালিক একজন কাজিনকে হ্যালো বলতে থামলাম। এবং আমরা একটি খুব সুন্দর নিওক্লাসিক্যাল বিল্ডিংয়ের সামনে পৌঁছে যাই যেখানে শহরের স্টক এক্সচেঞ্জ রয়েছে।
Google Translation into Simplified Chinese: 我们继续探索中心并发现角落。 我们看了一部歌剧,我希望它不会鼓励吸毒。 我们停下来向一位开快餐店的表弟打招呼。 我们到达一座非常美丽的新古典主义建筑前,这里是该市证券交易所的所在地。
Google Translation into Korean: 우리는 계속해서 중심을 탐색하고 모서리를 발견합니다. 마약 남용을 조장하지 않았으면 하는 오페라를 보았습니다. 우리는 패스트푸드점을 운영하는 사촌에게 인사를 하기 위해 멈춰 섰습니다. 그리고 우리는 도시의 증권 거래소가 있는 매우 아름다운 신고전주의 건물 앞에 도착했습니다.
Google Translation into Guarani: Rosegi rohesa’ỹijo pe centro ha rodescubri umi esquina. Rohecha peteĩ ópera aha’arõva nomokyre’ỹi droga jeporu vai. Ropyta romomaitei haĝua peteĩ primo orekóvape peteĩ restaurante de comida rápida. Ha roguahê peteî edificio neoclásico iporâitereíva renondépe oîhápe bolsa de valores tavaguasúpe.
Google Translation into Hawaiian: Hoʻomau mākou e ʻimi i ke kikowaena a ʻike i nā kihi. Ua ʻike mākou i kahi opera aʻu i manaʻo ai ʻaʻole i paipai i ka hoʻohana ʻana i ka lāʻau lapaʻau. Ua kū mākou e aloha aku i kahi hoahānau nona ka hale ʻaina meaʻai wikiwiki. A hōʻea mākou i mua o kahi hale neoclassical nani loa e waiho ana i ke kumukūʻai o ke kūlanakauhale.
Google Translation into Hebrew: ממשיכים לחקור את המרכז ולגלות פינות. ראינו אופרה שאני מקווה שלא עודדה שימוש לרעה בסמים. עצרנו להגיד שלום לבן דוד בעל מסעדת מזון מהיר. ואנחנו מגיעים אל מול בניין ניאו-קלאסי יפה מאוד שמאכלס את הבורסה של העיר.
Google Translation into Hindi: हम केंद्र का पता लगाना और कोनों की खोज करना जारी रखते हैं। हमने एक ओपेरा देखा, मुझे आशा है कि यह नशीली दवाओं के दुरुपयोग को प्रोत्साहित नहीं करता। हम एक चचेरे भाई को नमस्ते कहने के लिए रुके जो एक फास्ट फूड रेस्तरां का मालिक है। और हम एक बहुत ही खूबसूरत नियोक्लासिकल इमारत के सामने पहुंचते हैं जिसमें शहर का स्टॉक एक्सचेंज है।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Kami terus menjelajahi pusat dan menemukan sudut-sudutnya. Kami menonton opera yang saya harap tidak mendorong penyalahgunaan narkoba. Kami berhenti untuk menyapa sepupu pemilik restoran cepat saji. Dan kami tiba di depan sebuah bangunan neoklasik yang sangat indah yang menampung bursa saham kota.
Google Translation into Japanese: 私たちは引き続き中心部を探索し、コーナーを発見します。 私たちはオペラを観ましたが、薬物乱用を助長しないことを願っています。 私たちはファストフードレストランを経営しているいとこに挨拶するために立ち止まりました。 そして私たちは、市の証券取引所が入っている非常に美しい新古典主義の建物の前に到着しました。
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Биз борборду изилдөөнү жана бурчтарды ачууну улантабыз. Биз баңгичиликке үндөбөй турган операны көрдүк. Биз тез тамактануучу жайдын ээси бир тууганыбызга салам айтып токтодук. Ал эми биз шаардын биржасы жайгашкан абдан кооз неоклассикалык имараттын алдына келебиз.
Google Translation into Malayalam: ഞങ്ങൾ കേന്ദ്രം പര്യവേക്ഷണം ചെയ്യുകയും കോണുകൾ കണ്ടെത്തുകയും ചെയ്യുന്നത് തുടരുന്നു. മയക്കുമരുന്ന് ദുരുപയോഗം പ്രോത്സാഹിപ്പിക്കില്ലെന്ന് ഞാൻ പ്രതീക്ഷിക്കുന്ന ഒരു ഓപ്പറ ഞങ്ങൾ കണ്ടു. ഫാസ്റ്റ് ഫുഡ് റെസ്റ്റോറന്റിന്റെ ഉടമയായ ഒരു കസിനിനോട് ഹലോ പറയാൻ ഞങ്ങൾ നിന്നു. നഗരത്തിലെ സ്റ്റോക്ക് എക്സ്ചേഞ്ച് ഉള്ള വളരെ മനോഹരമായ ഒരു നിയോക്ലാസിക്കൽ കെട്ടിടത്തിന് മുന്നിലാണ് ഞങ്ങൾ എത്തുന്നത്.
Google Translation into Malay: Kami terus meneroka pusat dan menemui sudut. Kami melihat opera yang saya harap tidak menggalakkan penyalahgunaan dadah. Kami berhenti untuk bertanya khabar kepada sepupu yang memiliki restoran makanan segera. Dan kami tiba di hadapan sebuah bangunan neoklasik yang sangat cantik yang menempatkan bursa saham di bandar ini.
Google Translation into Mongolian: Бид төвийг үргэлжлүүлэн судалж, булангуудыг олж илрүүлсээр байна. Бид хар тамхины хэрэглээг дэмжээгүй гэж найдаж байгаа дуурь үзсэн. Бид түргэн хоолны газартай үеэл ахтай мэндчилж зогсов. Тэгээд бид хотын хөрөнгийн бирж байрладаг маш үзэсгэлэнтэй шинэ сонгодог барилгын өмнө ирлээ.
Google Translation into Nepali: हामी केन्द्र अन्वेषण गर्न र कुनाहरू पत्ता लगाउन जारी राख्छौं। हामीले एउटा ओपेरा देख्यौं जुन मलाई आशा छ कि लागूपदार्थको दुरुपयोगलाई प्रोत्साहन गर्दैन। हामीले फास्ट फूड रेस्टुरेन्टको मालिक भाइलाई नमस्कार भन्न रोक्यौं। र हामी सहरको स्टक एक्सचेन्ज रहेको एउटा सुन्दर नियोक्लासिकल भवनको अगाडि पुग्छौं।
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਅਸੀਂ ਕੇਂਦਰ ਦੀ ਪੜਚੋਲ ਕਰਨਾ ਅਤੇ ਕੋਨਿਆਂ ਦੀ ਖੋਜ ਕਰਨਾ ਜਾਰੀ ਰੱਖਦੇ ਹਾਂ। ਅਸੀਂ ਇੱਕ ਓਪੇਰਾ ਦੇਖਿਆ ਜੋ ਮੈਨੂੰ ਉਮੀਦ ਹੈ ਕਿ ਨਸ਼ਾਖੋਰੀ ਨੂੰ ਉਤਸ਼ਾਹਿਤ ਨਹੀਂ ਕੀਤਾ ਗਿਆ। ਅਸੀਂ ਇੱਕ ਚਚੇਰੇ ਭਰਾ ਨੂੰ ਹੈਲੋ ਕਹਿਣ ਲਈ ਰੁਕ ਗਏ ਜੋ ਇੱਕ ਫਾਸਟ ਫੂਡ ਰੈਸਟੋਰੈਂਟ ਦਾ ਮਾਲਕ ਹੈ। ਅਤੇ ਅਸੀਂ ਇੱਕ ਬਹੁਤ ਹੀ ਸੁੰਦਰ ਨਿਓਕਲਾਸੀਕਲ ਇਮਾਰਤ ਦੇ ਸਾਹਮਣੇ ਪਹੁੰਚਦੇ ਹਾਂ ਜਿਸ ਵਿੱਚ ਸ਼ਹਿਰ ਦਾ ਸਟਾਕ ਐਕਸਚੇਂਜ ਹੈ।
Google Translation into Pashtun: موږ د مرکز سپړلو او کونجونو موندلو ته دوام ورکوو. موږ یوه اوپیرا ولیده چې زه هیله لرم چې د مخدره توکو ناوړه ګټه اخیستنه ونه هڅوي. موږ د تره زوی ته د سلام ویلو لپاره ودرید چې د فاسټ فوډ رستورانت لري. او موږ د یوې خورا ښکلې نیوکلاسیکل ودانۍ مخې ته ورسیږو چې د ښار سټاک ایکسچینج پکې موقعیت لري.
Google Translation into Persian: ما به کاوش در مرکز و کشف گوشه ها ادامه می دهیم. ما یک اپرا دیدیم که امیدوارم سوءمصرف مواد مخدر را تشویق نکرده باشد. ایستادیم تا به پسر عموی که فست فود دارد سلام کنیم. و به یک ساختمان نئوکلاسیک بسیار زیبا می رسیم که بورس شهر را در خود جای داده است.
Google Translation into Sundanese: Urang neruskeun ngajajah puseur sarta manggihan sudut. Kami ningali opera anu kuring ngarepkeun henteu ngadorong penyalahgunaan narkoba. Urang dieureunkeun pikeun salam ka misan nu owns réstoran dahareun gancang. Sarta kami anjog di hareup wangunan neoklasik pisan geulis nu imah bursa saham kota.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Patuloy kaming ginalugad ang sentro at tumuklas ng mga sulok. Nakakita kami ng isang opera na sana ay hindi naghihikayat sa pag-abuso sa droga. Huminto kami para kumustahin ang isang pinsan na may-ari ng isang fast food restaurant. At nakarating kami sa harap ng isang napakagandang neoclassical na gusali na naglalaman ng stock exchange ng lungsod.
Google Translation into Thai: เรายังคงสำรวจศูนย์กลางและค้นพบมุมต่างๆ เราเห็นโอเปร่าที่ฉันหวังว่าจะไม่สนับสนุนการใช้ยาเสพติด เราแวะทักทายลูกพี่ลูกน้องที่เป็นเจ้าของ��้านอาหารฟาสต์ฟู้ด และเราก็มาถึงด้านหน้าอาคารสไตล์นีโอคลาสสิกที่สวยงามมาก ซึ่งเป็นที่ตั้งของตลาดหลักทรัพย์ของเมือง
Google Translation into Telugu: మేము కేంద్రాన్ని అన్వేషించడం మరియు మూలలను కనుగొనడం కొనసాగిస్తాము. మాదకద్రవ్యాల దుర్వినియోగాన్ని ప్రోత్సహించలేదని నేను ఆశిస్తున్న ఓపెరాను మేము చూశాము. ఫాస్ట్ ఫుడ్ రెస్టారెంట్‌ను కలిగి ఉన్న బంధువుకి హలో చెప్పడానికి మేము ఆగిపోయాము. మరియు మేము నగరం యొక్క స్టాక్ ఎక్స్ఛేంజ్ ఉన్న చాలా అందమైన నియోక్లాసికల్ భవనం ముందు చేరుకుంటాము.
Google Translation into Urdu: ہم مرکز کو تلاش کرتے رہتے ہیں اور کونوں کو دریافت کرتے ہیں۔ ہم نے ایک اوپیرا دیکھا جس سے مجھے امید ہے کہ منشیات کے استعمال کی حوصلہ افزائی نہیں کی گئی۔ ہم ایک کزن کو ہیلو کہنے کے لیے رک گئے جو ایک فاسٹ فوڈ ریستوراں کا مالک ہے۔ اور ہم ایک بہت ہی خوبصورت نیو کلاسیکل عمارت کے سامنے پہنچ گئے جس میں شہر کا اسٹاک ایکسچینج ہے۔
Google Translation into Uzbek: Biz markazni o'rganishni va burchaklarni kashf qilishni davom ettiramiz. Biz operani ko'rdik, umid qilamanki, giyohvand moddalarni suiiste'mol qilishni rag'batlantirmaydi. Biz fastfud restorani egasi bo'lgan amakivachchamiz bilan salomlashish uchun to'xtadik. Va biz shahar fond birjasi joylashgan juda chiroyli neoklassik bino oldiga keldik.
Google Translation into Vietnamese: Chúng tôi tiếp tục khám phá trung tâm và khám phá các góc. Chúng tôi đã xem một vở opera mà tôi hy vọng không khuyến khích việc lạm dụng ma túy. Chúng tôi dừng lại để chào một người anh họ là chủ một nhà hàng thức ăn nhanh. Và chúng tôi đến trước một tòa nhà tân cổ điển rất đẹp, nơi đặt sàn giao dịch chứng khoán của thành phố.
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korealog · 2 months
[1] Not an introvert anymore? (ENG/DE) — Thursday, 18.07.24
Now to yesterday (Thursday). It was ‘decently’ windy so I decided to visit another temple. So I travelled quite a distance on the metro towards Ulsan. The Haedong Yonggung Temple is located between Ulsan & Busan. Once I arrived at the metro station, I had to walk for another half an hour. This was the perfect opportunity for me to soak up everything in the neighbourhood. On the way to the temple, I made a detour to ‘Compose Coffee’, because Taehyung (also a member of BTS) is still the figurehead here, so I had to try it out. When I arrived at the entrance to the temple, I already knew that it was definitely a tourist spot. But there were also locals here to pray. The temple is located right on the coast, making it particularly popular. The weather suddenly turned into heavy rain, but that only added to the charm of the place. I spent about an hour there and then made my way back. Just before the metro station there is a big LOTTE Mall (a huge department stores' with super expensive brands like Gucci, Balenciaga etc.). But there are also normal, not overpriced shops, so let's get into the shopping madness. I didn't buy anything haha. But I did find Calvin Klein. As Jungkook is an ambassador for Calvin Klein, I forgot how to breathe for a moment, the big posters of him just took me too much by surprise. (It's not as if I didn't already know the pictures) After another hour or so, I found my way out and made my way to the metro. Once there, I got involved in a new conversation. 3 young men doing volunteer work. 2 of them from Korea and one from Dubai, super nice and we chatted for about half an hour. They gave me their e-mail addresses for questions, funny isn't it? Well, back in Haeundae I had to go back to the flat, my power bank had run out of battery & my mobile phone wouldn't survive the rest of the evening otherwise. When I got home, I used the time to tidy up a bit and do some laundry. Once my phone was fully recharged, I headed back to the beach in search of something to eat. I found what I was looking for in one of the many K-Barbecue restaurants. No barbecue but kimchi stew (kimchi-jjigae) for me. Afterwards I set off to watch more street performances. After a bit of walking, I found what I was looking for. After a few minutes, a young man stood next to me and we smiled at each other. Shortly afterwards, we struck up a conversation. It was the first time he had spoken to someone from abroad. It was a very pleasant conversation and shortly afterwards we exchanged Instagram messages to perhaps meet up again, let's see.
To be continued…
Jetzt zu gestern (Donnerstag). Es war „dezent“ windig also habe ich beschlossen mir einen weiteren Tempel anzuschauen. So ging es für mich ein ganzes Stück mit der Metro in Richtung Ulsan. Zwischen Ulsan & Busan befindet sich nämlich der Haedong Yonggung Tempel. An der Metro- Station angekommen, musste ich noch eine gute halbe Stunde laufen. Für mich also die perfekte Gelegenheit um alles in der Umgebung in mich aufzusaugen. Auf dem Weg zum Tempel habe ich noch einen Abstecher bei „Compose Coffee“ gemacht, Taehyung (auch Mitglied von BTS) ist hier nämlich immer noch das Aushängeschild, dass konnte ich nicht nicht ausprobieren. Am Eingang des Tempels angekommen wusste ich schon, hier ist auf jeden Fall Touristenalarm angesagt. Aber auch Einheimische waren da, um zu beten. Der Tempel liegt direkt an der Küste und macht ihn damit besonders beliebt. Das Wetter ist mit einmal in starken Regen umgeschlagen, das hat dem ganzen aber nur noch mehr Charme verliehen. Circa eine Stunde habe ich dort verbracht und mich danach wieder auf den Rückweg begeben. Kurz vor der Metrostation befindet sich eine große LOTTE Mall (ein riesiges Kaufhaus mit super teuren Marken, wie Gucci, Balenciaga usw.). Normale, nicht überteuerte Läden gibt es aber auch, also nichts wie rein in den Shopping Wahnsinn. Gekauft habe ich nichts haha. Aber dafür Calvin Klein gefunden. Da Jungkook Ambassador für Calvin Klein ist, hatte ich doch glatt mal kurz vergessen wie man atmet, die großen Poster von ihm haben mich einfach zu sehr überrumpelt. (Ist ja auch nicht so, als kannte ich die Bilder nicht schon) Nach ungefähr einer weiteren Stunde habe ich den Weg nach draußen gefunden und hab mich dann wirklich auf den Weg zur Metro gemacht. Dort angekommen wurde ich in eine neue Konversation verwickelt. 3 junge Männer die Freiwilligenarbeit leisten. 2 von ihnen aus Korea und einer aus Dubai, super nett und so haben wir uns bestimmt eine halbe Stunde unterhalten. Bei Fragen haben sie mir ihre E-mail gegeben, lustig oder? Naja, wieder in Haeundae angekommen musste ich erstmal zurück ins Apartment, meine Powerbank hatte keinen Akku mehr & mein Handy würde den Rest des abends sonst auch nicht überleben. Zuhause angekommen habe ich die Zeit gleich genutzt um etwas Ordnung zu schaffen & um Wäsche zu waschen. Nach dem mein Handy wieder voll aufgeladen war, ging es für mich Richtung Strand auf der Suche nach etwas zu Essen. In einem der vielen K-Barbecue Restaurants wurde ich fündig. Kein Barbecue sondern Kimchi-Eintopf (Kimchi-Jjigae) für mich. Danach habe ich mich auf den Weg gemacht um weitere Straßen-Performances zu schauen. Nach ein wenig laufen habe ich gleich eine gefunden. Nach ein paar Minuten stand ein junger Mann neben mir und wir haben uns angelächelt. Kurzdarauf kamen wir auch schon ins Gespräch. Es war das erste mal, dass er sich mit jemanden aus dem Ausland unterhält. Es war ein sehr angenehmes Gespräch und kurzdarauf haben wir Instagram ausgetauscht um uns vielleicht nochmal zu treffen, mal schauen.
Fortsetzung folgt…
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ladyaislinn-dark · 4 months
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excursus ▫️ pic by J. Hickel
Profax & Seneca Nachtrag zum Schlüssel des Erfolges
Eine Ersatzbezeichnung für Pädagogen Wahrscheinlich gibt es unter den österreichischen Schülern etwa vier, die zu Beginn einer Unterrichtsstunde sagen: „Jetzt haben wir den Professor X.“ Die zig-tausenden anderen verwenden anstelle der Formulierung „Professor“ den Spitznamen desselben (zu meiner Zeit und in meiner Schule war das vor allem der "Gampus"). Und die Schüler verwenden in der Regel auch nicht das neutrale, stilistisch nicht markierte Wort „Professor“, sondern alle möglichen anderen Verballhornungen der Berufsbezeichung für die Pädagogen. Zu meiner Zeit waren es eben „Profax(e)“. (Frei nach einem Artikel des Standard).
"Non vitae sed scholae discimus." Dieses berühmte Zitat des römischen Schriftstellers und Philosophen Seneca (4 vor Christus bis 65 nach Christus.) steht im 106. der Briefe an Lucilius über Ethik (Epistulae morales ad Lucilium) und beklagt, dass die Erziehung in der Schule kaum dazu geeignet ist, die Kinder auf das Leben vorzubereiten. Er widersprach damit der Auffassung von Aristoteles, der in seiner Politik VIII, 3, 2 für die Pädagogik gefordert hatte: „Immer nur nach dem Nützlichen zu fragen, ziemt sich gar nicht für großzügige und freie Menschen“. Wer diesen Satz und aus welchen Gründen ummer umgestellt hat, ist nicht nachweisbar, aber aus dem Briefwechsel Senecas mit Lucilius über Ethik geht hervor, dass Seneca dabei die mangelnde Lebensorientierung der Schule kritisiert hat. Später ist in der Umkehrung „non scholae, sed vitae discimus” diese Kritik zu einem geflügelten Wort geworden, das offenbar als Orientierung für die Schule genutzt werden sollte. Senecas Brief ist eine scheinbar ernste Erörterung der Frage, ob das Gute ein Körper sei, und gipfelt in einer bitteren Kritik an der Lebensferne der Philosophenschulen seiner Zeit, denn diese seien Kinderspiele , die man da spiele. Er meint, dass sich in den Schulen an überflüssigen Problemen sich die Schärfe und Feinheit des Denkens abstumte und solche Erörterungen den Schülern nicht helfen, richtig zu leben, sondern allenfalls, gelehrt zu reden. „Es wäre besser, wir könnten unserer gelehrten Schulbildung einen gesunden Menschenverstand abgewinnen. Aber wir verschwenden ja, wie alle unsere übrigen Güter an überflüssigen Luxus, so unser höchstes Gut, die Philosophie, an überflüssige Fragen. Wie an der unmäßigen Sucht nach allem anderen, so leiden wir an einer unmäßigen Sucht auch nach Gelehrsamkeit: Nicht für das Leben, sondern für die Schule lernen wir.“ Irgendjemand meinte eben dann wohl, die Sache vom Pessimistischen ins Programmatische wenden zu müssen, und hat das Zitat kurzerhand im Sinne der Meinung Senecas umgedreht. Allerdings wer die Satzglieder aus welchem Grund umgestellt hat, ist nicht mehr nachzuvollziehen.
Verwendete Literatur Stangl, W. (2024, 30. Mai).  Non vitae sed scholae discimus. Online Lexikon für Psychologie & Pädagogik.
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tommy-doubterson · 1 year
hey. What the hell.
Just for that, here's a few more.
Small is bigger than big. Tall is shorter than short. You get "on" a horse but "in" a car. "No yeah" is yes, "yeah yeah" is no, "yeah no" is no, and "no no" is yes. There is no plural for the word "you". "Queue" is 80% silent letters. You say "unbelievable" but "intolerable".
Don't fucking test me.
The English language is a mess. Here's a list of some more oddities I just looked up.
“Rhythms” is the longest English word without the normal vowels, a, e, i, o, or u.
Excluding derivatives, there are only two words in English that end -shion and (though many words end in this sound). These are cushion and fashion.
“THEREIN” is a seven-letter word that contains thirteen words spelled using consecutive letters: the, he, her, er, here, I, there, ere, rein, re, in, therein, and herein.
There is only one common word in English that has five vowels in a row: queueing.
Soupspoons is the longest word that consists entirely of letters from the second half of alphabet.
“Almost” is the longest commonly used word in the English language with all the letters in alphabetical order.
The longest uncommon word whose letters are in alphabetical order is the eight-letter Aegilops (a grass genus).
The longest common single-word palindromes are deified, racecar, repaper, reviver, and rotator.
“One thousand” contains the letter A, but none of the words from one to nine hundred ninety-nine has an A.
“The sixth sick sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick” is said to be the toughest tongue twister in English.
Cwm (pronounced “koom”, defined as a steep-walled hollow on a hillside) is a rare case of a word used in English in which w is the nucleus vowel, as is crwth (pronounced “krooth”, a type of stringed instrument). Despite their origins in Welsh, they are accepted English words.
“Asthma” and “isthmi” are the only six-letter words that begin and end with a vowel and have no other vowels between.
The nine-word sequence I, in, sin, sing, sting, string, staring, starting (or starling), startling can be formed by successively adding one letter to the previous word.
“Underground” and “underfund” are the only words in the English language that begin and end with the letters “und.”
“Stewardesses” is the longest word that can be typed with only the left hand.
Antidisestablishmentarianism listed in the Oxford English Dictionary, was considered the longest English word for quite a long time, but today the medical term pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is usually considered to have the title, despite the fact that it was coined to provide an answer to the question ‘What is the longest English word?’.
“Dreamt” is the only English word that ends in the letters “mt”.
There are many words that feature all five regular vowels in alphabetical order, the commonest being abstemious, adventitious, facetious.
The superlatively long word honorificabilitudinitatibus (27 letters) alternates consonants and vowels.
“Fickleheaded” and “fiddledeedee” are the longest words consisting only of letters in the first half of the alphabet.
The two longest words with only one of the six vowels including y are the 15-letter defenselessness and respectlessness.
“Forty” is the only number which has its letters in alphabetical order. “One” is the only number with its letters in reverse alphabetical order.
Bookkeeper is the only word that has three consecutive doubled letters.
Despite the assertions of a well-known puzzle, modern English does not have three common words ending in -gry. Angry and hungry are the only ones.
“Ough” can be pronounced in eight different ways. The following sentence contains them all: “A rough-coated, dough-faced ploughman strode through the streets of Scarborough, coughing and hiccoughing thoughtfully.
I hope you like being outsmarted, English Oddities Anon.
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