#//now to farm again i just finished farming for kafka orz
pompomexpress · 1 year
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//on my first ten pulls, with the passes we got for free with il!dh, i'm just woah.
i have absolute shit luck in genshln, in feh, in pokemas, in dffoo, even in gbf, but star rail likes me a little bit better. i tried another ten pulls, hoping for lynx E1, but ofc not, just got luocha's 4* lc, but since it's the one i'm using for my luocha and he's my support character, it's okay, i'll take it.
now i'm saving up for aventurine, sam or maybe argentine, depends who comes when and what they actually do (i mean, if by design alone, all three of them, but look, i skipped on il!dh bc i needed a quantum character AND I GOT TWO OF THEM).
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