#//sorry if you followed me for writing and all you get are pointless ooc posts btw
troublewithvampires · 11 months
//would y'all still love me if i impulsively made a pink everhood blog,
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thememcry · 4 years
-> Mun meme <-
Repost rather than reblog, thanks!
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name (or preferred online name): kay, kerrigan. age: 30. birthday: february 24. country: usa. fluent in: english, sarcasm.
Writing details:
preferred genres/tropes/aus: horror, angst, psychological, thriller, dark genres in general, romance. disliked genres/tropes/aus: college life / school life stuff gets boring really fast. certain kinds of fluff are really boring (like ... fluffy scenarios where you have to write out like, a dinner scene between people. you don’t have to describe every forkful unless it has something to do with the rest of the reply). that kind of junk. and typically like ... pregnancy stuff, but only because it’s always a trope of itself. every plot bunny thing you see in the tags regarding pregnancy is always the same shit and that’s not fun? i don’t mind writing a muse being pregnant, etc but ... just --- it’s not a plot? it’s just something that happens? preferred writing styles: multiple paragraphs to novellas. one-liners usually lead nowhere, they’re good for crack but unless we’re planning on quickly branching that into something bigger, it kind of feels like a waste of time? also, as everyone else said, purple prose. a nice new word to describe things is great every so often but if you’re literally using the thesaurus on every other word then you should stop. you’re not tolkien, and even he was annoying with it sometimes. personal icon preferences (do you use them? do you prefer certain sizes? ect.): i do use them, but i have no issue with not using them. sometimes you just don’t have the resource available and that’s okay. i’m cool with any size but once you get below 100x100 it’s pointless. your 15x15 icon with 300 lines indenting it inward that has a psd relative to the kfc secret recipe is an eyesore, sorry to tell you. partners icon preferences (do you prefer your partners to have certain icon styles or not care?): again, i don’t really care. but if your icon is as above mentioned and i can’t even make out what it’s supposed to be ... then you’re just telling me you care more about aesthetic than writing and we’re probably not going to jive. a nice psd is fine but jfc if it’s so crispy or color-oriented that i can’t tell what’s in the icon, what’s the fucking point?? any other details about your writing preferences you want to include: when you format your post to have sub, sup, double small, 379 spaces and && of 200 different colors, it looks a bit pretentious. you do you, but if the formatting drops when i reply to you then ... that’s pretty great. easier for me to read. my eyesight is not getting any better in my old age.
Get to know me:
what fandoms do you consider yourself a part of, even outside of this blog?: honestly, anything? uh ... this is my first step into an actual fandom, before this i was strictly indie and before that i was always apart of group role plays. so most things? i’m in the process of setting up a multi muse so anything there that my muses are from? so uh ... silent hill, resident evil, harry potter, rainbow 6, star wars, diablo, the witcher, orphan black, dragon age, devil may cry, mass effect, the punisher, probably a lot more. what fandoms are you entirely uninterested in?: supernatural (the tv show), the vampire diaries and all 800 spin-offs, the riverdale & sabrina things, uhh ... stephen universe, rwby ... that kind of stuff. just doesn’t tickle my fancy. i like aspects of some of them (give me a good vampire au any day) but ... not the way those shows went about it. favourite foods: steak, as rare as humanly possible. soups, good pasta dishes. that sort of stuff. favourite drinks: tea, water, arnold palmer kind drink. hobbies: writing, video games, character development, sleep, being bad at art and photoshop. list ten things you want to do in the future: be healthy, get a place with my better half, finish school, get a job i actually like, be financially stable, get a cat. that’s it. i don’t have 4 more. what do you wish would change in the rp community?: just because you don’t like what someone is writing doesn’t mean it needs to be put in a callout post. if it’s not illegal or harmful to anyone, just go away and let them do it. i don’t want to read about why you dislike it. also anon hate. just stop. you’re acting like a child. unfollow / block the person and move on. let them do their thing. i see too many of my followers getting anon hate for stupid shit. like their lifestyle choices? dude, who the fuck cares how someone is ooc? let them be that and leave them alone. what does it concern you? what are some of the things you love about the rp community?: i’ve met some incredible people here. i met my best friend in a group rp like 8-9 years ago. i met some amazing people now. i cherish every single friendship i’ve made, for those who have dared get to know me. i wouldn’t trade that for anything. anything else you’d like to add?: my name is kay and this has been the disney channel.
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maesterkenobi · 4 years
how I run my blog
Tagged by: as usual I’ve stolen it from @mynameisanakin  Tagging: no one, i am too lazy and i follow like 14 people so. just do it if you want to.
SPEED: is not my forte. I try my best, but there are several factors that work against me in this aspect: 1) I’m a chronic procrastinator 2) I’m scatterbrained 3) I have more than one blog 4) I almost never write replies that are less than two paragraphs and I want it to make sense and be good and be enjoyable for my partner, so it takes time. I almost never reply the same day (MAYBE on discord, because there my replies are way shorter and it’s mostly to my best friend), and you’re lucky if I reply within a week. I really try to be faster on this blog because I made a promise to myself (and I was doing okay until the whole virus thing happened and I ran into a bunch of personal problems) AND I am keeping a low profile on this blog so it doesn’t get overwhelming. Long story short, if you are looking for a super active daily replies partner, I am not it for you. If you’re okay with waiting for a while but getting more developed stories and longer replies in turn, then we should talk :)
REPLIES: Are on the longer side on this blog. I don’t really have the patience for one liners because they tend to go nowhere and then feel like bread crumbs of randomness all over my blog. They’re okay sometimes, but more often than not they feel like crack. Writing replies is really exhausting for me sometimes, but I try to force myself because I WANT to do it, I’m just having issues concentrating on one thing at a time so it takes me forever.
STARTERS: I don’t write welcoming starters because 8 out of 10 times they get ignored or are so random that they lead nowhere. If someone writes me a welcoming starter, it depends on the content but usually I’ll try to make it work for me and reply. I don’t often like starter calls because most people write absolutely pointless starters. For example they’ll write a paragraph of explaining what their muse did all day (unrelated to my muse), then walk into some random place they’ve never been to (e.g. a shady bar) and suddenly get surprised by my muse being there, and/or, my personal favorite, say something like “what the hell do you want from me”? Which I struggle with for several reasons. One, if you create a setting but don’t bother explaining why we’re there, you put the entire weight of explaining that (aka creating the actual setting) on ME, but you add an additional complication by making it something that I didn’t come up with, so now I have to introduce a world YOU invented with 0 idea of why you chose that particular location in the first place. Second, you put my muse in a situation that makes no sense for them and again force me to explain that, without even giving me a good reason to. And third, I play very different muses, but most of them are going to lose interest in the conversation immediately if the first thing you say to them is rude af. So, yeah, I actually really struggle with most random starters. Please just plot with me and then I will love you forever for writing me a plotted starter that I know will not create 400 questions in my head that I then have to bother you with, which makes me feel like a nuisance. (Or at least keep the setting neutral? Or try to come up with something that seems reasonable for my muse? I always try to do that and when I am unsure, I message the person who liked my starter calls.) Speaking of which, I rarely post starter calls, because.. well, like I just kind of explained, it’s comes with responsibility and work. And I’m lazy.
INBOX: is open for memes at all times, and questions of any kind. I often don’t get notified, so I sometimes see certain messages months later - when that happens, I usually don’t reply anymore if they’re anon because I’ll assume that person forgot or isn’t even around anymore. Sorry about that! It’s an issue I’ve had on several blogs and I don’t know how to fix it. Anon hate is deleted without comment, unless I feel there’s a point in replying to it publicly, or if it’s entertaining. I don’t roleplay via inbox and therefore any “ic” questions or interactions posted in there will be treated as a one-time meme, if I can reply to them at all. Asks of sexual nature from complete strangers will usually be ignored because Obi-Wan isn’t the muse for that at all. As I’ve stated in my rules I only roleplay with mutuals and therefore won’t roleplay with someone I don’t follow, even if they ignore that rule and start rping with me via inbox. I don’t mean to be dismissive, but I have these rules for a reason and I ask that people read and respect them.
SELECTIVITY: I am selective with whom I follow because I have limited time and energy for this blog (and all my blogs) and therefore find it irresponsible and pointless to accept 600 followers and threads when I know I can’t possibly reply to even 10% of them. Before I follow someone (back) I look at their blogs; in particular at their writing (to see if I like their style and their portrayal), their rules (to see what they like/dislike and if our general understanding of the RPC, roleplay, and in a way social interactions in general go well together), and sometimes their OOC posts to get a feeling of how the other person is. (Obviously I also sometimes don’t follow back when I don’t know the muse or fandom at all.) Blog rules and ooc posts can say A LOT about a person, and there are plenty of people in the RPC (in any fandom) that quickly rose to tumblr fame with shiny graphics and fancy formatting and dozens of well-developed verses and headcanons, but they straight up suck as people outside of writing. My rules state very clearly that I discourage hateful comments, mob mentality and callout culture, and unfortunately many “popular” blogs use exactly these tools to execute their power (which comes from being admired for all the wrong reasons). So, I know many people think being selective means you only pick partners with fancy graphics and poetic writing, but for me it actually means I want decent human beings as partners. I don’t give a shit if you format your posts (as long as you cut them) or if you have a blog with a fancy theme, or just a rules google doc, or if you use icons or not. If I like your writing and you seem like a nice and reasonable person, I’m good to go. If you talk to me about dogs I’m even better to go.
WISHLIST: I always try to have one because I find it very helpful when looking for plot ideas with new partners. I will look at yours if you like a plotting call or something too, but I know not everyone has a wishlist~
HONEST NOTE: I’m not a teenager anymore and I’ve been rping for over 14 years. I work with lots of strangers, I study for a job with lots of strangers. I think about philosophical concepts a lot, about morality and human behavior and I’ve come to the conclusion that kindness, empathy and compassion are some of the core values every single person should focus on to make the world a better place. I have no patience and no interest in engaging in the absolute toxic and harmful hate movement that’s taken over this website (and other social media platforms) in whatsoever way. Occasionally I’ll make a salty comment about it, but only because I’ve had it up to here. I am here to enjoy fandom the way I used to, and the way it used to be meant to be enjoyed - not to completely ignore real issues like world politics, economical and environmental crises, in order to entertain witch hunts on people who happen to enjoy a fictional ship that isn’t 300% approved by puritan statutes of the 1600s. I am responsible for the content I seek out online, and so are you. Does it suck when I see something I dislike? Sure. Is it the fault of the person who posted it? No. Especially not when I read their rules first, like I’m supposed to, and they clearly state that the thing I dislike will appear on their blog. And even if they didn’t, it was my choice to go on their blog and look at their content. If you can’t handle taking responsibility for the content you seek out online, then you are probably not old enough to use the internet unsupervised. I am free to write, read, and post on my personal blog whatever I want, as long as I am not breaking the law. Liking a fictional ship that involves an age gap? Not illegal. Liking a fictional ship that involves siblings? Not illegal. Liking a fictional ship in which one party was abusive to the other at some point? Not illegal. Liking a fictional character who killed your fave? Not illegal. It’s fictional. Get over it. And if you really think that seeing fictional characters or ships online that YOU consider “problematic” is hurting people in real life, then you should join those politicians who burn books that are “corrupting the people’s morals and minds”, who ban video games because they “make gamers violent”, and censor songs from the radio because they “present biased views on people of public importance”. Please reflect on your behavior. Destroying someone’s life because they liked something you don’t, telling them to commit suic/ide, ruining their chance of making friends who maybe share their love for a ship or character.. that’s bullying. Some of the cases I’ve seen on here were so severe, they qualify as serious cyberbullying and should be reported to the police. I don’t give a fuck if you hate Rey/lo or Damon Salva/tore, or the Joker. You don’t go and send someone messages telling them to kill themselves because they RP it. Because that is the real crime. And finally, if you feel the need to “educate” someone you consider “problematic” for whatever reason and you actually approach them - make sure you’re actually there to educate and discuss, not to throw an opinion at them and get aggressive when they don’t immediately magically agree. Because chances are they won’t. If you choose to open a dialogue, make sure it IS a fucking dialogue and not a condescending monologue. Learn how to shape an argument, find evidence to back up your claims - because not only will you become better at talking to people in any kind of situation, you’ll also maybe realize that your opinion wasn’t as well-founded as you thought.
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naturesloopholed-a · 6 years
welcome to my private, selective hope mikaelson from the originals and legacies.
mun is 20 years old (6/21 birthday). jennifer. eastern timezone.
discord is a very good option to contact me. You can ask for my discord information or skip to the discord section of the rules
ims are generally for people that I roleplay with but I will not rp in the ims feature.
ask box is also a good way to contact me if the other two options don’t work
triggers are tagged with the trigger first and then tw. abuse, for example, is abuse tw.
all interactions are tagged with my interaction tag, a tag for how for the kind of thread it is (one para, novella, one-liner, etc), the verse, your url. 
I do not comment in the tags as it makes me really anxious but I read all of your comments in the tags.
please tag all your mentions of overdose and drugs. my uncle passed away from drugs and ever since then, I have a habit of crying and becoming a mess when I see things about it when I am already on edge. my therapist says it sounds like a trigger for me.
if I do anything with someone one that mentions drugs or overdose, I will be doing it will someone that I can talk with and they know that replies can take a while. the drug that makes me a crying mess the most is heroin. weed is a different story and if you character is a smoker of weed that is okay to mention in replies.
Face Claim
danielle rose russell is teenage/young adult hope
alexandra daddario is  alt adult hope 
elena saltine is Hope’s adult fc
Sophie Turner is Hope’s alt fc
summer fontana is child hope
I do have exclusives and mains. you can find them on mains and exclusives
I am an adult in all countries meaning it is legal for me to smut.
I will not do anything with minors in this area. sorry, not about that life. do not lie about your age
I have not done a lot of smutting so I am new to it (just a heads up).
 NSFW (Other than Smut)
other not safe for work content is likely to be on this blog. hope’s backstory is traumatic. her parents are dead (in canon), she watched her mother be tortured, she has thoughts of suicide ((i will talk to you before i put anything like this in our threads as this is highly triggering)). she has ptsd, anxiety, and struggles to control her magic and isn’t afraid of the darkness inside of her
blood, killing, murder, all of the things that generally are in supernatural are present. hope is a tribrid of three different creatures (vampire, werewolf, witch)
you can send memes in to start a relationship off with hope if that is easier. please try not to send in romantic ones though without at least talking to me first.
if you want to continue the ask meme reply of mine please move it to another clean text post or I will not reply.
Canon Divergent
there are some things that I will not be following in canon. I will let everyone know what that is.
hope has an abilities page that I made up with my own headcanons and tidbits and I will not shy away from them.
nonplayable characters that I make up are really for me to enhance the story of hope mikaelson. she has had teachers, friends, family all that make an impact on her and if one is mentioned that isn’t from the show(s) it is likely a nonplayable character in that nonplayable character tag.
 Non-playable characters
do you see a character mentioned in my blog that you like and would want to make as an oc? need help with it? come and ask me about playing them and I will likely say yes. these characters are my babies, made to enhance my version of hope but if you do make one, I will not say you can’t interact with other hope’s as well just note that part of the character is mine in terms of the idea of them etc.
any questions on nonplayable characters? just ask! want to hear more about them? see if they are open for you to nab as an awesome oc? my ask box is open always for that
any and all hate will likely be deleted unless I have something sassy to say. most of the time though you will just be blocked right on the spot and that will be the end of that. I am not here to spread a hateful environment, never have sent anything hateful and believe that it is a pointless thing to do.
I will not vague blog about someone on this blog, this is something that so many have anxiety over.
Ask Box
at any time I post something you don’t understand, you are free to message me. you can ask questions on or off anon. (do not send hate as mentioned above).
Personal Blogs
drabble requests? questions on something?  requests on gif sets for hope? feel free to send them in!
do not reblog my threads with other people!
stealing my headcanons or reblogging them will get you blocked. it makes me uncomfortable.
do not reblog my ooc posts!
anyone that loves hope like I do and makes a muse for it? I will support you. we can do twin threads, talk about hope, share headcanons, and more.
my queue is something I use often when it comes to hope’s blog. a lot of my replies go straight to my queue! if you are unsure where your reply is, just ask me! don’t badger me though to reply or post straight away
I am really open to original characters and things that have a connection to hope so feel free to bring me all your amazing ocs without shame. have a bio page though or at least some stats as that is something I look for.
have a rules page, an about page! rules are a big one for me as I want to read over things and be comfortable knowing when I am crossing a line
a clean tagging system. need help creating one? just ask me!
if I see our character’s interacting
lots of negativity, hateful messages sent to people, ship bashing are all things that will get you unfollowed.
if we haven’t interacted or talked at least once in the first like three months that I followed you, I will unfollow
inactive blogs (for three months) without a hiatus notice. if you come back, feel free to message me and I will refollow you.
if you constantly are changing your muse (as in once every two weeks) and show no steady sign of keeping to a character. this does not count on multis as that is a different story. I want to build relationships with characters.
shipping with me is based on chemistry. we can have a trial run though if anything.
I ship hope with landon, josie, lizzie, rafael so far in legacies.
I can be slow as a turtle at times. a lot of my time is spent rewriting things as I do not always like how it was written when I first did it.
things tend to go on into the queue as I have mentioned before or straight into my drafts for me to write a thousand times.
I don’t really do fancy formatting. small text, some italic for thoughts, some bolding sometimes, and an icon that I made is generally how things work. if you are looking for hope icons, send me an ask over here and I will lead you to where they are.
double small text will be resized if I notice it so that others can read it on my blog. nothing against your formatting but I want to be readable on font sizing.
I do use a generator for the first line of text that isn’t mobile friendly but if you need me to change it because you are unable to read the text for your threads, just let me know.  𝐈𝐅 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐂𝐀𝐍'𝐓 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐏𝐈𝐄𝐂𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐄𝐗𝐓 𝐎𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐂𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐌𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐋𝐘 𝐔𝐒𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐑𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐋𝐄𝐓 𝐌𝐄 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖!
Username / id on discord is  thingsmissed#4353
I do rp on discord as well and have a room set up with my tumblr url. You can enter the room and I will give us a few channels that only you and I can see. Want to enter the server to rp there? Click here!
I love to get to know my rp partner’s. I do find it easier to write with them if I talk to them even just a little.
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NappaInAnotherDimension’s Rules Post {For Mobile Users}
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                          B   A   S   I   C      ✪      R   U   L   E   S
Things To Know
✪ Please respect my rules and boundaries. I will give polite warnings if someone breaks a minor rule, but if it’s obvious that you’re blatantly disregarding what I’ve said, then that shows a lack of respect. Therefore I reserve the right to take action by directly confronting you and/or ending further interactions IC and/or OOC.
✪ Because I’ve been harassed for over a year by an ex rp partner and her friend, I only accept DMs on Tumblr from blogs I follow to keep these people from sending me unwanted messages. If you’re interested in talking to me to start roleplaying or I haven’t followed you yet, please use asks to initiate contact. I’m sorry for the inconvenience, but it’s one of the many things I’ve had to do to keep this person from sending me unwanted messages on alternate accounts.
✪ I don’t mind personal blogs/non-rp blogs interacting with muse and mun via asks. However, I don’t want anyone reblogging my asks that involve my RP partners, my roleplay threads with others, or my headcanon posts that are specific to my portrayal of my muse. That’s considered rude in the RP community as it can interfere with our activity feed and our ability to track threads. Giving likes are fine though. ✪ I am well over 18 and so is my muse. Topics that are Safe for Tumblr but are still better suited for a mature audience from the past and present are tagged as #lemon goodness and #touch of citrus if it’s questionably mature. Past and present content that I believe needs a trigger warning are tagged with #tw; _____ for possible triggering content. {Trigger Warning Tags Master Post link} ✪ I will never hold it against a person if they want to unfollow me or drop me as a roleplay partner for any reason. If you wish to speak to me about the reasons why, you may do so but please be civil. ✪ I am a Continuity Queen™ which means I want to keep serious rp threads that build serious relationships as consistent as we can. So if you or I spot any inconsistencies, I don’t mind discussing how to fix them and editing our posts.
✪  If your muse is struggling to interact with mine, you can talk to me about do-overs and re-plotting. It might not guarantee that they’ll get along the way you and/or I want them to, but if I see you trying and putting in effort, I’ll return that effort on my end.
Mun Activity & Selectivity
✪ Updated 8/04/19 -  I have been living with a physical health problem for over a year and while I’ve finished my medication treatment for now, I still have fluctuating good and bad health days. Please know that this is the reason why I’m selective as a roleplayer and why I’m slower than I used to be with replies. I won’t be as cheerful, patient, or as responsive on my bad health days, and I may only talk with close friends on those days. I’d rather not talk too much about my health condition for personal privacy reasons if we’re not close. Just know that I am better since October 2018 and I appreciate the patience and understanding from you all. ✪ As a Selective rper, I ask that nobody tags me in serious roleplay, IC interaction threads, send me ask starters, or asks with the intent to carry on IC interaction without speaking with me first. (Unless I reach out to you first OOC or IC in one way or another.) Especially if we aren’t following each other. Mutuals can still send in IC interaction asks if I reblog memes. If non-mutuals ignore this rule I will not respond to the starter and I may even block you because you haven’t taken the time to read my rules or notice my header information. ✪ If we start to/continue to roleplay together please be patient with me and keep in mind that I will be slow to respond to our threads. Sometimes my moods/muse may feel stronger with some threads more than others. Some days I’m just busy with something I’m working on and/or I’m having a bad health day and feeling tired. One way to deal with uncertainties is to simply communicate with me. If you feel like your thread got lost and/or it’s been awhile since we last spoke or I last responded come talk to me. Even if I’m not feeling good, I can at least let you know what’s going on and it’ll let me know to discuss our roleplay stuff together when I’m feeling better.
Unacceptable Roleplay Etiquette:
✪ Various types of powerplay, godmoding, force shipping, etc. ✪ Toxic behaviors and attitudes (like jealousy) that cause problems for yourself and others. 
✪ Muns projecting themselves into their character so much that muse = mun. ✪ Muses and/or muns who are under 18 approaching me and my muse for shipping and/or smut. ✪ Using me and my muse for any reason that isn’t for IC plot that’s planned. ✪ Muns assuming that muse = mun and treating me poorly because of it. ✪ Genuine lack of respect for muns as people who come first before our hobby. ✪ Muns who create rp blogs on a whim and delete/abandon them with little to no notice frequently once they lose interest in that muse, and not because the mun is just busy IRL.
Writing Fight Threads With Me
✪  I am selective with who I write fight scenes with. Some people make it awkward because of what they consider to be godmodding etc. and I can lose interest in fight threads sooner than most. ✪ I don’t mind doing a fade-to-black/offscreen fight and write the details of who won/lost. ✪ You MUST SPEAK TO ME OOC if you’re interested in doing a thread where our muses fight or spar.
If you don’t speak with me OOC I will not know what direction to take the fight and I will either respond to our thread SUPER SLOWLY or I’ll DROP the thread if I've agreed to writing one with you and you choose to wing it. I hate feeling uncertain about how far to take things, and I hate writing pointless dodge-attack responses. Fight scenes don’t have to be boring, but a lot of the times they are boring to write in roleplay. This also weeds out people who use fight threads as a pissing contest or an ego boost for their muses/themselves.
How To Treat The Muse In General
✪ This is not a blog for TFS Nappa so PLEASE don’t treat him like he’s the parody character. That doesn’t mean that the Abridged series or TFS Nappa content won’t be reblogged, or referenced from time to time. I just want my muse to be treated as the Z canon Nappa.
✪ Please don’t approach my muse with insults and an unwarranted attitude when I barely know you or the muse you’re portraying, or by being excessive with it when I’m not expecting it. It’s a huge red flag for me due to past bad rp experiences and I will most likely nope out of interacting immediately both IC or OOC.   
✪ If you approach my muse with insults and an attitude, expect to be treated like crap in response for setting yourself up for a temperamental Saiyan to roast your muse, or come at you with the intent to harm your muse. Nappa is still a sadistic violent villain from Dragonball Z, and he doesn’t like being disrespected. 
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                 ♥   S T A N C E      O N     S  H  I  P  P  I  N  G   ♥
✪ As of 8/5/19 Nappa is a muse without an active shipping partner. I’m not actively looking for one. I’m really selective for this muse, but open to possibilities if I see strong chemistry between the muses IC and good writing chemistry with another mun. 
✪ When I was actively shipping with Nappa he was a single-ship blog  and his shipping partner was an OC, Poharu Belle-Hélène. (Formerly known as @thedameblancheofcontoncity​.) Due to serious things happening in her life, Poharu’s mun decided it was best for her to delete her blog. Neither of us know if she’ll come back. No matter what happens --  whether I find chemistry with another muse and mun and want to ship with them or not -- Poharu and her mun will always be welcome back to continue our ship where we left off.  ✪ REMINDER: I do not ship with muses or muns under 18. 
✪ If you are interested in writing a ship with me seriously please talk to me OOC. I don’t mind sitting back and keeping an eye on if our muses have chemistry IC, but I won’t consider it official until we’ve had a discussion OOC. 
Past and Present Adult Themes
✪ Past NSFW content for past adult subjects that are now not safe for Tumblr are tagged as #lemon goodness or #touch of citrus if I find it suggestive. ✪ As of 12/17/18, it is supposedly alright to write erotica based on Tumblr’s guidelines, but I prefer to fade to black whenever things get spicy between our muses and move to Discord to discuss or continue.
If you’ve read these rules up to this point, send me an ask saying, “I’m ready to follow orders, sir!” This isn’t an obligation for me to interact with you. I just like knowing that people read my rules.
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blueheartedmayor · 4 years
I have big big troubles finding new rp partners which causes me to be nearly inactive because I don't have anyone to roleplay with. Searching through tumblr is impossible for active blogs. And if I find someone, they're mutuals only, and I don't know how to interact with those. And many I find also don't want new partners. It always feels like its my fault for not finding new partners
OOC: Sorry about the sorta late reply. I’ve been making icons since yesterday.
I agree. Searching any of the tags is absolutely pointless. I can only speak for this fandom but... Boy are things quieter than they used to be. It’s gotten to the point where some people (myself included) actually stop sharing their own promos because there’s barely anyone to find from that (If anything, I think my last reblog of my promo got more attention from non-roleplaying blogs). On top of that, activity on blogs that are around vary immensely. Because there are fewer options than there were when I started, it’s easy to feel like you’re doing something wrong. I assure you, it’s not the case at all.
You are right about a lot of blogs being more closed off than they used to be, and I do get the reasoning for that. But like you said, it makes it hard for people trying to find their place. I can’t give you guaranteed advice that will bring about success, but I can try and share some ideas.
I know I’ve mentioned before about checking rules pages. Some people might have it that they’re mutuals only by default, but their asks are open for anyone. If that’s the case, I definitely recommend giving it a try. While it can work as an ice-breaker, it’s also a good way to show the blog you exist, especially if, like me, you run side-blogs.
With that in mind, check your own blog and make sure things are accessible and readable. If someone I don’t recognise follows a blog of mine, I’ll usually click through and check theirs out. Now, before you start stressing, I absolutely don’t mean to go build a custom theme with unique photoshopped whatevers. You’re talking to the mun who literally uses the same theme on three different sideblogs but in different colours. Going by personal experience of checking blogs on app and on a laptop, you should instead focus on the following:
Content: Is your information accessible? Do you have a page or post giving information about your muse, and if so, can they be found easily? Common sense things, really, but I’ve seen blogs over the years that either omit this entirely, or make it very difficult to find.
Sample of writing: Not in terms of how active you are. A few months ago, I was checking out a blog on my phone. I had to scroll for nearly ten minutes on a blog before I could find an actual writing sample from a thread. It’s perfectly okay to have memes and related images on your blog (again, I do it regularly), but be sure they’re not hiding your writing. Use the queue to play it safe. 
Silly things, I know, but if you make the first move to follow a mutuals only blog, you wanna give yourself the best chance so they will follow back. I wanna compare it to an artist in a convention’s artist alley setting up their stall. You have to have everything looking just right to draw people in, right?
On the topic of writing, I noticed you mention how you’re not active because of this problem. Perhaps you could channel your creative frustration into short drabbles or monologues? It would be a good way to vent and to make sure you don’t get too rusty.
Another option is to consider crossovers with other fandoms. For example, I have a side-step verse where Damien is Mayor of Ha.llowe’en Town from the Nig.htmare Before Chris.tmas due to a mix-up. It’s also a fun challenge to see how your character might adapt to a different world, whether due to being thrown there, or having lived there instead of their normal world.
Admittedly, the fandom as a whole needs a little kick and some positive encouragement to open up a little more. Myself and some others had hoped Heist would bring some new people in, but it didn’t really work in the way we had expected. It’s a problem I’m not entirely sure how to fix, and I’m sure it’s not even something I myself can ‘fix’ since I’m not any sort of important voice. But I will say this. If you currently do have partners, appreciate and cherish them. They are the ones that will stick by you no matter what. 
I am sorry you’ve been hit with that awful feeling, despite trying your hardest. That’s the part you should make sure to remind yourself of: you are trying. It would be a different case if you were waiting for everyone to find you while you make no effort. Things might seem bleak, but time can do some good things. When I started, there were some blogs I was terrified of interacting with. Like you, I had no idea how I was supposed to approach and interact (especially with me harbouring a fear of being blocked if I made a wrong move). It took time, but the right little connections happened, circles meshed together so I appeared on their dash, and I was eventually noticed by them. That’s why I suggested to make sure you have the necessary information accessible. Any decent person won’t mind whether you have a fancy theme, use icons of any sort, or format your writing. At the end of the day, we’re writing together, and that ought to be what matters when looking at your blog.
I realise this is probably me blathering on about nothing, but I hope something in this helped. Like I said, I’m not really a big voice or a popular blog, so I don’t really have solid advice. Keep your chin up and take it one day at a time. I believe in you!!
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PS. Just as I was proof-reading this, I remembered that some of the people I got to know over time were through Di.scord groups. While a server can be a great way to break the ice.... I’m not sure I’d recommend setting one up in the hopes of inviting people in. The one that springs to mind first descended into drama that I’m still not sure of and was ultimately deleted when I was asleep. Now I think about it, most of those people either hopped fandoms or went on hiatus... I hope they’re doing okay.
PPS. Another idea. Would checking out people your partners write with be an idea? I always imagine a rp blog to be like a circle, and by interacting with others, you can link to their circle and see their connections. That way, the third person might have experience of you from seeing you on their dash!
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Let’s a-freakin’-go, Mario.
12. Season 7. Leviathans. And Sam’s god-awful wolverine sideburns. ‘Nuff said.
11. Season 6. Soulless Sam was hilariously, sarcastically endearing for a little while, but towards the end of the Soulless Sam arc, just, ugh. I wanted to fast forward so bad. Samuel coming back was unnecessary and anticlimactic, “evil Cas” was an eye roller, I didn’t give a shit about Lisa and Ben, um... EVE??? What the actual fuck was that. She was possibly the single most wasted, ultra-super-anticlimactic use of a story arc that I’ve ever seen. There were a few redeeming episodes (i.e. Clap Your Hands If You Believe).
10. Season 9. Okay, this could be biased just based on how much I truly cannot stand God!Metatron. S10/11 Metatron is great; he’s such a little jerk that you cant help but find him funny. But S9 Metatron... holy shit. It was like being subjected to hours upon hours of having to watch only the Umbridge scenes from Harry Potter on repeat. It felt like legitimate torture trying to force myself to finish the season. Plus, yes, I ended up liking Gadreel later (much later) on, but Gadreel!Sam felt like it went on forever. I was over it and it was like the end of it would never come. Also, I’m just gonna say it: Abaddon was boring and annoying, and the only reason she was even an issue was because Sam and Dean thought, “Hey, wow, let’s experiment on the most powerful demon we know of roaming the Earth right now. We cut off her hands, nothing will go wrong!” Riiiight... okay. Also, Kevin’s death was seriously messed up and unnecessary and I still haven’t forgiven them for it, so. But uh, human!Cas was super endearing though, and even though I really don’t ever want actual human Cas to become a thing, it was cute for awhile. 
9. Season 12. Alright. I don’t share the exact same sentiment or level of hatred that a lot of other people seem to for this season, but it had... a lot of issues. So, uh. Buckle up. First of all... Lucifer. While I don’t... hate the idea of him coming back as a villain, just so many things about this were... sigh. Rockstar!Lucifer was - and I’m gonna fucking say it - truly awful. So, so awful. Maybe he could’ve worked on another show, but with Lucifer’s character/personality having already been so established and defined on Supernatural, it just felt out of place. He was not the same character - which is something I often complain about with the Rubys. We had just come from Casifer - which was brilliant and so, so in character - and then we get this... weird, unsnarky, not sarcastic or playful at all version of Lucifer and... pass. Moving on... they finally get to put Luci back in his cage and... then Crowley decides to keep him as a pet? And believe Lucifer - fucking LUCIFER - now bows to him and won’t get away? And assume the demons who have time and time again always helped Lucifer, will now follow him instead? What??? Crowley isn’t that dumb, and he could’ve achieved ruling Hell again with no problems if Lucifer was in the cage. It made no sense to me. And um. Lucifer having a child? Seriously? So much reaching going on. Now to the second issue: The British Men of Letters. Okay. They started off as the enemy this season. The title sequence was the MoL symbol. And yet... they weren’t that relevant or threatening until the last couple of episodes (and those were, well, in nicer terms... questionable.) They either should’ve saved a Lucifer-returning-as-the-enemy storyline for later or saved the BMoL. Together, it was just too much and not enough expansion. Side note: I loathe the BMoL like I loathe God!Metatron. Which brings me to the third - and maybe biggest - issue I had with this season: Mary fucking Winchester. What the fuck. What the actual fuck, were the writers thinking. They legitimately ruined her. Throughout the series you have this wonderful idea built up about her: she was a badass hunter and she sacrificed things for John and she loved her boys so, so much and she gave up hunting for good because that was never the life she wanted and just. Then she’s here and you’re like finally Sam and Dean get to have a fucking parent who is there for them and can nurture them for once in their goddamn lives, and then. Then she’s a different Mary and she’s back to only caring about hunting even though she never liked hunting in the first place and she’s working for the people who tortured her son and she’s leaving her boys who just got her back, who she just got back, and she was going to let them die or get hurt for the goddamn Colt that she didn’t even know was the Colt. And I just. I couldn’t get with it, I’m sorry. Oh, and also everyone fucking DIES this season, so that was just fucking great, too.
8. Season 10. This is an unpopular opinion, I’m sure, but I hated Deanmon and I was glad we didn’t have to see him that long and suffer like we did with Soulless Sam. That being said, they did way overhype Deanmon, which was pretty uncool and unfair. But I honestly hated the Mark of Cain - it went on waaaaay too long - and I really, really dislike seeing Dean be... not Dean... so... Also, I am still pissed the fuck off at Charlie’s death, so I refuse to rank this any higher out of spite, too. But um. They killed fucking DEATH this season. And while I was actually really unhappy about it because Death was cool as hell, that scene with Sam like, just wrecked, and Dean’s “Close your eyes, Sammy” kinda made it really, really almost worth it. (You’ll soon realize I really only care a lot about Sam and Dean’s relationship and their Absolute Best Moments™ that wrench my heart.)
7. Season 8. Unfortunately, the writers decided hey, let’s ruin Sam’s character a little fucking more and write him as OOC as possible by having him not actually give a shit where the fuck Dean was for an entire year because he was too busy fucking some piece of shit girl! Seriously, I didn’t think I could dislike anyone more than I hated Ruby 2.0 or Gordon... and then came Amelia. I have yet to encounter a person in the Spn-verse that is worse than her. No joke. This season ranks above the others though because it was less “meh” or all over the place. And because Mrs. Tran being a complete baller for just a single episode was more entertaining that any of the main story arcs for any of those seasons below. Also, more importantly, it had more of a return to what Supernatural is supposed to be - I’m looking at you S6/7 - and even though trying to close the gates of Hell was pointless and we knew it was never gonna happen, I have a sick love for suffering!Sam at any given time because then Dean goes into overprotective big bro mode and they stop fighting and being jerks to each other for a lil’ while and we get Seasons 1-5 (eh, minus 4) bro’ lovin’ and protectin’ again. Plus, this season holds my favorite quote/speech Dean has ever said to Sam (you know what I’m talking about) and I already said I’m a sucker for heart-wrenching moments between them, so.
6. Season 4. Probably yet another unpopular opinion, but oh well. Ruby 2.0... gag me. Way to ruin a good character. Plus, as much as I love Gen, I loved nothing about her portrayal of Ruby. It wasn’t the same character. That’s the bottom line. Also Sam’s demon blood addiction and him so far up Ruby’s ass all season??? Vomit. Skip. Next. Literally if Sam listened to Dean for legit two seconds, the Apocalypse could’ve been avoided. But Castiel! And the angel arc! The actual saving graces (hah, literally) of the season.
5. Season 1. I feel really weird about placing this season this low because it’s really just as good as the two I’ve ranked above it, but. I suppose that’s cheating. Season 1 holds a very, very special place in my heart, is all. It’s the OG season, monster-of-the-week episodes (which, side note: makes no sense to me when people rank S1 super low because there were “too many monster-of-the-week episodes.” Um, yeah.. that’s kinda... what the show is fucking about? Sam and Dean... hunting monsters? But okay, anyway...) Baby Sam and Dean!!! The world wasn’t fucked yet! Lil’ skulky Sam!! Okay, real talk, S1-3 (and 5) Sam was fucking BALLER. He was the best Sam, and then the writers trashed his character, so. Cool. This season is really only this low because I had to fully rank this and because John was kinda a dick. But I loved Sam fighting with him and Dean getting in between them to protect Sam. (Also, on another note: John was a piece of work but he was a better parent than S12 Mary, jussayin’.) (Also, also, it irritates the shit out of me just how much they ruined John’s character and who they made him out to be post-season 5. He was truly something else and he did some really shitty things, but I don’t think it was fair to do and I don’t think that was ever what Kripke intended for his character, but. Oh well. I digress.)
4. Season 11. Once again, I don’t necessarily rank this fully above S1 or below the next ranking, but. There was a lot of good things going on this season. Casifer was brilliant and delivered some of my favorite one-liners of the series. His interactions with God!Chuck were great. Him helping instead of being a villain, but still being a ridiculous child. God!Chuck was wonderful and handled really, really well. Also, his World’s Best Dad mug? I heart. Freakin’... Baby? Brilliant, incredible, amazing, wonderful, spectacular. Rowena was also bitchin’ this season, the whole flippin’ demons, angels, witches working together (even though it was just one episode) was suh-weeeet, Sam and Dean were vibin’ like early seasons Sam and Dean. I really wasn’t here for the forced Dean/Amara weird as hell relationship/attraction, though. It was... no. Just. No. Also like, Amara was okay and they did mostly show how powerful she was but like. Azazel, Lucifer, the Leviathans, Gordon, or basically... anyone felt like more of a threat than her, even though she was the only actual unstoppable force ever on the show. And while it was kinda nice for the finale to be her and Chuck working it out, it was also... kinda lame. Here’s this dark force that is the most powerful thing in existence, and it’s stopped by God... apologizing and hugging it out with her? Um... okay, I guess.
3. Season 3. Even though this season was short and waiting for Dean to die kinda sucked and put a damper on the whole season, it still is by far one of the best ones, hands down. Not only did we get Katie Cassidy’s badass, savage, cool as hell Ruby 1.0, we got Bela (who had so much wasted potential, sigh) and return of the Trickster, Bobby really becoming the boys’ father figure, and Sam finally getting to kill Actual Piece of Shit™ Gordon Walker. Season 3 also has some of the best episodes of the whole series - Bad Day At Black Rock, Mystery Spot, Ghostfacers - and we got A Very Supernatural Christmas, which gave us the birth of the Samulet, and I swear to god that scene made me actually cry a little bit. (A lotta bit.)
2. Season 2. This is like. THE Supernatural season. All the cool kids are introduced: Ellen, Jo, Ash, the Trickster, Tessa. Bobby becomes more involved, brotherly bonding up the wazoo, total badass, pure monster hunting. Episodes like Tall Tales and Hollywood Babylon. And episodes like Croatoan and Heart (which had one of the best endings to an episode in the series just in terms of emotion and how well it was set up with the song and ugh), and had debatably the best season finale of the whole show with All Hell Breaks Loose Parts 1 & 2. (It killed me.) Great monsters are introduced like shape shifters and djinns. Azazel was annoying but was an actual villain (unlike some of the later big “villains”) and he was that start and end of everything. He was the Winchesters’ reason for hunting, he catapulted everything. And everything was so simple and pure and made fucking sense. 
1. Season 5. I mean, there’s really no surprise here. It baffles me when S5 isn’t at the top of everyone’s list. While I don’t necessarily wanna go back and watch S5 episodes like I do with most other seasons, it was just the most well-rounded, well-thought out, well-executed season. No competition. Everything had a purpose and a meaning. Everything was tied up. Ellen and Jo die, which is a downer, but at least they were badass. Lucifer is a total tool, and you love it. It’s also Mark Pellegrino’s Lucifer, which is - quite obviously - the best Lucifer. Death is rad as hell. Cas is in his fucking prime this season. Sam and Dean love each other so fucking much this season. The Trickster/Gabriel is revealed as an archangel!! Crowley!! Bobby in his prime as Sam and Dean’s father figure!! Dark Side of the Moon A.K.A. one of my all-time favorite episodes and also one of the most beautifully shot episodes!! (And Ash in heaven! “Some people share, like soulmates”!!!!!!) The fucking END!!! I honestly would probably rank S5 at the top of this list solely for the scene where Lucifer is beating the crap out of Dean while Dean just keeps saying, “Sammy, it’s okay, I’m here” and then Sam’s montage of memories of him and Dean as he takes back control, and jeez holy shit is that montage beautiful and brilliant. That scene alone is probably the best scene in the whole show and I will defend that opinion until I die. The only bad things really in S5 were how unbelievably annoying Zachariah was and how I still think throwing their random half-brother in there just so Dean didn’t have to be Michael’s vessel was ridiculous and absurd. But really, this is the season. I’m glad the show didn’t end after this season, but holy fucking shit would it have been one of the sickest, best, most baller series finales of all time, and no matter what they do for the series finale now, this finale is so untouchable that it will never even come close to living up to it. 
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