#//she also got Good philia AAAA
awakened-harmony · 2 years
Greek loves test
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Good Philia
All philia types are organized around union and attuned to fellowship and merging. Philia types are pensive and introspective lovers who endeavor to look out for the interests of others, just as much as they look out for themselves. Through fellowship and union, philia types hope to dissolve their personal subject and to ascend the ladder of Being so as to ultimately become one with the universe. However, the philia type's quest for transcendence, merging, and meaning in a universe that is mostly meaningless, and where most of its inhabitants have only their own interests at heart, also gives rise to a tragic element in love as philia, and by and large, it will be the philia type's response to this instillation of sadness that determines whether his love will be good or bad philia.
As for good philia, while there may be a sizeable minority of people in the world who feel the pull of the transcendental upon the phenomenal, only a few of them manage to steer clear of the numerous temptations and multifarious mistakes that abound on the path to the attainment of the highest non-phenomenal state (that is not itself a state). Stepping back from the humdrum of coming-into-being and passing-away, yours is the realization that all mundane perspectives are fundamentally inadequate and incomplete - indeed no more than "children's playthings" - and that the underlying sense of suffering that you find to be ubiquitous in the world originates with the attachment of mortals to such perspectives. Instead, you have it in you to understand that liberation comes, not from intellectual means, but from the relinquishment and self-negation of conceptual thought. In your own, non-directive way, you may quietly attempt to dissuade others from their attachment to the phenomenal, probing them to pry open the tightly-clutched fist of conceptual thought that prevents them from seeing the greater unity that lies before all of us, and that each of us is really a constituent of, if only we dare become awakened to it.
Famous Greeks who have Philia: Plato, Pythagoras.
Your ideal partner is someone who has Philia too.
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