#//wesker is :sparkles: flustered :sparkles:
shadessupreme · 3 years
"You're my type," Chris says, plain and simple with his mouth half-full of breakfast doughnut. Then he swallows and smiles. "Even if you're kind of a dork, Captain."
The remark comes unexpected, if the near spit take is anything to go by. Wesker can barely hold back from hacking out his coffee, and even then, some burns as it's blown out through his nostrils.
"Excuse me?!"
The response is indignant and shocked. Everything Albert Wesker normally tries to avoid being, but he'll set such inclinations aside for Redfield, as he usually does.
"Chris Redfield, that is unwarranted, uninitiated, unsightly, underhanded slander and I will not-"
Oh geez. Off he goes into a long winded, long worded rant, as only Albert Wesker could. You'd be hard pressed to find someone with such a hard pressed tongue to their teeth, even during such a fit. How did he remain so well spoken and affluent? We may never know.
It must have been 5 whole minutes before Wesker wound down.
"insubordinate and if I ever hear the mere notion of such foolishness again, I will personally put you in your proper place, under my heel."
A pause.
"Hhhhhhah, and that's not an innuendo for you to enjoy!"
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